GCSFP Study EV-Norms and Standards

GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
A Study on:
Analysis and Comparison of Norms and
Standards for the Application of
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Batteries
in China and Germany/Europe
Commissioned as part of the
German Chinese Sustainable Fuel Partnership (GCSFP)
Date: 2010-11-23
Project participants
German project leader:
Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Sauer
German project partners:
Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW)
Dr. Döring
Institute of Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Eckstein
Institute for High Voltage Technology (IfHT), RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Schnettler
MIMI Tech UG, Aachen
Prof. Friedrich
Fuel Cell and Battery Consulting (FCBAT), Ulm
Prof. Garche
Chinese project leader:
China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC)
Mr. Rong Zhou
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Table of Content
0. Introduction of the study .......................................................................................... 11
1. General relevance of standards for electric vehicles and vehicle batteries ........... 3
Relevance of standardization ...................................................................... 3
Procedure of standardization in China ........................................................ 5
Terminology, measurement and validation standards ...................... 3
Interface standards .......................................................................... 4
Compatibility standards ................................................................... 4
Quality, product and service standards ............................................ 4
The management of Chinese standards .......................................... 5
Brief Introduction of SAC ................................................................. 5
The classes and system of Chinese standards .............................. 6
Procedure of standardization in Germany and the European
Union and Germany .................................................................................. 10
Introduction .................................................................................... 10
Institutes and committees for standardization with
relevance in the European Union .................................................. 10
2. Standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in China ..................... 16
Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
China ......................................................................................................... 16
Accreditation of electric vehicles .................................................... 17
Electric vehicle component safety ................................................. 22
Transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries ........................... 22
Battery abuse and safety ............................................................... 22
Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection.............. 24
Battery recycling and disposal ....................................................... 28
Standards under development in China .................................................... 28
3. Standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in Germany and in the
European Union .................................................................................................. 29
Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
Germany and EU ....................................................................................... 29
Accreditation of electric vehicles .................................................... 29
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Electric vehicle component safety ................................................. 55
Transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries .......................... 110
Battery abuse and safety .............................................................. 111
Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection............ 136
Battery recycling and disposal ..................................................... 179
Standards under development in Germany and EU ................................ 181
4. Comparison of standards in China and in Germany/EU for vehicle batteries .. 186
Introduction of standards for vehicle batteries in China ........................... 186
Introduction of standards for vehicle batteries in Germany and
EU ........................................................................................................... 197
Comparison of vehicle battery standards ................................................ 233
Results and conclusions .......................................................................... 239
5. Demand for the further coordination of standards in Germany / EU and China 240
Exchange of standard drafts in an early stage ........................................ 240
Coordination of proposals in international standardization
working groups ........................................................................................ 240
Mutual recognition of test results ............................................................. 240
Harmonization of key components for electric mobility ............................ 240
6. Summary and conclusion ................................................................................. 242
7. Appendix........................................................................................................... 244
List of CENELEC members [cen] ............................................................ 244
List of full IEC members [iec] ................................................................... 245
List of relevant standards in China .......................................................... 246
List of relevant standards in Germany/EU ............................................... 247
Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 258
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Table 1 Codes of Chinese standards .......................................................................... 7
Table 2 International and European standardization organizations [Nie00] .............. 10
Table 3 Different DIN documents .............................................................................. 12
Table 4 Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
China ........................................................................................................ 16
Table 5 Standards for accreditation of electric vehicles in China .............................. 17
Table 6 Standards for battery abuse and safety in China.......................................... 22
Table 7 Standards for battery charging, exchange stations and grid
connection in China .................................................................................. 24
Table 8 Standards under development in China ....................................................... 28
Table 9 List of CENELEC members ........................................................................ 244
Table 10 List of full IEC members ........................................................................... 245
Table 11 List of relevant standards in China ........................................................... 246
Table 12 List of relevant standards in Germany/EU sorted by standard
number ................................................................................................... 247
Table 13 List of relevant standards in Germany/EU sorted by subject .................... 253
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Figure 1 Standardization for EVs in China .................................................................. 9
Figure 2 Structure of TC11 4/SC27 in China ............................................................... 9
Figure 3 Overview of test procedures in ISO/DIS 12405-1(2008)........................... 134
Figure 4 Test overview in ISO/DIS 12405-2 Draft ................................................... 184
Figure 5 High energy battery test cycle(x-axis: time (min); y-axis:
discharge current (I3)) ............................................................................ 193
Figure 6 High power battery test cycle(x-axis: time (s); y-axis: current (I3)) ........... 194
Figure 7 Overview on test procedures in ISO 12405-1 ........................................... 201
Figure 8 Lifetime cycles defined in ISO 12405-1 .................................................... 205
Figure 9 Mechanical shock definition in ISO 12405-1............................................. 207
Figure 10 Assignment of tests to systems and pack in ISO 12405-1 ...................... 209
Figure 11 Classification Criteria and Efffect in ISO 12405 ...................................... 210
Figure 12 Test cycle in ISO 12405-2 ....................................................................... 214
Figure 13: Shock test in ISO 12405-2 ..................................................................... 216
Figure 14 Test matrix in ISO 12405-2 ..................................................................... 218
Figure 15 Overview of test procedures ................................................................... 219
Figure 16 Crush test textured platen surface .......................................................... 223
Figure 17 Drop test impact ..................................................................................... 224
Figure 18 Shock test matrix .................................................................................... 225
Figure 19 Heat-up rates and durations ................................................................... 226
Figure 20 SOCs and ambient environments for elevated temperature
storage tests ........................................................................................... 227
Figure 21 Number and type devices to be shorted ................................................. 230
Figure 22 Hazard levels .......................................................................................... 231
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Abstracts of standards in China
1. GB/T 4094.2-2005: Electric vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators and telltales .................................................................................................................... 18
2. GB/T 18384.1-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part1:On-board
energy storage .................................................................................................... 18
3. GB/T 18384.2-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part2 - Functional
safety means and protection against failures ...................................................... 19
4. GB/T 18384.3-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part3 - Protection of
persons against electric hazards ........................................................................ 19
5. GB/T 18488.1-2006: The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles Part 1 - General specification ............................................................................. 20
6. GB/T 19751-2005: Hybrid electric vehicles safety specification.......................... 20
7. GB/T 19753-2005: Test methods for energy consumption of light-duty hybrid
electric vehicles .................................................................................................. 21
8. GB/T 19755-2005: Measurement methods for emission from light-duty hybrid
electric vehicles .................................................................................................. 21
9. QC/T 741 ............................................................................................................ 22
10. QC/T 742 ............................................................................................................ 23
11. QC/T 744 ............................................................................................................ 23
12. GB/T 18487.1-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1 General requirements ......................................................................................... 24
13. GB/T 18487.2-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system—Electric
vehicles requirements for Conductive connection to an A.C/D.C. supply ........... 25
14. GB/T 18487.3-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system A.C./D.C.
Electric vehicle charging station.......................................................................... 26
15. GB/T 20234-2006: Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couples and vehicle inlets for
conductive charging of electric vehicles—General requirements ....................... 26
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Abstracts of standards in Germany/EU
1. EN 13447(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Terminology .................. 30
2. ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 7: Method of measuring the electric energy
consumption of vehicles powered by an electric power train only ...................... 32
3. ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 9: Method of measuring the electric range of vehicles
powered by an electric power train only or by a hybrid electric power train ........ 33
4. DIN EN 1986-1(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of
energy performance - Part 1 - Pure electric vehicles .......................................... 34
5. DIN EN 1821-1: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of road
operating ability - Part 1 - Pure electric vehicles ................................................. 35
6. ECE 100: Uniform provisions concerning the approval of battery electric vehicles
with regard to specific requirements for the construction and functional safety .. 37
7. ISO/DIS 26262: Road vehicles - Functional safety ............................................. 38
8. ISO/DIS 26262-2: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 2 - Management of
functional safety .................................................................................................. 39
9. ISO/DIS 26262-3: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 3 - Concept phase .. 40
10. ISO/DIS 26262-8: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 8 - Supporting
processes ........................................................................................................... 42
11. ISO/DIS 26262-9: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 9 - ASIL-oriented and
safety-oriented analyses ..................................................................................... 45
12. DIN EN 1987-2(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements
for safety - Part 2 - Functional safety means and protection against failure ....... 46
13. DIN EN 1987-3(1998): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements
for safety - Part 3 - Protection of users against electrical hazards ...................... 47
14. DIN EN 1986-2(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of
energy performance - Part 2 - Thermal electric hybrid vehicles .......................... 49
15. DIN EN 1821-2: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of road
operating ability - Part 2 - Thermal electric hybrid vehicles ................................. 50
16. DIN EN 13444-1(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of
emissions of hybrid vehicles - Part 1- Thermal electrical hybrid vehicle ............. 51
17. DIN EN 1175-1: Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - Part 1 General requirements for battery powered trucks ............................................... 53
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
18. ISO 16750-5: Electric road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for
electrical and electronic equipment - Part 5 - Chemical loads ............................ 56
19. DIN EN 61180-1: High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Part 1
- Definitions, test and procedure requirements ................................................... 57
20. DIN EN 61180-2: High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Part 2
- Test equipment ................................................................................................. 61
21. ISO 7637-3(1995): Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances by conduction and
coupling - Part 3 - Vehicles with nominal 12 V or 24 V supply voltages - Electrical
transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than
supply lines ......................................................................................................... 63
22. DIN IEC 60364-4-42: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-42 - Protection
for safety - Protection against thermal effects ..................................................... 65
23. DIN IEC 60364-4-43: Erection of low-voltage installations - Part 4-43 - Protection
for safety - Protection against overcurrent .......................................................... 67
24. DIN IEC 60364-4-44: Low voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44 - protection
against voltage disturbances and measures against electromagnetic influences,
clause 442 - protection against temporary over voltages and faults between highvoltage systems and earth .................................................................................. 70
25. DIN VDE 0100-410-4-41: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 410-4-41 Protection for safety - Protection against electric shock ..................................... 71
26. DIN VDE 0100-444 (German version of IEC 60364, modified): Low voltage
electrical installations - Part 444 - Protection for safety - protection against voltage
disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances (German version of part 444:2007, clause 444, modified ............................................................................ 73
27. DIN IEC 60364-5-54: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54 - Selection
and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements, protective
conductors and protective bonding conductors .................................................. 75
28. DIN IEC 60364-5-55-A2: Erection of Low electrical installations - Part 5-55-A2 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - low voltage generating sets ..... 77
29. IEC 60034-1(2004): Rotating electrical machines - Part 1- Rating and
performance ....................................................................................................... 79
30. DIN EN ISO 14121-1(2007): Safety of machinery - Risk assessment ................ 81
31. IEC 146-1-1(1991): Semiconductor convertors, General requirements and line
commutated convertors - Part 1-1 - Specifications of a basic requirements ....... 83
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
32. DIN VDE 0558-1: Semiconductor convertors - Part 1 - General specifications and
particular specifications for line-commutated convertors .................................... 85
33. DIN EN 60071-1(2006): Insulation coordination - Part 1 - Definitions, principles
and rules ............................................................................................................. 88
34. DIN EN 60664-1: Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage
systems - Part 1 - Principles, requirements and tests ......................................... 90
35. DIN EN 60664-1-supplement-3: Insulation coordination for equipment within lowvoltage systems - Part 1 - Supplement 3 Interface considerations ..................... 93
36. DIN VDE 0100-530: Erection of low voltage installations - Part 530 - selection and
erection of electrical equipment - switch gear and control gear .......................... 94
37. DIN EN 60947-3: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 3 - Switches,
disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units ....................... 96
38. DIN EN 60947-4-1: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 4-1 Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
............................................................................................................................ 98
39. DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1: Automatic disconnection device between a generator and
the public low-voltage grid ................................................................................ 101
40. ISO 14572(2001): Road vehicles - Round, unscreened 60 V and 600 V multicore
sheathed cables - Test methods and requirements for basic and high
performance cables .......................................................................................... 103
41. DIN EN 60228: Conductors of insulated cables ................................................ 104
42. DIN EN 60269-1: Low-voltage fuses - Part 1 - General requirements .............. 106
43. ISO 4165(2001): Road vehicles-Electrical connections-Double-pole connection
.......................................................................................................................... 109
44. IEC 62281(2004): Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries
during transport.................................................................................................. 110
45. IEC 61982-3 Ed. 1.0(2001): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 3 - Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use
vehicles) ............................................................................................................ 112
46. SAE J1798(1997): Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electrical
Vehicle Battery Modules .................................................................................... 113
47. SAE J2288(1997): Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules ........ 114
48. SAE J 2380(2009): Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries .................... 115
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
49. IEC 62660-1 Ed. 1.0(2008): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 1 - Performance testing for lithium-ion cells- 21/708/CDV . 116
50. IEC 62660-2 Ed. 1.0(2008): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric
road vehicles - Part 2 - Reliability and abuse testing for lithium-ion
cells21/709/CDV ................................................................................................ 116
51. UL 1642(2005): Lithium Batteries ...................................................................... 117
52. UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Paragraph 38.3 - Lithium metal and lithium ion
batteries(2009) - UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part III - Classification
Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating to Class 3, Class 4, Division
5.1 and Class 9; Section 38 - Classification Procedures, Test Methods and
Criteria and Relating to Class 9; Paragraph 38.3 - Lithium metal and lithium ion
batteries ............................................................................................................. 118
53. ISO 6469-1: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 1 On-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) .................................. 120
54. ISO 6469-2: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 2 Vehicle operational safety means and protection against failures .................... 122
55. ISO 6469-3: Electric road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 3 - Protection of
persons against electric hazards ...................................................................... 125
56. DIN EN 1987-1(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements
for safety - Part 1 - On board energy storage ................................................... 128
57. DIN V VDE V 0510-11/VDE V 0510-11(2008): Safety Requirements For
Secondary Batteries And Battery Installations - Part 11 - Safety Requirements For
Secondary Lithium Batteries For Hybrid Vehicles And Mobile Applications ...... 129
58. SAE J 2289(2008): Electric-Drive Battery Pack System: Functional Guidelines 130
59. SAE J1797(1997): Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric Vehicle
Battery Modules ................................................................................................ 131
60. SAE J1766(2005): Recommended Practice for Electric and Hybrid Electric
Vehicle Battery Systems Crash Integrity Testing............................................... 132
61. SAE J2464(2009): Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy
Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing .......................................... 132
62. ISO/DIS 12405-1(2008): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification
for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 1 - High power applications ....... 133
63. VDA - Test Specification for Li-Ion Battery Systems(2008): Test Specification for
Li-Ion Battery Systems for HEVs ...................................................................... 135
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
64. IEC 61851-1: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1 - General
Regulations ....................................................................................................... 137
65. DIN EN 61851-21: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21 - Electric
vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an A.C./D.C. supply ........... 139
66. DIN EN 61851-22: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22 - A.C.
electric vehicle charging station ........................................................................ 141
67. DIN VDE 0122: Electric equipment of electrical road vehicles.......................... 143
68. DIN EN 12736: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Airborne acoustical noise of
vehicle during charging with on-board chargers - Determination of sound power
level .................................................................................................................. 145
69. DIN EN 61000-2-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-2 - Environment
- Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in
public low-voltage power supply systems ......................................................... 146
70. DIN EN 61000-3-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2 - Limits –
Limits for harmonic current emissions .............................................................. 148
71. DIN EN 61000-4-5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5 - Testing and
measurement techniques - Surge immunity test ............................................... 150
72. DIN EN 61000-6-1: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1 - Generic
standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
.......................................................................................................................... 152
73. DIN EN 61000-6-3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3 - Generic
standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial
environments .................................................................................................... 154
74. DIN EN 50065-1: Signaling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency
range 3kHz to 148.5kHz - Part 1 - General requirements, frequency bands and
electromagnetic disturbances ........................................................................... 156
75. DIN EN 50160: Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution
networks ........................................................................................................... 158
76. IEC 60038: IEC standard voltages .................................................................... 160
77. DIN EN 50470-1: Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 1 - General
requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class indexes A, B
and C) ............................................................................................................... 163
78. DIN EN 50470-3: Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Part 3 - Particular
requirements - Static meters for active energy (class indexes A, B and C) ....... 165
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
79. DIN EN 60309-1: Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part
1 - General requirements .................................................................................. 168
80. DIN EN 62196-1: Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1 - Charging of electric vehicles up
to 250 A a.c. and 400 A d.c. .............................................................................. 172
81. VDE-AR-E 2623-2-2: Plugs, socked outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 2-2 - Dimensional interchange
ability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories ................................ 174
82. DIN EN 60320-1: Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes
- Part 1 - General requirements ........................................................................ 176
83. DIN EN 50272-1: Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery
installations ....................................................................................................... 180
84. ISO 15118-1 and -2 (under development): Road vehicles - Communication
protocol between electric vehicles and grid - Part 1 - Definitions and use-cases;
Part 2 - Sequence diagrams and communication layers................................... 181
85. Proposal to TC 21A/WG 5(2008): Safety requirements for secondary lithium
batteries for hybrid vehicles and mobile applications ........................................ 182
86. ISO/DIS 12405-2 Draft: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for
lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 2 - High energy applications ........... 183
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
0. Introduction of the study
This study was carried out under the framework of the German Chinese Sustainable
Fuel Partnership (GCSFP) with the aim to identify, summarize and compare relevant
standards in the area of electric vehicles in Germany/European Union and China.
The standards were divided into six technical areas:
Accreditation of electric vehicles
Electric vehicle component safety
Battery transporting and storage
Battery abuse and safety
Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection
Battery recycling and disposal
As a high number of standard documents could be identified in these areas, a detailed comparison of all standard documents was not possible in the framework of
this study. Therefore the comparison part of the study focuses on the most important
topic within this field the lithium-ion battery standards. All other relevant standards are
summarized in short abstracts to have a quick insight into the topics covered and to
have a rough opportunity for comparison.
In parallel to this study, which focuses on standards, another project was carried out
in the field of regulations for electric vehicles: Analysis of European/German and
Chinese Regulations regarding electric vehicle infrastructure for road traffic. As the
Chinese GB-standards have both meanings (mandatory standard), GB-standards are
covered in both studies. Also some important ECE-regulations are treated in this
study as well. Therefore a small overlap will be between both studies.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Followinthe table of contents a list of all standards can be found sorted by page numbers where the respective abstract is shown.
Chapter 1 describes the general relevance of standardization for electric vehicles
and vehicle batteries. In this chapter, the standardization systems and the process of
standardization for Germany/EU and China is described.
Chapter 2 describes the standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
China. Abstracts for relevant standards are presented and also standards under development are named.
Chapter 0 describes the standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
Germany/EU. Abstracts for relevant standards are presented and also standards under development are named.
Chapter 4 compares vehicle battery standards in Germany/EU and China. The relevant standards are introduced for both regions and a detailed comparison is carried
Chapter 5 shows the demand for further coordination of standardization in Germany/EU and China. Examples for areas of high importance are given.
Chapter 6 summarizes and concludes the study.
In Appendix 7.3 and 7.4 all standards are listed by category also with the respective
page number where the abstract is shown.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
1. General relevance of standards for electric vehicles and vehicle
1.1 Relevance of standardization
Standards do not dictate a specific technical solution but formulate requirements
which allow for different technical approaches. Standardization contributes to a fast
spread of knowledge e.g. in the area of technology transfer from science to industry.
Thus the competitiveness of companies is increased. Standards also foster innovation by increasing the marketability of new products [din].
For fast-evolving areas as the development of hybrid and electric cars it is difficult to
make specific standards available in time. To deal with that problem the research and
development (R&D) accompanying standardization is used [Nie00]. With that, the
technology transfer can be guaranteed and also important interfaces can be defined
in time. As an example in the field of electric vehicles the charging plug can be
named which is a crucial part for guaranteeing interoperability between charging systems of different utilities and countries. The field of R&D accompanying standardization can be classified in four areas [DIN09] which will be described in the following
Terminology, measurement and validation standards
These standards create universal and independent validation methods to assure the
quality of the new products. They foster the communication between different players
and reduce the information and transaction costs.
In the field of electric vehicles this becomes very important as different industries like
utilities and car manufacturers have to work together to find the optimum solution.
These two industries did not work together before and have different terminologies
they use.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Interface standards
Interface standards guarantee the interoperability between different components and
systems and thus reduce the costs for later adaption.
As mentioned earlier, the charging plug is a good example for this area of standardization. But also when it comes to billing for example, interface standards are crucial
for successful developments. The area of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is also an
example where interface standardization is an important point. Plug-in hybrid or electric cars which are introduced into the market during the coming years have a lifetime
of ten years or more. If V2G becomes introduced into the market during this lifetime it
would be beneficial that the cars are ―V2G-ready‖ due to an early standardization
Compatibility standards
Compatibility standards integrate components into existing systems and create the
prerequisites for future technologies.
Battery exchange stations are good examples which need compatibility standards in
an early phase of the development of electric vehicles. This technology can only get
a large market penetration when the compatibility of battery packs of different car
manufacturers is given. Otherwise cars of a certain manufacturer could only exchange the battery at certain type of exchange station. This would cause huge infrastructure costs and an inefficient infrastructure usage.
Quality, product and service standards
These standards regard environmental, security and ergonomics issues and thus
increase the acceptance of innovative products and services. They reduce the risks
and foster the market introduction.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
As an example in the field of hybrid and electric vehicles standardization of maintenance is an important point. Maintenance of conventional vehicles is relatively riskfree and well-known of the service personnel. With electric vehicles the hazard of
high voltage occurs and the service personnel needs knew guidelines for the daily
work. Furthermore paramedics and the fire department have to deal with high voltages in the case of emergencies.
1.2 Procedure of standardization in China
The management of Chinese standards
China standardization is a kind of centralized administrative system combined with
respective responsibility of any official departments and civil association.
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of china (SAC) is authorized
by the State Council and under the control of AQSIQ to exercise the administrative
functions and carry out centralized administration for standardization in China. While
relevant competent administrative departments of the State Council shall be assigned the responsibility of managing the work of standardization within their respective professional sectors.
The competent administrative departments for standardization in the provinces
autonomous regions and municipalities shall execute unified administration of the
work of standardization in their respective administrative regions. The competent
administrative departments of the governments of provinces, autonomous regions
and municipalities shall administrate the work of standardization within their respective sectors in their respective administrative regions.
Brief Introduction of SAC
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China (SAC) was established in April 2001 and authorized by the State Council to exercise administrative
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
responsibilities by undertaking unified management, supervision and overall coordination of standardization works in China.
SAC represents China to join the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) and other international
and regional standardization organizations; SAC is responsible for organizing the
activities of Chinese National Committee for ISO and IEC; SAC approves and organizes the implementation of international cooperation and exchanging projects on
The classes and system of Chinese standards The classes and system of Chinese standards
Chinese Standards are divided into mandatory standards and voluntary standards.
Standards concerning protection of human health, personal property and safety and
those enforced by laws and administrative regulations are mandatory standards, others are voluntary standards. The system of Chinese standards
Chinese standards are divided into National Standards, Professional Standards, Local Standards and enterprise Standards.
National Standards shall be developed for technical requirements need to be unified
national wide.
Professional Standards may be developed for which no National Standards are
available but unified technical requirements are needed in a certain professional field
throughout country.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Local Standards may be developed for which neither National Standards nor Professional Standards are available, but unified requirements for safety and hygiene of
industrial products are needed within a local area.
Enterprise Standards may be developed within an enterprise when National Standards, Professional Standards and Local Standards aren't available. However, an
enterprise is encouraged to adopt National Standards, Professional Standards and
Local Standards if they are available.
Moreover, national advisory technical documents may be developed for some developing projects, which are required relevant guiding standard documents or have
standardization value but can't be developed formal standards or adopt ISO/IEC and
other international standards at present.
Table 1 Codes of Chinese standards
National Standards Codes
Competent Dept.
Mandatory National Standards
Voluntary National Standards
National Standardization Guiding
Technical Documents
Professional Standards Codes
Competent Dept.
Local Standards Codes
DB + *
Mandatory local standards
DB + */T
Voluntary local standards
Competent Dept.
Province Level Bureau of
Technical Supervision
Note: * represent Province code
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU Procedure of standardization in China
The standardization procedure in China can be divided into 9 different stages.
1) Preliminary stage
2) NP determination stage
3) Preparatory stage
4) Enquiry stage
5) Examination stage
6) Approval stage
7) Publication stage
8) Reviewing stage
9) Repealing stage Introduction of TC114/SC27
Electric vehicle sub-committee (SC27) was established in 1998 under the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee, with CATARC as secretariat.
SC 27 is responsible for the standardization (GB, GB/T and QC/T) of EV related field, including EV, HEV, Plug-in, FCV, traction battery, Electric motor,
charging couplers and so on. SC27 is also the mirror committee of
ISO/TC22/SC21andI EC/TC69;
SAC exercises the administrative functions and carries out centralized administration for SC 27 in China, while Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC (MIIT) assigned the responsibility of managing the work of
standardization within his respective professional sectors.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
There are 4 work groups under SC27, which are HEV WG, FCV WG, Battery
WG and E motor WG.
Figure 1 Standardization for EVs in China
Figure 2 Structure of TC11 4/SC27 in China
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
1.3 Procedure of standardization in Germany and the European Union and
In the following section the relevant standardization organizations and their different
standardization document types are introduced. Furthermore, the general relevance
of standardization work with special respect to the development of electric vehicles is
Institutes and committees for standardization with relevance in the European
Table 2 International and European standardization organizations gives an overview
on relevant international and European standardization organizations. As standardization nowadays is a highly international process also the international standardization organizations are regarded even though the study focuses on standardization in
Germany. Many CENELEC standards for example are based on IEC standards so
that it seems also helpful to consider standardization of the organizations ISO and
Table 2 International and European standardization organizations [Nie00]
DIN: German Institute for Standardization
DKE: German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
CEN: European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
In the following section the different standardization organizations are briefly introduced and their responsibility for standardization is shown. German Institute for Standardization (DIN)
The German Institute for standardization (Ger.: Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.,
DIN) is responsible for standardization in Germany and protects the German interests
within the European and international standardization organizations. DIN is a registered association and acts as a platform for all interested groups to determine the
state-of-the-art and to document this in DIN-standards. Standardization in Germany is
therefore a process of ―self-administration‖ and not a process which is taken care of
by the federal government. DIN is financed by all who derive advantage from the
Everybody is free to apply the valid standards or not. DIN-standards serve as a recommendation for proper technical attitude. The DIN itself cannot commit e.g. manufacturers to apply standards, but the standards can be part of contracts for example
and thus become compulsory.
The different types of DIN documents are summarized in Table 3.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Table 3 Different DIN documents
DIN standard with only national relevance or as initial
version for an international standard
Unchanged adoption of an European technical standard
from the CEN (CENELEC) as German pre-standard
Unchanged adoption of an European Standard
Standard developed in cooperation of ISO and CEN and
published of both organizations
German standard which is based on an European standard which itself is based on an ISO/IEC standard
German standard unchanged adopted from an ISO
(IEC) standard German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information
Technologies of DIN and VDE (DKE)
The German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (Ger.:
Deutsche Elektrotechnische Komission, DKE) is a joint organization of DIN and the
Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (Ger.: Verband der
Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e. V., VDE). The DKE is responsible
for standardization in the field of electrical engineering and represents the German
interests within the European and international standardization committees. The results of the DKE are documented in DIN-standards. If they contain security-relevant
regulations they are also included as VDE-instruction (Ger.: VDE-Bestimmung) in the
VDE-instructions compendium (Ger.: VDE-Vorschriftenwerk). These are then named
DIN VDE standards.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
The European Committee for Standardization (French: Comité Européen de Normalisation, CEN) is responsible for non-electrotechnical standardization within the European Union. European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (French: Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique, CENELEC) is the electrotechnical standardization organization of the CEN. CENELEC, where Germany is represented by
the DKE, develops standards in the field of electrical engineering in the European
Union. The task of CENELEC is to harmonize national standards by the development
of European Standards (EN). Many European Standards are based on standards of
the IEC (refer to section A list of all CENELEC members can be found in
appendix 7.1.
If an European standard is accepted by the members of CENELEC, all member
countries are obliged to transfer the European standard into the respective national
standards without any modification. European standards which were transferred into
German standards are named as DIN EN. Besides European Standards (EN), Harmonization Documents (HD) exist which are also CENELEC standards. To be contrary to ENs the transfer to national standards does not have to be one-to-one, e.g.
appendices with national characteristics can be contained. Technical Specifications
(TS) are only approved by a technical committee and not CENELEC as such. The
validity of a TS is limited from two to three years. Furthermore, Technical Reports
(TR) are published by CENELEC, which are documents on technical contents of the
standardization progress. Another document type developed by CENELEC is the
European Pre-Standard (ENV). These documents are valid for three years (can be
extended by two years) and the existing opposing national standards do not have to
be withdrawn in this case.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is responsible for
standardization in the field of telecommunication, information and broadcast technology. Besides CEN and CENELEC it is the third European organization which is responsible for the development of standards. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible for world-wide
standardization in the field of non-electrotechnical issues. ISO works with the same
principals as CEN and both organizations agreed upon a close cooperation to improve cooperation. ISO publications have the status of recommendations and do not
have to be transferred into national standardization. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
The International Electrotechnical Commission is responsible for standardization in
the field of electrical and electronic engineering as agreed with ISO. If topics are in
the fields of both organizations, ISO and IEC, a decision has to be made in each
case which organization takes care about the standardization work. A list of all IEC
member states can be found in appendix 7.2. Just like ISO standards, IEC standards
have the status of a recommendation and do not have to be transferred into national
standardization. IEC publishes different types of documents:
International Standard (IS): ―A normative document, developed according to
consensus procedures, which has been approved by the IEC National Committee members of the responsible committee…‖ [iec]
Technical Specification (TS): This document type is similar to the IS, but only
approved by two/thirds of the members of a technical committee or subcommittee.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Technical Report (TR): ―More descriptive than normative, this is an informative
document of a different kind from normative documents (e.g. collection of data).
A TR is approved by simple majority of Participating Members of an IEC technical committee or subcommittee.‖ [iec]
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
2. Standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in China
2.1 Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in China
There are 42 standards published in China, 35 of them are National Standards and 6
are Professional Standards. These standards are as follows:
Table 4 Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in China
Standard number
Standard Name
GB 24155—2009{ XE
"GB 24155—2009" }
GB/T 4094.2-2005
GB/T 18332.1-2009
Lead-acid batteries used for electric road vehicles
GB/T 18332.2-2001
Nickel-metal hydride batteries of electric road vehicles
GB/T 18384.1-2001
GB/T 18384.2-2001
GB/T 18384.3-2001
GB/T 18385—2005
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part l :On- board energy storage
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part 2:Functional safety means and
Electric vehicle-Safety specification. Part 3:Protection of persons against electric hazards
Electric vehicles Power performance Test method
GB/T 18386—2005
GB/T 18387—2008
GB/T 18388—2005
Electric vehicles Energy consumption and range Test procedures,
Limits and test methods of magnetic and electric field strength from electric
vehicles, Broadband, 9kHz to 30MHz,
Electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
GB/T 18487.1-2001
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 18487.2-2001
GB/T 18487.3-2001
GB/T 18488.1-2006
GB/T 18488.2-2006
GB/T 19596-2004
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Electric vehicles requirements for
conductive connection to an A.C./ D.C. supply
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--A.C./D.C .electric vehicle charging station
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles - Part 1:General
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles - Part 2: Test
Terminology of electric vehicles
GB/T 19750-2005
GB/T 19751-2005
GB/T 19752-2005
GB/T 19753-2005
GB/T 19754-2005
GB/T 19755-2005
GB/T 19836-2005
GB/T 20234-2006
GB/T 24156-2009
GB/T 24157-2009
GB/T 24158-2009
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Energy consumption and range Test procedures
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - General specifications
GB/T 24374-2009
Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning machines - Flyer bobbins
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Safety specifications
Electric vehicles—Symbols for controls,indicators and tell-tales
Hybrid electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
Hybrid electric vehicles safety specification
Hybrid electric vehicles-Power performance-Test method
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Light-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Heavy-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Instrumentation for electric vehicles
Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle coupers and vehicle inlets for conductive charging of electric vehicles - General requirements
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Power performance - Test methods
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
GB/T 24548-2009
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549-2009
GB/T 24552-2009
GB/T 24554-2009
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety requirements
Electric vehicles - Windshield demisters and defrosters system - Performance
requirements and test methods
Performance test methods for fuel cell engines
GB/Z 18333.1-2001
GB/Z 18333.2-2001
Lithium-ion batteries for electric road vehicles
Zinc-air batteries for electric road vehicles
QC/T 741-2006
Ultra-capacitors for vehicles.
QC/T 742-2006
Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 743-2006
QC/T 744-2006
Li-ion Storage Battery for Electric Automotives
Nickle-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 791-2007
QC/T 792-2007
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds-Engineering approval evaluation
Motors and controllers for electric motorcycles and electric mopeds
QC/T 816-2009
Specification of mobile hydrogen refueling vehicles
Accreditation of electric vehicles
In China, the Accreditation of EV is carried out by MIIT. Besides applicable standards
for traditional vehicles, electric vehicles must meet the 22 dedicated standards for
EVs. These standards are as follows.
Table 5 Standards for accreditation of electric vehicles in China
Standard number
Standard Name
GB/T 4094.2-2005
Electric vehicles—Symbols for controls,indicators and tell-tales
GB/T 18384.1-2001
GB/T 18384.2-2001
GB/T 18384.3-2001
GB/T 18385—2005
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part l :On- board energy storage
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part 2:Functional safety means and
Electric vehicle-Safety specification. Part 3:Protection of persons against
electric hazards
Electric vehicles Power performance Test method
GB/T 18386—2005
Electric vehicles Energy consumption and range Test procedures,
GB/T 18387—2008
GB/T 18388—2005
Limits and test methods of magnetic and electric field strength from electric
vehicles, Broadband, 9kHz to 30MHz,
Electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
GB/T 18488.1-2006
GB/T 18488.2-2006
GB/T 19750-2005
GB/T 19751-2005
GB/T 19752-2005
Hybrid electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
Hybrid electric vehicles safety specification
Hybrid electric vehicles-Power performance-Test method
GB/T 19753-2005
GB/T 19754-2005
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Light-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Heavy-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles - Part 1:
General specification
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles - Part 2: Test
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
GB/T 19755-2005
GB/T 19836-2005
GB/Z 18333.2-2001
Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Instrumentation for electric vehicles
Zinc-air batteries for electric road vehicles
QC/T 741-2006
Ultra-capacitors for vehicles.
QC/T 742-2006
Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 743-2006
Li-ion Storage Battery for Electric Automotives
QC/T 744-2006
Nickle-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles
The brief introductions about some of the standards in this list are as follows:
1. GB/T 4094.2-2005: Electric vehicles - Symbols for controls, indicators
and tell-tales
Reference of international standard No.: ISO 2575:2000/Amd.4:2001; JEVS Z
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies basic requirements for electric vehicle, regarding to symbols
for controls, indicators and tell-tales, and colors for tell-tales.
The standard applies to electric vehicle.
2. GB/T 18384.1-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part1:Onboard energy storage
Reference of international standard No.: ISO/DIS 6469.1:2000
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the safety specification for on-board energy storage of electric vehicle propulsion system to ensure the safety of users and vehicle environment.
This standard applies to electric passenger vehicle whose max working voltage of onboard circuit is less than 660 V (AC) or 1000 V (DC) (according to GB 156), and to
electric commercial vehicle whose max design total mass is not more than 3500 kg,
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
and the max design mass of electric vehicle is more than 3500 kg that can refer to
this standard.
The standard is not applied to guide assembly, maintenance and repair of electric
3. GB/T 18384.2-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part2 Functional safety means and protection against failures
Reference of international standard No.: ISO/DIS 6469.2:2000
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the specification for functional safety means and protection
against failures for special dangers of electric vehicle propulsion system.
This standard applies to electric passenger vehicle whose max working voltage of onboard circuit is less than 660 V (AC) or 1000 V (DC) (according to GB 156), and to
electric commercial vehicle whose max design total mass is not more than 3500 kg,
and the max design mass of electric vehicle is more than 3500 kg that can refer to
this standard.
The standard is not applied to guide assembly, maintenance and repair of electric
4. GB/T 18384.3-2001: Electric vehicles - Safety specification Part3 Protection of persons against electric hazards
Reference of international standard No.: ISO /DIS 6469.3:2000
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the specification for protection of persons against electric hazards, when electric vehicle is not connected with external power supply.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This standard applies to electric passenger vehicle whose max working voltage of onboard circuit is less than 660 V (AC) or 1000 V (DC) (according to GB 156), and to
electric commercial vehicle whose max design total mass is not more than 3500 kg,
and the max design mass of electric vehicle is more than 3500 kg that can refer to
this standard.
The standard is not applied to guide assembly, maintenance and repair of electric
5. GB/T 18488.1-2006: The electrical machines and controllers for electric
vehicles - Part 1 - General specification
Scope of this standard
This part specifies the duty quota environmental condition technical requirements
inspection test items and type approval test and so on of the electrical machines and
controllers for electric vehicles.
This part applies to the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles.
If had particular requesting, the user and the manufacture may specifies the requirements in special technical agreement.
6. GB/T 19751-2005: Hybrid electric vehicles safety specification
Reference of international standard No.: ECE R100, ETA HTP001
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the special safety specification for class of M hybrid electric
vehicle (the definition of hybrid electric vehicle can see to GB/T 19596).
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This standard applies to class of M hybrid electric vehicle whose max working voltage
of on-board circuit is less than 660 V (AC) or 1000 V (DC)(according to GB 1561993). The other classes of hybrid electric vehicle can refer to the standard.
7. GB/T 19753-2005: Test methods for energy consumption of light-duty
hybrid electric vehicles
Reference of international standard No.: MOD ECE R101.01
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the test methods for energy consumption of light-duty hybrid
electric vehicles equipped with positive-ignition engine or compression-ignition engine.
This standard applies to the categories of M1, M2 and N1 hybrid electric vehicles
equipped with ignition engine or compression engine and with a maximum mass not
exceeding 3500 kg.
8. GB/T 19755-2005: Measurement methods for emission from light-duty
hybrid electric vehicles
Reference of international standard No.: MOD ECE R83
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the measuring methods for exhaust pollutants after a cold
start, emissions of crankcase gases, evaporative emissions from light-duty hybrid
electric vehicles with positive-ignition engine and measuring methods for exhaust
pollutants after a cold start from light-duty hybrid electric vehicles with compressionignition engine.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This standard applies to the light-duty hybrid electric vehicles equipped with positiveignition engine or compression-ignition engine and having a minimum design speed
exceeding 50 km/h.
Electric vehicle component safety
There are no separate component safety standards in China, the test methods and
requirements are included in corresponding component standards, such as GB/T
18488, QC/T 841, QC/T 842, QC/T 843, QC/T 844.
Transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries
There is no standard in China about the transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries.
Battery abuse and safety
There are 4 national standards and 4 professional standards in China about batteries.
Table 6 Standards for battery abuse and safety in China
Standard number
Standard Name
GB/T 18332.1-2009
Lead-acid batteries used for electric road vehicles
GB/T 18332.2-2001
Nickel-metal hydride batteries of electric road vehicles
GB/Z 18333.1-2001
Lithium-ion batteries for electric road vehicles
GB/Z 18333.2-2001
Zinc-air batteries for electric road vehicles
QC/T 741-2006
Ultra-capacitors for vehicles.
QC/T 742-2006
Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 743-2006
Li-ion Storage Battery for Electric Automotives
QC/T 744-2006
Nickle-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles
The brief introduction of the QC/T 741, QC/T 742 and QC/T 744 are as follows:
9. QC/T 741
This standard took the references from GB/T 18332.1-2001 - Lead-acid batteries
used for electric road vehicles, GB/Z 18333.1-2001 - Lithium-ion batteries for electric
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
road vehicles, GB/T 2900.11-1988 - Terminology of (secondary) cell or battery and
some relevant standards and test handbooks of some companies that mainly involve
the development of ultra capacitors.
This standard includes the requirement, test method, inspecting-rules, symbols,
package, transporting and storage of ultra capacitors in electric vehicles and it applies to starting, ignitions, and traction and ultra capacitors for lighting of electric vehicles.
10. QC/T 742
This standard includes the requirement, test method, inspecting-rules, symbols,
package, transporting and storage of Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles.
This standard applies to Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles.
11. QC/T 744
This standard includes the requirement, test method, inspecting-rules, symbols,
package, transporting and storage of Nickel-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles.
This standard applies to the Nickel-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles. The
nominal voltage of single battery is 1.2 V and battery package is n × 1.2 V (n is the
number of cells, n ≥ 5).
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection
Table 7 Standards for battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection in China
Standard number
Standard Name
GB/T 18487.1-2001
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 18487.2-2001
GB/T 18487.3-2001
GB/T 20234-2006
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Electric vehicles requirements
for conductive connection to an A.C./ D.C. supply
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--A.C./D.C .electric vehicle
charging station
Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets for conductive
charging of electric vehicles - General requirements
The brief introductions of standards in this list are as follows:
12. GB/T 18487.1-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1 General requirements
Reference of international standard No.: EQV IEC 61851-1:2001
Scope of this standard
This standard applies to the electric vehicle charging system with a maximum AC
nominal voltage is 660 V, maximum DC nominal voltage is 1000 V(according to GB
This standard applies to road electric vehicle charging system.
This standard not applies to the charging system of engine start, lighting and ignition
device or similar use, home-use or other similar storage battery charging system.
This standard also not applies to the charging system of non-road storage battery
charging system such as wheelchair, indoor electric vehicle, trolley car, trolleybus,
railway vehicle and industrial load-carrying vehicle (ex. fork lift truck) and so on. This
standard not involved vehicle of category II.
This standard specifies the general requirements of the charging system, namely the
requirements for the power supply device, vehicle connection characteristic and op-
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
erating environment; the technical requirements of the charging system and the required characteristic of the electric vehicle; the requirements of the electric power
supply voltage and electric current; the requirements of the charging mode function;
the requirements of the connection and connector of the electric vehicle; the requirements of the special jack, connector, plug, socket and charging cable and so on.
This standard also specifies the safety requirements of the anti- electric shock protection, but not including other safety requirements related to maintain.
13. GB/T 18487.2-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system—
Electric vehicles requirements for Conductive connection to an A.C/D.C.
Reference of international standard No.: IDT IEC 61851-2-1:1999
Scope of this standard
This standard and GB/T 18487.1 specifies the connection requirements of electric
vehicle and AC or DC power supply. When the electric vehicle connects with the
power supply grid, the maximum AC nominal voltage is 660 V and the maximum DC
nominal voltage is 1000 V according to GB 156-1993.
This standard not involved vehicles of category II.
This standard applies to road electric vehicle charging system.
This standard not including other safety requirements related to maintain.
This standard not applies to the charging system of non-road vehicles such as trolleybus, railway vehicle and industrial truck.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
14. GB/T 18487.3-2001: Electric vehicle conductive charging system
A.C./D.C. Electric vehicle charging station
Reference of international standard No.: IEC 61851-1:2001
Scope of this standard
This standard and GB/T 18487.1 specifies the requirements of the AC/DC charger
set (station) conductive connection of the electric vehicle (the maximum AC nominal
voltage is 660 V and the maximum DC nominal voltage is 1000 V according to GB
For the AC charger station, this standard not included the cassette device without
charging control function, which equipped with socket to the electric vehicle for energy supply.
According to GB/T 18487.1, the mode of the electric vehicle DC charger set (station)
is mode4.
This standard is not including other safety requirements related to maintain.
15. GB/T 20234-2006: Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couples and vehicle
inlets for conductive charging of electric vehicles—General requirements
Reference of international standard No.: IEC 62196-1:2003
Scope of this standard
This standard applies to plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couples ,vehicle inlets and
cables for conductive charging of electric vehicles, these attachments and cables is
used in conductive charging system that have control performance, its rated working
voltage should be not more than the following value:
AC 660 V,50 Hz ~60 Hz (when the rated current is not more than 250 A)
DC 1000 V(when the rated current is not more than 400 A)
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
These attachments and cables are used in various voltage and frequency described
in the standard, including extra low voltage (ELV) and communication signal.
The range of ambient temperature for using these attachments and cables is - 30 °C
to + 50 °C.
These attachments are only connected with cables that have the core of copper or
copper alloy.
Those attachments which meet the specifications of this standard that applies to a
part of charge modes of electric vehicle. These definitions and instructions of charge
modes and descriptions for types of connections (A, B and C) can be found in appendix A.
Types of attachment (B, U32, UA, UD) which are permitted to use that are given in the
table 1, under each charge mode and types of connection. Also, the table 1 gives the
charge modes and types of connection that can permit to use these attachments
which meet the specifications of this standard, can also use other standardize attachments.
This standard is not applied to these standardize attachments (e.g. Mode1 and mode
2) are in charge system that meets other standards. The charge mode and types of
connection which are used in this type of standardize attachment, and their mark is
the column of ―type‖, the corresponding content is ―random‖.
The standard can be as the guidance of these attachments that are used in light vehicle which have small number contacts, and lower using level.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Battery recycling and disposal
There is no standard in China about battery recycling and disposal.
2.2 Standards under development in China
About 28 standards are being drafted, 4 are under revision and 12 approved, including whole EVs, components, charging infrastructures.
Table 8 Standards under development in China
electric vehicle
new items
add up
RESS (battery)
Motor and controller
Charger and interface
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
3. Standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in
Germany and in the European Union
3.1 Existing standards of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries in Germany
and EU
In this study the international standards from ISO and IEC, European standards from
CEN and CENELEC, German standards from DIN and VDE will be taken into consideration. In brief the following topics are given a high priority for standardization
work for electric vehicles:
Accreditation of electric vehicles
Electric vehicle component safety
Transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries
Battery abuse and safety
Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection
Battery recycling and disposal
In this section, these topics will be discussed in detail.
Accreditation of electric vehicles
Terminology standards (glossaries) establish a terminology for the components of
electric road vehicles and related terms, concentrating primarily on defining components and terms specific to electric road vehicles. Am important part of standards for
electric vehicles are electric vehicle performance standards which specify test procedures for measuring the reference energy consumption and range, road operating
characteristics and safety of electric vehicle, etc. For hybrid electric road vehicles,
there are standards about emissions and fuel consumption measurements, road operating characteristics and energy performance. Safety of industrial trucks concerns
electrical requirements.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU Terminology standards
Terminology standards establish a terminology for electric road vehicles. They concentrate on defining the components and terms of electric road vehicles (international
standard: ISO 8713, European standard: EN 13447, German standard: DIN EN
13447). The brief introduction about the standard EN 13447 is as follows:
1. EN 13447(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Terminology
Scope of this standard
The document gives definitions used in European standards for electrically propelled
road vehicles. It is not intended to give definitions of all terms concerning these vehicles, but to permit a good understanding of the content of standards dealing with
electrically propelled road vehicles.
Short description of standard
This standard gives definitions for electrically propelled road vehicles. It presents an
overview of the definitions which are necessary for the tests presented in specific
standards. Parts of these definitions are repeated in other standards for electric vehicles.
There are many different types of electric vehicles as pure electric vehicles or hybrid
vehicles. Furthermore distinctions due to the charging mode are explained. With this
standard a classification for the different types is given. Also the different driving
modes are defined.
For the following measurements of road operating ability references to the specific
standards are given:
30 minutes maximum speed;
Maximum speed;
Accelerating power from 0 km/h to 50 km/h;
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Accelerating power from 50 km/h to 80 km/h;
Climb velocity at slope
Driveaway behaviour at slope
Further sections of the standards give definitions to the topics energy use in vehicles,
polluting emissions of a thermal-electric hybrid vehicle in hybrid mode and electric
propelled vehicle in general.
Definitions to the Subsystems in vehicles, to the battery and its environment and further general definitions for electric propelled vehicles are presented in the last sections of the standard. Electric vehicle performance
An important part of standards for electric vehicles are specified test procedures for
measuring the reference energy consumption and range (international standard: ISO
8714, ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 7 and ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 9, European
standard: EN 1986-1, German standard: DIN EN 1986-1). For example, standard ISO
8714 includes:
Common test procedure
Initial charge of the batteries
Application of the test sequence until the end-of-test specification is reached,
and measurement of the reference range achieved
Measurement of the energy consumption and charging of the vehicle batteries
Calculation of the reference energy consumption
Test cycles for different regions
Driving cycle in Europe
Driving cycle in America
Driving cycle in Japan
In addition to that, standards which are specifying procedures for measuring the road
operating characteristics of electric vehicles (international standard: ISO 8715, Euro-
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
pean standard: EN 1821-1, German standard: DIN EN 1821-1) exist. These standards include:
 Maximum speed
 Acceleration ability
 Speed uphill ability
 Hill starting ability
The abstracts of standards ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 7, ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex
9, DIN EN 1986-1 and DIN EN 1821-1 are as follows:
2. ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 7: Method of measuring the electric energy
consumption of vehicles powered by an electric power train only
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the procedure to apply in order to measure the electric energy consumption of electrically propelled road vehicles. The document does not apply to electric hybrid or partially electrically propelled road vehicles.
Short description of standard
The standard defines the test sequences for the consumption measurement. The test
sequence is composed of two parts:
(a) an urban cycle made of four elementary urban cycles;
(b) an extra-urban cycle.
In case of a manual gear box with several gears, the operator changes the gear according to the manufacturer's specifications. If the vehicle has several driving modes,
which may be selected by the driver, the operator shall select the one to best match
the target curve.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Detailed information about the test method for the consumption measurement is
given in the standard. This includes the condition of the vehicle and the operating
mode with information about charging and discharging the battery.
The test method includes the four following steps:
a) Initial charge of the battery;
b) Application twice of the cycle made of four elementary urban cycles and an
extra-urban cycle;
c) Charging the battery;
d) Calculation of the electric energy consumption.
The appendix describes the determination of the total road load power of a vehicle
powered by an electric power train only, and calibration of the dynamometer.
3. ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 9: Method of measuring the electric range of
vehicles powered by an electric power train only or by a hybrid electric
power train
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the procedure to apply in order to measure the electric range
of electrically propelled road vehicles or vehicles with a hybrid electric power train.
Short description of standard
Detailed information about the test method for the range measurement is given in the
standard. This includes the condition of the vehicle and the operating mode with information about charging and discharging the battery.
The test method includes the following steps:
a) Initial charge of the battery.
b) Application of the cycle and measurement of the electric range.
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A distinction is made between pure electric vehicles, externally chargeable hybrid
electric vehicle (OVC HEV) without an operating mode switch, externally chargeable
hybrid electric vehicle (OVC HEV) with an operating mode switch.
4. DIN EN 1986-1(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement
of energy performance - Part 1 - Pure electric vehicles
Scope of this standard
This standard specifies the procedure to apply in order to measure the range and the
consumption of the electrically propelled road vehicles (purely electric road vehicles).
The document applies to vehicle categories M1, M2, N1 and N2, and to three and
four wheel power driven vehicles from the motor cycle type.
The document does not apply to electric hybrid or partially electrically propelled road
Short description of standard
This Standard defines the test sequences for the range and the consumption measurements. The test sequence is composed of two parts:
(a) an urban cycle made of four elementary urban cycles;
(b) an extra-urban cycle.
These cycles correspond to the cycles that are determined in directive 91/441/EWG,
except transmission-gear shifts.
Detailed information about the test method for the consumption and range measurement is given in the standard. This includes the condition of the vehicle and the operating mode with information about charging and discharging the battery.
The test method for the consumption measurement includes the four following steps:
(a) Initial charge of the battery;
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
(b) Application twice of the cycle made of four elementary urban cycles and an extraurban cycle;
(c) Charging the battery;
(d) Calculation of the electric energy consumption.
The test method for the range measurement includes the following steps:
(a) Initial charge of the battery.
(b) Application of the cycle and measurement of the electric range.
In the appendix information about determining total resistance of a vehicle and calibration of a driving performance test bench, an example sheet of technical information about the test vehicle and an example sheet of a common test report are presented.
Part of the Standard is similar to ECE 101 Revision 2 Annex 7/Annex9. There are
distinctions regarding the test sequence.
5. DIN EN 1821-1: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of
road operating ability - Part 1 - Pure electric vehicles
Scope of this standard
The document specifies test methods for measuring the road operating abilities of
electrically propelled road vehicles (pure electric vehicles), and specifies road operating abilities which include vehicle speed, acceleration, hill climbing ability. It is applicable to vehicles of the categories M1, M2, N1, motor tricycles, and quadricycles from
the motorcycle type.
Short description of standard
This standard gives information to important definitions for parameters of the test
method especially relating to the different definition of mass.
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With the testing conditions and methods it is possible to measure
 30 minutes maximum speed;
 Maximum speed;
 Accelerating power from 0 km/h to 50 km/h;
 Accelerating power from 50 km/h to 80 km/h;
 Climb velocity at slope
 Driveaway behaviour at slope
A detailed description of the general test conditions, including vehicle conditions, environment conditions and road-test route is described. For the tests a pre-treatment
of the vehicle is necessary. This refers primarily to the battery conditions of the vehicle. The standard gives information about battery charging methods.
According to the standard there is a test sequence that allows measuring all road
operating abilities within two days. To each test further detailed information is given
regarding to the special test methods and conditions.
In the appendix information about determining total resistance of a vehicle and calibration of a driving performance test bench are presented. Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety standards deal with vehicle safety, vehicle operating conditions
and energy storage installation. The functional safety defines how the electric drive
system shall be organized for safe functional operation such as power-on procedure,
indication of reduced power, indication of state of charge, driving backwards, parking,
electrical connections, auxiliary electrical circuits, overcurrent cut-off device, etc. Protection of persons against electric hazards includes the voltage classes of electrical
circuits, protection against direct contact, testing, etc (international standard ECE 100
and ISO/DIS 26262 including ISO/DIS 26262, ISO/DIS 26262-2, ISO/DIS 26262-3,
ISO/DIS 26262-8 and ISO/DIS 26262-9, German standards DIN EN 1987-2 and DIN
EN 1987-3). The abstracts of these standards are as follows:
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6. ECE 100: Uniform provisions concerning the approval of battery electric
vehicles with regard to specific requirements for the construction and
functional safety
Scope of this standard
The standard describes specific requirements for the construction and functional
safety to all battery electric road vehicles of categories M and N with a maximum designed speed above 25 km/h.
Short description of standard
The standard gives definitions which are important regarding the requirements for
battery electric vehicles. It is described how the application for approval has to be
done and works out details to the approval itself.
The manufacturer or an authorized person has to hand in the application for approval
regarding to special requirements to construction method and operating safety for
battery electric vehicles. The application has to include a detailed description of type
regarding characteristic of build, electric power train and drive battery. An expansion
of the approval is necessary if there are changes regarding the vehicle type. The authority has to be informed about every change made.
Regulations and testing is specified with information to requirements to the construction of the vehicle and operational safety.
Information about production consistency and what has to be done if there are production variations is given.
In Revision 1 of ECE 100 the standard is extended and includes all information to
hydrogen emission with the new title:
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Uniform provisions are made concerning the approval of battery electric vehicles with
regard to specific requirements for the construction functional safety and hydrogen
Appendix 7 deals with determination of hydrogen emissions during charging of the
7. ISO/DIS 26262: Road vehicles - Functional safety
Scope of this standard
ISO 26262 is the adaptation of IEC 61508 to comply with needs specific to the application sector of E/E systems within road vehicles.
This adaptation applies to all activities during the safety lifecycle of safety-related
systems comprised of electrical, electronic, and software elements that provide safety-related functions.
With the trend of increasing complexity, software content and mechatronic implementation, there are increasing risks from systematic failures and random hardware failures. ISO 26262 includes guidance to avoid these risks by providing feasible requirements and processes.
Although ISO 26262 is concerned with E/E systems, it provides a framework within
which safety-related systems based on other technologies can be considered.
ISO 26262:
 provides an automotive safety lifecycle (management, development, production,
operation, service, decommissioning) and supports tailoring the necessary activities
during these lifecycle phases;
 provides an automotive specific risk-based approach for determining risk classes
(Automotive Safety Integrity Levels, ASILs);
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 uses ASILs for specifying the item's necessary safety requirements for achieving an
acceptable residual risk; and
 provides requirements for validation and confirmation measures to ensure a sufficient and acceptable level of safety being achieved.
Safety issues are intertwined with common function-oriented and quality-oriented development activities and work products. ISO 26262 addresses the safety-related aspects of the development activities and work products.
8. ISO/DIS 26262-2: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 2 - Management
of functional safety
Scope of this standard
ISO 26262 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or
more E/E systems and that are installed in series production passenger cars with a
max gross weight up to 3.5 t. ISO 26262 does not address unique E/E systems in
special purpose vehicles such as vehicles designed for drivers with disabilities. Systems developed prior to the publication date of ISO 26262 are exempted from the
Short description of standard
ISO 26262 addresses possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of E/E
safety-related systems including interaction of these systems. It does not address
hazards as electric shock, fire, smoke, heat, radiation, toxicity, flammability, reactivity,
corrosion, release of energy, and similar hazards unless directly caused by malfunctioning behavior of E/E safety-related systems.
ISO 26262 does not address the nominal performance of E/E systems, even if dedicated functional performance standards exist for these systems (for example active
and passive safety systems, brake systems, ACC).
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This part of ISO 26262 specifies the requirements on functional safety management
for automotive applications. These requirements cover the project management activities of all safety lifecycle phases and consist of project-independent requirements,
project-dependent requirements to be followed during development, and requirements that apply after release for production.
The requirements on the organizations that are responsible for the safety lifecycle or
that perform safety activities in the item‘s safety lifecycle are described. In addition
the safety management roles and responsibilities, regarding the development phases
in the item‘s safety lifecycle to define the requirements on the safety management
during the development phases, including the planning of the safety activities, the
application of the safety lifecycle, the creation of the safety case, and the execution
of the confirmation measures, are described in detail.
Safety management includes the responsibility to ensure that the confirmation measures are performed in accordance with the required levels of independence, regarding resources, management and responsibility for release for production.
Confirmation measures include confirmation reviews, functional safety audits and
functional safety assessments. The confirmation reviews are intended to check the
compliance of the associated work products, with the requirements of ISO 26262.
The responsibilities of the organizations and persons responsible for functional safety
after release for production are defined. This relates to the general activities for ensuring the required functional safety of the item during the lifecycle phases after release for production.
9. ISO/DIS 26262-3: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 3 - Concept
Scope of this standard
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
ISO 26262 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or
more E/E systems and that are installed in series production passenger cars with a
max gross weight up to 3.5 t. ISO 26262 does not address unique E/E systems in
special purpose vehicles such as vehicles designed for drivers with disabilities. Systems developed prior to the publication date of ISO 26262 are exempted from the
Short description of standard
This part of the International Standard specifies the requirements on the concept
phase for automotive applications. These requirements include the item definition as
well as the initiation of the safety life estimations.
The standard gives information to the item definition. The first objective of the item
definition is to define and describe the item. The second objective is to support an
adequate understanding of the item so that each activity defined in the safety lifecycle can be performed.
Based on the item definition, the safety lifecycle is initiated by distinguishing between
either a new development or a modification, and the tailoring of the safety-related
activities takes place.
Hazard analysis, risk assessment and ASIL determination are concerned with determining safety goals for the item such that an unreasonable risk is avoided. For this,
the item is evaluated with regard to its functional safety. Safety goals and their assigned Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) are determined by a systematic
evaluation of hazardous situations. The rational of the ASIL determination considers
the estimation of the impact factors, that is, severity, probability of exposure and controllability. It is based on the item‘s functional behaviour; therefore, the detailed design of the item does not necessarily need to be known. Hazard analysis and risk
assessment is concerned with setting requirements for the item, such that unreasonable risk is avoided.
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To comply with the safety goals, the functional safety concept specifies the basic
safety mechanisms and safety measures in form of functional safety requirements.
The functional safety requirements are allocated to elements in the system architecture.
To specify safety mechanisms the functional safety concept addresses the following:
Fault detection and failure mitigation;
Transitioning to a safe state;
Fault tolerance mechanisms, where a fault does not lead directly to the violation
of the safety goals and which maintains the system in a safe state (with or without
Fault detection and driver warning in order to reduce the risk exposure time to an
acceptable interval (repair request, stop request); and
Arbitration logic to select the most appropriate control request from multiple requests generated simultaneously by different functions
10. ISO/DIS 26262-8: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 8 - Supporting
Scope of this standard
ISO 26262 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or
more E/E systems and that are installed in series production passenger cars with a
max gross weight up to 3.5 t. ISO 26262 does not address unique E/E systems in
special purpose vehicles such as vehicles designed for drivers with disabilities. Systems developed prior to the publication date of ISO 26262 are exempted from the
Short description of standard
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This Part of the International Standard specifies the requirements for supporting
processes. These include interfaces within distributed developments, overall management of safety requirements, configuration management, change management,
verification, documentation, qualification of software tools, qualification of software
components, qualification of hardware components, and proven in use argument.
The customer (e.g. vehicle manufacturer) and the suppliers for safety-related projects
have to jointly use the procedures specified in ISO 26262. Responsibilities have to be
agreed between the customer and the suppliers. Subcontractor relationships are
permitted. Just as with the customer's safety-related specifications concerning planning, execution and documentation for in-house development projects, comparable
procedures have to be agreed for co-operation with the supplier on distributed development projects, or development projects where the supplier has the full responsibility for safety.
Safety requirements constitute all requirements aimed at achieving and ensuring the
required functional safety level. The management of safety requirements includes
managing requirements, obtaining agreement on the requirements, obtaining commitments with those implementing the requirements, and maintaining traceability. In
order to support the management of safety requirements, the use of suitable requirements management tools is recommended.
It is described how it can be ensured that the work products, and the principles and
general conditions of their creation, can be uniquely identified and reproduced at any
time and that the relations and differences between earlier and current versions can
be traced.
Change management ensures the systematic planning, controlling, monitoring, implementing and documenting changes, while maintaining the consistency of each
work product. Before changes are made, potential impacts on functional safety have
first to be assessed. For this purpose, decision-making processes for change are introduced and established, and responsibilities assigned between the parties involved.
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Information to verification is given. Verification should ensure that the work products
are correct, complete and consistent and that the work products meet the requirements of ISO 26262.
It is described how to develop a documentation management strategy, so that every
phase of the entire safety lifecycle can be worked through effectively and can be reproduced.
The objective of the qualification of software tools is to provide evidence of software
tool suitability for use when developing a safety-related item or element, such that
confidence can be achieved in the correct execution of activities and tasks required
by ISO 26262.
The section that describes the qualification of software components shows how to
enable the re-use of existing software components as part of items, systems or elements developed in compliance with ISO 26262 without completely re-engineering
the software components and to show their suitability for re-use.
The next part, qualification of hardware components, shows the suitability of intermediate level hardware components and parts for their use as part of items, systems or
elements, developed in compliance with ISO 26262, concerning their functional behaviour and their operational limitations. The second objective of qualification of
hardware components is to provide relevant information regarding their failure modes
and their distribution, and their diagnostic capability with regard to the safety concept
for the item.
Provide guidance for proven in use argument is the content of the last part of this
standard. Proven in use argument is an alternate means of compliance with ISO
26262 requirements that may be used in case of reuse of existing items or elements
when field data is available.
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11. ISO/DIS 26262-9: Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 9 - ASILoriented and safety-oriented analyses
Scope of this standard
ISO 26262 is intended to be applied to safety-related systems that include one or
more E/E systems and that are installed in series production passenger cars with a
max gross weight up to 3.5 t. ISO 26262 does not address unique E/E systems in
special purpose vehicles such as vehicles designed for drivers with disabilities. Systems developed prior to the publication date of ISO 26262 are exempted from the
Short description of standard
This Part of the International Standard specifies the requirements for ASIL-oriented
and safety-oriented analyses. These include ASIL decomposition, criteria for coexistence of elements of different ASIL, analysis of dependent failures, and safety analyses.
The objective of the section, requirements decomposition with respect to ASIL tailoring, is to provide rules and guidance for decomposing safety requirements into redundant safety requirements to allow ASIL tailoring at the next level of detail.
The ASIL of the safety goals of an item under development is assured throughout the
item's development process. Starting from safety goals, the safety requirements are
derived and detailed during the development phases. The ASIL, as an attribute of the
safety goal, is inherited by each subsequent safety requirement. The functional and
technical safety requirements are allocated to architectural elements, starting with
preliminary architectural assumptions and ending with the hardware and software
By default, when an element is composed of several sub-elements, each of those
sub-elements is developed in accordance with the measures corresponding to the
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highest ASIL applicable to this element. Guidance is provided for determining the potential of each of its sub-elements for violating any safety requirement that is allocated to it.
The analysis of dependent failures aims to identify any single event or single cause
that could bypass or invalidate the independence or freedom from interference between elements of an item required to comply with its safety goals.
The objective of safety analyses is to examine the consequences of faults and failures on items and elements considering their functions, behaviour and design. Safety
analyses also provide information on conditions and causes that could lead to violation of a safety goal or safety requirement. Additionally, the safety analyses also contribute to the identification of new functional or non-functional hazards not previously
considered during hazard analysis and risk assessment.
12. DIN EN 1987-2(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific
requirements for safety - Part 2 - Functional safety means and protection
against failure
Scope of this standard
The document specifies all requirements for electrically propelled road vehicles in
order to remain safe both for the users of the vehicle and for the vehicle environment.
This part deals with functional safety means and protection against failures, thus defining the minimum rules to follow in the design of electric vehicle and the specific
hazards avoid due to the electrical drive aspects of the vehicle.
Short description of standard
The functional safety and protection against failure is the main topic of this standard.
The components which are installed in an electric propelled vehicle have to be constructed in the way that they can be operated under the same conditions as the entire
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Functional safety has to be ensured during the switch-on process, driving and parking. Detailed requirements for functional safety are described in the standard.
Furthermore the standard describes the security concept which includes arrangements and construction principles that have to be taken into consideration in case of
failure to ensure safety against physical injury and damage.
Unintended acceleration, breaking and reversing have to be prevented. Particularly
there must not be a failure which leads to a movement from standing of a non-braked
vehicle above 0.1 m.
A missing connection or unexpected separation of an electric connection must not
lead to a dangerous vehicle behaviour.
Safety against excess voltage has to be ensured.
Information to the special content of the operating instruction for electric propelled
vehicles is mentioned.
13. DIN EN 1987-3(1998): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific
requirements for safety - Part 3 - Protection of users against electrical
Scope of this standard
The following items are covered within this standard: Definitions, voltage classes,
protection against contact, thermal protection, and water protection.
Short description of standard
The standard defines the requirements to electrically propelled road vehicles regarding to electrical safety, if the vehicle is connected with an external power source. This
applies to electric vehicles with a maximum operating voltage of every electric circuit
below 750 V direct voltage or 500 V alternating voltage.
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First some definitions and information to the voltage classes of an electric circuit are
given. A distinction is made between voltage class A and B. For both categories there
are different requirements according to electrical safety.
Protection against direct and indirect contact has to be ensured.
For class A there is no special safeguard necessary.
The requirements for class B are presented in detail. Protection against direct contact has to be prevented by insulation or separating wall or casing. For safety regarding to indirect contact there are two methods depending on the classification of the
equipment in class I or class II. Potential equalization is used for class I. Another
possibility is the using of equipment of class II or an equal insulation for special fractions of class I equipment. The test method, which is presented, consists of measurement of insulation resistance and testing of electrical strength.
Information to protection against increase in temperature is explained.
Furthermore information to protection against the influence of water is given. Two test
methods are described for the degree of protection IPX3 and IPX5. Both test methods base on EN 60529:1991 with adequate adjustment for vehicles. Hybrid electric road vehicles
In Europe there are also standards specific for hybrid electric road vehicles, including
energy performance standards (European standard: EN 1986-2, German standard:
DIN EN 1986-2) and road operating characteristics (European standard: EN 1821-2,
German standard: DIN EN 1821-2). DIN EN 13444-1 defines the emissions of hybrid
vehicles. The abstracts of these standards are as follows:
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
14. DIN EN 1986-2(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement
of energy performance - Part 2 - Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Scope of this Standard
The document aims at defining the range in pure electric driving mode and the consumption measurements for a thermal electric hybrid road vehicle from M1, N1, or
M2 category, and for tricycles and quadricycles of the motorcycle types. This standard applies to the above mentioned vehicles whose range and consumption can be
tested following the provisions already laid down for conventional vehicles (i.e. internal combustion engine vehicle) from the equivalent categories.
Summary of Standard
The descriptions for the range and consumption measurements are divided into a
pure electric part and a hybrid mode measurement. This standard bases on the testing methods and conditions which are given in DIN EN 1986-1. Differences in the test
cycles or conditions are presented in detail.
The range measurement in pure electric mode is the same as shown in DIN EN
1986-1 section 6.
The consumption measurement in pure electric mode is described in DIN EN 1986-2
section 5. If the range in pure electric mode of the thermal hybrid electric vehicle is
shorter than requested in DIN EN 1986- 2 section 5, the testing may be performed
with the highest possible completely passed test cycles which match the range. If the
range in pure electric mode is shorter than test cycle 1 the measurement method is
not applicable.
If the vehicle driver can chose pure thermal mode, the measurement of consumption
has to be performed according to directive 80/1268/EWG. In this case the hybrid
electric vehicle is driven like a vehicle with thermal engine and the measurement in
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
hybrid mode is not necessary. Otherwise the complete testing has to be performed in
hybrid mode.
The test cycle includes four urban cycles and one extra-urban cycle, as in DIN EN
1986-1 defined.
Appendix A completes the operating mode, defines the measurements which have to
be performed and the underlying calculations.
In appendix B an example is given for the calculation of emission of gases with a cost
analysis method.
15. DIN EN 1821-2: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of
road operating ability - Part 2 - Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Scope of this standard
The document specifies test methods of road operating abilities of partly electrically
and partly thermally propelled road vehicles (hybrid vehicles with a thermal engine,
permanently decoupled from the electrical drive train, e.g. range extender vehicles).
Short description of Standard
A detailed description of the general test conditions, including vehicle conditions, environment conditions and road-test route is described. For the tests a pretreatment of
the vehicle is necessary. This refers primarily to the battery conditions of the vehicle.
The standard gives information about battery charging methods.
There are different driving modes for hybrid vehicles. This standard takes this into
account and defines the driving mode for each test and gives detailed information to
onboard energy sources.
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According to this standards the following measurements of road operating ability are
presented with definitions and detailed information about the test method including
equations for the necessary calculations.
In hybrid mode:
 Maximum speed;
 Acceleration from 0 km/h to 100 km/h;
 30 minute maximum speed;
 Climb velocity at slope;
 Driveaway behaviour at slope.
In pure electric mode:
 Maximum speed;
 Acceleration from 0 km/h to 50 km/h;
 Climb velocity at slope;
 Driveaway behaviour at slope.
16. DIN EN 13444-1(2001): Electrically propelled road vehicles Measurement of emissions of hybrid vehicles - Part 1- Thermal electrical
hybrid vehicle
Scope of this Standard
The document aims at defining the emission measurements for a thermal electric
hybrid road vehicle from M1, N1, or M2 category, and for tricycles and quadricycles
from the motorcycle types. The project applies to the above mentioned vehicles
whose emission can be tested following the provisions already laid down for conventional vehicles (i.e. Internal Combustion engine vehicle) from the equivalent categories.
Short description of Standard
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
The emission measurements have to be determined with the same test methods as
used for the consumption measurement, with the same vehicle conditions, driving
mode and velocity characteristics.
If the vehicle driver can chose pure thermal mode, the measurement of consumption
has to be performed according to directive 70/220/EWG. In this case the hybrid electric vehicle is driven like a vehicle with thermal engine and the measurement in hybrid
mode is not necessary.
Cycle, equipment, fuel, specific values, units, accuracy of measurement and test
conditions are the same as presented in EN 1986-2. Furthermore the operating mode
is the same as given in EN 1986-2, with a small modification for the emission definition.
Hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and particle emissions have to be
described in the test report in gram per kilometre. Test results can be presented as
shown in appendix D.
Appendix A completes the operating mode, defines the measurements which has to
be performed and the calculations.
In Appendix B an example for the calculation of gaseous emissions with a continuous
analysis method is described. Fuel cell road vehicles
ISO 23273-1, ISO23273-2 and ISO 23273-3 are the standards for functional safety
for fuel cell road vehicles, protection against hydrogen hazards for vehicles fuelled
with compressed hydrogen and protection of person against electric shock, respectively. ISO/TR 11954 and ISO DIS 23828-1 are standards for maximum speed measurement and energy consumption measurement for fuel cell vehicles, respectively.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU Industrial trucks
European standard EN 1175-1 and German standard DIN EN 1175-1 (VDE 0117-1)
concern the electrical requirements of industrial trucks specifying the electrical and
the coherent mechanical safety for the design and the production of the electric
17. DIN EN 1175-1: Safety of industrial trucks - Electrical requirements - Part
1 - General requirements for battery powered trucks
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to industrial trucks with an electric battery drive system (nominal voltages up to 240 V) specifying the electrical and the coherent mechanical safety
requirements for the design and the production of the electric equipment.
Necessary environmental conditions: min. indoor temperature: + 5 °C, min. outdoor
temperature: - 20 °C, max. temperature: + 40 °C, average temperature for continuous
operation: + 25 °C, altitude: up to 2000 m, relative air humidity: 30% - 95%.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning industrial truck motors, e.g. motortype-test, nominal motor voltage, motor power during intermittent duty, etc.
Potential hazards for persons (mechanical hazards, electrical hazards, thermal hazards, hazards caused by disregard and hazards caused by fault) are listed indicating
the respective safety requirements.
Safety requirements mentioned within the standard:
Drive battery: Battery installation and protection (covers, cover construction,
spark producing parts, air ventilation, inner surface), fixture and separation
Battery plug devices: Detailed description in annex A
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Exothermic electric parts: Have to be arranged adequately to avoid overheating,
hazards for persons or damage of nearby parts
Electric motors: Detailed description in annex B
Switches: Detailed description in annex C
Electromechanical breaks: Have to be applied mechanically and released electrically
Protection against electric shock: Direct contact, indirect contact, connection to
the frame, board‘s own battery charger
Protection of the electric equipment: Short-circuit and overload, over-current
Security relevant regulations: Low voltage, accidental grounds, drive-controlsystem, drive pulse contact controls, drive prevention, steer-control, loadcontrol, shaft-switch, speed limit, slack ropes or slack chains
Cables: Protection, cable cross-section, specifications for copper wires (have to
be flexible; cross-sections of at least 0.50 mm² (control cables), 0.30 mm² (signal cables), 0.08 mm² (data transmission cables); cross-sections of at least
1 mm² for single cables outside of cable loops)
Cable routing: Multi-conductor cables, main current cables, movable cables,
mechanical protection, identification
Battery charge: Driving during charge, engaging of the charger
Emergency shut-down: Accessibility, function
Electric strength test (type test): Procedure, testing voltage, electronic components
Leakage resistance test (routine test): Testing voltage, leakage resistance of the
industrial truck, leakage resistance of the battery
Furthermore the standard contains an overview for additional requirements for nominal voltages exceeding 120 V:
Battery: Battery container (has to be made of metal or insulating material), connection terminals and cell connectors, end terminals, battery hood
Battery plug devices: Requirements, emergency shut-down
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Protection against electric shock: Electric enclosures, circuits, earthing, earthing
emergency shut-down: Manually operated disconnector or a circuit breaker of
two separate switches in the inductor circuit
Leakage resistance test (routine test): Testing voltage, leakage resistance of the
industrial truck, leakage resistance of the battery
The maintenance manual has to contain a schematic diagram conform to clause 19
of EN 60204-1. Supply terminals for backup illumination installations have to be
Procedures and intervals to test the safety systems have to be included in both the
maintenance and the instruction manuals.
In addition the instruction manual has to contain information about the installation,
maintenance, charge and operation.
Electric enclosures for industrial trucks with nominal voltages exceeding 120 V have
to wear an enduring warning sign conform to clause 18.2 of EN 60204-1.
Advices that have to be attached to the drive battery: Name and address of the battery manufacturer, type, serial number, nominal voltage (in a container), capacitance
in Ah during 5-hour-discharge and operation weight (with additional weight to balance
too small battery weights)
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component standards should focus on definitions and measurement
methods of functional aptitude of motors and motor control systems, including safety
of personnel against electric shocks and protection of electrical components, such as
wiring and connectors and instrumentation of motor and motor control systems, rotating machines and controllers. There are also standards for safety of electrical cables
in electric vehicles, electrical and electronic equipment in electric vehicles, highvoltage test and test procedures of machine and insulation coordination.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU Testing standards for electrical and electronic equipments
Testing standards for electrical and electronic equipments include for example the
affect of the chemical loads to electric and electronic systems and components,
Definitions, test and procedure requirements for low-voltage equipment (international
standard: ISO 16750-5, German standards: DIN EN 61180-1 and DIN EN 61180-2).
And ISO 7673 specifies the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic instruments.
The abstracts of these standards are as follows:
18. ISO 16750-5: Electric road vehicles - Environmental conditions and
testing for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 5 - Chemical loads
Scope of this Standard:
This part of ISO 16750 specifies the chemical loads that can affect electric and electronic systems and components in respect of their mounting location on or in road
vehicles, and specifies the corresponding tests and requirements. It does not cover
electromagnetic compatibility.
Short description:
For terms and definitions as well as documentation, see ISO 16750-1.
Components and associated parts that can come in contact with the specified chemical agents (e.g.: Diesel fuel, gasoline, battery fluid or brake fluid) shall be resistant to
those agents.
Test condition and procedure are given.
After the test, functional status shall be Class C in accordance with ISO 167501:2003, Clause 6.
There shall be no changes that could impair normal performance (e.g. sealing function), marking and labeling shall remain visible and legible.
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19. DIN EN 61180-1: High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment
- Part 1 - Definitions, test and procedure requirements
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to A.C. and D.C. insulation tests, surge voltage insulation tests,
surge current tests and test with combinations of these variables, with A.C. rated voltages not exceeding 1 kV and D.C. rated voltages not exceeding 1.5 kV.
Primarily this standard is made for type test. Given the agreement of the responsible
technical committee it might also be applied to sampling tests or routine tests.
This standard does NOT apply to electromagnetic compatibility tests of electric or
electronic devices.
Remark: This standard is closely linked to IEC 1180-2.
Short Description of Standard:
Definition of terms: Surge, partial breakdown, clearance ( IEV 441-17-31), leakage
distance ( IEV 151-03-37), fixed insulation, breakdown, characteristics of testing
voltage, default characteristics of testing voltage, actual characteristics of testing voltage, size of testing voltage, breakdown voltage, withstand voltage, secured breakdown voltage.
Remark: Test-specific terms are defined within the different test sections.
General regulations: Testing procedures (polarity, testing sequence, etc.; have to be
specified by the responsible technical committee), devices under test (conformity of
device, stabile condition, etc.) and testing environment (normal reference atmosphere:
p0  101,3 kPa
t 0  20  C
( IEV 151-03-37); atmospheric
correction factor).
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Remark: All values mentioned might vary due to the responsible technical committee.
All characteristics of the testing voltage/current/surge generators and the calibration
of the measuring systems have to be looked up in IEC 1180-2.
D.C. tests:
The ripple factor of the D.C. testing voltage has to be below 3%. The limiting deviation of the measured testing voltage from the defined testing voltage must not exceed
± 3%.
Test of withstand voltage: Starting with an adequately small value (no switching
surge) the voltage has to be increased steadily for proper reading of instruments (5%
of the estimated final voltage per second), but without unnecessarily long device
strain under high voltages, i.e. voltages over 75% of the estimated final voltage.
After the testing time the voltage hast to be lowered by discharging the smoothing
capacitor and the device under test using an adequate resistor. If there is no device
breakthrough, the testing requirements are fulfilled.
A.C. tests:
The frequency of the testing voltage has to be 45 Hz - 60 Hz (might be far higher or
lower due to the responsible technical committee). The voltage has to have a ratio
between rms-value and peak value of
(± 5%). The limiting deviation of the
measured testing voltage from the defined testing voltage must not exceed ± 3%.
The test circuit voltage should not be influenced by any leakage currents. During the
type test, with adjusted testing voltage and short circuit, the current rms-value hast to
be at least 0.1 A.
Test of withstand voltage: Same as D.C. tests.
After the testing time the voltage hast to be lowered quickly, but not cut off abruptly. If
there is no device breakthrough, the testing requirements are fulfilled.
Surge voltage tests:
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1.2/50 surge voltage: Standardized surge voltage with apparent wave-front duration
of 1.2 μ s and apparent half-value time of 50 μ s. Other wave forms might be approved by the responsible technical committee.
Limiting deviations: peak value: ± 3%; wave-front duration: ± 30%; half-value time:
20%. Remark: The standard contains detailed information about vibrations or
over-vibrations within the peak of the surge ( 6.2.2;  attached graphs).
The surge voltage wave form has to be checked for at least 50% of the testing voltage values.
Test of withstand voltage: Five surges of defined form, both polarities and size of the
secured breakthrough voltage are applied. If there is no device breakthrough or partial device breakthrough, the testing requirements are fulfilled.
Surge current tests:
Standardized surge current types (surge, wave-front duration, upper-surface half-life
period and peak duration) can be taken from table 7.2.1.
Limiting deviations for 1/20, 8/20, 3/60 surges: peak value: ± 10%; wave-front duration: ± 20%; half-value time: ± 20%. Small vibration or over-vibration is approved
(peak value not exceeding 5% close to the surge peak value). Any polarity reversal
after current zero-crossing has to be below 20% of the peak value.
Limiting deviations for rectangle-current surges: peak value: + 20%, - 0%; peak duration: + 20%, - 0%. Vibration or over-vibration is approved (amplitude not exceeding
10% of the peak value). The total time of the rectangle-current surge should not exceed 1.5-times the peak duration. Any polarity reversal has to be below 10% of the
peak value.
Definitions the responsible technical committee has to make: Current amplitude,
number of surges, polarity, wave form, surge interval, calibration procedure and acceptance criterion.
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Combined tests:
Three different testing procedures: Hybrid-generator single-handedly, hybridgenerator and power supply, normal 1.2/50 surge generator and power supply. In
detail the different testing procedures can be found within the standard ( 8.3, 8.4,
annex A and 8.5).
Testing with hybrid-generators:
The standardized surge of the hybrid-generator is identified by the output voltage in
open-circuit operation (apparent wave-front duration of 1.2 μ s and apparent halfvalue time of 50 μ s) and the output current in short circuit (apparent wave-front duration of 8 μ s and apparent half-value time of 20 μ s). Other wave forms might be
approved by the responsible technical committee.
Approved deviation of the open-circuit operation surge voltage: peak value: ± 3%;
wave-front duration: ± 30%; half-value time: ± 20%. Vibration or over-vibration is
approved (peak value not exceeding 5% of the surge peak value).
Limiting deviation of the short circuit surge current: peak value: ± 10
%; wave-front
duration: ± 20%; half-value time: ± 20%. Small vibration or over-vibration is approved (peak value not exceeding 5% close to the surge peak value). Any polarity
reversal after current zero-crossing has to be below 30% of the peak value.
The apparent impedance of the surge generator has to be defined by the responsible
technical committee (preferred values: 2 Ω, 12 Ω; difference between actual value
and defined value: ± 15%).
During the measuring of the surge voltage the generator must not be connected to
the device under test due to the influence of the device impedance.
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20. DIN EN 61180-2: High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment
- Part 2 - Test equipment
Scope of this Standard:
This standard applies to test equipment for insulation tests of low-voltage devices
with D.C. voltage, A.C. voltage, surge voltage and surge current tests, as well as
combined surge voltage and surge current tests. The test equipment has to consist of
a voltage or current generator and a measuring system protected from external influences by an adequate shielding (e.g. conductive screen)
This standard does NOT apply to test equipment with measuring systems consisting
of non-shielded parts and/or that are connected by long input leads. In this case the
respective information has to be looked up in IEC 60-2.
Short Description of Standard:
Definition of terms: testing instruments, reference measuring system, error of measurement‚ declared output impedance (surge voltage generator)
General conditions to verify the characteristics of the test equipment:
Environmental conditions: Temperature: 15 °C - 35 °C, air pressure: 86 kPa 106 kPa, relative humidity: 25% - 75%; have to be the same as testing conditions (
IEC 68-1); actual environmental conditions have to be recorded
Connecting cables between the device being calibrated and the respective measuring system have to be directly and as short as possible; surge test: length of connecting cables: 1 m (limiting deviation of +0.5 m/ -1 m); the comparing measurement system has to have a distance from any earthed part as big as its height; otherwise it
has to be shielded. The test equipment has to be loaded with its nominal voltage
(± 10%) and its nominal frequency.
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Influence of load: Any comparison test has to be realized first with the lowest, then
with the highest permitted load.
Comparison procedure: The calibrating test equipment has to be connected to a
comparing measurement system in parallel or in series depending on the respective
application. Parallel measurements have to be taken at the initial value and the ultimate value of the working range and at two more values in-between. The measurements have to be taken under increasing as well as decreasing voltage/current values.
Quantity of verification: Verifications have to be realized in adequate intervals, at
least once a year.
Verification of the characteristics of the different generator types:
D.C. generators: Ripple hast to be within the limits defined in IEC 1180-1,
(sole Ohm resistive load, highest defined current, lowest defined voltage). Error of
measurement must not exceed ±
3% of the reference value. The difference be-
tween the output voltage without load and with the highest load must not exceed 5%
(stable conditions).
A.C. generators: The output voltage of the test equipment has to be measured by a
comparing measurement system connected in parallel, taking peak value and rmsvalue at the same time. The ratio between peak value and rms-value has to be 2
( 5%). Error of measurement must not exceed
3% of the reference value.
Surge voltage generators: The correct voltage wave form has to be verified with a
calibrated oscilloscope or digital recorder (highest and lowest load, any polarity; values of time parameters have to be within the deviation range defined in IEC 1180-1
6.2.2). Error of measurement must not exceed 5% of the reference value ( 20% for
time parameters).
Surge current generators: The correct current wave form has to be verified with a
calibrated oscilloscope or digital recorder (output terminals of the test equipment
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have to be connected directly and with shortest possible input lead to the compared
measuring system; wave form deviations have to be compatible to IEC 1180-1 7.2.2).
Error of measurement must not exceed
5% of the reference value (± 20% for time
Hybrid generators: Has to be tested like a surge voltage generator with minimum
load and like a surge current generator with the same calibration of the control unit.
The voltage and current wave forms have to be compatible to IEC 1180-1 and The ratio between voltage peak and current peak has to be determined for
the highest and lowest calibration of the control unit and for two more values inbetween (average value has to be compatible to IEC 1180-1
Comparing measurement system requirements:
A.C. /D.C.: The overall uncertainty within the range of application must not exceed
± 2%. The accuracy must not be influenced by ripple of up to 3% (D.C.).
Surge voltage/current: The overall uncertainty within the range of application must
not exceed ± 3% for peak values and
10% for time parameters.
Comparing measurement: The comparing measuring system hast to be verified by
compared measuring with another comparing measurement system based on national standards.
21. ISO 7637-3(1995): Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances by conduction
and coupling - Part 3 - Vehicles with nominal 12 V or 24 V supply
voltages - Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive
coupling via lines other than supply lines
Scope of this Standard:
This standard specifies the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic instruments,
apparatus and equipment in terms of electrical transient transmission by capacitive
and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines. It applies for vehicles with
nominal 12 V or 24 V supply voltages.
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Short description:
This standard specifies methods for testing of immunity to disturbances of instruments, apparatus and equipment in terms of coupled transient transmission. The test
must be taken in the laboratory to ensure reproducibility. The ambient temperature
should be 23 ° ± 5 °.
The test configuration is explained in detail. Test equipments are described elaborately.
This standard suggests benchmarks for the test, consisting of three parts:
Classification of the functional state during and after the disturbance
Test procedure as described in the standard
Classification of severity level of the pulse used for testing
The standard furthermore suggests ways to display the test results. Safety standards for low voltage electrical installations
Standards for low voltage electrical installations are about the safety issue including
protection against thermal effects, against overcurrent, against electromagnetic influences and against electric shock (German standards: DIN IEC 60364-4-42, DIN IEC
60364-4-43, DIN IEC 60364-4-44 and VDE 0100-410-4-41 and VDE 0100-444).
Standards DIN IEC 60364-5-54 and DIN IEC 60364-5-55-A2 define the selection and
erection of earthing arrangements and low voltage generating sets. The abstracts of
these standards are as follows:
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22. DIN IEC 60364-4-42: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-42 Protection for safety - Protection against thermal effects
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electrical installations and equipment with regard to measures for the protection of persons, livestock and properties.
Thermal effects described in this standard are occurring from electrical equipment,
flames and smoke in case of a fire hazard being propagated from electrical installations to other fire compartments segregated by barriers which are in the vicinity and
electrical equipment for safety services being cut off.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard identifies four protection groups: Protection against fire caused by electric equipment, precautions where particular risks of danger or fire exist, protection
against burns and protection against overheating.
Electrical equipment shall not present a fire hazard to adjacent materials.
Precautions shall be taken for:
High surface temperatures: Withstanding materials, sufficient distances
Emitted arcs or sparks: Enclosing materials, shielding, sufficient distances
Fixed equipment causing a focusing or concentration of heat: Sufficient distances
Electrical equipment in a single location containing flammable liquid in significant quantity
The materials of enclosures arranged around electrical equipment during erection
shall withstand the highest temperature likely to be produced by the electrical equipment.
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Unless protective measures against ignition are taken, combustible materials are not
suitable for the construction of these enclosures.
Electrical equipment shall be selected and erected in a way that its normal temperature rise and foreseeable temperature rise during fault cannot cause fire (construction
of equipment or conditions of installation).
The standard defines three conditions of evacuation in an emergency and provides
respective requirements:
BD2: Low density occupation, difficult conditions of evacuation
BD3: High density occupation, easy conditions of evacuation
BD4: High density occupation, difficult conditions of evacuation
Luminaries shall be kept at the adequate distance from combustible materials.
Lamps and other components of luminaries shall be protected against foreseeable
mechanical stresses.
Precautions shall be taken to ensure that electrical equipment cannot ignite walls,
floors and ceilings.
In structures where shape and dimensions facilitate the spread of fire, precautions
shall be taken to ensure that the electrical installation cannot propagate a fire (e.g.
chimney effect).
The standard mentions further special precautions concerning switchgear, wiring and
wiring systems, forced-air heating installations, motors other than light-duty servomotors, circuits supplied at SELV and PEN conductors in clause 422.3.
Accessible parts of electrical equipment within arm‘s reach shall not attain a temperature likely to cause burns to persons. Appropriate limits can be taken from table 42A.
All parts of the installation likely attaining temperatures exceeding these limits in
normal service shall be guarded to prevent any accidental contact.
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The heating elements of forced air heating systems shall not be activated until the
prescribed air flow has been established and deactivated when the air flow is
The heating elements shall have two temperature limiting devices independent of
each other preventing permissible temperatures from being exceeded in air ducts.
The frame and enclosure of heating elements shall be of non combustible material.
All appliances producing hot water or steam shall be protected by design or erection
against overheating in all service conditions.
If an appliance has no free outlet, it shall also be provided with a device limiting the
internal water pressure.
Remark: In Germany there are additional requirements for protection against arcing,
electric heater installations, battery charger installations, wiring systems and safety
23. DIN IEC 60364-4-43: Erection of low-voltage installations - Part 4-43 Protection for safety - Protection against overcurrent
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to live conductors and their protection by one or more devices
for automatic interruption of the supply in the event of overload and short-circuits.
This standard does NOT apply to the equipment connected to the conductors. It also
does NOT apply to flexible cables connecting equipment by plugs and socket-outlets
to fixed installations.
External influences are NOT taken into account by this standard.
Short Description of Standard:
Protective devices shall be provided to break any overcurrent flowing in the circuit
conductors before danger can be cause by it due to thermal and mechanical effects
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or a temperature rise detrimental to insulation, joints, terminations, or surroundings of
the conductors.
Nature of protective devices mentioned in the standard:
Devices ensuring protection against both overload current and short-circuit
current: circuit-breakers incorporating overload releases ( IEC 60947-6-2,
IEC 60898, IEC 60947-2 or IEC 61009), circuit-breakers in conjunction with
fuses, fuses having fuse-links with gG characteristics( IEC 60269-2 or IEC
Devices ensuring protection against overload current only: Inverse-time-lag
protective devices whose interrupting capacity may be below the value of the
protective short-circuit current at the installation point
Devices ensuring protection against short-circuit current only: Devices that are
capable of breaking the short-circuit current up to and including the prospective short-circuit current. They are installed where overload protection is
achieved by other means or where overload protection is allowed to be dispensed with
Detection of overcurrent shall be provided for all line conductors. It shall cause the
disconnection of the conductor in which the overcurrent is detected (exceptions can
be made for TT and TN systems).
Where the cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is less than that of the phase
conductors, it is necessary to provide overcurrent detection for the neutral conductors, appropriate to the cross-sectional area of that conductor (TT or TN systems).
In TT or TN systems the neutral conductor shall be protected in every case of a short
circuit. The requirements for a neutral conductor are also valid for a PEN conductor.
In IT systems it is strongly recommended that the neutral conductor should not be
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Overcurrent detection shall be provided for the neutral conductor in a three-phase
circuit where the harmonic content of the line currents is such that the current in the
neutral conductor is expected to exceed that in the line conductors.
A device protecting a cable against overload shall have operating characteristics satisfying
I B  I n  I Z and
I 2  1.45 I Z
IB : Design current for the circuit
IZ : Continuous current-carrying capacity of the cable
In : Nominal current of the protective device
I2 : Current ensuring effective operation in the conventional time of the protective
device (given in the product standard or may be provided by the manufacturer)
A device ensuring protection against overload shall be placed at the point where a
change (cross-sectional area, nature, method of installation, or constitution) causes a
reduction on the value of current-carrying capacity of the conductors.
The prospective short-circuit current shall be determined at every point of the installation (either by calculation or measurement).
A device ensuring protection against short-circuit shall be placed at the point where a
reduction of the cross-sectional area of the conductors or another change causes a
change to the current-carrying capacity of the conductors.
The break capacity of each short-circuit protective device shall not be less than the
prospective short-circuit current at the place of its installation.
For cables and conductors all current caused by a short-circuit occurring at any point
of the circuit shall be interrupted in a time not exceeding that which brings the conductor to the admissible limit temperature.
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For short-circuits of duration up to 5 s, the time t, in which a given short-circuit current
will raise the conductors from the highest admissible temperature in normal duty to
the limit temperature can be calculated by:
t  (k ) 2
t: Duration
S: Cross-sectional area
I: Effective short-circuit current
k: Factor taking account of conductor material characteristics and temperatures (values in table 43 A)
Further requirements for the protection against overload currents and short-circuit
concerning cases for omission of devices and conductors in parallel can be found in
clauses 433 and 434.
Information about the co-ordination of overload and short-circuit protection (protection afforded by one device, protection afforded by separate devices) is provided in
clause 435.
Conductors are considered to be protected against overload and short-circuit currents where they are supplied from a source incapable of supplying a current exceeding the current-carrying capacity of the conductors.
24. DIN IEC 60364-4-44: Low voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44 protection against voltage disturbances and measures against
electromagnetic influences, clause 442 - protection against temporary
over voltages and faults between high-voltage systems and earth
Scope of this standard:
This section of the standard contains information about protection of electric equipment when disturbances of the voltage and electromagnetic disturbances occur. It is
not valid for the public power supply grid.
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Short Description of Standard:
Protection against temporary over voltages due to earth faults at high voltage level or
faults at low voltage level:
The following information about the high voltage grid is required:
Quality of earthing of neutral point
Maximum current in case of earth fault
Impedance of earthing equipment
Four cases are dealt with that usually produce the highest temporary over voltages,
as defined in IEV  60050 (604):
Earth-faults in grids with higher voltage
A table is given providing the information to calculate the voltages at different
points in the system during fault
Maximum allowable magnitude and duration of these voltages are defined.
Interruption of neutral conductor in low voltage grid
Maximum fault voltage will be
U  3 *U 0
Unintended earthing of a low voltage IT-system
Maximum fault voltage will be U  3 * U 0
Short-circuit in low voltage system
Maximum fault voltage will be U  1.45 *U 0 for up to 5 seconds
25. DIN VDE 0100-410-4-41: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 410-441 - Protection for safety - Protection against electric shock
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to low-voltage electric installations providing essential requirements for the protection against electric shock including basic protection (protection
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against direct contact) and fault protection (protection against indirect contact) of persons and production animals.
The standard covers the appliance and coordination of these requirements in relation
to external influences.
Short Description of Standard:
Protective measures have to consist of an adequate combination of two independent
precautions, i.e. either a basic protection measure and a fault protection measure or
an increased precaution securing basic protection and fault protection.
The following protective measures are generally approved:
Protection from automatic shutdown of the power supply (basic protection: basic insulation/covering/enclosing of active parts; fault protection: protective potential equalization using the main earth bar)
Protection from double or increased insulation (basic protection: basic insulation; fault protection: additional insulation; alternative: basic protection and
fault protection: increased insulation between active parts and tangible parts)
Protection from protective separation of the supply of a consumable (basic
protection: basic insulation/covering/enclosing of active parts; fault protection:
simple separation of the electric circuit with separation protective from other
circuits and earth)
Protection from low voltage by SELV or PELV
At least one of these protective measures has to be applied in each part of an installation (exceptional cases are mentioned in clause 410.3).
The standard provides detailed information about each of the generally approved
protective measures mentioned above in clauses 411-414 (requirements for basic
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protection and fault protection, TN-, TT- and IT-systems, FELV, requirements for
SELV- and PELV-circuits, etc.).
Additional protection can be provided by residual current protection devices (RCDs)
or by additional protective potential equalization. The use of such installations is not
accepted as the only protective measure against electric shock.
Annex A contains precautions for basic protection und normal conditions. Annex B
contains precautions for basic protection under special conditions (barriers and arrangement outside the hand area).
26. DIN VDE 0100-444 (German version of IEC 60364, modified): Low voltage
electrical installations - Part 444 - Protection for safety - protection
against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances (German
version of part 4-44:2007, clause 444, modified
Scope of this standard:
This section of the standard is directed to people engaged in planning, erecting and
maintaining electrical installations. It contains information about installation concepts
that can help to reduce electromagnetic disturbances.
This section defines rules and recommendations for electrical installations. It is not
valid for installations that are (completely or in parts) part of the public energy supply
( IEC 60364-1).
Short Description of Standard:
For definitions of general terms see IEC 60364-1.
Furthermore, the following terms are defined: bonding network, bonding ring conductor, common bonding network, equipotential bonding, earth-electrode network,
meshed bonding network, parallel earthing conductor.
Only assets that fulfill the EMC standards may be used.
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Equipment sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances may not be installed closely to
sources of these disturbances, such as switchgear for inductive loads, electric motors, fluorescent lamps, welding equipment, data processing equipment, rectifiers,
switch mode power supply, frequency converters, elevators, transformers, switchgear, power distributors with bus bars
Measures to reduce electromagnetic disturbances are defined. These measures focus on correct laying of data, signal and power cables, correct use of cable shielding,
consideration of IEC 62305 for installation of lightning arrester systems.
Different requirements for IT, TT and TN systems:
TN: TN-C systems should not be maintain in existing buildings and may not be installed in new building. TN-S systems have to be installed in new buildings. Where
TN-C-S systems are installed in existing buildings, any loop of data and signal lines
shall be avoided.
TT: over voltages have to be taken into account that can occur between active components and bodies, where bodies of different buildings are connected to different
IT: It has to be taken into account that the voltage between a conductor with no failure and a body may rise to the value of the line to line voltage when a single failure
occurs in the insulation of a line and the body.
Special attention has to be paid when dealing with systems with multiple feeders.
Examples are given for different cases.
Other equipment like water supply tubes etc. should enter the buildings at the same
point where data and signal conductors enter. Metal tubes and metal shielding of
cables have to be connected to the main earthing bar with cables of low impedance.
All earthing conductors have to lead to the same earthing bar. Separate earthing bars
for functional and protective earth are not allowed. Where this is not possible due to
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installations in different buildings, the data and signal conductors of different buildings should be galvanic isolated.
Examples are given for different network topologies.
Power and signal cables may be installed in the same routes, but special requirements are defined in this standard. Examples and figures are given.
Use of different types of cables trenches is explained. Examples and figures are given. Requirements for fire protection have higher priority than EMC requirements.
27. DIN IEC 60364-5-54: Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 5-54 Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Earthing arrangements,
protective conductors and protective bonding conductors
Scope of this standard:
This standard addresses the earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors in order to satisfy the safety of the electrical installation.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined within the standard: Exposed-conductive part, extraneous-conductivepart, earth electrode, concrete-embedded foundation earth electrode, Soil-embedded
foundation earth electrode, protective conductor, protective bonding conductor, earthing conductor and main earthing terminal.
According to the requirements of the electrical installation the earthing arrangements
may be used jointly or separately for protective and functional purposes. Requirements for protective purposes shall always take precedence.
Where provided, earth electrodes within an installation shall be connected to the
main earthing terminal using an earthing conductor.
Consideration shall be given to the earthing arrangements which are used in high
voltage and low-voltage systems ( IEC 60364-4-44, clause 442) and to the earthing
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arrangements where currents with high frequencies are expected to flow ( IEC
60364-4-44, clause 444).
Requirements for connection to earth:
reliable and suitable for the protective requirements of the installation
can carry earth fault currents and protective conductor currents to earth without danger from terminals, thermo-mechanical and electromechanical stresses
and from electric shock arising from these currents
is also suitable for functional requirements, if relevant
Protection against electric shock shall not be adversely affected by any foreseeable
change of the earth electrode resistance (e.g. due to corrosion, drying or freezing).
Type, materials and dimensions of the earth electrodes shall be selected to withstand
corrosion and to have adequate mechanical strength for its expected lifetime. Commonly used materials, minimum sizes in due consideration of corrosion and mechanical strength for earth electrodes where embedded in soil can be looked up in table
Further information about earth electrodes, earthing conductors, main earthing terminals, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors (types, materials,
characteristics, applications, etc.) is provided in clauses 542.2 - 544.2.
Annex A contains a method needed to calculate cross section values of protective
conductors as well as various tables containing the values of parameters for different
Annex B gives examples of earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding conductors.
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28. DIN IEC 60364-5-55-A2: Erection of Low electrical installations - Part 555-A2 - Selection and erection of electrical equipment - low voltage
generating sets
Scope of this standard:
This part of IEC 60364 contains rules for the erection of low voltage generating sets
and for the selection and erection of lighting equipment that is part of a fixed installation.
Short Description of Standard:
General statements:
Part 5-55 applies to generating sets for either a continuous or an intermittent
supply with electric energy. The following power supply systems are covered:
Power supply of a system that is not connected to the public grid
Power supply as an alternative to the public grid
Power supply in parallel to the public grid
Applicable combinations of the above mentioned systems
Remark: Requirements of the local utility should be taken into account when connecting a power supply system to the public grid
Different types of energy sources, power generation units and purposes of erection
are named, including: batteries, power electronic inverters and temporarily connected
Safety and functionality of other power sources may not be affected.
The short-circuit current and the earth-fault current of the generating set and the
combination of different operating sets has to be determined. Limits of existing protective devices may not be exceeded in any way.
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When the system is intended to be used solely or as alternative to the public grid it
has to be able to operate properly regardless of the turn-on and turn-off of devices
supplied. Appropriate security measures have to be installed. No damage may be
caused to devices due to violations of the voltage band or frequency.
When the system is installed together with other power supply units, it has to be installed within a separate electric circuit where no energy consuming devices are installed or may be installed (also no plug-ins!)
The generating set may not be connected to electric circuits by a plug that can be
energized when not plugged in.
Security measures are defined for:
Protection against indirect contact
Over current protection
Additional requirements for systems that are a switchable alternative to the
public grid
Additional requirements for systems that may be used in parallel to the public
Additional requirements for systems with stationary batteries Standards for machines
IEC 60034-1 and DIN EN ISO 14121-1 are about electric vehicle machines. IEC
60034-1 defines the rating and performance of machines and DIN EN ISO describes
a systematic procedure for risk assessment.
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29. IEC 60034-1(2004): Rotating electrical machines - Part 1- Rating and
Scope of this Standard:
The areas of application are all rotating electrical machines that are not subjects of
other Standards, e.g. IEC 60349.
The ambient air temperature should range from - 15° C to 40° C. For machines with
rated powers below 600 W or above 3300 kW, the minimum temperature should not
be less than 0° C.
Short description:
The operator should state the purpose of the rotating electrical machines either by
explicit numerical value/diagram of variables or by choosing one of the given operation modes.
Ten operation modes S1 to S10 are given with specific characteristic diagrams of
their applied load, electrical losses, and temperature over time.
The seller should state the rating of the machine by choosing one of the following
rating categories:
Continuous operation (S1)
short-term operation (S2)
periodical operation (S3-S8)
non-periodical operation (S9)
operation with single constant load and rotation speed (S10)
testing operation
If no statement is made, the default rating is continuous operation (S1).
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If the machine operates with multiple rotation speeds, for each speed a rating has to
be given.
The standard includes rules for the rating of different machine types, e.g. motor, dc–
generator and reactive power machines.
Detailed requirements about harmonics, negative sequence components of threephase systems, rated frequencies and rated voltages of different electrical generators
are given in the standard.
A classification of the insulation system according to IEC 62114 has to be made.
Thermal aging tests should be analysed according to IEC 60034-18.
Conditions and procedures of heat testings and temperature measurements are presented.
Various requirements for the machine, and testing conditions and procedures are
Minimum frequency and effort of routine checks.
Testing of the withstand voltage
Overload capability requirements
Rotation speed overload capability requirements
Pull-up torque requirements.
Overspeed requirements.
Earthing requirements
Furthermore, the standard gives information on how to label the machines.
It also gives detailed information on tolerance of various factors like efficiency, power
factor and rotation speed.
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30. DIN EN ISO 14121-1(2007): Safety of machinery - Risk assessment
Part: 1-Principles
Scope of this standard
The primary function of this document is to describe a systematic procedure for risk
assessment so that adequate and consistent safety measures can be selected. Risk
assessment is an essential part of the iterative process for risk reduction which
should continue until adequate safety is achieved.
Short description of Standard
This standard defines general principles to achieve the objectives of risk minimization
according to ISO 12100-1:2003. The principles describe knowledge and experience
about construction, operation, event of accident and defects linked to machines for
estimating risk during the service life of machines.
Instructions for performance of risk assessment are given. Methods for identification
of hazard and risk assessment and evaluation are described.
Furthermore procedural guidelines for decisions linked with safety of machines and
the way of documentation, for proving the conducted risk assessment, are presented.
This standard is not applicable for risks relating to pets, properties or environment.
Risk assessment comprises the following parts which are described detailed in the
a) Risk analysis
1) Define the boundaries of the machine
2) Identification of hazard
3) Risk assessment
b) Risk evaluation.
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The risk analysis gives information that is important for the risk assessment, which
determines the necessity of risk minimization.
The information for the risk evaluation should include the following parts:
a) Relating to the description of the machine
1) User specification,
2) Expected machine specification, including:
Description of different phases of service life of the machine,
ii) Engineering marking or other device to detect the type of machine,
iii) Necessary energy sources and supply,
3) Documentation to earlier constructions comparable machines, if relevant,
4) User information for the machine, if available,
b) Relating to regulations, standards and other applicable documents:
1) Applicable regulations,
2) Relevant standards,
3) Relevant technical specifications,
4) Safety data sheets,
c) Relating to experience in operation
1) All accident, incident or failure events of this or a comparable machine,
2) Documented damage caused to someone‘s health, for example due to
emissions or used chemical,
d) Relevant ergonomic principles (s. ISO 12100-2:2003)
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Standards for semiconductor convertors
The requirements of semiconductor convertors are described in standards IEC 146
and VDE 0558-1:
31. IEC 146-1-1(1991): Semiconductor convertors, General requirements and
line commutated convertors - Part 1-1 - Specifications of a basic
Scope of this Standard:
This standard is applicable for all electronic power converters and electronic power
switches that utilize controllable and/or uncontrollable electronic valve devices.
Short description:
The standard gives a classification of converters based on the following characteristics:
a) Type of power conversion (e.g.: rectification, inversion)
b) Purpose of conversion (e.g.: voltage control, frequency control)
c) Type of commutation or quenching
d) Voltage or current stiffness
The standard also gives a classification of electronic valve devices.
(www.electropedia.org, electrical and electronic terminology database of the International Electrotechnical Commission) is listed.
The labeling of cooling systems is described in detail.
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The conditions of the normal operation are described as interior operation, with ambient temperatures of - 40° C to 55° C during transport and storage, air humidity of at
least 15% and purity of the air according to degree of pollution described in IEC 664.
Other conditions are aggregated as unusual conditions, and need special agreements between operator and seller.
Requirements for the electrical network are described in IEC TC 77.
For calculation methods to determine electrical environmental conditions, see
IEC 146-1-2.
Sellers have to define load types of the convertor as one of the following:
Resistive load
Inductive load
Capacitive load
This standard defines three classes of immunity to disturbance as A, B and C regarding their requirements for frequency, voltage form and harmonics. B is the default
class, if not stated differently.
For some common converters calculation factors like voltage ratio, voltage changes,
magnetic circuit and dissipation factor are described.
This standard defines which losses are considered for efficiency calculation and
which are not.
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The calculation of different power factors are described shortly. For detailed information, see IEC 146-1-2.
In addition to that, dc voltage change, harmonic in network current/voltage, voltage
ripple on the dc voltage side, ac fractions in dc output, and disturbances are described. Counteractive measures are suggested and requirements are defined.
This standard describes rated current, rated voltage and applied load classes. It
states the correct way to label the converter and specifies which data the rating plate
must contain and which are optional.
This standard characterizes three inspection programs which are type test, routine
test and additional test.
Several types of inspections are described as well as the necessary inspection program along with the proper way of execution.
32. DIN VDE 0558-1: Semiconductor convertors - Part 1 - General
specifications and particular specifications for line-commutated
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to convertors with single crystal semiconductor valve components (rectifier diodes, thyristors, active transistors) for all types of applications.
It applies to rectifier diodes and thyristors, convertor sets and convertor devices and
installations equipped with convertor sets (if designed for conversion or regulation of
electric energy using convertor valves).
The standard contains general specifications for semiconductor convertors and particular specifications for line-commutated convertors (rectifier, inverted rectifier, A.C.
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Short description of standard:
The standard contains very detailed definitions of terms concerning semiconductor
converters, i.e. general terms and names, rectifier diode and thyristors terms, terms
for sets of convertors, terms for convertor transformers, inductor terms, capacitor
terms, terms for electric parameters of convertor devices and installations and terms
for types, construction and operation of convertor devices and installations.
Separated into three sections the standard defines very detailed requirements and
tests for semiconductor valve components (clause 3), sets of convertors and valve
modules (clause 4) and convertor devices and installations (clause 5).
Requirements and tests:
General requirements: Thresholds, characteristic values, leakage distances,
air gaps
Test procedures: Type tests, routine tests
Operating conditions: Duty, normal measurement, exceptional operating conditions, degree of efficiency
Electric equipment: Sets of convertors, valve control installations, control and
regulation installations, convertor transformers, inductors and auxiliary transformers, capacitors
Protection: Shock currents, active parts, IP-protection degrees, installments
Labeling and data sheets
Data sheets of rectifier diodes and thyristors have to contain the following thresholds:
Limiting average on state current, surge current threshold, maximum permissible repetitive peak off-state value, maximum permissible surge peak voltage, maximum
permissible control dissipation loss (thyristors only), critical rate of current rise (thyristors only), critical rate of voltage rise (thyristors only), maximum permissible temperature of the substitute depletion layer, range of storage temperature.
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Data sheets of rectifier diodes and thyristors have to contain the following characteristic values:
Forward characteristic, holding current (thyristors only), minimum control current (thyristors only), minimum control voltage (thyristors only), input characteristic and flammable range (thyristors only), (inner) thermal resistance and transient thermal resistance.
Rectifier diodes and thyristors have to be labeled with the trade of the manufacturer
or the supplier, type identification allowing a clear relation to the respective data
sheet, identification of the polarity by a symbol ( DIN 40700-8) on the enclosure.
Table 2 contains information about which type tests and routine tests have to be performed for diodes and/or thyristors.
Sets of convertors, valve modules and convertor devices and installations:
Ambient air temperatures have to be between 0 °C and + 40 °C (+ 45 °C for installation sets of convertors). Rated values of this standard refer to altitudes of sites above
sea level not exceeding 1000 m.
The kind of the cooling system has to be indicated. The cooling temperature has to
be between 0 °C and + 35 °C (between + 5 °C and + 25 °C for liquid cooling).
Sets of converters have to stand connection voltage deviations of ± 10% and grid
frequency deviations of ± 2% of their nominal/rated values permanently without damage.
Surge voltages and voltage drops have to be permissible according to DIN VDE
All rated and nominal values (voltage, current, etc.) have to be indicated.
The labeling highly depends on the kind of set/device/installation (see clauses 4.1.5
and 5.5).
Test procedures described for sets of converters and valve modules:
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Test with rated values and nominal values, insulation test, performance test, leakage
determination, short-circuit measurement for multi-phase two-path circuits, shortcircuit measurement for multi-phase single-path circuits, short-circuit measurement
for path-changing circuits and determination of no-load losses.
Test procedures described for convertor devices and installations:
Performance test, heating test, test of convertor transformers, test of inductors, determination of the degree of efficiency, determination of the basic oscillation efficiency factor, collecting of characteristic values and respective curves of rectifying devices, insulation tests of convertor devices, insulation test of convertor installations, determination of superposed A.C. parameters on the D.C. side, determination of the
degree of radio interference, IP degree of protection and protection class.
Standards for insulation coordination
DIN EN 60071, DIN EN 60664-1 and DIN EN 60664-1-supplement 3 are the
definitions, principles, requirements and tests about insulation coordination:
33. DIN EN 60071-1(2006): Insulation coordination - Part 1 - Definitions,
principles and rules
Scope of this Standard:
This standard applies to three-phase alternating current networks with a highest voltage for equipment of 1 kV.
It describes the procedure of choosing the insulation level for phase-to-earth, phaseto-phase and lengthwise insulation of equipments and installations in the network.
Requirements for the safety of persons are not part of this standard.
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Short description:
Relevant terms and definitions are given in this standard.
The procedure of insulation coordination is described in detail as the choice of a
combination of rated voltages which characterizes the insulation of the equipment.
The combination of chosen rated voltages forms the insulation level.
The first step is to determine the amplitude, form and duration of the operation voltage and overvoltage. Different standardized voltage forms are given.
The coordinated withstand voltages is determined by identifying the lowest withstand
voltage at which the insulation still fulfills the defined requirements under operational
The required withstand voltages are determined by multiplication of the coordinated
voltages with the atmospheric correction factor and the security factor to convert
them to fit standardized test conditions.
The choice of rated insulation level is a choice for the most cost-effective combination
of rated insulation voltages to ensure all withstand voltage requirements.
Regular environmental conditions are described.
The allocation of rated switching impulses with highest voltages for equipment and
the allocation of rated lightning impulses with rated switching impulses are described.
Standardized insulation levels for lengthwise, phase-to-earth and phase-to-phase
insulation are listed in two ranges of highest voltages for equipment. The first range is
1 kV - 245 kV, the second is > 245 kV.
Requirements for different standardized withstand voltage tests are given in detail.
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34. DIN EN 60664-1: Insulation coordination for equipment within lowvoltage systems - Part 1 - Principles, requirements and tests
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to equipment within low-voltage systems with rated voltages
not exceeding 1500 V (d.c.) and 1000 V (a.c.) with rated frequencies of up to 30 kHz
used in heights of up to 2000 m above sea level.
The standard defines requirements for air gaps, creepage distances and fixed insulations of equipment including respective test methods based on performance characteristics.
This standard does NOT apply to distances in liquid insulating materials, other gases
than air and compressed air.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning insulation coordination, e.g. creepage
distance, rated surge voltage, double insulation, etc.
Insulation coordination covers the selection of electric insulation characteristics of the
equipment in relation to its environment and with respect to its appliance.
Respect has to be given to permanent a.c. and d.c. voltages, transient surge, periodic peak voltages, temporary surge and ambient conditions for voltages within the system, voltages generated by the system, the degree of availability of the demanded
function and the safety of persons and equipment.
Technical committees have to determine the basis for rated voltages as well as a
surge category with respect to the expected use of the equipment and the characteristics of the system.
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The rated voltage of the equipment must not be smaller that the nominal voltage of
the power supply system. Transient surges are the basis for the determination of the
rated surge voltage.
Creepage distances for insulations for long-term voltage stress can be taken from
table F.4.
Insulation fouling might be reduced by effective appliance of enclosures, encapsulations or hermetic sealing.
Small air gaps can be bridged completely by fixed parts, dust or water. Minimum air
gaps are defined whenever fouling can occur in the micro-environment.
Four degrees of fouling of the micro-environment are defined in the standard:
Fouling degree 1: No fouling or dry, non-conductive fouling occurs.
Fouling degree 2: Only non-conductive fouling occurs. Occasional conductivity
due to bedewing.
Fouling degree 3: Conductive fouling or dry, non-conductive fouling that becomes conductive due to expected bedewing occurs
Fouling degree 4: Permanent conductivity occurs caused by conductive dust,
rain or moisture
Technical committees have to determine the indications provided in the documentation of the equipment.
Four groups of insulating materials are defined by the standard based on their CTIvalues (test to determine CTI-values as defined in IEC 60112):
Insulating material group I: 600 ≤ CTI
Insulating material group II: 400 ≤ CTI < 600
Insulating material group IIIa: 175 ≤ CTI < 400
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Insulating material group IIIb: 100 ≤ CTI < 175
Air gaps have to be determined by withstand surge voltages for function insulations
and basic, additional and strengthened insulations, permanent withstand voltages
and temporary withstand surges, periodic withstand peak voltages, condition of the
electric field, height and degree of fouling of the micro-environment. Respective values can be taken from table F.2 and F.7.
Furthermore mechanical influences and impacts of forces might require bigger air
Creepage distances have to be determined by voltages, micro-environment, arrangement and position of the creepage distance, design of the insulating material
surface, the insulating material and the duration of voltage stress. Respective values
can be taken from table F.4.
Solid insulation as part of the basic insulation, additional insulation and strengthened
insulation has to be able to withstand electrical and mechanical stresses as well as
thermal and ambient influences that can occur during the expected durability of the
device (values: See chapter 5.3.3).
Stress of solid insulations is divided up into short-term and long-term stress.
Short-term stresses are: Consequences of frequency variations (electric strength,
dielectric warmth and thermal instability), heating and mechanical shock.
Long-term stresses are: Partial discharges, heating, mechanical stress, humidity and
other stresses like radiation, influence of chemical substances, etc.
Test and measurement procedures are defined for:
Tests to validate air gaps: General information, testing voltages
Tests to validate solid insulations: Selection of tests, pre-treatment, surge voltage test, supply-frequency a.c. voltage test, partial discharge test, d.c. voltage
test, high-frequency voltage test
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Insulation test of the entire equipment: General information, parts to be tested,
preparation of the equipment circuits, testing voltage values, testing criteria
Other tests: Test for other purposes than insulation coordination, sample tests
and routine tests
Measurement of air gaps and creepage distances
35. DIN EN 60664-1-supplement-3: Insulation coordination for equipment
within low-voltage systems - Part 1 - Supplement 3 Interface
Scope of this standard:
This supplement applies to low-voltage installations and low-voltage equipment providing a review of the different types of transient surges.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined in the supplement: ―surge category‖, ―limited surge condition‖, ―system
limitation‖, ―protective limitation‖ and ―rated surge voltage‖.
The supplement is divided up into five chapters:
Consideration of surge categories
Thoughts concerning the use of protective limitations (general information;
summary of lightening voltages)
Determinations concerning transient surges and failure frequency (general information; use of damage indications during operation; avoiding enduring
Principles of the coordination between surge protection installations and
equipment that has to be protected (closely linked to IEC 61312-3)
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Equipment for grids, installations and operation under system limitation/protective limitation conditions (special protection of parts of grids or installations, special protection inside of equipment)
Within these five chapters the supplement contains information and field reports
about the size and duration of typical transient surges as well as their occurrence
frequency, information about surges caused by the influence between heavy current
circuits and communication circuits, guidelines for surge protection devices and the
treatment of interfaces with respect to insulation coordination, as well as clarification
concerning the influence of temporary surges and other parameters.
Standards for switch gear and control gear
Standards VDE 0100-530, DIN EN 60947-3 and DIN EN 60947-4-1 are about how to
select and build the switch gear and control gear and also define the requirements for
operation and performance. DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 is about automatic disconnection
device between a generator and the public low-voltage grid. The abstracts are as
36. DIN VDE 0100-530: Erection of low voltage installations - Part 530 selection and erection of electrical equipment - switch gear and control
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to the selection of assets to interrupt, switch, control and supervise electric systems. It further applies to the erection of these as systems in order
to ensure the fulfillment of security measures and all measures required for the system to function properly.
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Short Description of Standard:
General requirements:
Contacts of multipolar devices have to be connected mechanically in order to
ensure simultaneous opening and closing
Switches for neutral conductors may close earlier and open later than the others
A switch only for neutral conductors is not allowed
Safety and supervision devices may not be switch in under normal operating
Over current protection:
Automatic reconnection is only allowed for systems that are only operated by
specifically trained personnel
Different kinds of protective devices are allowed in TN and TT systems than in
IT systems
Residual current devices (RCD)
Different types and their characteristics are defined
Rules for selections of different types of RCDs are defined
Different kinds of RCDs are allowed in TN and TT systems than in IT systems
Additional functionality depending on the voltage:
In discussion
Residual or differential current devices may be used to prevent fires. A maximum current before triggering the device is defined
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Types of protective devices are defined and applicable standards are referred to (not
all those are part of this study!)
A very important chapter focuses on the coordination of different protective devices
and gives hints for application.
37. DIN EN 60947-3: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 3 Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fusecombination units for distribution and motor circuits with rated voltages not exceeding
1000 V A.C. or 1500 V D.C.
It defines characteristic attributes, requirements for operation and performance, insulation characteristics, test requirements and labeling.
This standard does not apply to devices belonging to the application range of IEC
60947-2, IEC 60947-4-1 or IEC 60947-5-1.
This standard does not contain the additional requirements for electric devices in explosive gas mixtures.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines various terms concerning switch and control gear, e.g. fusedisconnector, switch-fuse, fuse-combination unit, etc.
Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units are categorized by their utilization category, kind of manual operation, disconnecting function
and type of protection.
Characteristic attributes that have to be indicated:
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Type of equipment: Number of poles, kind of current, number of positions of
the main contacts (if more than two)
Rated and limiting values for the main circuit: Rated voltages, currents, rated
frequency, rated duty, normal load and overload characteristics, short-circuit
Utilization category: categories A and B (see tables 2, 3 and 4)
Control circuits: See IEC 60947-1 4.5
Auxiliary circuits: See IEC 60947-1 4.6
Relays and releases: See IEC 60947-1 4.7
The manufacturer has to indicate these attributes according to the respective standard of the used fuse.
Labels for product information that have to be attached:
On the device, visible from front view: display of the on- and out position, disconnecting function, specific labels (depending on the utilization category)
On the device, not necessarily visible from front view: Name of the manufacturer or trademark, type identifier or catalogue number, rated operating currents with rated operating voltages and utilization category, rated frequency or
―D.C.‖ (or symbol), fuse-combination units: type, maximum rated current and
dissipation loss, IEC 60947-3 (if claimed), type of protection of devices in the
Terminals: grid-sided and load-sided terminals, neutral conductor terminals
with ―N‖, protective earth conductor
Furthermore the manufacturer has to indicate the rated insulation voltage, rated
surge withstand voltage for devices with disconnecting function, degree of pollution (if
different from 3), rated duty, rated short-time withstand current and duration, rated
short-circuit making capacity and conditional rated short-circuit current.
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In terms of requirements for the design and the performance of switchgear and controlgear the standard strongly refers to IEC 60947-1 and gives additive information
about materials, specific characteristics of devices (e.g. equipment with electric interlock), operating requirements and electromagnetic compatibility.
Test and testing procedures mentioned in the standard:
Type tests of the design requirements: Mechanical characteristics of terminals,
verification of the effectiveness of the display of switching positions of the
main terminals with disconnecting function
Performance: Test sequences I, II, III, IV and V (general performance, operating performance, short-circuit performance, conditional short-circuit current,
overload performance)
Tests concerning electromagnetic compatibility: Interference resistance, emitted interference
Special tests: Mechanical durability, electric durability
Remark: The standard contains various tables providing thresholds, testing procedures, requirements, etc.
38. DIN EN 60947-4-1: Low-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 4-1 Contactors and motor-starters - Electromechanical contactors and
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to A.C. and D.C contactors and A.C. motor-starters with main
contacts intended to be connected to circuits with rated voltages not exceeding
1000 V A.C. or 1500 V D.C.
A.C. and D.C. contactors dealt with: contactors, combinations with suitable relays,
actuators of contactor relays and contactors or starters with an electronically controlled electromagnet.
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A.C. motor starters dealt with: Direct-on-line (full voltage) A.C. starters, reduced voltage A.C. starters, Star-delta starters, two-step auto-transformer starters and rheostatic rotor starters.
Starters and contactors dealt with in this standard are not normally designed to interrupt short-circuit currents.
This standard does NOT apply to star-delta starters, rheostatic rotor starters or twostep auto-transformer starters intended for special applications and designed for continuous operation in the starting position.
It also does NOT apply to D.C. starters, unbalanced rheostatic rotor starters, equipment designed also for adjustment of speed next to starting, liquid starters and those
of the ―liquid-vapor‖ type, semiconductor contactors and starters making use of semiconductor contactors in the main circuit, rheostatic stator starters, contactors or starters designed for special applications, auxiliary contacts of contactors and contacts of
connector relays.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning contactors, starters and characteristic
A.C. and D.C. contactors are intended to close and open electric circuits and, if combined with suitable relays, to protect these circuits against operating overloads which
may occur therein.
A.C. motor starters are intended to start and accelerate motors to normal speed, to
ensure continuous operation of motors, to switch off the supply from the motor and to
provide means for the protection of motors and associated circuits against operating
Contactors and starters described within this standard are classified by their characteristics:
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Type of equipment: Kind, number of poles, current type, operating conditions,
Rated and limiting values for main circuits: Voltages, currents or powers, frequencies, duties, normal load and overload, rated conditional short-circuit currents
Utilization category
Control circuits: Type of current, power consumption, rated frequency (or
D.C.), control circuit voltage and control supply voltage, nature of external control circuit devices
Auxiliary circuits
Relays and releases: Types, characteristic values, designation and current
setting of overload relays, time-current characteristics of overload relays, influence of ambient air temperature
Co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices: Type, ratings and characteristics of the short-circuit protective devices (SCPD)
Types and characteristics of automatic change-over devices and automatic
acceleration control devices
Types and characteristics of auto-transformers for two-step auto-transformer
Types and characteristics of starting resistors for rheostatic rotor starters
The manufacturer has to provide information about the product concerning identification (manufacturer‘s name or trade mark, type designation or serial number, number
of this standard, if compliance is claimed), as well as characteristics, basic rated values and utilization (including instructions for installation, operation and maintenance).
Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, a contactor or a starter is for use in
pollution degree 3 environmental conditions.
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The standard defines very detailed performance requirements, divided up into operating conditions, temperature rise, dielectric properties, normal load and overload,
co-ordination with short-circuit protective devices and vacant.
Limits, values and general conditions are provided for each of the different contactor
and starter types. Test procedures are described as well.
This equipment is inherently sensitive to voltage dips and short time interruptions on
the control supply.
The devices covered by this standard do not generate significant levels of harmonics
(no harmonic tests are required).
Tests described within this standard:
Type tests: Temperature rise limits, dielectric properties, rated making and
breaking capacities, change-over ability and reversibility (where applicable),
conventional operational performance, operation and operating limits, ability of
contactors to withstand overload current, performance under short-circuit conditions, mechanical properties of terminals, degrees of protection of enclosed
contactors and starters, EMC tests (where applicable)
Routine tests: operation and operating limits, dielectric tests
Sampling test: operation and operating limits, dielectric tests (sampling based
on AQL ≤ 1, acceptance number Ac = 0, rejection number Re = 1)
Special test: damp heat, salt mist, vibration, shock
39. DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1: Automatic disconnection device between a
generator and the public low-voltage grid
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to automatic disconnection devices installed as a safety interface between the generator and the public low-voltage grid.
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The automatic disconnection devices serve as replacements for switching devices
with separating function accessible to the grid operating company at all times.
Remark: DIN V VDE V 0126 is a prestandard that has not been released yet by DIN.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined within the standard: switching device, separate switching device, integrated switching device, unintended isolated operation, grounding leakage current,
grounding residual current, residual current, measuring residual current, single disconnection and residual current monitoring unit (RCMU).
The automatic disconnection device avoids unintended feed of the generator in a
sub-network separated from the supply grid (isolated operation).
It protects the operating personnel against voltage of the separated sub-network, the
equipment and the customer against improper voltages and frequencies, the equipment against feed of generator faults and the generator against improper voltages
and frequencies in case of low-voltage grid faults.
The switching device has to cut off the generator A.C.-sided from the grid via two parallel switches in case of:
voltage and/or frequency chances of the low-voltage grid
D.C. current feed into the low-voltage grid
unintended isolation operation
intended isolation operation with grid replacement infrastructure
Switching devices have to be designed, built, selected, arranged and combined in a
way that they can withstand the expected operational demands and external impacts
using the basic safety principles.
A single fault in a switching device must not cause a decrease of safety functions.
Each of the switches connected in series have to have a switching capacity according to the nominal current of the generator. At least one of the switches has to be ex-
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ecuted as a relay or air gap switch and has to be qualified for over-voltage category
Voltages, frequencies and the D.C. currents have to be monitored. Exceeding the
threshold has to cause a cut-off within 0.2 s.
Described type tests for integrated and separated switches:
Functional safety: single fault safety and fault detection tests
Voltage monitoring, frequency monitoring, D.C. current monitoring
Detection of isolated operation: impedance measuring, oscillating circuit test,
three phase voltage monitoring
Residual current monitoring: tests with 0.85 UN, UN and 1.10 UN
Test setups, circuits, proceedings, etc. are described in detail within the standard in
clause 6.
Routine tests concerning safety relevant parameters have to be performed by the
manufacturers before delivery.
Standards for cables
ISO 14572 specifies the test methods and requirements for cables and DIN EN
60228 defines the conductors of insulated cables.
40. ISO 14572(2001): Road vehicles - Round, unscreened 60 V and 600 V
multicore sheathed cables - Test methods and requirements for basic
and high performance cables
Scope of this Standard:
This standard specifies test methods and requirements for basic and high performance round, unscreened 60 V and 600 V multicore sheathed cables intended for
use in road vehicle applications.
For unscreened single-core cables used in multicore cables see ISO 6722.
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For temperature classes, see ISO 6722.
Short description:
The voltage rating is established by the rating of the cores. 60 V and 600 V cores
shall not be mixed in the same multicore cable.
For 600 V cable test conditions and requirements, see ISO 6722.
The standard gives additional information to ISO 6722 on tests and requirements for
different characteristics, such as:
Electrical characteristics: Continuity, withstand voltage.
Mechanical characteristics: Durability at pressure at high temperature, adhesion of sheath, cyclic bending.
Low temperature characteristics: Winding, Impact.
Heat aging characteristics: Short-term aging 240 h, long-term aging 3000 h,
thermal overload, shrinkage by heat sheath.
Chemical resistance: Fluid compatibility of the sheath, durability of sheath
marking, resistance to ozone.
Resistance to adhesion
Resistance to flame propagation
Artificial weathering
41. DIN EN 60228: Conductors of insulated cables
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to conductors of cables and insulated cables for heavy current
installations defining their nominal diameters (0.5 mm² to 2500 mm²).
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Conductors treated in this standard are single-wire or multi-wire conductors made of
copper, aluminum and aluminum alloys for static laying and flexible copper conductors.
The standard applies to conductors in a complete cable, but not to conductors produced to be used in cables.
This standard does NOT apply to conductors of communication cables and wires.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines the terms metal-coated and nominal diameter.
Conductors are categorized into four classes:
Class 1: single-wire conductors
Class 2: multi-wire conductors
Class 5: fine-wired conductors
Class 6: extra fine-wired conductors
Conductors of classes 1 and 2 are designed for cables and wires with static laying.
Conductors of classes 5 and 6 are intended for flexible wires (might also be used for
static laying).
All conductors have to be made of blank or metal-coated soft annealed copper, aluminum or aluminum alloys.
Nominal diameters and the respective tensile strength for single- or multi-wire conductors can be found in the tables of clauses 4.2 and 4.3. The minimum nominal diameter for all conductors is 10 mm² (exception: sector conductors).
Single-wire conductors (class 1) have to be round.
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Each single wire of a non-compressed multi-wire circular conductor (class 2) has to
have the same nominal diameter.
Multi-wire sector conductors (class 2) made of copper, aluminum or aluminum alloys
have to have a nominal diameter of at least 25 mm².
The ratio between the diameters of two wires of the same conductor must not exceed
Fine-wired and extra fine-wired conductors (classes 5 and 6) have to be made of
blank or metal-coated soft annealed copper. All single wires have to have the same
nominal diameter.
Remark: The tables 1 to 4 provided in clause 7 contain all thresholds concerning nominal diameters, maximum value of the conductor resistance (at 20 °C) and minimum
number of wires for all conductor types.
Standards for fuses and connections-double-pole
DIN EN 60269-1 applies to fuses and ISO 4165 specifies the dimensions and electrical characteristics of the double-pole connection.
42. DIN EN 60269-1: Low-voltage fuses - Part 1 - General requirements
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to fuses with closed, current-limited fuse inserts with a rated
breaking capacity of at least 6 kA designed for the protection of operational-frequent
A.C. circuits witch nominal voltages up to 1000 V or D.C. circuits with nominal voltages up to 1500 V.
The standard defines the parameters for fuses or parts of fuses (fuse bottom section,
fuse holder, fuse insert) in a way that they might be replaced by fuses or fuse bottom
sections witch the same parameters.
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Type tests to verify the fuse parameters and labeling of the fuses is part of this standard as well.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning fuse parameters and testing these
parameters, e.g. opening time; short-circuit strength, transient voltage (TRV), etc.
The ambient air temperature Ta
has to be within - 5 °C to 40 °C. The average am-
bient air temperature (24 h) must not exceed 35 °C. The relative air humidity has to
be 50% - 90%.
The fuse must not be used in a place higher than 2000 m above sea level.
The peak value of the supply voltage must not exceed 110% of the rated voltage of
the fuse (105% for fuses determined for 690 V).
If D.C. currents are generated by rectification of A.C. currents, the ripple has to be
within + 5% and - 9% of the average in the amount of 110% of the rated voltage.
For A.C. currents the frequency has to be the rated frequency of the fuse insert.
Power factors and time constants can be taken from tables 20 and 21 for the respective currents and duty.
Fuses are classified by their parameters:
Fuse holders: Rated voltage, rated current, kind of current and rated frequency, rated value of the absorbable power, dimensions or installation size, number of poles, short-circuit strength
Fuse inserts: Rated voltage, rated current, kind of current and rated frequency,
rated power drain, time/current characteristic curve, breaking range, rated
breaking capacity, on state current characteristic curve, I²t characteristic curve,
dimensions or installation size
Type of protection: See IEC 60529
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All parameters can be taken from tables 1 to 4 and clause 5 of the standard.
Fuse holders have to be labeled with the name of the manufacturer or a trademark,
type number of the manufacturer, rated voltage and rated current, kind of current and
rated frequency.
Fuse inserts have to be labeled with the name of the manufacturer or a trademark,
type number of the manufacturer, rated voltage and rated current, breaking range
and utilization category, kind of current and rated frequency.
Kind of current and frequency can be labeled with graphic symbols of IEC 60417.
The standard provides detailed requirements for the design of fuses and respective
tests in clauses 7 and 8. All tests mentioned in this standard are type tests that have
to be performed by the manufacturer.
Test procedures:
Verification of the insulation characteristics and breaking applicability: Arrangement of the fuse holder, verification of the insulation characteristics, verification of the breaking applicability, evaluation
Heating and power drain: Arrangement of the fuse, heating measurement,
measurement of power drain of the fuse insert, testing procedures, evaluation
Functionality: Arrangement of the fuse, ambient temperature, test procedures
and evaluation
Breaking capacity: Arrangement of the fuse, parameters of the test circuits,
test equipment, test procedures, ambient temperature, evaluation of oscillograms, evaluation
On state current characteristic curve: Test procedures, evaluation
I²t characteristic curve: Test procedures, evaluation, verification of the correlation of fuse inserts at 0.01 s, selectivity test
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Type of protection of enclosures
Heat resistance
Aging resistance of terminals: Arrangement of the fuse, test procedures, evaluation
Mechanical tests: Mechanical strength, resistance against stress cracking corrosion, heat resistance under high temperatures and fire, resistance against
Electromagnetic compatibility
Various tables containing thresholds, types, minimum vales etc. are provided, as well
as very detailed information to each of the sections.
43. ISO 4165(2001): Road vehicles-Electrical connections-Double-pole
Scope of this Standard:
This standard specifies the dimensions and electrical characteristics of the doublepole connection required for the interchange ability of electrical connections used to
supply additional appliances in road vehicles with a nominal supply voltage of 12 V or
24 V d.c.
Short description:
For terms and definitions, see ISO 8092-2.
The dimensions of the plug and socket are given in a figure.
Requirements and test conditions for connection and disconnection, temperature
rise, connection resistance, withstand voltage; temperature/humidity cycling and durability are given.
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Transporting and storage of lithium-ion batteries
There are international standard IEC 62281 (valid from May 2005), European standard EN 62281 (valid from June 2004) and German standard DIN EN 62281 (VDE
0509-6) (valid from February 2005) in the area of transportation and storage of lithium-ion batteries. The abstract of standard IEC 62281 is as follows:
44. IEC 62281(2004): Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and
batteries during transport
Scope of this standard:
This International Standard specifies test methods and requirements for primary and
secondary (rechargeable) lithium cells and batteries to ensure their safety during
transport other than for recycling or disposal. Requirements specified in this standard
do not apply in those cases where special provisions given in the relevant regulations, listed in 7.3, provide exemptions.
Normative references:
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60086-4, Primary batteries - Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries
IEC 61960, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolyte –Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications
IEC Guide 104:1997: The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic
safety publications and group safety publications
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In Europe, there is the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of
Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), which gives the regulations and exemptions regarding the transport of lithium batteries and lithium batteries contained in or packed
with equipment. For example, ADR gives UN numbers to Lithium batteries, which UN
numbers (also called UN IDs) are four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances, and articles in the framework of international transport.
UN 3090 for lithium metal batteries including lithium alloy batteries and referring to
this number there are other information such as classification code, packing
group, packing instructions, etc.
UN 3091 for lithium metal batteries contained in equipment and lithium metal batteries packed with equipment including lithium alloy batteries
UN 3480 for lithium ion batteries including lithium ion polymer batteries
UN 3481 for lithium ion batteries contained in equipment and lithium ion batteries
packed with equipment including lithium ion polymer batteries
Another code is IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code), which
is an international guideline to the safe transportation or shipment of dangerous
goods or hazardous materials by water on vessel. ICAO-TI (ICAO Technical Instructions) and IATA-DGR (IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations) aim to assure the safe,
orderly and economic development of air transport, which ICAO is International Civil
Aviation Organization and IATA is International Air Transport Association.
Battery abuse and safety
Battery standards include dimensions of cells and terminals and marking of polarity
on cells at first and then is opportunity charging of the batteries and battery performance. General requirements and methods of test for batteries should include dynamic
discharge performance test, endurance test, performance and life testing. What‘s
also important is to protect personnel against electric shocks and protect electrical
components which include fire protection, explosion protection and crash safety, etc.
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Testing standards for electric vehicle batteries
Testing standards for electric vehicle batteries include the standards general electric
vehicle batteries, such as performance and life testing, and also the standards specific for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles.
Testing standards for general electric vehicle batteries
Testing standards for general electric vehicle batteries include testing for battery performance, vibration testing and life cycle testing (international standards: IEC 619823-Ed.1.0, USA standards: SAE J1798, SAE J2288 and SAE J2380). The abstracts of
these standards are as follows:
45. IEC 61982-3 Ed. 1.0(2001): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of
electric road vehicles - Part 3 - Performance and life testing (traffic
compatible, urban use vehicles)
Scope of this standard
This standard is applicable to performance and life testing of electrical energy storage systems for general purpose, traffic compatible, and light urban use electric road
vehicles that are designed for transportation of passengers or goods in city centre
For the purposes of this standard, the electrical energy storage system is defined as
one that is recharged electrically though some of the test procedures may be applicable to fuel cells and other mechanically rechargeable systems. The test procedures
may also be applicable to electrical energy storage systems used in some types of
hybrid-electric vehicle though detailed consideration of electrical energy storage systems for hybrid vehicles will be addressed separately.
This part of IEC 61982 is not applicable to systems for specialist vehicles such as
public transport vehicles, refuse collection vehicles, scooters or large commercial
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vehicles. Standards relating to the test procedures for energy storage systems for
these vehicles will be developed later as a supplement to this standard.
The test procedures are defined as a function of the vehicle requirements and without
reference to the actual composition of the electrical energy storage system under
test. They will allow direct comparison between the performance of different types of
electrical energy storage systems when used for the same duty. They will also allow
direct comparison between the performances of the same type of electrical energy
storage system with different capacities, when used for the same duty.
Note that there are three fundamental tests i.e., tests for capacity (range), power
(performance), and life. All other tests are optional. The results from the test program
are presented in the form of performance achieved and not in the form of pass/fail.
A second edition is under preparation.
46. SAE J1798(1997): Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of
Electrical Vehicle Battery Modules
Scope of this standard:
This SAE Recommended Practice provides for common test and verification methods
to determine Electric Vehicle battery module performance. The document creates the
necessary performance standards to determine
(a) what the basic performance of EV battery modules is;
(b) whether battery modules meet minimum performance specification established by
vehicle manufacturers or other purchasers. Specific values for these minimum performance specifications are not a part of this document.
An Electric Vehicle propulsion battery will consist of a battery configuration of several
(typically 12 V) modules interconnected in one or more series strings. This document
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provides test methods to determine performance of such modules, including but not
limited to modules built in accordance with SAE J1797. Use of this document is intended for independently packaged modules operating at ambient temperature. Testing of a fully configured propulsion battery system, or battery subsystems designed to
operate at elevated temperatures, is expected to require additional testing methods
beyond those included in this document.
SAE J1798 does not address temperature testing.
47. SAE J2288(1997): Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
Scope of this standard
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a standardized test method to determine
the expected service life, in cycles, of electric vehicle battery modules. It is based on
a set of nominal or baseline operating conditions in order to characterize the expected degradation in electrical performance as a function of life and to identify relevant failure mechanisms where possible.
Accelerated aging is not included in the scope of this procedure, although the time
compression resulting from continuous testing may unintentionally accelerate battery
degradation unless test conditions are carefully controlled. The process used to define a test matrix of accelerated aging conditions based on failure mechanisms, and
to establish statistical confidence levels for the results, is considered beyond the
scope of this document.
Because the intent is to use standard testing conditions whenever possible, results
from the evaluation of different technologies should be comparable. End-of-life is determined based on module capacity and power ratings. This may result in a measured cycle life different than that which would be determined based on actual capacity; however, this approach permits a battery manufacturer to make necessary tradeoffs between power and energy in establishing ratings for a battery module. This
approach is considered appropriate for a mature design or production battery.
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An Electric Vehicle propulsion battery will consist of a battery configuration of several
(typically 12 V) modules interconnected in one or more series strings. This document
provides test methods to determine the life expectancy of such modules, including
but not limited to modules built in accordance with SAE J1797. Use of this document
is intended for single independently packaged modules operating at ambient conditions (i.e., standard room temperature). Testing of a fully configured propulsion battery system, especially when designed to operate at elevated or reduced temperatures, usually results in reduced expected service life and requires testing methods
beyond the scope of those included in this document.
It should be noted that the procedure defined in this document is functionally identical
to the USABC Baseline Life Cycle Test Procedure.
SAE 2288 does not address temperature variation and testing.
48. SAE J 2380(2009): Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries
Scope of this standard
This SAE Recommended Practice describes the vibration durability testing of a single
battery (test unit) consisting of either an electric vehicle battery module or an electric
vehicle battery pack. For statistical purposes, multiple samples would normally be
subjected to such testing. Additionally, some test units may be subjected to life cycle
testing (either after or during vibration testing) to determine the effects of vibration on
battery life. Such life testing is not described in this procedure; SAE J 2288 may be
used for this purpose as applicable.
Testing standards for Lithium-ion batteries used in electric
In this section, the standards specific for lithium-ion batteries are introduced. IEC
62660-1 Ed.1.0 and IEC 62660-2 Ed.1.0 are about performance testing, reliability
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and abuse testing for lithium-ion batteries. Standard UL 1642 covers the requirements for primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) lithium batteries
to reduce the risk of fire or explosion, injury to persons due to fire or explosion, etc.
UN manual of tests and criteria paragraph part 3, section 38 and paragraph 38.3 is
also about Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria for lithium-ion batteries. The abstracts are as follows:
49. IEC 62660-1 Ed. 1.0(2008): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of
electric road vehicles - Part 1 - Performance testing for lithium-ion cells21/708/CDV
Scope of this standard
This part of IEC 61982 specifies performance and life testing of secondary lithium-ion
cells used for propulsion of electric vehicles including battery electric vehicles (BEV)
and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
Performance: capacity, energy and power density, calendar and cycle life time, energetic efficiency.
Responsible National Committee
DKE/K 371 Akkumulator
50. IEC 62660-2 Ed. 1.0(2008): Secondary batteries for the propulsion of
electric road vehicles - Part 2 - Reliability and abuse testing for lithiumion cells21/709/CDV
Scope of this standard
This part of IEC 62660 specifies test procedures to observe the reliability and abuse
behavior of secondary lithium-ion cells used for propulsion of electric vehicles including battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
The objectives of this standard are to specify the standard test procedures and conditions for basic characterizations of Li-ion dells for use in propulsion of battery and
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HEVs. The tests are indispensable for obtaining essential data on reliability and
abuse behavior of Li-ion cells for use in various designs of battery systems and battery packs.
This standard provides standard classification of description of test results to be used
for the design of battery systems or battery packs.
Responsible National Committee
DKE/K 371 Akkumulator
51. UL 1642(2005): Lithium Batteries
Scope of this standard
These requirements cover primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) lithium batteries for use as power sources in products. These batteries contain
metallic lithium, or a lithium alloy, or a lithium ion, and may consist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cells connected in series, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energy by an irreversible or reversible chemical
1.1 These requirements cover lithium batteries intended for use in technicianreplaceable or user-replaceable applications.
1.2 These requirements are intended to reduce the risk of fire or explosion when
lithium batteries are used in a product. The final acceptability of these batteries is dependent on their use in a complete product that complies with the requirements applicable to such product.
1.3 These requirements are also intended to reduce the risk of injury to persons
due to fire or explosion when user-replaceable lithium batteries are removed
from a product and discarded.
1.4 These requirements cover technician-replaceable lithium batteries that contain 5.0 g (0.18 ounce) or less of metallic lithium. A battery containing more
than 5.0 g of lithium is judged on the basis of compliance with the require-
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ments in this standard, insofar as they are applicable and further examination
and test to determine whether the battery is acceptable for its intended uses.
1.5 These requirements cover user-replaceable lithium batteries that contain 4.0 g
(0.13 ounce) or less of metallic lithium with not more than 1.0 g (0.04 ounce)
of metallic lithium in each electrochemical cell. A battery containing more than
4.0 g or a cell containing more than 1.0 g lithium may require further examination and test to determine whether the cells or batteries are acceptable for
their intended uses.
1.6 These requirements do not cover the toxicity risk that may result from the ingestion of a lithium battery or its contents, or the risk of injury to persons that
may occur if a battery is cut open to provide access to the metallic lithium.
52. UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Paragraph 38.3 - Lithium metal and
lithium ion batteries(2009) - UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part III Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating to
Class 3, Class 4, Division 5.1 and Class 9; Section 38 - Classification
Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating to Class 9;
Paragraph 38.3 - Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries
This section presents the procedures to be followed for the classification of lithium
metal and lithium-ion cells and batteries (see UN Nos. 3090, 3091, 3480 and 3481,
and the applicable special provisions of Chapter 3.3 of the Model Regulations).
Scope of this standard:
Lithium metal and lithium ion cells and batteries shall be subjected to the tests, as
required by special provisions 188 and 230 of Chapter 3.3 of the Model Regulations
prior to the transport of a particular cell or battery type.
Cells or batteries which differ from a tested type by:
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(a) for primary cells and batteries, a change of more than 0.1 g or 20% by mass, whichever is greater, to the cathode, to the anode, or to the electrolyte; or
(b) for rechargeable cells and batteries, a change in Wh of more than 20% or an increase of voltage of more than 20%; or
(c) a change that would materially affect the test results,
shall be considered a new type and shall be subjected to the required tests. In the
event that a cell or battery type does not meet one or more of the test requirements,
steps shall be taken to correct the deficiency or deficiencies that caused the failure
before such cell or battery type is retested.
The following safety test are to carry out:
Altitude Simulation, Thermal Test, Vibration, Shock, External Short Circuit, Impact,
Overcharge passed, and Forced-Discharge
Safety standards for electric vehicle batteries
ISO 6469-1, DIN EN 1987-1 and ISO 6469-2 relate requirements for the on-board
rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS) and vehicle operational safety means
and protection against failures of electrically propelled road vehicles, including battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs) and hybrid electric vehicles
(HEVs), for the protection of persons inside and outside the vehicle and the vehicle
Protection of persons against electric hazards (ISO 6469-3) includes:
Voltage classes of Electrical circuits on-board electric vehicles
Protection against direct contact
Dielectric strength tests
Types of enclosures
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The standard states requirements for protection against water effects
VDE V 0510-11 is about battery performance. It specifies requirements and tests for
the safe operation of lithium ion secondary cells and batteries for use in vehicle technology. It applies to all types of hybrid or electric vehicle, as well as any similar vehicles licensed for use on public roads.
53. ISO 6469-1: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications Part 1 - On-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to the on-board rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS)
of electrically propelled road vehicles, including battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), fuelcell vehicles (FCVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), specifying requirements for
the protection of persons inside and outside the vehicle and the vehicle environment.
The standard only applies to RESS in on-board voltage class B electric circuits for
vehicle propulsion ( ISO 6469-3 clause 3.18).
This standard does NOT apply to flywheels.
It also does NOT apply to RESS in motorcycles and vehicles not primarily intended
as road vehicles, such as material handling trucks or fork-lift trucks.
Remark: Comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel is not provided in this standard.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning safety specifications for RESS, e.g.
auxiliary electric system, creepage distance, or exposed conductive part.
RESS as part of voltage class B electric circuits shall be marked with the symbol
shown in figure 1.
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Requirements for RESS mentioned in this standard:
Isolation resistance requirements
Clearance and creepage distance
Requirements for the emission of hazardous gases and other hazardous substances
Heat generation.
In terms of isolation resistance of the RESS the standard describes the respective
measurement mentioning general information, preconditioning and conditioning, as
well as the test procedure.
The isolation resistance shall be measured during the conditioning period at a rate,
from which the lowest resistance value can be determined.
For a RESS not embedded in a whole circuit, the minimum requirement for the isolation resistance divided by its maximum working voltage shall be 100 Ω/V (not containing A.C.) or 500 Ω/V (containing A.C. without additional A.C. protection throughout the entire lifetime of the RESS).
When the RESS is integrated in a whole electric circuit, a higher resistance value
may be necessary.
In terms of clearance and creepage distance the standard deals with additional leakage-current hazards between the connection terminals of a RESS, including any
conductive fittings attached to them and any conductive parts, due to the risk of electrolyte or dielectric medium spillage from leakage under normal operating conditions.
If electrolytic leakage can occur, the creepage distance d should be as follows:
d  0.25U  5 (creepage distance between two RESS connection terminals)
d  1.25U  5
(creepage distance between the live part and the electric
U: Maximum working voltage between the two RESS connection terminals
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If electrolytic leakage does not occur, the RESS should be designed according to IEC
The clearance between conductive surfaces shall be 2.5 mm minimum.
In terms of emission the standard prohibits the existence of any potentially dangerous concentration of hazardous gases and other hazardous substances anywhere in
the driver, passenger and load compartments.
Heat generation under any first-failure condition, which could form a hazard to persons, shall be prevented by appropriate measures, e.g. based on monitoring of current, voltage or temperature.
All requirements given in this standard shall be met across the environmental and
operating conditions for which the electrically propelled vehicle is designed to operate, as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
The requirements for the emission of hazardous gases and other hazardous substances, as well as the requirements for the protection of persons, the protection of a
third party and the protection against a short-circuit shall be met in a crash test.
54. ISO 6469-2: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Safety specifications Part 2 - Vehicle operational safety means and protection against failures
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electrically propelled road vehicles, including battery-electric
vehicles (BEVs), fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), specifying requirements for operational safety means and protection against failure related
to hazards for the protection of persons inside and outside the vehicle and the vehicle
The standard applies only if the maximum working voltage of the on-board electrical
propulsion system is lower than the upper voltage class B limit.
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Requirements related to internal combustion engine (ICE) systems of HEVs and
comprehensive safety information for manufacturing, maintenance and repair personnel are NOT provided by the standard.
This standard does NOT apply to motorcycles and vehicles not primarily intended as
road vehicles, such as material handling trucks or fork-lifting trucks.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined in the standard: Auxiliary electric system, battery-electric vehicle
(BEV), drive direction control, driving-enabled mode, electric drive, electrically propelled vehicle, BEV operating mode, fuel-cell vehicle (FCV), hybrid electric vehicle
(HEV), rechargeable energy storage system (RESS) and voltage class B.
At least two deliberate and distinctive actions for the power-on procedure shall be
performed in order to go from the power-off mode to the driving-enabled mode.
Only one action is required to go from the driving-enabled mode to the power-off
A main switch function shall be an integral part of the power-on/power-off procedure.
It shall be indicated to the driver, continuously or temporarily, that the propulsion system of the electrically propelled vehicle is ready for driving.
After an automatic or manual turn-off of the propulsion system, it shall only be possible to reactivate it by the power-on procedure, as described.
If the on-board RESS can be externally charged by the user, vehicle movement by its
own propulsion system shall be impossible as long as the vehicle is physically connected to the off-board electric power supply (does not refer to class A auxiliary electric systems).
Significant vehicle propulsion power reductions and low energy contents of the RESS
should be indicated to the driver (e.g. visible or audible signal).
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In case of a low state of charge it shall still be possible to move the vehicle out of the
traffic area using its own propulsion system. A minimum energy reserve shall be
available for the lighting system when there is no independent energy storage for the
auxiliary electrical systems.
Switching between the forward and backward (reverse) directions, if achieved by reversing the rotational direction of the electric motor, shall require either two separate
actions by the driver or a safety device allowing the transition only when the vehicle
is stationary or moving slowly
When leaving the vehicle, it shall be indicated to the driver whether the electric propulsion system is still in the driving-enabled mode.
After switching to the power-off mode no unexpected movement of the vehicle due to
the electric drive shall be possible.
In terms of electromagnetic compatibility the vehicle shall be tested according to ISO
The vehicle has to be protected against failures concerning fail-safe design, first failure responses and unintentional vehicle behavior.
The manufacturer of the vehicle shall have information available for safety personnel
and/or emergency responders with regard to dealing with accidents involving a vehicle.
All requirements given in this standard shall be met across the environmental and
operating conditions for which the electrically propelled vehicle is designed to operate, as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
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55. ISO 6469-3: Electric road vehicles - Safety specifications - Part 3 Protection of persons against electric hazards
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to exclusively battery-powered electric road vehicles (passenger cars, light commercial vehicles) when the vehicles are not connected to an external power supply. It only refers to vehicles with a maximum working voltage of an onboard electrical circuit of 1000 V A.C. or 1500 V D.C.
The standard does NOT necessarily apply to assembly, maintenance and repair of
these vehicles.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms and definitions described within the standard:
Conductive part, exposed conductive part, live part, electrical circuit, auxiliary electrical circuit, electrical chassis, nominal voltage, working voltage, power unit, power
system, direct contact, indirect contact, basic insulation, supplementary insulation,
double insulation, reinforced insulation, protection degree, class I equipment, class II
equipment, opening part, potential equalization, insulation resistance monitoring system.
Electrical circuits are classified depending on its working voltage U (A.C. systems:
frequency 15 Hz – 150 Hz; rms-value).
Voltage class A: 0 V < U ≤ 60 V (D.C. systems); 0 V < U ≤ 25 V (A.C. systems)
Voltage class B: 60 V < U ≤ 1500 V (D.C. systems); 25 V < U ≤ 1000 V (A.C.
Remark: Further details can be looked up in table 1 (5.1).
Voltage class A does not require specific protection means against electrical hazards. Persons need to be protected against direct contact to live parts and against
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hazards caused by fault condition of basic insulation of voltage class B electrical circuits.
If protection is provided by insulation, the live parts of the electrical system shall be
totally encapsulated by insulation which can only be removed by destruction.
The insulating material has to be suitable to the nominal voltage or working voltage
and temperature ratings of the electrical vehicle and system (NOT acceptable materials: Varnish, dope, enamel, etc.).
Each electrical circuit of the electric vehicle shall have insulation resistance between
it and the electrical chassis, and between it and other electrical circuits.
Insulation resistance measurement: The equipment shall be subjected to a preconditioning period (duration: at least 8 h; temperature: 5 °C (± 2 °C)) followed by a conditioning period (duration: 8 h; temperature: 23 °C (± 5 °C); humidity: 90% (+ 10%, 5%); atmospheric pressure: from 86 kPa to 106 kPa)
Measurements have to be taken periodically throughout the conditioning process.
Suitable instruments (e.g. megohmmeter) have to be used.
Measurements take place between the power system and the electrical chassis of
the vehicle, and the power system and the auxiliary electrical circuit (test voltage of at
least 1.5 times the nominal voltage of the power system or 500 V D.C.; traction and
auxiliary batteries disconnected; both sides of the auxiliary electrical circuits connected to the chassis of the vehicle).
For the power system the insulation resistance shall comply with the values given in
table 2.
Applied voltage test: Applying an A.C. voltage (frequency 50 Hz – 60 Hz) for 1 min
between the different sections of the electrical circuit and the exposed parts after disconnecting the traction battery and connecting any other electrical circuits to the electrical chassis. The voltage values for different equipment/insulation can be taken from
table 3.
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Requirements for barriers/enclosures: Depend on the size of openings in the enclosures/barriers and the distance to live parts; have to be looked up in IEC 60529.
This standard mentions means of protection for directly accessible enclosures/barriers and enclosures/barriers accessible behind a cover (types S0, S1 and
Continuity test for the connecting parts: A current (1.5 times the max. current of the
power circuit (≥ 25 A)) from a source (no-load voltage ≤ 60 V D.C.) between any
two exposed conductive parts has to be passed for at least 5 s. The voltage drop between any two exposed conductive parts is measured. The resistance calculated
from the current and the voltage drop shall not exceed 0.1 Ω.
Protection against water effects shall be provided by an insulation resistance monitoring system, or by shielding the voltage class B equipment from exposure to water,
or by other suitable means.
If the vehicle is not equipped with an insulation resistance monitoring system the following test shall be performed: Washing of the vehicle, heavy rainstorm, flooding.
Washing: Normal washing, no specific cleaning; using a hose nozzle in accordance
with IPX5 ( IEC 60529; annex A) and fresh water (flow rate: 12.5 l/min, water
stream speed rate: 0.1 m/s); all border lines (critical areas) shall be exposed; critical
areas are a seal of two parts such as flaps, lass seals, outline of opening parts, outline of front grille and seals of lamps; distance between nozzle aperture and border
line: 3 m.
Heavy rainstorm: Using a spray nozzle in accordance with IPX3 ( IEC 60529;
annex B) and fresh water (flow rate: 10 l/min); all surfaces with opening parts that are
normally open shall be exposed for 5 min; critical areas are those that are accessible
with opening parts that are open.
Flooding: Vehicle shall be driven in a wade pool; depth: 10 cm, distance: 500 m,
speed 20 km/h, time: approx. 1.5 min (wade pool with less than 500 m has to be driven through several times in less than 10 min).
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After each test, with the vehicle still wet, the vehicle shall comply with the insulation
resistance test given in 7.1 of ISO 6469-1:2001 (power equipment still connected to
traction battery) and with additional requirement of at least 100 Ω /V. After a 24 h
pause the procedure shall be repeated.
If an insulation monitoring system is provided, an automatic disconnect should be
activated when loss insulation below 100 Ω /V is detected (vehicle in operation: disconnect when power-off mode is activated ( ISO 6469-2)).
The loss of insulation and the disconnection shall be indicated to the driver.
The insulation resistance monitoring system should not allow the vehicle to be reenergized until the fault is cleared. If the driver can use a forced re-energize operation, warnings shall be given to the driver.
If a second fault occurs, the vehicle shall be automatically de-energized regardless of
its mode of operation.
56. DIN EN 1987-1(1997): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific
requirements for safety - Part 1 - On board energy storage
Scope of this Standard
The document specifies all requirements for electrically propelled road vehicles in
order to remain safe both for the users of the vehicle and for the vehicle environment.
This part deals with specific requirements related to the on board electro-chemical
storage of energy.
Short description of Standard
The standard gives important information to requirements in order to remain safe for
users and the environment of the vehicle.
The norm starts with explaining definitions and the declaration of risk materials. The
manufacturer of the vehicle has to indicate the gas formation of the battery.
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In section 6 the regulations for setting up of the battery is specified. The protection
against direct contact has to match with section 5 of prEN 1987-3:1996. Further information is given to the isolating resistance of the battery and its testing method and
requirements, to the creepage distance and the ventilation which is necessary to prevent explosion, fire or toxication in case of gases coming from the battery.
If the boundary value of electricity is exceeded in normal operation the battery circuit
has to be opened. Therefore the battery has to be supplied with a current-overrun
switch. The requirements are described in detail in the standard.
The last sections define special requirements for crash tests in terms of on-board
energy storage and safety requirements for the battery after a rollover of the vehicle.
57. DIN V VDE V 0510-11/VDE V 0510-11(2008): Safety Requirements For
Secondary Batteries And Battery Installations - Part 11 - Safety
Requirements For Secondary Lithium Batteries For Hybrid Vehicles And
Mobile Applications
Scope of this standard:
The standard specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of lithium ion
secondary cells and batteries for use in vehicle technology.
It applies to all types of hybrid or electric vehicle, as well as any similar vehicles licensed for use on public roads.
In light of the recent focus on pollutants and carbon footprints, automobile manufacturers, suppliers and energy providers are trying to improve electric vehicles and their
necessary networks.
In fact, hybrid technology is expected to soon become a key feature of the automotive industry. Of particular interest is the development of technologies to prolong the
life and increase the durability of lithium ion batteries, and for charging them as
quickly as possible.
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Battery safety needs to be taken into consideration even at the draft stage, for voltages of up to 200 V occurs in hybrid vehicles. This requires strict electrical safety
rules that never before needed to be taken into account in automotive design. Expedient safety tests and measures need to be defined in order to ensure safe battery
Standards for electric-drive battery system
Standard SAE J2289 and SAE J1797 describe the common practices for battery pack
system. Testing of battery system including crash integrity testing, safety and abuse
testing and high power applications test are described in standards SAE J1766, SAE
J2646, ISO/DIS 12405-1 and VDA-test specification for li-ion battery systems. The
abstracts are as follows:
58. SAE J 2289(2008): Electric-Drive Battery Pack System: Functional
Scope of this standard:
This SAE Information Report describes common practices for design of battery systems for vehicles that utilize a rechargeable battery to provide or recover all or some
traction energy for an electric drive system. It includes product description, physical
requirements, electrical requirements, environmental requirements, safety requirements, storage and shipment characteristics, and labeling requirements. It also covers termination, retention, venting system, thermal management, and other features.
This document does describe guidelines in proper packaging of the battery to meet
the crash performance criteria detailed in SAE J1766. Also described are the normal
and abnormal conditions that may be encountered in operation of a battery pack system. This document provides the guidelines for designing a battery system to package into manufacturer‘s electric drive vehicles. It lays the foundation for electric ve-
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hicle battery systems and provides information to assist in developing a robust battery system.
59. SAE J1797(1997): Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric
Vehicle Battery Modules
Scope of this standard:
This SAE Recommended Practice provides for common battery designs through the
description of dimensions, termination, retention, venting system, and other features
required in an electric vehicle application. The document does not provide for performance standards. Performance will be addressed by SAE J1798. This document
does provide for guidelines in proper packaging of battery modules to meet performance criteria detailed in J1766.
Purpose of this standard:
This document provides the guidelines for designing a battery module to effectively
package into manufacturer's electric vehicles. It will lay the foundation for electric vehicle battery modules and serve as an industry guideline.
Form of this standard:
A modular unit consisting of electrochemical cell(s) configured to meet the guidelines
of this document to provide a component which can be assembled into a battery pack
system for electric vehicle applications.
SAE 1797 does not address especially lithium-ion batteries.
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60. SAE J1766(2005): Recommended Practice for Electric and Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Battery Systems Crash Integrity Testing
Scope of this standard
Electric, Fuel Cell and Hybrid vehicles may contain many types of high voltage systems. Adequate barriers between occupants and the high voltage systems are necessary to provide protection from potentially harmful electric current and materials
within the high voltage system that can cause injury to occupants of the vehicle during a crash.
This SAE Recommended Practice is applicable to all Electric, Fuel Cell and Hybrid
vehicle designs that are comprised of at least one voltage bus with a nominal voltage
greater than or equal to 60 VDC or 30 VAC. This Recommended Practice addresses
electrical isolation integrity, electrolyte spillage, and retention of the battery system.
61. SAE J2464(2009): Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable
Energy Storage System (RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing
Scope of this standard
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice
and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. It
describes a body of tests which may be used as needed for abuse testing of electric
or hybrid electric vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems (RESS) to determine the response of such electrical energy storage and control systems to conditions or events which are beyond their normal operating range.
Abuse test procedures in this document are intended to cover a broad range of vehicle applications as well as a broad range of electrical energy storage devices, including individual RESS cells (batteries or capacitors), modules and packs. This document applies to vehicles with RESS voltages above 60 V. This document does not
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apply to RESS that uses mechanical devices store energy (e.g., electro-mechanical
This document is designed to provide a common framework of tests to evaluate the
response of various RESS technologies to abusive conditions. These tests are intended to characterize the RESS response to undesirable abusive conditions also
termed "off-normal" conditions or environments that may arise as a result of operator
negligence, vehicle accidents, device or system defects, poorly informed or trained
users or mechanics, failure of specific RESS control and support hardware, or transportation/handling incidents or accidents.
The scope of this document is to evaluate the response to abusive conditions at the
cell, module and pack levels of RESS integration. While the abusive conditions developed in this test are intended to be representative of potential hazardous conditions in the vehicle environment, not all types of vehicle level hazards are within the
scope of this document.
The tests described in this document should be supplemented with additional testing
(performed at the test sponsor's or manufacturer's discretion) based on their need for
data and their determination of the most susceptible condition of the technology.
62. ISO/DIS 12405-1(2008): Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test
specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 1 - High
power applications
Scope of this Standard
This Standard specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems, to
be used in electrically propelled road vehicles.
The specified test procedures shall enable the user of this standard to determine the
essential characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
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packs and systems. The user shall also be supported to compare the test results
achieved for different battery packs and systems.
Therefore the objective of this standard is to specify standard test procedures for the
basic characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
packs and systems.
This standard enables setting up a dedicated test plan for an individual battery pack
or system subject to an agreement between customer and supplier. If required, the
relevant test procedures and/or test conditions of lithium-ion battery packs and systems may be selected from the standard tests provided in this standard to configure a
dedicated test plan.
Figure 3 Overview of test procedures in ISO/DIS 12405-1(2008)
NOTE Testing on cell level is under consideration in IEC.
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International Working Group:
ISO/TC 22/SC 21 Electrically propelled road vehicles
National Working Group:
NA 052-01-21 AA Elektrische Straßenfahrzeuge
63. VDA - Test Specification for Li-Ion Battery Systems(2008): Test
Specification for Li-Ion Battery Systems for HEVs
In mid terms most of the hybrid vehicles will be equipped with battery systems consisting of Li-Ion cells. Since already several specifications exist, which define requirements and application advices for battery systems for hybrid vehicles; it would
also be necessary to identify tests for these requirements.
The aim of this specification is the definition of tests in order to make sure that a battery system is able to meet the harsh requirements of the automobile industry. Most
of the tests defined in this specification are not newly developed. The content of this
specification based on existing specifications i.e. from USABC, EUCAR Freedom Car
and other sources, which were in some cases slightly modified and adopted to the
requirements of the European OEMs.
Scope of this standard
This specification defines tests and related requirements for battery systems, subsystems or modules based on Li-Ion cells to be used in hybrid electric vehicles
(HEV). It includes the necessary equipment and software to operate the system and
the interfaces to the vehicle.
The specification is designed for system testing. However, if in specific cases a testing on cell level shall be performed, Annex F specifies the test related to individual LiIon cells (cell-level).
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Battery charging, exchange stations and grid connection
Charging station standards include external power supplies to vehicles, on-and offboard chargers, protection of personnel against electric shocks, protection of electrical components and a.c. connections. Electric vehicle requirements for charging systems, communication protocol, plugs and receptacles and grid connection should be
concerned for both of these two charging systems. Furthermore the relevant grid
codes have to be considered.
Battery charging stations
Conductive charging:
Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61851-1, German standard DIN EN 61851-1
(VDE 0122-1))
- General considerations
- Charging modes (4 modes)
- Safety pilot circuit (valid for Modes 2, 3 and 4)
- Power indicator
- Connector interface
- EMC issues
- Communication between vehicle and charging station
Part 2: Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an a.c./d.c.
supply (IEC 61851-21, German standard DIN EN 61851-21 (VDE 0122-2-1))
a.c. electric vehicle charging station (IEC 61851-22, European standard: CLC
R069-001, German standard: DIN EN 61851-22 (VDE 0122-2-2))
Standard DIN EN 12736 is about the airborne acoustical noise of vehicle during
The abstracts for these standards are as follows:
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64. IEC 61851-1: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 1 General Regulations
Scope of this standard
This standard applies to all charging devices inside and outside of electric vehicles
connected to standardized AC voltages ( IEC 60038) up to 1000 V or DC voltages
up to 1500 V. Electric vehicles for the purpose of this standard are all vehicles that
derive their energy partly or completely from batteries within the vehicle, i.e. pure
electric as well as hybrid electric vehicles.
This standard does NOT apply to overhead power line buses, rail vehicles, industrial
transport vehicles as well as all vehicles that are not primarily used on roads.
Short Description of Standard:
The rated value of the ac voltage has to be less than 1000 V +/- 10%. The rated
value of the frequency has to be 50 Hz +/- 1% or 60 Hz +/- 1%.
There are four different charging modes described within this standard. For all of
those, residual-current-operated protective devices (so called RCDs) as well as overcurrent protective devices are required.
Mode 1: Connecting the electric vehicle to a 1- or 3-phase AC grid, using standardized plug-ins as well as protective earth and line conductor. Using mode 1 requires
an RCD as well as over-current protection.
Mode 2: Connecting the EV to a 1- or 3-phase grid using standardized plug-ins as
well as protective earth and line conductor in combination with a control function (pilot function) between EV and plug or control device with the cable
Mode 3: Direct connection of the EV to the AC grid using an application specific EV
power supply which has a pilot function (conductor) leading all the way to the device
continuously connected to the ac grid.
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Mode 4: Indirect connection of the EV using an external charging device. A pilot function has to lead all the way to the device continuously connected to the ac grid.
Three different types of connections are defined.
A: cable fixed to EV, B: cable can be completely taken off, C: cable fixed to EV power
supply (grid side)
Functions for modes 2 to 4: detection of connection, permanent inspection of protective earth connection, ability to turn on and off the system and (all following optional):
choice of ampere rating, determination of ventilation requirements, detection of momentarily available power from the power supply, locking plugs, control of bi-direction
power flow. More function may be included; some of the listed function may apply to
mode 1 also. As requested in ( ISO 6469-2), the EV may not be able to move while
Parts that can be touched by the user my not become dangerous active components
during normal operation or single failures. ( IEC 60364-4-41 parts 411 to 413 are
applicable.  ISO 6469-3 applies to systems built into the EV). ( IEC 60276-1 defines required test procedures) Remark: may be overruled by national regulations.
Disconnection of EV: 1 second after disconnecting the EV from the power supply,
voltages between touchable conducting elements or one element and earth potential
have to be less then 42.4 Vpeak or 60 VDC and stored energy available from these
parts has to be less than 20 J.
Requirements for standard plugs are defined in ( IEC 60309-1), for other plugs and
plug-ins in (IEC 62196-1).
Plugs and plug-ins have to permanently withstand operating temperatures of -30 °C
to 50 °C and ambient temperatures of - 50 °C to 85 °C during transport and storage.
Surge voltage tests have to be performed according to ( IEC 61180-1) and surge
voltages (1.2 / 50 µs) of 6000 V (common mode) or 4000 V (differential mode) have
to be tolerated by the high power circuits.
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Minimum durability is 5000 operations under load and 5000 under no load or 50 under load and 10000 under no load condition.
IP protection level is IP 44 in general and IP 55 in ―drive‖ position
At 40 °C ambient temperature maximum surface temperature of parts that may be
handle is 50 °C for metal parts and 60 °C for non-metal parts and maximum surface
temperature of parts that may be touched but not handle is 60 °C for metal parts and
85 °C for non metal parts.
Cables characteristics (electrical and mechanical) shall be in accordance to ( IEC
60245, cable type 66).
The pilot function is described in detail in the standard, but it would go beyond the
scope of this short description.
65. DIN EN 61851-21: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21 Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an A.C./D.C.
Scope of this standard
In combination with part 1 of IEC 61851 this standard contains the requirements for
conductive connection of electric vehicles to an A.C./D.C. supply (A.C. supply: Up to
690 V, D.C. supply: Up to 1000 V).
This standard does NOT apply to class II vehicles, trackless trolleys, rail vehicles,
industrial transport vehicles or vehicles that are not predominantly used on roads.
Not all maintenance safety aspects are covered.
Short Description of Standard:
The electric vehicle has to be attached to the supply unit in a way that the charging
process can be done safely under normal conditions.
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Rated values of the voltage supply have to be 1000 V (D.C.) or 690 V (A.C.). The
vehicle systems have to work correctly within ± 10% of the standard nominal voltage
( IEC 60038). The rated value of the frequency is 50 Hz ± 1% or 60 Hz ± 1%.
During the charging of the electric vehicle the ambient temperature can reach from 30 °C to + 50 °C.
All tangible conductive parts of the electric vehicle with the potential of having contact
with the voltage supply have to be electrically connected, so that the electrical energy
is transferred according to regulations and potential residual currents are conducted
to protective earth in case of a fault.
Remark: General regulations for electrical safety can be looked up in part 1 of this
A protective earth conductor ( IEC 60364-5-54) is required for a potential equalization connection between the protective earth conductor plug of the current supply unit
and the tangible conductive parts of the vehicle.
During the charging process in the operating modes 2, 3 and 4 the electrical passage
of the protective earth conductor has to be observed consistently by the current
supply unit.
Specific electric values for the vehicle are defined, i.e. withstand voltage values, leakage currents, specific over-current values of supply units, leakage distances and air
gaps. Respective references to other standards can be found as well.
Tests concerning electromagnetic compatibility such as interference resistance (
IEC 61000-3 and IEC 61000-4) and generated electromagnetic interference have to
be performed.
In all of these tests the connecting cable/line provided by the manufacturer of the
supply unit or the electric vehicle has to be used.
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The electric vehicle must not be put into an imperiling or unsafe condition through
these tests. It still has to comply with performance criteria A, B and C mentioned within the standard.
The electric vehicle has to have a startup blockade to make sure the vehicle cannot
be set into operation unless the two closure devices are separated (detection of a
connection between the movable cable connector and the vehicle insertion, as well
as a connection between the plug and the socket outlet of the current supply unit).
All instructions referring to connecting the electric vehicle to the current supply unit
have to be delivered with the manual of the vehicle.
66. DIN EN 61851-22: Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22 A.C. electric vehicle charging station
Scope of this standard
In combination with part 1 of IEC 61851 this standard contains the requirements for
A.C. electric vehicle charging stations for conductive connection with a vehicle with
A.C. voltage supply of up to 690 V.
This standard does NOT apply to coffer form modules with socket outlets for energy
transmission to the vehicle that do not have a charging regulation function.
Not all maintenance safety aspects are covered.
Short Description of Standard:
The A.C. electric vehicle charging station has to be attached to the electric vehicle in
a way that the charging can be proceeded safely indoor or outdoor under normal
conditions. No danger of fire, electric shock or hazards of persons must occur.
The rated value of the A.C. voltage supply has to be 690 V. The equipment has to
work correctly within ± 10% of the standard nominal voltage ( IEC 60038). The
rated value of the frequency is 50 Hz ± 1% ± 1% or 60 Hz ± 1%.
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During the charging of the electric vehicle the ambient temperature can reach from 30 °C to + 50 °C with relative air humidity between 5% and 95%.
Rated values for input voltage and current of the charging station can be looked up in
IEC 60038. There are three alternatives for rated values for output voltage and current:
A) single phase, 230 V, 32 A
B) single/three phase, 230/400 V, 32 A
C) three phase, 500 V, 250
Defined requirements for function and construction: control functions, emergency
mode, permitted surface temperature, degree of protection (IP) of the charging station, cable and wire case, arrangement of socket outlets/cable connectors, wire extension and consumption counting.
General regulations for electrical safety can be looked up in part 1 of this standard.
Further regulations about protection against shock current, earth connection and
transmissibility can be found in part 21.
Requirements for withstand voltage tests (characteristic values, leakage current, precautions, leakage distances and air gaps) and environmental impact test (climatic
impacts, mechanical impacts and electromagnetic impacts) are defined.
Current supply stations for electrical vehicles have to be classified to class I or class
All instructions referring to connecting the electric vehicle to the A.C. electric vehicle
charging station have to be delivered with the manual of the vehicle and have to be
placed on the station
The following labels have to be clearly visible on the charging station: Name or initials of the manufacturer; reference to equipment; serial number; date of production;
rated voltage in V; rated frequency in Hz; rated current in A; number of phases; IP
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degree of protection; `only indoor use´ or something similar, if only destined for indoor use; class II charging station labels have to clearly include its emblem; few further information might be attached to the charging station (telephone number, address of the trader).
67. DIN VDE 0122: Electric equipment of electrical road vehicles
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electric equipment of electrical road vehicles not being connected to the grid during vehicle operation with nominal voltages of up to 600 V
This includes battery chargers and their reaction to the power grid, coupling installments of vehicles to stationary power supply units, as well as data gathering devices
and installments for replacing the energy storages.
This standard does NOT apply to electrical equipment of the on board supply system
of road vehicles, industrial trucks, invalid cars, chargers for domestic use or similar
purposes and trolley busses.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined within the standard: Electrical road vehicle, drive system, energy storages, chargers, data gathering device, manual coupling installment, automatic
coupling installment, type test, routine test and on board supply system.
In addition the standard defines nominal values, such as nominal voltage, nominal
current, nominal frequency, etc.
The standard provides requirements for the construction of electrical road vehicles
and gives detailed information about testing conditions.
The entire drive system has to be operative with maximum current within the voltage
limits of 0.75 to 1.3 UN. Outside these limitations the drive system has to stay restrictedly operative as long as the energy store allows so.
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Special precautions (e.g. regulation) have to ensure that absolute operating ability is
provided again as soon as the voltage range mentioned above is maintained.
Type tests have to be performed with 0.75 and 1.3 UN
respectively for all parts
where an increase or decrease of the operating voltage up to these thresholds might
have an impact for the purpose of this standard.
Equipment for electrical road vehicles has to be designed for the following environmental conditions:
Highest ambient air temperature: + 40 °C
Lowest ambient air temperature: - 25 °C
Relative air humidity: 100%
Absolute altitude: 1500 m
The vehicle‘s interior air temperature might reach + 60 °C. Higher temperatures might
have to be defined for equipment in enclosures out in the open.
Precautions that have to be dealt with: Protection against direct contact, protection
against indirect contact, insulation and withstand voltage, capacitor voltages and protection category of the electrical equipment.
The power section of the electrical road vehicle has to be installed free of body.
Every single circuit has to be protected against overcharge by currents exceeding
operating currents (e.g. fuses, protected switches, over-current protection in combination with switches).
Main and control current have to be separated.
The overload protection has to be placed as close as possible to the supply terminal
of the circuit being protected.
Testing methods, operational demands and further protection determinations are
provided in detail for electrical machines, power control elements, regulation and
control devices, switching devices with electronic drive, batteries and energy storages, chargers, coupling installments, plug devices, conductors and cable routing. No-
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minal values, thresholds, limits, etc. can be taken from the respective tables and the
68. DIN EN 12736: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Airborne acoustical
noise of vehicle during charging with on-board chargers - Determination
of sound power level
Scope of this standard:
This standard specifies test methods for measuring of airborne acoustical noise of
electrically propelled road vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 or N2 during charging
with-on board chargers.
Short description of standard
Electric vehicles produce a very low noise level during driving. But they produce a
noise during parking if the batteries are charged. This noise emission should be reduced to minimize the disturbance of the population. Therefore it is important to determine measurement techniques and test methods to define the noise emissions
during charging with on-board chargers.
The conditioning and preparation of the vehicle is described. Before testing the battery has to be minimally 50% discharged. The air pressure of the tires has to match
the specifications of the manufacturer. The testing has to be performed according to
ISO 1176 and with the most disadvantageous conditions. The on-board charger has
to be connected to a fixed power grid.
The test facility has to match ISO 10844. Background sounds have to be lower than
10 dB under the noise of the test vehicle. Temperature hast to be between 0 °C and
42 °C and wind speed should be below 5 m/s.
The acoustic test equipment has to match the specifications of 5.1 of ISO 362:1998
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Furthermore there are detailed information to the position of the microphones and
duration of the measurement.
Specifications to the content of the test report are given.
Appendix A is informative and describes different limits for airborne acoustical noises
in different European countries.
Grid connection
In this section, several standards are introduced for conducted disturbance, requirements for supply voltage characteristics in transmission, the metering equipments,
plugs socket-outlet and couplers.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards
Standard DIN EN 61000-2-2 applies to conducted disturbances. It mentions several
terms concerning general definitions such as disturbance level, electromagnetic tolerance, etc. and phenomenon related definitions, such as harmonic frequency, unbalance of voltage, etc. Standards DIN EN 61000-3-2, DIN EN 61000-4-5, DIN EN
61000-6-1 and DIN EN 61000-6-3 apply to electric and electronic devices (equipment, facilities), designed to be used in different fields. The abstracts are as follows:
69. DIN EN 61000-2-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2-2 Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted
disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to conducted disturbances with a frequency range between
0 Hz and 9 kHz (148,5 kHz for grid signal transmission systems).
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Tolerance levels for low voltage A.C. current grids with a nominal voltage of up to
420 V (single phase) or 690 V (three phases) and a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or
60 Hz are provided.
The tolerance levels defined within the standard apply to the point of common coupling (PCC).
Short Description of Standard:
The standard mentions several terms concerning general definitions (disturbance
level, electromagnetic tolerance, etc.) and phenomenon related definitions, such as
harmonic frequency, unbalance of voltage, etc.
Different types of disturbances are defined and identified with their respective tolerance levels:
Voltage fluctuations and flicker: produced by fluctuating load, operation of stepshifting transformers and other operating calibrations of the electric supply grid or
the connected equipment. Flicker can be evoked by voltage fluctuations in low
voltage grids.
Harmonics: related to quasi-stationary or constant harmonic levels. Declared as
ratings for long-term effect as well as very short-time effects.
In-between harmonics: Mentioned only are in-between harmonic voltages with
frequencies close to the fundamental frequency (50Hz or 60Hz) causing amplitude. Further definitions are still in progress.
Voltage breakdowns and short time disruptions: Information can be taken from
annex B and IEC 61000-2-8.
Unbalance of voltage: In relation only to long-term effects (duration of 10min or
longer) and in relation only to the counter component (relevant component for disturbances of equipment connected to the low voltage supply grid).
Transient overvoltage: Information can be taken from annex B and IEC 60664-1
(insulation coordination).
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Fluctuation of the grid frequency: The tolerance level for temporary fluctuations of
the grid frequency is ± 1 Hz from the nominal frequency.
Constant components: Can be evoked by certain unbalanced loads connected to
the grid. A tolerance level is not clearly defined.
Signal transmission to low voltage grids: Four system types for signal transmission on low voltage grids are described: circular control system (100 Hz to
3000 Hz), medium frequency supply carrier system (3k Hz to 20kHz), high frequency supply carrier system (20 kHz to 148.5 kHz) and grid marking system
(3 kHz to 20 kHz).
Remark: All tolerance levels can be looked up in detail within the standard (values,
tables and graphs).
Annex A contains regulations about the function of EMC tolerance and planning levels, i.e. the necessity of tolerance levels, connection between tolerance and stability
levels, connection between tolerance and transient emission levels, planning levels
and their visualization.
70. DIN EN 61000-3-2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2 - Limits
– Limits for harmonic current emissions
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electric and electronic devices (equipment, facilities), designed to be connected to the public low voltage grid, with an input current not exceeding 16 A per conductor.
It defines limits for harmonic current emissions that are inducted into the grid.
This standard does not apply to arc welding machines designed for professional use
( IEC 60974-1).
Remark: Thresholds for systems with a nominal voltage below 220 V have not been
worked out yet.
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Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms that are used to describe the respective limits,
such as control gear, input voltage, real power, etc.
Limits for harmonic current emissions of equipment are defined to ensure that harmonic disturbance levels do not exceed the tolerances defined in IEC 61000-2-2.
Exceptions can be made for professionally used equipment that does not fulfill the
requirements of this standard, if the manual contains a demand to ask the responsible power supply company for a respective access approval.
Electric and electronic devices are categorized into classes A-D:
A) Symmetric three phase devices, domestic appliances (except for those belonging to class D), non-portable power tools, bulb dimmer, audio devices; all
other devices that do not fit into classes B-D.
B) Portable power tools, arc welding machines that are NOT designed for professional use
C) Illumination devices
D) Personal computers and monitor screens for personal computers with a specified power ≤ 600 W, TV broadcast receiver with a specified power ≤ 600 W
All regulations, tests and limits that are defined within the standard apply to the terminals of the power input of equipment designed to be connected to 50 Hz or 60 Hz
grids with 220/380 V, 230/400 V and 240/415 V.
Those regulations, tests and limits are: control principles, measurement of harmonic
currents (test setup, measuring system and testing process) and equipment in a base
frame or case.
Chapter 7 of the standard contains a flow chart describing methods to determine the
applicability of thresholds and to evaluate the test results. Furthermore instructions to
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the chart and respective table are given concerning the identification of thresholds for
class A-D devices.
71. DIN EN 61000-4-5: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5 Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electric and electronic devices defining interference resistance requirements, testing methods and the range of favored test severity levels for
devices (installations) against single-polar surge voltages produced by surges as a
consequence of switching operations and lightning.
The standard describes a consistent procedure for the assessment of the interference resistance of a device (installation) or a system against a specified phenomenon.
The methods and definitions described in this standard do NOT verify the insulation
resistance of the devices under test against surge voltages.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning surge immunity test, e.g. coupling
network, device under test, interference resistance, etc.
The testing generator has to simulate all possible surge phenomena caused either by
the power supply or by lightning as realistically as possible.
If the disturbing source is located in the same circuit, e.g. supply network (direct
coupling), the generator can simulate a source with small impedance at the terminals
of the device under test.
If the disturbing source is not located in the same circuit as the device serving as disturbing drain (indirect coupling), the generator can simulate a source with higher impedance.
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Test severity levels have to be chosen according to the respective installation conditions:
Test severity level 1: Open-circuit testing voltage (± 10%) of 0.5 kV
Test severity level 2: Open-circuit testing voltage (± 10%) of 1.0 kV
Test severity level 3: Open-circuit testing voltage (± 10%) of 2.0 kV
Test severity level 4: Open-circuit testing voltage (± 10%) of 4.0 kV
Test severity level X: Special definition of the open-circuit testing voltage
The test setup consists of the device under test, additional/auxiliary equipment (if necessary), a cable (defined type and length), coupling/decoupling networks, an impulse generator combination, a decoupling network/protective devices, reference
earth (depending on the respective test).
The standard defines two types of impulse generator combinations (hybrid generators):
Generation of the pulse form 10/700 µs: Testing of terminals destined for the connection with symmetrically operated communication cables
Generation of the pulse form 1.2/50 µs: All other cases; especially for the testing
of terminals destined for the connection with power supply cables and short signal
Remark: All attributes, performance characteristics, schematic diagrams and parameter definitions for the two generator types and the coupling/decoupling networks can
be taken from chapters 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
Specified test are setups defined in clauses 7.2 to 7.7:
Tests performed in relation to the power supply terminals of the device under test
Tests on unshielded and asymmetrically operated connection cables
Tests on unshielded and symmetrically operated connection/communication
Tests on high-speed communication cables
Tests in shielded cables
Tests with potential differences
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The climatic conditions in the laboratory have to be within the climatic ranges of the
device under test and the test equipment provided by the producer. Electromagnetic
conditions in the laboratory are not allowed to have an impact on the tests.
In front of the actual test the generators and the coupling/decoupling networks have
to be tested to verify their functionality.
The test results have to be classified with terms of loss or failure of functionality/the
intended operational behavior of the device under test with respect to the defined
operational quality.
The test report has to contain all necessary information to be able to repeat the test,
i.e. detailed information about the device under test, test setups, ambient conditions,
72. DIN EN 61000-6-1: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-1 Generic standards - Immunity for residential, commercial and lightindustrial environments
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electric and electronic devices (equipment, installations) designed for the use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments. The
devices are assumed to be (directly/indirectly) connected to the public low-voltage
supply grid.
The standard also applies to battery-powered devices and devices designed for the
use in residential buildings, sales areas, business rooms, entertainment establishments, outdoor places or small company rooms supplied by a non-public, nonindustrial low-voltage supply grid.
It is applicable, if no adequate EMC product standard or product line standard for
transient emissions exists.
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Requirements for transient emissions mentioned in this standard apply to a frequency
range of 0 Hz to 400 GHz.
This standard does NOT contain requirements concerning the safety of the devices.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined in this standard: Terminal (gate), enclosure, line connector, signal
connector, electric supply connector, public supply grid, long connector and low voltage.
The manufacturer has to provide a description of operation and a description of evaluation criteria during the EMC-tests or as consequence of the EMC-tests. The descriptions have to be recorded in the test report as well.
Three evaluation criteria are defined:
A. The device has to work according to its purpose during and after the test. No
disturbance in its functionality or operating performance must occur. The minimum operational quality might be replaced by a tolerable loss of operational
B. The device has to work according to its purpose after the test. No disturbance
in its functionality or operating performance must occur. The minimum operational quality might be replaced by a tolerable loss of operational quality. During the test the operating performance can be affected, but a change of duty
or a loss of saved data is not permitted.
C. Temporary malfunction is permitted, if the function restores itself or is restorable through control devices
The device under test (DUT) has to be tested in its duty of highest disturbance sensibility. If the device is part of a system, it has to be tested with the smallest possible
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All tests have to be performed within the specified range of environmental conditions
for the device concerning temperature, humidity and air pressure and with its rated
If the manufacturer has his own specifications and requirements for operational quality, disturbance of functionality, etc., he has to provide them in the product documentation and manual. The documentation has to be accessible on demand.
Because of the diversity and differentness of the devices in the range of application
of this standard, it is not possible to define exact criteria for the evaluation of the results of the interference resistance tests.
The standard provides test instructions that are applicable, if for example certain terminals exist. Test procedures have to be according to tables 1-4. Test requirements
are given for each terminal of the respective device.
All tests have to be performed as individual tests in random sequence.
73. DIN EN 61000-6-3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-3 Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial and
light-industrial environments
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electric and electronic devices (equipment, installations) designed for the use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments. The
devices are assumed to be (directly/indirectly) connected to the public low-voltage
supply grid.
The standard also applies to battery-powered devices and devices designed for the
use in residential buildings, sales areas, business rooms, entertainment establishments, outdoor places or small company rooms supplied by a non-public, nonindustrial low-voltage supply grid.
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It is applicable, if no adequate EMC product standard or product line standard for
transient emissions exists.
Requirements for transient emissions mentioned in this standard apply to a frequency
range of 0 Hz to 400 GHz.
This standard does NOT contain requirements concerning the safety of the devices.
Short Description of Standard:
Terms defined in the standard: Terminal (gate), enclosure, line connector, telecommunication/grid connector, current supply connector, public supply grid, low voltage,
D.C. supply grid, low-voltage A.C. grid connection and highest internal frequency.
Transient emission measurements have to be taken depending on the device, its arrangement, connectors, technology and operating conditions. Measurements have to
be taken on the respective terminals according to tables 1 to 4 (attached to the standard).
Inspections of devices of series production have to be performed either on a random
sample of devices of the respective type with a statistical analysis or just on one device.
The statistical verification of the accordance to thresholds is achieved, if the following
inequality is fulfilled:
x  kSn  L
x : Arithmetic mean of the measured interference level of n devices of the sample
( Sn 
( xi  x ) 2
i 1
n 1
x i : Interference level of the single device
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L: Respective threshold
k: Factor depending on n (see table in clause 8.2)
The device under test has to be measured in its duty of highest emission. If the device is part of a system, it has to be tested with the smallest possible arrangement.
All tests have to be performed within the specified range of environmental conditions
for the device concerning temperature, humidity and air pressure and with its rated
The customer/user has to be informed, if special necessities for the accordance to
the requirements of this standard have to be arranged, e.g. the use of shielded conductors.
Test results of transient emission tests of devices have to refer to the measuring inaccuracy considerations of IEC/CISPR 16-4-2.
The inaccuracy of the measuring equipment has to be determined according to
IEC/CISPR 16-4-2.
Standards for signalling on electrical installations
The abstract for standard DIN EN 50065-1 is as follows:
74. DIN EN 50065-1: Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the
frequency range 3kHz to 148.5kHz - Part 1 - General requirements,
frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to electrical devices using signals in the frequency range 3 kHz
to 148.5 kHz for information transmission on the public low-voltage grid or on customer installations.
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The standard defines the different applications of dedicated frequency bands, thresholds for output voltages within the applied frequency band and thresholds for wireconducted and beamed disturbances.
Testing procedures are provided as well.
This standard does NOT define signal modulation procedures, encoding procedures,
operation characteristics (exception: mutual influences) or requirements and tests for
the environment.
Short Description of Standard:
Frequency bands are divided into frequency bands 3 kHz to 95 kHz (limited to electricity supply companies and concessionaires) and frequency bands 95 kHz to
148.5 kHz (limited to customer installations).
Classification for 95 kHz to 148.5 kHz equipment:
Class 122 equipment: suitable for general use
Class 134 equipment: might require registration or approval of authorized admission offices
Frequency bands 95 kHz to 148.5 kHz are sub-divided into frequency bands 95 kHz
to 125 kHz (no access protocol required), frequency bands 125 kHz to 140 kHz
(access protocol required) and frequency bands 140 kHz to 148.5 kHz (no access
protocol required).
The access protocol for 125 kHz to 140 kHz frequency bands uses a carrier sense
multiple access (CSMA) protocol offering the possibility for multiple system to work
within the same or within an electrically connected low-voltage grid.
It defines a ―band busy‖-signal (frequency 132.5 kHz), the respective ―band busy‖condition (detection of ―band busy‖-signals, signal analysis) and gives regulations for
access and use of the sub-frequency band (time limits, etc.).
Definitions for the transmitter output voltage provided within the standard:
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Measuring circuits for single- and three-phase installations
Output signal measuring: determination of bandwidth (spectrum analyzer with
peak value detector, bandwidth 100 Hz) and determination of output level (peak
value detector, 1 min span of time)
Maximum output levels: single-phase installations (test setups for each subfrequency band), three-phase installations with simultaneous transmission on all
phases, three-phase installations with transmission on one phase
Labels: labels on transmission installations have to indicate the output level class
Disturbance thresholds (frequency ranges, quasi-peak values, average values) and
the respective testing methods are provided mentioning wire-conducted disturbances, thresholds for the field intensity of disturbing radiation and thresholds for interfering power.
If it is appropriate, signal transmission products should have a warning sign about
grid signal transmission not being used for device control which might cause danger
for persons or objects, if operated unintended or under malfunction.
Devices with asymmetric input have to have the following warning sign: ―The use of
this product is not permitted in living quarters because of safety specifications. If devices with asymmetric input are used in an industrial or commercial environment, the
raiser bears all responsibility. Any use has to be conforming to local regulations.‖
Standards for voltage characteristics
Standards DIN EN 50160 and IEC 60038 define the operating conditions and describing and specifying supply voltage characteristics in transmission or distribution,
utilization systems and equipment.
75. DIN EN 50160: Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public
distribution networks
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to the hand-over point between low- and medium voltage public distribution networks and the user under normal operating conditions defining, de-
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scribing and specifying supply voltage characteristics (frequency, size, wave form,
symmetry of line voltage).
It describes the limits and thresholds for the expected voltage characteristics in the
entire public distribution network.
It does NOT describe the average situation in a public distribution network as it is
experienced by a single user. The characteristics of this standard must not be used
as values for EMC or requirements for product standards.
The standard does NOT apply to any form of operating conditions deviating from the
normal operating conditions.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard contains numerous definitions for terms that are used to describe the
voltage characteristics, e.g. hand-over point, supply voltage, flicker, etc.
The standard is separated into 3 parts: Low-voltage characteristics, medium voltage
characteristics and high-voltage characteristics. Each part describes enduring phenomena, as well as voltage incidents for the respective voltage range.
The standardized nominal voltage (Un) has to be 230 V between outer conductor and
neutral conductor (three-phase power system with four conductors) or between the
outer conductors (three-phase power system with three conductors) for low-voltage
Voltages for medium voltage supply (Uc
) described in this standard range from
1 kV to 35 kV.
Voltage for high-voltage supply (Uc
) described in this standard range from 35 kV to
150 kV.
The nominal frequency of the supply voltage has to be 50 Hz.
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Slow voltage changes should not exceed ± 10% of the nominal voltage Un/agreed
voltage Uc under normal operating conditions (values just for low- and medium voltage supply).
Long-term flicker caused by voltage changes should be PIt ≤ 1 under normal operating conditions during 95% of any week-period.
95% of the 10-minute-averages of the effective value of the counter-system component (fundamental oscillation) of the supply voltage have to be within 0% to 2% of the
respective co-system component (fundamental oscillation) during any week-period
under normal operating conditions.
Thresholds for harmonic voltages can be taken from table 1 (low-voltage), table 4
(medium voltage) and table 7 (high-voltage).
The 3-secound-averages of the signal voltage must not exceed the values of figure 1
(low-voltage) or figure 2 (medium voltage) during 99% of any day. Because of the low
resonance frequency of the high-voltage grid no values are defined for high-voltage
Voltage incidents are interruption of the supply voltage, collapse and oversize of the
supply voltage and transient overvoltage between the outer conductor and earth. Respective descriptions and classifications, if possible, can be found in clause 4.3, 5.3
and 6.3.
For most of the voltage incidents only guide values can be provided (see annex B).
Remark: Test procedures can be found in EN 61000-4-30.
76. IEC 60038: IEC standard voltages
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to A.C. transmission, distribution and utilization systems and
equipment for use in such systems with standard frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz and a
nominal voltage above 100 V. It also relates to A.C. and D.C. traction systems and
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equipment with nominal voltages below 120 V (A.C., frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz) or
below 750 V (D.C.).
This standard does NOT apply to signal voltages or measured values, standard voltages of components and parts used within electrical devices or parts of equipment.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard consists of two sections.
Section 1:
Defines the fundamental technical terms concerning voltages in systems described
Nominal system voltage, highest and lowest voltages of a system (excluding transient or abnormal conditions), supply terminals, supply voltage, supply voltage range,
utilization voltage, utilization voltage range, rated voltage (of equipment), highest voltage for equipment and normal operating conditions (for system)
Section 2:
Tables of standard voltages:
Table 1: A.C. systems having a nominal voltage between 100 V and 1000 V inclusive
and related equipment
(Contains the nominal voltages of three-phase four-wire or three-phase three-wire
systems and single-phase three-wire systems)
Table 2: D.C. and A.C. traction systems
(Contains the nominal system voltages and the lowest and highest voltages of D.C.
systems and A.C. single-phase systems, as well as the rated frequency of A.C. systems)
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Table 3: A.C. three-phase systems having a nominal voltage above 1 kV and not exceeding 35 kV and related equipment
(Contains the highest voltage for equipment and the nominal system voltage)
Table 4: A.C. three-phase systems having a nominal voltage above 35 kV and not
exceeding 230 kV and related equipment
(Contains the highest voltage for equipment and the nominal system voltage)
Table 5: A.C. three-phase systems having a highest voltage for equipment exceeding
245 kV
(Contains the highest voltage for equipment)
Table 6: Equipment having a nominal voltage below 120 V A.C. or below 750 V D.C
(Contains the preferred and supplementary nominal values for A.C. and D.C. voltages)
Table A.1: Highest and lowest voltage values at supply terminals and at utilization
terminals, as they can be derived from the text related to table 1 in section 2
(Contains the rated frequency, highest supply or utilization voltage, nominal voltage,
lowest supply voltage and lowest utilization voltage of three-phase four-wire or threephase three-wire systems and single-phase three-wire systems)
Standards for electricity metering equipments
Standards DIN EN 50470-1 and DIN EN 50470-3 describe the requirements and test
for metering equipment for domestic, industrial and light industry use.
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77. DIN EN 50470-1: Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Part 1 - General
requirements, tests and test conditions - Metering equipment (class
indexes A, B and C)
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to newly produced watt-hour meters for domestic and industrial
purposes as well as the use in light industries for the measurement of a.c. active
electrical energy in 50 Hz grids.
It applies to electromechanical or electronic active electrical energy meters for indoor
and outdoor use consisting of a sensor and (a) displaying part(s) assembled in an
enclosure. Operation displays and test ports are treated as well.
This standard does NOT apply to watt-hour meters with terminal voltages exceeding
600 V, portable meters or reference standard meters
Short description of standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning metering equipment, e.g. watthour
meter, electric test port, metering enclosure, etc.
Standardized reference voltages for electricity metering equipment (see table 1):
Standard voltage values (in V): 230/400 (direct connection), 100 / 3 to 110 / 3
(connection via voltage converter).
Exceptional voltage values (in V): 220/380, 240/415 (direct connection), 20 / 3
(connection via voltage converter).
Standardized reference amperages and respective ranges can be taken from tables
2 and 3.
The standard value for the reference frequency is 50 Hz.
Remark: In terms of operational temperature ranges the standard is closely linked to
EN 60721-3.
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The meter has to be able to withstand relative air moisture of < 75% (yearly average
value), 95% (for 30 days spread across the year) and 85% (occasional).
The producer has to determine temperature thresholds for the operating range, the
limited operating range, storage and transportation according to table 7. Furthermore
the producer has to indicate the site of operation (indoor/outdoor) and whether or not
the meter is designed for condensing air moisture.
The standard contains indications of test procedures for tests at dry warmth, tests at
cold, test at moist warmth (cyclic) and protection against solar radiation.
Voltage ranges of the meter: 0.9Un to 1.1 Un (determined operating range), 0.8 Un to
1.15 Un (extended operating range), 0.0 Un to 1.15 Un (threshold of operating range).
The meter and all of its additional installations have to maintain their insulating characteristics under normal operating conditions taking into account all atmospheric
influences and different voltages.
The meter has to withstand sure voltage tests and a.c. voltage test according to
chapter 7.3.
In terms of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) the standard considers the following
electromagnetic influences as significant: Voltage drops and short-time interruption,
electrostatic discharges, irradiated electromagnetic high-frequency fields, fast transient disturbances (bursts), line conducted disturbances inducted by high-frequency
fields, voltage surges, (damped) oscillations, mains-frequent magnetic fields (external
source), contact magnetic fields (external source) and radio interferences.
Test procedures are mentioned for each of these significant influences in the standard.
Mechanical requirements and respective test procedures defined in this standard:
General mechanical requirements: Mechanical environment, design of the meter
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Enclosures: Requirements, Mechanical tests (spring hammer test, shock test,
oscillating test)
Terminals, terminal block(s) and protective earth conductor terminal
Terminal cover
Air gaps and creepage distances: Minimum values (see tables 4 and 5)
Meters in insulation material housing of protection class II
Heat and fire resistance
Protection against ingress of moisture and dust
Displaying of measured values
Output installation and function control: Mechanical, electric and optical characteristics
Labeling: Rating plates, connecting diagrams and terminal denotation
Attendant information: Manual contents
78. DIN EN 50470-3: Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Part 3 - Particular
requirements - Static meters for active energy (class indexes A, B and C)
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to newly produced electronic meters for active energy with accuracy class indexes A, B and C for domestic, industrial and light industry use. Their
field of application is the measurement of the A.C. current active energy in 50Hz grids.
It defines special requirements and procedures for type tests and differentiates between meters of accuracy classes A, B and C, directly connected meters, converter
counters and meters for operation in grids with or without earth-fault neutralizers.
The electronic meters consist of a readings recorder and at least one counter assembled together in an enclosure and are used indoor as well as outdoor.
The standard applies to operation displays and test ports.
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This standard does NOT apply to active energy meters with terminal voltages exceeding 600V, portable meters and reference standard meters.
Short Description of Standard:
This standard basically consists of various descriptions of type tests with the respective values and thresholds being provided in multiple tables.
The meters have to meet the following demands:
Power consumption: Total error of measurement not exceeding 5%, absorbed
active and apparent power in each voltage path according to table 1 / current
path according to table 2
A.C. voltage test: Test voltage has to be sinusoidal (frequency: 45 Hz - 65 Hz,
time: 1 min), voltage supply source providing at least 500 VA, A.C. voltage test
according to table 3
Requirements of DIN EN 50470-1
Demands for accuracy and tests:
Thresholds of the percentage error of measurement with variable load
Repeat accuracy: At least 3 measurements have to be done on each of the
test points.
Thresholds of the additional percentage error of measuring caused by variation of influencing values
Maximum permissible error (MPE): A formula to determine the compound error of measurements is provided.
Consequence of long term disturbances
Short time over-currents: Must not damage the counter. After being restored
the counter has to work according to its operating condition.
Remark: All testing values and thresholds are defined within tables 4 to 14.
The meter has to be tested with its enclosure and fixed meter cap. All parts intended
to be grounded have to be grounded.
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Before the start of any test the circuits have to be switched on for a sufficient time to
gain thermal stability.
If multiphase meters are used, the phase sequence has to conform to the connection
circuit diagram and all voltages and currents have to be symmetric.
Tests to determine the consequences of influencing values: variation of temperature,
voltage or frequency
Test of consequences of long term disturbances: high variation of voltage, inverted
phase sequence (only three-phase meters), voltage unbalance (only three-phase
meters), self-heating, earth connection, accuracy with presence of harmonics, influence of D.C. current and even-numbered harmonics in A.C. current paths, unevennumbered harmonics and harmonic undershoots in A.C. current paths, interference
fields/irradiated electromagnetic HF-fields, operation of additional attachments, interference resistance against electric quick transients or bursts/conductor bound disturbances induced by HF-fields/damped oscillation.
Test of starting and open-circuit operation constraint: operating state of the meter,
open-circuit operation constraint test, starting.
In addition the standard provides definitions for short term over-currents and meter
Requirements to guarantee consistency and reliability of the meter are provided as
well as demands concerning the software and the protection against manipulation.
Necessary specifications that are mentioned within the standard: labeling of the functions realized by the software, labeling and protection of the software, labeling and
protection of relevant functions for measurement, setup of parameters, setup of performance data, protection against improper influence of irrelevant software in terms
of measurement and protection against improper influence by connection of other
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Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers
Standards DIN EN 60309-1, DIN EN 62196-1 and VDE-AR-E-2623-2-2 apply to plugs
and socket-outlets, electric couplers and appliance couplers under different operation
conditions, such as different operating voltage, currents and temperatures, etc. Standard DIN EN 60320 applies to double-pole appliance couplers just for A.C. currents.
The abstracts of these standards are as follows:
79. DIN EN 60309-1: Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial
purposes - Part 1 - General requirements
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to plug devices (plugs and socket-outlets, electric couplers and
appliance couplers) with a nominal operating voltage of up to 690 V D.C. or A.C.,
500 Hz and nominal currents of up to 250 A that are basically designed for industrial
purposes indoor or outdoor.
The devices are used in an ambient temperature between -25 °C and + 40 °C.
Plug devices described in this standard have terminals without screws or insulation
penetrating terminals with a nominal current of up to 16 A for series I and 20 A for
series II.
The standard does not exclude the use of these plug devices on construction sites, in
agriculture sites, industrial establishments or in domestic work.
This standard does NOT apply to plug devices that are predominantly designed for
domestic work or similar purposes
Short description of standard:
Remark: Each clause of this standard also contains testing methods for the respective contents at the end of the clause (written in italics).
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The standard defines several terms concerning plug devices, e.g. appliance coupler,
switched socket-outlet, retaining device, etc.
Plug devices have to be designed and built according to their purpose and in a way
that they do not cause danger for the user or the environment.
Wires used to test the devices have to be made of copper and have to be conforming
to IEC 60227, IEC 60228 and IEC 60245-4.
Preferred nominal operating voltage ranges and currents can be taken from the
tables in clause 5.
Plug devices are categorized by:
Usage: Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers, appliance couplers
Degree of protection: See IEC 60529
Existence of protective contacts
Connection type of the wire
Existence and type of interlock
Type of terminals
Connector type for terminals without screws and insulation penetrating terminals
All plug devices have to be labeled with nominal currents and voltages, symbol for
the kind of current, nominal frequency (if higher than 60 Hz), name or trademark of
the manufacturer, type label (might be the order number), symbol for degree of protection and symbol pointing to the protective contact setting.
The standard contains detailed information about all labels (caption, contents, symbols, etc.).
Plug devices have to be designed in a way that no active parts of socket-outlets,
couplers, plugs or appliance couplers, partially or completely in contact with their
complementary parts, are tangible after their destined connection.
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There must not be any chance of contact between the terminal of a plug or appliance
connector and the terminal of a socket-outlet or coupler, as long as one of the terminals is tangible.
Further information about protection against electric shock and the installment of protective earthing conductors can be looked up in clauses 9 and 10.
Types of terminals and terminal tests defined in the standard:
Screw terminals
Terminals without screws
Insulation penetrating terminals (IPT)
Mechanical tests of terminals
Voltage drop tests of terminals without screws and insulation penetrating terminal
Tests for insulation penetrating terminals transmitting contact pressure through
isolated parts
Remark: Each section contains very detailed definitions of the respective terminal
(characteristics, dimensions, connection, special operation requirements, etc.).
Socket-outlets and couplers deviating from the requirements defined in this standard
need to have an interlock.
Plug devices with enclosures made of rubber or thermoplastic materials or rubberlike
parts (e.g. seal rings or discs) have to be sufficiently resistant to age.
Tangible surfaces of plug devices have to be free of groin, burr or any other form of
sharp edges. Screws still have to be easily accessible.
The user must not be able to change the setting of the protective contact or the Ncontact.
The degree of protection for plug devices has to be ensured at any time (with or
without plugs or appliance connectors connected to socket-outlets or couplers).
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Remark: Further information for the design of the different terminal types can be
looked up in clauses 15, 16 and 17.
Plugs and couplers must have a strain relief appliance designed in a way that the
conductor is not able to have contact with tangible metal parts or inner metal parts, if
connected to tangible metal parts (exception: a connection to the inner protective
earth conductor exists).
Plug devices have to be equipped with flexible conductors ( IEC 60245-4). Different
types can be identified in table 9 mentioning nominal currents and nominal cross sections.
The conductor connected to the protective earth conductor terminal has to be marked
with the color combination green-yellow.
Screws transmitting contact pressure and screws with a cross section dimension of
under 3.5 mm used at the installment of the plug device have to be inserted into a
metal nut or insert.
The contact pressure must not be transmitted via insulation, pure mica or similar materials (exception: ceramics or sufficient suspension in the metal parts).
Active parts, except for terminals, have to be made of copper, copper alloy (at least
50% copper) or another metal (at least as corrosion-resistant as copper, no inferior
mechanical characteristics).
Interlocks have to withstand a limited short circuit current of at least 10 kA.
The operation of plug devices defined in this standard is not influenced by electromagnetic disturbances during conventional use. The plug devices do not emit electromagnetic disturbances themselves during permanent use.
Very detailed test procedures and requirements are defined for (clauses 18 to 29):
Protection type and degree of protection: Refers to IEC 60529
Leakage resistances and withstand voltages
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Switching capacity (especially for plug devices without interlock)
Performance during operation: Mechanical, electrical and thermal stress has
to be resisted without exceptional wear or other damaging consequences.
Rise of temperature
Flexible conductors and their connection: Tensile tests and torque tests
Mechanical stability
Screws, active parts and connections: Withstand of mechanical wear
Leakage distances, air gaps and distances over casting compounds
Heat, fire and creep resistance
Corrosion and rust protection
Withstand test with limited short circuit current
Remark: Each section contains detailed information, testing requirements and tables
providing values, such as testing voltages, nominal currents, frequencies, etc. In addition several figures and test setups are given.
80. DIN EN 62196-1: Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle
inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 1 - Charging of
electric vehicles up to 250 A a.c. and 400 A d.c.
Scope of this standard:
This standard is applicable to plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers, vehicle plugs
and cables for electric vehicles used in charging systems with conductive energy
transmission and control equipment with the following maximum voltage and current
690 V ac (50 Hz or 60 Hz) and 250 A
600 V dc and 400 A
Systems described in this standard are meant to be used in circuits described in (
IEC 61851-1).
Remark: this standard is closely linked to ( VDE AR-E 2623 2-2 and  IEC
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Short description of standard:
Plug systems have to be designed in a way that can assure that no danger is caused
by normal use, neither to the user nor the environment. This can be assured by tests
described in this standard, where all tests are type tests of sets of three devices under test.
This standard gives very detailed information for plug design, so all necessary safety
requirements can be met by the final product.
Furthermore, this standard gives very detailed information of all kinds of electrical,
mechanical and other general tests that have to be performed in order to assure conformity. The explanation is valid for a great variety of different plugs.
Four different vehicle couplers have to exist:
Basic interface (B) for charging modes 1, 2, 3 ( IEC 61851-1) and up to 32 A
Universal interface for 32 A AC current(U32)
Universal interface for high power AC (UA)
Universal interface for high power DC (UD)
Three different vehicle plugs have to exist:
Universal interface UA
Universal interface UD
Basic interface (B)
Universal plugs have to have up to 12 contacts; the basic plugs have up to 8. The
usage of the different contacts is defined within the standard for both types of plugs.
Plugs of type B only have to be compatible to sockets of type B, where as plugs of
type UA have to be compatible to UA and U32. The same is valid for type UD. UA and
UD may not be compatible.
Plugs and sockets have to be labeled accordingly to this standard. The following information has to be included using specified symbols:
One symbol describing the type of plug (B, UA, UD, U32)
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Rated current in A
Rated voltage in V
Name or brand of producer or responsible dealer
Description of type which may be the article number
Sized, position and layout of labels are explicitly defined within this standard.
81. VDE-AR-E 2623-2-2: Plugs, socked outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle
inlets - conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 2-2 - Dimensional
interchange ability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to vehicle plug systems with pins and contact tubes with a
maximum rated voltage of 500 VAC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, and a maximum rated current of
63A (rotating three phase) or 70 A (single phase), that are intended to conductively
charge electric vehicles. They are applied in circuits described in ( IEC 61851-1).
The standard applies to plugs operated at ambient temperatures of -30 °C to 50 °C
and connected to wires made of copper or copper alloy.
The system is able to bi-directionally transfer power, which is controlled by data exchange.
Plug systems may be used for charging modes 1 to 3, case A to C, according to (
IEC 61851-1) and are recommended for current ratings described above.
Short description of standard:
Preliminary remark: This standard strongly references IEC 62196-1, please always
observe both standards.
Rated values used:
0 to 30 V (signal and control purpose)
AC voltages less than or equal to 500 V
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20 A, 32 A or 63 A single-phase or three-phase currents
70 A single-phase currents
Only charging modes 1 to 3 for currents up to 32 A (single-phase and three-phase)
are allowed as well as currents up to 70 A (single-phase only). Mode 1 may be prohibited in some countries.
The interface has to have up to 7 current or signal contacts with a well defined mechanical allocation of the contacts for rotating currents. Positions are defined within
VDE-AR-E 2623-2-2
Data transmission and pilot control contact have to be used according to ( IEC
For mode 1 and mode 2 any standardized plug / plug-in system may be used on grid
side. For mode 3 the vehicle plug may be used on grid side to allow for cables with
the same plugs on both ends.
Contacts of plugs and plug-ins have to be labeled.
Protective earth conductors have to have at least the same cross section as line
conductors and have to be marked green/yellow.
Physical dimensions are defined within this standard. Drawings are included, but may
not be copied.
Test criteria are defined, please note that these may differ from ( IEC 62916-1).
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82. DIN EN 60320-1: Appliance couplers for household and similar general
purposes - Part 1 - General requirements
Scope of this standard:
This standard applies to double-pole appliance couplers just for A.C. currents (rated
voltage up to 250 V, rated current up to 16 A) for household and similar purposes
used for the connection of a flexible cable with electric devices or other electric installations to a power connection of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
Connector plugs have to be a constructional unit with the device/other installation or
have to be installed in it.
Ambient temperatures of appliance couplers described in this standard should not
exceed 25 °C.
Short Description of Standard:
The standard defines several terms concerning appliance couplers, e.g. different
terminal forms, holding fixture, connector plug, etc.
The standard rated voltage is 250 V. Standard rated currents are 0.2 A, 2.5 A, 6 A,
10 A and 16 A.
All type tests mentioned in this standard are performed with A.C. currents and 50 Hz
or 60 Hz and with an ambient temperature of (20 ± 5) °C. Detailed information about
all type test and routine test conditions can be found in clause 5 and annex A.
Classification of appliance couplers:
Highest temperature at the pin bases of the respective appliance couplers:
Cold conditions (pin temperature up to 70 °C), warm conditions (pin temperature up to 120 °C), hot conditions (pin temperature up to 155 °C)
Type of connecting device: Protection classes I and II
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Type of connection of the flexible cable: Re-connectable appliance couplers,
non-re-connectable appliance couplers
Coupler sockets have to be labeled with their rated current in Ampere (exception:
0.2 A coupler sockets), rated voltage in Volt, symbol for kind of current,
name/trademark/origin of the manufacturer or responsible merchant, type symbol
and an identification to specify adequate types of conductors for terminals without
screws (conform to IEC 60999-1 clause 7.5).
Appliance couplers have to be conforming to standard specification sheets C1 to C24
that are attached to this standard. Clause 9.1 assigns every appliance coupler type to
its respective sheet.
Single-pole connections between connector plugs and coupler sockets must not be
possible ( IEC 60083).
Furthermore it must not be possible to connect coupler sockets for connection of protection class II devices to coupler plugs for other devices, to connect coupler sockets
for cold conditions to coupler plugs for warm or hot conditions, to connect coupler
sockets for warm conditions to coupler plugs for hot conditions or to connect coupler
sockets to coupler plugs with a higher rated current than the coupler socket.
Appliance couplers have to be constructed in a way that no active parts of coupler
plugs are tangible, if the coupler socket is partly or completely in contact with the
Active parts, the protective contact and metal parts connected with the contact must
not be tangible after proper assembly.
Appliance couplers with protective contact have to be constructed in a way that the
connection of the protective contact is established before the conducting contacts are
energized. When taken off the conducting contacts have to disconnect before the
connection of the protective contacts is interrupted.
Remark: Detailed information and test requirements about terminals, connections
and the construction of appliance couplers can be found on clauses 12 and 13.
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Further requirements for appliance couplers and respective tests defined in this standard:
Moisture resistance
Leakage resistance and withstand voltage: The leakage resistance has to be
at least 5 MΩ; table 2 defines the maximum diameters of flexible cables
Required forces for insertion and take-off of coupler sockets: Maximum removal forces for multi-pin devices are 50 N (0.2 A, 2.5 A, 6 A, 10 A) and 60 N
(16 A); minimum removal forces for single-pin devices are 1.5 N (0.2 A, 2.5 A,
6 A, 10 A) and 2 N (16 A)
Contacts characteristics: Contacts and pins have to be sliding contacts; the
contact pressure between contacts and pins must not depend on the flexibility
of the insulating material
Heat resistance of appliance couplers for warm and hot conditions
Breaking capacity
Behavior during intended operation: Withstand of mechanical, electrical and
thermal stress without excessive abrasion or damaging consequences
Rise of temperature: Contacts and conducting parts have to be designed to
avoid extensive heating as a consequence of current conduction
Connection of flexible cables: Flexible cables have to be conforming to IEC
60227 or IEC 60245; coupler socket types, flexible cable types and their respective minimum nominal diameters are provided in table 4, 5 and 6; connection of non-re-connectable coupler socket and re-connectable coupler sockets
Mechanical strength
Heat resistance and ageing
Screws, conducting parts and connections: Electrical or mechanical connections have to withstand mechanical stress during intended operation; forbidden materials and screws for certain applications
Leakage distances, air gaps and distances by insulation: Minimum distances
are defined in table 9
Heat, moisture and leakage current resistance of insulating materials: The
standard refers to the test procedures of IEC 60695-2
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Rust protection: All iron parts have to be sufficiently protected against rust
EMC requirements: Interference resistance and transient emissions
Remark: The standard provides very detailed specifications and test procedures for each of the sections mentioned above.
exchange stations
There are no specific standards about battery exchange stations.
Battery recycling and disposal
Since 1991 the European Union (EU) enacted regularly directives concerning batteries. The EU member states are obliged to implement these directives into national
laws. Consequently German battery ordinance [Batterieverordnung (BattV)] exist
since 1998 which commits the battery industry to collect used batteries and assure
their recycling. In 2006 a stricter regulation, the directive 2006/66/EC, was enacted
by the EU. Based on this directive, the German battery law [Batteriegesetz (BattG)]
came into force in December 2009, and commits producers and traders of all kinds of
batteries to take back used batteries after EOL. Treatment and recycling is mandatory and forbids any land filling or incineration of identifiable portable and industrial batteries. The qualification of a battery recycling process is measured by a recycling efficiency, which has to reach at least 50 wt-%.
The current EU directive 2006/66/EC and its national implementations in the EU regulate in detail battery recycling. Therefore is little need and room for further regulations by technical standards, ordinances or recommendations of battery associations.
Only few documents were found for Li-Ion batteries in the scope of this study.
The technical standards of the DIN EN 50272 set and accordingly VDE 0510 with the
topic ―Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations‖ refer to
the EU directive 2006/66/EC. The DIN EN 50272 applies to all kinds of secondary
batteries and therefore includes also Li-Ion batteries. The DIN EN 50272 set include
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
a Part 1 from 2008 which addresses to general safety information, a Part 2 from 2001
which addresses to stationary batteries, a Part 3 from 2003 which addresses to traction batteries and a Part 4 from 2007 which addresses Batteries for use in portable
In the following are quotations listed from Part 1 to 4 with the references to the EU
batteries directives:
83. DIN EN 50272-1: Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery
Part 1, Chapter 13 ―aspects to disposal and to environment‖
―Werden verbrauchte Zellen oder Batterien entsorgt oder wiederverwertet ist folgende EG-Richtlinie zu beachten:
Richtlinien 2006/66/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über Batterien
und Akkumulatoren sowie Altbatterien und Akkumulatoren (Aufhebung der Richtlinie
Part 2, Chapter 13.2 ―dismantling, disposal and reuse of batteries‖:
―Die Demontage und Entsorgung von stationären Batterien darf nur durch ausgebildetes Personal erfolgen.
Folgende EG-Richtlinien müssen eingehalten werden:
91/157/EWG (Richtlinie des Rates)
Batterien und Akkumulatoren mit gefährlichen Stoffen
93/86/EWG (Richtlinie des Rates)
Angleichung an den technischen Fortschritt der Richtlinie 91/157/EWG‖
Part 3, Chapter 12.2 ―dismantling, disposal and recycling of batteries‖
―Die Demontage und Entsorgung von Batterien darf nur von qualifizierten Personen
durchgeführt werden. Folgende EC-Verordnungen sind zu beachten:
91/157 (EEC, council directive)
„Batteries and accumulators containing certain dangerous substances―
93/86 (EEC, commission directive)
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„Adapting to technical progress Council Directive 91/157/EEC on batteries and
accumulators containing certain dangerous substances――
Part 4, Chapter 10 ―Labeling and disposal of batteries for hand-held use‖
―Wenn verbrauchte Zellen oder Batterien entsorgt und weiterverwertet werden sollen,
müssen die folgenden Richtlinien der Europäischen Union beachtet werden:
91/157/EEC ( council directive)
„Batteries and accumulators containing certain dangerous substances―
93/86/EEC (commission directive)
„Adaptation to technical progress Council Directive 91/157/EEC ――
3.2 Standards under development in Germany and EU
Standards ISO 15118-1 and -2 are under development. There are also a Proposal to
TC 21A/WG 5 that is about the safety requirements for secondary lithium batteries
used in hybrid vehicles and mobile applications, and ISO/DIS 12405-2 Draft that is
specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems, to be used in
electrically propelled road vehicles.
84. ISO 15118-1 and -2 (under development): Road vehicles Communication protocol between electric vehicles and grid - Part 1 Definitions and use-cases; Part 2 - Sequence diagrams and
communication layers
Scope of this standard:
It will apply to the interface of road vehicles and the supply grid providing a communication protocol.
There is a proposal to TC 21A/WG 5, it is identically with the German pre norm VDE
V 0510-11. It is about:
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85. Proposal to TC 21A/WG 5(2008): Safety requirements for secondary
lithium batteries for hybrid vehicles and mobile applications
Scope of this standard:
This standard specifies requirements and tests for secondary lithium batteries to ensure their safe operation in automotive engineering. The provisions are valid for the
intended use as well as for simple, reasonably foreseeable misuse.
This standard applies to working voltages from 60 V DC up to 1 500 V DC in any type
of hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles and similar applications licensed for public transport. This standard deals with cells and batteries containing lithium in any form, including lithium metal, lithium alloy or lithium ion systems. Lithium metal and lithium
alloy primary electrochemical systems use lithium metal or a lithium alloy, respectively, as the negative electrode. Lithium ion secondary electrochemical systems use intercalation compounds (intercalated lithium exists in anionic or quasi-atomic form
within the lattice of the electrode material) in the positive and the negative electrodes.
This standard also applies to lithium polymer cells and batteries which are considered
either as primary lithium metal cells and batteries or as secondary lithium ion cells
and batteries, depending on the material used for the negative electrode.
This standard addresses the safety of secondary lithium cells and batteries in their
applications. Thus it is especially intended as a guideline for manufacturers producing batteries or battery banks from single cells or batteries.
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ISO/DIS12405-2 is a draft international standard:
86. ISO/DIS 12405-2 Draft: Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test
specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 2 - High
energy applications
Scope of this standard:
This standard specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems, to
be used in electrically propelled road vehicles.
The specified test procedures shall enable the user of this standard to determine the
essential characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
packs and systems. The user shall also be supported to compare the test results
achieved for different battery packs and systems.
Therefore the objective of this standard is to specify standard test procedures for the
basic characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
packs and systems.
This standard enables setting up a dedicated test plan for an individual battery pack
or system subject to an agreement between customer and supplier. If required, the
relevant test procedures and/or test conditions of lithium-ion battery packs and systems may be selected from the standard tests provided in this standard to configure a
dedicated test plan.
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Figure 4 Test overview in ISO/DIS 12405-2 Draft
NOTE Testing on cell level is under consideration in IEC.
International Working Group: ISO/TC 22/SC 21 Electrically propelled road vehicles
National Working Group: NA 052-01-21 AA Elektrische Straßenfahrzeuge
There are also some European activities on defining of recycling efficiency. The European directive 2006/66/EC provides for recycling and collecting targets to be
reached by 2011 and 2012 respectively at the latest. It has been set that any process
for the recycling of batteries will be obliged to reach a recycling efficiency of 65% by
average weight for lead-acid batteries, 75% for nickel-cadmium and 50% for other
battery types. Due to various reasons the recycling efficiency of a process cannot be
measured reliably, so that it has to be calculated. But while the recycling targets have
been fixed, it has not been defined how the recycling efficiency is calculated. Up to
now no agreement on a calculation method for recycling efficiencies regarding battery recycling processes have been finalized. However the calculation method will
have a major impact on the battery recycling industry in Europe. Critical points that
have to be reflected by an equation are for example the definition of system bounda-
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ries, of battery elements and components to be considered and those to be neglected, of assigning material values to the input and output materials and of ensuring
a transferability of the equation to all related battery systems [Fri2007].
BIPRO was assigned by the European Commission to compile a ―Study on the calculation of recycling efficiencies and implementation of export article (Art. 15) of the
Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC‖. This study ―is not only a compilation of technical data and information but also at providing the basis for a European Commission policy
proposal on:
1. a method for calculation of the recycling efficiencies laid down in Part B of Annex III of the Batteries Directive (2006/66/EC);
2. an appropriate recording/reporting format to be used by recycling facilities;
3. a description of minimum treatment requirements concerning Part A of Annex
III of the Batteries Directive (2006/66/EC);
4. criteria to assess equivalent conditions that the recycling operations need to
meet when waste batteries and accumulators are exported out of the community;
5. a set of practical sound evidence that should be provided in order to prove
compliance with these criteria.
Detailed technical information compiled in the report as practical and factual information source concerns particularly
6. Information on BAT
7. Description of the core elements of BAT
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
4. Comparison of standards in China and in Germany/EU for
vehicle batteries
4.1 Introduction of standards for vehicle batteries in China
In order to promote the development of the traction battery and electric vehicle, the
China Automobile Standard Committee SC - Electric Vehicle began to work on some
relevant standards since the 9th Five-Year Plan. In 2001, four traction battery standards for electric vehicles GB/T 18332.1-2009, GB/T 18332.2-2001, GB/Z 18333.12001 and GB/Z 18333.2-2001 were approved and issued by the competent authorities, three of which were organized and centralized by Automotive Standard Committee.
During the 10th Five-Year Plan, China witnessed the great development of the electric vehicles (including traction battery). The technologies from four standards that are
mentioned above could not meet the needs in this industrial. The four standards in
automotive industrial QC/T 741-2006, QC/T 742-2006, QC/T 743-2006 and QC/T
744-2006, worked out by China Automotive Standard Committee and Electric Vehicles Subcommittee according to the demand of the Development and Reform
Commission and Ministry of Science & Technology under the advanced technologies,
have become the supporting files of the Development and Reform Commission to
promote electric vehicles.
In section 4.3, the Chinese electrical vehicle battery standard QC/T 743-2006 is
compared with the electrical vehicle battery standards in Germany and EU. The detailed Chinese electrical vehicle battery standard QC/T 743-2006 is as follows:
QC/T 743-2006
1 Scope of this standard
This standard defines the requirements, testing methods, checking rules, symbols,
package, transport and storage of Li-ion battery used in electric vehicles. The nominal voltage of single battery is 3.6 V (battery package is N × 3.6 V).
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
2 Test methods and requirements
2.1 single battery
2.1.1 Appearance
Check appearance
Requirement: No deformation or crack: clean, neat, reliable connection, symbol
2.1.2 Polarity
Check polarity
Requirement: The polarity is correct with clear positive and negative symbols.
2.1.3 Size and mass
Measure size and mass: Requirement: in accordance with technologies provided by
the manufacturer.
2.1.4 Discharge capacity at 20 °C
Test method:
Charge - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3 V or other limited voltage given by the
battery manufacturer - Calculate capacity, 5 times was permitted.
Requirement: no less than rated value and no more than 110% of rated value.
2.1.5 Discharge capacity at 20 °C
Test method:
Charge - storage for 20 h at (-20 °C ± 2 °C) - 1/3C discharge (-20 °C ± 2 °C) to 2.8 V
or other limited voltage given by the battery manufacturer - Calculate capacity.
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Requirement: no less than 70% of rated value.
2.1.6 Discharge capacity at 55 °C
Test method:
Charge - storage for 5 h at 55 °C ± 2 °C - 1/3C discharge (55 °C ± 2 °C) to 3.0 V or
other limited voltage given by the battery manufacturer - Calculate capacity.
Requirement: no less than 95% of rated value.
2.1.7 Rate discharge capacity at 20 °C
Test method:
Charge - 1.5C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3 V or other limited voltage given by the
battery manufacturer - Calculate capacity.
Requirement: no less than 90% of rated value.
Test method:
Charge - 4C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 2.8 V or other limited voltage given by the
battery manufacturer - Calculate capacity.
Requirement: no less than 80% of rated value.
2.1.8 Charge maintenance and recovery at normal and high temperatures
Test method at room temperature:
Charge - storage for 28 d at 20 °C ± 5 °C - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3 V or
other limited voltage given by the battery manufacturer. - charge maintenance performance can be demonstrated in terms of percentage - Charge - storage for 28 d at
20 °C ± 5 °C - 1/3C discharge(20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3 V or other limited voltage given by
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
the battery manufacturer - charge maintenance performance can be demonstrated in
terms of percentage
Test method at high temperature:
Charge - storage for 7 d at 55 °C ± 2 °C - recovery 5 h at 20 °C ± 5 °C - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3.0 V or other limited voltage given by the battery manufacturer. - charge maintenance performance can be demonstrated in terms of percentage - Charge - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3.0 V or other limited voltage given
by the battery manufacturer - charge maintenance performance can be demonstrated
in terms of percentage.
Requirement: charge maintenance rate and recovery performance are no less than
80% and 90% of rated values respectively at normal and high temperatures.
2.1.9 Storage
Test method:
Charge - 1/3C discharge(20 °C ± 5 °C)for 2 h - storage for 90 d at 20 °C ± 5 °C Charge - 1/3C discharge(20 °C ± 5 °C) to 3.0 V or other limited voltage given by the
battery manufacturer - charge maintenance performance can be demonstrated in
terms of percentage. 5 times was permitted.
Capacity recovery performance is no less than 95% of rated value.
2.1.10 Cycle life
Charge - 0.5C discharge (20 °C ± 2 °C) to 80% of rated value - charge - repeat 24
times - stop the test if it is less than 80% of rated value.
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Cycle life is no less than 500 times.
2.1.11 Safety performance
a) over discharge:
Test method: Charge - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 0 V
Requirement: No explosion, no fire and no leakage.
b) Over charge:
Test method (high energy battery):
1C charge to 5 V or for 90 min
Test method (high power battery):
3C charge to 10 V.
No explosion, no fire.
c) Short circuit:
Test method:
Charge - short circuit t for 10 min.
No explosion, no fire.
d) Drop
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Test method:
Charge - free drop (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 20 mm hard wood floor from 1.5 m, once at each
No explosion,no fire and no leakage.
e) Heat
Test method:
Charge - placed in thermo tank (85 °C ± 2 °C) for 120 min
No explosion; no fire.
f) Extrusion
Test method:
Charge - perpendicular to pole plate; extrusion head area is no less 20 cm2. Continue
the operation till the shell blasts or short circuit inside takes place.
No explosion, no fire.
g) Prickling
Test method:
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Charge - prick with diameter 3 mm – diameter 8 mm steel needle, at 10 mm/s 40 mm/s, perpendicular to the plate.
No explosion, no fire.
2.2 Battery module (5 or more batteries- connection in series)
2.2.1 Appearance
Test method
Check appearance
No deformation or crack: clean, neat, reliable connection, symbol clearance.
2.2.2 Polarity
Test method:
Check polarity
The polarity is correct with clear positive and negative symbols.
2.2.3 Size and mass
Test method:
Measure size and mass.
Requirement: in accordance with technologies provided by the manufacturer.
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2.2.4 Discharge capacity at 20 °C
Test method:
Charge - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to the n X 3 V or to 2.5 V for single battery record voltage and temperature.
Battery module (5 or more batteries), no less than rated value and no more than
110% of rated value.
2.2.5 Simple simulate cycle
Test method:
Charge - test cycle
Figure 5 High energy battery test cycle (x-axis: time (min); y-axis: discharge current (I3))
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Figure 6 High power battery test cycle (x-axis: time (s); y-axis: current (I3))
Pulses are not less than 4 analyze data.
2.2.6 Resistance to vibration
Test method:
Charge - vibration (1/3C discharge, up and down, 10 Hz - 55 Hz, 30 m/s2,2 h,10
Battery module (5 or more batteries).no current step, abnormal voltage, no deformed,
no leak, reliable connection, Structural integrate, no release.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
2.2.7 Safety performance
a) Discharge:
Test method:
Charge - 1/3C discharge (20 °C ± 5 °C) to 0 V
No explosion, no fire, and no leakage.
b) Charge:
Test method (high energy battery):
1C charge to 5 V or for 90 min
Test method (high power battery):
3C charge to 10 V.
No explosion, no fire.
c) Short circuit:
Test method:
Charge - short circuit for 10 min.
No explosion, no fire.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
d) Heat
Test method:
Charge - placed in thermo tank (85 °C ± 2 °C) for 120 min
No explosion, no fire.
e) Extrusion
Test method:
Charge - one side is plate, the other sketch plate. The diameter of extrusion head is
70 mm, and the space is 30 mm extrusion plate profile is 300 mm × l50 mm. Perpendiculars to the direction of arrange. - 85% of the original size,for 5 min. - 50% of the
original size.
No explosion, no fire.
f) Prickling
Test method:
Charge - prick with φ3 mm - φ8 mm steel needle, at 10 mm/s - 40 mm/s, perpendicular to the plate, no less than 3 single batteries
No explosion, no fire
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
4.2 Introduction of standards for vehicle batteries in Germany and EU
In section 4.3 the standards in Germany and EU for the electrical vehicle battery IEC
61982-3, ISO 12405-1, ISO 12405-2 and VDA are compared with the Chinese standard QC/T 743-2006, and the detailed introductions for these four standards in Germany and EU are as follows:
IEC 61982 Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles –
IEC 61982-3 Part 3: Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use
This standard is related to all secondary batteries for propulsion, including Li.
This part of IEC 61982 is applicable to performance and life testing of electrical energy storage systems for general purpose, traffic compatible, light urban use electric
road vehicles that are designed for transportation of passengers or goods in city centre driving. This part is not applicable to systems for specialist vehicles such as public
transport vehicles, refuse collection vehicles, scooters or large commercial vehicles.
The figures chosen as generally representative of town operation are as follows:
Average road speed:
30 km/h.
Energy consumption, from the battery: 100 Wh/t•km.
Capacity Test
It is used a Dynamic Stress Test (DST) established by the United States Advanced
Battery Consortium (USABC), in turn based on the earlier Simplified Federal Urban
Driving Cycle (SFUDS) test cycle with 20 different power discharge and charge
Normal power test
Maximum power capability 24 kW and the maximum regenerative power is 14.7 kW.
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High Power test
Maximum power capability 100 kW and the maximum regenerative power is 50 kW.
Energy Content
The test cycle values that were used, the total number of micro-cycles, the total watthours (Wh) removed during the discharge portions of the test and the total Wh returned during the simulated regenerative braking portions of the test shall be recorded and declared.
The battery energy content shall be declared as the net Wh output i.e., the difference
between the total Wh removed and the total Wh returned.
Life testing
The battery shall be discharged with the DST-cycle until 80% of its benchmark energy content is removed. The battery shall then be recharged.
Every 50 cycles, the battery energy content shall be determined using the benchmark
test cycle.
During this test, a continuous record of battery system voltage shall be made so that
other battery system parameters may be determined. In addition, the total number of
micro-cycles, the total Wh removed and the total Wh returned shall be recorded and
declared as the battery energy content at this stage of the life test programme.
Maximum power and battery resistance
Maximum deliverable power is defined, as the power at which the current (Ipk) that is
drawn depresses the battery terminal voltage to 2/3 of the open circuit value.
Ipk= 2 Voc /3 Rbatt
Pmax = 2 Voc Ipk /3
Rbatt is the calculated battery resistance;
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Voc is the calculated open circuit voltage of the battery;
Ipk is the calculated peak current at maximum power;
Pmax is the calculated maximum power of the battery.
Charging/discharging tests
Charge efficiency during normal operation calculated by recording the energy input to
the battery and the energy output from the battery during discharge/charge cycle,
SOC 100% to 0%. The charge efficiency may be determined for discharge to other
states of charge (e.g. 20%)
Rapid charging
40% SOC to 80% SOC, in accordance with the instructions of the battery manufacturer
Regenerative braking charge
The charge acceptance capabilities of the battery during normal regenerative braking
shall be assessed by inspection of voltage and current measured during the benchmark capacity testing cycles of the life test programme.
Partial discharge testing
The battery or sub-module shall be discharged to the end of the micro-cycle representing 20% of the benchmark capacity i.e., to 80% DOD, and then recharged in the
normal way. This test shall be repeated a total of 20 times at a rate of one test cycle
per day.
This test may be repeated using 50% SOC as the depth of discharge, if required.
Self discharge
Rest period: 720 h (30 days), preferred values for alternative durations are 2 days
and 5 days.
RT, preferred values for alternative temperatures are 20 °C and + 40 °C.
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Capacity loss testing
Certain batteries may suffer permanent capacity loss following a period of standing
without use. Details of the test procedure to determine this permanent loss are under
Operational extremes of use
Continuous discharge at maximum drive system power (e.g. prolonged hill climbing)
100% SOC battery shall be discharged at the maximum power level of the drive system.
The test shall be terminated when any of the limits imposed by the battery manufacturer are reached.
Recharge at maximum regenerative power as a function of state of charge
(0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%) 15 min with power in step 19 (highest reg. power:
14.7 kW or 50 kW) of the DST-cycle.
Thermal tests (especially for HT-batteries)
Thermal cycling
There are conditions under which the batteries can be thermally cycled.
The details of this test remain to be determined.
Thermal losses
The battery 100% SOC shall be allowed to stand and the average power input required maintaining the operating temperature over a period of 24 h shall be measured and declared as the thermal loss of the system.
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ISO 12405 Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithiumion traction battery packs and systems ISO 12405-1 Part 1: High power applications
This standard is related only to Li-ion traction battery packs and systems and not to
Scope of standard
This Standard specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems, to
be used in electrically propelled road vehicles.
The specified test procedures shall enable the user of this standard to determine the
essential characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
packs and systems.
Figure 7 Overview on test procedures in ISO 12405-1
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard cycle (SC)
To ensure the same initial condition for each test of a battery pack or system:
C1 is recommended, discharge till the specifications given by the supplier.
According to the specifications given by the supplier
Energy and capacity test
The three hour rate (C/3) is used as reference for static capacity and energy measurement for packs and systems.
- 18 °C, 0 °C, RT, 40 °C
1C (standard), 10C, 20C and/or if applicable the maximum C rate as
permitted by the supplier. The test shall be terminated on supplier
specified discharge voltage (depending on discharge rates).
Power and internal resistance test
The objective of this profile is to demonstrate the discharge pulse power and regenerative charge pulse power capabilities at various SOC.
- 18 °C, 0 °C, RT, 40 °C
80%, 65%, 50%, 35%, 20% (20% only if the maximum discharge
rent is ≤ 10C, to avoid a deep discharge).
constant current at levels given by the supplier‘s maximum rated pulse
discharge current Imax with an upper limitation of 400 A. Pulse duration:
0.1 s, 2 s, 10 s and 18 s
Reg. charge: constant current 75% of the discharge current.
Pulse duration: 0.1 s, 2 s, and 10 s
No load capacity loss test
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This test is to measure battery systems capacity loss when the battery system is not
used for an extended period of time, analogous to the situation that occurs when a
vehicle is not driven for such a period and the battery system is not placed on
Rest period:
24 h (1 day), 168 h (7 days) and 720 h (30 days).
RT and 40 °C.
Capacity loss at storage test
This test is to measure battery system capacity loss when the battery system is
stored for an extended period of time, analogous to the situation that occurs when
the battery system is shipped from a manufacturer to a customer.
This test applies to battery systems only.
Rest period: 720 h (30 days)
45 °C
Cranking power at low temperatures test
The aim is to generate a data basis including time depending power output at low
This test applies to battery systems only.
- 18 °C, also - 30 °C if agreed by the supplier
20% or the lowest SOC level specified by the supplier
Constant voltage discharge at the lowest permitted system discharge voltage level according to the supplier (e.g. 2.5 V per cell,
but not less than 55% of maximum charging voltage)
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Sampling rate:
50 ms
Cranking power at high temperature test
The aim is to generate a data basis including time depending power output at high
This test applies to battery systems only.
50 °C, or maximum temperature specified by the supplier
20% or the lowest SOC level specified by the supplier
Constant voltage discharge at the lowest permitted system discharge voltage level according to the supplier (e.g. 2.5 V, but not
less than 55% of max. charging voltage)
Sampling rate:
50 ms
Energy efficiency () test
The battery efficiency affects directly the fuel consumption and emission levels of the
The test simulates a dynamic drive profile.
0 °C, RT, 40 °C,
35%, 50%, 65%
20C 10 s discharge pulse, followed by a rest of 40 s, followed by 20C
10 s charge (―regenerative‖) pulses.
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U  I
 dt
U  I
 dt
t start
Cycle life test
Energy throughput has a significant influence for the life-time of a battery. The applied high C-rates and SOC-swing cover the vehicle demands.
RT and 40 °C (i.e. RT during rest periods, certain higher during operation).
Life time cycles: ―discharge-rich profile‖ where the discharge amount is slightly larger
than the charge amount, from an upper SOC to a lower SOC, given by the customer,
otherwise SOC 80% to 30%. Plus ―charge-rich profile‖ where the charge amount is
slightly larger than the discharge amount from a lower SOC to a higher SOC, given
by the customer, otherwise SOC 30% to 80%.
Figure 8 Lifetime cycles defined in ISO 12405-1
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Cycling time:
22 h of cycling and at the end of the charge-rich profile 2 h rest time
for equilibration of cell voltages and temperature
Reliability test procedures
Dewing test (temperature change)
This test simulates the use of the system/component under high ambient humidity.
The failure modes addressed are electrical malfunction(s) caused by moisture (e.g.
leakage current caused by a printed circuit board which is soaked with moisture).
This test applies to battery pack and systems.
Perform the test in reference to IEC 60068-2-30,
upper temperature + 80 °C,
Cycle numbers:
For detailed test description see ISO 16750-4.
Vibration test
This test checks the battery for malfunctions and breakage caused by vibration. Vibration of the body is random vibration induced by rough-road-driving as well as internal vibration of the power train. The main failures to be identified by this test are
breakage and loss of electrical contact. The vibration test is composed of two parts.
Part 1
is intended to test the behaviour of the overall battery pack due to the
big mass of the battery the maximum test frequency is limited to
200 Hz,
Part 2
is intended to test separately the behaviour of the electric and electronic
devices due to the low masses the test frequency is increased to
1000 Hz.
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test duration per spatial direction of 21 h (one sample), 15 h (two identical samples) or 12 h (three identical samples)
Thermal shock cycling test
This test checks mainly the thermal stability of the battery materials.
80 °C to - 40 °C (time to reach each temperature extreme shall be
30 min or less), the battery shall remain at each extreme for a minimum
of one hour. A total of five thermal cycles shall be performed.
Mechanical shock
The load occurs, e.g. when driving over a curbstone at high speed. Failure mode is a
mechanical damage of components due to the resulting high accelerations.
Acceleration from the shock in the test shall be applied in the same direction as the
acceleration of the shock that occurs in the vehicle. If the direction of the effect is not
known, the battery shall be tested in all six spatial directions.
SOC: 50%
Figure 9 Mechanical shock definition in ISO 12405-1
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Abuse test procedures
Short circuit
With the short circuit test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the
overcurrent protection device.
This test applies to battery packs and systems.
Nominal operating temperature
≤ 100 mΩ
‗hard short‘ in less than one second for 10 min
Overcharge protection test
With the overcharge test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the
overcharge protection function. This test applies to battery systems only.
SOC: 100%
Integrated, passive circuit protection devices: Yes
Battery system shall be controlled by the BMS
Charge current:
recommended 5C
Max. charge voltage:
battery system voltage + 20% of battery system voltage
continue charging until BMS interrupt the charging
Max. duration:
terminated when the SOC level is above 130% or when
cell temperature levels are above 55 °C.
Overdischarge protection test
With the overdischarge protection test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the overdischarge protection function.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This test applies to battery systems only.
SOC: 100%
Integrated, passive circuit protection devices: Yes
Battery system shall be controlled by the BMS: Yes
Discharge current: recommended 1C
continue charging until BMS interrupt the charging
Max. duration:
achievement of 25% of the nominal voltage level or 30 min after
passing the normal discharge limits
Figure 10 Assignment of tests to systems and pack in ISO 12405-1
The results of the abuse tests are classified by severity levels (see the following table).
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Figure 11 Classification of Criteria and Efffect in ISO 12405
ISO 12405 Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithiumion traction battery packs and systems ISO 12405-2 Part 2: High energy applications
This standard is related only to Li-ion traction battery packs and systems and not to
Scope of this standard
This Standard specifies test procedures for lithium-ion battery packs and systems, to
be used in electrically propelled road vehicles.
The specified test procedures shall enable the user of this standard to determine the
essential characteristics on performance, reliability and abuse of lithium-ion battery
packs and systems.
Standard cycle (SC)
To ensure the same initial condition for each test of a battery pack or system
C/3 is recommended, discharge till the specifications given by the supplier.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
C/3 is recommended, charge till the specifications given by the supplier.
Energy and capacity test
The three hour rate (C/3) is used as reference for static capacity and energy measurement for packs and systems.
- 25 °C, - 10 °C, 0 °C, RT, 40 °C
C/3 (standard), 1C, 2C and if applicable the maximum C rate as permitted by the supplier Terminated on supplier specified discharge voltage
(depending on discharge rates).
Power and internal resistance test
The objective of this profile is to demonstrate the discharge pulse power and regenerative charge pulse power capabilities at various SOC.
- 25 °C, - 18 °C, - 10 °C, 0 °C, RT, 40 °C
90%, 70%, 50%, 35%, 20% (20% only if the maximum discharge current is ≤ 5C, to avoid a deep discharge).
constant current at levels given by the supplier‘s maximum rated pulse
discharge current Imax with an upper limitation of 400 A. Pulse duration
0.1 s, 2 s, 10 s, 18 s, 18.1 s, 20 s, 30 s, 60 s, 90 s and 120 s and
Reg. charge: constant current 75% of the discharge current. Pulse duration: 0.1 s,
2 s, 10 s and 20 s.
Energy efficiency at fast charging test
The energy efficiency at fast charging test at different fast charging levels has a significant influence to the overall vehicle efficiency, which affects directly the fuel consumption and emission levels of the HEV.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This test applies to battery systems only.
RT and 0 °C
1C, 2C, and Imax
Charging procedure: According to suppliers recommendation
Initial starting SOC: SOC value after a C/3 discharge
No load SOC loss
The purpose of this test is to measure the capacity loss of a battery system if is not
used for an extended period of time. This test refers to a scenario that a vehicle is not
driven for a longer time period.
This test applies to battery systems only.
RT and 40 °C
100% or by supplier and customer agreement.
Rest period: 48 h (2 day), 168 h (7 days) and 720 h (30 days).
SOC loss at storage
The purpose of this test is to measure the capacity loss at storage of a battery system if is stored for an extended period of time. This test refers to a scenario when the
battery system is shipped from a supplier to a customer.
This test applies to battery systems only.
45 °C.
50% or by supplier and customer agreement.
Rest period: 720 h (30 days).
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Cycle life test
Energy throughput has a significant influence for the life-time of a battery. The applied high C-rates and SOC-swing cover the vehicle demands.
Electric vehicle applications
between RT and 40 °C (i.e. RT during rest periods, certain higher during
Test profile: ―dynamic discharge profile A‖, where the amount of discharged energy
is significantly lower than the ―dynamic discharge profile B‖.
―dynamic discharge profile B‖, where the amount of discharged energy
is significantly higher than the ―dynamic discharge profile A .
Test cycle:
Start-SOC is defined by the customer otherwise at SOC 100%.
Profile A + profile B + profile A down to an SOC defined by the customer
otherwise to SOC 20% or to the lower voltage limit specified by the
supplier + charge according to the supplier to the upper limit of SOC.
total time for one cycle (discharge [A, B, A], charge including a rest time
for cell balancing) to 8 hours. These cycles are to repeat for 28 days.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle applications
between RT and 40 °C (i.e. RT during rest periods, certain higher during operation).
Test profile: Electric vehicle discharge profiles:
―dynamic discharge profile A‖, where the amount of discharged energy
is significantly lower than the ―dynamic discharge profile B‖.
―dynamic discharge profile B‖, where the amount of discharged energy
is significantly higher than the ―dynamic discharge profile A.
Charge sustaining cycles:
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
―plug-in discharge-rich profile‖ where the discharge amount is slightly
larger than the charge amount.
―plug-in charge-rich profile‖ where the charge amount is slightly larger
than the discharge amount
Test cycle:
Start-SOC is defined by the customer otherwise at SOC 100%. Discharge by performing the power profile cycling for EV- batteries (profile
A + profile B + profile A) down to an SOC determined by the lower limit
for the charge depleting operation of 30% SOC or as specified by the
customer, followed by the plug-in discharge-rich and the plug-in chargerich profile. The SOC swing range during the charge sustaining cycling
shall be defined by the customer, otherwise the cycle test shall be performed between 25% and 35% SOC for the next following 2 hours.
Figure 12 Test cycle in ISO 12405-2
Within the next step, the battery system shall be charged according to the suppliers
recommendation to the upper limit of SOC (100% SOC) with the requirement to
maintain the total time for the test cycle to 8 hours. These cycles are to repeat for
28 days.
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Reliability test procedures
Dewing test (temperature change)
This test simulates the use of the system/component under high ambient humidity.
The failure modes addressed are electrical malfunction(s) caused by moisture (e.g.
leakage current caused by a printed circuit board which is soaked with moisture).
This test applies to battery pack and systems.
Perform the test in reference to IEC 60068-2-30,
upper temperature + 80 °C,
Cycle numbers:
For detailed test description see ISO 16750-4.
Thermal shock cycling test
This test checks mainly the thermal stability of the battery materials.
85 °C or Tmax as specified between supplier and customer to - 40 °C
(time to reach each temperature extreme shall be 30 min or less)
The battery shall remain at each extreme for a minimum of one hour. A
total of five thermal cycles shall be performed.
Vibration test
This test checks the battery for malfunctions and breakage caused by vibration. Vibration of the body is random vibration induced by rough-road-driving as well as internal vibration of the power train. The main failures to be identified by this test are
breakage and loss of electrical contact. The vibration test is composed of two parts.
Part 1
is intended to test the behaviour of the overall battery pack
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Due to the big mass of the battery the maximum test frequency is limited to 200 Hz,
Part 2
is intended to test separately the behaviour of the electric and electronic
Due to the low masses the test frequency is increased to 2000 Hz.
test duration per spatial direction of 21 h (one sample), 15 h (two identical samples) or 12 h (three identical samples)
Mechanical shock
The load occurs, e.g. when driving over a curbstone at high speed. Failure mode is a
mechanical damage of components due to the resulting high accelerations.
Acceleration from the shock in the test shall be applied in the same direction as the
acceleration of the shock that occurs in the vehicle. If the direction of the effect is not
known, the battery shall be tested in all six spatial directions.
SOC: 50%
Figure 13: Shock test in ISO 12405-2
Abuse test procedures
Short circuit
With the short circuit test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the
overcurrent protection device.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
This test applies to battery packs and systems.
Nominal operating temperature
≤ 20 + 0/- 10 mΩ
‗hard short‘ in less than one second for 10 min,
Overcharge protection test
With the overcharge test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the
overcharge protection function.
This test applies to battery systems only.
SOC: 100%
Integrated, passive circuit protection devices: Yes
Battery system shall be controlled by the BMS,
Charge current:
recommended 2C
Max. charge voltage:
battery system voltage + 20% of battery system voltage
continue charging until BMS interrupt the charging
Max. duration:
terminated when the SOC level is above 130% or
when cell temperature levels are above 55 °C.
Overdischarge protection test
With the overdischarge protection test procedure it is intended to check the functionality of the overdischarge protection function.
This test applies to battery systems only.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
SOC: 100%
Integrated, passive circuit protection devices: Yes
Battery system shall be controlled by the BMS,
Discharge current: recommended 1C
continue charging until BMS interrupt the charging
Max. duration:
30 min after passing the normal discharge limits
Figure 14 Test matrix in ISO 12405-2
safety equivalent to SAE J2464)
This specification is written by the German car manufacturer, united in the German
Verband der Automobilindustrie – VDA – (German Society of Car Industry). This VDA
specification is an adaption of USABC and FreedomCAR test procedures. The Abuse
Test Manual of the VDA specification is e.g. completely took over from FreedomCAR;
see: Electrical Energy Storage System – Abuse Test Manual for Electric and Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Applications. Issue: SAND 2005-3123, June 2005
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Figure 15 Overview of test procedures
Standard cycle (SC)
To ensure the same initial condition for each test of a battery pack or system
C1 is recommended, discharge till the specifications given by the supplier.
According to the specifications given by the supplier
Rest period after charge: 30 minutes.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Energy and capacity test
The three hour rate (C/3) is used as reference for static capacity and energy measurement for packs and systems.
- 25 °C, RT, 40 °C
1C (standard), 10C, 20C and/or if applicable the maximum C rate as
permitted by the supplier
Terminated on supplier specified discharge voltage (depending on discharge rates).
Power and internal resistance test
The objective of this profile is to demonstrate the discharge pulse power and regenerative charge pulse power capabilities at various SOC.
- 10 °C, 0 °C, RT, 40 °C
80%, 65%, 50%, 35%, 20% (20% only if the maximum discharge current is ≤ 10C, to avoid a deep discharge).
constant current at levels given by the supplier‘s maximum rated pulse
discharge current Imax with an upper limitation of 400 A.
pulse duration: 2 s, 10 s and 18 s
Reg. charge: constant current 75% of the discharge current.
pulse duration: 10 s
Energy efficiency test
The battery efficiency affects directly the fuel consumption and emission levels of the
10 °C, RT, 40 °C,
35%, 50%, 65%
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
20C 10 s discharge pulse, followed by a rest of 40 s, followed by 20C
10 s charge (―regenerative‖) pulses.
Cold and hot cranking test
The aim is to generate a data basis including time depending power output at low
and hot temperatures. Power is an important issue at low temperature but at high
temperatures safety and lifetime consideration are additional to take in account.
This test applies to battery systems only.
Cold cranking:
- 30 °C
lowest SOC level allowable as specified by the supplier (minimum state of charge).
Constant voltage discharge at the lowest permitted system discharge voltage level according to the supplier (e.g. 2.5 V per cell,
but not less than 55% of maximum charging voltage) for 5 s
Sampling rate:
50 ms
Hot cranking:
70 °C
lowest SOC level allowable as specified by the supplier (minimum state of charge).
Constant power (15 kW max, 5 kW min) discharge for 5 s
Sampling rate:
50 ms
The pulse power level required for 5 s pulses is 5 kW (minimum power-assist) or
15 kW (maximum power-assist).
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Self discharge test
This test is to measure battery systems capacity loss when the battery system is not
used for an extended period of time,
Rest period:
1 h, 6 h, 24 h (1 day), 48 h (2 days) and 168 h (7 days).
If the self discharge rate after 7 days is less than 5% of the rated
capacity, add a further self discharge rest period of 336 h.
0 °C, RT and 40 °C.
Abuse Testing of Electrical Energy Storage Systems (EESS)
Abuse testing is performed to characterize EESS responses to off-normal conditions
or environments.
All required abuse testing of the VDA Test Procedure related to module or pack level,
are based on the following test manual:
FreedomCAR: Electrical Energy Storage System - Abuse Test Manual for Electric and
Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications. Issue: SAND 2005-3123, June 2005
Mechanical Abuse Tests
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3
Controlled Crush
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.1
between a flat platen and a textured platen (see following Figure).
1st step: displacement of 15% of the module‘s height for 5 minutes.
2nd step: displacement of 50% of the module‘s height or a force of
1000 times the module‘s mass
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Figure 16 Crush test textured platen surface
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.2
Penetrate the device under test with a mild steel (conductive) pointed rod that has
been electrically insulated from the test article.
Penetration rate:
8 cm/sec.
Rod diameter:
cell - 3 mm through unit
module/pack - 20 mm
Min. penetration depth:
cell - through unit module/pack - through three units or
100 mm
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.3
Destructive free drop from a pre-determined height onto a centrally located, cylindrical steel object (e.g., a telephone pole).
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Figure 17 Drop test impact
The height of the drop should be determined by evaluating credible abuse conditions
during the manufacture, assembly, and normal use of the battery EESS. The EESS
shall impact across the radius of the cylindrical object. A horizontal impact with an
equivalent velocity change is acceptable.
Drop high:
not to exceed 10 m
Cylinder radius:
150 mm
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.4
With the EESS at nominal operating temperature in its normal operating orientation,
immerse the EESS in water for a minimum of two hours, or until any visible reactions
have stopped. The water must completely submerge the EESS.
25 °C
nominal composition of seawater
Roll-over Simulation
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.5
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Rotate the EESS one complete revolution in a continuous, slow-roll fashion, and observe if any materials leak from the EESS. Then rotate the EESS in 90 ° increments
for one full revolution.
1 min continuous slow-roll
1 h in each 90 ° position
Mechanical Shock
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 3.6
There are 3 mechanical shock tests distinguished by velocity change and maximum
duration. For the low-level mechanical shock test it is expected that the EESS survives without any damage incurred. Mid-level shocks are more severe; the EESS
may be inoperable after such testing.
Figure 18 Shock test matrix
Thermal Abuse Tests
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4
Thermal Stability
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4.1
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
The battery fully charged and at its normal operating temperature, increase the temperature in specified increments until selfheating is detected.
The temperature is to increase from 30 ˚C to 200 ˚C at a constant heating rate of 5 to
10 ˚C/min depends on the sample.
Figure 19 Heat-up rates and durations
Simulated Fuel Fire
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4.2
This experiment uses radiant heat to simulate fuel fire conditions and is called a ‗Radiant Heat‘ test in earlier documentation.
Heating profile:
RT => 890 °C within 90 seconds. Hold the programmed temperature for 10 minutes or until another condition occurs.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Elevated Temperature Storage
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4.3
Storage duration:
2 month or if 80% of the rated capacity is not returned
during the weekly testing
see the following table
see the following table
Figure 20 SOCs and ambient environments for elevated temperature storage tests
Rapid Charge / Discharge
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4.4
Charge/discharge cycles: 20 charge/discharge cycles using the manufacturer‘s recommended charge algorithm and a discharge rate comparable to a 3-kW constant
power rate. Do not allow a rest period between charge and discharge.
nominal operating temperature
Thermal controls:
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Thermal Shock Cycling
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 4.5
Thermal cycles:
5 thermal cycles between 80 °C to - 40 °C; time to reach each
temperature extreme shall be 30 minutes or less is preferable.
Thermal controls:
Electrical Abuse Tests
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 5
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 5.1
Overcharge is considered an abuse condition for batteries. Overcharge scenarios
differ for EV (vehicle is left plugged, relatively low current about 60 A) and HEV applications via high-current (100 + A) short-duration pulses from the regenerative braking
or via lower current (50 - 90 A), continuous recharge from the engine). PHEVs should
be tested according to the EV.
EV test description
designed operating temperature
100% SOC
Overcharge profile: overcharge at constant current of 32 A and voltage not to exceed
450 V (the power level of a standard 60 A/240 V AC wall outlet)
till 200% SOC, for 4 hours, or until the test article fails.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
HEV test description
designed operating temperature
100% SOC
Overcharge profile: overcharge at constant current of 32 A.
Upper limit for the
power- supply voltage should not exceed the maximum voltage
delivered by the HEV‘s energy generation source (e.g., ICE or
regenerative braking). Continue charging to 200% SOC or the
test article fails.
Short Circuit
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 5.2
Nominal operating temperature
≤ 5 mΩ
For test articles with ≤ 5 mΩ internal resistance, use a conductor of 1/10
the minimum resistance of the test article
‗hard short‘ in less than one second for 10 min
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 5.3
designed operating temperature
0% SOC
Overdischarge profile:
overdischarge with the C/1 rate for 1.5 hours or until 50%
of all subassemblies (for module- or pack-level tests)
have achieved voltage reversal for 15 minutes.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Partial Short Circuit
Reference to FreedomCAR EESS Abuse Test Manual § 5.4
Partial short circuit test is designed to evaluate the effects of short circuits that occur
across a significant portion of, but not the entire, test unit.
Nominal operating temperature
≤ 5 mΩ
For test articles with ≤ 5 mΩ internal resistance, use a conductor of 1/10
the minimum resistance of the test article
‗hard short‘ in less than one second for 10 min
Test units:
see the following table:
Figure 21 Number and type devices to be shorted
Minimum Abuse Testing on Module Level Prior to EESS Parameter Testing
At least the following abuse testing activities on module level (≥ 500 Wh module)
shall be reported by the EESS supplier prior to the EESS parameter testing activities:
Mechanical Abuse Tests: - Controlled crush in X- and Y-direction of the module according to § 13.3.1
Nail penetration according to § 13.3.2
Thermal Abuse Tests:
Thermal stability according to § 13.4.1
Simulated fuel fire according to § 13.4.2
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Electrical Abuse Tests:
Overcharge according to § 13.5.1
Short Circuit according to § 13.5.2
Over discharge according to § 13.5.3
Figure 22 Hazard levels
Life Time - Accelerated Calendar Life Time Test
This test is aimed at testing the calendar life time of the battery under test within a
shortened period of time. The test procedure is based on the LIBERAL test procedures for accelerated life testing of Li-Ion batteries.
The batteries should be stored at
60 °C.
80% SOC
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Lifetime – Cycle Life Test
Additionally to other aging factors (i.e. time, temperature), the energy throughput has
a significant influence for the life-time of a battery.
RT and 40 °C (i.e. RT during rest periods, certain higher during operation).
Test profile:
covers a SOC swing of 20% within 5 minutes, with 16 current steps,
max. charge 15C 5 s, max. discharge - 12.5C 5 s.
Cycling time:
after each 264 test profile corresponding to 22 h plus 2 h rest for
equilibration, the next SOC start point shall be adjusted if desired
Reliability test procedures
Shock and vibration test
This test checks the battery for malfunctions and breakage caused by vibration.
Vibration of the body is random vibration induced by rough-road-driving.
8 h for each plane of the battery.
r.m.s. acceleration: 27.8 m/s².
1000 Hz @ 0.14 (m/s²)²/Hz
Dewing test
This test simulates the use of the system/component under high ambient humidity.
The failure modes addressed are electrical malfunction(s) caused by moisture (e.g.
leakage current caused by a printed circuit board which is soaked with moisture).
This test applies to battery pack and systems.
Perform the test in reference to IEC 60068-2-30,
upper temperature + 80 °C,
Cycle numbers:
For detailed test description see ISO 16750-4.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
4.3 Comparison of vehicle battery standards
To have a quick comparison the following table gives a summary of the most important test parameters (parameter, life time, reliability, abuse) of the different standards
(IEC, ISO, QC/T und VDA) for both EV/PHEV applications and HEV applications.
Standard Cycle
ISO 12405-2
QC/T 743-2006
C/3, 1C, 2C
-25, -10, 0,
RT, 40 °C
Idisch-max ≤
400 A
Pulse: 0.1, 2,
10, 18, 18.1,
20, 30, 60,
90, 120 s
SOC: 90, 70,
50, 35, 20%
-25, -18, -10,
0, RT, 40 °C
48, 168,
720 h
SOC: 100%
RT, 40 °C
Self discharge
with out load
Self discharge
100 0%
Fast charge
Charge: 1C,
2C, Imax
0 °C, RT
ISO 12405-1
20 °C: C/3, 1.5C
(high energy), 4C
(high power)
-20 °C: C/3
55 °C: C/3
1C, 10C, 20C 18, 0, RT, 40 °C
1C, 10C, 20C
-25, RT, 40 °C
Idisch-max ≤ 400 A
Pulse: 0.1, 2, 10,
18 s
SOC: 80, 65, 50,
35, 20%
-18, 0, RT, 40 °C
Idisch-max ≤ 400
Pulse: 2, 10,
18 s
SOC: 80, 65,
50, 35, 20%
-10, 0, RT,
40 °C
(1) SOC: 100%
20 °C
28 day (672h)
(2) SOC: 100%
55 °C
7 day (168h)
SOC: 100%
20 °C
90 day (2160 h)
24, 168, 720 h
SOC: 80%
RT, 40 °C
1, 6, 24, 48,
168 h;
SOC: 70%
0, RT, 40 °C
Profile: Disch:
20C, 10 s +
Rest: 40 s +
Charge: 20 C,
10 s
0, RT, 40 °C
SOC: 35 , 50,
1C, 10C, 20C
-25, RT, 40 °C
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
IEC 61982-3
Cycle life
Profile: DSTcycle until
20% SOC,
ISO 12405-2
Profile: A discharge-rich
profile 80 - 30% SOC +
B charge-rich profile 30
- 80% SOC
QC/T 7432006
ISO 12405-1
20 °C
Cycle: C/3
charge to 100
SOC + 0.5C
discharge to
0% SOC.
Cycle: ―discharge-rich
profile‖ 80%
to 30% SOC
―chargerich profile‖
30% to 80%
RT - 40 °C
Cycle: SOC
swing of 20%
within 5 minutes, with 16
current steps,
max. charge:
15C, 5 s,
max. discharge
-12.5C, 5 s.
RT - 40 °C
Cycle: A + B + A to 20%
SOC + charge to upper
RT - 40 °C
Profile: Electric vehicle
discharge ―dynamic
discharge profile A‖
(lower discharge), ―dynamic discharge profile
B‖ (higher discharge)
Charge sustaining profiles:
―plug-in discharge-rich
profile C‖
―plug-in charge-rich
profile D‖
A + B + A 100% to 30%
SOC + SOC - swing
25%  35% with C
and D
RT - 40 °C
life time
60 °C.
80% SOC
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
ISO 12405-2
QC/T 743-2006
Tmax: 80 °C
Cycles: 5
see: ISO 16750-4.
200 Hz
2000 Hz
Duration: 21 h
shock cycling
SOC: 80%
85 to - 40 °C
Cycles: 5
SOC: 50%
500 m/s²
Duration: 6 ms
100% SOC;
1/3C discharge;
swept vibration,
Frequency:10 ~ 55 Hz;
Max acc: 30 m/s
cycle times: 10
vibration time: 2 h
100% SOC;
85 °C, 120 min.
ISO 12405-1
Tmax: 80 °C
Cycles: 5
see: ISO 167504.
Battery: 200 Hz
1000 Hz
Duration: 21 h
Tmax: 80 °C
Cycles: 5
see: ISO 16750-4.
SOC: 50%
80 to - 40 °C
Cycles: 5
SOC: 50%
500 m/s²
Duration: 6 ms
see abuse test
Duration:8 h
r.m.s. acceleration:
27.8 m/s².
Frequency: 1000 Hz
@ 0.14 (m/s²)²/Hz
see abuse test
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
ISO 12405-2
QC/T 743-2006
ISO 12405-1
Controlled Crush
100% SOC;
Rate: 1 ~ 4 cm/sec.
Rod diameter:
module - 3 ~ 8 mm
Depth: Cell N.A.
module/pack through 3 units
100% SOC;
height: 1.5 m
floor: hardwood.
Crush: between flat and
textured platen
Depth: 15% and 50% of
modules height
Rate: 8 cm/sec.
Rod diameter: cell - 3 mm
module/pack - 20 mm
Depth: cell - through unit
module/pack - through 3
units or 100 mm
High: ≤ 10 m
Cylinder radius: 150 mm
25 °C, Seawater
Duration: 2 h
Duration: 1 min continuous
slow-roll + 1 h in each 90 °
Low: 20 G, 11 ms
Mid-1: 30 G, 16 ms
Mid-2: 20 G, 22 ms
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Thermal Abuse
Thermal stability
Simulated fuel
(Radiant heat)
Elevated temperature storage
Thermal shock
30 to 200 °C
Heat-up rate:
Cell: 5 K/min
Module: 10 K/min
Hold time:
Cell: 30 min
Module: 120 min
100% SOC,
Heating profile:
RT => 890 °C within 90
seconds + 10 min at 890 °C.
Duration: 2 month
40, 60, 80 °C
SOC: 100, 50, 20%
20 charge/discharge cycles
by manufacturer‘s recommendation.
5 thermal cycles 80  40 °C
in ≤ 30 min;
SOC: 50%
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Abuse Tests
100% SOC,
2C to 130%
SOC or
T ≥ 55 °C
100% SOC
1C charge to 5 V or
90 minutes.
3C charge to 10 V.
Short circuit
100% SOC
≤ 20 mΩ
‘Hard short‘in
≤ 1s
10 min
0% SOC
Overdischarge: C/1
to 25% of the
nominal voltage or
30 min after
passing the
normal discharge limits
100% SOC
Conductor: ≤ 5 mΩ
Duration: 10 min
Partial short
100% SOC
1/3C to 0 V.
100% SOC,
5C to 130%
SOC or
T ≥ 55 °C
100% SOC,
Overcharge: I = 32 A
to 200% SOC
100% SOC
Conductor: ≤ 5 mΩ
‘Hard short‘in ≤ 1s
Duration: 10 min
0% SOC
Overdischarge: C/1
25% of the
nominal voltage or 30 min
after passing
the normal
0% SOC
Overdischarge:C/1 for 1.5 h
100% SOC
Conductor: ≤ 5 mΩ
‘Hard short‘in ≤ 1 s
Duration: 10 min
2 - 5 modules: short ≥ 1
6 - 10 modules: short ≥ 2
> 10 modules: short ≥ 5 central
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
4.4 Results and conclusions
The comparison of the Chinese and German/EU-Standards related to electrical parameters, lifetime, and safety of the batteries and different operating conditions of the
vehicles (EVs, PHEVs and HEVs) shows the following:
The basic structure of the tests (parameter - capacity/energy, power, self discharge,
energy efficiency; life time – storage time, cycle numbers; safety and abuse – electrical, physical) is nearly the same. In detail, however, there are sometimes larger
differences. These differences occur mainly at abuse/safety tests.
This could be a problem if relevant national test results should be accepted by both
nations in case of import of batteries. Therefore a GCSFP project ―Battery Safety Test
Manual‖ is under the way to find possibilities to compare the national test results
based on the respective national test standard.
Regardless of this Test Manual project it is highly recommended to have a joint discussion about such individual national tests where the battery practically can‘t fulfill
the test requirements, as e.g. the crush/press-test.
The development of adequate tests is still ongoing, because the development of the
EVs is at an early stage. At the time being international standardization activities in
both the IEC and ISO are under way. Therefore both parties should work out a
common position for the discussions in the international ISO and IEC battery test
working groups.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
5. Demand for the further coordination of standards in Germany /
EU and China
5.1 Exchange of standard drafts in an early stage
During the standardization process different draft documents are prepared. To ensure
the possibility to harmonize as far as possible national for interests of both countries
we recommend exchanging German and Chinese standard drafts in the earliest possible phase.
5.2 Coordination of proposals in international standardization working groups
International standards are worked out by international working groups which consist
of representatives of different nations. Of course the different nations want to push
their national interests in the standards. It would be very helpful if the Chinese and
German representative will work out a mutual point-of-view which they will jointly represent in the working group.
5.3 Mutual recognition of test results
Independent of different test standards it should be tried to accepted by both nations
the test of the other party. A GCSFP project ―Battery Safety Test Manual‖ (NOVERI,
ZSW) is under the way to find possibilities to compare the national test results.
Regardless of this Test Manual project a joint discussion should be organized about
critical test (test where at the time being the battery practically can‘t fulfill the test requirements).
5.4 Harmonization of key components for electric mobility
The common standardization of key components is an important factor for efficient
production in the electric mobility market. Different standards in China and Germany
imply a higher number of parts adapted to the specific standardization situation in the
countries and therefore reduce the economy-of-scale effects. As key components
especially parts interacting with the infrastructure are of importance:
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Charging Plug and communication protocol with the charging station: A common
charging plug and protocol in China and Germany would simplify the export of
cars from one country to another. Current activities in IEC 62196 (plugs for ACcharging), IEC 61851 (charging system) and ISO 15118 (communication between
electric vehicle and grid) should be observed carefully. Whenever it is possible the
international standards which will become valid in Europe should also be transferred into Chinese standardization.
Cooling interface for fast charging stations: Future fast-charging stations should
be able to supply the battery systems also with cooling fluid. The standardization
of the cooling fluid connector, flow rates, pressures or the control of the external
cooling system by the car are important areas of future standardization.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
6. Summary and conclusion
The study has shown that especially in Germany and the European Union a large
variety of standards exists in the area of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries. In
China the number of relevant standards in this field is smaller at present but the most
important areas are covered by these standards. It is however expected that during
the coming years the list of applicable standards will grow. Germany could help China
in this area; joint thematic workshops would be one way.
It is a major challenge to keep the differences in standardization between China and
Germany/EU as small as possible. The detailed comparison of vehicle battery standards has revealed that the standardization process went in the same direction in
both regions but the details especially of test specifications (abuse testing) can differ
significantly. For the acceptance of battery test data from the respective other region
it is of great importance to know the differences of the specific tests and in a longer
way to harmonize the tests conditions also to guarantee the highest possible comparability of EVs and EV- components (e.g. batteries).
This harmonization could be started already now in such cases, where the standardization process has not yet been started or is in a very early stage in these areas.
To that areas belong the recycling of lithium-ion batteries which is a major concern to
guarantee the availability of the base materials over a long period of time, it should
be strived for a common standardization.
Furthermore it is to mention that international standardization organizations like ISO
and IEC are refine relevant standards at the time being. It would be useful if a panel
consisting of battery experts and experts from the automotive industry of both countries could work out together a Sino-German proposal for these tests.
By carrying out this study together with the Chinese project partners from CATARC a
better understanding of the respective status and process of standardization could be
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
reached. This experience can also foster future collaboration in the area of research
and development as well as standardization of electric vehicles and vehicle batteries.
The GCSFP study ―Vehicle Batteries in China and Germany‖ proposed a bi-annual
joint meeting on ―battery technology development‖ and started already in Wuhan (July 16, 2010). It would be helpful, if an overview about the progress in standards and
harmonization could be given in the framework of this meeting too.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
7. Appendix
7.1 List of CENELEC members [cen]
Table 9 List of CENELEC members
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
7.2 List of full IEC members [iec]
Table 10 List of full IEC members
Czech Republic
Korea, Rep. of
Libiyan Arab
New Zealand
Rep. of the
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States of
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
7.3 List of relevant standards in China
Table 11 List of relevant standards in China
Standard number
Standard Name
GB 24155—2009{ XE
"GB 24155—2009" }
GB/T 4094.2-2005
GB/T 18332.1-2009
Electric vehicles—Symbols for controls,indicators and telltales
Lead-acid batteries used for electric road vehicles
GB/T 18332.2-2001
Nickel-metal hydride batteries of electric road vehicles
GB/T 18384.1-2001
GB/T 18384.2-2001
GB/T 18384.3-2001
GB/T 18385—2005
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part l :On- board energy
Electric vehicles-Safety specification. Part 2:Functional safety
means and protection
Electric vehicle-Safety specification. Part 3:Protection of persons against electric hazards
Electric vehicles Power performance Test method
GB/T 18386—2005
GB/T 18387—2008
GB/T 18388—2005
GB/T 18487.1-2001
GB/T 18487.2-2001
GB/T 18487.3-2001
GB/T 18488.1-2006
GB/T 18488.2-2006
GB/T 19596-2004
GB/T 19750-2005
GB/T 19751-2005
GB/T 19752-2005
GB/T 19753-2005
GB/T 19754-2005
GB/T 19755-2005
GB/T 19836-2005
GB/T 20234-2006
GB/T 24156-2009
GB/T 24157-2009
GB/T 24158-2009
GB/T 24374-2009
Page No.
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Safety specifications
Electric vehicles Energy consumption and range Test procedures,
Limits and test methods of magnetic and electric field strength
from electric vehicles, Broadband, 9kHz to 30MHz,
Electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Part 1:General
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--Electric vehicles
requirements for conductive connection to an A.C./ D.C. supply
Electric vehicle conductive charging system--A.C./D.C .electric
vehicle charging station
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles Part 1:General specification
The electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles Part 2: Test methods.
Terminology of electric vehicles
Hybrid electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
Hybrid electric vehicles safety specification
Hybrid electric vehicles-Power performance-Test method
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Light-duty Hybrid
Electric Vehicles
Test Methods for Energy Consumption of Heavy-duty Hybrid
Electric Vehicles
Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-duty Hybrid
Electric Vehicles
Instrumentation for electric vehicles
Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets for
conductive charging of electric vehicles - General requirements
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Power performance
- Test methods
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Energy consumption
and range - Test procedures
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - General specifications
Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning machines - Flyer
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
GB/T 24548-2009
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549-2009
GB/T 24552-2009
GB/T 24554-2009
Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety requirements
Electric vehicles - Windshield demisters and defrosters system
- Performance requirements and test methods
Performance test methods for fuel cell engines
GB/Z 18333.1-2001
GB/Z 18333.2-2001
Lithium-ion batteries for electric road vehicles
Zinc-air batteries for electric road vehicles
QC/T 741-2006
Ultra-capacitors for vehicles.
QC/T 742-2006
Lead-acid batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 743-2006
QC/T 744-2006
Li-ion Storage Battery for Electric Automotives
Nickle-metal hydride batteries for electric vehicles
QC/T 791-2007
QC/T 792-2007
QC/T 816-2009
Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds-Engineering approval
evaluation program
Motors and controllers for electric motorcycles and electric
Specification of mobile hydrogen refueling vehicles
7.4 List of relevant standards in Germany/EU
Table 12 List of relevant standards in Germany/EU sorted by standard number
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
DIN EN 1175
DIN EN 12736
DIN EN 13444
DIN EN 1821
DIN EN 1821
DIN EN 1986
DIN EN 1986
DIN EN 1987
DIN EN 1987
DIN EN 1987
DIN EN 50065
DIN EN 50160
Safety of industrial trucks – Electrical requirements
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Airborne acoustical noise of vehicle
during charging with on-board chargers – Determination of sound power
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of emissions of hybrid
vehicles - Thermal electrical hybrid vehicle
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of road operating ability
- Pure electric vehicles
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of road operating ability
-Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of energy performance
- Pure electric vehicles
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of energy performance Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety - On
board energy storage
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety Functional safety means and protection against failure
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety Protection of users against electrical hazards
Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range
3kHz to 148.5kHz
Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks
Industrial trucks
DIN EN 50272
1, 2, 3 and
DIN EN 50470
DIN EN 50470
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – General requirements, tests and
test conditions – Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C)
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.)
DIN EN 60071
Insulation coordination - Definitions, principles and rules
DIN EN 60228
Conductors of insulated cables
DIN EN 60269
Low-voltage fuses
DIN EN 60309
DIN EN 60320
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes
Electric vehicle charging
Hybrid electric road
Electric vehicle performance
Hybrid electric road
Electric vehicle performance
Hybrid electric road
Page No.
Battery safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Grid connection
Grid connection
Battery recycling
Grid connection
Grid connection
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle component
Plugs, socket-outlet
and couplers
Plugs, socket-outlet
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
DIN EN 60664
1 - Supplement 3
DIN EN 60664
DIN EN 60947
DIN EN 60947
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61851
DIN EN 61851
DIN EN 62196
DIN EN ISO 14121
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
and couplers
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Interface Electric vehicle comconsiderations
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems – PrinciElectric vehicle comples, requirements and tests
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear– Switches, disconnectors, switch- Electric vehicle comdisconnectors and fuse-combination units
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear– Contactors and motor-starters – Electric vehicle comElectromechanical contactors and motor-starters
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Grid connection
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)– Limits – Limits for harmonic current
Grid connection
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test
Grid connection
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Generic standards – Immunity for
residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
Grid connection
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)– Generic standards – Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
Grid connection
Electric vehicle conductive charging system – Electric vehicle requirements Electric vehicle chargfor conductive connection to an A.C./D.C. supply
Electric vehicle conductive charging system– A.C. electric vehicle charging Electric vehicle chargstation
Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets – Conductive
charging of electric vehicles– Charging of electric vehicles up to 250 A a.c. Plugs, socket-outlet
and 400 A d.c.
and couplers
Electric vehicle comSafety of machinery - Risk assessment -Principles
ponent safety
Low-voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – Protection
Electric vehicle comagainst thermal effects
ponent safety
Erection of low-voltage installations– Protection for safety – Protection
Electric vehicle comagainst overcurrent
ponent safety
Low voltage electrical installations – protection against voltage disturbances and measures against electromagnetic influences, clause 442 –
protection against temporary over voltages and faults between high-voltage Electric vehicle comsystems and earth
ponent safety
Low voltage electrical installations – Selection and erection of electrical
Electric vehicle comequipment – Earthing arrangements, protective
ponent safety
Page No.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 61180
DIN IEC 61180
DIN V VDE V 0126
DIN V VDE V 0510
DIN VDE 0100
DIN VDE 0100
DIN VDE 0100
DIN VDE 0122
DIN VDE 0558
Erection of Low electrical installations– Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – low voltage generating sets
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment – Definitions, test
and procedure requirements
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment – Test equipment
Automatic disconnection device between a generator and the public lowvoltage grid
Safety Requirements For Secondary Batteries And Battery Installations Part 11: Safety Requirements For Secondary Lithium Batteries For Hybrid
Vehicles And Mobile Applications
Low-voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – Protection
against electric shock
Low voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – protection
against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances
Erection of low voltage installations– selection and erection of electrical
equipment – switch gear and control gear
Electric equipment of electrical road vehicles
ECE 100
ECE 101 Revision
2 Annex 7
ECE 101 Revision
2 Annex 9
EN 13447
Semiconductor convertors
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of battery electric vehicles with
regard to specific requirements for the construction and functional safety
Method of measuring the electric energy consumption of vehicles powered
by an electric power train only
Method of measuring the electric range of vehicles powered by an electric
power train only or by a hybrid electric power train
Electrically propelled road vehicles. Terminology
Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated
convertors - Specifications of a basic requirements
IEC 146
IEC 60034
IEC 60038
Rotating electrical machines - Rating and performance
IEC standard voltages
IEC 61851
IEC 61982
3 Ed. 1.0
Electric vehicle conductive charging system– General Regulations
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 3:
Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use vehicles)
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component testing
Electric vehicle component testing
Electric vehicle component
Page No.
Battery safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle charging
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle performance
Electric vehicle performance
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle component
Grid connection
Electric vehicle charging
Battery test
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
IEC 62281
IEC 62660
1 Ed. 1.0
IEC 62660
2 Ed. 1.0
ISO 14572
ISO 15118
1 and 2
ISO 16750
ISO 4165
ISO 6469
ISO 6469
ISO 6469
ISO 7637
ISO/DIS (Draft International Standard) 12405
ISO/DIS 12405
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
Proposal to TC
21A/WG 5
Battery transport
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport safety
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1:
Performance testing for lithium-ion cells- 21/708/CDV
Li-ion battery test
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 2:
Reliability and abuse testing for lithium-ion cells21/709/CDV
Li-ion battery test
Road vehicles –Round, unscreened 60 V and 600 V multicore sheathed
cables- Test methods and requirements for basic and high performance
Electric vehicle comcables
Electric vehicle infraRoad vehicles – Communication protocol between electric vehicles and
structure - under degrid
Electric road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for electrical Electric vehicle comand electronic equipment
ponent testing
Electric vehicle comRoad vehicles-Electrical connections-Double-pole connection
Electrically propelled road vehicles. Safety specifications. – Part 1: Onboard rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)
Battery safety
Electric propelled road vehicles. Safety specifications – Part 2: Vehicle
operational safety means and protection against failures
Battery safety
Electric road vehicles – Safety specifications– Protection of persons
against electric hazards
Battery safety
Electric vehicle comRoad vehicles –Electrical disturbances by conduction and coupling
ponent testing
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 2: High energy applications
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 1: High power applications
Road vehicles — Functional safety
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Management of functional safety
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Concept phase
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Supporting processes
Road vehicles — Functional safety - ASIL-oriented and safety-oriented
Safety requirements for secondary lithium batteries for hybrid vehicles and
mobile applications
Page No.
Battery test - draft
Battery system
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Battery safety - proposal
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
SAE J 2289
SAE J 2380
SAE J1766
SAE J1797
SAE J1798
SAE J2288
SAE J2464
UL 1642
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
VDA - Test Specification for Li-Ion
Battery Systems
Electric-Drive Battery Pack System - Functional Guidelines
Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries
Recommended Practice for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery
Systems Crash Integrity Testing
Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electrical Vehicle Battery Modules
Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System
(RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing
Lithium Batteries
Battery system
Battery test
Page No.
Battery system
Battery system
Battery test
Battery test
Battery system
Li-ion battery test
Part III: Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating
to Class 3, Class 4, Division 5.1 and Class 9.
Li-ion battery test
Section 38: Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating to Class 9
Li-ion battery test
Paragraph 38.3: Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries
Li-ion battery test
Test Specification for Li-Ion Battery Systems for HEVs
Battery system
Plugs, socked outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets – conductive
charging of electric vehicles– Dimensional interchange ability requirements Plugs, socket-outlet
for pin and contact-tube accessories
and couplers
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Table 13 List of relevant standards in Germany/EU sorted by subject
Standard No.
DIN EN 50272
1, 2, 3 and
DIN V VDE V 0510
ISO 6469
ISO 6469
ISO 6469
DIN EN 1987
Proposal to TC
21A/WG 5
SAE J 2289
SAE J1766
SAE J1797
SAE J2464
VDA - Test Specification for Li-Ion
Battery Systems
ISO/DIS 12405
IEC 61982
SAE J 2380
3 Ed. 1.0
SAE J1798
SAE J2288
ISO/DIS (Draft International Standard) 12405
Page No.
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations
Safety Requirements For Secondary Batteries And Battery Installations Part 11: Safety Requirements For Secondary Lithium Batteries For Hybrid
Vehicles And Mobile Applications
Electrically propelled road vehicles. Safety specifications. – Part 1: Onboard rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)
Electric propelled road vehicles. Safety specifications – Part 2: Vehicle
operational safety means and protection against failures
Electric road vehicles – Safety specifications– Protection of persons
against electric hazards
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety - On
board energy storage
Safety requirements for secondary lithium batteries for hybrid vehicles and
mobile applications
Electric-Drive Battery Pack System - Functional Guidelines
Recommended Practice for Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Battery
Systems Crash Integrity Testing
Recommended Practice for Packaging of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Rechargeable Energy Storage System
(RESS) Safety and Abuse Testing
Battery recycling
Battery safety
Battery safety
Battery safety
Battery safety
Battery safety
Battery safety - proposal
Battery system
Battery system
Battery system
Battery system
Test Specification for Li-Ion Battery Systems for HEVs
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 1: High power applications
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 3:
Performance and life testing (traffic compatible, urban use vehicles)
Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle Batteries
Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electrical Vehicle Battery Modules
Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
Battery system
Battery system
Battery test
Battery test
Battery test
Battery test
Battery test - draft
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Test specification for lithium-Ion traction battery systems - Part 2: High energy applications
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
IEC 62281
DIN EN 12736
DIN EN 61851
DIN EN 61851
IEC 61851
DIN VDE 0122
DIN EN 60071
DIN EN 60228
DIN EN 60269
DIN EN 60664
1 - Supplement 3
DIN EN 60664
DIN EN 60947
DIN EN 60947
DIN V VDE V 0126
DIN VDE 0100
DIN VDE 0558
IEC 146
IEC 60034
Battery transport
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and batteries during transport safety
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Airborne acoustical noise of vehicle
during charging with on-board chargers – Determination of sound power
Electric vehicle charglevel
Electric vehicle conductive charging system – Electric vehicle requirements Electric vehicle chargfor conductive connection to an A.C./D.C. supply
Electric vehicle conductive charging system– A.C. electric vehicle charging Electric vehicle chargstation
Electric vehicle chargElectric vehicle conductive charging system– General Regulations
Electric vehicle chargElectric equipment of electrical road vehicles
Electric vehicle comInsulation coordination - Definitions, principles and rules
Electric vehicle comConductors of insulated cables
Electric vehicle comLow-voltage fuses
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Interface Electric vehicle comconsiderations
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems – PrinciElectric vehicle comples, requirements and tests
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear– Switches, disconnectors, switch- Electric vehicle comdisconnectors and fuse-combination units
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear– Contactors and motor-starters – Electric vehicle comElectromechanical contactors and motor-starters
Automatic disconnection device between a generator and the public lowElectric vehicle comvoltage grid
Erection of low voltage installations– selection and erection of electrical
Electric vehicle comequipment – switch gear and control gear
Electric vehicle comSemiconductor convertors
Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated
Electric vehicle comconvertors - Specifications of a basic requirements
Electric vehicle comRotating electrical machines - Rating and performance
Page No.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
ISO 14572
Road vehicles –Round, unscreened 60 V and 600 V multicore sheathed
cables- Test methods and requirements for basic and high performance
ISO 4165
Road vehicles-Electrical connections-Double-pole connection
DIN EN ISO 14121
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN IEC 60364
DIN VDE 0100
DIN VDE 0100
DIN IEC 61180
DIN IEC 61180
ISO 16750
ISO 7637
ISO 15118
1 and 2
DIN EN 1821
DIN EN 1986
Safety of machinery - Risk assessment -Principles
Low-voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – Protection
against thermal effects
Erection of low-voltage installations– Protection for safety – Protection
against overcurrent
Low voltage electrical installations – protection against voltage disturbances and measures against electromagnetic influences, clause 442 –
protection against temporary over voltages and faults between high-voltage
systems and earth
Low voltage electrical installations – Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – Earthing arrangements, protective
Erection of Low electrical installations– Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – low voltage generating sets
Low-voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – Protection
against electric shock
Low voltage electrical installations – Protection for safety – protection
against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment – Definitions, test
and procedure requirements
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle component
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component safety
Electric vehicle component testing
Electric vehicle comHigh-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment – Test equipment
ponent testing
Electric road vehicles – Environmental conditions and testing for electrical Electric vehicle comand electronic equipment
ponent testing
Electric vehicle comRoad vehicles –Electrical disturbances by conduction and coupling
ponent testing
Electric vehicle infraRoad vehicles – Communication protocol between electric vehicles and
structure - under degrid
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of road operating ability Electric vehicle per- Pure electric vehicles
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of energy performance Electric vehicle per-
Page No.
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
ECE 101 Revision
2 Annex 7
ECE 101 Revision
2 Annex 9
DIN EN 1987
DIN EN 1987
ECE 100
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
ISO/DIS 26262
DIN EN 50065
DIN EN 50160
DIN EN 50470
DIN EN 50470
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
DIN EN 61000
IEC 60038
DIN EN 13444
DIN EN 1821
- Pure electric vehicles
Method of measuring the electric energy consumption of vehicles powered
by an electric power train only
Method of measuring the electric range of vehicles powered by an electric
power train only or by a hybrid electric power train
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety Functional safety means and protection against failure
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Specific requirements for safety Protection of users against electrical hazards
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of battery electric vehicles with
regard to specific requirements for the construction and functional safety
Road vehicles — Functional safety
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Management of functional safety
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Concept phase
Road vehicles — Functional safety- Supporting processes
Road vehicles — Functional safety - ASIL-oriented and safety-oriented
Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range
3kHz to 148.5kHz
Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – General requirements, tests and
test conditions – Metering equipment (class indexes A, B and C)
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)– Limits – Limits for harmonic current
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Generic standards – Immunity for
residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)– Generic standards – Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
IEC standard voltages
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of emissions of hybrid
vehicles - Thermal electrical hybrid vehicle
Electrically propelled road vehicles – Measurement of road operating ability
-Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Electric vehicle performance
Electric vehicle performance
Page No.
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Electric vehicle safety
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Grid connection
Hybrid electric road
Hybrid electric road
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
Standard No.
DIN EN 1986
DIN EN 1175
IEC 62660
1 Ed. 1.0
IEC 62660
UL 1642
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria Paragraph 38.3: Lithium
metal and lithium
ion batteries
2 Ed. 1.0
Page No.
Electrically propelled road vehicles - Measurement of energy performance Thermal electric hybrid vehicles
Safety of industrial trucks – Electrical requirements
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 1:
Performance testing for lithium-ion cells- 21/708/CDV
Secondary batteries for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Part 2:
Reliability and abuse testing for lithium-ion cells21/709/CDV
Lithium Batteries
Hybrid electric road
Industrial trucks
Li-ion battery test
Li-ion battery test
Li-ion battery test
Part III: Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating
to Class 3, Class 4, Division 5.1 and Class 9.
Li-ion battery test
Section 38: Classification Procedures, Test Methods and Criteria and Relating to Class 9
Li-ion battery test
Paragraph 38.3: Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries
DIN EN 60309
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
DIN EN 60320
DIN EN 62196
EN 13447
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes
Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets – Conductive
charging of electric vehicles– Charging of electric vehicles up to 250 A a.c.
and 400 A d.c.
Plugs, socked outlets, vehicle couplers and vehicle inlets – conductive
charging of electric vehicles– Dimensional interchange ability requirements
for pin and contact-tube accessories
Electrically propelled road vehicles. Terminology
Li-ion battery test
Plugs, socket-outlet
and couplers
Plugs, socket-outlet
and couplers
Plugs, socket-outlet
and couplers
Plugs, socket-outlet
and couplers
GCSFP-Study - Norms and Standards for Electric Vehicles in China and Germany/EU
www.cenelec.eu. accessed 15-December-2009.
www.din.de. accessed 15-December-2009.
strategie, 2004.
Normung, 2009.
www.iec.ch. accessed 16-December-2009.
NIEDZIELLA, W OLFGANG: Wie funktioniert Normung? VDE Verlag, 2000.
BOSSCHE, PETER VAN DEN: The electric vehicle: raising the standards. ,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2003.
Friedrich, B; Georgi, T; Ridderbusch, M; Development of a Calculation
Method for Recycling Efficiencies of Battery Recycling Processes, ICBR 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 2007