City of Palo Alto (ID # 1983) City Council Staff Report Report Type: Consent Calendar Meeting Date: 9/12/2011 Council Priority: Emergency Preparedness Summary Title: Amendment-Standby Generators Replacement Project Title: Approval of Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $28,013 to Contract No. C11138402 with TMAD, Taylor & Gaines for a total contract amount of $159,600 for adding design of two permanent load banks to the power monitoring and standby generator replacement project at the Water Quality Control Plant – Capital Improvement Program Project WQ-80021 From: City Manager Lead Department: Public Works Recommendation Staff recommends that Council approve and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute Amendment No. 1 (Attachment A) to contract C11138402 with TMAD, Taylor & Gaines Corporate (TTG) in the amount of $28,013, for design of two permanent resistive electric load banks. The revised total contract amount is not to exceed $159,600 which includes $145,091 for basic services and $14,509 for additional services. Background During the extended citywide power outage on February 17, 2010 the Regional Water Quality Control Plant’s (Plant) standby emergency generators were activated automatically and manually. One of the Plant’s seven emergency generators did not work as expected. The Plant still operated successfully throughout the nearly ten hour power outage without exceeding the Plant’s discharge limits however, the generator malfunction highlighted the need for replacement of the plant’s older and less reliable generators. Of the seven generators, four are more than 20 years old. On December 6, 2010, Council approved Contract No. C11138402 with TTG for the Power Monitoring and Standby Generators Replacement Project (CMR:433:10). TTG is completing the design replacements for the four oldest standby generators including the 27-year old generator that under performed during the outage on February 17, 2010. The original scope included design of two resistive electric load banks, which allow staff to test generators at full load electrical conditions without disturbing Plant operations. September 12, 2011 (ID # 1983) Page 1 of 2 Discussion Standby generators are tested periodically, under various load conditions, as part of a standard generator maintenance program. Currently, in order to test and exercise the generators, Plant staff must switch a live Plant electric load onto the generators, which is an undesirable way for testing. Testing with live equipment requires disruptive Plant shutdowns. Furthermore, typical Plant flow conditions cannot furnish the needed electrical full load test condition recommended by generator manufacturers. Resistive electric load banks will allow staff to test generators at full load electrical conditions without disturbing Plant operations. This Amendment No. 1 adds engineering services for design of two additional permanent resistive electric load banks not included in the original contract. The new resistive electric load banks will serve existing generators not being replaced as part of this project. Scope of Consultant Services Amendment No. 1 adds design of two permanent load banks to the Scope of Services of the original contract: one for the UV Disinfection Facility generator and one for the Equipment/Blower Room generator. The new work includes preparation of construction bid documents, providing technical support during bidding and construction, and preparing the “as-constructed” record drawings for the project. Resource Impact Funds for this project are included in the FY 2011 Wastewater Treatment Enterprise Fund budget Capital Improvement Program Project WQ-80021. Policy Implications Authorization of this project does not represent a change in existing City policies. Environmental Review This project is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (b), which includes repair and maintenance of publicly-owned wastewater facilities involving negligible expansion. Attachments: • AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT C11138402-SIGNED (PDF) Prepared By: Padmakar Chaobal, Project Engineer Department Head: J. Michael Sartor, Interim Director City Manager Approval: James Keene, City Manager September 12, 2011 (ID # 1983) Page 2 of 2 AMENDMENT NO.1 TO CONTRACT NO. C11138402 BETWEEN THE CITY OF PALO ALTO AND TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES CORPORATE This Amendment No. 1 to contract No. C11138402 ("Contract") is entered into September 12, 2011, by and between the CITY OF PALO ALTO, a charter city and a municipal corporation of the State of California ("CITY"), and TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES CORPORATE, a California corporation, located at 311 California street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA94104("CONSULTANT"). R E CIT A L S: WHEREAS, the Contract was entered into between the parties for the provision of consulting services for power monitoring and standby generators replacement as described in Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, terms, conditions, and provisions of this Amendment, the parties agree: SECTION 4. Section "NOT TO EXCEED COMPENSATION is hereby amended to read as follows: "The compensation to be paid to CONSULTANT for performance of the Services described in Exhibit "A", including both payment for professional services and reimbursable expenses, shall not exceed One Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Ninety-One Dollars ($145,091.00). In the event Additional Services are authorized, the total compensation for services and reimbursable expenses shall not exceed One Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($159,600). The applicable rates and schedule of payment are set out in Exhibit "C-l", entitled "HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE," which is attached to and made a part of this Agreement." The following exhibit(s) to the Contract is/are hereby amended to read as set forth in the attachment(s) to this Amendment, which are incorporated in full by this reference: a. Exhibit "A" entitled "Scope of Services b. Exhibit "B-1" entitled "Schedule of Performance". c. Exhibit "C" entitled "Compensation 1 110815 sm 010 " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have by their duly authorized representatives executed this Amendment on the date first above written. (Signature pages follow) APPROVED: TMAD TAYLOR & GAINES CORPORATE By: City Manager ~~+-GLtf Name: f\10ltftN JitrfJlfPfH'lt't Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Senior Asst. City Attorney Attachments: EXHIBIT "A"! EXHIBIT "B": EXHIBIT "C": SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT SCHEDULE COMPENSATION 2 110811 sm 010 Vlc..e: frz..t:::!> I PeN., Pe EXHIBIT "A" - AMENDED SCOPE OF SERVICES I. INTRODUCTION The City of Palo Alto, Department ofPnblic Works, Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP) intends to replace four of the plant's seven older standby power generators. Consultant services shall include sizing, design, automation and permitting of two portable and two stationary standby power generation systems and design of a power monitoring system at the RWQCP. As an option, the City may choose to replace the existing portable generator sets with stationary sets. The Consultant (Engineer) shall provide engineering services during all phases of the project from preliminary options assessments, design and permitting through support in commissioning/start up. II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant (RWQCP or Plant) treats wastewater from six communities (the Partners). The City of Palo Alto (City) owns and operates the RWQCP. The service area is a mix of institutional, residential, and commercial uses consisting of approximately 223,100 residents. The Plant has a design capacity of 39 mgd, average treated flow of 22 mgd, and a wet weather capacity of 80 mgd. The Plant was constructed from 1970 to 1972 at the site of the pre-existing Palo Alto wastewater treatment plant built in 1934. The Plant was upgraded to tertiary treatment in 1980. Plant capacity was increased in 1988. Wastewater treatment facilities include primary sedimentation, fixed film reactors (FFR), activated sludge aeration and nitrification, secondary clarification, dual media filtration (DMF), ultraviolet disinfection (with redundant sodium hypochlorite disinfection and sodium bisulfite dechlorination), followed by outfall discharge to the San Francisco Bay. Biosolids are thickened, dewatered on belt presses, and incinerated in multiple hearth furnaces (Incinerators) before ash is hauled to offsite disposal. Recycled water is coagulated, filtered, disinfected with sodium hypochlorite, stored, and pumped to customers in Palo Alto and Mountain View. III. SCOPE OF WORK A. General The consultant shall size, design, develop specifications including automation, prepare bid documents and facilitate the air permitting for four stationary standby power generation systems. In the event of electric power failure the control system designed shall commence the sequence of automatic power transfer; i.e. start generators and automatically pick up the load. Upon resumption of the grid power supply, the Plant prefers the option of manual switchover. The new replacement generators shall be as follows: • One stationary generator to sustain the operation of Fixed Film Reactors (FFR). • One stationary generator to sustain the operation of Dual Media Filters (DMF). • The two generators for FFR & DMF, shall be designed to be paralleled together to provide (N+ I) generation. The system shall be designed so that either one or both generators come online in the event of grid power failure, depending on the loads that need to be serviced. The system shall be programmed such that loads can be added or shed depending on the criticality of the plant operation. • City chooses to have both stationary standby generators for above (FFR and DMF) services at a location near the southwest comer of the DMF building. • Two stationary generators to sustain the operation of head works, both old and new raw sewage pumping plants, part of the solids incinerators, and equipment in the building known as the 'chlorine building'. The stationary generators shall replace two existing stationary generators located in the New Pumping Plant (NPP) building. 3 110811 8m OlD • The two stationary generators in NPP, shall be designed to be paralleled together to provide (N+ I) generation. The system shall be designed so that either one or both generators come on line in the event of grid power failure, depending on the loads that needs to be serviced. The system shall be programmed such that loads can be added or shed depending on the criticality of the plant operation. The existing portable generator at the FFRs currently must be started manually in the event of power failnre. The consultant shall design a system that automates generator startup and power transfer, and sends the generator operating statns signal to the local PLC for tie-in to SCADA system. The project ends at the local PLC, Plant staffwill integrate the signal into the SCADA system. To facilitate the periodic testing of the standby generators; the Consultant shall size and specify appropriate load banks; research and review the options such as installation of a stationary load bank on a common bus, portable load bank or individual load bank for each generator. City chooses to have stationary/permanent resistive load bank at each location. Consultant shall research and evaluate methods and systems to place the fonr new generator sets on a common bus so that emergency power is available to the NPP, FFR and DMF, in the event one of the generators is out of operation. Consultant shall also review the option and prepare a technical memorandum to the City, to tie four new standby generators and the existing 3 standby generators on a common bus, so that each treatment area of the plant always has standby power available. In addition, the Consultant shall design; develop specifications, and prepare bid documents for installation of power/load monitoring or metering instrumentation at various load centers in the plant. Nine load centers have been identified to receive power meter/monitors (Refer to Utility Plan U-7 and the Load Center Table). Currently, some locations have power meters installed. Consultant shall verify their functionality, compatibility and evaluate if the existing meters need to be replaced or upgraded. The power monitoring system shall be capable of transmitting the power usage data to the plant's SCADA system in real time. This shall enable the plant operators to track and record the power usage remotely. The Consultant shall evaluate, with information from Plant instrumentation staff, if the local PLCs have the spare capacity for the power monitoring signals. If required, the Consultant shall design additional equipment and/or wiring to connect to Plant's SCADA system. For construction project, the contractor will install the instrumentation and run wires to local PLC for Plants SCADA system. The Plant staff shall integrate the signals from the new power monitors into the SCADA system. The Consnltant shall prepare the bid package to include; procnrement standbyand installation of four stationary standby generators; and for procnrement and installation ofload/power monitoring instrumentation at various load centers in the plant. The design/specifications shall comply with all local, state, and federal rules and regnlations such as EPA's Clean Air Non-road Diesel rules EPA420-F-04-032, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) administrated Statewide Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Stationary Diesel Engines (portable engines may be exempt from the stationary ATCM), California Air Regulatory Board (CARB) adopted ACTM. Consultant shall perform the design in phases. The design goals and deliverables shall be performed for 30% design and 90% design. At the completion of each phase of design, consultant shall submit the design package and meet with City staff to review the submittal and discuss comments. The intent of the design review meeting is to solicit and compile comments and address/resolve issues. Design drawings shall be prepared in AutoCAD and PDF, and specifications shall be prepared in Microsoft Word for use by the City. 4 110811 smOlO B. Tasks The Consultant's scope of work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: Task 1 - Design Design 30% - Develop Design Criteria • Review the power requirement for each generator set service area. • Evaluate and recommend optimnm size and type of generator for each service area. • Develop plan for antomating start up of the FFR portable generator in response to power interruption, including tie-ins with plant's ATS and communication with plant's SCADA network. • Research, evalnate and prepare a technical memorandum outlining the pros and cons of stationary generators versus portable generators for servicing the FFR and DMF areas. • Validate the capacity of existing above ground diesel fuel storage tank for the stationary generators at the N.P.P. • Develop the outline of plan for the replacement of stationary generators in the N. P. P. Determine what permits will be required for the standby generators; and the permit • requirements, the application materials required and the steps involved in the permit process. • With input from Plant staff, establish the power monitoring criteria, such as, Number of, type of, and location of power monitoring meters. Power monitoring equipment features. Schematic of power monitoring system showing meter location (e. g. which load center) equipment monitored (powered by conductor) and the connection to (interface with) the existing PLC and/or SCADA system. • Recommend a portable power metering and data recording/storage device that can be temporarily connected to individual equipment to record and store data which can be transferred to a computer or SCADA system. • For the 30% design review, prepare a technical memorandum outlining the basis of design, preliminary system sizing and performance specifications, and preliminary layout. • Provide four sets of drawings, specifications, and other 30% deliverable documents. Design 90% - Power Monitoring and Standby Generators • Consultant shall incorporate all the comments and concerns issued during the previous review. The design shall be the tme reflection of City's intent for this project. • The generator specifications shall meet the following objectives: Meet the Plant's electric power needs for the specific treatment areas. Meet all EPA and BAAQMD requirements for Compression Ignition Engines (CIE). The generator automation shall communicate with the RWQCP's SCADA system. Comply with provisions of the latest California Electric Code (CEC). • The design shall include the installation details, specifically for the two stationary generators in the N. P. P. This includes civil and stmctural engineering for the installation of the stationary generators. (Note - The City may choose to have stationary generators for all four service areas). • The design for power monitoring system, including the specifications for portable power monitor. • Provide four sets of drawings, specifications and other 90% deliverable documents. Design Final- Power Monitoring and Standby Generators Consultant shall perform final updates derived from City's comments and Consultant's own internal quality control and audits. • The system design at this stage will include constmction documents with plans, specifications, design calculations and final constmction cost estimate. • Prepare the design package to secure applicable permitting and soliciting constmction I procurement for each task. 5 110811 smOIO o Provide one unbound copy and one Microsoft Word electronic copy of fmal specifications for the bid package. o Provide two wet stamped hard copies, one digital copy in PDF format and one in AutoCAD 3D Civil 2010 format of the fmal stamped plans. Provide two hard copies & one digital copy iu MS Word format of the fiual specifications for the package. Task 2 - Permits and Environmental Docnments o The new generator sets must be permitted by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District under the Regional Water Quality Control Plant's Permit to Operate. The specifications shall include compliance with the regulatory limits applicable for standby diesel generators that are imposed by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, including Airborne Toxic Control Measures (ATCM) regulations. The individual regulatory limits shall be specifically stated in the specifications, so that bidders are required to provide information about their product's compliance with each applicable limit. o The consultant shall prepare the applications for all the required permits and shall assist the City in obtaining them. o Prepare application and support documents for CEQA Categorical Exemption. If and as required; prepare application and support documents for mitigated negative declaration. If and as required; prepare an application for an Authority to Construct (ATC) for submittal to the o Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) in sufficient lead time to receive ATC for the project schedule. The task deliverable shall include submittal of all requisite application forms and information, desigu . plans and details, equipment specifications, and air emissions estimates. o If and as required; attend up to four (4) meetings with regulatory agencies such as BAAQMD, CARBetc. o Respond to BAAQMD's comments and assist in securing the ATC, as required. Task 3 - Deconstruction of Existing Stationary Generators o The consultant shall develop a plan and write procedures to de-construct the two existing stationary emergency generators in the N. P. P. bnilding. o The work plan should place emphasis on minimizing exposure time during replacement of existing generators with new ones. 'Exposure time' is defined as the duration when the plant equipment is operating without any backup power. o The work plan shall include provisions and details for hooking the N.P.P. and associated loads to temporary / portable standby generators while existing generators are being removed and new ones installed. The City, at plant manager's discretion, may choose to rent temporary standby power while this work is being performed. Task 4 - Services During Bidding Consultant shall assist the City in preparation of one construction bid package. Consultant shall respond to the requests for clarification and/or information from prospective bidders. o Consultant shall assist the City with preparation of Project addenda and furnish the originals required for said addenda. o Consultant shall attend and assist the City at the pre-bid conferences and the walk through. o o Task 5 - Services Dnring Construction o Consultant shall review submittals from the contractor for conformance with the Contract Docmnents. The Consultant shall review and return the submittal comments to the City within seven calendar days. o Consultant shall prepare written response to the Request for Information (RFI) submitted by the 6 110811 smOIO contractor. The Consultant shall review, comment and return the RFI responses within seven calendar days. • Consultant shall review and validate the Contract Change Order requests submitted by contractor for accuracy and correctuess, as requested by the City. • As requested, the Consultant shall attend periodic Project Progress Meetings with the Contractor. Please allow for one meeting per month, at the minimum, during the construction phase. • The Consultant shall provide the technical support to the City during start up and commissioning of the new standby generators. The Consultant shall work with Contractor and equipment (generator) manufacturer's representatives, as requested by the City. • The Consultant shall assist the City in monitoring, documenting andlor validating any testing required by the permitting agencies. • The Consultant shall review the "as-built" or "red line" drawings and documents maintained by the contractor during construction. Upon construction completion, the Consultant shall prepare one full size, one half size (11 "XI?") set and one electronic copy of the record drawings. The electronic copy shall be in AutoCAD 3D Civil 2010 format. The record drawings shall consist of annotated contract drawings and electronic files showing changes in design and construction. Task 6 - StationarylPermanent Load Banks • Consultant shall provide design services to add two permanent 1000kW, 480Y/277V resistive load banks to facilitate periodic partial and full load testing of existing stationary standby generators. • The design shall include: electrical work for switching, cabling/connecting, and modifications to existing power distribution system as required; and all civil/structural/architectural work for installation at two locations: One for UV Disinfection Facility, to test the existing 800 KW standby diesel generator set. Location of this load bank shall be at accessible grade level near the Old Chlorine building (UV Electrical Room). One for EquipmentIBlower room to test the existing 750 kW standby diesel generator set. Location of this load bank shall be at accessible grade level near Blower room, close to the location of generator. Consultant shall prepare Construction Documents and Specifications for bidding. Consnltant shall provide Services During Bidding as described in III. B. Task 4. Consultant shall provide Services During Construction as described in m.B. Task 5. IV. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY The selected Consultant will be given a copy of existing documents as follows: • Relevant drawings ofN.P.P. and other RWQCP. Any available electric load information. • • Any available drawings and manuals of existing generator sets. - End of Scope - 7 110811 smOlO EXHIBIT B-1 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE - AMENDMENT NO. 1 CONSULTANT shall perform the Services so as to complete each milestone within the number of days specified below. The time to complete each milestone may be increased or decreased by mutual written agreement of the project managers for CONSULTANT and CITY so long as all work is completed within the term of the Agreement. CONSULTANT shall provide a detailed schedule of work consistent with the schedule below within 2 weeks of receipt of the notice to proceed. Milestones Completion No. of Weeks From NTP 1. Design 30% - Develop Design Criteria: 3 2. Design 90% - Construction Documents: 4 3.100% Construction documents: 6 4. Deconstruction of Existing Stationary Generators: Emergency 8 5. Permits and Environmental Documents: 10 6. Services During Bidding: TBD 7. Services During Construction: TBD 8 110811 smOIO CITY OF PALO ALTO CONTRACT NO.: Cll138402 EXHIBIT "C-l" COMPENSATION The CITY agrees to compensate the CONSULTANT for professional services performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and as set forth in the budget schedule below. Compensation shall be calculated based on the hourly rate schedule attached as exhibit C-1 up to the not to exceed budget amount for each task set forth below. The compensation to be paid to CONSULTANT under this Agreement for all services described in Exhibit "A" ("Basic Services") and reimbursable expenses shall not exceed $145,091.00. CONSULTANT agrees to complete all Basic Services, including reimbursable expenses, within this amount. In the event CITY authorizes any Additional Services, the maximum compensation shall not exceed $159,600.00. Any work performed or expenses incurred for which payment would result in a total exceeding the maximum amount of compensation set forth herein shall be at no cost to the CITY. CONSULTANT shall perform the tasks and categories of work as outlined and budgeted below. The CITY's proj ect manager may approve in writing the transfer of budget amounts between any of the tasks or categories listed below provided the total compensation for Basic Services, including reimbursable expenses, does not exceed $119,625.00 and the total compensation for Additional Services does not exceed $11,962.00. BUDGET SCHEDULE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT Task 1(Design) $ 51,000 Task 2 (Permits and Environmental Documents) $ 14,750 Task 3 (Deconstruction of Existing Standby Generators) $ 17,125 Task 4 (Services During Bidding) $ 8,700 Task 5(Services During Construction) $ 24,050 Task 6 (Load Banks) $ 24,716 Sub-total Basic Services $ 140,341 Reimbursable Expenses $ 4,750 Total Basic Services & Reimbursable Expenses $ 145,091 Additional Services (Not to Exceed) $ 14,509 Maximum Total Compensation $ 159,600 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES The administrative, overhead, secretarial time or secretarial overtime, word processing, photocopying, in-house printing, 9 110811 smOlO CITY OF PALO ALTO CONTRACT NO.: Cll138402 insurance and other ordinary business expenses are included within the scope of payment for services and are not reimbursable expenses. CITY shall reimburse CONSULTANT for the following reimbursable expenses at cost. Expenses for which CONSULTANT shall be reimbursed are: A. Travel outside the San Francisco Bay area, including transportation and meals, will be reimbursed at actual cost subject to the City of Palo Alto's policy for reimbursement of travel and meal expenses for City of Palo Alto employees. B. Long distance telephone service charges, cellular phone service charges, third-party reproduction service charges, facsimile transmission and postage charges are reimbursable at actual cost. All requests for payment of expenses shall be accompanied by appropriate backup information. Any expense anticipated to be more than $1,000.00 shall be approved in advance by the CITY's project manager. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The CONSULTANT shall provide additional services only by advanced, written authorization from the CITY. The CONSULTANT, at the CITY's project manager's request, shall submit a detailed written proposal including a description of the scope of services, schedule, level of effort, and CONSULTANT's proposed maximum compensation, including reimbursable expense, for such services based on the rates set forth in Exhibit C-1. The additional services scope, schedule and maximum compensation shall be negotiated and agreed to in writing by the CITY's proj ect manager and CONSULTANT prior to commencement of the services. Payment for additional services is subj ect to all requirements and restrictions in this Agreement. Work required because the following conditions are not satisfied or are exceeded shall be considered as additional services: (i) Detail engineering and construction bid packages to put: (a) four new standby generators on common bus/local grid, or (b) four new plus three existing standby generators on common bus/local grid; (ii) Attending more than four (4) meetings with regulatory agencies, such as BAAQMD, CARB, etc. 10 110811 smOIO