May 2012 - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

 MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN As the spring semester comes to a close, it's a good time to take stock of what we've accomplished this year — it has been a great first 7 months for me. Thanks to all of you for making me feel so welcome! I just discussed our accomplishments at the Spring SoS Town Hall meeting — if you missed it, you can find the slides on the Dean's Page of the SoS website: To summarize, in the past 7 months, together we have: • Secured approval for 13 new hires in the School of Science • Appointed 2 permanent Department Heads (Curt Breneman in Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Angel Garcia in Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy). • Completed a major overhaul of the School’s website, with Department updates coming next • Secured commitments to ~$8M in new gift funding, to be used for ~4 additional new faculty hires and scholarships • Increased research funding, even in a very tight funding climate • Completed the first wave of serious planning for the Center for Science • Contributed to framing an update to the Rensselaer Plan • And next week we will graduate 280 undergraduates and 83 graduate students! Congratulations to all of them! • Finally, there are some opportunities coming up for Science input as we consider a "refresh" to the Rensselaer Plan — I'm likely to call some short, brainstorming meetings on this in the coming weeks — please stay tuned for details and participate!! All the best, Laurie 1
FACULTY NEWS and NOTES FACULTY RECOGNITION At the Faculty Recognition Dinner, the following Science Faculty were recognized: 25 years of service: Bruce Piper, Donald Schwendeman 30 years of service: Alan Cutler, Gerald Korenowski, Toh-­‐Ming Lu, John Schroeder 35 years of service: Jane Koretz, Bruce Watson 40 years of service: Charles Boylen 45 years of service: Harry McLaughlin 50 years of service: Ronald Bailey Retiring faculty: Gary Adams, Alan Cutler, and Xi-­‐Cheng Zhang The Robert Resnick Distinguished Lecture was held on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Professor Roberto Car of Princeton University gave a talk, “Water: a unique liquid” Abstract: Water is arguably the most important molecule on earth. Certainly, without it, there would not be life, as we know it. Not surprisingly the modeling of water has continued to command the attention of scientists in a wide range of disciplines since the very influential early work of Bernal and Fowler in 1933. Liquid water has many unusual properties, such as e.g. anomalous density behavior, large dielectric response and high-­‐ionic conductivity. Yet, despite the deceptive simplicity of the water molecule, an ab-­‐
initio microscopic theory that could account satisfactorily for its liquid properties is still missing. The reason is that water behavior originates from a delicate balance of competing interactions like hydrogen bond and dispersion forces in presence of large zero point motion of the nuclei. In this talk, I will review the current understanding of water from basic quantum mechanical theory and will discuss future perspectives in the field. Elliot Anshelevich, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, has been awarded a small ($8000) grant from NSF to fund an REU this summer for his NSF award "Contribution Games in Social Networks". Curt Breneman, Professor of Chemistry, has been named head of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Rensselaer Names Professor Curt Breneman as New Head of Chemistry and Chemical Biology May 2, 2012 Curt Breneman has been invited to attend a Materials Genome Initiative kickoff meeting at the White House on the morning of May 14th, and a subsequent workshop on MGI at the US Department of Commerce on May 14th and 15th. Jim Hendler, Sr. Constellation Professor of Tetherless World Constellation has been asked to co-­‐chair the White House/World Bank International Open Government Data Conference this summer. Jim Hendler delivered the keynote talk at the kickoff meeting of the NSA sponsored Interagency Semantic Technology in Intelligence working group 2
Malik Magdon-­‐Ismail, Associate Professor of Computer Science, has published a book "Learning From Data". David Kotfila Visited with the Governor's Office, Mayor of Hartford, Mayor of Bridgeport, Board of Regents of Higher Education, in an effort to roll out a state-­‐wide network engineering program at the high school, community college, and four year college level. A success story was written about RPI Cisco Academy at RPI directed by David Kotfila .­‐can/docs/stories/2012-­‐Story-­‐NY-­‐RPI-­‐Kotfila-­‐David-­‐
student-­‐hires.pdf Deborah McGuinness, Sr. Constellation Prof. of Tetherless World Research. Constellation, gave the keynote address at the annual open travel alliance conference on the potential of semantic technologies for the future of travel. Chang Ryu, Associate Professor of Chemistry, being named Acting Director of the Polymer Center. Michael Shur received the 2012 Tibbett’s Award from US Small Business Administration, Nanowork published a press release about selective gas sensing by graphene (joint work – RPI/UC/GE) RESEARCH NEWS and NOTES Research award funding for Computer Science is currently $2.5M more than it was at this time last year ($6.748K vs $4.26K) The new Super-­‐Computer granted to Chris Carothers, Professor of Computer Science and his team may be delivered to RPI as soon as the end of June. Conference Session Honored Jim Ferris The organizing committee of the Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon 2012), which was held in Atlanta, Georgia during April 16-­‐20, 2012, dedicated a special session to honor the scientific contribution of Dr. James P. Ferris, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. The second is a special session in honor of Jim Ferris, with presentations from a number of prominent researchers and former mentees of his, highlighting areas of science to which he has made major contributions; he received a certificate of achievement from NASA at the session. The talks were recorded and can be found at: 3
Science faculty from Rensselaer presented a number of papers at the March and April, 2012 meetings of the American Physical Society Computational Assessment of a Sustainable Energy Future: The Earth-­‐abundant Materials Approach Session Chair: Vincent Meunier Computational Design of Solar Energy Harvesting Materials Made of Earth-­‐Abundant Elements.
Yiyang Sun (Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Quantum Transport in Graphene Nanoribbon Networks. Andr\'es Rafael Botello-­‐
M\'endez (Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences(IMCN), Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium), Eduardo Cruz-­‐Silva (Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA), Jos\'e Manuel Romo-­‐Herrera (Departamento de Quimica Fisica, Universidad de Vigo, Spain), Florentino L\'opez-­‐
Ur\'Ias (IPICYT, Mexico), Mauricio Terrones (Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, USA), Bobby G. Sumpter (ORNL, USA), Humberto Terrones (IMCN, UCL, Belgium), Jean-­‐
Christophe Charlier (IMCN, UCL, Belgium), Vincent Meunier Cascades of overload failures in spatial networks. Andrea Asztalos , Sameet Sreenivasan , Boleslaw Szymanski , Gyorgy Korniss Evolution of opinions on social networks in the presence of competing committed groups. Sameet Sreenivasan , Jierui Xie, Boleslaw Szymanski, Jeff Emenheiser, Matt Kirby, Gyorgy Korniss Quantum confined Schottky barriers: Tuning the Schottky-­‐Mott and Bardeen Limits.­‐2011-­‐003702.pdfJames Chelikowsky (University of Texas at Austin), Tzu-­‐Liang Chan (University of Texas at Austin), Kai-­‐Ming Ho (Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory), Cai-­‐Zhuang Wang (Ames Laboratory), Shengbai Zhang Organic electrodes for high rate capability Lithium-­‐ion batteries.­‐2011-­‐003919.pdfY.Y. Zhang , Y.Y. Sun , S.X. Du (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), H.J. Gao (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), S.B. Zhang Role of nano in catalysis: Pd catalyzed H desorption from MgH$_{2}$.­‐2011-­‐003918.pdfWeiyu Xie , Damien West , Yiyang Sun , Shengbai Zhang Synchronization in Noisy Networks with Multiple Time Delays.­‐2011-­‐003798.pdfDavid Hunt , Gyorgy Korniss , Boleslaw Szymanski Doping in Si/SiO$_{2}$ Structures: A first-­‐principles metadynamics study.­‐2011-­‐007118.pdfNicholas Lanzillo , Philip Shemella (IBM Research -­‐ Zurich), Saroj Nayak , Wanda Andreoni (IBM Research -­‐ Zurich), Alessandro Curioni (IBM Research -­‐ Zurich) Quasiparticle Band Gaps of Graphene and Graphone on Hexagonal Boron Nitride Substrate.­‐2011-­‐005620.pdfNeerav Kharche , Saroj Nayak 4
Invasion, Coexistence, and Extinction Driven by Preemptive Competition and Sex Ratio.­‐2011-­‐004426.pdfFerenc, Thomas Caraco (Dept. of Biological Sciences, University at Albany), Gyorgy Korniss Edge-­‐Edge interactions in stacked grapheme.­‐2011-­‐
005871.pdfEduardo Cruz-­‐Silva (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Xiaoting Jia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Mauricio Terrones (The Pennsylvania State University), Mildred Dresselhaus (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Vincent Meunier Emergence of atypical magnetic and electronic properties in graphitic nanowiggles.­‐2011-­‐005147.pdfVincent Meunier), Eduardo Costa-­‐
Girao (Universidade Federal do Cear\'a), Liangbo Liang), Eduardo Cruz-­‐Silva (University of Massachussetts, Amherst), Antonio Gomes Souza Filho (Universidade Federal do Cear\'a) Six-­‐band nearest-­‐neighbor tight-­‐binding model for the $\pi $-­‐bands of bulk graphene and graphene nanoribbons.­‐2011-­‐007493.pdfTimothy Boykin (The University of Alabama in Huntsville), Mathieu Luisier (Integrated Systems Laboratory), Gerhard Klimeck (Purdue University), Xueping Jiang), Neerav Kharche), Yu Zhou, Saroj Nayak Spectral and Spatial Response of Sulfur-­‐Hyperdoped n+/p Silicon Photodiodes.­‐2011-­‐007592.pdfDavid Hutchinson , Daniel Recht (Harvard University), Joseph Sullivan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jeffrey Warrender (US Army -­‐ ARDEC, Benet Laboratories), Michael Aziz (Harvard University), Tonio Buonassisi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Peter Persans Absorption of Carbon Monoxide Molecules On Carbon Nanotubes.­‐2011-­‐008479.pdfLiangbo Liang , Vincent Meunier Does aluminum conduct better than copper at the nanoscale? A first-­‐principles study of metallic nanowires.­‐2011-­‐003196.pdfAdam Simbeck , Nick Lanzillo , Neerav Kharche , Saroj Nayak Dynamics of Graphene Edges Interaction under Joule-­‐heating.­‐2011-­‐007700.pdfXu Zhang (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA), Xiaoting Jia (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA), Eduardo Cruz-­‐Silva, Lee-­‐Ping Wang (Department of Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA), Jessica Campos-­‐Delgado (Laboratory for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research (LINAN), M\'exico). Paulo Antonio Araujo (Department of EECS, MIT, Cambridge, MA), Vincent Meunier), Mauricio Terrones (Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, PA), Tomas Palacios (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA), Mildred Dresselhaus (Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Physics, MIT, Cambridge, MA) Edge effects in Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons.­‐2011-­‐
005411.pdfWen Ying Ruan (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology), Yiyang Sun), Sheng Bai Zhang), Mei-­‐Yin Chou (School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA, and Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Behind the Scene Role of Conserved Threonine in Intein Splicing.­‐2011-­‐001321.pdfAlbert Dearden , Brian Callahan (University at Albany), Marlene Belfort (University at Albany), Saroj Nayak 5
Simulations of the folding/unfolding of biomolecules under solvent, and pressure perturbations.­‐2011-­‐005201.pdfAngel Garcia The Ultimate Electron Sources Using Millimeter Long Carbon Nanotubes.­‐2011-­‐005768.pdfN. Perea (Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA), B. Rebollo (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico), J.A. Briones (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico), A. Morelos (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico), D. Hernandez (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico), E. Munoz (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico, F. Lopez-­‐Urias (Advanced Materials Department, IPICYT, Mexico), A.R. Botello (ICMN, Universit\'e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), J.C. Charlier (ICMN, Universit\'e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), V. Meunier, G.A. Hirata (CNYN-­‐UNAM, Mexico), B. Maruyama (AFRL, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, USA), M. Terrones (Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA and Exotic Nanocarbon Research Center, Shinshu University, Japan), H. Terrones (Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA) Electron Transport through Porphyrin in Nanoscale Junctions. Swatilekha Saha , Guoguang Qian , Kim M. Lewis Excited Carriers Relaxation and Hydrogen Dissociation on Hydrogenated Graphene: A Theory. Junhyeok Bang ,Y.Y. Sun , D. West , S.B. Zhang , S. Meng (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China), Z.G. Wang (PNNL, Richland, Washington 99352, USA), F. Gao (PNNL, Richland, Washington 99352, USA) Porphyrin Molecular Multilayer Thin-­‐Films on Gold (111) Electrodes for Electro-­‐optical Applications. Alexandra Krawicz, Guoguang Qian, Kim Lewis, Peter Dinolfo The Impact of Time Delays in Network Synchronization in a Noisy Environment. G. Korniss Influence and structural balance in social networks. P. Singh , S. Sreenivasan , B. Szymanski , G. Korniss The Daya Bay Experiment I: Introduction and Overview. Jim Napolitano Finite Size Scaling in Minimal Walking Technicolor. Joel Giedt , Evan Weinberg Deep Exclusive PI0 and ETA Electroproduction with CLAS at Jefferson Lab. Paul Stoler 6
STUDENT NEWS and NOTES The School of Science Graduate Student Council held the annual research symposium, Poster Palooza, on April 26th. . Photos – courtesy of Michael Topka 1st place 2nd place 3rd place Kinsley C. French, Amyloid Fibril Core Sequence of a 39-­‐Residue Peptide (PAPf39) from Human Prostatic Acidic Phosphatase Nimit Dhulekar, Modeling of Branching Morphogenesis Toby M. Michelena, Distribution and Cycling of Constituents in the Pelagic Zone of Lake George, NY: Two Lakes Instead of One J. Javier Aguiler, Ligand-­‐Dependent Oligomerization and Fibrillogenesis of Serum Amyloid A. Chiara Borrelli, Late Eocene Initiation of Deepwater Formation in the North Atlantic Bradley T. Burcar, Abiotic Synthesis of RNA from Imidazole Activated Nucleotides Using “Molecular Midwives” and Montmorillonite Clay as a Catalytic Substrate Lauren Cassidy, The Properties of Nucleotide Hydrogels, and Their Hypothetical Impact on Abiotic Polymerization Ruchira Chatterjee, The Ligand Environment of the S2 State of Photosystem II Studied By 14N HYSCORE Spectroscopy 7
Christopher S. Coates, The Structure and Function of Quinones in Photosynthesis: Cyclic Voltammetry, cw EPR and HYSCORE EPR Spectroscopy Studies of Substituent Effects on the Electronic Properties of Naphthoquinone Models Chris Connors, Characterization of Tranilast Binding to Amyloid-­‐b: A Multi-­‐Disciplinary Approach to Structural-­‐Based Drug Discovery for Intrinsically Disordered Peptides Charles English, Computational Study of the Effects of Charged Ends on the Folding of the TC5b Trp-­‐
Cage Pamela Fuller, Random and Regular Dynamics of Stochastically Driven Neuronal Networks Sahin Cem Geyik, Behavior Modeling and Classification via Probabilistic Context Free Grammars Akshar P. Gupta, The Interactions of Guanosine Monophosphate Aggregates with Chiral Solutes: an NMR Study Xueping Jiang, Giant Quasiparticle Band Gap Modulation in Graphene Nanoribbons Supported on Weakly Interacting Surfaces Alexandra Krawicz, Porphyrin-­‐based Molecular Multilayer Thin-­‐films Assembled on Gold Electrodes for Electro-­‐optical Applications Nicholas A. Lanzillo, Phonon Engineering in Metals Sayaka Masuko, Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Fluorous-­‐tagged Heparin Oligosaccharides Joshua McLane, A Fibrous poly-­‐L-­‐lactic Acid Substrate Promotes Mesenchymal Phenotype in Human Epithelial Breast Cancer Cells Jianjun Miao, PTH Release From HAp Adsorbed Nanoparticles in Electrospun PLGA and PLLA Fibers Toby M. Michelena, Biotic and Abiotic Ecosystem Component Variation in the Hudson River Estuary Sergey Milikisiyants, The Structure and Activation of Substrate Water Molecules in the S2 State of Photosystem II Matthew Newby, F turnoff stars in the Galactic Halo Jensen Newman, The Role of Large Scale Turbulent Motions in Wind Energy Bianca Pier, Ecosystem Structure of Three Wetlands in the Lake George Watershed Exposed to Varying Degrees of Anthropogenic Impact Nathan M. Rabideaux, Evidence for Atlantic Thermal Differentiation in the Late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene, Eastern Equatorial Atlantic DSDP Site 366 Seemanti Ramanath, Five Alternative Myosin Converter Domains Differentially Influence Drosophila Muscle Mechanical Properties Anne Roberts, Lead Accumulation by Three Species of the Water Fern Azolla David J. Rosenman, Characterization of the Structural Ensembles of Aβ Monomers Using a Combined MD/NMR Approach Swatilekha Saha, C Electron Transport Properties of Zn Porphyrin in an Electromigrated Junction Fredrick Sisenda, Social Networks Michael Topka, Efficient Förster Resonant Energy Transfer in BODIPY-­‐Zn(II) Tetraphenylporphyrin Arrays Assembled by CuAAC Lucas Wafer, S100 Protein Family and its Interactions with TRTK12 Amanda Weyers, Analysis of Heparan Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate Disaccharide Composition in Cancerous and Normal Breast Tissue Rich Zarick, Recon Rally Tian Zhang, Characterization and Visualization of Aptamer-­‐Modified Surfaces and Their Affinity Protein Capture 8
The Robert Resnick Distinguished Lecture was held on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. The Robert Resnick Prize was presented at the lecture. The prize is awarded annually to undergraduate students majoring in Physics or Applied Physics for Academic Achievement. This year’s recipients are Michael Pinkert (2nd from right) and David Galehouse (2nd from the left). William Tobin is a first-­‐year grad in Computer Science, advisor Mark Shepherd. He is so far the Institute’s only winner of a Sandia National Laboratories Graduate Research Fellowship. Fellowship recipients will be supported for a maximum of 3 years and are encouraged to apply for summer internships at Sandia or Lawrence Livermore during this period. Aneesh Shah and Camrinn Hanley, students at the Half Hollow Hills High School (Long Island, NY) and The Hotchkiss High School (Lakeview, CT) who participated in the Summer @ Rensselaer Program (2011) conducting research in Professor K. V. Lakshmi’s laboratory at the Baruch ’60 Center for Biochemical Solar Energy Research are Regional Finalists in the Siemens Science Competition. Aneesh Shah has recently received the 2012 Regional Ricoh Sustainable Development Award and has been selected as a Finalist at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and the International Sustainable World Energy, Engineering and Environment Competition. These honors are based on the impact of their summer research at Rensselaer. Ruchira Chatterjee, a graduate student in Professor K. V. Lakshmi’s laboratory at the Baruch ’60 Center has received the 2012 New York Society for Applied Spectroscopy Graduate Student Award. Ruchira has been selected as a nominee for the 2012 National Society for Applied Spectroscopy Graduate Student Award from NY State. During her short four year tenure in Dr. Lakshmi’s lab, she has authored and co-­‐authored 15 publications in prestigious journals and she has previously received the highly coveted Slezak Memorial Award, the Baruch ’60 Award of Excellence at MBL, Woods Hole and the Founder’s Award of Excellence at Rensselaer. Jessica Ziegler, an undergraduate student in Professor K. V. Lakshmi’s laboratory at the Baruch ’60 Center has received the 2012 New York Society for Applied Spectroscopy Undergraduate Student Award. Jessica is also the recipient of the Schultz (2011) and John L. Marsh ’58 (2012) Awards from the School of Science that facilitate summer research. Jessica is an outstanding Chemistry major in the School of Science and she is currently preparing two manuscripts for publication in American Chemical Society journals that are based on her independent research during her junior year at Rensselaer. 9
Katherine Manz, an undergraduate student in Professor K. V. Lakshmi’s laboratory at the Baruch ’60 Center has been selected for the Central USA Bioenergy CAP Program that will be held at Iowa State University, IA. Katherine is a junior in the Chemistry program in the School of Science and the Bioenergy program is sponsored by the USDA and National Institute for Food and Agriculture. Undergraduate student Peter Hajas won the oral presentation in the theory category at the RPI Third Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 11, 2012, for his presentation on the Genesis system. Undergraduate student Brian Orecchio was selected for oral presentation in the theory category at the RPI Third Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on April 11, 2012, presenting his research on "Infiltration of Trust/Reputation Based Social Networks". He was awarded Honorable mention for the best presentation award. The RPI Chapter of the Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics Honor Society ( held its traditional annual induction ceremony on April 25, 2012, inducting 22 new members. Sigma Pi Sigma recognizes superior scholarship in physics, encourages and stimulates scientific work, and brings those interested in physics into a closer association. Through election to Sigma Pi Sigma, distinctive achievement and high scholarship in physics are recognized and celebrated. This year's inductees were, Juniors: Ted Berger, Christina Caragine, Dennis Conley, James Delaunay, Ian Gingrich, Brooks Kinch, Robert Spivey; Seniors: Torrin Bechtel, Brian Bishop, Krysta Boccuzzi, Craig Fox, Erin Hansen, Konosuke Iwamoto, Amy Lowell, Charles Martin, Alyssa Montalbano, Amanda Olyha, Jacob Rawson, Christine Umbright; Graduate student: Matthew Newby; Faculty: Prof. Ingrid Wilke and Prof. Jon Morse The induction evening concluded with dinner and a talk by Professor Wayne Roberge, "Asteroids, Amino Acids, and the Origin of Life". 10
ALUMNI NEWS and NOTES Dr. Balaram Sinharoy, who was Professor Bolek Szymanski's graduate student, has been made an IBM fellow. This is the second such fellow in the RPI Computer Science program in two years (Dr. David Ferrucci is the other fellow). Only 238 such fellowships have been awarded in the history of IBM and only 77 are currently active in 345,000 current employees. This newsletter is prepared monthly during the academic year and distributed to School of Science faculty, staff, students and alumni to highlight accomplishments and events within the school. Please submit news items for the next newsletter to Samuel Wait, Associate Dean Emeritus of Science, at 11