US 20030014470A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2003/0014470 A1 Iijima (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2003 (54) ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONIC Publication Classi?cation UNIT, AND PROCESSING METHOD OF VERSION COMPATIBILITY VERIFICATION BETWEEN UNITS (51) Im. c1? ..................................................... .. G06F 9/00 (52) Us. 01. ............................................................ ..709/106 (75) Inventor: Koichi Iijima, Kawasaki (JP) (57) Correspondence Address: ARMSTRONG,WESTERMAN & HATTORI, Electronic equipment has a plurality of electronic units LLP Working in cooperation and veri?es the compatibility 1725 K STREET, NW. betWeen entire electronic units having different version data. SUITE 1000 A ?rst electronic unit has a ?rst version data of the ?rst electronic unit itself and a ?rst support version data of the WASHINGTON, DC 20006 (US) opposite (second) electronic unit being supported by the ?rst (73) Assignee: Fujitsu Limited, Kawasaki (JP) (21) Appl. No.: 10/017,299 (22) Filed: Dec. 18, 2001 (30) ABSTRACT electronic unit. Asecond electronic unit has a second version data of the electronic unit itself, and a second support version data of the opposite (?rst) electronic unit being supported by the second electronic unit. Either one elec tronic unit veri?es the compatibility betWeen the plurality of electronic units by comparing the ?rst version data With the Foreign Application Priority Data second support version data, and also by comparing the Jul. 13, 2001 second version data With the ?rst support version data. (JP) .................................... .. 2001-213745 CONTROLLER/ 51 CONTROLLER UNIT2 MECHCO N lNTERFAOE MECHCON UNIT 3 START CONTROL START CONTROL PROGRAM PROGRAM VERSION DATA RESPONSE vERsIoN DATA RESPONSE PROCESS PRocEs__s ' REQUEST MECHCON MUM)?" T vERsIoN - RECEIVE MECHGON VERSlON REQUEST -RESPOND MEoHcoN - GET MECHCON VERSION - MP(M)res vERsIoN (MvMI) (MVM')“’MP(M) -REcEIvE SUPPORT VERS‘ON REQUEST MP(I:)req — -REQUEST SUPPORT vERsIoN -REsPoND suPPoRT VERSIQMQVQI) — MP(c)res -GET SUPPORT VERSION cvcl-IMHO) -sET eoNTRoLLER vERsIoN GvGI->CP(G) -sET suPPoRT vERsIoN mvm|—>CP(m) S2 COMPATIBILLTY vERIFIoATIoN PRooEss CP(G)ZMP(0) Y N MP(M);cP(m) L_ Y 83 vERIFIcATIoN RESULT sTART UP PROCESS REPoRT / PRocEss . -REcEIvE COMPATIBILITY -NORMAL sTART UP PROCESS -REP0RT COMPLETION OF -REPORT COMPATIBILITY cK'n?oK) ‘ -REcEIvE NORMAL START up OF MECHCON MPSTM -START coNTRoL PROGRAM (HOST coMMuNIcATIoN ANABLE) NORMAL START UP .RECEIVE lNCOMPATlBlLlTY 'RESPOND INcoMPATIBILITY START UP OKMKNG) — _REPORT INcoMPATIBIuTY -REOEWE GKreS 1 ms MPATlBlLlTY To (1) FROM (3) TO (2) Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 17 1 US 2003/0014470 A1 110"\./ HOST 100 g 2 PRINTER UNIT-—2 31 3o (MECHCON UNIT ) MEMORY \ -—-— UNIT-1 20\ | HOSTI/F (CONT UNIT) 25 MEMORY CPU CPU MP UNIT I/F 32 < < 1 , UNIT I/F ( | MECHI/F $134 \ 33 Z 21 ‘23 24~|I MECHI/F | ( ( 3 2 14 22 l I OPERATION PANEL 3 4 / 11 PRINT uNIT 12 17 18 K 16 15 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 2 OP(C)=VERSION DATA OF CP ITSELF CP(m)=MP SUPPORT VERSION DATA (NEWEST VERSION DATA OF MP TO BE SUPPORTED BY GP) MP(M)=VERSION DATA OF MP ITSELF MP(c)=CP SUPPORT VERSION DATA (NEWEST VERSION DATA OF OP TO BE SUPPORTED BY MP) FIG. 3 MP(M) 20mm) INCOMPATIBLE ERROR DISPLAY COMPATIBLE NORMAL START UP Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 4 [HISTORIC VERSION OF PRINTER] VERSION UNIT/ CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION MECHCON UNIT: MP(M) =vo1 |_o1 1ST MP(c) =MORE vo1|_o1 VERSION CONT UNIT 10pm) =vo1 L01 CP(m) =MORE vo1|_o1 SUBSTITUTE MECHCON DUE TO FAILURE 2ND VERSION MECHCON UNIT: MP(M) =VO2LO1 MP(0) =MORE VO1LO1 CONT UNIT :CP(C)=VO1LO1 CP(m) =MORE VO1LO1 3RD SUBSTITUE MECHCON AND CONT DUE TO FUNCTION ENHANCE VERSION MECHCON UNIT: MPIM) =v03|_01 MP(c) =MORE VO2L01 CONT UNIT :CP(C) =VO2L01 cP(m) =MORE v03|_01 CASE1 :IN 2ND VERSION PRINTER, MECHCON UNIT IS SUBSTITUTED TO MP(M)=VO1LO1 CP(C) ;MP(c)IS 0101 Z0101, OK MP(M) ZCPImHS 0201 ;O101,0K AND NORMAL START UP CASE2 :IN 3RD VERSION PRINTER, MECHCON UNIT IS SUBSTITUTED TO MP(M) =VO2LO1 CP(C) ZMPIOIIS 0201 20101. OK MP(M) ;cP(m)Is 0201 gosm, AND ERROR INDICATION Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 4 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 100 1 1o 2 3 2 2 8UNIT HOST H UNIT INSTALLER (CONTROLLER) CP \ V CP INSTALL FIG. 6 MU(M) =VV||_L(VERS[ON DATA OF MU) MU (c) =cu SUPPORT VERSION DATA cu(m) =MU SUPPORT VERSION DATA cu(¢) =cu VERSION DATA (=vvll) 22 '"\~/12° Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 5 0f 17 FIG. 7A MU VERSION UP? FIG. 7B CU VERSION UP? US 2003/0014470 A1 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 6 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 8 cumgmmc>l INCOMPATIBLE I N MU(M)ZCU(W>— COMPATIBLE NORMAL START UP ERROR INDICATION Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 7 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 9 [HISTORIC VERSION OF PRINTER] VERSION UNIT/CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION 1ST VERSION MECHCON UNIT:MU (M) =V01 L01 MU (o) =MORE VO1L01 CONT UNIT :CU(C)=VO1L01 CU (m) =MORE V01 L01 2ND VERSION MECHCON BOARD AND CONTROL PROGRAM ARE SUBSTITUTED DUE TO MECH BOARD FAILURE MECHCON UNIT: MU (M) =VO1 L02 MU (0) :MORE VO1LO1 CONT UNIT :CU (C) =V01 L01 CU(m) =MORE V01 L01 3RD VERSION MECHCON BOARD AND CONTROLLER BOARD ARE SUBSTITUTED DUE TO FUNCTION ENHANCE MECHCON UNIT:MU(M)=VO2LO1 (V UP) MU(c) =MORE V02L01 CONT UNIT :CU (C) =VO2LO1 (V UP) CU (m) =MORE V02 L01 CASE1 :IN 2ND VERSION PRINTER, MECHCON UNIT IS SUBSTITUTED TO MU(M)=V01L01 CU(C)ZMU(O) IS 0101 20101, OK MU(M)ZCU(m) IS 0101 20101, OK AND NORMAL START UP CASEZzIN 3RD VERSION PRINTER, MECHCON UNIT IS SUBSTITUTED T0 MU (M) =VO1 L02 CU (C) 2 MU (6) IS 0201 20201, OK MU(M) ZCU (mns 01 02 20201. NG AND ERROR INDICATION CASE3 :IN 2ND VERSION PRINTER, CONTROLLER UNIT IS SUBSTITUTED TO CU(C) =VO2LO1 CU (C) ZMU(O) IS 0201 Z0101, OK MU(M);CU(m) IS 0102 20201, NG AND ERROR INDICATION Patent Application Publication FIG. 10 CONTROLLER/ MEOHOON INTERFACE MECHCON UNIT 3 START CONTROL PROGRAM $1 Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 8 0f 17 CONTROLLER UNlT2 START CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION DATA RESPONSE PROCESS(FIG. 12) VERSION DAT'A RESPONSE PROOESS (FIG. 12) -REOEIVE MEGHGON MP(M) VERSION REQUEST -RESPOND MECHCON " 'REQUEST MECHCON re“ VERSION _ Mpqwres -GET MEOHOON VERSION VERSION (MvMI) <MVMI)—+MP(M) -REcEIVE SUPPORT VERSION REQUEST MP(c)req — -REQUEST SUPPORT -RESPOND SUPPORT VERSION(GVCI) US 2003/0014470 A1 VERSION - MP(c)res -GET SUPPORT VERSION cVc|—>MP(c) -SET CONTROLLER VERSION CVGI—>OP(C) -sET SUPPORT VERSION mvm|—>CP(m) $2 OOMPATIBILLTY VERIFIOATION PROCESS (FIG. 13) MP(M)ZCP(m) Y s3 ‘ \ VERIFICATION RESULT (FIG- ‘3) PROOESS (FIG. 13) OK. ?ow _ -REPORT COMPATIBILITY -NORMA|_ START UP PROCESS UP 0F MECHCON - MPstar‘t _START CONTROL NORMA‘- START UP (HOST COMMUNICATION -REOEIVE ANABLE) INOOMPATIBILITY -RESPOND INCOMPATIBILITY v ()Kin?NG) — -REPORT - CKres INCOMPATIBII-ITY ‘RECEIVE [NCOMPATIBILITY A \/ TO (1) OF FIG. 11 \/ FROM (3) TO (2) OF FIG. 11 0F FIG. 11 Patent Appllcation Publication FIG. 1 1 S4 Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 9 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 (1) (2) (3) ‘L J, " AUTOMATIC MP CHANGE PROCESS AUTOMATIC OF CHANGE PROCESS MP(R)req - -REOUEST VERSION -RECEIVE VERSION _ Mmmres HISTORY HISTORY REQUEST -GET VERSION HISTORY -RESPOND VERSION MP(K)req RVRI—>MP(R) HISTORY (RvRI) -REOUEST START UP VERSION MP(K)res -GET START UP VERSION KvKl->MP(K) -SET VERSION HISTORY RvR|—>CP(R) -SET START UP VERSION -RECEIVE START UP VERSION REQUEST -RESPOND START UP VERSION (KvKn KvK|—>CP(K) 84-1 34-2 LEVEL UP/DOWN N J2EIEBMINAIIQN.EBQ.QE§§.... LEVEL UP PROCESS - INITIALIzE MP(K),MP(M) MP R >MP K ‘NIT Y S4-4 ( ) S4 3 ( ) l N LEVEL UP VERSION INITIALIZE GP(K),CP(C) \ \ \ VERSION DATA T RESPONSE PROCESS -RECEIVE MECHCON PROCESS <_.___ Mp(M)req __ -REOUEST MECHCON _ MPMreS VERSION VERSION REQUEST -RESPOND MECHCON VERSION (MvMl) -GET MECHCON VERSION < _ MP(c)res MP(0)req - MVMI—>MP(M) -REOUEST SUPPORT VERSION -RECEIVE SUPPORT VERSION REQUEST VERSION DATA GET -GET SUPPORT VERSION 54- Cvc|—>MP(c) -RESPOND SUPPORT -SET CONTROLLER VERSION (cvcl) VERSION CvCl->CP(C) -SET SUPPORT VERSION mVmI-">CP(m) S4_6 LEVEL DOWN PROCESS COMPATIBILITY VERIFICATION PROCESS N /\ /\ MP(M)=MvM| Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 10 0f 17 FIG. 12 US 2003/0014470 A1 S10 POWER ON PROCESS OF MP START UP MECHCON PROGRAM START RESPOND PROCESS OF VERSION DATA PROCESS OF GP START UP CONTROLLER PROGRAM S11 START GET PROCESS OF VERSION REQUIRE MECHCON VERSION S14 REQUIREMENT OF VERSION DATA RESPOND MECHCON VERSION DATA (MvMI) SET VERSION DATA S12 MP(M)=MvM| REQUIRE SUPPORT VERSION DATA S15 EQUIREMENT O SUPPORT VERSION DATA RESPONSE OF ‘ SUPPORT VERSION DATA Y SET SUPPORT VERSION DATA MP(0)=cvc| RESPOND SUPPORT VERSION DATA GET CONTROLLER VERSION END OF RESPOND PROCESS SET VERSION DATA CP(C)=CVCI GET SUPPORT VERSION DATA 1 SET SUPPORT VERSION DATA CP(m)=mvml END OF GET PROCESS S13 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 11 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 13 PROCESS OF MP S22 1 START UP I INCOMPATIBILITY N I Y COMPATIBILITY INCOMPATIBILITY GP NORMAL START UP PROCEED TO MP AUTOMATIC SHANGE PROCESS(FIG. 14) NOTIFICATION o I END OF REPORT /START UP I COMPATIBILITY Y MP NORMAL START UP END OF START UP PROCEED TO MP AUTOMATIC CHANGE PROCESS(FIG. 14) Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 12 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 OP START OF GET S30 REQUIRE HISTORICAL VERSION ECEIV HISTORICAL. RESPOND HISTORIC VERSION (RvRl) VERSTPN —_—| SET HISTORICAL VERSION 33‘ GET CONT HISTORICAL MP(R)=RvRI VERSION SET HISTORICAL VERSION VERSION GET CONT START UP VERSION RESPOND MECHCON START UP VERSION (KvKl) I END OF PROCESS S34 ‘ RECEIVE START UP VERSION ) SET START UP VERSION CP(K)=KvkI ( 1 END OF GET SET START UP VERSION INITIALIZE NSTRUCTION MP(K)=KvK| \_____r INITIALIZE MECHCON S33 VERSION MECH LEVEL UP LEVEL UP/DOWN START PROCESS INITIALIZE CONT MP(R) > MP(K) Y Y GP(R) ) CP(K) IN STEP S36 IN FIG. 15 N ( END OF LEV-EL UP/DOWN > IN STEP S35 IN FIG. 15 VERSION CONT LEVEL UP INITIALIZE CONT VERSION ) Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 13 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 15 S36 START GET PROCESS OF VERSION DATA START RESPOND PROCESS OF VERSION DATA GET CONTROLLER VERSION VERSION DATA SET VERSION DATA SET VERSION RESPOND MECHCON MP(M>=MvMl DATA GP(C)=CVCI VERSION DATA(MvMI) | I REQUIRE SUPPORT VERSION DATA GET SUPPORT N E VERSION DATA I EQUIREMEN OF SUPPORT VERSION DAT RESPONSE OF SUPPORT VERSION DATA SET SUPPORT VERSION DATA Cp(m)=mvm| I END OF GET PROCESS I RESPOND SUPPORT VERSION DATA(cvoI) I END OF RESPONSE giTTili?FézgfT VIERSI‘ON ° -°v° ) S37 I START OF VERIFY ) _ INCOMPATIBILITY S33 S38 START LEVEL DOWN INST QUCT LEVEL DOWN REPORT/START UP (STEP s21 INFIG. 13) ( END OF LEVEL DOWN I ( START LEVEL DOWN END OF LEVEL DOWN ) Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 14 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 16 MECHCON UNIT 3 CONTROLLER UNIT 2 vo2|_01 vo2|_01 BEFORE SUBSTITUTION MECHCON i‘L 1, 1’ I vo2|_01 AFTER SUBSTITUTION MECHCON I I i Wzmq UPDATE DIFFERENTIAL v01 L02 INFORMATION AND LEVEL v01 LO1 DOWN To ‘1, ‘L AFTER CHANGE CONTROL PROGRAM @ PROPER VERSION FIG. 17 INITIAL VALUE AFTER MECHCON UNIT SUBSTITUTION CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION: MP(M) =V01 L01 I MPIc) =V01 L01 VERSION HISTRY : MP (R) =VO1 L01 START UP VERSION :MP(K):V01LO1 INITIAL VALUE OF CONTROLLER UNIT CONTROL PROGRAM VERSION:CP (C) =VO2LO1 .. CP(m) =VO2LO1 VERSION HISTRY :CP(R)=V02LO1/VO1LO2/V01L01 START UP VERSION :CP(K) =VO2LO1 VALUE OF CONTROLLER UNIT AFTER MECHCON UNIT SUBSTITUTION CONTROL PROGRAM VERSI0N:CP(C)=VO1LO2~ CPIm) =VO1LO2 VERSION HISTRY :CP(R)=‘VO2L01/VO1LO2/VO1 L01 START UP VERSION :CP(K) =VO1 L02 Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 15 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 18 335 S37 GET PROCESS U CP(C) Z MP(c) Y S39 5 .2 MP(m) Y INCOMPATIBILITY s40 ( START OF LEVEL DOWN ) COMPATIBILITY GP(K)=CP(C) ( I END OF LEVEL DOWN ) Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 16 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 FIG. 19 11021.01 BEFORE SUBSTITUTION V01 L02 v01 L01 v01L01 J, \Li L V02LO2 v02L01 11021111 AFTER v01 L02 v01L01 MEGHCON v01 L02 SUBST‘TU v01L01 um i VOZLOZ Vow-01 v01 L02 v01 L01 I ‘L v02L01 v01 L02 AFTER VERIFY OOMPATIBILI TY 0F CONTROL PROGRAM v01L01 UPDATE DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION TO LEVEL UP Patent Application Publication Jan. 16, 2003 Sheet 17 0f 17 US 2003/0014470 A1 ( START UP DETERMINATION J LEVEL UP/ DOWN RESET EACH VERSION OF UNIT MP(R) > MP(K) MP (M) =VO2LO2 MP (6) =VO2LO2 MPIK) =VO2LO2 CP(C) =VO2L01 F ( END OF DETERMINATION J CP(K)=VO2LO1 I IN 00 MPATIBIR ITY 838 (f START OF LEVEL DOWN J ( END OF LEVEL DOWN J-———— Jan. 16, 2003 US 2003/0014470 A1 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT, ELECTRONIC UNIT, embedded. Further, it is also disclosed that in case the AND PROCESSING METHOD OF VERSION COMPATIBILITY VERIFICATION BETWEEN UNITS compatibility cannot be satis?ed, a program compatible With BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] 1. Field of the Invention [0002] The present invention relates to an electronic equipment mounted a plurality of electronic units and more particularly to an electronic equipment, an electronic unit and a processing method of automatic version compatibility veri?cation for verifying version compatibility betWeen a plurality of electronic units. [0003] 2. Description of the Related Art [0004] Today, in most electronic equipment including computers, peripheral equipment and home appliances, there is provided a controller having electronic circuits structured on a unit (or board) basis. Control program is loaded in such a controller. For eXample, a printer includes a mechanism controller unit for controlling a printer engine, and a controller unit for processing the information received from a host. [0005] In these controller units, processing circuits includ the system is neWly introduced from management equip ment to maintain the compatibility. [0014] There are often cases in actual ?elds that a variety of versions eXist for control programs and units, some of Which are compatible With other different versions. Accord ing to this conventional method of deciding compatibility using the coincidence of the versions, it is decided there is no compatibility unless the version exactly coincides With the required version. Accordingly, there is a problem that even a module being compatible results in a decision of being incompatible because of having an unmatched ver sion, and therefore the module cannot be applied. [0015] Moreover, according to the conventional method, because the compatibility decision is performed by manage ment equipment, it is not possible to decide the compatibility Within the module (unit) to be substituted. Therefore the method cannot be applied unless the module the manage ment equipment is dedicatedly provided. [0016] Furthermore, in the conventional method, it is required to replace an entire control program When incom patibility is detected, and any part of the control program having been installed becomes not available any further. ing a processor such as a CPU are mounted. In a mechanism controller, a control program is provided for controlling the engine. Also in a controller, another control program is provided for controlling the information received from the host. [0006] Con?guring controllers With a plurality of units produces such advantages as described beloW: [0007] (1) Production cost can be reduced by manu facturing equipment on a unit by unit basis. [0008] (2) Control program developed on a unit basis also leads to cost reduction. [0009] (3) Repairs can easily be taken against an SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0017] Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provide electronic equipment, an electronic unit, and a processing method of compatibility veri?cation for verify ing the compatibility betWeen the units having different versions. [0018] It is another object of the present invention to provide electronic equipment, an electronic unit and a pro cessing method of compatibility veri?cation for maintaining the compatibility by changing a version of a unit having a different version on detection of the incompatibility. [0019] In order to attain the aforementioned objects, equipment failure in operation by substituting either according to the present invention, electronic equipment a failed unit or a defective control program of a unit. having a plurality of electronic units comprises a ?rst electronic unit having a ?rst version data of the ?rst elec tronic unit itself, and a ?rst support version data of the [0010] (4) Partial function upgrading can easily be done by substituting a related unit or a control program. opposite second electronic unit being supported by the ?rst [0011] MeanWhile, When substituting a unit independently electronic unit; and a second electronic unit having a second version data of the second electronic unit itself, and a second from others in electronic equipment constituted by such a plurality of units, there may be a case that the normal support version data of the opposite ?rst electronic unit being supported by the second electronic unit. At least either operation of the equipment becomes prevented if the neWly of the ?rst electronic unit or the second electronic unit substituted unit has a different (either neWer or older) version from the unit version previously used. This occurs a case that operation of a neW unit having different version veri?es the compatibility betWeen the plurality of electronic units by judging large and small relationship of the ?rst version data and the second support version data, and also by judging large and small relationship the second version data and the ?rst support version data. With other eXisting units is not guaranteed. [0012] In case of substituting a control program in a unit, the above case is also probable When the compatibility of the unit With other units becomes prevented after the substitu tion Without restriction. [0013] In order to eliminate such inconvenience, for eXample in the of?cial gaZette of Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 2000-259398, there is disclosed a method for deciding Whether the version of a module (unit) being either substituted or neWly added coincides With the version speci?ed in the system in Which the module (unit) is [0020] Further, the electronic unit according to the present invention has compatibility veri?cation data Which com prises; a support version data of the opposite electronic unit supported by the electronic unit itself, to be judged large and small relationship With a version data of the opposite elec tronic unit; and a version data of the electronic unit itself being supported by the opposite electronic unit. [0021] Still further, according to the present invention, a method of the compatibility veri?cation in electronic equip Jan. 16, 2003 US 2003/0014470 A1 ment comprises the steps of; evaluating version data mag nitude of the electronic units by comparing a ?rst version data of one electronic unit among the plurality of electronic units With a support version data of the electronic unit supported by the other electronic unit; evaluating version data magnitude of the electronic units by comparing second version data of the other electronic unit With a support version data of the other electronic unit supported by the electronic unit; and verifying the compatibility among the plurality of electronic units using the both evaluation results. veri?es the compatibility using the version data of the control programs after changing either of the control pro gram version, so as to maintain the compatibility betWeen said control programs. Thus, using the compatibility veri? cation, the control program can be proceeded to an optimal version. [0030] Still further, according to the present invention, preferably the compatibility veri?cation is carried out When the control program is installed to either one electronic unit vided in each unit by unit the oWn version data and the of the plurality of electronic units. Accordingly, the com patibility is veri?ed before installing the control program from external equipment, thus preventing the installation of support version data of the opposite side (the other unit). an invalid control program. [0022] According to the present invention, there are pro These version data of the units are checked each other in either one unit. Therefore, When one unit fails and a unit having a neWer (or older) version is incorrectly substituted for the failed unit, thus producing incompatible, the com patibility veri?cation can be carried out automatically betWeen any combinations of the units having different versions. [0023] Still further, according to the present invention, preferably each support version data of the ?rst electronic unit or the second electronic unit supported by the other unit comprises the most up-to-date version supported by each electronic unit. Accordingly the compatibility can be veri ?ed simply by comparing the magnitude of version data. [0024] Still further, according to the present invention, preferably each plurality of electronic units has a memory for storing control program, and a processor for executing the control program. In addition, the version data comprises a version data of the control program. This enables easy [0031] Further scopes and features of the present invention Will become more apparent by the folloWing description of the embodiments With the accompanied draWings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0032] FIG. 1 shoWs a con?guration diagram of electronic equipment according to an embodiment of the present invention. [0033] FIG. 2 shoWs an explanation on a version data of one controller and a support version data of the opposite controller shoWn in FIG. 1. [0034] FIG. 3 shoWs a ?oWchart of a compatibility veri ?cation processing according to a ?rst embodiment of the present invention. [0035] FIG. 4 shoWs an explanation draWing of the ?rst embodiment of the present invention shoWn in FIG. 3. compatibility veri?cation and thus updating control program versions becomes simple. [0036] FIG. 5 shoWs an explanation draWing of a com [0025] Still further, according to the present invention, patibility veri?cation processing according to a second embodiment of the present invention. preferably either one electronic unit veri?es the compatibil ity after either one electronic unit of the ?rst electronic unit or the second electronic unit is substituted. Accordingly, the compatibility of the electronic units can be guaranteed When [0037] FIG. 6 shoWs an explanation draWing of the ver sion data of one controller and the support version data of the opposite controller according to a third embodiment of unit substitution is carried out on site. the present invention. [0026] Still further, according to the present invention, by the compatibility veri?cation, preferably the electronic [0038] FIG. 7A and 7B shoW explanation draWings of a compatibility veri?cation processing according to the third embodiment of the present invention. unit changes the version of the control program version so as to maintain the compatibility betWeen both control pro gram. Accordingly, the control program can be proceeded to an optimal version. [0039] FIG. 8 shoWs a ?oWchart of the compatibility veri?cation processing according to the third embodiment of the present invention. When either one electronic unit decides the incompatibility [0027] Still further, according to the present invention, either one electronic unit preferably changes the version of the control program comprised an old control program and its differential information by controlling the differential information to make either valid or invalid. Accordingly, the control program can be proceeded to an optimal version by [0040] FIG. 9 shoWs an explanation draWing of a typical example of the compatibility veri?cation processing accord ing to the third embodiment of the present invention. [0041] FIG. 10 shoWs a ?oWchart of a compatibility veri?cation processing according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention. using the differential information of the control program. [0028] Still further, according to the present invention, preferably the plurality of electronic units are constituted by printer control units. [0029] Still further, according to the present invention, preferably each plurality of electronic units has a memory for storing control program and a processor for executing said control program, and said either one electronic unit [0042] FIG. 11 shoWs a ?oWchart of an automatic version change processing in case the incompatibility is detected according to the embodiment shoWn in FIG. 10. [0043] FIG. 12 shoWs a ?oWchart of a version data acquisition processing shoWn in FIG. 10. [0044] FIG. 13 shoWs a ?oWchart of the compatibility veri?cation processing shoWn in FIG. 10.