TOPIC AND ASSESSMENT GUIDE Course Code – Course Title Term/Year Programme Periods STSENGS812 Term_1 2013/2014 Grade 11 36 periods/3 periods per week Electrical DC circuits Course Purpose This course will introduce students to the DC voltage’s sources, calculation of cable’s resistance and types of non-liner resistors, Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws, applications of magnetism and electromagnetism, capacitors and capacitance Pre- Requisite/Co-Requisite STSENGS848- STSENGS849 Teacher Contact Details Name Office Location Email Address Contact Number Availability Hours TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Page 1 of 8 Week W1 8/9/2013 Elements 1. Sources of DC Voltages Performance Criteria 1.1. Differentiate between AC and DC currents. 1.2 Recognize the characteristics of DC current. 1.3 Study the Sources of DC Current W2 15/9/2013 1.4 Solve practical exercises of the voltage dividers. 1.5 Recognize the Potentiometer and its practical applications. 1.6 Perform lab activity 1 in the lab workbook. TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Content Assessment Event Periods 1 & 2 &3 Classroom Roles/Responsibilities Course Overview Assessment Strategy Describe the difference between AC and DC Sketch the DC voltage over current Give examples of DC Voltage sources. describe the main elements of the electrical circuit Describe the methods used to produce DC voltage. Describe the working principles of solar cells, wet and dry cells Name the main parts of DC generator Periods 1 & 2 &3 Draw the voltage divider circuit diagram. Calculate the output voltage of the voltage divider circuit. Describe the function of potentiometer and draw its symbol. be familiar with loaded voltage dividers as an application of hybrid circuits . be able to calculate the output voltage for an unloaded and a loaded voltage divider. Page 2 of 8 W3 22/9/2013 2. Effects of an Electric Current and Resistance Technology Periods 1 & 2 &3 2.1 Understand the basic effects of an electric current. 2.2 Study the SI units, Prefixes, and Multiplication Factors TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Portfolio Describe the main effects of an electric current Give application examples of heat, magnetic, and chemical effects of an electric current. Discuss the theory of operation of some applications of electric current Convert from one SI multiplication to another. Page 3 of 8 task covers all performance criteria’s from 1.1 to 1.6 W4 29/9/2013 2.3 Recognize the factors affecting the resistance of a conductor. Periods 1 & 2 &3 Describe the Factors affecting the Resistance of a Conductor 2.4 Recognize the characteristics of special types of resistors i.e NTC,PTC,LDR,VDR. the formula R = . W5 2.5 Perform lab activity 2 in the lab workbook 6/10/2013 Brief about the EOT1 Project W6 13//10/2013 Calculate the resistance of a given cable or conductor using Describe the effect of temperature on resistance. Use the formula RT2 = RT1 (1 + (T2 - T1)) to calculate the change of resistance with temperature. Recognize special resistors found in industry. Describe the differences between NTC, PTC and draw their symbols. Periods 1 & 2 &3 Portfolio Describe the characteristics of LDR , VDR and draw their symbol. Be familiar with the circuit symbols and mode of operation of the non-linear resistors NTC, PTC, VDR, LDR. Periods 1 & 2 &3 Review Introduction to End of term Project EiD TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Page 4 of 8 task covers all performance criteria’s from 2.1 to 2.5 Project Begins. W7 20/10/2013 3. Resistance Network Measurement Periods 1 & 2 &3 3.1 Investigate Kirchoff’s Current Law 3.2 Investigate Kirchoff’s Voltage Law 3.3 Solve the Series - Parallel Circuit 3.4 Recognize the types and structure of W8 Cells and Batteries. 27/10/2013 3.5 Perform lab activity 3 in the lab workbook. W9 3/11/2013 4. Magnetism and Electromagneti sm TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 4.1 Define common magnetic terms. 4.2 Recognize the theories of magnetism Describe Kirchoff’s Current Law and write its equation. Calculate the total and branch currents in parallel circuit Describe Kirchoff’s Voltage Law and write its equation. To solve problems related to series parallel circuits. Calculate the total resistance of series- Parallel circuits Periods 1 & 2 &3 Minor Assessment to test the performance criteria’s from 1.1 to 2.5 Give examples of primary and secondary cells. Describe the structure of primary and secondary cells, Determine the terminal voltages of cells connected in series and in parallel. Measure the components currents in series parallel circuits. Measure the components voltages in series parallel circuits Calculate the total power consumption in series parallel circuits. Periods 1 & 2 &3 Define common magnetic terms i.e permanent and temporary magnets , magnetic Page 5 of 8 Portfolio task covers all performance 4.3 Recognize the basic theories and rules of electromagnetism. W10 10/11/2013 TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 4.4 Describe the basic operation of practical electromagnetic devices field ,. Give examples of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials. Draw and describe the magnetic line of force around bar magnet. Describe the laws of Magnetic Fields Determine the direction of magnetic field around conductor Recognize the right hand rule Periods 1 & 2 &3 Recognize the solenoid structure and theory of operation Determine the Poles of the Magnetic Field. Define the factors affect the strength of magnetic field Determine the direction of magnetic field force between two current carrying conductors. Describe the basic structure and theory of operations and rules governs the Bell, Electromagnetic relay, and circuit breakers. Describe the principles of electric motor State Fleming’s Left Hand Rule Describe the structure and operation of DC motor. Page 6 of 8 criteria’s from 3.1 to 3.5 W11 5. Capacitors 17/11/2013 5.1 Understand the terms capacitance, charging, and discharging 5.2 List the factors affecting the capacitance of a capacitor 5.3 List capacitor types 5.4 Understand the charging and discharging characteristics of a capacitor. W12 24/11/2013 5.5 Calculate total capacitance of capacitors in parallel 5.6 Calculate total capacitance of capacitors in series 5.7 Calculate the Capacitance of a capacitor using the capacitor’s coding. 5.8 Perform lab activity 4 in the lab workbook. TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Periods 1 & 2 &3 Describe the structure of a capacitor Define the term capacitance and its unit. Recognize the factors affecting the capacitance of a capacitor. Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor Recognize the difference in symbols between variable and trimmer capacitors Recognize different types of capacitors used in electronic circuits i.e electrolyte capacitors Periods 1 & 2 &3 Recognize the relation between C,Q,V Calculate the capacitance of a capacitor. Understand the charging and discharging processes. Calculate the total capacitance of capacitors connected in series and parallel. Calculate the Capacitance of a capacitor using the capacitor’s coding.. be able to measure and evaluate the charging and discharging process of a capacitor in a DC circuit. Page 7 of 8 Portfolio task covers all performance criteria’s from 4.1 to 5.8 W13 1/12/2013 Project documentation and demonstration. Major Assessment: Internal End of Term Exam Marks 30% Learning Resources Could include but not limited to, Work Books, Text books, PowerPoint, Notes, Activities , TINA Software Websites Available in the modules Grading Calculation Your final grade for this term will be calculated based on the following: Course Work (70%); Term Exam (30%) Assessment Name Assessment Type Minor Assessment Progressive: Midterm (Quiz, Case Study, Other) 10% Minor Assessment Project /Practical Activity 30% Minor Assessment Portfolio 30% Major Assessment End of Term Exam 30% TAGS-STSENGS812-2013-2014-V1 Weighting Page 8 of 8