WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Paralleling eGan® FETs EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION Alex Lidow PhD, CEO and Michael de Rooij, PH.D., Director, Applications, Efficient Power Conversion Corporation To parallel switching devices is a natural progression that enables increased power performance for switching converters [1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Paralleling gallium nitride transistors poses many new challenges as these devices can be switched ten times faster than commercial MOSFETs. These challenges are presented in this paper and recommendations made to ensure the best performance from a paralleled switch converter. Five basic designs, utilizing four EPC2001 (100 V, 25 A) paralleled In this paper a “switch” is consistently defined as the paralleled group of FETs acting as a single transistor. The discussion about paralleling of eGaN FETs will furthermore be limited to a single gate driver per switch due to timing complexity issues present when using multiple gate drivers. Paralleling of eGaN FETs shares many similarities with that of MOSFET paralleling, however some differences exist requiring special attention to achieve a successful outcome. Some main areas that will be discussed include: • The impact of device characteristics on the ability to parallel eGaN FETs. devices per switch, in a half bridge configuration are presented. • The main circuit characteristics that need to be considered and how they drive the device selection and design layout. The merits and drawbacks of each of the parametric factors are • How to manipulate the design layout to maximize converter performance. discussed upon which the most optimal solution is presented. Impact of Device Characteristics Prior to paralleling any switching device one must first determine if they can inherently be paralleled or require special techniques to do so. Since eGaN FETs are based on a relatively new technology, it is necessary to study every device characteristics for its effect on paralleling and hence determine its paralleling compatibility. Most notably are (a) device selection (e.g. multiple small devices verses fewer large devices) or (b), Is there a positive or negative temperature coefficient of key characteristics such as RDS(ON) or VTH? Device selection eGaN FETs are available in a variety of current ratings, and choices for paralleling can range from four small devices to two large devices. In the discussion that follows, it will become apparent that the choice to parallel eGaN FETs must not be taken lightly and furthermore it is more advantageous to keep the number of paralleled devices to a minimum, in particular for high performance converters where timing and efficiency are important design parameters. Temperature Effects There are two important FET parameters to consider when analyzing temperature effects for paralleling compatibility and these are RDS(ON) and VTH. Large variations in these parameters can have profound negative effects on the optimal operation of the converter employing paralleled FETs. RDS(ON) temperature coefficient and variation effects Variations in RDS(ON) can cause differences in drain current among the FETs of a switch. In extreme cases one FET may carry a significant burden of the total current while another FET carries hardly any current. This may not be bad if the temperature rise among the FETs is uniform. If, however, the FET carrying the highest burden is operating near its operating limits it can cause more rapid degradation over time and ultimately lead to failure of the circuit. It is therefore preferable to ensure an even distribution of current between all the FETs of the switch. The RDS(ON) of a FET will vary with temperature. In the case of paralleling it is important that each of the FET’s RDS(ON) varies at the same rate of temperature change to ensure current balance at all operating temperatures. Deviations from this may be self-regulating if the FETs exhibit a positive increase in RDS(ON) as function of temperature rise whereby higher temperature FETs, with higher RDS(ON), will begin to carry less current. This allows the device to cool until an equilibrium between all the paralleled devices is reached. eGaN FETs exhibit a positive temperature coefficient for RDS(ON) which increases with temperature, thereby facilitating paralleling design. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 1 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs VTH temperature coefficient and variation effects Variations in VTH between FETs manifest as a time delay between the time when FETs turn ON and OFF with respect to each other. The consequences of these time shifts are twofold: (1) they can induce inter-FET currents which can then induce voltages across common inductances and (2) they can cause a single device to carry all the load current for a short period which, overtime, can lead to degradation or eventual failure. In extreme cases this can lead to false turn-on or turn-off triggering with catastrophic consequences for the switch. eGaN FETs exhibit a threshold voltage with a slightly positive temperature coefficient. If all the eGaN FETs in a switch have the same change in VTH as function of temperature, then the issue becomes part-to-part variation in the absolute value of VTH. An analysis of eGaN FETs timing variations resulting from variations VTH show that they are extremely small when compared to the switching transient times. As an example: using a total gate rise time of 8 ns (from 0 V to 5 V) with two devices connected in parallel, one having a VTH = 1.4 V and the other VTH = 1.54 V, leads to a time shift of only 224 ps which translates into < 5% of the total drain-source switching transition time. Despite these small timing variations, the designer must still determine the level of induced voltages across the various inter-device inductances to determine if those voltages can cause unwanted switching behavior when induced into the gate path loop where it can exceed VTH. Reference [5] discusses the VTH timing issue in more detail. Paralleled eGaN® FET Circuit Considerations There are many factors that play a role in the design and analysis of a parallel FET switch, and each will impact the optimum performance. In this section particular attention will be given to the following design aspects: • Layout induced circuit elements • The impact of source inductance • Defining switch transient immunity • Comparing eGaN FETs and MOSFETs susceptibility to di/dt and dv/dt • What are the relevant gate driver requirements for paralleled eGaN FETs Layout Induced Parasitic Circuit Elements As is the case for MOSFETs, eGaN FETs simply cannot have each of their respective terminals connected to each other to yield a good paralleled switch. To design a paralleled eGaN FET switch that can function at near theoretical maximum performance, certain circuit changes are needed to ensure maximum performance from each of the devices. eGaN FETs have a lower threshold voltage (VTH) and a higher Miller capacitance ratio than MOSFETs, making the details for parallel connection more important. eGaN FETs also switch faster, forcing the designer to pay particular attention to how the layout will create circuit characteristics that can affect the performance of the switch. A generic circuit for a half bridge converter, with details of the lower switch having two devices connected in parallel, is shown in figure 1. Two parameters need to be controlled in the circuit that will ensure reliable operation of the switch: (1) Source inductance, which can induce unwanted gate voltages into a device and is dependent on the di/dt of the current flowing through the switch and, (2) Miller capacitances which can induce a current into the gate path during switching events and is driven by the dv/dt experienced by the switch. Ironically, to design a switch that is immune to di/dt requires a high impedance gate loop, while at the same time a low impedance in the gate loop will make the switch immune to dv/dt induced gate currents. Figure 6 of reference [11] and the accompanying paragraph discusses this issue in detail. An understanding of the impact of each of these parasitic elements is needed to overcome this design contradiction and determine, (a) the level that can be tolerated and, (b) what can be done to mitigate the problems they may cause. Ultimately the design comes down to how well the gate drive circuit can be isolated from the power circuit through design. QUpperSW Idv/dt_CDG1 LCDP2 LCDP1 Idv/dt RG CGD1 + LG1 VGS1 + + VGate Drive Vdi/dt CGD2 Q1 CDS1 CGS1 LG2 Q2 CGS2 CDS2 LCSG2 LCSG1 - LSG1 LCSP1 LSG2 LCSP2 IL_CS Figure 1: Generic circuit of two paralleled FETs showing the location of the parasitic inter-device inductances. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 2 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Detailed analysis and simulations reveal the following: 1. The source inductance, and inter-device source inductance are the most important elements in the circuit and must be kept as low as possible. Drain inductance may be sacrificed to achieve this. 2. The gate inductance is inherently higher than the source inductance and is very difficult to keep below a ratio of 10:1. This is mainly due to the narrow width and length of the gate drive transmission line. The point of coupling to the source inductance will play a major role in mitigating the source inductance impact on the gate circuit. 3. The gate driver source and sink impedance can be pre-determined for full transient switching immunity by means of dv/dt reduction, however this comes at the expense of efficiency. 4. A complete solution, including gate inductance results in a 3rd order system with both sinusoidal and exponential terms that require a numerical analysis for a solution. Source Inductance Referencing figure 1, several layout-based parasitic inductances of note are shown. These are: 1.LCSG1 and LCSG2: the common source inductance for each of the FETs respectively. 2.LSG1 and LSG2: the common source inductance in the gate circuit shared between the FETs. 3.LCSP1 and LCSP2: the inter-device common source inductance for each of the FETs respectively. LCSGx Inductance This inductance appears in both the power circuit and gate circuit and it is the most critical inductance in the layout circuit. For this reason every possible means must be taken to keep this inductance as small as possible. Techniques to achieve this will be presented later in this paper. LSGx Inductance This inductance is common to all the FETs of the switch gate circuit. Since this inductance is isolated from the power path it is not as critical as LCSGx, however its value should still be kept as low as possible by keeping the gate drive transmission path length as short as possible for reasons that will be presented later in this paper LCSPx Inductance This inductance appears in the switch power reference path (ground or switch-node in the case of a half bridge topology). This inductance can generate the highest voltage between the FETs as the main current will flow through these inductors. It can be seen however that, with thoughtful planning of the layout, each of these inductors can be made to the same value by careful selection of the point of coupling. Since the currents will always flow in the same direction through each of these inductances, the induced voltage will be the same for each FET, thereby eliminating the effect of the power source (drain) on the gate circuit. There is one point of note that must be considered for this system to work well; all the FETs must switch at the same time to maintain the balance in currents between these inductors. Variations will induce a voltage in the gate circuit that can alter the behavior of the switch. Switch Transient Immunity The maximum possible switching rate for both dv/dt and di/dt, without negatively impacting the FET’s performance is defined as switch immunity. A negative impact to switch performance is loosely interpreted as any induced voltage in the gate circuit that will cause the switch to function in the opposite mode to the command signal. This definition applies to single FETs as well as paralleled FETs and, as such, the subsequent discussion will be simplified to that for a single FET. The simplified diagram for the gate circuits with the parasitic and circuit elements that can affect the dv/dt and di/dt immunity of the switch are shown in figure 2. The dv/dt circuit simplifies to a current divider network. The di/dt circuit simplifies to a voltage divider network. The quantification of di/dt and dv/ dt immunity with resultant equations (1) and (2) for the switch can be derived CGD Idv/dt_DR Idv/dt dv/dt ICGS LG RG + CGS + LG VGS RG + CGS VGS + Ls Ls RDR IGS Vs = Idv/dt RDR Figure 2: Simplified schematics to determine dv/dt (left) and di/dt (right) immunity. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 3 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs by making certain simplifying assumptions. The key to successfully utilizing these equations is to identify the correct source and gate loop inductances. In the case of figure 1 the common source inductance (Ls) will be LCSGx. However, a separate analysis may be required to determine the induced voltage resulting from the differential current flowing between the FETs, in which case the source inductance for the equation will be the sum of LCSGx and the mutual inductance between the LCSPx’s. The gate loop inductance (LG) for the equation will be the sum of LSGx and LGx from figure 1. The di/dt immunity for the switch can then be determined using equation (1): di = dt Where: VTH . 1 + RG + RDR + LG . CGS LG + CGS (1) LS di/dt = Rate of Change in current through source inductor [A/s] VTH = Threshold Voltage of switch [V] RG = Gate Resistance [Ω] RDR = Gate Driver output Resistance [Ω] LG = Gate Inductance [H] CGS = Gate-Source Capacitance [F] LS = Source Inductance [H] The dv/dt immunity for the switch can be determined using equation (2): dv = dt VTH CGD . RG + RDR + Where: LG + LS CGS (2) dv/dt = Rate of Change in voltage across drain-source [V/s] CGD = Gate-Drain Capacitance [F] Comparing eGaN® FETs and MOSFETs Susceptibility to di/dt’s and dv/dt’s Device parameters, circuit elements and parasitic elements from layout become important when paralleling devices [3]. Considering a simplified switching circuit as an example, and neglecting LG, the drain current will increase linearly during the entire commutation time and can be approximated by: Where: t ∆I = RG + RDR . CGS + CGD IDS + LS VDR – VTH gm (3) t∆I = Current commutation interval time [s] gm = Transconductance [S] VDR = Gate Driver voltage [V] IDS = Drain Current [A] eGaN FETs have lower drive voltage capability, gate resistance, and capacitances than an equivalent MOSFETs. Therefore the effect of the common source inductance term in equation (3) becomes more pronounced. Figure 3 shows a plot of the current commutation time for varying values of common source inductance based on the EPC2001 and an equivalent state-of-the-art MOSFET [Infineon BSC060N10N] for both turn-on and turn-off intervals (for turn-off, the term VDR – VTH is replaced by VTH). The plot shows that the eGaN FET commutation time is significantly more affected by common source inductance than the MOSFET. For high enough values of LS, the eGaN FET commutation time can actually exceed that of the MOSFET. In a similar manner, the voltage commutation interval can be considered in two ways. First, determining the maximum switching time based on a given gate driver is mathematically described by equation (4) and, second, determining the susceptibility to false turn-on resulting from a dv/dt event. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 4 WHITE PAPER: WP005 QGD . RG + RDR–up = VDR – VPL 5 (4) Where: t∆V = Voltage commutation interval time [s] QGD = Gate-Drain charge [C] RDR-up = Gate Driver turn-on resistance [Ω] VPL = Plateau voltage [V] MOSFET turn-on 4 eGaN FET turn-off 3.5 MOSFET turn-off 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 Assume, as an example, a peak dv/dt during the voltage transition period is approximately 30% higher than the average dv/dt. The absolute minimum switching time without incurring a dv/dt induced (Miller) turn-on event, can then be approximated by equation (5): t ∆V immune = eGaN FET turn-on 4.5 di/dt Commutation Time [ns] t ∆V Paralleling eGan® FETs 1.3VDC . RG + RDR– Down CGD VTH 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Common Source Inductance [pH] (5) Figure 3: Comparison of MOSFET and eGaN FET turn-on and turn-off times as function of common source inductance. Where: t∆Vimmune = Voltage commutation interval time for immunity [s] VDC = DC Bus voltage [V] RDR-down = Gate Driver turn-off resistance [Ω] Figure 4 shows a plot of the turn-on dv/dt commutation time as function of gate drive resistance (RG) together with the immunity limit (time before the VTH for the FET is exceeded). This commutation time is defined as the immunity limit for the complimentary switch in a half bridge topology, and switching any faster can lead to unwanted switching behavior. The commutation time is much higher than those predicted for immunity in the case of a MOSFET, thus providing higher inherent dv/dt immunity. The commutation time for immunity is higher than what can be achieved in the case of the eGaN FET, hence lower values of RG for turn-off than for turn-on are recommended. Due to its smaller gate charge, the eGaN FET can switch faster than a MOSFET, as can be seen in the graph of figure 4. Consequently it is less sensitive to changes in RG. Greater dv/dt immunity for the eGaN FETs is however not implied. 16 12 MOSFET turn-on 12 eGaN FET immunity 10 MOSFET immunity 8 6 4 eGaN FET immunity MOSFET immunity 8 6 4 2 2 0 MOSFET turn-off 10 dv/dt Commutation Time [ns] dv/dt Commutation Time [ns] eGaN FET turn-off eGaN FET turn-on 14 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Gate Drive Resistance [Ω] Gate Drive Resistance [Ω] Figure 4: Comparison of MOSFET and eGaN FET turn-on commutation times as function of gate resistance. Figure 5 Comparison of MOSFET and eGaN FET turn-off commutation times as function of gate resistance. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 5 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Figure 5 shows a plot of the turn-off dv/dt commutation time as function of gate drive resistance (RG) together with the immunity limit (time before the VTH for the FET is exceeded). In both the MOSFET and eGaN FET cases, the commutation time is higher (much higher for the MOSFET) than those predicted for immunity, thus providing inherent turn-off dv/dt immunity. The contribution of LG and RDR will increase as the gate loop gets longer and more devices are connected in parallel, having a negative impact on dv/dt immunity. This leaves the only option to improve the immunity is to increase switching time. Gate Driver Considerations The gate driver is the single most important circuit connected to a FET. The gate driver functions to turn the FET on and off in a reliable manner and, as has already been discussed, its ability to function at optimum is also at the mercy of layout. Adding paralleled FETs to this increases the complexity of the situation and requires additional attention. A designer has the option of providing a unique gate driver to each FET in the paralleled switch. This effectively eliminates the issue of inter-device source inductance created by the layout. However, the disadvantages of this option are numerous and include: • Increased cost of gate drivers for each FET. Due to the small size and relative low power rating of converters employing eGaN, this cost can become significant. • The propagation delay and pulse width distortion between each gate driver are unique and as such the FETs of the switch will not turn-on or turn-off in unison thereby creating the issue of temporary current unbalance between the FETs. This can be overcome by adding precise dead-timing to the circuit which, in most cases, would require manual (and expensive) tuning. The added costs for this option also become apparent. A single gate driver per switch is therefore the recommended as a cost effective solution for driving paralleled FETs. The driver will need to have the output current rating to drive the additional FETs. The gate driver also needs to be located as close as possible to the switch to ensure the lowest possible gate transmission line inductance, which has been shown to be critical to optimum operation of the switch. Practical limitations include the need to add the gate turn-on and turn-off resistors, which are of the same order of size as the gate driver and eGaN FET. These resistors also contribute significantly to the gate transmission line inductance and hence only one of each should be used as shown in figure 6. It will be further demonstrated in the layout section that using unique gate resistors for each switch is not practical for layout as the total gate inductance becomes intolerable for any reliable performance from the converter. RGon Driver RGoff Figure 6 Gate resistor sharing for each eGaN FET in the paralleled switch. Layout Design Evaluation Layout design is always required to be approached from two angles; (1) printed circuit board restrictions (including board populating) and (2) placement and routing design. eGaN FETs are no exception to this requirement, but place additional requirements on the design due to their small size, compact connection structure needs, and high demand on current and voltage ratings. The eGaN FET Land Grid Array (LGA) package [4] is a dramatic and positive departure from traditional Power MOSFET packaging that helps drive new layout designs with significant reduction in parasitic inductances between devices connected in parallel. These new options are critically important in achieving the best possible solution to paralleling the devices, given that the eGaN FETs switch very rapidly and have a lower gate threshold voltage than MOSFETs. Designers still need to pay careful attention to the layout of a converter design despite the advantages provided by the eGaN package and device. To address the many questions on layout using eGaN FETs, EPC developed five half bridge topology layout designs with up to four FETs per switch connected in parallel and which is shown in figure 7. Figure 8 shows a block diagram of the test setup that was used to evaluate the effectiveness of each of the design layouts. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 6 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX XXXX XXXX YYYY XXXX XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY XXXX XXXX ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ Gate Signal Trace Path Design B XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ Qupper + Logic Circuits Physical Direction of Switch Node Current Design C Single Component Side Designs XXXX YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX Lower Switch Devices (blue) Design A XXXX XXXX De-Coupling Capacitor XXXX XXXX YYYY Upper Switch Devices (red) Design D Gate Driver DUT Reconfigurable Output Filter Qlower Design E Double Component Side Designs Figure 8: Block diagram of the parallel evaluation test board for each of the layout designs. Figure 7: Layout designs that were tested for effectiveness. The key differences between each of the designs are summarized in table 1. The definitions of the gate structures used in table 1 are shown in figure 9. Single/ Double Component Sided Drain/ Source Inductance Methodology Output Current Exit Gate Signal Feed in Structure Design A Design B Design C Design D Design E Single Long/Narrow (very low supply inductance) Device Lengthwise Y-T Single Square Double Double Double Square Short/Narrow Short/Narrow Device Lengthwise I Device Lengthwise X Device Widthwise X inductance) Device Lengthwise I Table 1: Key attributes of each of the five designs evaluated in the layout analysis. Gate Connection Structures XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX XXXX ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY YYYY XXXX XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY XXXX XXXX ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY XXXX YYYY YYYY XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX I Structure x x ZZZZ ZZZZ XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX Point of common coupling YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY YYYY XXXX ZZZZ XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ Y-T Structure ZZZZ XXXX Point of common coupling X Structure Figure 9: Various gate connection structures used in the evaluation designs. Figure 7: Various gate connection structures used in the evaluation designs Analysis and measurements of the five designs yield gate and source inductance values that are given in the table 2. Gate Inductance [nH] Source Inductance [pH] Design A Design B Design C Design D Design E 8.5* 4.2 4100† 610 4.4 4.9 3.1 3.6 410 430 690 690 * Larger value is inductance between device pairs, smaller value is total inductance as seen by the gate driver. † Larger value is inductance between device pairs, smaller value is inductance between a pair set. Table 2: Gate and source inductances of each of the five layout designs evaluated. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 7 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Paralleled FET Switch di/dt Immunity Evaluation The di/dt limits of switch operation for each of the designs can now be used to determine the inductance values. These inductance results can then be used to determine which design yields the best possible configuration for paralleling eGaN FETs. The number of paralleled FETs for a design can subsequently be varied from one through four to determine the impact of the number of devices on the effectiveness of each layout. The inter-device common source inductance is shared by the gate loop and can cause voltages to be induced that can lead to undesired turn-on or turn-off of the switch. Equation (1) can give the magnitude of induced voltage into the gate circuit by the common source inductance during a di/dt event. The di/dt limit for a particular design can be determined by setting the limit of induced voltage as the gate threshold voltage (VTH) (In the case of the EPC2001 device this limit is typically 1.4 V [4]). Table 3 gives the calculated di/dt limits for each of the evaluated designs for four paralleled FETs using the inductance values from table 2 and the typical threshold voltage (VTH). di/dt limit [A/ns] Design A Design B Design C Design D Design E 0.9 8.8 8.5 5.3 5.3 Table 3: Calculated di/dt limits for each of the five design examples. Based on the results from table 3, it can be seen that the di/dt immunity of design A is far inferior to any of the other designs. This design was included in the discussion to emphasize the incorrect method to parallel eGaN FETs and is a method that may otherwise seem attractive because it produces a very low supply loop decoupling inductance. Paralleled FET Switch dv/dt Immunity Evaluation A current can be induced into the gate circuit, via the gate-drain Miller capacitance (CGD), during a rapid voltage transition (dv/dt event) across the drain source. This typically occurs when the switch is turned OFF, and the opposite switch in a half bridge topology, is turned ON. To ensure that the gates of the devices in the switch remain off during a dv/dt event, the gate circuit requires a low impedance that includes the gate driver. Referring to figure 1 and figure 2 it can be seen that there are several elements in the gate circuit that include: • Turn-off resistance (RGoff ) • Gate circuit inductance (LG) • Common source inductance (LS) • Gate-source capacitance (CGS) • Gate-drain capacitance (CGD) • Gate driver off-state resistance (RDR) (embedded in Vgatedrive) The inductances and resistance are connected in series in the gate circuit and appear across the gate-source. The potentially corrupting current is introduced into the gate circuit by the switch Miller capacitance, CGD, and the impedance of the inductor and resistor elements in the gate circuit will determine the voltage rise across the gate. Analysis of the operation of this circuit is further complicated due to CGD being nonlinear with respect to drain voltage and as such a fixed value of 60 pF is used for simplification. The following values of resistances were used for the evaluation boards: RDR = 100 mΩ and RGoff =1 Ω. The gate transmission line trace resistance is considered negligible with respect to the gate driver and gate turn-off resistances because the trace will be kept very short. The circuit reduces to the series combination of the resistances (RG + RDR) and inductances (LG + LS) across CGS. The induced current will divide between CGS and the resistance-inductance circuit. The solution for dv/dt immunity circuit can be complex to solve as some solutions have oscillatory and exponential components. It is sufficient to say that the resistances (Rg + RDR) and inductances (LG + LS) should be kept as low as possible to ensure maximum possible dv/dt immunity. The resistances (RG + RDR) for all the evaluated designs were kept the same and it can therefore be concluded that the level of immunity becomes inversely proportional to the inductances (LG + LS). Table 4.4 gives the calculated dv/dt limits of each of the evaluated designs for four paralleled FETs using the inductance values from table 4.2 and the typical threshold voltage (VTH). dv/dt limit [V/ns ] Design A Design B Design C Design D Design E 2.2 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.7 Table 4: Calculated dv/dt limits for each of the five design examples. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 8 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Parallel Impact Figure (PIF): A Quantitative Analysis of Paralleling Effectiveness A converter’s performance when employing parallel FETs, can be quantitatively compared by creating a meaningful switching Parallel Impact Figure (PIF). By definition, the PIF will encompass switching capability. Omitted are the additional RDS(ON) and thermal benefits that come from distributing heat loads on the PCB. The dv/ dt and di/dt immunity have been shown as key performance contributors for predicting paralleled FET converter performance, and therefore it is logical to include these quantities into the definition of PIF. Furthermore, the definition of PIF enables comparison between the paralleled FET converter performance with that of a single switch equivalent. The PIF provides an indication of the limits within which the converter will function within the switch’s immunity limits when using paralleled devices compared to a single FET equivalent. The definition of PIF is given by the following equation: dv 1 di1 + dt PIFn = dt dvn di n + dt dt (6) Where: dvn/dt = dv/dt immunity for n number of devices connected in parallel [V/s] din/dt = di/dt immunity for n number of devices connected in parallel [A/s] dv1/dt = dv/dt immunity for a single device version of the converter [V/s] di1/dt = di/dt immunity for a single device version of the converter [A/s] n = Number of devices connected in parallel per switch Parallel Board Layout Comparison PIF 9.0 The PIF can be interpreted as a switching power loss multiplication factor of a paralleled FET converter with respect to a single FET equivalent. 8.0 2 Devices in Parallel Figure 10 shows a graph of normalized PIF for each of the evaluation designs using two and four paralleled FETs, calculated using equation (6) and normalizing to a single FET equivalent design. 7.0 4 Devices in Parallel From the PIF results shown in figure 10 it is clear that the two-FET design B is the best, and that the four-FET design A is the worst. Design B can now be studied in more detail to determine how the number of paralleled devices will affect converter performance. Figure 11 shows the variations of layout for design B with varying number of FETs connected in parallel. 4.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Table 5 gives the inductance values and immunity limits for the designs shown in figure 11. Figure 12 shows a graph of PIF for design B as function of the number of FETs connected in parallel, normalized to a single FET equivalent design, including variations on the two paralleled FET layout. A B D C E Board Layout Design Figure 10: Switching PIF comparison between the layout variations using two and four FETs connected in parallel. A single device would have a PIF of 1.0. XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX XXXX XXXX YYYY XXXX YYYY YYYY B3 ZZZZ XXXX ZZZZ B2 Long XXXX YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ B2 Tall XXXX YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ XXXX YYYY ZZZZ YYYY XXXX ZZZZ XXXX B1 XXXX Board B Paralleling Comparison B4 Figure 11: Layout options for Design B with varying number of FETs connected in parallel. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 9 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Single Device 2 Devices (tall) 2 Devices (long) 3 Devices 4 Devices 4.4 210 16.4 7.0 4.4 190 19.1 4.3 4.4 630 5.7 4.2 4.4 410 8.7 3.2 4.4 410 8.8 2.6 Gate Inductance [nH] Source Inductance [pH] di/dt limit [A/ns] dv/dt limit [V/ns ] Table 5: Calculated inductance and immunity limits for the variations shown in figure 11. Board Layout Design B PIF 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 B1 B2tall B2long B3 B4 Number of Devices in Parallel Figure 12: PIF performance for design B with varying number of FETs connected in parallel. Practical Layout Considerations In the design of any layout for a circuit we need to consider what can practically be achieved. In the case of eGaN FETs, and due to their small size, we need to look at the selection of component sizes and compare that against the critical aspects of the circuit to determine a solution that can be realized. Separate or combined gate resistors? When paralleling eGaN FETs for example, a designer might be tempted to select a separate gate resistor for each FET, as is traditional for MOSFETs. Doing so, however, may increase the inductance (LG) in the gate loop so much as to yield a solution with a very low immunity to dv/dt and di/dt transients. Figure 13 shows the size relationship of the EPC2001 against two 0603 size gate resistors in a parallel design. From the figure can be seen that adding additional resistors to satisfy the individual resistors per gate is not practical given the size constraints. Turn-Off Turn-On Resistor Resistor Gate eGaN FET Gate Return eGaN FET Layer Assignment As has already been discussed, the most important aspect for the layout design of parallel connected eGaN FETs is to keep the various parasitic inductances to a minimum that will ensure the most optimal solution. Single and double-layer PCB designs are therefore effectively ruled out as options, and designers need to focus on four or more PCB layers in their designs. Signal and power layer assignment in design is a very important aspect of the layout, and is an effective way to provide E-field and H-field shielding to the finished design. It is important to shield gate signals from the very high dv/dt of the drain. There is also the practical side to design that can counter the best solution. As an example, consider a single component sided (eGaN FET is mounted to one side of the board only). In this case the ideal layer assignment is shown in figure 14. Although Turn-Off Resistor eGaN FET Turn-On Resistor eGaN FET Figure 13 Example of gate resistance and eGaN FET size comparison. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 10 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs the gate is well shielded from the drain layers, the decoupling capacitor must be placed on the same side of the board as the eGaN FETs. The inductance of the connection to this decoupling capacitor may be larger than that of a more practical solution given in figure 15 where the decoupling capacitor is placed on the bottom side of the PCB. The gate signal of the bottom device, however, is now capacitively coupled to the drain. To reduce the capacitance in the layout design between the gate signal and drain plane, the designer can separate them spatially in opposite directions as shown in figure 16. Upper Switch on top side Layer 1 Supply Decoupling Capacitor Lower Switch on top side Supply Negative (Source) Supply Positive (Drain) Layer 2 Output/Gate Return (Source) Layer 3 Gate Layer 4 Gate Output (Source) Supply Negative/ Gate Return (Source) Output (Drain) Figure 14: Ideal layer assignment for a 4-layer PCB having eGaN FETs mounted on the top side only. Upper Switch on top side Layer 1 Lower Switch on top side Gate Output (Drain) Gate Output (Source) Supply Negative (Source) Output (Source) Layer 2 Layer 3 Supply Positive (Drain) Layer 4 Supply Positive (Drain) Output (Drain) Supply Negative (Source) Supply Decoupling Capacitor Figure 15: Practical layer assignment for a 4 layer PCB having eGaN FETs mounted on the top side only. XXXX YYYY ZZZZ Gate trace direction Drain trace direction XXXX YYYY ZZZZ Figure 16: Gate drain decoupling on layerlayer by spatial separation. Figure 4.16 Gate andand drain decoupling ona single a single by spatial separation Double-Sided eGaN® FET Mounting Layout Considerations There may be circumstances where a converter needs to use many FETs connected in parallel such that both sides of the PCB need to be populated to meet the design requirements. One approach would be to simply double up the four-layer design assignment in the reverse order to form an eight-layer design. Furthermore, an upper assigned switch should be located in the same area on both sides on the board. It may be tempting to place all the upper switches on the top side of the board and all the lower switches on the bottom side. This will, however, create a layout that is difficult to route, and will require vias that create “Swiss cheese” of power planes needed to carry high currents. Figure 17 shows the suggested layout for a high-count parallel FET design. The decoupling capacitors need to be located next to the FET cluster. Despite having eight FETs connected in parallel, the layout is still able to group all the gates very tightly for absolute minimum inter-FET inductance. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 11 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Via Considerations ° ° ° ° ° ° Decoupling Capacitors Figure 17: Suggested high FET count layout with FETs mounted on both sides of the board. Decoupling Output Current by Design Staggered Vias Another technique to further decouple induced voltage into the gate circuit is to design the layout in such a manner that the output power circuit lies orthogonal to inter-device circuit. This effectively separates the common source inductance from the inter-device source inductance. Figure 19 shows an example of this technique where the output current flows orthogonally to the direction of the inductance circuit between the parallel connected FETs. eGaN FET Vias on both sides of the FET. Current exits pad in two directions Summary of Design Guidelines for Paralleling eGaN® FETs Summarizing the design guidelines based on experimental results and lessons learned, a set of general design rules is given below: 1. Keep the source inductance between devices as low as possible in the design. This can be achieved by short wide trace structures. This inductance should not be confused with the common source inductance for a single device. Direction of Output Current XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° ° XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° ° XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ ° ° Lower Switch FETs Point of common coupling for gates XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ To prevent unzipping the PCB, vias are recommended to be staggered as shown in figure 18. Alternatively for an added cost, the PCB manufacturer can be requested to rotate PCB such that the fiber grain will be at an angle of 45° with respect to the edge of the board. To ensure that the current can flow in two directions from the device into the PCB, vias are placed on both sides of the device as shown in figure 18. This helps reduce the inductance of the connection. ° Upper Switch FETs XXXX XXXX YYYY YYYY ZZZZ ZZZZ X structure for gate connections The location, type and size of vias used in a layout design are important for achieving the best design solution. The choice of vias will ultimately dictate the overall dimensions of the switch circuit layout, and following the via dimensions presented in reference 12 (page 38-39) for dual-sided terminations is recommended. When using the low voltage LGA package of the EPC eGaN devices, vias with a 6 mil (150 µm) hole and an 8 mil (200 µm) annular ring are generally used. This size is the limit for most PCB manufacturers tolerances when using 2-ounce thick copper. eGaN FET Figure 18: Use of staggering of vias and on both sides of the FET. 2. Keep all the gate connections very tight with respect to each other. The smaller the “open” distance between gate connections, the smaller the common source inductance. ° ° ZZZZ ZZZZ YYYY YYYY XXXX YYYY ZZZZ XXXX XXXX YYYY ZZZZ ° Inter-device Inductance Current Direction ° 4. Drain inductance may be increased with respect to source inductance. Drain inductance may aid in keeping the system stable over a wider range of operating conditions. Too much inductance is also detrimental. Physically this means that a group of switches may be spread apart slightly when designing the layout to make room for vias. XXXX 3. Keep the gate-source impedance as low as possible and, in particular, the inductance. This is difficult to achieve since the gate connections are typically long narrow traces. Since trace width is generally constrained, the design must keep the gate trace as short as possible from the exit point of the gate driver. Output Current Direction 5. Reduce the dv/dt of the switching event by increasing the gate driver source resistance. This will help damp out oscillations that can occur in the gate loop which otherwise can lead to exceeding the maximum allowed gate voltage. 6. Add gate turn-off resistance to help damp the gate circuit. As in the case for the turn-on, the turn-off may oscillate during a switching event. In the case for turn-off, the gate can ring negative or positive. A positive ringing can lead to unwanted turn-on of the switch. Figure 19: Example of applying the orthogonal principle to decouple the common source inductance from the inter-device inductance. EPC – EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION CORPORATION | WWW.EPC-CO.COM | COPYRIGHT 2012 | | PAGE 12 WHITE PAPER: WP005 Paralleling eGan® FETs Summary Can eGaN FETs be connected in parallel? The simple answer is yes. However, due to the higher switching speed capability of eGaN FETs, source inductance and gate inductance are more important than for MOSFETs. Paralleling eGaN FETs may require adjustment to the gate circuit to reduce the switching speed and ensure operation within the immunity limits of the device. Adjustment to the switching speed can be achieved by changing the values of the turn-on and turn-off resistances in the gate driver. With an increasing number of devices connected in parallel, the performance of the fast switching eGaN FETs become less relevant compared to the impact of layout. In this paper a switching Parallel Impact Factor (PIF) was defined to quantify the predicted converter performance based on the number of FETs connected in parallel with respect to a single FET equivalent. Most of the reduction in performance comes from the reduction in switching speed with increasing number of parallel FETs. This reduction in switching speed tends to increase switching losses in the converter, thus reducing the benefits of paralleling the FETs. For the specific case of two paralleled eGaN FETs, designs can avoid a performance penalty with respect to a single FET equivalent. With more than two devices in parallel, increased switching losses are to be expected. References: [1] Jonathan Dodge, “Eliminating Parasitic Oscillation between Parallel MOSFETs”, Advanced Power Technology Application note APT-0402 Rev A, March 25, 2004 [2] James B. Forsythe , “Paralleling Of Power MOSFETs For Higher Power Output” [3] Yuancheng Ren, Ming Xu, Jinghai Zhou and Fred C. 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