EE201 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Instructor: Dr. Ali M. Eltamaly, Office: 2C20, Phone: 4676-828 Website: m al y Text Book: “Introductory Circuit Analysis” By Robert L. Boylestad, 10th Edition, Published by Prentice Hall, 2001. D r. Al iM .E lta Mid term tests: First mid-term Exam: Tuesday, 22/11/1430 H (10/11/2009) Second Mid-Term Exam: Sunday, 26/12/1430 H (13/12/2009) Third Mid-Term Exam: Tuesday, 26 /1/1431 H (12/1/2010) Notes: 1. The best two mid-term exams will be counted 2 All mid-term 2. id t exams will ill bbe performed f d after ft Maghreb M h b prayers 3. If you miss any mid-term exam, there will be no make up test for any given reasons Grading g Policy: y Mid-Term Exams: Home Works + Quizzes Final Exam 50% 10% 40% Chapters Definitions and Laws 1-4 Series/Parallel (DC) circuits analysis 5-8 Network Theorems (DC) circuits 9 m al y Topic 13-14 Al iM .E lta Sinusoidal alternating and phasors 15 17 15-17 Network Theorems (AC) circuits 18 Power ((AC)) 19 Polyphase Systems 22 r. Series/Parallel S i /P ll l (AC) circuits i it analysis D Course outline: r. Al iM .E lta m al y Texas Instruments TI-89 calculator. D FIG. 1.5 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al POWERS OF TEN Chapter 2 Current and Voltage Current and Voltage D r. Al iM .E lta m al y ATOMS AND THEIR STRUCTURE FIG. 2.1 Hydrogen and helium atoms. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Shells and subshells of the atomic structure. 2n 2 D r. Al iM .E lta m al y The atomic structure of copper. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al CURRENT D r. Al iM .E lta m al y If 6.242 * 1018 electrons drift at uniform velocity through the imaginary circular cross section sec o oof Fig. g. 2.7 .7 in 1 seco second, d, thee flow ow oof ccharge, a ge, or o cu current, e , iss said sa d too be 1 aampere pe e ((A)) VOLTAGE D r. Al iM .E lta m al y A potential difference of 1 volt (V) exists between two points if 1 joule (J) of energy is exchanged in moving 1 coulomb (C) of charge between the two points. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al Potential: The voltage at a point with respect to another point in the electrical system. Typically the reference point is ground, which is at zero potential. .E lta m al y Potential difference: The algebraic difference in potential (or voltage) between two points of a network. network Voltage: When isolated, isolated like potential, potential the voltage at a point with respect to some reference such as ground (0 V). D r. Al iM Voltage difference: The algebraic difference in voltage (or potential) between two points of the system. A voltage drop or rise is as the terminology would suggest. Electromotive force (emf): The force that establishes the flow of charge (or current) in a system due to the application of a difference in potential. This term is not applied that often in today’s literaturebut is associated primarily with sources of energy. 3 1 – Introduction 3.1 The resistance of any material with a uniform cross-sectional area is determined by the following factors: – Material – Length – Cross-sectional Area – Temperature D r. Al iM .E lta m al y • FIG. 3.1 Resistance symbol and notation. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Film resistors: (a) construction; (b) types. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Molded composition-type potentiometer. r. Al iM .E lta m al y Color coding for fixed resistors. D FIG. 3.25 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al Color coding. Example 3.13. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y FIG. 3.27 12 * 10 Ω = 12 kΩ 3 r. Al iM .E lta m al y Five-band color coding for fixed resistors. D FIG. 3.29 D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Chapter 4 – Ohm’s Law, Power and Energy Developed in 1827 by Georg Simon Ohm Ohm’s Law D r. Al iM .E lta m al y E I= R Where: I = current (amperes, A) E = voltage (volts, V) R = resistance (ohms, Ω) r. Al iM .E lta m al y Defining polarities. D FIG. 4.3 4 4 Power 4.4 ‐ D r. Al iM .E lta m al y F Power is an indication of how much work ( (the conversion of energy from one form to gy another) can be done in a specific amount ; , of doing work. g of time; that is, a rate Power .E lta m al y W P= t D r. Al iM 1 Watt ((W)) = 1 jjoule / second Power can be delivered or absorbed as defined by F th the polarity of the voltage and the direction of the l it f th lt d th di ti f th current. 4 5 Energy 4.5 ‐ lta m al y F Energy (W) lost or gained by any system is determined by: y D r. Al iM .E W = Pt F Since power is measured in watts (or joules per second) and time in seconds, the unit of energy is the wattsecond (Ws) or joule (J) Energy lta m al y The watt The watt‐second second is too small a quantity for most is too small a quantity for most • practical purposes, so the watt‐hour (Wh) and kilowatt‐hour (kWh) are defined as follows: D r. Al iM .E Energy (Wh) = power (W) × time (h) power (W) × time (h) Energy (kWh) = 1000 The killowatt‐hour meter is an instrument used • for measuring the energy supplied to a residential or commercial user of electricity. id i l i l f l i i 4 6 Efficiency 4.6 ‐ m al y Efficiency (η) of a system is determined by F the following equation: g q D r. Al iM .E lta η = Po / Pi η = efficiency (decimal number) Where: Po = power output Pi = power input Chapter 5 – Series dc Circuits Series connection of resistors. r. Al iM .E lta m al y FIG. 5.4 D RT = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 + ... + RN FWhen series resistors have the same value RT = NR r. Al iM .E lta m al y Configuration in which none of the resistors are in series. D FIG. 5.5 r. Al iM .E lta m al y Series connection of resistors for Example 5.1. D FIG. 5.6 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. Al iM .E lta m al y Schematic representation for a dc series circuit. D FIG. 5.12 r. Al iM .E lta m al y 5.5 ‐ Voltage Sources in Series D F Voltage sources can be connected in series to increase or decrease the total voltage g applied pp to the system. y F Net voltage is determined by summing the sources having the same polarity and subtracting the total of the sources having the opposite polarity. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law F The applied voltage of a series circuit equals the sum of the voltage drops across the series g p elements: m al y = ∑Vdrops lta rises .E ∑V D r. Al iM FThe sum of the rises around a closed loop must equal the sum of the drops. the sum of the drops. F When applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, be sure to concentrate on the polarities of the voltage rise or drop rather than on the type of element. th th th t f l t F Do not treat a voltage drop across a resistive element differently from a voltage drop across a source. r. Al iM .E lta m al y Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to a series dc circuit. D FIG. 5.26 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 5.4 Determine the unknown voltages for the networks of Fig. 5.14. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 5.5 Find V1 and V2 for the network of Fig. 5.15 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al Notation FDouble‐subscript notation F Because voltage is an “across” variable and exists D r. Al iM .E lta m al y between two points, the double‐subscript notation b i h d bl b i i defines differences in potential. F The double‐subscript notation Vab specifies point a as the higher potential. If this is not the case, a negative sign must be associated with the magnitude of Vab . F The voltage V The voltage Vabb is the voltage at point (a) is the voltage at point (a) with respect with respect to point (b). Notation D r. Al iM .E lta m al y F Single‐subscript notation F The single‐subscript notation V The single subscript notation Va specifies the specifies the voltage at point a with respect to ground (zero volts). If the voltage is less than zero volts, a negative sign must be associated with the magnitude of Va . Notation F General Relationship D r. Al iM .E lta m al y F If the voltage at points a g p and b are known with respect to ground, then the voltage Vab can be determined using the following equation: Vab = Va – V b 5 7 – Voltage Division in a Series Circuit 5.7 – Voltage Division in a Series Circuit m al y F The voltage across the resistive elements will divide as the magnitude of the resistance levels. iM .E lta F The greater the value of a resistor in a series circuit, the more of the applied voltage it will capture. D r. Al FV lt FVoltage Divider Rule (VDR) Di id R l (VDR) FThe VDR permits determining the voltage levels of a circuit without first finding the current. circuit without first finding the current. E VX = R X RT r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al Chapter 6 – Parallel dc Circuits FTwo elements, branches, or circuits are in parallel D r. Al iM .E lta m al y if they have two points in common as in the figure below Insert Fig 6.2 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al al y m lta .E iM Al r. D GT = G1 + G2 + G3 + ... + GN 1 RT = 1 1 1 1 + + + ... + R1 R2 R3 RN r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.3 Determine the total resistance for the network of Fig. 6.8. Parallel Resistors Parallel Resistors D r. Al iM .E lta m al y FF FFor equal resistors in parallel: l i i ll l Where N = the number of parallel resistors. EXAMPLE 6.4 D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Find the total resistance of the network of Fig. 6.9. EXAMPLE 6.4 D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Calculate the total resistance for the network of Fig. 6.10. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Parallel Resistors D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.7 Calculate the total resistance of the parallel network of Fig. 6.13. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.8 Determine the value of R2 in Fig. 6.15 to establish a total resistance of 9 k. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al 6.3 – Parallel Circuits Is = I1 + I 2 D r. Al iM .E lta m al y F Voltage is always the same across parallel elements. V1 = V2 = E The voltage g across resistor 1 equals q the voltage g across resistor 2,, and both equal q the voltage supplies by the source. E E Is = I1 + I 2 = + R1 R2 r. D al y m lta .E iM Al r. D al y m lta .E iM Al EXAMPLE 6.12 Given the information provided in Fig. 6.23: D r. Al iM .E lta m al y a. Determine R3. b. Calculate E. c. Find Is. d. Find I2. e. Determine D i P2. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al Kirchhoff’ss Current Law Kirchhoff Current Law D r. Al iM .E lta m al y F Most common application of the law will be at the junction of two or more paths h off current. F Determining whether a current is entering or leaving a junction is sometimes the most difficult task. FIf the current arrow points toward the junction, the current is entering the junction. F If the current arrow points away from the junction, the current is leaving the junction. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.15 Determine the currents I3 and I5 of Fig. 6.29 through applications of Kirchhoff’s current law. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al lta m al y 6.6 CURRENT DIVIDER RULE D r. Al iM .E V RT IT Ix = = Rx Rx RT IT Ix = Rx r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.17 Determine the current I2 for the network of Fig. 6.35 using the current divider rule. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.18 Find the current I1 for the network of Fig. 6.36. r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Current seeks the path of least resistance. RT Ix = IT Rx D r. Al iM .E lta m al y OPEN AND SHORT CIRCUITS r. D al y m lta .E iM Al D r. Al iM .E lta m al y Determine the unknown voltage and current for each network of Fig. 6.48. D r. Al iM .E lta m al y EXAMPLE 6.25 Determine V and I for the network of Fig. 6.52 if the resistor R2 is shorted out.