February Newsletter Glenn Stephens 1st Grade 120 South Rosa Road, Madison, WI, 53705 https://stephens.madison.k12.wi.us/ T: 608-204-1900 Dear Parents, Welcome to Glenn Stephen’s First Grade Team’s monthly newsletter. Inside this newsletter you will find a variety of information including the expectations of MMSD for teachers and students. The district provides many programs for different areas of the first grade curriculum. The newsletter will give you an idea of what your child is working on in areas such as math, reading, writing, social skills, etc. If you should have any questions about the information provided to you by our first grade team, please feel free to contact any of us. Upcoming Events February 5 NO SCHOOL for teacher professional development February 19 Talent Show February 24 Stevens, Salerno, Dahler to Geology Museum February 25 Tyson, Christenson, Wolcott to Geology Museum Science at the Geology Museum The first grade is going on a field trip to the UW Geology Museum on Wednesday, February 24st and Thursday, February 25th. This trip covers our MMSD standards that are taught in our Foss Pebbles, Sand and Silt science unit. In a one hour tour our students will see hundreds of rocks and minerals. They also will see a black light mineral display, fossils and skeletons from dinosaurs and Ice Age animals. “Rock” on First Graders! February 25 and 26 Book Share Important Announcement The fun fair is coming up in April. If you’d like to help out please contact your child’s classroom teacher. We can put you in touch with the right people. The PTO appreciates any extra help during this event. Page 1 of 3 More Important News Math Your child recently brought home their semester report card. The report card is very detailed, and the print is small. As teachers, we are asked to grade using a rubric. A description of the 4 levels is given for each item we grade. We match what each student does to the corresponding numbers, 1-4. These numbers are not really like the A’s, B’s and C’s on report cards that may be more familiar to you. Instead they are describing whether a child is above, at, partially at, or below grade level for that item on the report card. Here is an example from math. The item on the report card says “Counts, reads and writes numbers to 120.” Here is the rubric we see at semester that leads us to give the grade we give. . 4 Advanced - Exceeds first grade level expectations Counts, reads, writes and orders numbers within 200. AND- With support, understands that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens and ones. 3 Proficient- Meets first grade level expectations Counts, reads, writes and orders numbers within 100. AND- With support understands that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones. 2 Progressing Meets some first grade level expectations Counts by ones from any number 1-30. Counts backwards by ones from any number, 1-10. Counts sets of up to 10 objects accurately. Reads and writes numbers 1-10. (all) 1 Emerging Not yet meeting first grade level expectations Counts forward 1-10. Counts sets of up to 5 objects accurately. Identifies numbers 1-3. (all) This rubric will change by the end of the year, as students are expected to know more by then. So to get a 4 in June, students must know the skills listed to 1000 and understand 3 digit place value without support. To get a 3, they need to know numbers to 120 with 2 digit place value without support. The grades for a 2 and a 3 move up in difficulty as well in a similar manner. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have questions, comments or concerns about the report cards. Page 2 of 3 More Important News Reading Practice at Home All of our first grade teachers send home books for our students to read at home. These books are at an independent reading level. The books used in the classroom are at an instructional level, where guidance is needed. It is important for students to practice reading and rereading books at their independent level (meaning there are fewer challenges with decoding, so less chance of stumbling over unfamiliar words), so they have greater reading fluency (smooth phrasing versus word-by-word); so they can practice reading aloud with an expressive voice (attending to punctuation and the writer’s intended meaning); and so they can begin to build reading stamina (reading for longer periods of time). Modeled reading matters too. A child is never too old to be read to Questions If you have any questions about what you’ve read in this newsletter don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher. by someone else! Children benefit from someone reading to them because it displays a love of reading, models fluency, expands their imaginations and builds their background knowledge. It also helps to build their vocabulary, and inspire them with new ideas and new topics for learning. It is especially beneficial for those students learning English, to hear stories read to them in their native language, for greater understanding. Comprehension is key to enjoying any text. To work on comprehension skills at home, you can help your child by asking them to retell the story to you using their own words; ask questions about specific details, characters, or Cheryl Dahler dahler@madison.k12.wi.us Val Salerno vsalerno@madison.k12.wi.us Sue Stevens actions in the story; and how well they liked it and why. sstevens@madison.k12.wi.us We are fortunate to have a rich library of leveled books at Stephens Angele Wolcott to share with students for reading practice at home. Please help us in teaching children how to be respectful and responsible with these written treasures, by taking good care of them while they are in your child’s possession, and returning them to school to be exchanged for more! We also want to encourage families to consider our Madison Public Library as another great resource to enrich your child’s world of reading. We want to make every attempt to help children “fall in love” with books! Together, we are building the awolcott@madison.k12.wi.us Elva Tyson etyson@madison.k12.wi.us Drew Christenson dcchristenso@madison.k12.wi.us foundation for a lifetime of reading pleasure for your child, which will allow them to gather information, to escape, and to dream! Page 3 of 3