Problemsinvolving the conservationofmechanicalenergyarerelatively mustfrst selectan objectto analyze.You mustthen decideif all the foices on-the object are conservative.The force of gravity is a conservativeforce; the force of friction and alirost all otherforcesarenon-conservative. If all forcesthat do work areconservative,then conservationofmechanicalenergyyields Ko + PEo: Kt + PEs,whereKo andPEoarethe kinetic andpotentialenergiesat Jne point in time andKl and,Pfu ittethe kinetic andpotentialenergiesfor anotherpoint in iime. you will be given enoughinformationto calculatethree ofthe four energiesthat appearin the energyequationand canusethe conservationof mechanicalenergyto computethe fourth If therearenonconservativeforcesacting on the object,then the appropriateexpressionis WNc= Er* Eo or Wnc = (KEr+ P&) - (KEn+ PEo) In manyproblemsyou areaskedto find somepmameterthat occursin the expressionfor the kineticor potentialenergies. For example,you maybe askedfor theheightoian object,the speedofan object,or its mass.You first find therelevantenergy(kineiicor potentiat),ihen solve lor theparameler. Questions and Example problems from Chapter 6 Question1 A net extemalforce actson a particle.This net forceis not zero.Is this sufficient informationto concludethat (a) the velocity ofthe particle changes,(b) the kinetic energyof the particle changes,aad (c) the speedofthe particrechanges?Give your reasoningin eachcase. (il 7\^p1 -+J q t (b)lE Fno, -lrq d'+ o --d p,,ffihlo@ztfi,u.1* -h,su o{uprl aay\ 1n\'e1J€-'l-.'. q ze,r,^,& J o {"o,,r"Lv-J tc) lmaI QuestiontIn the hgurebelow, a block slidesfrom A to c alonga frictionlessramp,and then it passes tluough horizontalregion cD, wherea frictional force actson it. Is the block's kineti^cenergy increasing, decreasing, or constantin (a) regionAB, (b) regionBC, and(c) regioncD? (d) Is the block'smechanicalenergyincreasing,decreasing,or constalt in thor" ,"eionr-? E. .,] B Bffiffiffiffi cq) D (b) Lc) (J) Ll-+-\ ...1. c alur.hi , c,a.r\a)tn, \ , Problem I To pull a 50 kg crateacrossa horizontai floor at a constantvelocity, a worker appliesa force directed20oabovethe horizontal,A 25.0 N frictional force opposesthe motion of the crate.As the cratemoves3.0 m, what is the work doneon the crateby (a) the worker's force, (b) the kinetic frictional force,(c) the gravitationalforce on the crate,and(d) the normal force?(e) What is the total work doneon the crate? FN : r',o" ex=o N Fgrq)o' X F-. ll LI F "oeao" I -- " n 2 - rr x \l F.-ao": f* m? =w V = Fs*oO 6,) y7 = (),a"on)(a"o-;co.X.D" t\ W = ( asN)(3,6^)uo4rloo=f, ?tJ1 t)) W= D l- "A.x.c,ottatI t ..-- T(- /r,tl1o' f = 2.,0-aN - 1o' A 0.075kg arrow is fired horizontally. The bowstringexertsan averageforce of 65 N on the arrow over a distanceof 0.90m. With what soeeddoesthe arrow leavethe bow? FO= o 'D,-l5Y* F= -> ("5N I W= Yarq V.) S = O'9O ln \,/o = oaf r v-+ 2. - )1t fita.t^t: \ Jfib /-rot\ *, a W = '/a,r.t Fs - t/ vo=faE Y7= 31-f s s o I t/d.Vtt oo"o" = - ,4 /p, ri Vo r-*----__..-? -, Pt = 7a..Vtt = | A(l"sNr)(o.qo-) t-' (o"ors K2) ry-u tn)oa Problem3 41s5eusfielicopterlifts a 79-kgpersonstraightup by meansofa cable.The personhasan upwardaccelerationof 0.70m/s' andis lifted from resttlrough a distanceof 11 m. (a) What is the tensionin the cable?How muchwork is doneby (b) the tensionin the cableand(c) the person'sweight?(d) Usethe work-energytheoremandfind the final speedofthe person. .? \---l a) l-= ?.3*ro"N Fs co.O - -> \n/= (s"3rlo>N)(rt-) ws(>-'=?"1*lo'':- t) W= e) -8.5,615 L6tvo"= W-- (m9) s r-6180"= ('l1h)(1,zor1t')(rr.n) J) Wru = KE+-KE.'=Kmvi- a^,iij -----Wrao= '/^nrV+' v'=q=@-' Probremn V7=3.\nfs putsa shot(weight:71.1 N) that leaveshis handata distanceof 1.52m abovethe A shot-putter ground.(a) Find the work doneby the gravitationalforcewhen the shothasrisento a height of 2.13 m abovethe ground.(b) Determinethe changein the gravitationalenergyof the shot. u;= mg'= ?t"tN .,= 5 0 /, 51m o.) W-,trs t,d.O \M = (*g) ( t'r- h.),c,oal8o" h9= l.)3nr = (tr.lN) W= t) (1")3n - 1,5r-) c'o'rl8o" -LiV.,l j LPE = PEo-PE, = mg h+- ngh" lJ|tr = rog( h+-h.) = (rr- rr-r)( a.r:*-/.se^) = (i ? q -r- Problem5 A slingshot.fuesa pebblefiom the top of a building at a speedof 14.0m,/s.The building is 31.0m tall. lgnoringair resistance, find the speedwith whichthepebblestrikesthe groundwhen the pebbleis fired (a) horizontally, O) vertically shaightup, and (c) vertically straightdown. Vo= l9.oo/< ^ r *''*'\^ #^" /-\' ? V.= 't ' 4^-41z a \-/ /a nvr'* rn%h+ = Txnnvi- ftteh" h J = ?l.o^ I h5 -- Dcn ft''9 h" . + = 7a _ rnvl+ /r rqV.r o .o\_ V'* lq \' V^= '6 il( rc".b : Jfi6 ,r'.,ttu 71p,^r\.,ovy\air4 )d, -4/:rULU 1'4, b, {"c probtemi F4^,h ) A water-skierlets go of the tory r.opguponleavingthe.endof a junip-lamp at a speedof 14.0m/s. As the drawing indicates,the skier hasa speedof 13.0m,/sat the highestpoiat ofthe j"-p. Ignoring air resistance,determinethe skier's heightH abovethe top ofthe ramp atthehtghest 13-Om/s ^ .o\4/,",r. b.ta1,XP I /^ ho= c un h+=H r/ \o- - lr, qV : V .Y = 1 3 . o:.t /' . lr f. ImV"]* tt,gh, = 7x IQV4 + fc)$ b, \ ,a ll ,1 7>,r\V,- = /If\V4 + fr'? n+ ll As b+ Vo^ : vl" + ( ll.o'/')'ll+ = I h. t --- ( P,o,r/1)) | (t"to */s-) I l1.oti)/t zo ,Vrt r\ w\.ruat"ffi'6 4 ^ ^ -4poa h=o = vot- V*' 2'g iH--l-rnq Problem7 The figure below showsa pendulumof lengthL = 3.5m. It is held sothat the pendulummakes an angle0o= 35oandthenreleasedfrom rest. Find the speedof the pendulumwhen it is at its lowestpoint. ,-"" I | t^ , ^ \ ftl Yo = Onls L -LcaO" V+= ( L (") t, I 7 x h V',+ < J T+ f O 4 h r = i/a f\ V, * mO Do ^ 4 o\\tAftl ". ""t f Lll'@e") fl c = ? ( ,11*", w'at | \o= /trrrv/ = N) 2ho ('t-caoo"; = f J le,to'7r")(2.5.)(l:ca35") Problem 8 A skier startsfrom rest at the top ofa hill. The skier coastsdown the hill and up a secondhill, as the drawingillustrates.The crestof the secondhill is cfucular,with a radiusof r:36 m. Negleot Aiction andair resistance.What must be the heighth of the first hill sothat the skierjust loses contact with the crest of the second hill. ofl.urfa"'a)*ol^rnt $*,uo ) ); $,i^a t\+"r^ J-"s"'--q-^}"^t \=o )^4t4 rl O^ls h"= h t^ h9 'ltr'* = Utr V .t - r ,t*' ! ?- q n^ = lD Vo * r-o '4 N% nu - ll ^u7 !a nn3-T= ^u7. ,/r z-{,) ' / r r n V . \ + I'O Q hr 'q\' + t, ) .r 1 tn V(a --4 t-.= a. f, ^- = --=-' ne\C rDa) = rn? o \'/x i Pa'fant /-\,aJ""r 4=o n- Y: =lE j4't't4 ^?e" t mqa = n\7 trt- Problem9 A roller coaster(375 kg) movesfrom A (5.00 m abovethe ground)to B (20.0 m abovethe ground).Two nonconservativeforcesarepresent:friction does-2.00 x 10' J ofwork on the cm, anda chainmechani5md6s5{3.00 x 104J of work to help the car up a long climb. What is the changein the car's kinetic energy,AKE : KEr- KEo,from A to B? :l \n/^. = (KF+, PE+)- (Kt"' 7E') = ( KF, -Ke") n (?f<-PE,) = bKE * bPE \v/ \ / - \ Y .rf, /4f\ /SKEt /\PE - V at Aulrt // - ).oo*lD'5 t) 3. ooltoqf ------"-- '=--=-- APF rng(t''+-h") KF = W3"*u" +Wrn".rr-APF - 5.oom) ( 3't 5 Ys)('6-)(aD.onr = 5,51* lo{f ::=- = (-1"oo* o's) * (,loqs)(s"slx 1p{5) | AKtr=-{.5)"loq= Problem 10 A pitcherthrows a 0.140kg baseball,and it approachedthe bat at a speedof 40.0 m/s. The bat doesWo": 70.0 J of work on the ball in hitting it. Igroring air resistance,detetminethe speedof the ball after the ball leavesthe bat andis 25.0 m abovethe point of impact. \ = p.laoKg - (re,r7e; \d.,. = E+- E, = ( KFr-PF+) -- ( [qvi.tzh+) - ('/*^v,'-r'n6;) Vo= 4o.onfs h"=O-r v+=? \,/V.,.= Ta"rcrvf * .?\+ -l/a.roVot |,,' 7c = ).S.o,o Wn".lo.o r( r,Vo'-mg \+ 7* mvf = Wn. * T r Vt - j 4)At * Vo'* lg t,. I rf) l (ro'os) O.lLlofg + ({o. o *,/s)\- }(Q,lo "ls) ( rs,o^n) {r= '5"1'rls Problem11 uniforrnly from restto 20.0 m/s in 5.6 s along a level stretchof road.Ignoring A car accelerates friction, dete?minethe averagepowerrequiredto acceleratethe car if (a) the weight of the car is 9.0x 103N, and@)theweightof thecaris 1.4x 104N. O-ls 1-) Y . t !o.o n/s "r L. 5, Gs urr-.r\- 4u\ /t- o P = 7enqvi- l/ n-'ro --2 - ? r, b. ft\v+ D= I f P: Yrtq,trr)tr.."'t{ ---, l? = 3.3t)D1W p;:-1 = ffi.1s" I p p r o b t e 1m2 j,t"s .;t S, trtO,W I The cheetahis oneofthe fastestacceieratinganimals,beca[rseit can go from restto 27 m/s (about60 mi,&) in 4.0 s. If its massis 110 kg, determinethe averagepower developedby the cheetahduringthe accelerationphaseof its motion. Expressyour answerin (a) watts and(b) horseoower. \/ - - V o n ,/r\ L2 .q /: r V9 = ).? m/s - w//t l/r"a\C- /nnq4* W = -fit^1 w"Or-)<Epv"-^ f = f .os 6 = lloK$ T) r /2r ID (-v4 4 -\ - vo 7 a, 4\ l- '/^(ttoFe)(rr,/')a ) C\ = I . O r l D '! .W Y I 4.o s w b) t hp= ?ets.? = P = l.orlolW /Lsr\=l-t3T \ ) 'l