RollerCoaster-ology Mini-Degree Workbook The Physics of Amusement Park rides Solutions for May 27th and June 3rd, 2005 SECTION 1 –THE VORTEX Measurements: 1. What is the total duration of the ride: 71.4 s 2. What is the total length of the 6-car train: 16.4 m 3. How long does it take for the train to be pushed from the bottom to the top of the highest hill: 20.2 s 4. How long does it take for the train to travel its own length while being pushed up hill: 6.5 s 5. How long does it take for the train to travel its own length at the top of the first downhill run (just as it begins its descent down the incline): 1.8 s 6. How long does it take for the train to travel its own length at the bottom of the first downhill run (just as it leaves the downward incline): 0.8 s QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS and QUESTIONS ‘ FUN-NESS’ 1. Where do you think you should sit to have the most Fun on the Vortex –front, middle, or back of the train? Does it matter? Explain. 2. Where on the ride did you feel you were going the fastest? Why? 3. After passing through the corkscrew section of the Vortex, were you dizzy? Explain. RIDE ENGINEERING 1. Where was the highest hill on the ride? Why is it there? 2. Observe and describe the wheel assembly, noting how many wheels there are on each car and how they are positioned. Sketch a diagram if possible. 3. What feature of the wheel assembly is designed to keep the train from leaving the track if it is traveling too fast as it goes over the top of the hill? 4. What feature of the track design helps keep the train on the track as it goes around a sharp curve? At the bottom of the first loop: RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook Solutions 1 QUANTITATIVE CALCULATIONS ENERGY 1. What was the speed of the train while being pushed uphill? 2.5 m/s or 9.0 km/h 2. What was the speed of the train at the top of the first downhill run? 9.1 m/s or 32.8 km/h 3. What was the speed of the train at the bottom of the first downhill run? 20.5 m/s or 73.8 km/h 4. Use the conservation of energy to determine the speed of the train at the bottom of the first downhill run. 20.1 m/s or 72.4 km/h (note; accelerometer / altimeter data indicates a total vertical descent of 20.5 m, significantly more than stated in the appendix) 5. Compare answers 3 and 4. Should they be the same? If they are not, explain why. 6. If each car has a mass of 1200 kg and the coaster is filled with riders whose average mass is 65 kg, how much total work is being done getting the filled coaster to the top of the highest hill? Work = Force x distance parallel to Force = 2.94 x 10^5 Joules 7. How much power does the motor have to provide to lift this loaded coaster to the top of the highest hill? Power = Work / time = 1.45 x 10^4 Watts FORCES AND ACCELERATIONS 1. A passenger in a car at the top of a loop is nearly weightless. Assuming their car follows a circular arc of radius 3.5 m, what is the approximate speed of their car? 5.9 m/s or 21.0 km/h (note this is much less than 20 m/s; did you feel weightless? Is 3.5 m the proper value for the radius of curvature?) 2. Consider the ride as experienced by two different people - a passenger at the very front of the train, and a passenger at the very back of the train. Consider the moments when these two passengers move past the crest of the first downhill run. Do these two passengers have the same apparent weight? If not, which one feels lighter? Why? The passenger at the rear since he / she is moving at a larger speed as they travel over the curved track. 3. Did you feel lateral forces while on the ride? That is, were you thrown from side to side in the train car? If so, what forces caused that feeling? If not, why not? If necessary, use a diagram to help explain. The track is very well engineered. That is, when the train is moving fast, the track’ sbanking angles match the train’ s instantaneous speed, virtually eliminating lateral forces. CHALLENGE QUESTIONS 1. Does the total mass of the train (cars plus passengers) play a role in the speed of the coaster, the forces and accelerations experienced during the ride, or the duration of the ride? Explain. If track-wheel friction, and wind resistance, were eliminated, then total mass would not affect these aspects of the ride. 2. If the acceleration due to gravity was smaller (say by 50%), and all other variables were the same, would the total duration of the ride be greater, less, or, the same? Explain. If g is smaller, it would take longer to go down the first big hill, and longer to go up and down subsequent hills. The total duration of the ride goes up as g goes down. RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 2 SECTION 2 –OCEAN MOTION Measurements: 1. What is the time for three complete swings, when Ocean Motion is in full swing mode? 23.3 s 2. Based on the actual physical dimensions of the ride as given in the appendix, what do you estimate is the radius, R, of the ship’ s circular path? Physical measurements, and photographic analysis, shows the distance from the pivot point to the floor boards is very close to 15 m (note; data given in the appendix is somewhat erroneous, for example, the support structure is not 18 m high). We will use 15 m as the value of R. QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS and QUESTIONS ‘ FUN-NESS’ 1. When Ocean Motion was in full swing mode, and you were in a downhill forward facing arc, where did you feel: a. the strongest push against your back? ____________________________ b. the most pressure against your seat? ____________________________ c. the least pressure against your seat? ____________________________ 2. Where did you feel you were going the fastest? _______________________ 3. Would the ride be more FUN if you were blindfolded? Explain? 4. Would the ride be more FUN if R were bigger? Explain? RIDE ENGINEERING What is the period of one complete swing? 7.77 s 1. Using your measured period, calculate the radius of the shi p’ sci r cul arpat h(assuming Ocean Motion is a simple pendulum), using the SHM equation given in the appendix. 15.0 m 2. Compare your calculated value for R to your measured value. Why the difference? Is Ocean Motion engineered anything like a simple pendulum? Ocean Motion is essentially a simple pendulum based on these values of T and R. This is a strange result however, since the relation between T and R for a simple pendulum given in the appendix holds only if the pendulum has small amplitude oscillations. Ocean Motion has huge amplitude oscillations and so should not mimic simple pendulum behavior. The rides’drive mechanism is obviously at work. QUANTITATIVE CALCULATIONS ENERGY 1. Let ’ sassume Ocean Motion’ smassi sent i r el ylocated where the mast is attached to the ship (ie. where the mast attaches to the floor boards). Using a geometrical analysis, one can show that the maximum height of the centre of mass, h, above its lowest point, is RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 3 approximately given by; h = R [ 1 - sin(90L/R)], where L is the length of the ship and R is the radius of its circular path. Although the length of the boat is 13 m, the length of the boat between the large triangular support struts (which is really L here) is very close to 11.5 m. Thus, h = 9.4 m 2. Using simple conservation of energy arguments, what is the speed of the ship at the bottom of the swing, when Ocean Motion is in full swing mode? vmax = (2gh)^0.5 = 13.6 m/s 3. Assuming that the combined mass of the ship and passengers is 3000 kg, what is the kinetic energy of the ship at the bottom of the swing? Ek = 2.77 x 105 Joules FORCES AND ACCELERATIONS 1. What is the apparent weight of a 50 kg person at the bottom of the swing, when Ocean Motion is in full swing mode? W = mg + mv2/R = 1110 Newtons 2. Two 50 kg passengers board the ship, one in the row closest to the mast and one in the row furthest from the mast. At the top of the swing, when the ship momentarily comes to rest, which passenger has the smaller apparent weight? Why are their apparent weights different? The passenger furthest from the mast since the seat of their bench is almost perpendicular to the ground. CHALLENGE QUESTIONS 1. Derive the expression, h = R [ 1 - sin(90L/R)] Hints: When in full-swing-mode, and the boat is at its maximum height, the highest of the two triangular support struts is essentially parallel to the ground. The length of the support struts, extended to the floor boards, is essentially equal to R. L is the length of the boat, as measured along the arc of the boat, between the support struts. The mast is a distance ½ L from the part of the boat at the end of the highest support strut. OceanMot i onatmaxi mum ampl i t udei n‘ f ul l -swi ng’mode: 2. Is your estimate of vmax reasonable? That is, did you leave something out in your conservation of energy analysis? Since the drive system keeps the big boat swinging essentially like a simple pendulum, our estimate of vmax is reasonable. Otherwise, you would have to consider the moment of inertia and angular speed of the boat. RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 4 SECTION 3 - BIG ELI Measurements: 1. What is the time for three complete revolutions? 38.9 s 2. Each passenger car hangs from a supporting bar. What is the distance from the point of suspension to the seat? 20 cm 3. When Big Eli comes to a stop while you are sitting in a passenger car, and you begin to swing back and forth like a pendulum, what is the period of this swinging motion? (note; you could also measure this by watching other people on the ride while you are standing on the ground) ~1 sec 4. While Big Eli is in steady motion at operating speed, the seat you occupy hangs vertically when you are at the highest andl owestpoi nt s( 12o’ cl ockand6o’ clock). At what angle awayf r om v er t i cali sy ourseatat3o’ cl ock? A careful photographic analysis shows this angle to be near 8.5 degrees –tough to measure however! 5. Using your home-made vertical accelerometer, when Big Eli is stationary, what is the acceleration you experience? St udent ’ swi l lgetsomeval uedepending on the design of their accelerometer. This value would be the acceleration due to gravity, ag . 6. Using your home-made vertical accelerometer, when Big Eli is at operating speed, what is the acceleration; a. at top of t her i de( 12o’ cl ock) less than ag b. at bottom of t her i de( 6o’ cl ock) greater than ag c. going up ( 3o’ cl ock) ag d. coming down ( 9o’ cl ock) ag QUALITATIVE OBSERVATIONS and QUESTIONS ‘ FUN-NESS’ 1. Why does Big Eli rotate in the direction it does? Would it be more FUN if it turned the other way? Why, or why not? 2. Would the ride be more FUN if Big Eli turned a bit faster? A bit slower? A lot faster? Explain? 3. Where on the ride did you feel you were going the fastest? Why? RIDE ENGINEERING 1. For safety, each passenger car comes with a bar that riders put across their laps. Why are seatbelts not required? 2. When riders board their car, they jostle around for a few moments, and then come to rest i nt hei rv er t i calor i ent at i on.Whenmov i ngatBi gEl i ’ soper at i ngspeed,t hecari sonl y v er t i calat12o’ cl ockand6o’ cl ockbecauset hecar sar ef r eet oswi ngbackandf or t h. Would the ride be safer if the cars were mechanically constrained to hang vertically as Big Eli moves round and round? Explain? RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 5 QUANTITATIVE CALCULATIONS ENERGY 1. Circumference of Big Eli x (15 m) = 47.1 m 2. Operating speed of Big Eli circumference / period = 47.1 m / (38.9 s / 3) = 3.63 m/s 3. With every car filled with 2 people, each with an average mass of 60 kg, and with each car having a mass of 150 kg, what is the net change in gravitational potential energy of Big Eli after 1 complete turn? zero Joules 4. What is the total kinetic energy of riders and cars when Big Eli is turning at operating speed (use the above mass values)? 16 chairs x ½ (270 kg (3.63 m/s)2) = 2.8 x 104 Joules FORCES AND ACCELERATIONS 1. Youshoul dhav ef oundt hatt heaccel er at i onsy oumeasur edat6o’ cl ockand12o’ cl ock, while you were moving atoper at i ngspeed( l et ’ scal lt hem a6 and a12), were different than the acceleration due to gravity measured when you were stationary ( l et ’ scal li tag). From your measured values, calculate the differences a6 –ag and ag –a12. Should these differences be the same? If they are not, explain why. St udent ’ swould probably find that the two differences; a6 –ag and ag –a12 , are the same to within the accuracy of their hand made accelerometers. If the chairs had been suspended from a point above the heads of the passengers, instead of just slightly above their hips, then the values of R12 and R6 would have been significantly different. This would then make a6 farther away from ag than ag is from a12 , and the differences; a6 –ag and ag –a12 , would be noticeably different according to their accelerometers. 2. Calculate the centripetal acceleration you experience at 12o’ clock when Big Eli is at operating speed (l et ’ scal lt hi scal cul at edv al ueA12). The direction of this acceleration is downward: A12 = v2/R12 = (3.63 m/s)2 / (7.5 m –0.2 m) = 1.81 m/s2 A12 = 0.184 g’ s RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 6 Calculate the centripetal acceleration you experience at 6o’ cl ockwhen Big Eli is at operating speed (l et ’ scal lt hi scal cul at edv al ueA6). The direction of this acceleration is upward: A6 = v2/R6 = (3.63 m/s)2 / (7.5 m + 0.2 m) = 1.71 m/s2 A6 = 0.174 g’ s 3. From your calculated values, what are A6 –ag and ag –A12? How do these differences compare to what you found from your measured values? Should these differences be the same? If they are, explain why. (hint: what value of R did you use in your calculations of A6 and A12 ?) A6 –ag = 1.174 g’ s(you feel heavier). This is 17% higher than 1g. ag –A12 = 0.816 g’ s (you feel lighter). This is 23% lower than 1g. 4. The operating speed of Big Eli can be determined using your measurement of the angle away from vertical that your seat is, when it is at3o’ cl ock. If we call this angle , then the operating speed of Big Eli, v, is related to by the equation, tan = v2 / gR. In this equation, R is the radius of Big Eli, and g is the acceleration due to the force of gravity. Using this method, what is the operating speed of Big Eli? v = 3.32 m/s CHALLENGE QUESTIONS 1. When Big Eli is stationary, the passenger cars swing with a period very much like simple pendul ums( l et ’ scal lt hi sper i odTstationary). Calculate Tstationary assuming the passenger cars swing like a simple pendulums, and compare this to your measured value. Are they similar? Why, or why not. Values are close, but different due to friction and wind Tstationary = 0.9 s (calculated) Tstationary = 1 s (measured) 2. When Big Eli is rotating at its operating speed, each passenger car is swinging back and forth like a pendulum, but with a period much different from the stationary case ( l et ’ scal l this period Tmoving). What is the value of Tmoving and why is it so different from Tstationary? Tmoving = 13 seconds (the rotational period of the ride) 3. Derive the equation, tan = v2 /gR,whi chhol dswhenev eracari sat3o’ cl ock( or9 o’ cl ock) . N N sin= mv2/R N cos= mg eliminating N gives tan= v2/gR Se a ta t3o’ c l oc k(angle exaggerated) mg RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 7 CALAWAY PARK RIDE DATA RIDE DESCRIPTION Vortex A train of 6 cars travels on a double looping steel track. The initial vertical drop is approximately 15 metres. The crest of the first hill is approximately 19m above the ground. Ocean Motion A 13m fibreglass boat that swings from an 18m high structure which swings to a 90angle to the ground to reach 20m Big Eli 16 steel 2 seater cars hang on a 15m diameter wheel, spinning at a total height of 16.8m Swing Around 24 chairs are suspended on 4.2m wire ropes and swing from a rotating centre structure Carousel 36 aluminum horses and 2 benches travel on a 13.5m diameter wooden structured carousel Dodgem Bumper Cars 12 –2 seater fibreglass azzurra bumper cars travel on a 24m diameter stainless steel floor, D.C. powered for 8 different speeds Round Em Up A 9m diameter rotor where passengers stand in stalls on the outside hub and are spunat18RPM’ s,t henr ai sedt oa76 angle. Paratrooper 10 fibreglass cars are suspended between spokes of a wheel andosci l l at et oandf r om ast hewheelr ot at esat12RPM’ sand tilts to a 45angle. Mountain Scrambler 3 gyros with 7 cars each spin while rotating clockwise around the centre structure. The gyros are raised up to a 45angle. RollerCoaster-ology Mini-degree Workbook 8