The 5B Series User’s Manual Copyright0 1987 AnalogDevicesInc. OneTechnologyWay P.O.Box 9106 Norwoo$,Massachusetts0206?-9106 All rights reserved.No part of this publicationmay be reproduced,storedin a retrievalsystemor transmittedin any form by any means,electkmic,mechanical photocopying,recoding,or otheiwise,without theprior writdenpermission of Analog DevicesInc. Printedin U.S.A. Part# 98-1323301 RevisionRecod Publication# G 1114~20-8/87 Revision1.O,Released8/87 Revision2.0,ReleasedY88 Revision3.0,Released2/90 . Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction GeneralDescription.................................................................................................. l-l Applications ............................................................................................................ l-l 5B SeriesModules ................................................................................................... 1-2 Chapter 2 - Module Specifications Features.................................................................................................................... 2-1 Module Description....................................................................... ........................... 2-l Performance............................................................................................................. 2-1 Evaluationand Test........................................................................................... 2-1 Protection........................................................................................................... 2-1 PhysicalCharacteristics.................................................................................... 2-1 Modules.................................................................................................................... 2-3 5B30 and 5B31 Millivolt and Voltage Input Modules ..................................... 2-4 5B32 CurrentInput Module .............................................................................. 2-6 5B34 RTD Input Module .................................................................................. 2-8 5B37 ThermocoupleInput Module ................................................................. 2-10 5B38 Strain GageInput Module ..................................................................... 2-12 5B39 CurrentOutput Module ......................................................................... 2-14 5B40 and 5B41 Wide BandwidthMillivolt andVoltage Input Modules .......2-16 5B45 and 5B46 FrequencyInput Modules .................................................... 2-18 5B47 LinearizedThermocoupleInput Module ............................................... 2-20 AC1367 Switch Input Module ........................................................................ 2-22 Chapter 3 - 5B Series Subsystem Solutions 5BOl Backplane....................................................................................................... 3-1 ConnectorPin Usage......................................................................................... 3-1 Grounding ......................................................................................................... 3-3 Fusing andPolarity Reversal............................................................................ 3-3 InterchannelBridge Jumpers............................................................................ 3-3 5BO2Backplane....................................................................................................... 3-3 ConnectorPin Usage......................................................................................... 3-4 Grounding ......................................................................................................... 3-4 AddressSelectionJumpers............................................................................... 3-6 Fusing andPolarity Reversal............. ............................................................... 3-6 5BOl and 5B02 BackplaneSpecifications............................................................... 3-6 5B03 and 5BO4Backplanes...................................................................................... 3-7 5BO3and 5BO4BackplaneSpecifications............................................................... 3-7 Power Requirements................................................................................................ 3-8 Field Terminations................................................................................................... 3-9 Installation .............................................................................................................. 3-10 InterfaceAccessories.............................................................................................. 3-11 Chapter 4 - System Design Considerations PhysicalDesignIssues............................................................................................. 4- 1 ProcessSideIssues................................................................................................... 4-3 Field Terminations............................................................................................ 4-3 AC1361 Cold JunctionTemperatureSensor................‘................................... 4-3 Current ConversionResistor............................................................................. 4-4 Protection.......................................................................................................... 4-4 Safety ............................................................................................................ 4-4 Isolation ............................................................................................................ 4-4 10/l/95 iii Table of Contents (cont.) 4-5 SystemSide Issues.................................................................................................. 4-5 Grounding................................................................................................................ 4-5 Using the Input Modules’Output Switch ................................................................ 4-5 Effects of the Output Switch ................................................................................... 4-5 Using the Output Modules’Track-and-Hold........................................................... 4-5 MiscellaneousTopics .............................................................................................. 4-5 AC1360 EvaluationSocket..................................................................................... ........................................................................ .4-6 Two Levels of Isolation protection 4-6 Use with Two Wire Transmitters............................................................................ A-l Appendix A - Accessories.............................................................................................. B-l Appendix B - Drill Template.......................................................................................... C-l ................................................................... Appendix C - 5B02 JumperConfigurations D-l Appendix D - 5B37 TransferFunction........................................................................... IV List of Figures Figure 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Description Page FunctionalBlock Diagramof a GeneralMeasurementat&Control l-l Application Using the 5B Series........................................................................ 2-2 5B SeriesModule Outline andPin Designations.................................................. 2-4 5B30 and 5B31 FunctionalBlock Diagram .......................................................... 5B32 FunctionalBlock Diagram........................................................................... 2-6 2-8 5B34 FunctionalBlock Diagram........................................................................... 2-10 5B37 FunctionalBlock Diagram......................................................................... 2-12 5B38 FunctionalBlock Diagram......................................................................... 2-14 5B39 FunctionalBlock Diagram......................................................................... 2-16 5B40 and 5B41 FunctionalBlock Diagram ........................................................ 2-18 ................................. 5B45 and 5B46 FunctionalBlock Diagram ....................... 5B47 FunctionalBlock Diagram................................................................. ..- .... 2-20 2-22 AC 1367.FunctionalBlock Diagram.................................................................... 3-l 5BOl Diagram ....................................................................................................... 5BOl Schematic..................................................................................................... 3-2 5BOl SystemConnectorPinout............................................................................. 3-3 5BO2Diagram ....................................................................................................... 3-4 3-5 5BO2SystemConnectorPinout............................................................................. 3-4 5BO2Schematic..................................................................................................... 3-6 AddressSelectionPins - Default Jumpers............................................................. 5B03 Wiring Diagram ........................................................................................... 3-7 5BO4Wiring Diagram ........................................................................................... 3-7 3-8 Power Connection................................................................................................. 3-9 .;........................................ Input Field Connections.............................................. 3-9 5BOl and 5B02 BackplaneMounting Dimensions............................................... 3-9 AC 1363Rack Mount Diagram.............................................................................. 3-10 Rack Mount AssemblyDrawing ......................................................................... 3-10 AC1324 Diagram................................................................................................. 4-2 5B SeriesModule Outline andPin Designations.................................................. 4- 1 5BOl BackplaneChannel...................................................................................... 4-3 AC1361 Connection.............................................................................................. 4-3 AC1361 Outline..................................................................................................... 4-4 AC1361 Test Circuit .............................................................................................. 4-4 AC 1362Outline..................................................................................................... 4-5 AC1360.................................................................................................................. 4-6 Double IsolationProtection................................................................................... 4-7 CurrentLoop Input from Loop-PoweredTransmitter(2-Wire) ............................ CurrentLoop Input from Locally-PoweredSource(or 3/4 wire Transmitter)...... 4-7 List of Tables Table 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 10/l/95 Description Page l-2 Available 5B SeriesModules ................................................................................ 2-3 5B SeriesInput Modules ....................................................................................... 3-6 AddressSelectionJumpers.................................................................................... 3-8 Module PowerRequirements................................................................................ 4-3 AC1361 Electrical Specifications.......................................................................... V June, 98 iI5B Series New Product Inforrbation Data Sheets for the following New 5B Series1products are attached: 5l)O8/5BOS-MUX S-ahanne Backplanes 5B35 4-WifeI RTD input modMe 5B36 PotentiomQterIResistor input module .5B42 4-to-20 mA PirocessCurrent input module Visit our new ANALOG DEiVICES 10s Website @ htW/ for... l The Latest Data Sheets ~ l Technical Support (i&ldding answers to Frequently Asked Questions) l Alternate Source Produdt Cross Reference l Sales Offices - Addresse$PhonelFax l New 3-Year Warranty Statement l and More!!! ANALOG DEVICES I 5BSeries 8$hannelBackplanes ! 5B08/5B08=MUX FEATURES 8Channel. Industry Standard 5B Series Compatibility Two Backplane Selections 5B08: Eight :lndependent I/O Channels 5B08MUX: Eight I/O Channels Multiplexed onto One Bus Mix and Match 5B Series I/O Module Capability Thermocouple, RTD, mV, V, Frequency, mA, Strain Gage, Loop-Powered mA, Potentiometer, Slidewire -25°C to +85”C Temperature Range 1500 V rms WanKhan and Input/Output Isolation FM Approved Approved for Use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D Locations CE Appioved EMC Directive In Heavy Industrial Applications APPLICATIONS Front-End Data Acquisition Systems Process Control and Monitoring Product Test GENERAL DESCRIPTION Pl/P2 The 5B08 and 5BWMUX backplanesaccept up to eight 5B Seriesinput/output modules, providing direct screw terminal interfacing to sensorsand transducers, as well as a 26-pin connector I/O interface to a measurementand control system (refer to Figures 2 :and 3 for functional block diagrams). Model 5B08 backplane I/O signals are independently available, while Model 5B08-MUX I/O signals are controlled via an on-board multiplexer providing a bus for input signalsand a separatebus for output signals. 5B Seriesmodules can be mixed or matched and may be changed without disturbing field wiring. Each channel has a coldIjunction temperaturesensor(Model AC1361) to accommodatethermocouple modules (5B37 or 5B47). Both backplanesrequire an external +5 V dc regulated power supply. Reversepower supply protection is provided aswell asa replaceable 4-amperefuse!anda power ON greenLED indicator. 5B08 SYSTBM CONNECTORS Signal connections between the 5B08 and the associated measurementand control system are made with two identical 26-pin connectors (Pl and P2), similar to the 16-channel model 5BOl backplane. Referenceto these connectors is electrically identical and may Ibeuseful if a 5B08 is used for both analog input and analog output and the data acquisition systemhas separateinput or output connectors. Figure 1 illustrates the pin assignmentsfor PI and P2. CHO 1 0 0 2 CHB cou 3 0 0 4 CH9 CHl 5 0 0 6 COP CH2 7 0 0 8 CHlO COM 9 0 0 10 CHll CH3 11 0 0 12 COM CH4 13 0 0 14 CH12 COM 15 0 0 16 CH13 CHS 17 0 0 18 corn CH6 19 0 0 20 CH14 COM 21 0 0 22 CH16 CH7 23 0 0 24 COM SENSE 25 0 0 126 NC TOP VIEW Figure 7. S&8 System Connector Pinout REV. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices.for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781132%4700 Wbrld Wide Web Site: Fax: 7811326-8703 0 Analog Devices, Inc., 1998 5B08/5B08-MUX-SPECIFICATIONS (typicalQ +25”Cand+5 V deunlessothetwisenoted) Model 5B08 5B08-MUX 3.5" x 10.0" x 3.2" (88.9 mm x 254.0 mm x 8 1.3 mm) * 7 02 (200 g) * 5 * COLD JUICTION TEMPERATURE SENSORS (Provided On Backplane) Accuracy @ +2YC Over t5”C to t45”C 8, Model AC 1361 f0.25'C (kO.75'C max) +0.5"C (iO.O125"C/"C) * * * SYSTEM CONNECTOR 26-Pin Male Mating Amp 746290-6 * ADDRESS SELECTION INPUTS Max Logic “0” Min Logic “ 1” Max Logic “1” N/A N/A N/A to.8 V t2.0 v CHANNELS DIMENSION-WITH 5B SERIES MODULES WEIGHT MOUNTING STANDOFFS POWER SUPPLY Voltage: Operating Voltage: Max Safe Limit-With Current-Without Modules Fuse (Fl) +7.0 v * * +5Vdc+ 5% t6.0 V dc max 13mA 4 Ampere Littelfusee Type 252 004 Modules TEMPERATURE RANGE Rated Performance Storage Relative Humidity * 40 mA * -25°C to +85”C -40°C to +85’C 0 to 95% @ +60°C Noncondensing * * * *Specifications sameas Model 5B08. Specitications subject to changewithout notice. ADDRESS OEOODERS -- -EL 0 CMNNEL 1 Figure 2. 5808 Functional CIIANNEL 7 CHANNEL s CIUMJEI. 0 Figure 3. 5B08-MUX Block Diagram CIWWEL 1 Functional CHINNEL I ClUN4EL s Block Diagram All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. -2- REV. A The I/O connectors provide a signal path for each channel and, in addition, a number of grounding pins are available to provide interchannel shield conductorsin the ribbon cable. In somecases, discussedbelow, the ground conductors will not provide an accuratesignal reference,so a SENSE pin is also provided in the connectors. Several jumper and component options on the 5BO8 provide optimum ground connections for various applications. Table II shows the chsnnel assignments when Jumpers Jl-J7 .r are used. Additional configuration flexibility is provided when the output jumper selections (J8-Jl5) are combined with the inter-channel jumper:selections(Jl-J7). Table III provides the resulting signal assignmentsfor each of the various jumper selections. Table II. 5B08 Interchannel SBOSOUTPUT CHANNEL To configure Model 5B08 I/O for different system needs, onboard jumpers are provided. A family of eight 3-pin jumpers, J8 through J15, allows the user to assign the 5B08 I/O to either the upper eight L/O pins (CHO, CHI, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7) or to the lower eight I/O pins (CH8, CH9, CHlO, CH11, CH12, CHl3, CHl4, CHl5). This capability allows two 8-channel 5B08 backplanes to be used in a 16-channel configuration, with all I/O assignedto the 16 unique I/O pins, CHO-CHIS. Table I illustrates the channel assignmentsfor each of the eight jumpers, J8 through Jl5. Jl Channel 0 Vou~ to Channel 1 Vow to Channel 2 Vow to Channel 3 Vow to Channel 4 Vow to Channel 5 Vom to Channel 6 V0t.n to -3- Channel 1 V, Channel 2 Vn, Channel 3 VG Channel 4 VI, Channel 5 V, Channel 6 VW Channel 7 V, Using Output and Jumper Closed Ou$ut (a Jumper SF J1 J8 LO J8 HI JS LO J8 HI J9 LO J9 LO J9 HI J9 HI Channel 0 to Channel 1 J2 J9 LO J9 HI J9 LO J9 HI JlO LO JlOLO JlO HI JlO HI 1 to 2 Channel 1 9 to 2 to Channel 2% 1 to 10 9to 10 .J3 JlO LO JlO HI JlO LO JlO HI Jll Jll Jll Jll LO LO HI HI Channel 2 to Channel 3 2 to 3 lOto 2to 11 lOto 11 J4 Jll Jll Jll Jll LO HI LO HI J12 LO J12 LO J12 HI J12 HI Channel 3 to Channel 4 3 to 4 11 to4 3 to 12 11 to 12 J5 J12 LO J12 HI J12 LO J12 HI J13 LO J13LO J13 HI i Jl3HI Channel 4 to Channel 5 4 to 5 12to5 4to 13 12 to 13 J6 J13 HI J13 LO J13 HI J13 LO Channel 5 to Channel 6 5 to 6 13to 6 5to 14 13 to 14 J7 J14 HI J14 LO J14 HI J14 LO - JUMPERS The 5B08 offers ithe user the ability to easily connect the voltage output of any 5B Series input module directly to the voltage input of an adjacent output module (e.g., Model 5B39) by placing a jumper over two pins (Jl, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6 or J7). This feature can be used to provide an isolated current output from an isolated input module. This results in both isolated voltage and isolated current outputs from a single sensor input signal. A kit of ten jumpers is available as Model AC1344. REV. A ~conuects Table III. 5B08 C mnel Assignments Interchannel Jum PC!lS 15 HI jumper J2 Table I. SBOSOutput Channel Assignments SBOSINTERCHANNEL Jumpers SELECTION Connects V/I Channels Connects J14 LO J14LO J14 HI J14HI 1 I J15 LO J15 LO JIS HI J15 HI 0 to 1 8 to 1 0 to 9 8 to 9 1 Channel 6 to Channel 7 6 to 7 14to 7 6to 15 14 to 15 5B08 GROUND JUMPERS Pl Model 5B08 is supplied with three grounding jumpers: WI, W3 and W4. These three jumpers are installed at the factory, but can be changedto accommodateuser system configuration needs. Jumper Wl connects the El and P2 shield pins (Pins 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,2 1 and 24) to the 5B08 I/O common (backplanemeasurement ground). This will usually be the primary ground connection.between the 5B08 backplane and the measurementsystem. This connection is required ifoutput modules are used on the 5BO8. It is also required if there is no high impedance senseinput (input LO of a differential or pseudo-differential system) availableon the measurement system. Jumper W3 connects the senseinput, if available on Pin 25, to the 5B08 I/O common, so it can be read directly. W3 can be left in place at all times. Jumper W4 connects the 5B08 I/O common to the +5 V power common. A connection between power common and I/O common is important for the 5B Series modules to function properly; however, if this connection is made elsewherein your system (the best place is usually near the A/D or D/A converters),‘W4 should be cut since a ground loop could result. hEAD UOCOY l- 0 2 UOCOM 0 0 4 SNSLO 0 0 6 UOCOM BIT2 1 LSB 7 0 0 BIT3 9 0 0 10 BIT4 BITS 11 0 0 12 MSB LSB 13 0 0 BIT3 15 0 0 16 BIT4 BITS 17 0 0 18 14 MS6 Brr2 READ WB (0) 19 0 0 20 WRmE ENB (0) NC 21 0 0 22 RESERVW NC 23 0 0 24 NC 25 0 0 26 DCOM READ (INPUT) ADDRESS 1 WRITE (OuTPllT) ADDRESS DCOM 1 TOP VIEW VRUD IS THE ANALOG INFORMATION IS THE ANALOG OUTPUT OF INPUT MODULES INPUT OF OUTPUT MODULES NC i NO CONNECT See the “5B08/5B08-MUX” sections of this data sheetfor additional information on Model 5B08. Figure 4. 5B08-MUX System Connector Pinout SBOS-MUX GROUND JUMPERS SBOS-MUX DESCRIPTION Model 5B08-MUX is supplied with three grounding jumpers: W 1, W2 and W4. These three jumpers are installed at the factory, but can be changed to accommodate user system configuration needs. The 5B08-MUX incorporates input and output busesthat take advantageof the internal series output switches in the 5B Series input modules as well as the track-and-hold circuit in the output modules. Designers integrating the 5BO8-MUX into a measurement and control system do not need external multiplexers and can use a single digital-to-analog converter to servenumerous output channels;‘Referto Figure 3 for a functional block diagram and Figure 6 for a schematic diagram of model 5B08-1\IUX. Digital outputs from the host data acquisition system are used to addressthe 5B Seriesmodules and designateinputs and outputs. Only one analoginput, one analog output and a number of digital outputs are required to address up to 64 analog input/ output channels using eight 5B08-MUX backplanes. MODEL 5 0 8 Vwm 5B08 ADDITIONAL 1 Jumper Wl connects the El shield pins (Pins 2, 5 and 6) to the 5B08-MUX backplane common (backplane measurement ground). This will usually be the.primary ground connection between the 5B08-MUX backplane and the measurement system. This wnnection is required ifoutput modules are used on the 5BO8-MUX. It is also required if there is no high impedance senseinput (input LO of a differential or pseudo-differential system) available on the measurement system. Jumper W2 connects the senseinput from the measurement system, if available on Pin 4, to the 5B08-MUX backplane common, so it can be read directly. W2 can be left in place at all times. SBOS-MUX SYSTEM CONNECTOR Signal connections between’the 5B08-MUX and the associated measurement or control system are made at PI, a 26-pin connector. The pinout of Pl is shown in Figure 4. Jumper W4 connects the 5BQ8-MUX backplane common to the +5 V power common. A connection between power common and I/O common is important for the 5B Series modules to function properly; however, if this connection is made elsewhere in your system (the best place is usually near the AID or D/A converters), W4 should be cut since a ground loop could result. One signal path is provided for inputs and one for outputs. Input and output modules are independently addressedby two sets of six addresspins and an enable pin. In addition, a number of grounded pins are present in the connector pinout to provide shield conductors in the ribbon cable. In some cases,discussed below, the ground conductors will not provide an accurate signal reference, so a SENSE pin (SNS LO) is also provided in the pinout. Several jumper and component options in the backplane provide optimum ground connections for various circumstances. -4- REV. A 5BO8/5BOS=MUX SBOS-MUX ADDRESS JUMPERS SBOSISBOS-MUX GROUND 5B08-MUX backplane can hold eight 5B Seriesmodules in any combination of inputs or outputs. Address decoderson the backplane determine which module is read (input type) or driven (output type). Separate decoders are provided for inputs and outputs. To permit system expansion, up to eight 5B08-MUX backplanes can be daisy-chained on the system I/O ribbon cable for a total of 64 channels.Jumpers on each backplane (labeled Jl-J9 and JIO-JlS) determine the block of eight addressesassignedto each backplane. Input (read) and output (write) addressing are completely independent; in all cases,JumpersJl-J9 control inputs and JIO-Jl8 control outputs. Independent addressing might be used, for example, to update output modules without interrupting the monitoring of input modules. Table IV. SBOS-MUX Address Jumpers Input Jumper output Jumper Address Raw9 g J12 J11 48-55 56-63 ; :; J13 J14 J15 J16 4047 32-39 24-3 16-231 J8 J9 J17 J18 8-15 SBOS-MUX FACTORY JUMPER o-7 SETTINGS 5B08-MUX backplanes are factory configured with jumpers at positions Jl and JlO. This sets up the 5B08-MUX backplane as a stand-alone 8-channel system. Moving the jumpers to any other position in!the two blocks of jumpers enablesdecoding of the full six addreksbits; the exact position of the jumper determines addressposition for the 5B08-MUX backplane as shown in Table IV. To use multiple SBOS-MUX backplanesin this manner, connect the corresponding I/O connector pins of each backplane in parallel. Model CAB-01 cable is a ribbon cable with three 26-pin connectors designedfor this purpose. SBOS/SB08-MUX FUSING AND POLARITY REVERSAL Since reversing the polarity of the t5 V dc power source could destroy installed modules, the 5B08/5B08-MUX incorporate polarity reversal protection in the form of a shunt diode. A 4-ampere socketedfuse will open by the diode current if the supply is reverseh If the fuse is open, replacement with the proper type (LittelfuseType 252 004) is essential. REV. A STUDS The 5B Series modules meet transient voltage protection standsrd ANSI/IEEE C37.96.1-1989. The 5B Seriesmodules can prevent damage to the connected system even when a very large, fast transient strikes all eight field I/O lines at the sametime. However, proper grounding of the backplane is essentialto ensure full protection since, in such cases,currents on the order of an ampere, with rise times on the order of one microsecond, must be delivered to ground. Both the resistanceand theiinductance of the ground path are critical. In applications where Ihazardsof this magnitude exist, the large (#IO-32) ground stud provided at each end of the 5B08 backplane (at one end of the 5B08-MUX backplane) should be connected to system ground by the shortest practical length of large diameter wire. The surge withstand capability can be tested with not lessthan fifty 2.5 kV bursts per second. A test duration of two secondsis widely accepted. A rise time of 20 kV/l.ts is specified and each module could seea surge current on the order of 1 ampere. When a safety ground is used, the connection of backplane measurementground to system measurement ground via the shield wires in the ribbon cable could result in a ground loop. If the application involves only input modules and a senseinput is used on the measurementsystem, Wl should be cut to prevent a ground loop. 5BOS/SB08-MUX CAUTION W 1 is required if output modules are used or there is no high impedance senseinput on the measurement system. In these cases,the best defenseagainst ground loop errors is to minimize the distance between the backplane and the associatedsystem and to route any large currents carefully to minimize ground differences. SB08/5BOS-MUX INPUT FIELD CONNECTIONS All field sensor and transducer connections to the 5B08 and 5B08-MUX are made’to 4-screw terminal connectors associated with each channel. Figure 7 illustrates the specific field connections for each of the various 5B Series modules. 5B SERIES MODULES The 5B Seriesprovides a selection of over 14 module types, covering sensorssignals such as mV, V, thermocouple, potentiometer, RTD, mA, frequency and strain. Both standard input/ output rangesare available as well as custom ranges. The 5BCustom program diskette, a Windows’-based program, is available from Analog!Devices to. assist the user both in selecting a standard module range and/or verifying if a custom range is available. Additionally, a 5B Series User manual is available to provide detailed specifications on all 5B Series modules and application information in using both modules and backplanes. 5B08/5B08=MUX P2-1 <-, -EXC LO HI +EXC CHANNEL 0 -EXC LO HI +EXC CHANNEL 1 -EXC LO HI cEXC CHANNEL 2 -EXC LO HI &XC CHANNEL 3 CHANNEL 5 CHANNEL 8 -EXC LO HI &XC CHANNEL 7 CHlS PI-22 < SENSE PI-25 ACOY Pl-3 -EXC LO HI &XC CHANNEL 4 ACOY Pl-6 +5vo AWU Pl-9 Fl + NOTES: 1. Ul-lJB ARE CJC TEMPERATURE SENSORS (AC1331). 2 RSl-RS8 ARE OPTIONAL IN RESISTORS FOR CURRENT INPUTS (ACl362). ACOY Pl-12 ACOU Pl-15 AWM PI-13 AWM Pl-21 TB9 \=‘~~; - ACOU PI-24 ~2.26 + Pl-28 + NC I= NC Figure 5. 5BO8 Schematic -6- Diagram REV. A I 5B08/5B08=MUX i B I I~:01ah4 I I i B - I e 1 rco1OM I TI 1 i B - Figure 6. 5B08-MUX REV. A Schematic Diagram --- 2._“^ 4mA-2mA HALF &GE STRAW GAGE 2-WIRE FOTENllOYEER +&xc ------4-IRTD MODEL 5834 SWIRE SLIDEWIRE MODEL 5836 TM..-. MODEL 5836 MODEL 5642 I I S” RID MODEL 5835 Figure 7. Field Input Connections OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Dimensions shown in inches and (mm). 5808 -8- REV. A q ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Accepts a Variety of RTD Types 100 Q Platinum, 10 n Copper, 120 a Nickel Linearizes RTD Signal 1500 V rms Input/Output and Input/Power Isolation 250 V rms Output/Power Isolation 240 V rms Field Wiring Protection 4-Wire Lead Resistance Compensation 190 dB CMRR 116dBNMR@60Hz,108dB@50Hz Low Drift: Input Offset *O.Ol”C/‘C Gain 230 ppm/“C Low Output Noise: 0.3 mV p-p @ 100 kHz BW 6mVp-p@5MHzBW Low Power Consumption: +5 V dc @ 15 mA ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989 Transient Protection CSA, FM and CE Approvals GENERAL DESCRIPTION Model 5B35 converts the input from a wide variety of RTD types to a linearized, high accuracy output of 0 V to +5 V. The module provides transformer isolation, RTD excitation, RTD lead-resistancecompensation, signal filtering and input protection against line voltage connection. A series output switch eliminates the need for external multiplexing. The industry standard 5B Se,ies encapsulatedplug-in modular packageis compatible with all 5B backplanes.Modules are powered by +5 V dc. +5%. Signal isolation is provided by transformer coupling using a proprietary technique for linear, stable performance. A demodulator on the output side of the signal transformer recoversthe input signal, which is filtered and buffered to provide an accurate, low impedance, low noise output. True three-port isolation includes common-mode voltage of: 1500 V rms between input and output, and between input and power; 250 V rms between output and power. Linearized 4-WireRTD InputModule 1 MODEL 5B35 1 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM bu-r E&A READ EN (0) +5v z I I NC I NO CONNECT The four-wire configuration of the 5B35 supplies the RTD excitation current through two leads that are not the signal input leads. Becausethere is no excitation current in the signal input leads, the lead lengthsor resistanceshave no effect on the RTD measurement. An optimized five-pole Butterworth filter (with 4 Hz bandwidth) provides 116 dB of normal-mode rejection at 60 Hz and 108 dB at 50 Hz. Output noise is an exceptionally low 0.3 mV p-p at 100 kHz bandwidth and 6 mV p-p at 5 MHz bandwidth. The input circuit is protected against accidental application of voltages, such as an ac power line, up to 240 V rms continuous. A seriesoutput switch is included to eliminate the need for external multiplexing in many applications. This switch has a low output resistanceand is controlled by an active-low enable input. When the output switch is not used, ground the .enable input to I/O common to turn on the switch. The modules provide RTD excitation from a precision current source. A low drift, chopper stabilized, differential amplifier design allows for the use of very low RTD excitation currents to minimize accuracy lossesfrom self-heating of the RTD. The low input offset drift of +O.Ol”C/“C and gain drift of +30 ppmPC assure that accuracy is maintained over a wide operating temperature range. REV. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062.9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781~329-4700 World Wide Web Site: Fax: 7811326-8703 @ Analog Devices, Inc., 1997 MODEL 5B35-SPECIFICATIONS (typical@+250CandVS=+5Vdc) Model INPUT Standard Ranges Custom Range Limits 100 $2Pt 120SZNi IORCU Impedance Normal (Power On) Power Off Overload Normal-Mode Rejection (NMR) Protection Continuous Transient SENSOR EXCITATION CURRENT 100 R Pt, 120 R Ni IORCU LEAD RESISTANCE EFFECT 100 Q Pt. 120 R Ni 1oncu’ COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (CMV) Input-to-Output. Continuous Inout-to-Power. Continuous Pdwer-to-output, Continuous’ COMMON-MODE REJECTION (CMR). 50/60 Hz* ACCURACY Initial @ +25”C3 Conformity Error Stability vs. Temperature (-40°C to +85”C) Input Offset Output Offset Cai;l OUTPUT Range Resistance Bandwidth Step ResponseTie (10% to 90% range) Noise Input, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Output, 100 kHz Bandwidth Output. 1 MHz Bandwidth Output, 5 MHz Bandwidth Protection Current Limit Enable Time (C Load = 0 pF to 2000 pF) Enable Control Max Logic *O” Min Logic ” 1” Max Logic ” 1” Input Current “0.” * 1” POWER SUPPLY Voltage, Rated Performance Current Sensitivity (100 R Pt. 120 R Ni. 10 Q Cu) CASE SIZE, Maximum WEIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Range, Rated Performance Storage Temperature Relative Humidity RF1 Susceptibility Table I. Standard Model Input/Output Rangea* 5B35 See Table I (See Table II for More Information) -200°C to +850°C -80°C to +320°C -1OO’C to +26O”C >I000 MR 200 kQ 200 kn 116 dB (60 Hz): 108 dB (50 Hz) 240Vrmsmax ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989 0.25 mA 1.0 mA Model Input Range 100 Q Platinum. a = 0.00385: 5B35-01 -100°C to +loo”c (-148°F to +212“F) 5B35-02 0°C to +loo”c (+32’F to +2 12“F) 5B35-03 0°C to +200°c (+32“F to +392”F) 5B35-04 0°C to +600°C (+32OF to + 1112OF) 5B35-05 -100°C to +200°c I (-148OF to +392OF) 10 R Copper, a = 0.004274 Accuracy +0.26OC f0.13”C rO.26OC +0.78”C +0.60°C f0.23’C +o.ooool”c/Q +o.oool”c/Q (+32”F to +248”F) f0.23”C 1500 V rms. max 1500 V rms. max 250 V rms, max 120 Q Nickel, a = 0.00672 190 dB See Table I f0.05% Span +o.ol”c/“c + 20 pVPC +30 ppm of ReadingPC ‘Standard output rangefor all mode!sis 0 V to +5 V. Custom input/output ranges are available, including versions for the 100 f2 Platinum (a = 0.003916) RTD. See Table II. Table II. Custom Model Ordering Guide Order Model: SB35-CUSTOM* lnfonnation OVto+5V 25 i2 4 Hz 100 ms plus Customer Specified Customer specified Inromlation: 0.2 pV rms lC\OFVrms 0.3 mV p-p 1.5 mV p-p 6 mV p-p Continuous Short to Ground f9mA Gpstofl mVofVou* IO R Cu a = 0.004274 120 R Ni a = 0.00672 *For copper (Co) RTD sensor inputs, order 5B35.C-CUSTOM. For nickel (Ni) RTD sensor inputs, order SB35-N-CUSTOM. +0.8 V +2.4 V +lOO v 0.5 pl +5Vdcf5% 15mA +0.2”CN 2.275” x 2.325” x 0.595” (57.8 mm x 59.1 mm x 15.1 mm) 70 grams -4O“C to +85”C -40°C to +85”C 0% to 93% @ +4O“C, Noncondensing CO.5% Span Error @ 400 MHz. 5 W. 3 NOTES ‘1 ACuser’s board layout must separate Power Ground from I/O Common and when the 5B35 output switch is not used. ground the enable input to I/O Common. Power-to-Output CMV is not available when the 5835 is installed on a 5 B Series backplane. %MR for Model 5B35-04 is 180 dB. %cludcs the combined effccu of repeatability. hysteresis and conformity. Specifications subject to change without notice. -2- REV. 0 0 ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES Accepts Potentiometers up to 10,000 0 High Level 0 V to +5 V Output 1500 V rms Input/Output and Input/Power Isolation 250 V rms Output/Power Isolation 240 V rms Field Wiring Protection 170 dB CMRR 116 dB NMR @ 60 Hz, 108 dB @ 50 Hz Low Gain Drift: *30 ppm/% Low Output Noise: 0.3 mV p-p Q 100 kHz BW 6mVp-p@5MHzBW Low Power Consumption: +5 V dc @ 15 mA ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989 Transient Protection CSA, FM and CE Approvals Potentiometer hut Module MODEL 5B36 1 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM -..----. +!a 8 1 PWR COM I NC = NO CONNECT GENERAL DESCRIPTION Model 5B36 converts the input from a variety of potentiometers and variable resistors to a high level output of 0 V to t5 V. The module provides transformer isolation, potentiometer excitation, signal filtering and input protection against line voltage connection. The seriesoutput switch eliminates the need for external multiplexing. The industry standard 5B Series encapsulated plug-in modular packageis compatible with all 5B backplanes. Modules are powered by t5 V dc, f 5%. Signal isolation is provided by transformer coupling using a proprietary technique for linear, stable performance. A demodulator on the output side of the signal transformer recoversthe input signal, which is filtered and buffered to provide an accurate, low impedance, low noise output. at 50 Hz. Output noise is an exceptionally low 0.3 mV p-p at 100 kHz bandwidth and 6 mV p-p at 5 MHz bandwidth. The input circuit is protected against accidental application of voltages, such as an ac power line, up to 240 V rms continuous. A series output switch is included to eliminate the need for external multiplexing in many applications. This switch has a low output resistanceand is controlled by an active-low enable input. When the output switch is not used, ground the enable input to I/O common to turn on the switch. True three-port isolation includes common-mode voltage OE 1500 V rms between input and output, and between input and power; 250 V rms between output and power. The modules provide potentiometer excitation from a precision current source. A low drift, chopper stabilized, differential amplifier design allows for the use of very low excitation currents to minimize accuracy lossesfrom self-heating of the potentiometer. The low gain drift of +30 ppmPC and low offset drift assurethat accuracy is maintained over a wide operating temp.eraturerange. The 5B36 supplies equal excitation currents to three-wire potentiometers to cancel the effects of lead resistance. An optimized five-pole Butterworth filter (with 4 Hz bandwidth) provides 116 dB of normal-mode rejection at 60 Hz and 108 dB REV. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. OneTechnology Way. P.O. Box9106, Norwood;MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 7811329-4700 World Wide Web Site: http:// Fax: 7811326-8703 Q Analog Devices, Inc., 1997 MODEL 5B364PEClFiCATIONS (typical * +2Fc and vs= +5 vdc) Table I. Standard Model Input/Output 5B36 Model INPUT Standard Ranges Custom Range Limits Impedance Normal (Power On) Power Off Overload Normal Mode Rejection (NMR) Protection Continuous Transient SENSOR EXCITATION CURRENT 100 R, 500 f2,1 k(2 Sensors 10 kf2 Sensor LEAD RESISTANCE EFFECT 100 R, 500 !A, 1 kQ Sensors 10 kI.2Sensor COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (CMV) Input-to-Output, Continuous Input-to-Power, Continuous Power-to-Output, Continuous’ COMMON-MODE REJECTION (CMR) 50 I-W60 Hz ACCURACY Initial @ +251C* Stability vs. Temperature (-40°C to +85”C) Input Offset 100 R, 500 R, 1 k!J Sensors 10 M Sensor Output Offset Gain OUTPUT Range Resistance Bandwidth, -3 dB Step Response Tie (10% to 90% Range) Noise Input,O.lHztolOHz Output, 100 kHz Bandwidth Output, 1 MHz Bandwidth Output, 5 MHz Bandwidth Protection Current Limit Enable Time (C Load = 0 pF to 2000 pF) Enable Control Max Logic “0” Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” input Current “0,” “1” POWER SUPPLY Voltage, Rated Performance Current Sensitivity CASE SIZE, Maximum .WEIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Range, Rated Performance Storage Temperature Relative Humidity BFI Susceptibility See Table I SeeTable II ~~ >lOOOMQ 200 kn 200 M 116 dB (60 Hz); 108 dB (50 Hz) 240 V rms max ANSIAEEE C37.90.1-1989 0.25 mA 0.1 mA zko.005 NC2 kO.01 NR 1500 V rms, max 1500 V rms, max 250 V rms, max 170 dB +0.08% Span f0.004 WC co.010 WC t 20 pVPC f 30 ppm of ReadingK OVto+5V 25 Cl 4Hz 100 ms NOTE *Custominput/output nnges are available.See Table II. Table II. Custom Model Ordering Guide Order Model: 5B36-CUSTOM PlusCustomerSpecifiedInformation Input Range Zero Suppression (= Low); spea? Minimum OR Maximum 150R High; spea& Minimum 25 R + Zero Suppression Maximum 10kI2 + ZeroSuppression Outout Ranee Low; fixed ov +5Vmsx High; specsfi Examples: SmallestInour Rangewith No Zero Suppression Specify0 Q to 25 i2 Input Range Smallest Input Range with HighestZeroSuppmssion Specify150R to 175P Input Range LargestInput Rangewith No Zero Suppression Specify0 R to 10kf2 Input Rsnge LargestInput Rangewith HighestZero Suppression Specify150R to 10.150kQ Input Rauge 0.2 pV rms RTI’ 100 p rms 0.3 mV p-p 1.5 mV p-p 6mVP-p Continuous Short to Ground F9m.A 6psto+l mVofVour +0.8 V +2.4 V +100 v 0.5 p4 +5Vdcf 5% 15mA +2 pVt% RTI’ 2 275” x 2 325” x 0 595” (57.8 mm i 59.1 mm x 15.1 mm) 70 grams -40% to +85”C -40°C to +85”C 0% to 93% @ +4O”C, Noncondensing +0.5% Span Error @ 400 MHz, 5 W, 3 NO-I-J55 ‘The user’s board layout must separate Power Ground from I/O Common and when the 5836 output switch is not used, ground the enable input to I/O Common. Power-to-Output CMV is not available when the 5B36 is installed on a 58 Series backplane. %cludes the combined effects of repeatability, hysreresis and nonlinearity. ‘Referenced to input. Specifications subject to change without notice. -2- REV. 0 I ANALOG DEVICES ProcessCurrent InputModule MOiEL5B42 FEATURES Accepts 4-to-20 mA Process Current input Signal Provides Isolation and Regulated 20 V DC Loop Power for Nonisolated 2-Wire Transmitters +1 V to +5 V or +2 V to +lO V Output 1500 V rms input/Output and Input/Power Isolation 250 V rms Output/Power Isolation 140 dB Common-Mode Rejection 100 Hz Signal Bandwidth Accuracy: 20.05% Linearity: 20.01% 240 V rms Field Wiring Protection Protected Internal Current Sense Resistor ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1.1989 Transient Protection CSA, FM and CE Approvals GENERAL True three-port isolation includes common-mode voltage of: 1500 V rms between input and output, and between input ad power: 250 V rms between output and power. Accurate performance is maintained over a wide -40°C to +85”C operating temperature range. The 5B42’s low drift design achievesan output offset drift of only f5 pVPC and gain drift of +25 ppmPC. The 5B42 offers significant advantages over signal conditioners that require an external current sense resistor. An external resistor is not protected from accidental connection to ac line voltages,and its error tolerancemust be added to the conditioner’s specified errors. The 5B42 is trimmed and specified including its internal 25 Q current-senseinput resistor. The 5B42 signal input, loop supply and the senseresistor are all protected against accidental application of voltages, such as an ac power line, up to 240 V rms continuous. There is no need to install an external resistor on the backplane, but if one is installed, it has no effect on the 5B42 performance. DESCRIPTION Model 5B42 interfaces with 2-wire transmitters to convert their 4-to-20 mA processcurrent signalinto a high accuracyoutput of +I V to +5 V or +2 V to +lO V. The module provides 1500 V isolation with 140 dB CMR, 20 V regulated loop power (at a 4-to-20 mA loop current), signal filtering, and input protection againstaccidental line voltage connection.The industry standard 5B Seriesencapsulatedplug-in modular packageis compatiblewith all 5B backplanes.Modules are poweredby +5 V dc, +5%. Signal isolation is provided by transformercoupling using a proprietary technique for linear, stable performance. A demodulator on the output side of the signal transformer recovers the input signal, which is filtered and buffered to provide an accurate, low impedance, low noise output. FUNCTIONAL The module has a -3 dB bandwidth of 100 Hz. an optimized 5-pole signal filter with low overshoot and exceptional output noiseperformanceof 200 l.tVpeak-to-peakat 100 kHz bandwidth. The 5B42 logic-controlled series output switch eliminates the need for external multiplexing in many applications. This low output resistanceswitch is controlled by an active low enable input. When the output switch is not used, ground the enable input to I/O common to turn on the switch. BLOCK DIAGRAM & 2-WIRE TRANSWITER ---------s--m-----------------+SV PWR COM ISOLATED INPUT SECTION ISOLATED OUTPUT SECTION REV. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. World Wide Web Site: @ Analog Devices, Inc., 1997 Tel: 761/329-4700 Fax: 781/326-6703 MODEL 5B42dPECI FICATIONS (typical @ +2&Z and Vs= +5 V dc) Table I. Standard Model Input/Output Ranges* 5B42 INPUT Standard Ranges Custom Range Limits Input Resistor’ Loop Supply Voltage Normal-Mode Rejection (NMR) -3 dB @ 100 Hz Input/Excitation/Sense Resistor Protection Continuous Transient COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (CMV) Input-to-Output, Continuous Input-to-Power. Continuous Power-to-Output, Continuous* COMMON-MODE REjECTION (CMR) 50 Hz/60 Hz3 ACCURACY Initial @ +25”C’ Nonlinearity Stability vs. Temperature (-40°C to +85X) Input Offset Outout Offset 4 mA to 20 mA (See Table I) 0 mA to 20 mA (SeeTable II) 25 a 20V@4mAto20mA 90 dB Per Decade Above 100 Hz 240 V rms max ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989 1500 V rms. max 1500 V rms. max 250 V rms. max 140 dB +0.05% Span a4 I.IA RTI’ 10.01% Span Model 5B42-01 5B42-02 Input Range 4mAto20mA 4 mA to 20 mA *Custom input/output Table II. Output Range +lVto+5V +2 V to +lO V ranges are available. See Table II. Custom Model Ordering Guide Order Model: 5B42-CUSTOM plus Customer Spe:cil?ed Information Customer Specified Informat ion: m *There is no loop power supplied by the 5B42 at 0 mA input. kO.5 ~VPC +5 pwc +25 ppm of ReadingPC OUTPUT Range (See Tables I and II) 5842-O 1 5B42-02 Resistance Bandwidth, -3 dB Stzcesponse Time (90% Span) Input, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Output, 100 kHz Protection Current Limit Enable Tie (C Load = 0 pF to 2000 pF) Enable Control Max Logic ‘0” MinLogic ‘1” MaxLogic ‘1” Input Current ‘0,” ” 1” POWER SUPPLY Voltage, Rated Performance Current @ Transmiter Load of 20 mA @ Transmitter Load of 4 mA Sensitivity CASE SIZE, Maximum +lVto+SV +2Vto+lOV 25 Ci 100 Hz 4ms 1onArms 200 pV pk-pk Continuous Short to%round 520 mA +0.8 V +2.4 V +36 V 0.5 pA +5Vdcf5% 200 n-IA lOOmA c 1 p’.‘/% RTI’ 2.275” x 2.325” x 0.595” (57.8 mm x 59.1 mm x 15.1 mm) 70 grams WEIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL -40°C tb +85”C Temperature Range, Rated Performance -40°C to +85’C Storage Temperature 0% to 93% @ 140°C. Noncondensing Relative Humidity kO.596 Span Error @ 400 MHz, 5 W. 3 RF1 Susceptibility NOTES ‘A precision25 R current-sense input resistoris internalto the 5B42. ?he user’s board layout must separate Power Ground from I/O Common and when the 5842 output switch is not used. ground the enable input to I/O Common. Power-to-Output CMV is not available when the 5B42 is installed on a SB Series backplane. ?‘he use of shielded cable from the signal source to the 5B42 inputs is recommended to maintain CMR performance. ‘Includesthe combinedeffects of repeatability, hysteresis and nonlinearity. 5Referenced to Input. Specifications subject to change without notice. -2- REV. 0 Chapter 1 Introduction This manualservesasa guide to both designersof systemsusing 5B SeriesModular SignalConditionersand to usersof a 5B SeriesSignal Conditioning Subsystem solution. Module functions and specificationsare describedin Chapter2. The proper configurationand operationof the 5B SeriesSubsystemare discussedin Chapter3, and systemdesignissuesareaddressedin Chapter4. Appendixesare devotedto available accessories,drill templates,andproductnotes. General Descrbtion The 5B Seriesmodulesarelow cost, high performance plug-in signal conditioners.Designedfor industrial applications,thesemodulesincorporatea circuit design utilizing transformer-basedisolation andautomated surfacemount manufacturingtechnology.This allows for long term stability and channelto channelisolation.They are compact,economicalcomponentswhoseperformance exceedsthat availablefrom more expensivedevices. Combining 1500Vrms continuousCMV isolation, f0.05% calibratedaccuracy,small size andlow cost,the 5B Seriesis an attractivealternativeto expensivesignal conditionersand in-housedesigns. All modulesare hardpotted and identical in pinout and size (2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60”). They canbe mixed and matchedon onebackplane,permitting usersto address their exactneeds,and may be changedwithout disturbing field wiring. The isolatedinput modulesprovide 0 to +5 V or -5 V to +5 V outputs(dependingon model type) and acceptJ, K, T, E, R, S, N, and B thermocouples; 100Q platinum, 10 Q copperand 120Q nickel RTDs; straingages;mV, V, 4-20 mA or O-20mA, frequency(0 to 250 kHz), and wide bandwidth(10 kHz) mV andV signals. Thesemodulesfeaturecompletesignal conditioning functionsincluding 240 Vrms input protection, filtering, chopperstabilizedlow drift (+l clv/oC), amplification, 1500Vrms isolation, linearizationfor RTD and thermocoupleinputs,and sensorexcitation when required. The output moduleconvertsa 0 to +5 V or *5 V input to an isolated4-20 mA or O-20mA process currentsignal. All modulesfeatureexcellentcommon moderejectionand meetIEEE-STD 472 (SWC).These modulesincorporatea lasertrimmed resistornetwork, obviating the needfor potentiometeradjustmentsand constantcalibration. The 5B Seriesprovidessystemdesignerswith an easyto usesolution for analogI/O in a minimum of board space. The modules’ standardpinout and easyinstallation simplify design. Therearealso a numberof backplanes, which provide a completesignal conditioning solution for end users. Eachbackplaneincorporatesscrewterminals for field wiring inputs and outputsand cold junction INPUT MODULES ACCEPT REAL WORLD ANALOG INPUTS AND PROVIDE ISOLATED HIGH LEVEL ANALOG OUTPUTS mV, V, THERMOCOUPLE, RTD, STRAIN GAGE, 4-ZOmAiO-20mA 0 TO +5Vl+5V * 1 INPUTMODULE 1 I SENSOR OR TRANSMITTER t PROCESS OUTPUT MODULES ACCEPT HIGH LEVEL VOLTAGE INPUTS AND PROVIDE ISOLATED PROCESS CURRENT OUTPUTS t ACTUATOR A 1 OUTPUTMODULE 4-20mA/O-20mA 1 J 0 TO +5Vit5V Figure 1.l. Block Diagram of a General Measurement and Control Application Using the 58 Series 1011195 l-l compensationsensorsfor thermocoupleapplications; 19”relay rack compatiblebackplanesthat can hold up to sixteenmodulesare available,aswell asDIN rail compatibleone and two channelbackplanes. AtmlicationS The 5B Seriesprovidesan easyandconvenientsolution to signal conditioning problemsof both designersandend userswith measurementand control applications. Typical usesinclude mini and microcomputerbased measurement systems,standarddataacquisitionsystems,programmablecontrollers,analogrecorders,and dedicated control systems. Thesemodulesare ideally suitedto applicationswhere monitoring andcontrol of temperature, pressure,flow, and other analogsignalsarerequired. A general5B Seriesmeasurementand control applicationis diagrammedin Figure 1.1. FM and CSA Acmrovals The 5B Seriesmodulesand backplanesareapprovedby Factory Mutual (FM) and 5B Seriesmodulesby the CanadianStandardsAssociation(CSA) for usein ClassI, Division 2, GroupsA, B, C, andD HazardousLocations. Theseapprovalscertify that the 5B Seriesis suitablefor usein locationswherea hazardousconcentrationof flammablegasmay exist underfault conditionsof operation.Electrical equipmentof this categoryis classifiedasbeing “Nonincendive.” 58 Series Modules The 5B Seriesincludesa growing family of isolatedinput and output modules. All are identical in size (2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60”) andpinout. The choiceof specific modules dependson the signalsinvolved in a particular application. The transferfunction provided by eachinput moduleis: Input: specifiedsensormeasurementrange Output: Oto+5Vor-5Vto+5V The transferfunction provided by eachoutput moduleis: Input: Oto+5Vor-5Vto+5V Output: 4-20 mA or O-20mA The availablefunctionsare listed in Table 1.1. Many standardconfigurationsof eachmoduleareavailableand factory lasertrimmed customunits canbe supplied. Wide zero suppressioncapability allows a userto map any portion of the input signal into the full output span, permitting improvedsystemresolutionwithin a selected measurementrange. Existing, conditionedsignalscanbe connectedinto the 5B Seriesbackplanethroughthe AC 1367Switch Input Module. Table 1.l. Available 58 Series Modules *The 5B34 RTD input moduleprovides3 wire leadresistancecompensationand can be connectedto 2,3, or 4 wire RTDs. 1-2 1011I95 Chapter 2 Modul6 Specifications Features . Compact, Low Cost Signal Conditioners Analog Input Modules for Direct Interface to Sensors: Thermocouples, RTDs, and Strain Gages Millivolt and Voltage Sources Process Current Inputs . Analog Output Module 4-20 mA or O-20mA Process Current Output . Complete Signal Condltlonlng Function 240 Vrms Field Wiring Protection, Filtering, Amplification, 1500 Vrms CMV Isolation, High Noise Rejection, RFI/EMI Immunity, and Wide Range Zero Suppression High Accuracy: f0.05% . Low Drift: +1 pW°C . -25°C to +85X Rated Temperature Range Mix and Match Module Capablllty . No Potentlometer Adjustments . Custom Ranges Available l l l Evaluation and Test A singlechannelsocket,AC1360, is availablefor module evaluation. It is discussedin Chapter4. Module Description The 5B Seriesmoduleswere &signed for harshindustrial environments,with moduleshardpottedfor durability. They incorporatea circuit designutilizing transformer basedisolation and automatedsurfacemount manufacturing technology,which yields devicesthat aresmall, lowcost, and highly reliable. All modulesoperatefrom a single +5 V supply. Protection All field wired terminations,including sensorinputs, excitationcircuitry, andcurrentoutputs,are protected againstthe inadvertentapplicationof 240 Vrms line voltage. The 5B Seriesmoduleshavealso beendesigned to meetthe IEEE standardfor transientvoltageprotection (IEEE-STD472 (SWC)). Performance Physical Characteristics The 5B Seriesprovidesexcellentsignal conditioning performance.Eachunit is lasertrimmed for high calibratedaccuracy. Typical calibratedaccuracyis comprised of +0.05% spanf10 l.rV RTI +0.05 Vz (Vz the input voltage that resultsin a 0 V output). Refer to the specific moduledatapagefor more detailedinformation. Chopper-stabilizedamplification provideslow drift and outstandinglong term stability without the needfor potentiometeradjustments. 1500Vrms transformer isolation for the signal and power sectionseliminates ground loops, guardsagainsttransients,preventscommon mode voltageproblems,and ensureschannelto channel isolation. 160dB commonmoderejection,90 dB normal moderejection,andRFI/BMI immunity maintainsignal integrity. All 5B Seriesmodulesare identical in pinout and size (Figure 2.1), andthey can thereforebe mixed and matchedon a backplane,permitting usersto addresstheir exactneeds.The modulesare hard potted, typically weigh 2.25 ounces(64 grams),and havesturdy40 mil gold platedpins. The modulecasesare madefrom a thermoplastic resin, which hasa fire retardentrating of 94 V-O and is designedfor usefrom -55°C to +85”C. The modulesare securedin the backplaneby meansof a taperedscrewalso servingas a guide for insertion. For readyidentification, the isolatedinput modulesare labeledwith white lettering on a black background,the isolatedoutput modulesare labeledwith white letterson a red background,and the nonisolatedswitch inputs are labeledwith black lettering on a white background. 2-1 0.150 (3.8) . t 0.375 t9.q 0.525 (12.+ 2.250 (57.2) 0.275t8.7) 3mm SCREW .25( i7.2 (TOP) PIN DESIGNATIONS NRITE EN (0) RESERVED 23 I 22 21 I/OCOM 19 +5v 17 INLO 5 -Exe SENSOR - READEN(0) 20 vow 19 VIN 16 POWERCOM 6 INHI 4 + EXC 2 SENSOR + 3 1 Figure 2.1. 58 Series Module Outline and Pin Designations (dimensions in inches and (mm)) 2-2 12/l/91 Input Modules Variety of Signal Source inputs Sensors: Thermocouples, RTDs, Tachometers, Flow Meters, and Strain Gages Millivolt and Voltage Sources 4-20 mA or O-20mA Process Current inputs Mix and Match input Capability High Level Voltage Output: -5Vto+SVorOto+5V High Accuracy: 33.05% Low Drift: fl c1\IIoC Reliable Transformer Isolation: 1500 Vrms CMV, 160 dB CMR, Meets IEEESTD 472: Transient Protection (SWC) input Protection: 240 Vrms Continuous Factory Ranged and Trimmed, Custom Ranges Available The 5B Seriesinput modulesare galvanically isolated, single channel,plug-in signal conditionersthat provide input protection,amplification and filtering, and a high level, series-switchedanalogoutput, which can eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexers.Key specifications include: 1500Vrms isolation, calibratedaccuracyof ti.O5%, *0.02% spannonlinearity, and low drift of +1 l.tV/OC. 5B Seriesinput modules,listed in Table 2.1, are selected to meetthe requirementsof eachapplication.The transfer function provided by eachmoduleis: Input: specifiedsensormeasurementrange Output: 0 to+5Vor-5Vto+5V Input modulesareavailableto acceptmillivolt, volt, processcurrent,thermocouple,RTD, and straingage inputs. Each moduleis availablein a numberof standard rangesto meetmost applications. Special5B Seriesinput modulerangescanbe orderedfrom the factory. A wide zero suppressioncapability allows any portion of the input signal to be mappedinto the full output span permitting improvedsystemresolutionwithin a selected measurementrange. Outmt Module l . . l l . . High Level Voltage Inputs: Oto+5Vor-5Vto+5V Process Current Output: 4-20 mA or O-20mA High Accuracy: &0.05% Reliable Transformer isolation: 1500 Vrms CMV, CMR=90 dB Meets IEEE-STD472: Transient Protection (SWC) Output Protection: 240 Vrms continuous internal Track and Hold Amplifier The 5B39 currentoutput moduleacceptsa high level analogsignalat its input andprovidesa galvanically isolated4-20 mA or O-20mA processcurrentsignal at its output.The modulefeatureshigh accuracyof &0.05%, ti.O2% nonlinearity,and 1500Vrms commonmode voltageisolation protection. The transferfunction provided by this module is: Input: Oto+5Vor-5Vto+5V Output: 4-20 mA or O-20mA Voltage Switch Input Module Conditionedsignalscanbe brought into the 5B backplane with the AC1367 Voltage Switch Input Module. This is a nonisolated,zero gain module incorporatinga selectable output switch. Table 2.1. 5B Series Input Modules *The 5B34 RTD input module provides 3 wire lead resistance compensation and can be connected to 2.3, or 4 wire RTDs. 10/l/95 2-3 5830 and 5831 Millivolt and Voltage Input Modules The 5B30 millivolt input moduleaccepts+5 to f500 millivolt input signalsand provideseither a -5 V to +5 V or 0 to +5 V output. The 5B31 voltageinput module acceptsM.5 V to +lO V input signalsandprovideseither a-5Vto+5VorOto+5Voutput. Figure 2.2 is a functional block diagramfor the 5B30 and 5B31. A protectioncircuit assuressafeoperationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input screw terminals,and, in the 5B31, the input signal is attenuated by a factor of 20 at this point. A three-polefilter with a 4 Hz cutoff provides60 dB of normal-moderejection and CMR enhancementat 60 Hz. (Onepole of this filter is locatedat the moduleinput, while the other two polesare in the output stagefor optimum noiseperformance.)A chopper-stabilizedinput amplifier providesall of the module’sgain andassureslow drift. This amplifier operateson the input signal after subtractionof a stable, laser-trimmedvoltage,which setsthe zero-scaleinput value. It is, therefore,possibleto suppressa zero-scale input that is many times the total spanto provide precise expandedscalemeasurements. 5830 and 5831 Ordering information Input Range Output Range -10 mV to +lO mV -5vto+5v -50 mV to +50 mV -5Vto+5V -100 mV to +lOOmV -5vto+5v -10 mV to +lO mV oto+5v -5OmVto+50mV 1 Oto+5V -100 mV to +lOOmV oto+5v -lVto+lV -5vto+5v -5vto+5v -5vto+5v -10 v to +lO v -5vto+5v -lVto+lV oto+5v -5vto+5v oto+5v -10 v to +lO v oto+5v Model 5B30-01 5B30-02 5B30-03 5B30-04 1 5B30-05 5B30-06 5B31-01 5B31-02 5B31-03 5B31-04 5B31-05 5B31-06 ‘INTERNALLYCOMMITTED. RESERVEDFORCJCSENSORCONNECTION. 4 Figure 2.2. 5830 and 5B31 Functional Block Diagram Signal isolation is provided by transformercoupling, using a proprietarymodulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance.A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is thenfiltered andbuffered to provide a clean,lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is included to eliminatethe needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlledby an active-low enableinput. In cases wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. The single+5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drivespower transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsasa third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within -13V of power common. Note: A currentpath must exist betweenpower commonand output commonfor properoperationof the demodulator andoutput switch. SeeChapter4 for details. NOTE: The -04, -05, and -06 rangesof models5B30 and 5B31 map bipolar input rangesinto unipolar output ranges; 0 mapsto +2.5 V. 2-4 12/l/91 5830 and 5831 Specifications (typical @ 250C and +5 V Power) 5830 rnput span Limits OutputRanges Accuracy1 Nonlinearity Stability vs. Ambient Temperature Input Gffset output offset Gain fnputBias Current htput Resistance Normal PowerOff OVdOad k5mVtofoSV -5vto+5voroto+5v M.O5%span f10R.V RTI kOo.05% (Vzj) kO.O2% span 5831 ZtO.5vtoi1ov * span fo.2 mV RTI kOki5%(Vzt) * fo.O5% fl p.v/oc so pvpc f25 ppm of readi@C f3nA fo.2 nA 5MR 4om 4okQ 65Okf2 65OkS2 65OkR 0.2 pkrns RTI 200 t~VrmsRTO 2 ~Vrms RTI 320 pvpc * SO ppm of reading/YZ Noise Input, 0.1-10 Hz outpllf loo kHz Bandwidth,-3 dB Rise Tie, 10%to 90% Span CMV, Input to Output Continuous Transient CMR (50 or 60 Hz) 1 kR in Either or Both Input Leads NMR (50 or 60 Hz) InputProtection Continuous Transient DutputResistance2 VoltageOutput Protection ZhrtputSelectionTime (C, = 0 to 2,000pF) 3utput SelectionInput Max Logic “0’ Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current“0” Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Sensitivity Power Consumption Size 4Hz * * 0.2 s * 1500Vrms max meetsIEEE-STD 472 (SWC) * * 160dB (all ranges) 60dB * 240 Vrms max continuous meetsIEEE-STD 472 (SWC) * * 50R * ContinuousShort to Ground 6 p-s * * +l v * * * +2.5 V +36 V 0.4 mA +5V*S% * * zt2pV/Vs% (RTI) 150mW (30 mA) M.4 mV/Vs% (RTI) * * 2.25"x2.25"x0.60" (52mmx52mmx Environmental TemperatureRange, RatedPerformance. TemperatureRange,Operating TemperatureRange,Storage RelativeHumidity (MIL 202) RFI Susceptibility 160dB (span&2 V) 150dB (span&lo V) 15mm) -25°C to +85‘C * -4oY!to +85T -4OT to +85”C 0 to 95% @ 60°C noncondensing &0.5% spanerror @ 400 MHz, 5 W, 3 * * * * *Specificationssameas5B30. tVz is the nominal input voltage that resultsin a 0 V output. ‘Includesthe combinedeffectsof repeatability,hysteresis.andnonlinearity andassumesvery high load resistance. me outputresistancevalue canbe usedto determinegain error whenthe moduleis driving a resistiveload. Note, however,that loadsheavierthan 20 kR will also degradenonlinearity andgain temperaturecoefficient. Specifications subject to change without notice. 10/l/95 2-5 5832 Current Input Module The 5B32 current input module measuresa 4-20 mA or O-20mA processcurrentinput signal by readingthe voltageacrossa precision20 0 resistor.It providesa 0 to +5 V output signal. Figure 2.3 is a functional block diagramfor the 5B32. Sincethe resistorcannotbe protectedagainstdestruction in the event of an inadvertentconnectionof the power line, it is provided in the form of a separatepluggable resistorcarrier assembly. Ex&a currentconversion resistorsare availableas accessories(model number AC1362 - seeNote 2). A protectioncircuit assuressafe operationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input screwterminals. A three-polefilter with a 4 Hz cutoff provides60 dB of normal-moderejection and CMR enhancementat 60 Hz. (Onepole of this filter is located at the moduleinput, while the other two polesare in the output stagefor optimum noiseperformance.) A chopper-stabilizedinput amplifier providesall of the module’sgain and assureslow drift. This amplifier operateson the input signal after subtractionof a stable, lasertrimmed voltage,which setsthe zero-scaleinput value for the 4-20 mA range. The lasertrim pmcesscan also be usedto customizeunits to meetspecialrequirements. Signal isolation is provided by transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance. A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is thenfiltered andbuffered to provide a clean,lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlled by an active-low enableinput. In cases wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. l INTERNALLVCOMM~D.REsERVEDFORUCSENM)RCONNECTION. - Figure 2.3. 5832 Functional Block Diagram The single+5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drivespower transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsasa third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within +_3V of power common. Notes: (1) A currentpath mustexist betweenpower common and output commonfor proper operationof the demodulatorand output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. (2) The AC1362 is a 20 Q, 0.1% (typical), l/4 watt, 20 ppm/“C resistorwhich is fully encapsulated.The resistortolerancewill directly affect the performance of the dataacquisitionsystemand shouldbe included in the worst caseanalysisof the system.The AC1362 is shippedwith the 5B32 module.Sparesmay be orderedaspart numberAC1362. 5832 Ordering information dl 2-6 12/l/91 5832 Specifications (typical @ 250Cand +SV power) InputRanges OutputRange Accuracy’ InputResistog Value Accuracy Nonlinearity Stabilityvs. AmbientTemperature ModuleOffset ModuleGain Stabilityof SuppliedInputResistor Noise Inpuf 0.1-10Hz output,100kHz Bandwidth,-3 dB RiseTime,10%to 90%Span CMV, Inputto Output Continuous Transient CMR(50or 60Hz) 1kG in Eitheror BothInputLeads NMR (50or 60Hz) InputProtection Continuous Transient OutputRe&tanoe3 VoltageOutputProtection GutputSelectionTie (C, = 0 to 2,000pF) OutputSelectionInput Max Logic“0’ Mm Logic“1” Max Logic“1” InputCurrentYY’ PowerSupplyVoltage PowerSupplySensitivity PowerConsumption Size Environmental Temperature Range,RatedPerformance Temperature Range,Operating Temperature Range,Storage RelativeHumidity(MIL 202) RFI Susceptibility Oto20mA,4to20mA oto+sv M.05%spanfo.O5%(Iz?) 20.00n fO.l% fo.O2%span ~o.oo25%/“cof 1zt st0.0025%/°C of re.ading/YJ kO.OO1%pc 1OnArmsRTI 200~VrrnsRTO 4Hz 0.2s 1500Vrmsmax meetsIEEE-STD472(SWC) 160dB (all ranges) 60dB 240Vrmsmaxcontinuous meetsIEEE-STD472(SWC) 50R Continuous Shortto Ground 6 ps +l v +2.5V +36V 0.4mA +5 v f5% f2 nV/Vs%(RTI) 150mW(30mA) 2.25”x 2.25”x 0.60” (52mmx52mmx15mm) -25“C to +85”C 40°C to +85OC 4o”c to +85”C 0 to 95%@ 60°Cnoncondensing M.5% spanerror@ 400MHz, 5W,3 i +Iz is the nominal valueof input currentwhich resultsin an output of 0 V. ‘Includes the combinedeffectsof repeatability,hysteresis,andnonlinearity and assumes very high load resistance.Doesnot include input resistorerror. 2Thecurrent-to-voltageconversionresistor(AC1362) is suppliedas a plug-in component for mounting externalto the module. Yrheoutput resistancevaluecanhe usedto determinegain error when the moduleis driving a resistiveload. Note, however,that loadsheavierthan20 k0 will alsodegrade nonlinearity andgain temperaturecoefficient. Specificationssubjectto changewithout notice. 10/l/95 2-7 5B34 RTD Input Module The 5B34 RTD input moduleacceptsa wide variety of RTD typesas inputs andprovidesa linearizedoutput of 0 to +5 v. Figure 2.4 is a functional block diagramof the 5B34. Excitation for the RTD is provided by a current source, with an identical current takenthroughthe third RTD lead in sucha way as to cancelthe effectsof (equal)lead resistances.The secondcurrentalso flows in Rz, which is laser-trimmedto the value of the RTD at the temperature that is to result in a moduleoutput of zero volts. Thus the input seenby the differential amplifier will be zeroat that scalepoint. Sinceboth current sourcesareconnectedto input screw terminals,they areprotectedagainstaccidentalapplicationof voltagesup to 240 Vrms. A pair of protectionnetworks servesthe samefunction for the amplifier, and input filtering is provided at the same points. The differential amplifier is a chopper-stabilizeddesign featuringexceptionallylow drift. This makespossiblethe useof very low RTD excitation currentsto minimize selfheatingwithout incurring any loss of accuracy. A feedbacklinearizer is laser-trimmedalong with the module’s gain andzero settings.The lasertrim process canalso be usedto customizeunits to meetspecial requirements. Signal isolation is provided by transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance. A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is thenfiltered andbuffered to provide a clean,lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many Figure 2.4. 5834 Functional Block Diagram applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlledby an active-low enableinput. In cases wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. The single +5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drivespower transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsas a third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within f3 V of power common. Note: A currentpath must exist betweenpower commonand output commonfor properoperationof the demodulator and output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. 5834 Ordering Information Input Range Output Range Model 100 Q Pt, a q 0.00385* -100°C to +lOO”C (-148’F to +212”F) 0 to +lOO°C(+32’F to 212%‘) 0 to +2OO”C(+32’F to 392°F) 0 to +6OO”C(+32”F to 1112’F) oto+5v oto+5v oto+5v oto+5v 5B34-01 5B34-02 5B34-03 5B34-04 1OQCu 0 to + 120°C(10 Sz@ O’C) (+32”F to +248”F) 0 to + 12O’C(10 &2@ 25°C) (+32”F to +248”F) oto+5v oto+5v 5B34-C-01 5B34-C-02 120 CI Ni 0 to +3OO”C(+32’F to +572’F) oto+5v 5B34-N-01 *The “-CUSTOM” versionof the 5B34,lOO Q Platinummay be orderedwith an alpha of 0.00397. 2-8 12/l/91 5834 Specifications (typical @ 25% and +5 V Power) klput span Limits 3utput Range Accuracy’ Conformity Erro? Stability vs. Ambient Temperature Input offset Output Offset Gain hrput Bias Current hrput Resistance Normal Power Off overload Noise Input, 0.1-10 Hz OutpUf 100 kHz Bandwidth, -3 dB Rise Time, 10% to 90% Span CMV, Input to Output Continuous Transient CMR (50 or 60 Hz) 1 kQ in Either or Both Input Leads NMR (50 or 60 Hz) Sensor Excitation Current 100 a Pt, 120 R Ni 1OQCu Lead Resistance Effect 100 R Pt, 120 R Ni 10RCu Input Protection Continuous Output Resistance3 Voltage Output Protection Output Selection Time (C, = o to 2,000 pF) Output Selection Input Max Logic “0” Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current “0” Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Sensitivity lOORPt, 120RNi 1ORCu Power Consumption Size Environmental Temperature Range, Rated Performance Temperature Range, @crating Temperature Range, Storage Relative Humidity (MIL 202) 10/l/95 2Yc to 1070°c (100 n Pt) oto+sv fo.O5% span rko.04 R* f0.05% (Rzj) fo.OS% span zto.02°c/oc lt20 pvpc f50 ppm of readingPC f3 nA 5MQ 4okQ 4om 0.2 ~Vrms RTI 200 ~.tVrmsRTO .4 Hz 0.2 s 1500 Vrms max meets IEEE-STD 472 (SWC) 160 dB (all ranges) 60 dB 0.25 mA l.OmA *o.o2T/n ~o.2°cln 240 rms max continuous 50n Continuous Short to Ground 6~s +l v +2.5 V +36 V 0.4 mA +5 v &5% 0.05”CN O.S’CJV 150 mW (30 mA) 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” (52mmx52mmx15mm) -25“C to +85Y 40°C to +85”C 40°C to +85OC 0 to 95% @ 60°C noncondensing *so.025 R for Cu RTD’s kO.1 R for Ni RTD’s. +Rz is the value of the RTD resistance at the lowest point of the measurement range. ‘Includes the combined effects of repeatability, hysteresis, and linearity and assumes very high load resistance. Does not include sensor or signal source error. ZFor Pt RTDs only; other types may vary. 3The output resistance value can be used to determine gain error when the module is driving a resistive load. Note, however, that loads heavier than 20 kC?will also degrade nonlinearity and gain temperature coefficient. Specifications subject to change without notice. 5837 Thermocouple Input Module The 5B37 thermocouple-inputmoduleacceptsinput signalsfrom typesJ, K, T, E, R, S, and B thermocouples andprovides a 0 to +5 V output. Figure 2.5 is a functional block diagramfor the 5B37. Cold junction compensationcircuitry correctsfor the effectsof the parasiticthermocouplesformed by thermocouplewire connectionsto the input screwterminals. The compensator providesan accuracyof *0.5OCover the +5”C to +45”C ambienttemperaturerange. A biascurrent suppliedthroughresistorRot gives a predictableupscale responseto an openthermocouple. (Downscaleopen thermocoupledetectioncanbe providedby installing a 50 MQ resistoracrossscrewterminals 1 and 3. This resistorcould be a 0.25 W carboncomposition:30% toleranceis suitable.) A protectioncircuit assuressafeoperationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input screw terminals. A three-polefilter with a 4 Hz cutoff provides 60 dl3 of normal-moderejection and CMR enhancement at 60 Hz, (One pole of this filter is locatedat the module input, while the other two polesare in the output stagefor optimum noiseperformance.) A chopper-stabilizedinput amplifier providesall of the module’sgain and assures low drift. This amplifier operateson the input signal after subtractionof a stable,laser-trimmedvoltage,which sets the zero-scaleinput value. It is, therefore,possibleto suppressa zero-scaleinput that is many times the total spanto provide preciseexpandedscalemeasurements. Signalisolation is providedby transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance. A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is then filtered and buffered to provide a clean, lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlled by an active-low enableinput. In cases Figure 2.5. 5837 Functional Block Diagram wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, asit is on the 5BOl backplane. The single+5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drivespower transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsasa third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within +3 V of power common. To determinethe output voltageof the 5B37 module, refer to Appendix D. The 5B37 transferfunction is given for eachmodel (e.g.,5B37-N-08). Note: A currentpath mustexist betweenpower commonand output commonfor properoperationof the demodulator and output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. Caution: Whenevaluating5B37 moduleswith a mV source,the cold junction temperaturesensorwill introduceerrors. Seethe AC1360 discussionin Chapter4. 5B37 Ordering Information 1Type N 2-10 0 to +13OO”C(+32OFto +2372”‘F) oto+5v 5B37-N-08 1 1O/l I95 1 5837 Specifications (typical @ 25% and +5 V Power) Input span Limits Output Range Accuracy’ Nonlinearity Stability vs. Ambient Temperature Input offset output offset Gain Input Bias Current Input Resistance Normal Poweroff Overload Noise Input, O.l/lO Hz output, 100kHz Bandwidth,-3 dB RiseTie, 10%to 90% Span CMV, Input to Output Continuous Transient CMR (50 or 60 Hz) 1 kn in Either or Both Input Leads NMR (50 or 60 Hz) Input Protection Continuous Output Resistance* Voltage Output Protection Output SelectionTie (C, = 0 to 2,000pF) Output SelectionInput Max Logic “0’ Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current“0” GpenInput Response GpenInput DetectionTime Cold JunctionCompensation Initial Accuracy@ +25”C3 over +5”C to +45OC PowerSupply Voltage PowerSupply Sensitivity PowerConsumption Size Environmental TemperatureRange,RatedPerformance TemperatureRange,Storage TemperatureRange,Operating RelativeHumidity (MJL 202) RFJ Susceptibility timVtokOSV oto+sv ti.OJ% span flOpV RTJ iO.O5%(Vzt) + CJC Sensor,if applicable kO.O2%span 1 pVPC zt20pvpc ti5 ppm of reading/Y! -25 nA 5MQ 4okG 4okG 0.2 pVrms RTJ 200 pVrms RTO 4Hz 0.2 s 1500Vrms max meetsJEEE-STD472 (SWC) 160dB (all ranges) 60dB 240 Vrms max continuous 50R ContinuousShort to Ground 6 ps +l v +2.5 V +36 V 0.4 mA upscale 10s &0.25”C(M.75“C max) iO.5”C (*o.o125°cPc) +5Vf5% i2 p.V/Vs%(RTJ) 150mW (30 mA) 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” (52 mm x 52 mm x 15 mm) -25°C to +85OC -40°C to +85’C -4O’T to +8S’C 0 to 95% @ 60°Cnoncondensing &0.5%spanerror @ 400 MHz, 5 W, 3’ L TVz is the nominal input voltage that resultsin a 0 V output. ‘Includesthe combinedeffectsof repeatability,hysteresis,andnonlinearity andassumesvery high load resistance. rIhe output resistancevalue canbe usedto determinegain error when the moduleis driving a resistiveload. Note, however,that loads heavierthan 20 kG will also degradenonlinearity andgain temperaturecoefficient. 3Whenusedwith AC1361 CJC sensor(seeChapter4), which is providedon eachchannelof 5B Seriesbackplanesandon the AC1360. Specifcationssubjectto changewithout notice. 10/l/95 2-11 5838 Strain Gage Input Module The 5B38 wide bandwidth strain gageinput module acceptssignalsfrom full bridge andhalf bridge 300 Q to 10 k&2 transducers.The 5B38 provides+lO V excitation andproducesan output of -5 V to +5 V. This module featuresa bandwidth of 10 kHz. Figure 2.6 is a functional block diagramof the 5B38. A protectioncircuit assuressafeoperationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input screw terminals.The excitation sectionprovides+lO V. Since the excitation lines are not sensedat the strain gage,care shouldbe taken to minimize any IR loss in thesewires. This can be accomplishedby the useof heavygagewires or the shortestlength of wire possible. A one pole antialiasingfilter is locatedat the module’sinput, while a threepole low passfilter in the output stagesetsthe bandwidth and yields optimum noiseperformance. A low drift amplifier providesthe module’sgain. Signal isolation is provided by transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance. A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is then filtered andbuffered to provide a clean,lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch is controlledby an active-low enableinput. In caseswhere the output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. Figure 2.6. 5838 Functional Block Diagram many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderangeof the output circuit is limited, however,output common mustbe kept within +3 V of power common. The 5B38 canbe usedwith half-bridge transducerssince the modulecontainsbridge completioncircuitry. The modulecanbe factory configuredfor wide input rangesto accommodatethe DC offset createdby mismatchesin the transducer.Thereis no provision for usewith quarteror three-quarter-bridgestrain gages. However, the usermay completethe bridge to the half or full-bridge level externalto the moduleand usethe 5B38 module. Note: A currentpath must exist betweenpower commonand output commonfor proper operationof the demodulator and output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. The single +5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drives power transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is fully floating. In addition, the output sectionactsas a third floating port, eliminating 5B38 Ordering Information Input Bridge Full Bridge Half Bridge Full Bridge 2-12 Range and Excitation 10.0V excitation,@ 3 mV/V Sensitivity, 300 Q to 10 kQ 10.0V excitation,@ 3 mV/V Sensitivity, 300 &YJ to 10 l&l 10.0V excitation,@ 2 mV/V sensitivity, 300 Q to 10kQ Output Range -5v to+5v -5vto+5v -5vto+5v Model 5B38-02 5B38-04 5B38-05 12/l/91 5838 Specifications (typical Q 25°C and +5 V Power) Gain 20 MG minimum 40 kS2minimum uf bandwidth = 10 Hz put, bandwidth = 10 kHz 1500 Vrms max Continuous Output Resistance Voltage Output Protection Output Selection Time (C!, = 0 to 2,OOOpF) Output Selection Input Max Logic “0’ Mm Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current “0” Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Sensitivity Power Consumption 240 Vrms max continuous 5of2 Continuous Short to Ground 6 ~LS * * * * Size 25 ppm reading/% f 2.5 PV RTI/% 1 W full load. .6 W no load 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” (52 mm x 52 mm x 15 mm) * * * * * * * * Environmental Temperature Range, Rated Performance Temperature Range, Storage Temperature Range, Gperating Relative Humidity (MIL 202) RFI Susceptibility -25°C to +85OC -4O’C to +85”C -40°C to +85”C 0 to 95% @ 60°C noncondensing f0.5% span error @ 400 MHz, 5W, 3’ * * * * * +l v +2.5 v +36 V I 0.4mA +5 v f5% ‘Includes the combined effects of gain, offset and excitation errors, repeatability, hysteresis, and nonlinearity. *At full load (300 a). *Same as full-bridge versions. Specificationssubjectto changewithout notice. 10/l/95 2-l 3 5B39 Current Output Module The 5B39 currentoutput module acceptsa high level analogsignalat its input andprovidesa galvanically isolated4-20 mA or O-20mA processcurrentsignal at its output. The module featureshigh accuracyof X).05%, f0.02% nonlinearity and 1500Vrms commonmode voltageisolation protection. 10COM<lg Figure 2.7 is a functional block diagramof the 5B39 currentoutput module. The voltageinput, usually from a digital-to-analogconverter,is buffered and a quarterscale offset is addedif a 4-20 mA output is specified. The signal is latchedin a track and hold circuit. This track-and-holdallows one DAC to servenumerousoutput channels.The output droop rate is 80 pA/s, which correspondsto a refreshinterval of 25 ms for 0.01% FS droop. The track-and-holdis controlledby an active-low enableinput. On power-up, the output of the 5B39 remainsat 0 mA for approximately100 ms, allowing the userto initialize the track-and-hold. In conventionalapplicationswhereoneDAC is usedper channeland the track-and-holdis not used,the enable input shouldbe groundedto power common,asit is on the 5BOl backplane. This keepsthe module in tracking mode. The signal is sentthroughan isolation barrier to the currentoutput (V-to-I converter)stage.Signal isolation is providedby transformercoupling usinga proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stableperformance.A demodulatoron the output side of the signal transformer recoversthe original signal, which is then filtered and convertedto a currentoutput. Output protectionallows safeoperationevenin the eventof a 240 Vrms power line being connectedto the signal terminals. - 4 ’ Figure 2.7. 5839 Functional Block Diagram A single+5 V supplypowersa clock oscillator, which drivespower transformersfor the input circuit and the output’s high-compliance,currentloop supply. The output currentloop is, of course,fully floating. In addition, the input sectionactsas a third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the input circuit is limited, however,input common mustbe kept within +l V of power common. Notes: <i> A currentpath must exist betweeninput commonand power commonat somepoint for proper operationof the module.SeeChapter4 for details. (2) The 0 to 20 mA output of a 5B39-04can be convertedto a 0 to 10 V output by dropping a 500 Q resistoracrossthe output terminals. This voltageoutput shouldbe usedcautiously.Since it is not a true voltagesource,the toleranceof the resistorand load impedancesthat are not large relative to the conversionresistorwill introduce errors.A load impedance>500 k&2would contribute cO.l% error. 5839 Ordering Information Input Range oto+5v -5vla+5v oto+5v -5vto+5v 2-14 Output Range 4-20 mA 4-20 mA O-20mA O-20mA Model 5B39-01 5B39-02 5B39-03 5B39-04 12/l/91 I 5839 Specifications (typical ~25% and +5 v Power) StandardInput Ranges Oto+SVorJVto+SV StandardOutput Ranges 4-20 mA or O-20mA Load ResistanceRanger oto650a AccUracyZ M.05% span Nonlinearity fo.O2% span Stability vs. Ambient Temperature zero fo.5 ClApc f20 ppm of reading/T Span Output Ripple, 100 Hz bandwidth 30 PA peak-peak CommonMode Voltage Output to Input andPowerSupply 1500Vrms continuous CommonMode Rejection 9odB Normal Mode Output Protection 240 Vrms continuous Output TransientProtection MeetsIEEE-STD 472 (SWC) Sample& Hold Output Droop Rate 80 PA/S Acquisition Tie 50 p.s OverrangeCapability 10% Maximum Output UnderFault 26mA Input Resistance 1oMQ Bandwidth,-3 dB 400 Hz RiseTie, 10%to 90% Span 2ms Track-and-HoldEnable Max Logic “0’ +l v Min Logic “1” +2.5 V Max Logic “1” i-36 V Input Current “0” 1.5mA PowerSupply +5 v dc *5% PowerSupply Sensitivity fo.25 pA/Vs% PowerConsumption 0.85 W (170 mA) Maximum Input VoltageWithout Damage -1ovto+1ov Size 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” (52mmx52mmx15mm) Environmental TemperatureRange,RatedPerformance -2Yc to +85”c! TemperatureRange,Operating -40°C to +t35”C -40°C to +85Y! TemperatureRange,Storage RelativeHumidity (MIL 202) 0 to 95% @ 6O“Cnoncondensing RPI Susceptibility f0.5% spanerror @ 400 MHz, 5W, 3 ‘With a minimum power supply voltageof 4.95 V, RLcan be up to 750 R. 21ncludes the combinedeffectsof repeatability,hysteresis,andnonlinearity. Specifiations subjectto changewithout notice. 2-15 5840 and 5B41 Wide Bandwidth Millivolt and Voltage Input Modules The 5B40 wide bandwidth millivolt input moduleaccepts +5 to ~500 millivolt input signalsand provideseithera -5 V to +5 V or 0 to +5 V output. The 5B41 wide bandwidthvoltage input module acceptsM.5 V to &lo V input signalsand provideseither a -5 V to +5 V or 0 to +5 V output. Both modulesfeaturea 10 kHz bandwidth. << 2 INCI T Figure 2.8 is a functional block diagramof the 5B40 and 5B41. A protectioncircuit assuressafeoperationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input, and, in the 5B41, the signal is attenuatedby a factor of 20 at this point. A one pole anti-aliasingfilter is locatedat the module’s input, while a thre- pole, low-passfilter in the output stagesetsthe bandwidth and yields optimum noise performance. A low drift input amplifier providesall of the module’s gain. This amplifier operateson the input signal after subtractionof a stable,laser-trimmedvoltage, which setsthe zero-scaleinput value. It is, therefore, possibleto suppressa zero-scaleinput that is many times the total spanto provide preciseexpandedscalemeasurements. Signal isolation is provided by-transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance. A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is thenfiltered andbuffered to provide a clean, lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminatethe needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlled by an active-low enableinput. In cases Figure 2.8. 5B40 and 5B41 Functional Block Diagram wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. A single+5 V supplypowersa clock oscillator which drives power transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsas a third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supply noise. The common-moderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within +3 V of power common. Note: A currentpath must exist betweenpower commonand output commonfor properoperationof the demodulator and output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. 5B40 and 5841 Ordering Information Input Range -10 mV to +lO mV -50 mV to +50 mV -100 mV to +lOOmV -10 mV to +lO mV -50 mV to +50 mV -100 mV to +lOOmV -lVto+lV -5vto+5v -1ovto+1ov -lVto+lV -5vto+5v -10 v to +lO v Output Range -5vto+5v -5vto+5v -5vto+5v oto+5v oto+5v oto+5v -5Vto+5V -5Vto+5V -5vto+5v oto+5v oto+5v oto+5v. Model 5B40-01 5B40-02 5B40-03 5B40-04 5B40-05 5B40-06 5B41-01 5B41-02 5B41-03 5B41-04 5B41-05 SB41-06 The -04, -05, and -06 rangesof models5B40 and 5B41 mapbipolar input rangesinto unipolar output ranges; 0 mapsto +2.5 V. 2-16 12/l/91 5B40 and 5841 Specifications (typical @ 25°C) Input Span Limits Output Ranges Accuracy’ Nonlinearity Stability vs. Ambient Temperature Input Offset output offset Gain Input Bias Current Input Resistance Normal Power Off overload Noise Input, O.l/lO Hz output Vi&FS Vi=0 Bandwidth, -3 dB Rise Tie, 10% - 90% span CMV, Input to Output Continuous Transient CMR (50 or 60 Hz) 1 k R source unbalance Input Protection Continuous Transient Output Resistance* Voltage Output Protection Output Selection Time (C, = 0 to 2,000 pF) Output Selection Input Max Logic “0’ Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current “0” Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Sensitivity Power Consumption Size Temperature Range, Rated Performance Temperature Range, Operating Temperature Range, Storage Relative Humidity (MIL 202) RFI Susceptibility 4ok.n 650 ki2 0.4 pVrms RTI 2 j.tVrms RTI 20 mV, peak-peak 10 mV, peak-peak 10 kHz 35 jls * 1500 vrms meets IEEE-STD 472 (SWC) * * 100 dB (all ranges) 240 Vrms meets IEEE-STD 472 (SWC) 50R Continuous Short to Ground 6P +l v +2.5 V +36 V 0.4 mA +5 v +5% k2 pV/Vs% (RTI) 150 mW (30 mA) 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” (52mmx52mmx15mm) 9odB * * * * * * * * * * +0.4 mV/Vs% (RTI) * * -25°C to +85”C 40°C to +85”C -40°C to +85,-C 0 to 95% @ 6O“C noncondensing iO.5% span error @ 400 MHz, 5 W, 3 *Specifications same as 5B40. TV2 is the input voltage that results in a 0 V output. ‘Includes the combined effects of repeatability, hysteresis and nonlinearity and assumes very high load resistance. rIhe output resistance value can be used to determine gain error when the module is driving a resistive load. Note, however, that loads heavier than 20 kQ will also degrade nonlinearity and gain temperature coefficient. Specificclrions subject to change without notice. 10/l/95 2-17 5845 and 5846 Frequency Input Modules The 5B45 is an isolatedfrequencyinput modulethat acceptsfull scaleinput frequencysignalsranging from 500 Hz to 20 kHz. Model 5B46 is an isolatedfrequency input modulethat acceptsfull scaleinput signalsranging from 20 kHz to 275 kHz. Both moduleshavea user selectablethresholdof either 0 V or +1.4 V, and a user selectablehysteresisof eitherf25 mV or k400 mV. Circuit Description: Figure 2.9 showsa functional block diagramfor models5B45 and 5B46. Input protectionof up to 240 Vrms is provided on the four input screwterminals.The input signal is comparedto the selectedthreshold(V,) and hysteresis(V,). Signalsof virtually any waveshapewhich exceedthe combined thresholdand hysteresislevels (V, + V,), will trigger the comparator.The comparator’soutput frequencyis transmittedacrossa proprietary isolation barrier and convertedinto a high level analogsignal. The signal is then filtered by a two-pole low passbutterworthfilter and buffered to provide a clean,low impedanceoutput signal. Output Switch: A seriesoutput switch is includedto eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many ! applications.This switch hasa low output resistance(50 ohms)and is controlled by an active-low enableinput. In caseswhere the output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn the switch ON, as it is doneon the 5BOl Backplane. Threshold Selection: The thresholdis determinedby userwiring on the input backplanescrewterminals.If the input signal is a zero crossingvoltageinput, the input signal shouldbe connectedto the backplanescrew terminals4 and 3 to implementa 0 V threshold.Whenthe input signal is connectedto screwterminals3 and2, the thresholdis +1.4 V (seeFigure 2.9). Hysteresis Selection: Hysteresisis set at *400 mV for signalsconnectedto either terminals3 & 4 or 3 & 2. However,the usercan changethe hysteresisto +25 mV by the addition of a jumper betweenscrewterminals 1 and 4. (see Figure 2.9) Response Time: Responsetime is a function of the input frequencyrangeand the modulebandwidth.The tablebelow indicatesthe outputrise/fall time and settling time for a stepchangeinput over the ratedinput rangesof the 5B45 and 5B46. Otherrangeswould haveresponse times in betweenthesevalues. Figure 2.9 5845 and 5846 Functional Block Diagram 5845 and 5846 Res bonse Time Rise/Fall Time Step Response 10% to 90% ms to &0.1% ms 5845-01 5845-02 5B45-03 5B45-04 5B45-05 80 60 50 50 50 150 140 130 130 130 5846-01 5846-02 5846-03 5846-04 15 7 4 4 44 22 12 9 Model 1 1 Output Common Connection: The single +5 V supplypowersa clock oscillator, which drives power transformersfor both the input andoutput circuits. The input circuit is fully floating and isolatedfrom the output commonand the power common.In addition, the output sectionactsasa third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and power supply noise.The commonmoderangeof the output circuit is limited andthe output commonmustbe kept within +3 V of power common. Note: A currentpath mustexist betweenpower common (Pin 16) andoutput common(Pin 19) for proper operation of the output switch. SeeChapter4 for details. 5845 antd! 5B46 Order g Information Input Range Dutput Range Oto500 Hz OtolkHz Oto 2.5 kHz Oto5kHz OtolOkHz Oto25kHz Oto50kHz OtolOOkHz Oto250kHz 2-18 oto oto oto oto oto +5 v +5 v +5v +5v +5 v 5645 and 5B46 SpeCifiCatiOnS MODEL FREQUENCY INPUT Frequency Ranges - Standard Ranges Span Limits - Custom Input Ranged Overrange Voltage Range Wavefotms pulse Width (pulse Train Inputs) ProtecriUl continuous llueshold options l-l-L Input, Low (-WC to +wc) lTL Input, High (-40°C to +85”c) Hysteresis GptionZ Impedance Small Signal, Vin d V, p-p Large Signal, Vin >5 V. p-p Power off Bias Current, Vin d V. p-p COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (typical @ +25% and vs = +5 v dc) 5845 5840 See Ordering Guide 500 Hz, mitt - 20 kHz. maz 20% of span 70mVmrs,min-24OVrms,maz Sine, Square, Triangle, pulse Tram 2 psec.miu See Ordering Guide 20 kHz, min - 275 kHz, maz * * * * 240 V mu, maz continuous OVor+l.4V 0.8 V, maz 2.0 v.min f25 mV or +lOO mV SMS1 40kR 1133OpF 40kQ 1133OpF *loo p.A (CMV) 1500 v mrs, mitt Meets IEEE STD 472 (SWC) * * COMMON-MODE REJECTION (CMR) 1 k Q source imbalance. 50/60 Hz 120 dB * ACCURACY Initial @ +25”C Nonlinearity Gain vs Temperature (-4oOC to +85”c) Gffset vs. Temperature (-40°C to +85”c) 33.05% span (ti. 1% span maz) M.O05% span (fo.O15% span maz) floppmpc f20uVPC Input-to-output, continuous Transient OUTPUT Range (RL>SOkR)’ vs. Supply Voltage Resistance Protection Enable Time (C load = 0 to 2000 pF) Enable Control Max Logic “0’ Mill Logic - 1” Max Logic “1” Jnput Cument “0 Bandwidths, -3 dB Step Response Time Ripple Noise 100 kHz Bandwidth 5 MHz Bandwidth -5vto+5v;oto+5v ziAMo5% of span /% vs SOi2 Continuous Short to Ground 6pec * * * * +l.OV +2.5 v +36 V 4ae 10Hz See Table 1 10 mV. p-p @ 10% of (F-w +F,,) 19OHz See Table I * 0.7 mV, p-p 7mV,p-p * * POWER SUPPLY Voltage, Rated Performance Current +5 V dc f5% 70 mA CASE SIZE 2.25" x 2.25" x0.6” WEIGHT 7ograms * * * * ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature Range Rated Performance Storage Relative Humidity RFI Susceptability -4O"Cto+85oC -4OTto+85T 0 to 93% @ +4O”C, naxondensing 33.5% span error @ 400 MHz, 5 W. 3” *Specifications same as 5B45 ‘Custom Input Ranges, with zero supression, available as model 5B45-custan and 5B46custom sJumper selectable. See Functional Block Diagram. “Warm-up time, 10 seconds. Includes the combined effects of repeatabiLity, hysteresis and nonlinearity .... Rr, >50 k R. ‘-5 V to +5 V Chttput Range available as custom ranged model 5B45-Custom or SB46Custom ‘Bandwidth is specified for 2-pole Buttenvotth output filter. Specifications subjecl lo change without notice. lOllI 2-19 5B47 Linearized Thermocouple Input Module The 5B47 thermocoupleinput moduleacceptsinput signalsfrom typesJ, K, T, E, R, S, and B thermocouples andprovidesa 0 to +5 V output. The input signal is internally linearizedto provide an output that is linear with temperature. Figure 2.10 is a functional block diagramfor the 5B47. Cold junction compensationcircuitry correctsfor the effectsof the parasiticthermocouplesformed by thermocouplewire connectionsto the input screwterminals. The compensatorprovidesan accuracyof Hl.S”C over the +5”C to +45”C ambienttemperaturerange. A bias currentsuppliedthroughresistorRot gives a predictable upscaleresponseto an open thermocouple.(Downscale openthermocoupledetectioncanbe providedby installing a 50 MQ resistoracrossscrewterminals 1 and 3. This resistorcould be a 0.25 W carboncomposition;&20% toleranceis suitable.) A protectioncircuit assuressafeoperationevenif a 240 Vrms power line is connectedto the input screw terminals. A three-polefilter with a 4 Hz cutoff provides 60 dB of normal-moderejection and CMR enhancement at 60 Hz. (One pole of this filter is locatedat the module input, while the other two polesare in the output stagefor optimum noiseperformance.) A chopper-stabilizedinput amplifier providesall of the module’sgain and assures low drift. This amplifier operateson the input signal after subtractionof a stable,laser-trimmedvoltage,which sets the zero-scaleinput value. It is, therefore,possibleto suppressa zero-scaleinput that is many times the total spanto provide preciseexpandedscalemeasurements. Signalisolation is provided by transformercoupling, using a proprietary modulationtechniquefor linear, stable performance.A demodulatoron the output sideof the signal transformerrecoversthe original signal,which is Flgure 2.10. 5647 Functional Block Diagram thenfiltered and bufferedto provide a clean,lowimpedanceoutput. A seriesoutput switch is included to eliminatethe needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlledby an active-low enableinput. In cases wherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power common to turn on the switch, asit is on the 5BOl backplane. The single +5 V supply powersa clock oscillator, which drives power transformersfor the input and output circuits. The input circuit is, of course,fully floating. In addition,the output sectionactsas a third floating port, eliminating many problemsthat might be createdby groundloops and supplynoise. The commonmoderange of the output circuit is limited; however,output common mustbe kept within f3 V of power common. Note: A currentpath mustexist betweenpower commonand outputcommonfor properoperationof the demodulator andoutput switch. SeeChapter4 for details. Caution: Whenevaluating5B47 moduleswith a mV source,the cold junction’temperaturesensorwill introduceerrors. Seethe AC1360 discussionin Chapter4. 5847 Ordering Information Input Type Type J Type J Type J Type K Type K Type T Type T Type E Type R Type S Type B Range Output Range 0 to +76O”C(+32’=Fto + 14OfPF) oto+5v -100°C to +3OO”C(-148°F to +572”F) oto+5v 0 to +5OO”C(+32”F to +932”F) oto+5v 0 to +lOOO”C(+32”F to +1832’F) oto+5v 0 to +5OO”C(+32”F to +932”E) oto+5v -100°C to +4OO”C(-148OFto +752OF) oto+5v 0 to +2OO”C(+32OFto +392”F) oto+5v, 0 to +lOOO”C(+32OFto +1832‘=F) oto+5v +5OO“Cto +175O“C(+932”F to +3 182OF) oto+5v +500°C to + 175O’C(+932’F to +3 182OF) oto+5v +5OO”Cto + 18OO’C(+932”F to +3272”F) oto+5v Model 5B47-J-01 5B47-J-02 5B47-J-03 5B47-K-04 5B47-K-05 5B47-T-06 5B47-T-07 5B47-E-08 5B47-R-09 5B47-S-10 5B47-B-11 Accuracyl(typ) +_l.lY f0.5”C &0.6”C +1.3Oc ?0.6”C &1.4OC &0.5”C +1.7Y +2.5”C +2.4’T f5.1T ‘The CJC sensoraccuracyshouldbe addedto the moduleaccuracyfor a systemaccuracy,if applicable. 2-20 10/l/95 5B47 Specifications (typical @ 25OCand +5 V Power) 1hput Span Limits (Xrtput Range 1Qcuracyl ,Stability vs. Ambient Temperature Input offset2 G&l 1Input Bias Current 1nput Resistance Normal Power Off overload (Iutnut Noise. 100 kHz 13andwidth, -3 dB 1RiseTime, 10% to 90% Span (ZMV, Input to Output Continuous Transient (ZMR (50 or 60 Hz) 1 kG in Either or Both Input Leads 1WR (50 or 60 Hz) 1jlput Protection Continuous (Output Resistance’ 7Voltage Output Protection (Output Selection Time (C, = 0 to 2,000 pF) (Iutput Selection Input Max Logic “0’ Min Logic “1” Max Logic “1” Input Current (.,v’) (&en Input Response Gpen Input Detection Tie Cold Junction Compensation Initial Accuracy @ +2S’c4 over+5°Cto+450C Power Supply Voltage Power Supply Sensitivity Power Consumption Size Environmental Temperature Range, Rated Performance Temperature Range, Operating Temperature Range, Storage Relative Humidity (MIL 202) RFI Susceptibility f5mVtof0.5V oto+sv See Ordering Information fl ti5 ppm of reading/Y! -25nA 1500 Vrms max meets IEEE-STD 472 (SWC) Arz rlrms (all ranges) max continuous Continuous Short to Ground 1 1 I 6 PS +l v +2.5 V +36 V 0.4 mA upscale k0.25"C(fo.75°C max) kO.5T (+0.0125”c/Y!) +5Vf5% k2 ttV/Vs% (RTJ) 150 mW (30 mA) 2.25" x 2.25"~ 0.60" (52mmx52mmx15mm) -25T to +85“C -4OT to +85”C -40°C to +85’C 0 to 95% @ 60°C noncondensing M.5% span error @ 400 MHz, 5 W, 3’ ‘Includes the combined effects of repeatability, hysteresis, and nonlinearity and assumes very high load resistance. Yl pV/Y! is equivalent to .020°C/Y! for Type J thermocouples and .025”C/Y! for Type K and T thermocouples. aThe output resistance value can be used to determine gain error when the module is driving a resistive load. Note, however, that loads heavier than 20 kG will also degrade nonlinearity and gain temperature coefficient. ‘When used with AC1361 CJC sensor (see Chapter 4). which is provided on each channel of 5B Series backplanes and on the AC1360. Specifiations 10/l/95 subject to change without notice. 2-21 AC1 367 Voltage Switch Input Module The AC1367 voltageswitch input moduleallows the 5B userto connectan existing, conditionedsignal into the 5B Seriesbackplane. This moduleacceptsa’-5 V to +5 V input and providesa -5 V to +5 V output. The moduleis not isolatedand thereis no gain or attenuationof the signal. VI. zl READ EN (01 Figure 2.11 is a functional block diagramof the AC1367. This moduleis protectedfor continuousinputs of +lO V and will withstand&20 V for 10 seconds.Above these limits, a nonreplaceablefuse within the modulemay blow. The resistancebetweenthe input and the output is 250 Szwhen the moduleis enabled. As with all 5B Series modules,a seriesoutput switch is included to eliminate the needfor externalmultiplexing in many applications. This switch hasa low output resistanceand is controlled AC1 367 Specifications Figure 2.11. AC1367 Functional Block Diagram by an active-low enableinput. In caseswherethe output switch is not used,the enableinput shouldbe groundedto power commonto turn on the switch, as it is on the 5BOl backplane. (typical @ 25% and +5 V Power) Input span Limits Outout . . Rauae hput-to-OutputResistance,whenenabled nput Resistance NOlTtld PowerOff -svto+sv I -5vto+5v 2500 . Note: Input voltagesabovethose ,specifiedmay causepermanent (damageto the module. 1oMn 20052 20052 Overrange 3OOFVpeaktopeak DutputNoise I 500 kHz Bandwidth 5OOns RiseTime,10% to 90% Span f10 V continuous, Input Protection i20 V for 10 seconds Maximum Voltaee at Inout Low’ I 0.0 v Lt2OUlA Maximum Current into Input Lows i2OlllA Maximum Current into Input High2 f10 v Maximum Output When Input is Overranged FeedthroughInpnt to Output @ 1 kHz, RL= 50 R -100 dE 1Innut SourceResistance+ 250 Q Outtmt Resistance 1ContinuousShort to Ground Voltaae Output Protection Output SelectionTie (Ct,= 0 to 2,000pF) 6~ OutputSelectionInput +l v Max Logic“‘0’ Min Logic “1” +2.5 v Max Logic “1” +36 V 0.4 InA Input chtent ‘0’ +5 V&5% PowerSunnlv Voltage 35 mW (6.5 mA) 2.25” x 2.25” x 0.60” Size (52mmx52mmx15mm) ‘Input Low is internally caMectedto Environmental I/O Corn. -25-2 to +85OC TemperatureRange,RatedPerformance 21nputHigh andInput Low are -40°C to +85”C TemperatureRange,Operating internally fused,the fuseis 40°C to +85T Temperature Range,Storage nonreplaceable. RelativeHumidity (MIL 202) 0 to 95% @ 60°Cnoncondensing Specijiiations subject to change RFI Susceptibility +0.5% spanerror @ 400 MHz. 5 W, 3 without notice. e 2-22 r 1011195 Chapter 3 5B Series Subsystem Solutions The SB Seriesincludesa numberof backplaneswhich provide a completesignal conditioning solution. The two 5B Seriesldchannel backplanescurrently available,the 5BOl and SB02,provide different systemconfiguration options.The 5B03 and 5BO4,one and two channel backplanes,allow an economicalmeansto handlea few remotesignals. A single-channelsocket,AC 1360, is availablefor moduleevaluation. It is discussedin Chapter4. Both 16 channel5B Seriesbackplanescanbe mountedin a 19”~ 3.5” panel space. The one andtwo channel backplanesare DIN rail compatible. Eachchannelhas four screwterminalsfor field connections.These connectionssatisfy all transducerinputs and process currentoutputsandprovide sensorexcitationwhen necessary.A cold junction sensoris suppliedon each channelto accommodatethermocouplemodules.All backplanesrequirean external+5 V power supply. This chapterdescribesthe backplanesand how they are used. Commontopics - power requirements,field terminations,installation, and interfaceaccessoriesfollow the backplanediscussions. 5BOl Backplane The 5B01, diagrammedin Figure 3.1, is a 16-channel backplanethat providessingle-ended,high-levelanalog input/outputpins on the systemconnector. It is pin compatiblewith Analog Devices’ 3B Seriesapplications. (Note, however,that 5B Seriesmodulesprovide a +5 V output swing ratherthan the +lO V swing providedby 3B Seriesmodules.) Figure 3.2 is a schematicof the 5BOl backplane. CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 Connector Pin Usage Signalconnectionsbetweenthe 5BOl backplaneand the associatedmeasurementand control systemare madeat Pl andP2. Theseconnectorsare identical electrically. The redundantconnectormay be useful if a 5BOl is used for both analoginput and analogoutput and the data acquisitionsystemhasseparateinput and output connectors. Figure 3.3 is a diagramof the voltageI/O provided on the Pl andP2 connectorsof the 5BOl backplane. A signalpath is provided for eachchannel,and,in addition,a numberof groundingpins arepresent.inthe connectorpinout to provide intcrchannelshieldconductors in the ribbon cable. In somecases,discussedbelow, the groundconductorswill not provide an accuratesignal reference,so a SENSEpin is alsoprovided in the pinout. Severaljumper andcomponentoptionsin the backplane provide optimum groundconnectionsfor variouscircumstances. CHANNEL 14 CHANNEL 15 Figure 3.1. 5801 Diagram 3-I 1% s * .- Figure 3.2. 5BOl Schematic 3-2 12/l I91 The surgewithstandcapability canbe testedwith not less than 50 2.5 kV burstsper second. A test durationof 2 secondsis widely accepted.A rise time of 20 kV/I.tsis specified,and eachmodule could seea surgecurrenton the order of 1 A. MATING OONNWTOR AMP PN7- OR M”l”ALENT Figure 3.3. 5801 System Connector Pihout Grounding Each 5BOl backplaneis factory configuredwith jumpers Wl , W3, and W4 installed. JumperWl groundsthe shield wires in the ribbon cable (pins 3,6,12,15,18,21, and 24) at the 5BOl backplane. This will usually be the primary groundconnection betweenthe 5BOl and the measurementsystem. This connectionis requiredif output moduleswill be usedon the backplane. It is alsorequiredif thereis no highimpedancesenseinput (input Lo of a differential or pseudo-differentialsystem)availableon the measurement system. JumperW3 connectsthe senseinput, if available,to pin 25 so that the 5BOl’s ground is read. It canbe left in placeat all times. JumperW4 connects+5 V power commonto input/output common(backplanemeasurementground). A connection betweenpower commonand input/outputcommonis important for the 5B Seriesmodulesto function properly; however,if this connectionis madeelsewherein your system(the bestplaceis usualIy nearthe A/D or D/A converters),W4 shouldbe cut sincea groundloop could result. The 5B Seriesmodulescanpreventharm to the connected systemevenwhen a very large,fast transientstrikesall 16 field I/O lines at the sametime. However,proper groundingof the backplaneis essentialto get full protection, sincein suchcases,currentson the orderof an amperewith rise times on the order of one microsecond mustbe diverted to ground. Both the resistanceandthe inductanceof the groundpath arecritical. In applications wherehazardsof this magnitudeexist, the large (#lo-32) ground studsprovidedat eachend of the 5BOl backplane shouldbe connectedto systemgroundby the shortest practical length of large-diameterwire. 1O/lI95 Whena safetygroundis used,the connectionof backplanemeasurementground to systemmeasurement groundvia the shield wires in the ribbon cablecould result in a groundloop. If the applicationinvolvesonly input modulesanda senseinput is usedon the measurement system,W 1 shouldbe cut to preventa groundloop. Caution: Wl is requiredif output modulesare usedor thereis no high impedancesenseinput on the measurement system. In thesecases,the bestdefenseagainst groundloop errorsis to minimize the distancebetween thebackplaneand the associatedsystemand to routeany large currentscarefully so as to minimize grounddifferences. Fusing and Polarity Reversal Sincereversingthe polarity of the connected+5 V power sourcecould destroyinstalled modules,the 5BOl incorporatespolarity reversalprotectionin the form of a shunt diode. A seriesfusewill be blown by the diode currentif the supply is reversed.If the fuse is blown, replacement with the proper type (Littelfuse@type 252 004) is essential. Interchannel Bridge Jumpers The 5BOl gives the userthe capability of directing the voltageoutput of any input moduleto an adjacentoutput moduleby simply placing a jumper betweenthe pins of the two modules(input to channeln, output from channel n+l). Thii featurecanbe usedto provide an isolated currentoutput from an isolatedinput module,giving two levels of 1500Vrms isolation. Model AC 1344provides 10jumpers. 3BO2 BackDIane The 5B02, diagrammedin Figure 3.4, is also a 16-channel backplane.It incorporatesinput andoutput busesthat takeadvantageof the internal seriesoutput switchesin the input modulesand the track-and-holdsin the output modules. Designersintegratingthe 5B02 into a measurement andcontrol systemdo not needexternalmultiplexers and can usea single digital-to-analogconverterto servenumerousoutput channels. A schematicof the 5BO2is shownin Figure 3.6. Digital outputsfrom the host dataacquisitionsystemare usedto addressthe 5B Seriesmodulesand designateinputs andoutputs. Only one analoginput, oneanalogoutput, and a numberof digital outputsarerequiredto addressup to 64 analog input/outputchannels. 3-3 ADDRESS DECODERS OUTPUT ENABLE \ i INPUT ENABLE FROM DAC OUTPUT SU7 _ ’ +5v POWER CHANNEL 0 CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 14 CHANNEL 15 Figure 3.4. 5B02 Diagram Connector Pin Usage Grounding Signal connectionsbetweenthe 5BO2backplaneand the associatedmeasurementor control systemaremadeat Pl . The pinout of this connectoris illustratedin Figure 3.5. Each5B02backplaneis factory configuredwith jumpers W 1, W2, andW4 installed. JumperW 1 groundsthe shield wires in the ribbon cable (pins 2,5, and6) at the 5B02 backplane. This will usually be the primary groundconnectionbetweenthe 5BO2andthe measurementsystem. This connectionis requiredif output moduleswill be usedon the backplane. It is alsorequiredif thereis no high-impedanceSense input (input Lo of a differential or pseudo-differential system)availableon the measurementsystem. JumperW2 connectsthe senseinput, if available,to pin 25 so that the 5B02’sgroundis read. It canbe left in placeat all times. JumperW4 connects+5 V power commonto input/output common(backplanemeasurementground). A connection betweenpower commonand input/outputcommonis importantfor the 5B Seriesmodulesto function properly; however,if this connectionis madeelsewherein your system(the bestplaceis usually nearthe A/D or D/A converters),W4 shouldbe cut sincea ground loop could result. WRITE ENB ,o, READ ENB ,0,19 00020 N/C 21 0 22 RESER”ED NIC 23 000024 NIC DCm.425 26 u DCOM V,, V,, TOP VIEW IS THE ANAL@3 OUTPUT OF m MODULES ISTHE ANALOG INPUT OF-MODULES MATING CONNECTOR AMP PN74- OR EOUIVALENT Figure 3.5. 5802 System Connector Pinout One signalpath is provided for inputs and one for outputs. Input and output modulesare independentlyaddressedby two setsof six addresspins and an enablepin. In addition, a numberof groundedpins arepresentin the connectorpinout to provide shield conductorsin the ribbon cable. In somecases,discussedbelow, the ground conductorswill not provide an accuratesignalreference, so a SENSEpin is alsoprovided in the pinout. Several jumper and componentoptionsin the backplaneprovide optimum groundconnectionsfor variouscircumstances. 3-4 The 5B Seriesmodulescanpreventharm to the connected systemevenwhen a very large,fast transientstrikesall 16 field I/O lines at the sametime. However,proper groundingof the backplaneis essentialto get full protection, sincein suchcases,currentson the order of an ampere,with rise timeson the order of one microsecond, mustbe divertedto ground. Both the resistanceand the inductanceof the groundpath are critical. In applications wherehazardsof this magnitudeexist, the large (#lo-32) groundstudprovidedat oneend of the 5BO2backplane shouldbe connectedto systemgroundby the shortest practicallengthof large diameterwire. 10/l/95 51 ~~NNVHJ 3X3+ IH 01 -----_---___ 2X3+ 2x3 (IA -C S13NNVHq 3X3- ------ i 1 I I I 13NNVH3 IH 01 3x33X3- 0 ~~NNVH~ 3X31+ 01 ------ IH 3X3- I I !- I ! x SH The surgewithstandcapability canbe testedwith not less than 50 2.5 kV burstsper second. A testdurationof 2 secondsis widely accepted.A rise time of 20 kV/ps is specified,and eachmodulecould seea surgecurrenton the order of 1 A. Whensucha safetygroundis used,the connectionof backplanemeasurementgroundto systemmeasurement groundvia the shield wires in the ribbon cablecould result in a ground loop. If the applicationinvolves only input modulesanda senseinput is usedon the measurement system,W 1 shouldbe cut to preventa groundloop. Caution: W 1 is requiredif output modulesareusedor thereis no high impedancesenseinput on the measurement system. In thesecases,the bestdefenseagainst groundloop errors is to minimize the distancebetween the backplaneandthe associatedsystemand to route any large currentscarefully so as to minimize grounddifferences. Address Selection Jumpers The 5B02 backplanecan hold 16 modulesin any combination of inputs or outputs. Addressdecoderson the backplane(separatedecodersareprovided for inputs and outputs)determinewhich module is read(inputs) or driven (outputs).To permit systemexpansion,up to four backplanescanbe daisy-chainedon the systemI/O ribbon cablefor a total of 64 channels.Jumperson each backplane(labeledSHl-5 and SH6-10)determinethe block of 16 addressesassignedto eachbackplane.Input (read)and output (write) addressingare completely independent;in all cases,jumpers l-5 control inputs and 6-10 control outputs. Independentaddressingmight be used,for example,to updateoutput moduleswithout interrupting the monitoring of input modules. Backplanesare factory configuredwith jumpersat positions 1 and 6; Figure 3.7 showsthe addressjumpers in the factory configuredpositions. This setsup the backplaneas a standalone16-channelsystem; the two SH In 2 00 3 00 00 5 00 4 u Figure 3.7. Address Selection Pins Default Jumpers highest-orderaddressbits in the readand write addresses areignored. Moving thejumpers to any other position in the two blocks enablesdecodingof the full six address bits; the exactposition of thejumper determinesaddress position for the backplaneas shownin Table 3.1. To use multiple backplanesin this manner,connectthe correspondingI/O connectorpins of eachbackplanein parallel. CAB-01 is a ribbon cablewith three26 pin connectors designedfor this purpose. Table 3.1. Address Selection Jumpers Input Jumper 2 3 4 5 Output Jumper 7 8 9 10 Address Range 48-63 32-47 16-31 o-15 Fusing and Polarity Reversal Sincereversingthe polarity of the connected+5 V power sourcecould destroyinstalled modules,the 5B02 incorporatespolarity reversalprotectionin the form of a shunt diode. A seriesfusewill be blown by the diode currentif the supply is reversed. If the fuse is blown, replacement with the propertype (Littelfuse” type 252 004) is essential. 5801 and 5802 Backplane Specifications 5BOl Channels 16 PhysicalSize 3.5” x 17.4” x 3.2” (with modules) (88.9 mm x 442 mm x 81.3 mm) Weight 11.25oz. (305 g) AddressSelectionInputs Max Logic “0” N/A Min Logic “1” N/A Max Logic “1” N/A Power Supply +5 V dc +5% Power Consumption N/A *Specificationssameas 5BOl. 5802 * * * 0.8 V 2.0 v 7.0 v * 0.16 W (32 mA) TYP Specifications subject to change without notice. 3-6 . 12/l /91 5BO3 and 5B04 Backplanes The 5B03 backplaneholds one 5B Seriesmodule,the 5BO4holds two modules. Thesebackplanesmay be clusteredfor larger groupsof modules. 3(2 Figures3.8 and 3.9 are the wiring diagramsfor the 5B03 and 5BO4. CAUTION! The 5B03 and 5BO4are not protectedagainstreversedpower supply connections.A reversalmay destroythe installedmodules. JumperWl connects+5 V power commonto input/output common(backplanemeasurementground). A connection betweenpower commonand input/outputis importantfor the 5B Seriesmodulesto function properly; howeverif this connectionis madeelsewherein your system(the bestplaceis usually nearthe D/A or A/D converters),Wl shouldbe cut sincea groundloop could result. .-POWER I ;4-. 1 0;s c - / i, : - LOCAL I/O CAUTION! DO NOT REVERSE POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS Individual backplanesare DIN rail compatibleusing PhoenixUniversal Mounting UM modules. Two or more backplanescanbe mountedin wider UM assemblies. \ . Mounting a single 5B03 or 5BO4would requirethe following Phoenixparts: g Y I SOCKET FOR AC1362 CURRENT CONVERSION RESISTOR USED WITH 5832 MODULES , ISOLATED l/O 2rg w + Figure 3.8.5803 Wlring Dlagram Mounting 2 or more backplaneswould require: Model UM-BEFE UM-SE UM-BE UM-vs Description QtY. BaseElement with SnapFoot 2 2 Side Element BaseElement (#) - 2 ConnectionPins (4 x 00) - 4 where (#) is the total numberof 5B03 and 5BO4backplanesto be DIN rail mounted. The snapfoot elementswill fit DIN EN 50022,DIN EN 50035,and DIN EN 50045rails. / \ POWER/ ’ LOCAL l/O go OO 0 OO 00 00 OO 0 0 OO CAUTION! DO NOT REVERSE POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS CHA CH 6 OO 00 O0 5803 and 5BO4 Backplane EXC I 5603 LO HI HI LO EXC + EXC / ISOLATED I/O NOTE: TERMINAL BLOCK ORIENTATIONS m SOCKETS FOR THE AC1362 CURRENT CONVERSION RESISTORS USED WITH 5832 MODULES \ *Specificationssameas 5B03. Specjficationssubjectto changewithout notice. Figure 3.9.5804 WIrlng 3-7 PowerReauirements All 5B Seriesbackplanes requireexternal+5 V power. Thisis connectedto TB17on the5BOlandTB16on the 5BO2. +5w Table 3.2. Module Power Requirements 1 Model 1 Current 1 @I PWR COM 0 @ I5B34 TB17 1 30mA 1 TK3 1 5B39 I 170mA* 1 5B40 30 mA 5B41 30 mA Figure 3.10. Power Connection -“I Terminal Block 17 (SBOl), Terminal Block 16 (5802) Thepowersupplyis busedto all signalconditionerson thebackplane.Thetotal subsystem powerrequirementis a functionof themodulesthatareused.Modulepower requirements arelistedin Table3.2. A chassismounting 1 A (model955)+5 V powersupplyis available. -EXC *Maximumoutputload resistanceis 750Q -------+---E&b - 3 FREQUENCY INPUT 4@ HI - + mv. v THERMOCOUPLE FULL BRIDGE STRAIN GAGE - EXC + + EXC - + -- ----- -- LJ I 2 WIRE, ,3&4WIRE LO J L 4.20mA HALF BRIDGE-STRAIN -J RTD GAGE Figure 3.11. Input Field Connections 3-6 10/l/95 >“.., , 1.275 132.4) t- 3.47 (88.1) t 3.05 177.5) I t-t 0.14CLEARANCE (3.6) Figure 3.12. 5BOl and 5802 Backplane Mounting Dimensions in Inches and (mm) r 0 t-3.62 (92)----c( Figure 3.13. AC1363 Rack Mount Diagram (dimensions in inches and (mm)) Field Termination8 All field terminationsare madeat terminal blocks l- 16 of the 5BOl and termiual blocks l-17 on the 5B02. Input screwterminal connectionsare indicatedin Figure 3.11; the input screwterminalsin the figure are numbered1,2, 3, and4 to correspondto the markingson eachbackplane. Output screwterminal connectionsare: OUT LO OUT HI terminal 2 terminal 3 14-22AWG wire may be usedwith theseterminal blocks. 3-9 Figure 3.14. Rack Mount Assembly Drawing MOUNTING TRACK 7 0.145 13.681 MAX LUG ACCESS / AC1324 ASSEMBLY NO. 2.56 TERMINAL SCREW pnnnn Lrvvvv rcl- -- rb-uxnn : i Figure 3.15. AC1324 Diagram (dimensions in inches and (mm)) NOTE: Mounting rack is not provided with AC1324 Installation The 5B SeriesSignal Conditioning Subsystemis designed for installation in any convenientlocation suitablefor generalpurposeelectronicequipment. Operatingambient temperatureshouldbe between-25°C and +8YC (-13’F 3-10 and +185T) for ratedperformance.If the equipmentwill be usedin a harshor unfavorableenvironment,it may be necessaryto install it inside a protectiveenclosure.It is recommendedthat the backplanebe mountedand wired beforethe modulesare installed. 1O/l 195 Each 5B Seriesl&channel backplanehassevenstandoffs - one at eachcornerand threealong the centerline- and is suppliedwith seven3 mm screwsfor mounting purposes.Figure 3.10 is a diagramof the mounting dimensionsfor thesebackplanes.A drill templateis included in Appendix B. ’ The AC1363 is a single piece metal chassisfor mounting a 5BOl or 5B02 backplanein a 19”rack. It hasseven 3 mm threadedinsertsfor mountinga 5BOl or 5B02, six additional threadedinsertsto allow mountingof an adaptorboard on the back of the rack mount kit, and holes that allow a 955 or 976 power supply to be mountedon the back of the rack. Screwsarealso included. The backplanefits readily in the rack by sliding it in from the side underthe end flanges. The AC1363 weighs 1.70lb (775 g). Figure 3.13 is a diagramof the AC1363 rackmount kit, andFigure 3.14 is a rack mount assembly drawing. chaining 5BO2backplanes.The numberof CAB-01 cablesneededis equalto the total numberof 5B02 backplanesminus one. The AC1324 acceptsthe AC1315 or CAR-01 from a 5B Seriesbackplaneandprovides26 screwterminalsfor interconnectingto any analogI/O subsystem.This interfaceboardmight be usedwith programmable controllers,for example,and is diagrammedin Figure 3.15. It canbe mountedin snaptrack, if desired,or may be mountedto the AC1363 Rack-MountKit. Standoffs areincludedwith the AC 1324and shouldbe usedif it is to be mountedon the back of the AC1363. The AC 1366is an interfaceboard that will converthighlevel logic control signalsinto the TTL levels necessary for the 5B02 backplane. An applicationrequiring this boardcan occur with programmablecontrollersthat may useup to 24 V logic. Interface Accessories A numberof accessoriesareavailable,which complete the 5B SeriesSignal Conditioning Subsystemsolutionby providing an interfaceto a host system. The AC13 15 is a 2’ (60 cm) 26-pin cablewith two connectorsthat canbe connectedto either the 5BOl or the 5BO2backplane.The CAB-01 is a 26-pin cablewith threeconnectorsfor daisy- 3-11 Chapter 4 System Design Considerations It is simple to incorporatethe functionally complete5B Seriesmodulesin your own circuit boardor backplane. This chapterdiscussessomeof the importantconsiderations in integratingthe 5B Seriesinto your design. Physical,processside,and systemsidedesignissuesare presentedin turn. Miscellaneoustopics are groupedat the end of the chapter. Phvsical Desian Issues The 5B Seriesmodulesareidentical in size andpinout. This makesdesigninga systemwith a variety of sensor inputs and/orprocessoutputsvery simple. Figure 4.1 showsthe moduleoutline andpinout. Figure 4.2 showsa single channelof a 5BOl backplaneasan exampleof the factorsto considerin a design. You may want to refer to this figure throughoutthis chapter. The modules’40 mil pins tit into widely availablesockets suchas AMP Inc’s 645502-1,and the modulesare securedwith self-contained,metric mounting screwsand 3 mm inserts,suchasPEM’s (PennEngineeringand ManufacturingCorp.) KFS2-M3. 0.345 (8.8) 0.150 (3.8) e G c j 1 t 0.375 (9.2) T ,0.590 15.0 -1 . I 2.250 (57.2) 2.250 (57.21 0.038P’N IC ’ 0.590 4 (15.0) (TOP) 1 PIN DESIGNATIONS WRITE EN (0) 23 RESERVED 21 I/OCOM 19 +5v 17 INLO 5 -EXC 3 22 READEN (0) 20 VOUT 18 VIN 16 POWERCOM 6 INHI SENSOR- 4 +EXC 2 SENSOR+ 1 Figure 4.1. 5B Series Input Module Outline and Pin Designations 10/l/95 4-1 HOLE r a b C 0 cl e 0.050 (I .3) -4 INSTALL AMP SOCKET -P/N 645500-l 3MM SWAGE INSERT - PEM KFS2-M3 025 SQ PIN ASSY - SAMTEK CJC SOLDERED IN TERM BOARD SOLDERED IN 0.100 (2.5) 0.250 (6.4) - 0.100 (2.5) r 1I I --l ,: 1a’ I’ I I I I I r+r -- I I I NOTE: THREADED INSERTS SHOULD BE SURROUNDED BY GROUNDEDTRACK ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BOARD. I -? aP -2 REAR VIEW !-I 7 ‘ !a I ----- =dOd3 -+ + 5V BUS - (5.1) + 0.100 (2.5) 0.100 (2.5) -D 0.200 (5.1) -B 0.300 (7.6) -D 1 2 3 4 1 2 b- C 0.500 (12.7) Figure 4.2. 5801 Backplane Channel 4-2 12/l/91 Process Side Issues This sectionaddressesboarddesignissuesrelatedto the processside of the isolation barrier. Field Terminations Screwterminalswill usually be requiredfor connecting field wiring to the modules. Eachmodulewill usea minimum of two terminalsand a maximum of four (2 signal,2 excitation). AC1361 Cold Junction Temperature Sensor Wherethermocouplewires connectto copperterminals,a correctionfor the thermoelectricpotentialof thatjunction mustbe made. In the 5B Seriesmodules,this is accomplishedby measuringthe temperatureat the screw terminalsand applying a correctionsignal in the module. I The AC 1361temperaturesensorwas designedspecifically for this purpose. It is a cold junction temperature sensoroptimized for operationin the temperaturerange from +5”C to +45’C and is intendedto be usedexclusively with 5B Seriesthermocoupleinput modules. Installing sensorsin every channelprovidesmaximum systemflexibility. When a systemis configuredin this way, no advanceknowledgeof which channelswill be assignedto thermocoupleinputs or whethera particular channelwill be an input or an output is required. The designof the AC1361 makesthis possiblein two ways: l l Connectionof the AC1361 to the associatedmodule will not affect the operationof any non- thermocouple modulein any way (seeFigure 4.3). The calibration of the AC1361 is independentof the thermocouplemodulewith which it is used. 58 MODULE (TOP VIEW) i : : : I I I I , : I I I I i , rc -EXC HI Figure 4.4 showsthe limits of the outline of the AC 1361 sensorpackage.This sensorshouldbe placedas closeto the field wiring terminationsaspossible. It is not necessary for the body of the sensorto touch the terminal block - the thermalpath to the sensoris primarily throughits leads. It &important , wheneverthermocouplesare connectedto a system,to minimize thermalgradientsin the neighborhoodof the field terminals. Heat sources shouldbe placedas far from the screwterminalsas possible. Electrical specificationsof the sensor(Table4.1) are Lip.. -- RR u SOCKETS FOR AC1362 RESISTOR AC1361 (TOP VIEW) 0.11 (2.11 Il.731 7 0.54 (13.71 F 0.10 1 --II+ 0.050 (1.3) - 1OX.l Figure 4.4. AC1361 Outline providedonly to facilitate inspection;the accuracy specificationsof 5B Seriesthermocouplemodulesinclude the effectsof a worst-casesensor. The test circuit for the AC1361 is shownin Figure 4.5. Current Conversion Resistor Parameter 0: -- RR2( Y hh-=----T 0.068 DOTTED LINES SHOW TYPICALCONNECTIONS FROM MODULETO FIELDTERMINALS I LO Thus thereis no needto keepa sensorassociatedwith a specificmoduleor to dedicatechannelsexclusively for thermocoupleuse. Value Test Conditions +25.0°C VSat +25.O”C (510 ti.75) mV Avg. A VSwith T -(2.500 ti.04) mV/“C +5”C to +45”C Table 4.1. AC1361 Electrical Specifications TERMINAL BLOCK FOR FIELD WIRING + EXC Figure 4.3. AC1361 Connection 10/l/95 4-3 / Protection The 5B Seriesmodulescan withstandapplicationof 240 V to any combinationof I/O field terminations. To protectyour boardfrom being harmedby suchan occurrence,a 50 mil spacingshouldbe maintained betweenconductorsassociatedwith the field wiring screw terminals. For spacingpurposes,track from pins 1 and2 of the AC1361 canbe takenasequivalentto IN LO. AC1361 -b 2.08V +L NOTE: I AMPLIFIER OFFSET VOLTAGE AT PIN 2 MUST SE LESS THAN 50 MICROVOLTS. TRIM AMPLIFIER IF REQUIRED. Figure 4.5. AC1361 Test Circuit Current Conversion Resistor The 5B32 currentinput module measuresprocesscurrent signalsby reading the voltage developedacrossa precision 20 Q resistor.This resistoris suppliedin the form of a separatepluggableresistorcarrier assemblysinceit can not be protectedagainstdestructionin the eventof an inadvertentconnectionof the power line. (Extra current conversionresistorsare availableas accessories,model numberAC1362.) If thepower line is inadvertentlyconnectedacrossthe high and low signal terminals,large currentswill flow, causingthe resistorto fuse internally. To protectyour board,the tracksfrom signal high and low to the resistor shouldbe wide - 50 mil conductorwidths in 1 or 2 ounce copperare appropriate. The AC1362 is shown in Figure 4.6. Spacemustbe provided for the AC1362 in any applicationsthat might include current inputs. Accommodationof this resistor carrier in a 5B Seriesbackplaneis illustrated in Figure 4.2. The 5B Seriesmodulescanalso preventharm to the connectedsystemwhen a very large,fast transientstrikes all field I/O lines at the sametime. However,proper groundingof your boardis essentialto get full protection since,in somecases,currentson the order of an ampere, with rise times on the order of one microsecondmust be divertedto ground. Both the resistanceand the inductanceof the groundpath are critical. On our 5B Series backplanes,large ground studsare providedand, when hazardsof this magnitudeexist, are connectedto ground by the shortestpractical length of large diameterwire. The surgewithstandcapability canbe testedwith not less than 50 2.5 kV burstsper second. A testduration of 2 secondsis widely accepted.A rise time of 20 kV/ps is specified,and eachmodulecould seea surgecurrenton the order of 1 A. Whena safetygroundis connected,caremust takento insuremeasurementaccuracy. Refer to the grounding sectionson the 5BOl or 5BO2backplanesin Chapter3 for a discussionof provisionsmadein our 5B Series backplanes. Safety Becauseleakagecurrentsfrom high commonmode voltagescould reachthe hold-down screw,the screw insert shouldpreferablybe groundedto power commonor at leastsurroundedby guardrings on both sidesof the printed circuit board. It is good practiceto put all track connectedto the HI and LO field wiring terminalson the back of the board to preventa hazardwhen high commonmode voltagesare present. Isolation Figure 4.6. AC1362 Outline 4-4 The 5B Seriesmodulesprovide 1500Vrms CMV isolation. The modules’ pinout setsan upperboundof 0.300”betweeninput andoutput track (assuminga metal screwinsert groundedto systemcommon). Careshould be takenin placing I/O tracksto maintain this spacing betweenthe input andoutput conductors. ConsultFigure 4.2 for an exampleof how the tracksare laid out on our 5BOl backplaneso as to maintain this spacing. You shouldalsobe awarethat safetystandardsmay place requirementson track spacings. 12/l/91 Board designissuesrelatedto the systemsideof the isolation barrier are discussedin this section. Grounding A currentpath must exist betweenpower commonand output common(input commonand power commonin output modules)at somepoint for properoperationof the module. This path canbe resistive; anythinglessthan 10 kS2is sufficient. The connectiondoesnot needto be nearthe module; distancesup to 6 feet areacceptable. Using the Input Modules’ Output Switch The low-resistance(~50 Q) seriesoutput switch (activelow) in eachinput modulecanprovide a self-multiplexed output controlledby an enableinput that is compatible with MOS andLSTTL levels. Turning on a channel resultsin a settledoutput to a 1000pf bus load (equivalent to roughly 30 modules)in lessthan 5 microseconds. If you do not wish to usethe output switch presentin each 5B Seriesinput module, simply groundthe readenable input to power common. Effects of the Output Switch The output switch hasa typical resistanceof 50 a and a maximumresistanceof 100Q. The effect of this resistanceis twofold. First, in analogbus applications,the bus capacitiveload interactswith the switch resistanceto determinethe output selectiontime. The specified6 ps settling time is valid for capacitiveloadsup to 2,000pF. Sincethe output capacitance,switch off, of a moduleis only 25 pF, this will not usually be a limitation, evenin combination with typical backplanetracks. Larger loadswill result in longer settling times. Second,an error voltageis developedacrossthe switch when it is resistively loaded. In addition to the expected effect on gain error, load resistanceslessthan 20 kQ will also degradenonlinearity andgain temperaturecoefficient. Miscellaneous Topics Other systemdesignconsiderationsare groupedin this section. AC1 360 Evaluation Socket The AC1360 is a testor evaluationsocketfor 5B Series modules. Screwterminalsareprovided for all of the module’s input, output, control, andpower connections. In addition, an AC1361 cold junction temperaturesensor is installedfor thermocoupleapplications,anda pair of socketspermits installationof the AC1362 current sensingresistorusedwith the 5B32 currentinput module. The AC 1360is DIN rail compatibleusing Phoenix UniversalModule UM elements. To mount a single AC1360 would require the following Phoenixparts: Description Model 2 2 4 UM - BEFE BaseElementwith SnapFoot Side Element UM-SE ConnectionPins UM-VS The snapfoot elementswill fit DIN EN 50022,DIN EN 50035,and DIN EN 50045rails. Standoffsare includedwith eachAC1360 for benchtop useor wall mounting. Configuration Options The AC1360, shownin Figure 4.7, includesonly two 2.85 1 m.41 - 0 0 CONTROL 0 EN IR EN ‘ATA .coM Using the Track-and-Hold Feature Eachoutput moduleincludesa track-and-holdcircuit which allows one DAC to servenumerousoutput channels. The output droop rate is 80 +4/s which corresponds to a refreshinterval of 25 ms for 0.01% full-scale droop. The track-and-holdis controlledby an active-low enable input which is compatiblewith CMOS andLSTTL signals. If you do not wish to usethe track-and-holdpresentin eachoutput module,simply ground the write enableinput to power common. Figure 4.7. AC1360. 1011195 QtY. The first, labeledWl, providesa convenientpoint for providing the requiredcurrentreturn path from I/O commonon the nonisolated(systemside) of the modules to the +5 V supply common.In general,this is m the bestplaceto havesucha connection.In most applications, therewill alreadybe a suitablepath resultingfrom a connectionat anotherpoint so that Wl will result in a groundloop. Virtually any contactbetweensupply commonand analogmeasurementcommonin the surroundingsystemis sufficient; the two groundscan be severalvolts apartand can havea resistanceof up to 10 KQ betweenthem without affecting 5B Seriesmodule operation.Wl shouldbe cut if sucha contactexists. JumperW2 is factory installed a&only affectsthe operationof thermocoupleinput modules.W2 connects the AC 1361temperaturesensorin its normal manner when a thermocoupleinput module is installedin the modulesocket. For applicationsinvolving connectionof thermocouplewire to the HI andLO screwterminals,this resultsin normal correctionin the modulefor the thermal effectsof the connections. If, however,a 5B37 or 5B47 thermocouplemoduleis to be operatedwithoul thermocouplewire at the screw terminals- as,for example,in a test fixture using a millivolt source- the temperaturesensormustbe disabled and a suitablevoltageto simulateoperationat a chosen terminal temperaturemustbe substituted.This is accomplishedby openingjumper W2 and connectinga voltage sourceto the terminalslabeledCJC. The required polarity of the applied voltageis indicatedat the termi- 1 nals. It is absolutelyessentialthat the sourceof the voltagefloats with respectto anything connectedto the HI andLO input terminals(or the &EXC screws,which arenot normally usedin thermocoupleapplications). Most benchtopcalibration sourceshavethe necessary isolation to work properly. In theseapplications,a CJC voltage of 510.0mV will simulatesensoroperationat a terminal temperatureof +25OC. Sincethereare no parasiticthermocouplesat the screwterminalsto correct,all output readingswill appear to be 25°C higher than would be implied by the input voltage. With the 25OCshift takeninto account,however, moduleoperationis closeto normal conditionsfor testor evaluationpurposes.Alternatively, a CJC voltageof 572.5mV canbe applied,simulatingoperationat a terminal temperatureof 0°C. Millivolt inputs canthenbe readdirectly from thermocoupletableswithout any temperattueshift. At 572.5mV, however,sincethe module’scold junction correctioncircuitry is operating far from its designcenter,its errorswill be larger than would be the casein normal operation. Power Connection. Caution: The AC 1360is not protectedagainstreversed power supplyconnections.A reversalmay destroythe installedmodule. Double Isolation Protection A board using the 5B Seriesmodulescanbe configuredto j provide a doubleisolation barrier, as shownin Figure 4.8. A commonmodevoltageat the input would haveto break down thebarrier in the input moduleand raiselocal common(ground)enoughto breakdown the barrier in the output modulebefore it could affect the output circuit. Use with Two-Wire Transmitters The 5B Seriescan be usedin a systemto interfacewith two-wire transmittersin either of two ways. A configuration with a currentloop input from a loop-powered transmitter(Zwire) is illustratedin Figure 4.9. A configurationwith a currentloop input from a locally poweredsource,or 3/4 wire transmitter,is illustratedin Figure 4.10. JUMPER PROVIDED BETWEEN CHANNELS IN 5601 ISOLATED INPUT MODULE COMMON Figure 4.8. Double Isolation Protection 4-6 12/l/91 I HI I LOOP-POWERED TRANSMITTER I LO I I I I + OUT 4; c,” NOTE: A NONISOLATED SOURCE CAN GROUND ITS”-“OUTPUT WITHOUT AFFECTING OPERATION. COA I I t Figure 4.9. Current Loop Input from Loop-Powered Transmitter (a-wire) LOOP POWER L”“mL-r”..L”LY IN 4 4-20mA SOURCE (OR 3- OR4-WIR TRANSMllTER I OUT ,-I I r)r ‘I NOTE: A NONISOLATED SOURCE CAN GROUND ITS”-“OUTPUT WITHOUT AFFECTING OPERATION. Figure 4.10. Current Loop Input from Locally-Powered Source (or 314Wire Transmitter) 4-7 Appendix A Accessories To easethe boarddesignprocessand to completethe 5B Series subsystemsolution,the following accessoriesareavailable. AC1315 AC1 364 The AC 1315 is a 2’ (60 cm) 26pin cablewith 2 connectors The AC1364 is this 5B SeriesUser’sManual. AC1 324 The AC1324 is a universalinterfaceboard with a 26-pin connectorin and26 screwterminalsout. A diagramof the AC1324 is included in the InterfaceAccessoriessection of Chapter3, page3- 11. AC1 344 The AC 1344is a packageof 10jumpers for providing two levels of isolation protectionon the 5BOl backplane or replacingthe addressselectionjumpers on the 5BO2 backplane. AC1 360 The AC1360 is a single channelevaluationand testsocket with screwterminalsanda cold junction sensor.The operationof this socketis discussedin Chapter4, page 4-5. A diagramis included. AC1 361 The AC1361 temperaturesensorprovidescold junction temperatmemeasurementfor thermocoupleapplications on user-designedbackplanes.This sensoris describedin detail in Chapter4, page4-3. They areprovidedon each channelof 5B Seriesbackplane. AC1 362 Suppliedwith each5B32 Currentinput Module, the AC1362 is a replacementpluggableresistor(20 Cl) assembly. AC1 365 The AC1365 is a modulecaseand mountingscrew. AC1 366 The AC1366 is an interfaceboardusedto converthighlevel control signalsto the TTL logic levelsusedon the 5BO2backplane.This boardcan be mountedon the backsideof the metal chassis(AC1363). AC1 367 The AC 1367voltageswitch input is a nonisolated,unity gain module,allowing a preconditionedsignal to be connectedinto the 5B backplane.A detaileddiscussionof this moduleis included in Chapter2, page2-20. CAB-01 The CAB-01 is a 26-pin cablewith 3 connectorsusedto daisy-chain5B02 backplanes.The numberof CAB-01 cablesneededis equal to the numberof 5B02 backplanes to be connectedtogetherminus one. A maximumof four 5I!W2backplanescanbe chainedtogether,requiring three CAB-01 cablesand one AC1315 cable(or similar cable) to connectto an interfaceboardor control system. 955 The 955 is a chassismounted1 A @ 5 V power supply. SeeTable 3.2 in order to determinethe power requirementsfor eachsystem. AC1 363 The AC1363 is a single-piecemetal chassisfor mounting 5B Seriesbackplanesin a 19”rack. 10/l/95 A-l Appendix B Drill Template FigureB.l is a drill templatefor mountinga 5BOlor 5B02backplane. B-1 Appendix C 5B02 Jumper Configurations The 5B02 backplanewas designedto addressmultiple backplaneconfigurationswith a minimum of externalcircuitry. This is accomplishedby implementingaualoginput and autput busesand taking advantageof output enableand track-and-holdcircuits built into the modules.Using the addressand control lines on the 5BO2,up to 64 analoginput/outputchannelscanbe accessed. The following tablesdescribethejumper configurationsrequiredon the 5B02 backplanesfor one, two, three,or four 5B02 combinations. 5802 Logic Table - Single Board Application In this appliction, the jumpers on the board shouldbe in positions 1 and 6. All otherjumpers shouldbe left open. In the single-boardapplication,R4, R5, W4, and W5 shouldbe tied high or low; it’s bestnot to let them float. Also note that N.C. meansNO CHANNEL SELECTEDand X means-DON’TCARE. RD EN R5 R4 R3 R2 Rl RO READ WR EN W5 W4 W3 W2 Wl wo WRITE 1 X X X N.C. x x x x N.C. 1 x x x x x X X 0 0 CHO 0 0 0 0 CHO x 0 0 0 x 0 X X 1 0 CHl 0 0 0 1 CHl x 0 0 0 0 x X X 0 CH2 0 0 10 0 x 0 0 1 CH2 0 x X X 1 0 0 0 11 CH3 x 0 0 1 CH3 0 x X X 0 CH4 0 x 0 10 0 10 0 CH4 x 0 1 X X CH5 x 0 10 0 0 10 1 CH5 x 0 CH6 X X 0 x 0 11 0 11 0 CH6 x 0 0 1 CH7 X X x 0 11 0 0 111 CH7 x 0 CH8 X 0 X Xl 0 0 0 10 0 0 CH8 x 0 1 CH9 X X x 10 0 0 10 0 1 CH9 x 0 0 CHlO X X x 10 1 0 10 10 x CHlO 0 1 CHll X X x 10 1 10 11 x 0 CHll 0 CH12 0 X X x 11 0 0 11 0 0 CH12 x 0 1 CH13 X X 11 0 1 CH13 x 11 0 0 x 0 CH14 X X 0 x x111 111 0 CH14 0 0 1 CH15 X X 1111 0 x x111 CH15 0 C-l 5802 Logic Table - Dual-Board Application In this appliction, the first board will be called “A” and the secondboardwill be called “B.” Board A will havethejumpers in positions5 and 10. Board B will havethejumpers in positions4 and9. RD EN R5 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c-2 X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R4 R3 R2 Rl RO READ/ WR EN W5 CHANNEL X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 X X 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 N.C. N.C. CHO/A CHVA CHiYA CH3/A CH4/A CH5IA CHGIA CH-NA CH8/A CHS/A CHlO/A CHll/A CH12/A CH13/A CH14/A CH15/A CHO/B CHUB CH2/B CH3/B CH4/B CH5/B CHG/B CH7lB CH8/B CHS/B CHlO/B CHll/B CH12/B CH13/B CH14/B CHlUB 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w4 w3 w2 Wl X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 WO WRITE/ CHANNEL X X 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 N.C. N.C. CHO/A CHl/A CH2/A CH3/A CH4/A CH5/A CHG/A CH7/A CH8lA CHS/A CHlO/A CHll/A CH12/A CHlS/A CH14/A CHlUA CHO/B CHl/B CH2/B CH3/B CHLMB CH5/B CHG/B CH7lB CH8/B CHS/B CHlO/B CHll/B CHl'LIB CH13/B CH14/B CH15/B 12/l/91 5B02 Logic Table - Triple-Board Application A third boardcanbe addedto a dual application,andthis will be calledboard“CL” This board will havejumpers in location 3 and 8. RD EN R5 1 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R4 x x 11x 1 0 1.0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 R3 R2 Rl x x x 0 0 0 0 10 10 11 11 x x 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 11 11 111 111 0 0 1 1 0 0 RO READ/ WR EN CHANNEL X N.C. 1 X N.C. X 0 CHO/C 0 1 CHVC 0 0 CH2/C 0 1 CH3/C 0 0 CH4/C 0 1 CHYC 0 0 CHG/C 0 1 CH7/C 0 0 CH8/C 0 1 CHS/C 0 0 CHlO/C 0 1 CHll/C 0 0 CH12b-J 0 1 CH13/C 0 0 CH14/C 0 1 CH15/C 0 W5 W4 W3 W2 Wl X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 W2 Wl WO WRITE/ CHANNEL X N.C. X N.C. 0 CHOIC 1 CHVC 0 CH2IC 1 CH3IC 0 CH4lC 1 CH5K 0 CHGIC 1 CH7JC 0 CH8/C 1 CHS/C 0 CHlO/C 1 CHll/C 0 CH12K 1 CH13/C 0 CH14K 1 CH15K 5802 Logic Table - Addition of Fourth Board The addition of the fourth board (board“II” ) will utilize jumper positions2 and 7. RD EN R5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R4 R3 R2 Rl RO READ/ WR EN W5 CHANNEL x x x x x 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 111 111 111 111 1111 1111 11111 111111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 11 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 11 x 0 0 10 11 0 0 N.C. 0 CHO/D 1 CHVD CHUD CH3ID 0 CH4JD 1 CHYD 0 CHGID CH7ID 0 CH8lD 1 CHSID CHlO/D CHll/D 0 CH12/D 1 CH13/D 0 CHl4/D CHlYD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W4 x x 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 111 111 111 111 *l 1 111 111 111 W3 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 0 0 0 0 10 10 11 111 0 0 0 0 10 10 11 111 x 0 0 10 11 WO WRITE/ CHANNEL x 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 10 11 0 1 0 1 0 N.C. CHOID CHl/D CH2JD CH3lD CH4ID CH5/D CHG/D CH7/D CH8lD CHSID CHlO/D CHll/D CH12/D CH13/D CH14/D CH15/D G3 Appendix D 5B37 Transfer Function Calculating the Output Voltage of a 5837 The output voltageof a 5B37 thermocouplesignal conditionercanbe calculatedby knowing: (a) the thermocoupleinput voltageat the measurementtemperature; (b) the thermocoupleinput signal at the minimum point of the 5B37 module temperaturerange;and (c) the 5B37 gain. Transfer Equation for 5837 To determinethe output voltagefrom a 5B37 module,use the following equation: V OIpI= [ T.C. Output - V =rJ * GAIN where, The table show below providesthe thermocoupleoutput voltageat the minimum temperaturespanof each5B37 module(V,J and the 5B37 gain. Sensors Software Program For assistancein determininga specific thermocouple output voltageat any temperature,you may contactthe Analog Devices,Inc. TechnicalSupportGroup and requesta copy of the SENSORSsoftwareprogram.This Windows softwareprogramprovidesa convenient referenceto lookup tablesof temperaturesensingdevices, including thermocouples,RTD’s (Platinum,Nickel, and Copper),as well as thermistors.Functionsareimplementedin both directions(i.e., temperatureto mV and mV to temperature),as well as in both “C and OF. 1 - V,, is the 5B37 moduleoutput (in volts) 2 - T.C. Output is the thermocoupleoutput voltage (in mV) at the temperaturebeing measured 3-v =kOis the thermocoupleoutput voltage(in mV) at the minimum temperaturespanspecified for the 5B37 module 4 - GAIN is the throughputgain (in V/mV) of the 5B37 module 5837 Model Temp (C) lo Range hi J-01 K-02 -100 760 T-03 -100 1350 E-04 -100 0 400 900 N-08 B-06 S-05 R-o!! 0 1750 0 1750 0 1800 0 1300 vout (v) lo 0 0 0 0 Range 5 5 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 hi Vln (mv) lo Range hi -4.632 42.922 -3.553 54.125 -3.378 20.869 0 68.783 0 20.878 0 18.504 0 13.585 0 47.502 Vln span 47.554 57.678 24.247 68.783 20.878 18.504 13.585 47.502 0.105143 0.086688 0.206211 0.072692 0.239486 0.270211 0.368052 0.105258 -4.632 -3.553 -3.378 0 0 0 0 0 Gain (V/mV) Vzero (mv) 10/l/95 D-l Addendum to the 5B Series User’s Manual Important Information for use of the 58 Series Signal Conditioning Subsystems in RFIIEMI fields. The 5B Series Signal Conditioning Subsystem has been tested and passed the stringent “heavy industrial” requirements of the European Union’s electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directive. The 58 Series modules have the CE (Communite Europeenne) mark on their label indicating their approval. Only products that comply with these directives can have the CE mark affixed. Only CE marked products can be sold in the EU starting on January 1,1996. In order to comply with the European Standards in a typical heavy industrial application we recommend the following setup: 1. The modules must be mounted on a standard iomation 5B backplane. 2. The 5B backplane must be mounted inside a standard metal cabinet which fully encloses the modules on all sides. The cabinet must be earth grounded at a convenient point and good electrical contact between all side panels must be assured. 3. All wiring must be routed through a metal conduit or wire chase (flexible or rigid). 4. The conduit must be earth grounded and electrically connected to the cabinet. 5. Due to the low input levels, it is recommended that all input, output and power lines be shielded. The wiring must be connected as described in Chapter 3 of this manual. Flexible/Riaid Metal Cabinet General Wiring Configuration CE CERTIFICATION TESTS The 5B Series modules have been tested and certified according to the rigorous electromagnetic constrains of the EN50082-2 and EN50081-2 European Standards. The tests performed in accordance with these standards were: l l l l l l l l l Radiated RF Immunity - 80 MHz to 1000 MHz. Pulsed RF Immunity - 900 MHz, 50% Duty Cycle, 200 Hz. Conducted RF Immunity - 150 KHz to 80 MHz. Magnetic Field Immunity - 50 Hz. Fast Transient Immunity. ESD Immunity, Contact Method. ESD Immunity, Air Discharge Method. Voltage Surge Immunity. Emissions. When used according to these installation directions, any errors caused by EMI/RFI interference will be less than 0.1% of the full scale 5B measurement range (typical 8 25OC),for field strengths up to 10 V/M and frequencies up to 1 GHz.