Physics 14(Section 2836 ) Course Outline Spring 2010 Physics 14 is designed for the student who is interested in a more conceptual and less mathematical approach to physics. It is a survey course introducing the topics of mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, light, and modern physics. The emphasis will be on developing conceptual understanding of the laws of nature through hands-on experiences, laboratory experiments, and computer interactions, in addition to lectures and demonstrations. COURSE: Physics 14 (4 Units) Lecture/ Laboratory: 1:15p-3:15p MW SCI 122 1:15p-3:15p F SCI 101 TEXT: Trefil & Hazen’s Physics Matters (1st Edition, 2004.), with WileyPlus INSTRUCTOR: Asma W. Said Office: Office hours: Wednesday from 12:30pm-1:15pm in Room SCI 123 E-mail: Laboratory sessions for the course will be integrated into the course material so that they are used to reinforce and expand your understanding of the topics being covered, rather than being a separate entity of dubious relevance to the course. PREREQUISITE: NONE HOMEWORK: Homework assignments will be posted on my website .You should be working on the problems in a homework assignment as we work our way through the material in Class. I will select a subset of the homework problems for grading. The Homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. Homework turned in late will not be accepted .If you need to miss class for a reason other than a medical emergency; you will need to hand the homework in early or arrange to have someone else bring it in. Anyone copying from another's homework, quiz, exam, or re-grade or caught cheating will receive a grade of ZERO for that assignment or exam, as will the person from whom the answers were obtained. This SMC Honor code violation will also be referred to the Campus Disciplinarian. FINAL EXAM: Please note that the date and time for the final exam is: Friday, June 11, 2010, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Note that: The final examination time is a required class meeting ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THIS EXAMINATION AT THIS TIME. EXAMS/QUIZZES: There will be short quizzes during the semester, announced in the previous class. The dates for exams are: Midterm #1: Friday 9th, April 1:15 PM. Midterm #2: Friday 28th, May 1:15 PM. Final exam: Friday June 11th12:00 pm - 3:00 pm GRADING: Your grade in Physics 14 will be approximately determined as follows: 3% -class participation 10% -Laboratory 10%-assignments and homework 22%-quizzes 30%- midterm exams 25%-Final Exam Every unexcused absence will lead to a loss of 1% to a maximum of 3%. You will be dropped or earn an F if you have more than 3 unexcused classes. From this total point score, your letter grade for the course will be determined using the scale below. THERE IS NO “CURVE” FOR THIS COURSE. Percentage of total points you obtain your course grade 90% or greater A 80% or greater B 65% or greater C 50% or greater D less than 50% a Note: If you wish to drop the class, for whatever reason, it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that the appropriate paperwork is completed and submitted in a timely fashion. Also, the physical Sciences Department at Santa Monica College strives to ensure that all sections of the same course have similar grade distributions and grading policies. Cell Phones: Please turn your cell phones off or set them to “vibrate” before class starts. No cell phones on desks .You are not allowed to use your cell phone as a calculator .The first time your cell phone sounds in class there will be no penalty. After that, I will deduct 2 points from your final grade per occurrence. Course Outline: Week Dates Chapter 1 Feb,16th-19th 2/Scales in the Universe. Experiments 2 Feb 22th-26th Measurement 3 March 1st-5th 9, 23/Atoms and the Nature of Matter. 19/Properties of Light /color Reflection and Refraction 4 March 8th-12th 3/Straight Line Motion Introductory First day of class : Wednesday Feb,16th Optics 5 6 7 th th 4/Newton’s Laws and Forces th th 5/Newton’s Laws and Forces March 15 -19 March 22 -26 th March 29 - 6/Momentum April 2nd 8/Energy 8 April 5th-9th 8/Energy Midterm #1,Friday 9th Comments Energy 9 April 19th-23th 11/Temperature and Heat Specific Heat of Metals 11/Heat Transfer 10 April 26th-30th 11 rd 12 May 3 -7 th th May 10 -14 14/Vibrations and Waves 15/Sound th 21,22 /Modern Physics Simple Harmonic Motion and Oscillations 13 14 May 17th -21st th May 24 -28 th 26/Radioactivity 27/Fission, Fusion Midterm # 2,Friday 28th 15 May 31st-June 4th 28,29/Gravity and the Universe 16 June 7th -11th Open Topics Final Exam Friday, June 11th