THUNDER BAY 2011 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS INVENTORY REPORT May 6, 2013 Submitted by: KBM Resources Group 349 Mooney Ave Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5L5 (807) 345-5445 Table of Contents Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6 Community-Wide Performance .................................................................................... 6 Local Government Performance .................................................................................. 7 Going Forward ............................................................................................................. 9 1. Background ............................................................................................................ 10 1.1. City of Thunder Bay ......................................................................................... 10 1.2. Thunder Bay Community Environmental Action ............................................... 12 1.3. Partners for Climate Protection Milestones to Sustainability ............................ 12 2. Methodology .......................................................................................................... 13 2.1. Partners for Climate Protection Inventory Approach ........................................ 13 2.1.1. Emissions in Scope of Inventory................................................................ 14 2.1.2. Types of Greenhouse Gas......................................................................... 15 2.1.3. Fuel Emission Factors ............................................................................... 16 2.1.4. Biogenic Emissions ................................................................................... 17 2.1.5. Electricity Coefficient ................................................................................. 17 2.2. Data Collection ................................................................................................. 18 3. Community Inventory ............................................................................................. 21 3.1. 2011 Community Overview .............................................................................. 21 3.2. Key Energy Sources ........................................................................................ 25 3.2.1. Electricity ................................................................................................... 25 3.2.2. Natural Gas ............................................................................................... 28 3.3. Residential ....................................................................................................... 32 3.4. Commercial ...................................................................................................... 33 3.5. Industrial .......................................................................................................... 34 3.6. Transportation .................................................................................................. 36 3.7. Solid Waste ...................................................................................................... 40 4. Local Government Inventory .................................................................................. 43 4.1. 2011 Local Government Overview ................................................................... 43 4.2. Buildings .......................................................................................................... 48 4.3. Vehicle Fleet .................................................................................................... 52 4.4. Street Lights, Traffic Lights and Other Outdoor Lighting .................................. 55 4.5. Water and Wastewater..................................................................................... 56 4.6. Local Government Solid Waste ........................................................................ 57 Appendix A: Data Gaps ................................................................................................. 58 Appendix B: Local Government Buildings ..................................................................... 59 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2 List of Tables Table 1. City of Thunder Bay Population and Households in 2000, 2006 and 2011 ..... 10 Table 2: Community-Wide GHG Emissions Sources in Scope ..................................... 15 Table 3: 100-year Global Warming Potentials used in the PCP Inventories.................. 16 Table 4. PCP Fuel Emission Factors for 2011 .............................................................. 17 Table 5. Ontario Electricity Coefficients......................................................................... 18 Table 6. Data Providers for the Community Inventory ................................................... 19 Table 7. Data Providers for the Local Government Inventory........................................ 20 Table 8. Community Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Sector ................................. 22 Table 9. Community Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Source ................................ 24 Table 10. Thunder Bay Hydro Customer Type Categorization for Inventory ................. 26 Table 11. Union Gas Customer Type Categorization for Inventory ............................... 29 Table 12: Heating and Cooling Degree-Days ................................................................ 30 Table 13. Residential Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions .................................... 32 Table 14. Commercial Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions ................................... 33 Table 15. Industrial Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions ....................................... 34 Table 16. Transportation Sector Modeled Energy Use and GHG Emissions ................ 36 Table 17. Active Vehicle Registrations within the Community ....................................... 38 Table 18. Community Waste Modeled GHG Emissions ................................................ 40 Table 19: Landfill Gas Consumption at Mapleward Renewable Generating Station ..... 42 Table 20. Local Government Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Sector .................... 45 Table 21. Local Government Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Source ................... 46 Table 22. Local Government Building Energy Use and GHG Emissions ...................... 49 Table 23. Vehicle Fleet Fuel Use and GHG Emissions ................................................. 53 Table 24: Biodiesel Blends Consumed by the Local Government Vehicle Fleet ........... 54 Table 25. Lighting Electricity Use and GHG Emissions ................................................. 55 Table 26. Water and Wastewater Treatment Energy Use and GHG Emissions............ 56 Table 27. City of Thunder Bay Water and Sewage Output............................................ 57 Table 28: Notable Gaps in Local Government Energy Use Data .................................. 58 Table 29: Energy Use and GHG Emissions of all Buildings Managed or Influenced by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay ................................................................... 59 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 3 List of Figures Figure 1: Community GHG Emissions and Reduction Target Pathway .......................... 6 Figure 2: Local Government GHG Emissions and Reduction Target Pathway ............... 8 Figure 3: Employment within the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Area ................... 11 Figure 4: Local Government Share of Community Emissions in 2011 .......................... 14 Figure 5: Thunder Bay Community GHG Emissions 2005 – 2011 ................................ 21 Figure 6. 2011 Community GHG Emissions by Sector.................................................. 22 Figure 7. Community GHG Emissions by Sector .......................................................... 23 Figure 8. 2011 Community GHG Emissions by Source................................................. 23 Figure 9. Community GHG Emissions by Source ......................................................... 25 Figure 10: Thunder Bay Hydro Peak Demands 2005 to 2011 ....................................... 26 Figure 11: Indexed Average Annual Electricity Sales per Customer ............................. 27 Figure 12: Community Electricity Emissions and Ontario Electricity Coefficient............ 27 Figure 13: Thunder Bay Generating Station Power Generation and GHG Emissions... 28 Figure 14: Indexed Average Annual Natural Gas Sales per Customer ......................... 29 Figure 15: Community Natural Gas Consumption and Heating Degree Days ............... 31 Figure 16: Residential GHG Emissions by Source ........................................................ 32 Figure 17: Commercial GHG Emissions by Source ...................................................... 33 Figure 18: Industrial GHG Emissions by Source ........................................................... 35 Figure 19: Transportation GHG Emissions by Source .................................................. 37 Figure 20: Waste GHG Emissions and Landfill Gas Capture ........................................ 41 Figure 21: Thunder Bay Local Government GHG Emissions 2005 - 2011 .................... 44 Figure 22. 2011 Local Government GHG Emissions by Sector .................................... 44 Figure 23. Local Government GHG Emissions by Sector ............................................. 45 Figure 24. 2011 Local Government GHG Emissions by Source ................................... 46 Figure 25. Local Government GHG Emissions by Source ............................................ 47 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 4 Abbreviations CCP – Cities for Climate Protection; an international campaign of over 700 local governments in 29 countries who are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CEAP – Community Environmental Action Plan CO2e – carbon dioxide equivalent; used to describe greenhouse gas emissions in equivalent volume of carbon dioxide after taking into account their global warming potential. For example, methane is 21 times stronger than carbon dioxide (CO2) over 100 years, so one tonne of methane is equal to 21 tonnes CO2e. FCM – Federation of Canadian Municipalities GHG – greenhouse gas; natural or anthropogenic gas whose presence in the atmosphere causes the greenhouse effect, including carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). GJ – gigajoule (a metric term used for measuring energy use). A GJ is a billion joules. A joule is the amount of energy required to send a one-ampere electric current through a oneohm resistance for one second. GWP – global warming potential; a relative measure of how much heat a given mass of a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere as compared to the same mass of carbon dioxide, commonly calculated over 100 years. ICLEI – Local Governments of Sustainability (formerly the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; established by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts. kWh – kilowatt hour; the equivalent of having ten 100 W light bulbs on for an hour. A GWh is one million kWh. ML – megalitre – i.e. million litres. PCP – Partners for Climate Protection; Canadian component of the Cities for Climate Protection implemented jointly by ICLEI and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. t – metric tonne; typically the unit of measure in which emissions are calculated (1000 kg or 2204.6 lbs). VKT – vehicle kilometres travelled; the total distance travelled within a geographic area in a period of time Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 5 Overview Community-Wide Performance The City of Thunder Bay 1 (the community) has committed to community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions of 10% below 2005 levels by 2017. The community has already exceeded its target, by reducing emissions 38% below 2005 levels. GHG emissions in the community are tracked from residential, commercial, industrial, transportation and waste sources. Among these, transportation represents the largest share of emissions (34%), followed by residential (26%), industrial (20%), commercial (14%) and waste (6%). Total community GHG emissions in 2011 were estimated to be 895,797 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent GHG emissions (tCO2e). Figure 1: Community GHG Emissions and Reduction Target Pathway 864,789 895,797 2011 600,000 2010 1,002,364 1,040,506 2008 800,000 1,067,056 1,000,000 2007 1,200,000 1,129,823 1,400,000 1,436,726 Community GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 1,600,000 400,000 200,000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2009 2006 2005 - From a GHG emissions intensity perspective, GHG emissions per person dropped to 8.3 tCO2e per capita in 2011. This is 37% lower than in 2005. Community energy consumption followed a similar trajectory as community GHG emissions between 2005 and 2011. Total community energy consumption in 2011 was The City of Thunder Bay will be referred to as the Community in this report so as to clearly differentiate it from the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay (the local government operations). 1 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 6 estimated to be 16,289,615 gigajoules (GJ), down 33% from 2005 levels. Natural gas was the most prevalent type of energy consumed in Thunder Bay at 53% (in GJ), followed by electricity (21%), gasoline (19%), and diesel (8%). Three significant factors drove the decline in community GHG emissions. First, industrial activity declined sharply between 2005 and 2006, reducing the natural gas consumption by the industrial sector. Industrial natural gas emissions in Thunder Bay were 69% lower in 2011 than 2005. The forest sector collapse in 2005-2006 and the economic recession in 2008-2009 both reduced activity, not only in the industrial sector but community-wide. Second, the total vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT) within the City of Thunder Bay were modelled to be 26% lower in 2011 than 2005. This may be related to the economic downturn or it may simply be an artifact of a change in how VKT is measured. 2 Third, the Ontario electricity emissions intensity decreased by 43% as the province brought on a greater proportion of renewable electricity generation. GHG emissions associated with electricity used in Thunder Bay were 49% lower in 2011 than in 2005. Local Government Performance The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay 3 (the “Corporation”) set a GHG emissions reduction target of 35% below 2005 levels by 2017. The Corporation selected the target after forecasting “business as usual” (BAU) and assessing conservative (16%), moderate (31%) and aggressive (53%) reduction scenarios. The BAU assumed that even without new emission reduction initiatives growth in the Corporation would increase GHG emissions by only 1.1% between 2005 and 2016. The Corporation has expanded more than was forecast under BAU; the floor area of corporate facilities, for example, increased 9% from 2005 to 2011. Even with energy conservation initiatives that have so far contributed to an 11% reduction in total GHG emissions below 2005 levels, the additional load makes it challenging to achieve the 35% target by 2017. The implications of expanding operations must be considered in the context of total corporate GHG emissions and whether the unanticipated growth can be offset by additional efficiency and conservation initiatives. In 2008, City Council approved the consolidation of all energy data into the Energy, Financial and Administrative Services of the Facility, Fleet and Transit Department. As a result the data moving forward from 2009 will be used as a benchmark year for the local government. Since Ontario electricity emissions intensity was lowest in 2009, that benchmark year has relatively lower emissions. Emissions in 2011 were 3% higher than in 2009. 2 The City updated the methodology by which VKT are calculated, which may explain the decrease in modelled traffic volumes between 2005 and 2011, as described in section 3.6. 3 The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay will be referred to as the Corporation in this report so as to clearly differentiate it from the wider community. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 7 The Corporation’s GHG emissions are tracked from corporate facilities, fleet, street lighting (street lights, traffic control and signal systems, and other lighting), water and wastewater treatment operations. Among these, buildings represent the largest share of emissions (44%), followed by the corporate fleet (34%), water and wastewater (17%), and lighting (5%). The Corporation’s total GHG emissions in 2011 were estimated to be 29,546 tCO2e, which represents approximately 3.3% of the total emissions produced by the community. Figure 2: Local Government GHG Emissions and Reduction Target Pathway 4 40,000 29,119 28,970 29,546 2010 2011 20,000 2009 25,000 33,261 30,000 15,000 10,000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2008 2007 0 2006 5,000 2005 Local Government GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 35,000 The Corporation’s total energy consumption in 2011 was estimated to be 606,746 GJ, down 5% from 2009 levels. Natural gas and electricity were the most prevalent types of energy consumed (38% and 37%, respectively), followed by biodiesel blends (19%), and gasoline (6%). Overall, 2011 energy expenditures across municipal operations for the activities covered in this inventory were $14,670,055. Energy use in corporate buildings declined 5% between 2009 and 2011, while floor area increased by 1%. GHG emissions from buildings increased 2% during that time despite the reduction in energy use because of an increase in electricity emissions intensity over that period. Vehicle fleet energy use increased 1% between 2009 and 2011. Due to a shift to biodiesel blends, which produce fewer GHG emissions per unit energy than diesel, vehicle fleet GHG emissions decreased 3%. Lighting energy use declined 3% between 2009 and 2011. Associated emissions in that period increased 26% because of the increase in electricity emissions intensity. 4 Total emissions for 2006 to 2008 are not shown, as the vehicle fleet data for those years is incomplete. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 8 Water and wastewater energy use declined 12% between 2009 and 2011. Associated emissions in that period rose 4%. Going Forward The information contained in this 2011 greenhouse gas emissions inventory report demonstrates the City of Thunder Bay’s progress towards its emission reduction goals and the Partners for Climate Protection milestones. The report is intended to enable the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay to: • Track progress towards the 2017 GHG emissions reduction targets; • Further manage its emissions based upon reliable GHG emissions-related data; • Facilitate updates to the GHG emissions inventory to track longer term progress; and, • Identify opportunities for continual improvement to the Corporation’s energy data management and reporting processes. The tracking of accurate, detailed data on energy use and emissions in the City of Thunder Bay provides a basis for informed decision-making as it measures its success and sets further goals. As the economy recovers, the Community will experience increased activity, particularly in the industrial and commercial sectors. Also, the Corporation is expanding its facilities, such as the addition of the new EMS Headquarters and stations, new fire halls, new centralized transit terminal and the proposed multipurpose event centre. These areas of growth will increase energy consumption, and it will become more challenging for Thunder Bay to maintain its GHG reductions without the implementation of energy management initiatives and energy efficient building practices. With strong leadership, there is opportunity to start decoupling economic growth from GHG emissions by improving energy efficiency and using clean energy with lower emissions intensity. Success will be measured by a growth in output and productivity without directly corresponding growth in GHG emissions. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 9 1. Background 1.1. City of Thunder Bay Thunder Bay is located on the northwestern shore of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada, approximately 65 km north of the border with the U.S. State of Minnesota. It lies almost equidistant between Winnipeg and Sault Ste. Marie. The City of Thunder Bay, which is made up of the former cities of Fort William and Port Arthur, as well as the townships of Neebing and McIntyre, covers a land area of 328 km2. The City of Thunder Bay is the second most populous in Northern Ontario, and 46th largest in Ontario, with a population of 108,359. As seen in Table 1, the population and number of households have remained fairly steady in the last decade. When including the surrounding municipalities and townships and the Fort William First Nation, the Thunder Bay census metropolitan area (CMA), at a population of 121,596, is the 32nd largest in Canada. Thunder Bay is the regional service centre for Northwestern Ontario. It is home to one of the busiest international airports in Ontario. It has significant educational institutions – Lakehead University, Confederation College, and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. It is an important Canadian transportation hub where rail (CN and CP), TransCanada highway routes, and Great Lakes shipping meet. The Thunder Bay port is the largest outbound port in the St. Lawrence Seaway System. Thunder Bay is also home to world class health and medical facilities. Table 1. City of Thunder Bay Population and Households in 2000, 2006 and 2011 2001 2006 2011 Population 109,016 109,160 108,359 Households 44,915 49,023 46,945 5 Natural resources form the basis of the local economy. Major employers include the local, provincial and federal government, the health sciences centre, educational institutions, Resolute (forest products), and Bombardier Transportation (mass transportation). There are also several call centres. The city is preparing to be a major economic centre for the mining and minerals sector (i.e. chromite, gold, platinum, 5 Statistics Canada. 2012. Census subdivision of Thunder Bay, CY. Focus on Geography Series, 2011 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-310-XWE2011004. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 10 diamond, nickel and copper), which is forecast to expand its operations in Northwestern Ontario over the next five years. Thunder Bay experienced a downturn in its economy during the worldwide recession of 2008-2009, and was also particularly affected by the downturn in the forestry sector. The sharpest decline in activity, and therefore GHG emissions, occurred in 2006, with the closure of the Cascades Fine Papers operation, the shutdown of a Great West Timber production line, and the idling of one of the two kraft mills at the Bowater plant (now Resolute). An estimated 905 direct job losses were associated with those changes in mill activity between September 2005 and May 2006. 6 Northern Wood Preservers Inc. also shut down during this downturn. Employment losses spread to construction, distribution and professional and management professions. Thunder Bay has not fully recovered the employment losses of the last decade, but it has stabilized. Figure 3 shows that overall employment declined slightly and has since remained relatively stable. There are indications of an improving economy, with transition toward a knowledge-based economy, investment in public infrastructure, and diversification through growth of the mining sector. Figure 3: Employment within the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Area 7 120 Thousands of People 100 80 60 Population of Working Age (15+) 40 Seasonally Adjusted Employment 20 0 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 The climate of Thunder Bay is ‘humid continental climate’, with average daily temperatures range from 17.6°C in July to −14.8°C in January. Its location on Lake Superior results in cooler summer temperatures and warmer winter temperatures than inland. 6 North Superior Training Board. 2006. Community Assessment: Impact of Closures and Layoffs in the District of Thunder Bay. Prepared by Trendline Consulting Services. pp.iii 7 Statistics Canada. 2012. Labour Force Survey. CANSIM Table 282-0116. Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by census metropolitan area based on 2006 census boundaries, 3-month moving average, seasonally adjusted. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 11 1.2. Thunder Bay Community Environmental Action In 1997 the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay made a commitment to take action on climate change. The Corporation joined other municipalities in the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program managed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and by Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI). After several years of community engagement and planning, the Thunder Bay Community Environmental Action Plan (CEAP) was adopted by City Council in October 2008. The purpose of the CEAP is “to help promote a sustainable, healthy community,” and the mission statement is “to focus the energy, involvement and collective wisdom of the community to secure the environmental health of our region, and thereby improve the social and economic wellbeing of future generations.” The CEAP incorporates two emissions reduction targets for 2017: 10% below the 2005 baseline for community emissions and 35% below 2005 for local government emissions. The CEAP was developed using information provided in the “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Local Action Plan for Emissions Reductions” prepared by ICLEI Energy Services in 2008. 8 That report established a greenhouse gas baseline inventory using data on Thunder Bay’s 2005 community and local government energy and emissions. The CEAP is supported by other policy tools, such as Thunder Bay’s Strategic Plan 2011 – 2014, the Strategic Approach to Corporate Energy Management Plan, and the Corporate Environmental Policy, to achieve reductions in GHG emissions within the Corporation . 1.3. Partners for Climate Protection Milestones to Sustainability The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay has committed to follow the five milestone framework of the PCP program. 9 The framework guides local governments on a path to building capacity in reducing GHG emissions. The foundational step is to undertake a community GHG inventory and forecast. 8 ICLEI Energy Services. 2008. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Local Action Plan for Emissions Reductions. Prepared for the City of Thunder Bay. 9 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Partners for Climate Protection Program. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 12 The five milestones of the PCP program are: Milestone 1: Creating a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast Milestone 2: Setting an emissions reductions target Milestone 3: Developing a local action plan Milestone 4: Implementing the local action plan or a set of activities Milestone 5: Monitoring progress and reporting results Thunder Bay is already recognized for having achieved milestone 3 and it has been implementing the Community Environmental Action Plan for over three years. This updated GHG inventory report supports the fulfillment of the PCP Program milestone 5 monitoring progress and reporting results – by demonstrating how the City of Thunder Bay is making progress towards its community and local government emission reduction targets. 2. Methodology 2.1. Partners for Climate Protection Inventory Approach The 2011 community-wide and local government (i.e. municipal operations) GHG inventory has been developed using approved standardized procedures as set out by the ICLEI-PCP guide book Developing Inventories for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption: A Guidance Document for Partners for Climate Protection in Canada. 10 The PCP inventory methodology breaks down GHG emissions in two ways, with a separate inventory for each: community-wide and local government. The community-wide emissions inventory includes emissions from the following sectors: • residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, transportation and waste. 10 FCM–ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection. 2008. Developing Inventories for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption: A Guidance Document for Partners for Climate Protection in Canada. Prepared by Hyla Environmental Services Ltd. Accessed from Consumption_EN.pdf Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 13 The local government emissions inventory can include the following sectors: • municipal buildings, vehicle fleet, lighting (street lights, traffic control and signal systems, and other lighting), water and wastewater, and possibly local government waste if it can be separated from community waste. The local government emissions inventory is a subset of the community-wide emissions inventory. All local government emissions are also captured in the community-wide inventory, though categorized in another way (e.g. through commercial electricity consumption instead of electricity consumption under buildings, water and wastewater.) Figure 4 shows the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay’s emissions as approximately 3% of total community-wide emissions. Figure 4: Local Government Share of Community Emissions in 2011 3.3% Local Government Emissions Other Community Emissions 96.7% 2.1.1. Emissions in Scope of Inventory Greenhouse gas emission inventories consider two types of emissions: direct and indirect. Direct emissions are from sources within the organizational boundaries of the reporting entity, such as sources that are owned or managed by that entity. Indirect emissions are those that are a consequence of the activities of the reporting entity, but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity. The PCP methodology requires that all direct emissions, but limited indirect emissions, are reported in the inventory. In the Thunder Bay community-wide emissions inventory, direct emissions are those that are produced upon consumption of energy by an end user within the boundary of the City of Thunder Bay (such as the burning of gasoline in vehicles commuting within the city). Indirect emissions are those that are produced ‘upstream’ of consumption in Thunder Bay (such as electricity generation elsewhere in the province). Table 2 provides an overview of those emissions that are included within the Thunder Bay community-wide inventory and those that are excluded. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 14 Table 2: Community-Wide GHG Emissions Sources in Scope Scope 1: Direct Scope 2: Indirect Emissions Out of Scope Sector Emissions in Scope Emissions in or Not Captured Scope Residential Fuel consumption from Electricity use Fuel consumption by off-road heating equipment; Refrigerant leakage Commercial & Fuel consumption from Electricity use Fuel consumption by construction Industrial heating and processes and landscaping equipment; Refrigerant leakage; Consumption of coal, coke and heavy fuel oil Transportation Fuel consumption by Fuel consumption by recreational vehicles and off-road vehicles; Fuel consumption from rail and air transportation Community Methane from landfill Contracted waste disposal not Waste waste decomposition delivered to the Thunder Bay’s Mapleward Road Solid Waste & Recycling Facility Land Use Land use changes between forest, Change agriculture and urban development Other Fuel from extraction, production and transportation of materials and fuels outside Thunder Bay that are transported to and consumed within the city Those emissions that are not captured within the scope of the community inventory were not included due to: • the lack of control the community has over the source, making it difficult to implement emissions reductions; • the small or insignificant portion it would constitute of the total source; • the complexity and lack of standard methodology to measure that source at the community level; • the uncertainty associated with the data; or, • the absence or difficulty of obtaining the data. The inventory reflects actual emissions as closely as possible. However, in certain cases where data was unavailable, particularly for years 2006 to 2008, a note has been made within the relevant section. 2.1.2. Types of Greenhouse Gas Six types of GHG emissions are reported at the national level by Environment Canada. This inventory report tracks and reports on the three most significant greenhouse gases from communities: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Those greenhouse gases that are not included in this inventory would represent only a very small portion of the overall inventories. 11 11 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are being phased out of production and general use in many cases, are not usually measured (e.g. from equipment leaks or releases) and are often hard to estimate. Sulfur Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 15 Each type of GHG emission has a different impact on the climate per tonne emitted into the atmosphere, referred to as its global warming potential (GWP). To report on all of the greenhouse gases together, the mass of each gas is converted into “carbon dioxide equivalents” based upon its GWP. In this report, all emissions are reported in carbon dioxide equivalents, or CO2e. Environment Canada uses the 100-year GWPs set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its Second Assessment Report (1996). 12 Revised GWPs were published by IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report in 2007, 13 but Environment Canada continues to use the original numbers since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change inventory reporting guidelines made no recommendation on which GWPs should be applied. The PCP inventory follows the GWPs used by Environment Canada, as listed in the middle column of Table 3. 14 Table 3: 100-year Global Warming Potentials used in the PCP Inventories Greenhouse 100-year Global Warming 100-year Global Warming Gas Potential (IPCC 1996) Potential (IPCC 2007) CO2 1 1 CH4 21 25 N2O 310 298 SF6 23,900 22,800 Note that if the IPCC 2007 GWPs were adopted by Environment Canada, the modelled impact of methane emissions would be more significant. This is particularly relevant for waste emissions, as landfill gas is typically 50 to 55% methane. 2.1.3. Fuel Emission Factors Emission factors are used to convert activity data (i.e. energy use) into associated GHG emissions. This is done by multiplying the units of energy consumed by a corresponding emission factor for the type of energy consumed. A fuel emission factor specifies the amount of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) for each type of gas (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) produced by burning one unit of fuel. hexafluoride (SF6) is used in electricity distribution and some other specialized uses and can also be difficult to estimate. 12 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 1995. IPCC Second Assessment Report: Climate Change 1995 (SAR). Accessed from 13 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007 (AR4). Accessed from 14 Environment Canada. 2012. Global Warming Potentials. Accessed from Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 16 Table 4 lists the emissions factors used in the PCP methodology for some common fuel types. Other than natural gas, these factors remain relatively steady year to year. Table 4. PCP Fuel Emission Factors for 2011 Fuel Units Natural Gas Gasoline (mobile) Diesel (mobile) B5 Biodiesel Blend B10 Biodiesel Blend Propane 3 Cubic Metres (m ) Litres (L) Litres (L) Litres (L) Litres (L) Litres (L) Emission Coefficients (t GHG/unit of fuel) CO2 N2O CH4 Total CO2e 0.001879 3.50E-08 3.70E-08 0.00189 0.002289 4.70E-07 2.30E-07 0.002440 0.002663 5.10E-08 2.20E-07 0.002683 0.002549 0.002415 0.00151 1.08E-07 2.70E-08 0.00154 2.1.4. Biogenic Emissions Emissions from burning biomass are considered carbon-neutral because the carbon is generated by the natural carbon cycle. Thus, carbon dioxide emissions from natural vegetation and biological sources (i.e. wood and other wood derived fuels, sewage gas, methanol, ethanol and biodiesel) are excluded from the inventory. However, the small portion of methane and nitrous oxide that are also emitted with carbon dioxide during biomass combustion are included in the inventory. This methodology is consistent with the IPCC standard applied in Canada’s National Inventory Report: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks, 1990-2010. 15 Where blended fuels (i.e. B10 – comprised of 10% biodiesel and 90% traditional diesel) are combusted, the carbon dioxide emissions from the fossil fuel fraction of the blended fuel are included in the inventory. 2.1.5. Electricity Coefficient While electricity does not generate emissions at its end use, GHG emissions are generated during many forms of electricity production. To incorporate the indirect emissions associated with the electricity used in Thunder Bay, an electricity coefficient is used. PCP derives the annual electricity coefficients from Canada’s National Inventory Report: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks. 16 The emissions intensity of power produced in the province of Ontario is calculated annually, based upon the profile of electricity generation (e.g. types and quantities of fuels used, technologies applied and their efficiency.) Ontario generates electricity through coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectricity, solar and wind facilities. Hydroelectricity plants provide the majority of generation for Northwestern Ontario; however, a coefficient based upon the provincewide electricity emissions intensity is used as per Environment Canada’s methodology. 15 Environment Canada. 2012. National Inventory Report 1990-2010: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. Accessed from 16 Environment Canada. 2012. National Inventory Report 1990-2010: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. Accessed from Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 17 Between 2005 and 2011, the GHG emissions intensity of Ontario’s power production decreased significantly, from 0.23 to 0.13 kg CO2e per kilowatt hour (kWh). This has been achieved by expanding renewable energy production and reducing coal-fired electricity production under Ontario’s Green Energy Act (Bill 150, Green Energy and Green Economy Act, 2009). Table 5 lists Ontario’s electricity emission coefficients between 2005 and 2011. Table 5. Ontario Electricity Coefficients Electricity Year Coefficient (kg CO2e/kWh) 2005 0.23 2006 0.19 2007 0.21 2008 0.17 2009 0.10 2010 0.13 2011 0.13 Even if electricity consumption were to have remained steady since 2005, the GHG emissions associated with that electricity use would have declined by 43%. This shift to green energy has been instrumental in contributing to Community and Corporate GHG emissions reductions. 2.2. Data Collection In addition to collecting 2011 data for the inventory, the 2005 baseline data has also been updated in the same PCP Inventory Quantification Spreadsheet (a Microsoft Excel workbook) format for comparison. Also, 2006 to 2010 data was collected to track annual progress. Thunder Bay’s community-wide and local government energy usage data was obtained from a variety of sources. Table 6 provides a list of the data providers for the Thunder Bay community inventory. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 18 Table 6. Data Providers for the Community Inventory Sector Data Provided Residential, Electricity consumption by Commercial & customer type Industrial Sectors Natural gas sales by customer type Transportation Vehicle kilometres travelled Waste Waste tonnage, emissions capture and electricity generation Landfill gas capture Indicators Population and households Source Bill Willis, Supervisor, Conservation & Energy Services, Thunder Bay Hydro Tim Pagee, Commercial, Contract Industrial and Industrial Sales Account Manager, Union Gas Irene Dahl, Co-ordinator, Budgets & Operational Planning, Roads Division, Infrastructure & Operations, City of Thunder Bay Jason Sherband, Coordinator, Solid Waste Diversion and Recycling, Roads Division, Infrastructure & Operations Department, City of Thunder Bay Matt Miedema, Project Engineer, Engineering Division, Infrastructure & Operations Department, City of Thunder Bay 17 Statistics Canada The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay’s, Energy, Financial and Administrative Services Division within the Facilities, Fleet and Transit Department is responsible for the budgeting, monitoring, verification, conservation, and environmental initiatives for Corporate energy. The Division provided energy consumption, energy cost and other activity data for Corporate Facilities. Table 7 provides a list of the data providers for the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay local government inventory. 17 Statistics Canada. 2012. Census subdivision of Thunder Bay, CY [City]. Focus on Geography Series, 2011 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-310-XWE2011004. Ottawa, Ontario. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 19 Table 7. Data Providers for the Local Government Inventory Sector Data Provided Source Buildings Building energy consumption Vanessa DeGiacomo-Zwaresh, Energy and cost Analyst, Energy, Financial & Administrative Services, Facilities, Fleet & Transit Services Department, City of Thunder Bay Diesel generation set consumption Fleets Lighting Water & Wastewater Thunder Bay Community Auditorium energy consumption Thunder Bay Tournament Center energy consumption and cost Thunder Bay Museum energy consumption Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame and Museum energy consumption Fleet fuel consumption and costs Street lights, traffic control and other outdoor lighting energy consumption and cost Number of lights Water and wastewater energy consumption Water and wastewater output and energy cost Karen Pasko, Energy Analyst, Energy, Financial & Administrative Services, Facilities, Fleet & Transit Services Department, City of Thunder Bay Mike Sandrin, Manager, Facilities Services, Facilities, Fleet &Transit Services Department, City of Thunder Bay Brent Panasyk, Building Services Manager, Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Cindy Paul, Best Western Norwester Hotel Mark Tilbury, CAO, Thunder Bay Museum Diane Imrie, Executive Director, Northwestern Ontario Sports Hall of Fame and Museum Jim Suffak, Manager, Fleet Services, Facilities, Fleet & Transit Services Department, City of Thunder Bay Vanessa DeGiacomo-Zwaresh Karen Pasko Brad Adams, Manager, Roads Division, City of Thunder Bay Vanessa DeGiacomo-Zwaresh Karen Pasko Michelle Warywoda, Process Engineer, Environment Division, Infrastructure & Operations Department, City of Thunder Bay Carl Goodwin, Process Engineer, Environment Division, Infrastructure & Operations Department, City of Thunder Bay Some data was not available to be incorporated into the Corporate Energy Database and local government inventory. A summary of the notable data gaps is provided in Appendix A. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 20 3. Community Inventory 3.1. 2011 Community Overview The Thunder Bay community inventory provides an estimate of all the GHG emissions produced within the City of Thunder Bay (the “community”) in 2011, both by residents in their homes and by local businesses and institutions as they carry out their operations. Five key sectors are included in the community inventory: residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, and solid waste. In 2011, the community produced approximately 895,797 tCO2e. This is 38% lower than the 2005 baseline of 1,436,726 tonnes CO2e, having progressed well beyond the target of reducing community emissions 10% below 2005 levels by 2017. Figure 5 shows Thunder Bay’s community GHG emissions against a linear pathway towards its 2017 reduction target. Figure 5: Thunder Bay Community GHG Emissions 2005 – 2011 864,789 895,797 2011 600,000 2010 1,002,364 1,040,506 2008 800,000 1,067,056 1,000,000 2007 1,200,000 1,129,823 1,400,000 1,436,726 Community GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 1,600,000 400,000 200,000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2009 2006 2005 - The 4% rise in GHG emissions between 2010 and 2011 may be associated with increasing economic activity as the region recovers from the forest sector collapse and the 2008-2009 recession. In 2010, Thunder Bay’s gross domestic product (GDP) indicator went up 0.9% after years of negative growth, and then remained relatively unchanged in 2011. Economic growth is forecast to continue with a 1.8% increase in Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 21 2013 and another 1.9% in 2014. 18 Between 2010 and 2011, the residential, commercial and industrial sectors all experienced an increase in energy use and emissions. Figure 6 illustrates the breakdown of community emissions by sector in 2011. The transportation sector was responsible for the largest portion of emissions, followed by the residential sector, the industrial sector, commercial sector and waste. Figure 6. 2011 Community GHG Emissions by Sector Waste 6% Residential 26% Transportation 34% Commercial 14% Industrial 20% Table 8 provides the GHG emissions produced by each sector in 2011 and the baseline year 2005. The residential sector includes residential buildings and related energy sources (natural gas and electricity). The commercial sector includes commercial buildings and related energy sources (natural gas and electricity). The industrial sector includes industrial buildings, processes and related energy sources (natural gas and electricity). The transportation sector includes community-wide vehicle emissions based on fuel type (diesel, gasoline, and propane). The waste sector includes life-cycle emissions from waste landfilled in the inventory year. Table 8. Community Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Sector 2005 2011 Sector CO2e (tonnes) CO2e (%) CO2e (tonnes) Residential 300,074 21% 234,200 Commercial 132,520 9% 128,486 Industrial 505,657 35% 180,986 Transportation 450,675 31% 302,169 Waste 47,800 3% 49,955 Total 1,436,726 895,797 CO2e (%) 26% 14% 20% 34% 6% 18 The Conference Board of Canada. 2013. Metropolitan Outlook 1: Economic Insights into 13 Canadian Metropolitan Economies: Winter 2013. Prepared by Alan Arcand, Mario Lefebvre, Jane McIntyre, Greg Sutherland, and Robin Wiebe. Available at Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 22 Figure 7 compares community emissions by sector in 2005 and 2011. The most significant reduction in emissions occurred in the industrial sector, which went down 64% in that period, predominately due to the decline in industrial activity. Transportation emissions dropped 33% (though some of that may be due to a change in how traffic is modeled). It is not possible to ascertain how closely the reduction in transportation emissions was linked to the reduction in industrial activity. The residential sector emissions dropped 22% and commercial sector emissions dropped 3%. Community waste emissions increased by 5% before taking into account the landfill gas emissions capture and use to produce electricity. Figure 7. Community GHG Emissions by Sector 1,600,000 Tonnes CO2e 1,400,000 Waste 1,200,000 Transportation 1,000,000 800,000 Industrial 600,000 400,000 Commercial 200,000 2005 2011 Residential Figure 8 provides the breakdown of Thunder Bay’s community emissions produced by source (predominately energy type). Natural gas produced the largest portion of emissions in Thunder Bay in 2011, followed by electricity, gasoline, diesel and solid waste. Figure 8. 2011 Community GHG Emissions by Source Propane Waste 5% Diesel 0% 10% Electricity 14% Gasoline 24% Natural Gas 47% Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 23 Table 9 provides the energy use and GHG emissions produced by each energy type in the baseline year 2005 and in 2011. The share of natural gas and electricity in the fuel mix declined over that time period. Table 9. Community Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Source 2005 Energy Type Total Use CO2e Total Use CO2e (%) 19 (GJ) (tonnes) (GJ) Electricity 3,757,524 240,064 17% 3,401,984 Natural Gas 14,128,975 698,187 49% 8,553,904 Diesel 4,477,399 312,074 22% 1,260,325 Gasoline 1,930,234 135,239 9% 3,032,839 Propane 55,105 3,362 0% 40,563 Waste N/A 47,800 3% N/A Total 1,436,726 2011 CO2e (tonnes) 122,849 420,823 211,391 88,303 2,475 49,555 895,797 CO2e (%) 14% 47% 24% 10% 0% 6% Emissions from electricity declined 49% between 2005 and 2011. Actual electricity consumption decreased 9%, but because the electricity coefficient dropped to reflect the greening of Ontario’s electricity profile (see Section 2.1.5 for an explanation), emissions dropped by a greater factor. Emissions from natural gas declined by 40% between 2005 and 2011. A significant portion of that drop took place between 2005 and 2007, when the volume of natural gas consumed by the industrial sector dropped from about 202 million m3 to 75 million m3 per year. Emissions from transportation-related fuels also declined by between 26 and 35% (details in section 3.6). A decline in transportation activity is expected with economic contraction. Real success would be to decouple road transportation activity from economic growth going forward, where GDP grows at a faster rate than the growth in VKT. Section 3.6 also describes that this apparent change in transportation fuel consumption may be related to a revised methodology rather than an actual change in transportation activity. Figure 9 graphically compares community emissions by source in 2005 and 2011. For reference, the conversion factors used in the PCP methodology to convert other energy units to GJ are 3 0.00360 GJ for 1 kWh electricity and 0.03843 GJ for 1 m natural gas in 2011. The natural gas factor changes slightly over time. The conversion factors for diesel, motor gasoline and propane were 0.03830, 0.03500 and 0.02531 GJ per litre, respectively. They are derived from Statistics Canada`s Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada. 19 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 24 Figure 9. Community GHG Emissions by Source 1,600,000 Waste Tonnes CO2e 1,400,000 1,200,000 Propane 1,000,000 Diesel 800,000 Gasoline 600,000 Electricity 400,000 Natural Gas 200,000 2005 2011 The energy consumption and resulting emissions produced within each of the community sectors will be discussed in further detail in subsequent sections of this report. Thunder Bay generated approximately 8.3 tonnes of CO2e per capita in 2011, down from 13.2 CO2e per capita in 2005. In comparison, Ontario’s overall 2010 emissions intensity was 13.0 tonnes CO2e per capita. 20 The 2010 Canadian national average was approximately 20.3 tonnes CO2e per capita. 21 However, the Ontario and national figures include a wider scope of emissions than the Thunder Bay figure. 3.2. Key Energy Sources 3.2.1. Electricity Thunder Bay Hydro, a private distribution company owned by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, is the exclusive distributor of electricity in the community. It covers an urban service area of 122 km2, and a rural service area of 259 km2. 22 It has a network of 1,186 km of power lines. 23 The boundary of Thunder Bay Hydro’s service area is generally the city limits. 24 20 Climate Vision. Climate Change Progress Report – Technical Appendix. Government of Ontario. 2012. Accessed from 21 National Inventory Report 1990-2010: Executive Summary. Figure S-3: Canadian Per Capita Emissions 1990– 2010. Accessed from 22 Ontario Energy Board 2011 Yearbook of Electricity Distributors. General Statistics. 23 Ibid. 24 There are roughly 15 residences served outside city limits along Townline Road across from where Hydro One becomes the service provider. (Personal communication - Bill Willis, Thunder Bay Hydro.) Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 25 Thunder Bay Hydro categorizes its customers based upon annual kW of electricity consumed, not sector (e.g. commercial vs. industrial). For the purpose of this inventory, the assumptions in Table 10 have been made. Note that some large commercial warehouses may have sufficient lighting and heating demand to have been categorized under the industrial sector. Table 10. Thunder Bay Hydro Customer Type Categorization for Inventory Thunder Bay Re-categorization for Inventory Hydro Category Residential Residential <50 kW Commercial >50 kW Industrial Scattered Commercial Using this categorization, in 2011 Thunder Bay Hydro serviced approximately 44,749 residential customers, 4,485 commercial customers and 531 industrial customers. Thunder Bay Hydro also served 471 unmetered scattered load connections, primarily used for functions such as sentinel lighting and Shaw cable amplifiers, which were added to the commercial category for the purposes of the community inventory. Through “demand-side management” such as energy efficiency, conservation and time of use initiatives, Thunder Bay Hydro has encouraged its customers to reduce winter and summer peak demand over time, as shown in Figure 10. Reducing load demand during high cost, peak demand periods means that less thermal peaking plant electricity generation is required. Reducing peak demand can also yield overall energy savings. Figure 10: Thunder Bay Hydro Peak Demands 2005 to 2011 25 Peak Electricity Demand (kW) 250,000 200,000 150,000 Winter Peak (kW) Summer Peak (kW) 100,000 Average Peak (kW) 50,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 25 Ontario Energy Board. 2005 to 2011Yearbooks of Electricity Distributors. Accessed from ements/Yearbook+of+Distributors. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 26 Annual electricity consumption per Thunder Bay Hydro customer has also declined, as seen in Figure 11. Figure 11: Indexed Average Annual Electricity Sales per Customer Indexed annual electricity sales per customer (2005=100) 120 100 80 Residential 60 Commercial Industrial 40 20 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 As Ontario electricity producers emit fewer GHG emissions per kilowatt hour generated, the emissions associated with electricity use in Thunder Bay declined. Figure 12 shows how Thunder Bay’s community GHG emissions from electricity are sensitive to the Ontario electricity coefficient, as described in section 2.1.5. The drop in GHG emissions between 2008 and 2009, for example, is almost entirely due to the electricity coefficient (there was just a 3% decline in electricity consumption). 250,000 0.25 200,000 0.20 150,000 0.15 100,000 0.10 50,000 0.05 - Electricity Coefficient Tonnes CO2e Figure 12: Community Electricity Emissions and Ontario Electricity Coefficient Residential Commercial Industrial Electricity Coefficient (kgCO2e/kWh) 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 27 The Thunder Bay Generating Station, located within the City of Thunder Bay, is operated by the Ontario Power Authority. The generating station has two coal-fuelled generators capable of producing 306 megawatts (MW) of power. Annual production at the plant could be approximately 1500 gigawatt-hours (GWh) - enough energy to supply over 100,000 households for one year. However, production has declined over time as local industrial demand for electricity declined and the province has shifted production to clean electricity options. As a thermal plant, the Thunder Bay Generating Station is mostly used to cover peaks, low water periods and system stability. The Ontario Government has considered converting the plant to natural gas as part of its commitment to phase out all coal-burning power generation by 2014. Since emissions associated with electricity generation are captured in the electricity coefficient, it would be double-counting to also include the direct emissions from the Thunder Bay Generating Station. However, as additional information, the GHG emissions associated with the facility are shown in Figure 13. 1,400,000 1200 1,200,000 1000 1,000,000 800 800,000 600 600,000 400 400,000 200 200,000 0 Net Energy Generation (GWh) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (t CO 2e) Figure 13: Thunder Bay Generating Station Power Generation and GHG Emissions Emissions Net Energy Generation 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 3.2.2. Natural Gas Union Gas, owned by Spectra Energy, is the only distributor of natural gas in Thunder Bay. In 2011, Union Gas served 38,518 residential customers, 3,182 commercial customers, 9 industrial customers and 22 contracts in Thunder Bay. 26 The 2011 and 2010 natural gas consumption data was updated in November 2012 by Union Gas for the purpose of this inventory. The 2006 to 2009 data was based upon older records provided by Union Gas to the CEAP Energy Working Group. The 2005 26 Union Gas also serves residential and commercial customers in areas surrounding Thunder Bay (i.e. Neebing, Oliver Paipoonge, Shuniah and Vickers Heights) but these were not included in the scope of this inventory. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 28 data was based upon what was established for the 2005 ICLEI baseline, and could not be updated. Union Gas categorizes its customer types into residential, commercial (“engaged in selling, warehousing or distributing a commodity, in some business activity or in some other form of economic or social activity”) and industrial (“engaged in a process which creates or changes raw or unfinished materials into another form or product, or who change or complete a semi-finished material into a finished form”). 27 Union Gas also establishes contracts that it records separately, with customers such as industrial facilities, hospitals, and academic institutions. Contract customers generally consume a peak daily usage of over 14,000 m3 per day. For the purpose of this inventory, contracts (of which there were 22 in 2011) were included within the industrial category, as per Table 11. Table 11. Union Gas Customer Type Categorization for Inventory Union Gas Categorization for Inventory Category Residential Residential Commercial Commercial Industrial Industrial Contracts Industrial Union Gas has instituted a variety of “demand-side management” programs. Annual natural gas consumption per Union Gas customer in Thunder Bay has declined in the industrial sector and also the residential sector, and has not risen sigificantly in the commercial sector, as seen in Figure 14. Figure 14: Indexed Average Annual Natural Gas Sales per Customer Indexed annual natural gas sales per customer (2005=100) 160 140 120 100 Residential 80 Commercial 60 Industrial 40 20 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 27 Union Gas. 2013. Conditions of Service. Accessed from Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 29 The jump in natural gas sales per industrial customer in 2006 resulted from the number of industrial customers dropping from 64 to 27 while the volume of gas consumed by the sector rose nearly 40%. From 2006 to 2010, the number of industrial customers did not change significantly and natural gas sales generally declined. It is not known if the jump from 2005 to 2006 is an artifact of a different methodology of data collection between 2005 and 2006 to 2011. The weather affects the amount of natural gas and electricity that is consumed in a year. When comparing energy consumption year over year, it can be valuable to factor out coldness or heat. Heating degree-days measure the coldness of the weather experienced based upon the extent to which daily mean temperatures fell below 18°C. For example, if the average temperature on a given day is 10 degrees Celsius, then the degree-days would be 8, and if it were above 18 degrees the degree-days would be 0. Cooling degree-days for a given day the number of degrees Celsius that the mean temperature is above 18°C. Cooling degree-days are an indicator of air-conditioning requirements of buildings. Generally the higher the degree days recorded, the higher the energy consumed. Table 12 provides the heating and cooling degree-days for 2005 to 2011. The 2005 baseline year and 2011 were not considerably different in terms of heating and cooling needs due to weather. 28 Table 12: Heating and Cooling Degree-Days 2005 2006 Heating degree-days 5,469.2 5,038.5 Cooling degree-days 114.6 114.7 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 5,449.3 5,818.9 5,710.7 4,937.2 5,408.6 90.6 55.9 33.4 111.4 114.2 Figure 15 demonstrates how Thunder Bay’s community natural gas use is affected by heating degree-days. 28 Thunder Bay Hydro. 2012. Thunder Bay Hydro Load Forecast for 2013 Rate Application. Weather Analysis Summary of Degree Day Information from Station Toronto, Lester B Pearson International Airport. Accessed from Note that Union Gas uses a different source that varies but not significantly. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 30 400,000,000 8,000 350,000,000 7,000 300,000,000 6,000 250,000,000 5,000 200,000,000 4,000 150,000,000 3,000 100,000,000 2,000 50,000,000 1,000 - Annual Heating Degree Days Natural Gas (m3) Figure 15: Community Natural Gas Consumption and Heating Degree Days Residential Commercial Industrial Heating Degree Days 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 31 3.3. Residential 26% of community emissions 234,200 tonnes CO2e In 2011, there were approximately 46,945 households in Thunder Bay including singlefamily, multi-family and semi-detached homes, townhouses, apartments and condominiums. Within the residential sector, energy is consumed for such end-uses as space and water heating, cooling, appliances, and lighting. The residential sector produced approximately 234,200 tonnes CO2e in 2011, or approximately 26% of the total GHG emissions within Thunder Bay. Table 13 provides a summary of energy consumption and emissions produced within the residential sector in Thunder Bay in 2005 and 2011 by fuel type. Electricity use accounted for 19% of residential emissions, while natural gas accounted for 81%. Emissions from household wood burning are not included in the inventory since biomass fuel is being treated as carbon neutral (see section 2.1.4) and the methane and nitrous oxide emissions from wood burning would not be significant. Table 13. Residential Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2005 Energy Energy CO Energy 2e Type CO2e (%) Use (GJ) (tonnes) Use (GJ) Electricity Natural Gas Total 1,287,499 4,407,886 5,695,385 82,257 217,817 300,074 27% 73% 2011 CO2e (tonnes) 1,216,184 3,872,990 5,089,173 CO2e (%) 43,662 190,538 234,200 19% 81% Figure 16 shows the trend in residential GHG emissions between 2005 and 2011. 43,662 3,000 194,967 205,110 204,487 176,679 190,538 - 2,000 182,657 100,000 50,000 4,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Heating Degree Days 150,000 43,382 200,000 5,000 34,580 250,000 59,780 6,000 72,347 300,000 65,819 7,000 82,257 350,000 217,817 Residential GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) Figure 16: Residential GHG Emissions by Source Electricity Natural Gas Heating Degree Days 1,000 - 32 3.4. Commercial 14% of community emissions 128,486 tonnes CO2e The commercial sector consists of offices, retail outlets, institutions (i.e. hospitals, schools, university, college, etc.) and government facilities. The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay’s buildings are also included within this sector. The unmetered scattered load of electricity is also included in the commercial sector. The commercial sector produced 128,486 tonnes CO2e, or around 14% of the community’s total emissions. The largest source of GHG emissions was natural gas consumption (86%). The share attributed to electricity declined from 26% in 2005 to 14% in 2011 as the emissions intensity of electricity decreased significantly over that period. A summary of the commercial sector’s energy use and associated emissions by fuel type is provided in Table 14. Table 14. Commercial Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2005 Energy Type Energy CO2e Energy CO2e (%) Use (GJ) (tonnes) Use (GJ) Electricity 537,628 34,348 26% 494,921 Natural Gas 1,986,663 98,171 74% 2,243,214 Total 2,524,292 132,520 2,738,135 2011 CO2e (tonnes) 17,872 110,359 128,486 CO2e (%) 14% 86% Figure 17 shows the trend in commercial GHG emissions between 2005 and 2011. 119,445 120,560 101,591 110,359 50,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - 3,000 2,000 115,567 100,000 110,591 150,000 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Heating Degree Days 4,000 18,128 200,000 17,783 5,000 14,342 250,000 24,366 6,000 29,722 300,000 27,484 7,000 34,348 350,000 98,171 Commercial GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) Figure 17: Commercial GHG Emissions by Source Electricity Natural Gas Heating Degree Days 1,000 - 33 3.5. Industrial 20% of community emissions 180,986 tonnes CO2e This sector consists of industrial facilities and those that consume more than 50 kW of electricity per year. It includes, for example, the Resolute Forest Products pulp and paper mill, Bombardier Transportation equipment manufacturing, the Port of Thunder Bay, the Thunder Bay International Airport, machinery and metal fabricators and others. It excludes the Thunder Bay Generating Station, as described in section 2.1.1. The industrial sector contributed approximately 180,986 tonnes of CO2e in 2011, equivalent to 20% of Thunder Bay’s total emissions. The largest source of GHG emissions within the sector was natural gas consumption (66%), followed by electricity consumption (34%). This inventory does not capture the industrial sector’s consumption of coal, coke and heavy fuel oil because the data was not available. Some communities have chosen to prorate the provincial consumption of those fuels (as per Natural Resource Canada’s National Energy Use Database) in their community inventories. This step could be taken for the Thunder Bay Inventory if it is of interest in the future. It would increase total reported emissions both in the baseline year and subsequent years. Biogenic fuels are used by the natural resource industries, such as wood fibre in pulp mills. As described in section 2.1.4, the carbon dioxide emissions from these fuels are not counted in the inventory because the carbon is assumed to be sequestered again in biomass regrowth as part of the natural carbon cycle. However, biofuels do produce small quantities of methane and nitrous oxide, which were not captured in this inventory due to lack of data and uncertainty. Table 15 provides a summary of energy use and associated GHG emissions produced within Thunder Bay’s industrial sector in 2005 and 2011 by fuel type. Table 15. Industrial Sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2005 Energy Type Energy CO2e CO2e (%) Use (GJ) (tonnes) Electricity 1,932,396 123,459 24% Natural Gas 7,734,426 382,198 76% Total 9,666,822 505,657 Energy Use (GJ) 1,690,879 2,437,701 4,128,579 2011 CO2e (tonnes) 61,060 119,927 180,986 CO2e (%) 34% 66% Industry had produced the largest proportion of community emissions - 35% - in 2005. The industrial sector then experienced the largest decline in emissions, with both natural gas and electricity consumption dropping as production dropped. The number of industrial natural gas customers in 2005 was recorded as 64, while just a year later it Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 34 was down to 27. Section 1.1 describes some of the economic factors that drove this decline in emissions. Figure 18 shows the trend in industrial GHG emissions between 2005 and 2011. Figure 18: Industrial GHG Emissions by Source 101,942 400,000 123,459 500,000 221,804 142,312 110,856 142,547 85,172 131,285 48,181 105,118 60,426 119,927 61,060 300,000 382,198 Industrial GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 600,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 200,000 100,000 - Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Electricity Natural Gas 35 3.6. Transportation 34% of community emissions 302,169 tonnes CO2e The transportation sector includes privately-owned and government operated passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, transport trucks, transit buses, and all other vehicles associated with private, commercial, industrial and government activities within the city limits. As noted in section 2.1.1, air transportation and rail transportation are not included in this inventory. Community-wide use of off-road vehicles and snow vehicles are also not included in this inventory, as activity data for them is challenging to obtain. 29 Vehicles in Thunder Bay travelled approximately 869,499,971 km in 2011. The transportation sector was responsible for approximately 302,169 tonnes CO2e or 34% of all community emissions. Table 16 summarizes the fuel consumption and emissions modeled for the transportation sector in 2005 and 2011. Note that the proportion of gasoline, diesel and propane consumption is based upon assumptions in the PCP transportation model. Table 16. Transportation Sector Modeled Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2005 2011 Energy Energy CO2e Energy CO2e Type CO2e (%) Use (GJ) (tonnes) Use (GJ) (tonnes) Gasoline 4,477,339 312,074 69% 3,032,839 211,391 Diesel 1,930,234 135,239 30% 1,260,325 88,303 Propane 55,105 3,362 1% 40,563 2,475 Total 6,462,679 450,675 4,333,727 302,169 CO2e (%) 70% 29% 1% Figure 19 shows the trend in transportation-related GHG emissions between 2005 and 2011. However, the Local Government inventory includes the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay’s off-road and snow vehicles (section 4.3). 29 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 36 Figure 19: Transportation GHG Emissions by Source 2,475 211,391 88,303 216,488 90,432 2,534 3,281 280,256 117,069 2,913 248,860 103,954 246,901 0 258,444 100,000 2,890 2,784 3,362 200,000 103,136 300,000 111,998 400,000 135,239 500,000 312,074 Transportation GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 600,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Propane Diesel Gasoline While the Ontario Ethanol in Gasoline Regulation 535/05 (effective January 1, 2007) and the federal Renewable Fuels Regulations SOR/2010-189 (effective July 1, 2011) require total gasoline volume to average 5% ethanol/renewable content, Northern Ontario is exempt from complying with the requirements due to transportation limitations. Transportation emissions are estimated based on total VKT in Thunder Bay, as calculated by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay for the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative. 30 In 2010, the Corporation’s Engineering Division reviewed the information in its Geographic Information System and revised classifications of streets, benchmarking definitions, and vehicle kilometre calculations. The updated methodology used in 2010 and 2011 will be followed in the future, allowing for more accurate comparisons going forward. The change in methodology does, however, limit the conclusions that can be drawn from differences in VKT between 2005 and 2011. In order to estimate the total fuel use by all on road vehicles in Thunder Bay and the resulting GHG emissions from this fuel use, the PCP methodology allows for the use of a transportation model based on VKT. The model uses assumptions about the distribution of vehicle types (i.e. car, light truck, heavy truck, and bus) and associated fuel type (gasoline, diesel, propane, compressed natural gas, and ethanol blend) in a Canadian community, coupled with fuel efficiencies for each combination. Emissions in 2005 and 2006 are estimated using older, less efficient fuel efficiencies than those since 2007, reflecting the fact that overall vehicle fuel efficiency has improved over time. 30 VKT is modeled using a variety of inputs such as the kilometres of road by class, and the traffic volume on each of those road classes. Urban and rural roads (i.e. ditches only, not curb or gutter; typically not sewer and water services; some gravel, some paved) are distinguished. Roads are also classed based upon speed and volume of traffic. A City traffic technician conducts traffic counts at every signalized intersection every three to five years. The average traffic volume per class and per lane is estimated. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 37 Thunder Bay is likely to have relatively more light and heavy duty trucks and fewer cars as passenger vehicles than the national averages assumed in the PCP model. Under the PCP methodology, cities are permitted to apply local information about the distribution of vehicle classes if it is available. Table 17 shows the number of active vehicle registrations by type in Thunder Bay, as provided by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Since passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles are not disaggregated by weight class, the information is too coarse to customize the PCP model to Thunder Bay. Table 17. Active Vehicle Registrations within the Community Year Personal MotorMopeds ComBuses Passenger cycles mercial Vehicles Vehicles 2005 71,141 2,152 55 39,113 458 Snow Vehicles Off Road Vehicles 14,487 8,856 2006 71,307 2,286 54 38,945 459 14,388 9,312 2007 71,903 2,403 49 38,881 485 13,967 9,955 2008 73,050 2,593 48 39,158 489 14,179 10,681 2009 73,222 2,692 45 38,677 501 14,120 11,251 2010 73,117 2,872 35 39,005 523 13,967 11,981 2011 73,521 3,047 34 39,808 532 14,109 12,680 As Table 17 shows, the vehicle type for which registrations increased most significantly between 2005 and 2011 was off-road vehicles (43%). There were also increases in registration of motorcycles (42%) and buses (16%). Personal passenger vehicle registrations increased 3%. Changes in transportation emissions between 2005 and 2011 are primarily attributed to the changes in the methodology of estimating VKT. An analysis was conducted to see if any trends in traffic counts could be identified over time, as anecdotal observations are that traffic volumes are increasing particularly around the Thunder Centre and Intercity area. However, since traffic volumes have been collected only three times at most at major intersections in different years since the initiative was started a decade ago, the data are fairly scattered and the results considered unreliable. The Corporation will continue to collect data, and may be able to draw more conclusions in the future. Eighty percent of the employed labour force in the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Area drove themselves to work in census year 2006. 31,32 Nine percent received a ride to work from others (as a passenger, as in a carpool situation.) Three percent took public 31 Statistics Canada. 2008. Commuting Distance (km) (9), Age Groups (9) and Sex (3) for the Employed Labour Force 15 Years and Over Having a Usual Place of Work of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census 20% Sample Data. Accessed at PRID=0&PTYPE=88971,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=76&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VN AMEF=. 32 Statistics Canada collects commuting data for Census Agglomerations and Census Metropolitan Areas (a larger geographic area), but not Cities. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 38 transit. Eight percent walked or bicycled. With the active transportation initiatives, such as bike lanes, educational programs and other improvements that were made between 2006 and 2011, there may be a growing number of commuters who cycle or walk. Data on 2011 commutes to work and commuting distance will be available in June 2013. 33 The median commuting distance of residents of the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Areas was 4.7 km in 2006, as compared to 8.7 km for Ontario. Shorter commutes increase the likelihood of people walking, cycling or using public transit. Thunder Bay has an active local food movement, which recognizes the importance of sourcing locally produced food to the extent possible. Local food can have less transportation emissions associated with it than food imported from thousands of kilometres away, particularly depending upon how emissions-intensive a mode by which the imported food has been transported. As noted in section 2.1.1, indirect emissions associated with the transportation of food and goods to Thunder Bay are not captured in the community inventory. Only transportation within the city limits of Thunder Bay is calculated. 33 Statistics Canada’s National Households Survey, to be released in June 2013, will provide 2011 commuting to work data for comparison. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 39 3.7. Solid Waste 6% of community emissions 49,955 tonnes CO2e The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay Roads Division collects community waste and delivers it to the Mapleward Road Solid Waste & Recycling Facility. 34 This waste comes from residential, commercial and industrial sectors. Up to three bags or items of waste (maximum 120 pounds) are picked up from each residential household weekly. Paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, metal cans and #1 and #2 plastic bottles can be recycled. Seasonal collections of compostables take place, including leaf and yard waste pick-ups, and pumpkin and Christmas tree collection sites. The Mapleward Road facility also accepts leaf and yard waste, scrap metal, scrap tires, electronic waste and household hazardous waste. Not all waste generated within the City of Thunder Bay may be captured in the tonnage of waste delivered to the Mapleward Road Solid Waste & Recycling Facility. Some private haulers that transport waste from commercial and institutional entities in Thunder Bay may choose at times to deliver their loads to the Neebing or Shuniah municipal landfills. Also, a privately-owned facility in Oliver Paipoonge accepts construction and demolition material and contaminated soil (but not garbage) at a lower rate than the Thunder Bay facility. Thus, there may be a portion of community waste from Thunder Bay that is not captured in this inventory. Conversely, private haulers may also deliver some waste from the surrounding townships to the Thunder Bay facility. Landfill gas emissions are produced as solid waste decomposes through anaerobic digestion (without oxygen) within the landfill over time. The amount of emissions produced depends upon factors such as climate, landfill years of operation, and the composition and amount of waste in place over the past 30 years or more. Modelling landfill gas emissions requires considerable data. To simplify this, the PCP methodology relies on a basic emissions factor that “front loads” all future emissions from the solid waste produced during the inventory year and doesn’t factor in emissions from waste landfilled in previous years. Using the PCP methodology, it is estimated that 49,955 tonnes CO2e was generated from the 103,706 tonnes of solid waste added to the Solid Waste & Recycling Facility in 2011. That represents 6% of the community’s total emissions in 2011. Waste emissions were 5% higher than in 2005. Table 18. Community Waste Modeled GHG Emissions 2005 CO2e (tonnes) 2011 CO2e (tonnes) Waste Emissions 47,800 49,955 34 The Thunder Bay Solid Waste & Recycling Facility was referred to as the “John Street Landfill” until 2009, when the facility was upgraded and the entrance was moved to 5405 Mapleward Road. The location and footprint of the facility remain the same. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 40 As the PCP methodology does not take into account the landfill gas captured from the Mapleward Road Solid Waste & Recycling Facility, the 2011 emissions modeled may be overestimated. Figure 20 shows the modeled GHG emissions for 2005 to 2011, and the actual landfill gas captured in the last quarter of 2010 and in 2011. Figure 20: Waste GHG Emissions and Landfill Gas Capture 100,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 Modelled Waste Emissions Landfill Gas Captured 50,000 40,000 48,324 50,356 49,955 0 48,359 10,000 48,359 20,000 46,301 30,000 47,800 Waste GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 90,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Landfill gas is collected in a system of wells or trenches and then connected through piping to a biogas collection system. The gas is composed of about 50 to 60% methane and 40 to 45% carbon dioxide, with the balance being trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide, other sulfur compounds, organic compounds, nitrogen and oxygen. Methane is at least 21 times more potent a GHG than carbon dioxide, 35 making it worthwhile to capture and combust. The methane combustion can also serve an additional purpose – generating heat and electricity that might otherwise be produced using fossil fuels. In mid-August 2010 the Mapleward Renewable Generating Station, with two generator sets to combust landfill gas captured from the Solid Waste & Recycling Facility, started operating under a partnership with Thunder Bay Hydro. The generator sets run continuously at variable loads except during maintenance and upgrades to the plant and gas collection systems. Some of the power produced is consumed internally, but most of it is sold to the Ontario Power Authority. The Mapleward Renewable Generating Station converts the methane gas into enough electricity to power over 2,000 city homes. In 2011, an estimated 89,754 tonnes CO2e was captured at the Solid Waste & Recycling Facility, as shown in Table 19. Note that this figure is higher than the total waste emissions that the simple PCP methodology modeled, likely because of emissions produced by waste in place before 2011. Given that the landfill gas collection 35 See section 2.1.2 on global warming potential for an explanation of methane’s potency as a greenhouse gas. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 41 system efficiency can only be estimated, the resultant net actual waste emissions after landfill gas capture are not known. Table 19: Landfill Gas Consumption at Mapleward Renewable Generating Station Landfill Gas Landfill Gas 3 Year Consumed (m ) Consumed (est. tonnes CO2e) 2010 (partial 2,985,099 23,127 from August) 2011 11,209,727 89,754 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 42 4. Local Government Inventory 4.1. 2011 Local Government Overview The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay (the Corporation) inventory provides an estimate of all the GHG emissions produced by the corporate facilities, vehicle fleet, lighting (street lights, traffic controls and signal systems, and other lighting), water and wastewater treatment facilities. The data is reported in more detail than the community inventory because the Corporation is able to directly affect emissions reductions activities in its own municipal operations. The local government emissions account for approximately 3.3% of the emissions produced by the community as a whole. The Corporation actively tracks its energy use to identify the greatest opportunities for savings. In 2011, operations of the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay produced approximately 29,546 tCO2e. This is a reduction of 11% compared to 2005 (at 33,261 tCO2e). The Corporation is progressing towards its target of reducing local government emissions 35% below 2005 levels by 2017, but growth in municipal operations and facilities has made it more challenging to achieve the goal. In 2008, through the consolidation of the Corporate Energy Portfolio into the Energy, Financial and Administrative Services Division, the Corporation developed a comprehensive energy management database to track, monitor, verify, and budget for all corporate energy use. As a result, the 2009 data will be used as a basis for comparison with the 2011 inventory. Note that in 2009 the Ontario electricity coefficient was at its lowest, at 0.10 as compared to 0.13 in 2011 (see section 2.1.5 for more on the electricity coefficient). Therefore, where electricity consumption has remained stable between 2009 and 2011, emissions will show a 30% rise based on the increased emissions intensity of Ontario’s electricity production over that period. Figure 21 shows Thunder Bay’s local government GHG emissions against a linear pathway towards its 2017 reduction target. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 43 Figure 21: Thunder Bay Local Government GHG Emissions 2005 - 2011 36 40,000 29,119 28,970 29,546 2010 2011 20,000 2009 25,000 33,261 30,000 15,000 10,000 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2008 2007 0 2006 5,000 2005 Local Government GHG Emissions (t CO 2e) 35,000 Figure 22 illustrates the contribution to total local government emissions by sector in 2011. Buildings were responsible for the largest proportion (44%) of local government emissions, followed by the vehicle fleet (34%), water and wastewater (16%), and lighting (5%). Figure 22. 2011 Local Government GHG Emissions by Sector Water and Sewage 17% Streetlights 5% Buildings 44% Vehicle Fleet 34% Table 20 provides the GHG emissions produced by each sector in 2005, 2009 and 2011. In 2011, the Corporation spent approximately $14.7 million on energy costs, an increase of approximately $1.6 million from 2009. 36 Total emissions for 2006 to 2008 are not shown, as the vehicle fleet data for those years is incomplete. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 44 Table 20. Local Government Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Sector 2005 2009 CO2e CO2e Sector CO2e (%)* CO2e (%)* (tonnes) (tonnes) Buildings 15,988 48% 12,829 44% Vehicle Fleet 9,179 28% 10,396 36% Lighting 2,901 9% 1,231 4% Water & 5,194 16% 4,663 16% Wastewater Total 33,261 29,119 * Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding 2011 CO2e CO2e (%)* (tonnes) 13,025 44% 10,111 34% 1,548 5% 4,861 16% 29,546 Figure 23 compares local government emissions by sector. The largest relative reduction in emissions occurred in lighting, which declined by 47% between 2005 and 2011. The next most significant reduction was in buildings, which declined by 19%, and represent a much larger absolute reduction of 2,962 tonnes CO2e. Water and wastewater declined by approximately 6%, and possibly more as not all the natural gas data was reported in the 2005 inventory. Vehicle fleet emissions increased by 10% between 2005 and 2011, but declined 3% between 2009 and 2011. Figure 23. Local Government GHG Emissions by Sector 35,000 Tonnes CO2e 30,000 25,000 Water and Sewage 20,000 Streetlights 15,000 Vehicle Fleet Buildings 10,000 5,000 2005 2009 2011 Figure 24 provides the GHG emissions produced by each source type (predominately energy) in 2011 and the baseline year 2005. Natural gas combustion is the largest source of emissions (38%) for the Corporation in 2011, followed by electricity (27%). This is a shift from 2005, when more emissions-intensive electricity was the energy type that produced the most emissions (Table 21). Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 45 Figure 24. 2011 Local Government GHG Emissions by Source B10 Biodiesel 10% Electricity 27% B5 Biodiesel 15% Diesel 0% Gasoline 9% Natural Gas 39% Table 21 shows that local government energy use increased between 2005 and 2011, but because the emissions intensity of electricity declined dramatically (at its lowest in 2009), overall emissions declined. Table 21. Local Government Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Source 2009 2005 Source Type Energy Use (GJ) CO2e (tonne s) CO2e (%)* Energy Use (GJ) Electricity 220,609 14,104 42% 245,839 Natural Gas 201,262 9,945 30% 241,762 Gasoline 28,390 1,979 6% 37,575 Diesel 102,768 7,234 22% 66,055 B5 Biodiesel 0 0 0% 47,152 B10 Biodiesel 0 0 0% 0 Propane 0 0 0% 0 Total 553,029 34,083 638,382 * Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding CO2e (tonne s) 6,829 11,894 2,619 4,628 3,149 0 0 29,119 2011 CO2e (%)* Energy Use (GJ) CO2e (tonne s) 23% 41% 9% 16% 11% 0% 0% 223,943 230,663 37,065 0 67,223 47,853 0 606,746 8,087 11,348 2,583 0 4,490 3,038 0 29,546 CO2e (%)* 27% 38% 9% 0% 15% 10% 0% Figure 25 compares local government emissions by source in 2005 and 2011. Emissions from electricity declined by 43% between 2005 and 2011. Note that while electricity consumption stayed nearly constant during that time, the 43% reduction in emissions intensity of the Ontario electricity coefficient between 2005 and 2011 drove the reduction in emissions. Emissions from natural gas increased 14%, but were highest in 2009. (The 2005 emissions from natural gas estimate may be missing data for water and wastewater treatment.) Diesel use transitioned to B5 and B10 biodiesel blends starting in 2009. Energy use from diesel and biodiesels combined rose 11% from 103,225 GJ in 2005 to 115,075 GJ in 2011. However, given the lower emissions intensity of biodiesel, emissions only rose 4% (from 7,234 tCO2e to 7,528 tCO2e) over the same period. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 46 Figure 25. Local Government GHG Emissions by Source 35,000 B10 Biodiesel Tonnes CO2e 30,000 B5 Biodiesel 25,000 Diesel 20,000 15,000 Gasoline 10,000 Natural Gas Electricity 5,000 2005 2009 2011 The following sections of the report provide a breakdown and analysis of Thunder Bay’s local government emissions by sector. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 47 4.2. Buildings 44% of local government emissions 13,025 tonnes CO2e Approximately 130 buildings managed by the Corporation that are in the inventory represent over 220,388 m2 of floor space. Most of the buildings are managed directly by the Corporation. A few are managed by their own boards or agencies, but are included because their energy consumption is influenced by the Corporation (e.g. representation on the board or approval required for capital expenditures). Buildings for which the Corporation has lease agreements “facilities management agreements” in place (e.g. Shelter House, Soccer Northwest, Magnus Theatre, Thunder Bay Tennis Club and Kinsmen Northwood Centre) are excluded because their energy use is managed and paid for privately. Also the buildings owned by TBayTel and Thunder Bay Hydro are excluded because they are managed at arm’s length from the Corporation. Note that local government facilities associated with water and wastewater treatment are included in their own category, under section 4.5, rather than under this section. There are approximately 32 diesel fired generation sets in the Corporation that provide backup electrical generation in the event of a power failure. A conservative estimate (i.e. likely overestimate) 37 of fuel use for these generation sets has been included under the Vehicle Fleet category rather than Buildings from 2009 to 2011 because the generators are refilled from fleet diesel fuel sources, and the Vehicle Fleet worksheet under the PCP methodology allows for biodiesel blends (B5 and B10), while the Buildings worksheet does not. Collectively, energy use within the local government buildings resulted in the production of an estimated 13,025 tonnes CO2e in 2011. This is down 19% from 15,988 tonnes CO2e in 2005, due principally to lower electricity emissions intensity, but also to a corporate awareness and culture to efficiently manage energy within all facilities. Building emissions were up 2% in 2011 from 2009, but that is due to 2009 having a lower Ontario electricity coefficient. Table 22 demonstrates that energy use (in total GJ electricity and natural gas consumption) declined by 5% between 2009 and 2011. 37 If all generation sets were run at full load for 20 minutes monthly, total consumption (based on manufacturer’s specifications) would be roughly 11,952 litres annually (roughly 30 tonnes CO2e). This is a highly conservative estimate, as most of the gen sets never run at full load and the actual consumption rate per hour is generally less than the manufacture's specifications. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 48 Table 22. Local Government Building Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2009 Building Group Corporate Emergency Medical Services Police Fire Canada Games Complex Community Centres Older Adults Arenas & Stadia Community Aquatics Homes for Aged Fort William Gardens Tourism Transit Public Works Yards Landfill/Recycling Animal Services Commercial Facilities Parks Golf Day Care Prince Arthur’s Landing Parking Authority Other Boards & Agencies Total Floor Area (1000 2 m) Electric ity Use (GJ) Natural Gas Use (GJ) CO2e (tonne s) 11 7,477 6,422 524 4 2,220 2,921 205 6 5,373 7 2,694 11 9,289 9 3,103 2 1,508 15 10,031 4 1,734 32 16,056 6 5,634 0 230 10 2,991 10 3,846 3 869 1 573 14 11,612 10 5,224 3 1,008 0 167 0 0 40 3,000 18 12,119 218 106,758 5,288 5,294 20,572 6,519 985 14,547 8,416 57,473 8,445 92 7,375 12,926 1,529 436 7,762 14,129 593 1,129 0 94 17,549 200,496 409 335 1,270 407 90 994 462 3,273 572 11 446 743 99 37 704 840 57 60 0 88 1,200 12,829 2011 Floor Area (1000 2 m) Electric ity Use (GJ) Natural Gas Use (GJ) CO2e (tonne s) 12 7,292 6,511 584 4 2,027 2,523 197 6 5,581 7 2,876 11 7,394 9 2,910 2 1,181 15 9,703 4 1,942 32 16,396 6 5,221 0 177 10 2,862 10 3,761 3 1,894 1 512 14 10,455 10 4,394 3 1,033 0 147 2 875 40 2,928 19 12,175 220 103,735 4,722 434 5,239 362 20,546 1,278 5,319 367 1,073 95 13,959 1,037 10,060 565 50,134 3,059 8,926 628 95 11 6,110 404 13,371 794 1,634 149 596 48 5,282 637 13,012 799 654 69 832 46 99 36 95 110 17,828 1,317 188,620 13,025 A complete list of local government buildings and their energy use is provided in Appendix B. The Corporation spent an estimated $5,440,532 on building energy consumption in 2011. (This is the gross cost, including all taxes and delivery or customer charges, before reimbursement for the federal taxes (e.g. GST/HST) that are included in this figure.) Natural gas consumption was the largest source of GHG emissions from buildings (71%) in 2011, followed by electricity consumption (29%). A relatively negligible amount of biodiesel was also consumed in regular testing of generator sets at the buildings. The Corporation does not have any record of propane use. When comparing year to year energy consumption and emissions from the Corporation’s buildings, a number of variables can mask the effect of facilities management and energy efficiency projects. Examples of such variables include: • Changes in building stock (i.e. increases in total floor area); • Weather (i.e. number of heating degree-days as per Table 12); and, • Changes in the emissions coefficient of electricity (as per Table 5). Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 49 Since 2005, with the addition of several facilities, the Corporation’s building floor space has increased by approximately 9% (from 201,934 m2). Between 2009 and 2011 it increased 1%, as seen in Table 22. Some of the most notable changes in building stock include: • Addition of the Whalen building (2006); • Addition of 12 EMS facilities (2007) located outside the city but managed by the Corporation, as well as three other EMS facilities since 2005; • Addition of the Water Pollution Control Plant (2006) and Bare Point Water Treatment Plant (2007); • Decommissioning of Loch Lomond Water Treatment Plant, Westfort Community Centre (2010) and Brodie Street Bus Terminal (2010); • Expansion of the Solid Waste & Recycling Facility (2009) and City Hall (2009); and, • Addition of several buildings at Prince Arthur’s Landing (2011). The inventory reflects changes in the buildings stock over time. Building-specific details can be found in Appendix B. The most emissions intensive buildings, in terms of GHG emissions per square meter floor area, in 2011 were: • Churchill Pool (Aquatics) • Conservatory (Parks) • Sleeping Giant Parkway buildings (Prince Arthur’s Landing) • Third & High Fieldhouse (Parks) • Algoma Day Care Centre (Day Cares) • Heath Pool (Aquatics) The Homes for Aged as a building group have relative high emissions per square metre floor area because 1) they are required by regulation to maintain a higher ambient temperature, and 2) the Corporation has not invested in energy efficiency retrofits in those facilities as in other corporate facilities because it will soon be transferring ownership. The Corporation’s Facilities, Fleet & Transit Services Department, as part of the Corporate Energy Management Committee developed “The Strategic Approach to Energy Management Plan 2011-2014”. 38 This City Council-approved Plan is a living document that provides an energy roadmap and builds internal energy management knowledge and awareness. It provides the foundation for energy management decisions and actions within all corporate operations, promoting the wise use and conservation of energy and energy efficiency within processes, programs and projects. Past years’ successes are reported to City Council through CEAP Annual Reports. The CEAP Annual Reports list the specific initiatives that have been undertaken to adopt energy efficiency measures and emerging technologies to reduce the Corporation’s emissions intensity. 39 Successes include building and equipment energy efficient retrofits, 38 City of Thunder Bay. 2011. The Strategic Approach to Corporate Energy Management . Accessed from 39 City of Thunder Bay. 2011. 2011 EarthWise ® Annual Report. Energy Section and Energy Efficiencies at City of Thunder Bay Facilities Tables. Accessed from Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 50 increasing awareness of energy management and a strategic partnership with Thunder Bay Hydro to install solar panels on local government rooftops. The Corporation is preparing for the reporting requirements that will be implemented under the Green Energy Act regulation (O. Reg. 397/11). The initiative requires annual “Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plans” that include the floor area, operating hours, energy consumption, conservation measures and GHG emissions associated with all the heated or cooled facilities that are owned or leased by or being managed by the municipality. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 51 4.3. Vehicle Fleet 34% of local government emissions 10,111 tonnes CO2e The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay fleet has light, medium and heavy on and off-road equipment and also includes 50 transit buses. In 2011, the Corporation operated approximately 600 fuel-powered vehicles, of which 360 units are tracked using performance indicators. Fuel consumption by corporate building generation sets is also included in the Vehicle Fleet category, as explained under section 4.2. Greenhouse gas emissions from the vehicle fleet contributed 34% of local government emissions, or 10,111 tonnes CO2e in 2011. This is up 10% from 2005, and down 3% from 2009. Table 23 provides a summary of fleet GHG emissions by fuel type. The Corporation spent an estimated $4,207,193 on vehicle fleet energy use in 2011, up from $3,103,841 in 2009. Consumption of B5 biodiesel produced 44% of the vehicle fleet GHG emissions, followed by B10 biodiesel producing 30% and gasoline producing 26%. Emissions from gasoline-fuelled vehicles rose 31% between 2005 and 2011, more than combined diesel/biodiesel blends at 5% during that period. Between 2009 and 2011 GHG emissions from gasoline decreased by 1%, while emissions from combined diesel/biodiesel decreased 3%. The Corporation’s Fleet Services Division has implemented an array of emissions reduction initiatives under its Green Fleet Implementation Plan. These initiatives include switching from diesel to increasing biodiesel blends, training operators on best practices, efficiency programs (e.g. route optimization, passenger pooling, maintenance and fuel efficiency performance tracking), right-sizing fleet units, investigating alternative vehicles and conducting pilot projects on newer technologies upon vehicle replacement, reducing idling and more. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 52 Table 23. Vehicle Fleet Fuel Use and GHG Emissions 2009 B5 Vehicle Group Gasoline Diesel (L) Transit Police Services Fire Rescue Services Emergency Medical Services Infrastructure and Operations - Roads I&O - Streetlight I&O - Waste Management I&O - Landfill I&O - Engineering I&O - Environment I&O - Parking Authority Community Services – Parks CS - Arenas and Stadia CS - Golf CS - Aquatics CS - Homes Corporate/Administra tive Buildings – Courier Corporate/Administra tive Buildings – Pool Animal Services Back-up Diesel Generators for Buildings Total Biodiese l (L) (L) 2011 CO2e (tonnes) Gasoline (L) B5 B10 Biodiese Biodiesel l (L) (L) CO2e (tonnes) 15,855 1,060,995 757,853 4,818 14,048 1,093,057 780,755 4,706 343,571 14,828 2,040 37,406 1,457 26,719 847 205 354,687 17,032 3,547 43,161 2,534 30,829 880 226 203,488 10,950 7,822 546 223,944 4,947 3,534 567 62,287 248,825 177,732 1,273 63,598 237,237 169,455 1,169 11,515 11,779 8,414 81 12,699 12,946 9,247 86 14,445 141,853 101,324 674 14,847 139,681 99,772 633 8,871 8,259 134,098 56,095 0 108,926 40,067 0 77,804 274 20 818 10,250 7,937 121,092 75,783 0 102,251 54,131 0 73,036 349 19 732 10,356 0 0 25 9,052 0 0 22 94,277 29,215 20,868 362 83,645 27,160 19,400 320 2,812 807 576 10 2,797 521 372 9 48,559 1,311 0 5,652 0 3,903 4,037 0 2,788 144 3 18 27,250 1,606 0 9,526 0 3,842 6,805 0 2,745 107 4 16 6,284 0 0 15 6,781 0 0 17 79,513 1,237 883 200 74,906 502 359 185 13,239 0 0 32 12,817 0 0 31 0 4,980 6,972 31 0 6,972 4,980 30 1,073,569 1,724,663 1,235,316 10,396 1,058,987 1,761,135 1,257,953 10,111 Biodiesel is a biomass-derived product refined to meet a recognized standard that is blended with conventional diesel fuel to reduce engine exhaust emissions. The corporate vehicle fleet started using B5 in June 2009 and all of 2010. In 2011 and 2012 a blend of B5 (October 1 – April 30) and B10 (May 1 – September 30) was used. The B10 blend was limited based on the ability of the fuel supplier to blend and transport blend values higher than 5%. The Corporation plans to increase the blend to B15 in summers 2013 and 2014 and to B20 in summers 2015 and beyond. B20 is the highest level the Corporation can go as recommended by engine manufacturers. The Corporation records total diesel consumption, rather than breaking it out into the proportion of B5 and B10 volumes, since the same corporate fuel pump system diesel tanks are filled with different blends depending upon the time of year. Information is not available on which fleets may have consumed more diesel when B5 versus B10 was Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 53 being supplied. In order to estimate the relative proportions of biodiesel blends consumed, the annual measured diesel consumption (χ) of every fleet was allocated as per Table 24. Table 24: Biodiesel Blends Consumed by the Local Government Vehicle Fleet Fuel 2009 2010 2011 Diesel χ*5/12 0 0 B5 biodiesel blend χ*7/12 χ χ*7/12 B10 biodiesel blend 0 0 χ*5/12 In the original 2005 GHG inventory produced by ICLEI Energy Services, Thunder Bay Transit Services were included within the community-wide inventory as the Transit buses serve the broader community’s transportation needs. However, Transit Services are now included within the local government inventory, as the Corporation actively owns, maintains and operates the service. 40 The Corporation is responsible for implementing initiatives that will reduce GHG emissions from Transit Services, while increasing ridership. Transit is one means for the Corporation to affect community-wide transportation emissions, through increased transit ridership. Transit runs on 14 routes, running from about 6 am to after midnight in most areas. The Transit Master Plan entails an expansion of transit service in Thunder Bay over a five year period starting in 2013. Thunder Bay Transit increased its consumption of fuel by 16% between 2005 and 2011 (1,681,139 litres of standard diesel in 2005 and 1,873,812 litres of biodiesel in 2011). 41 In energy content (lower in biodiesel than diesel) that is an increase of 11% (64,388 GJ in 2005 to 71,422 GJ in 2011). In 2011 Thunder Bay transit buses produced 4,672 tonnes CO2e, which is an increase of less than 4% from 4,511 tonnes CO2e in 2005. The increase in GHG emissions would have been greater without the switch to biodiesel. Much of the increase for transit fuel consumption is due to addition of air conditioning systems in new buses acquired after 2006. Air conditioning systems were added to assist in improving ridership growth. Annual kilometric data for Thunder Bay Transit shows consistent travel volumes year over year due to the same routing system used for more than a decade. 40 Including transit in the local government inventory is different from the approach taken in the original 2005 baseline inventory, which included it within the community-wide inventory. The greater the transit services, the higher the emissions from transit within the local government fleet, but the lower the overall community transportation emissions. 41 2005 transit diesel consumption is taken from the Green Fleet Plan instead of the amount used in the 2005 ICLEI inventory. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 54 4.4. Street Lights, Traffic Lights and Other Outdoor Lighting 5% of local government emissions 1,548 tonnes CO2e This sector includes road lighting, park lighting, specialty or accent lighting, traffic signals, and other lights operated by the Corporation. The Corporation operates 109 signalized intersections with LED bulbs. In 2012 there are approximately 13,050 street lights managed by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay. Lighting produced 1,548 tonnes CO2e in 2011, through the consumption of 11,910,516 kWh of electricity. It accounted for 5% of local government emissions. This is a reduction from 2005, when 2,901 tonnes CO2e were produced, representing 9% of local government emissions. Six percent less energy was used by lighting in 2011 than 2005 (3% less than 2009). Table 25 summarizes the energy use and related emissions from lighting by the Corporation. Table 25. Lighting Electricity Use and GHG Emissions 2009 2011 Lighting Type Electricity CO2e Electricity CO2e (kWh) (tonnes) (kWh) (tonnes) Street Lights 11,538,827 1,154 11,183,976 1,454 Traffic Signals and 342,591 34 336,332 44 Flashing Lights Other Outdoor Lights 424,886 42 390,208 51 Total 12,306,304 1,231 11,910,516 1,548 The Corporation spent $2,042,684 on electricity for lighting in 2011, up from $1,358,475 in 2009. Between 2005 and 2007 the Corporation in partnership with Thunder Bay Hydro converted traffic head and pedestrian signals at 35 intersections from regular incandescent lights to LEDs (light emitting diodes). LEDs use as little as 10% of the energy of incandescent and last longer (five to 10 years instead of one to three years). Under the program, the Corporation was to use the energy operating savings to continue with the capital program. As part of the Strategic Approach to Energy Management Plan, the Roads Division has been investigating the implementation of LED street lights within the residential areas. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 55 4.5. Water and Wastewater 16% of local government emissions 4,861 tonnes CO2e This category includes water treatment and distribution throughout the city, as well as treatment of sewage and wastewater. It includes all pumping stations and lift stations. The utilities are owned by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay. The category also includes a small facility associated with the Grenville Dam, which controls water levels in Boulevard Lake for recreational purposes, generates power, and operates the fish ladder. Water and wastewater treatment was responsible for 16% of emissions produced by local government operations in Thunder Bay in 2011. These activities produced 4,861 tonnes CO2e, with electricity consumption responsible for 57% and natural gas for 43%. Table 26 summarizes the energy use and emissions generated by the Corporation’s water and wastewater treatment operations, including pumping stations. Table 26. Water and Wastewater Treatment Energy Use and GHG Emissions 2009 2011 Facility Group Electricity Natural CO2e Electricity Natural 3 3 (kWh) Gas (m ) (tonnes) (kWh) Gas (m ) Bare Point Water 7,416,660 230,759 1,178 6,778,200 212,317 Treatment Plant Remote Water 2,172,125 28,716 272 2,070,117 29,131 Pumping Stations & Reservoirs Atlantic Avenue 16,142,132 814,310 3,154 12,397,968 852,563 WPCP Remote Sewage 17,758 0 2 23,119 0 Pumping Stations Storm Water Pump 114,848 0 11 107,782 0 Stations Taphouses 12,640 0 1 10,202 0 Kam River Tunnels 24,880 0 2 47,797 0 Loch Lomond 374,445 0 37 10,080 0 Supply Grenville Dam 51,624 0 5 35,442 0 Total 26,327,112 1,073,784 4,663 21,480,708 1,094,011 CO2e (tonnes) 1,283 342 3,224 3 14 1 6 1 5 4,861 Greenhouse gas emissions from water and wastewater were 4% higher in 2011 than 2009. Electricity consumption declined 18% from 2009 to 2011, but since Ontario’s electricity emissions intensity increased during that time, emissions from electricity rose 6%. Natural gas consumption rose 2% from 2009 to 2011, resulting in emissions from natural gas also rising 2%. Comparisons cannot be made between 2005 and 2011, as some natural gas consumption from 2005 is missing (see Appendix A). Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 56 The Corporation spent $2,979,646 on water and wastewater treatment energy in 2011, down from $3,167,959 in 2009. Water is treated at the Bare Point Water Treatment Plant. Until 2007, water was also treated at the Loch Lomond Treatment Plant. In 2007 the Bare Point Water Treatment Plant underwent a major upgrade and now provides all the water for the City of Thunder Bay (capacity of 113.6 million litres). The Loch Lomond Treatment Plant was subsequently decommissioned. The Bare Point facility has a floor space of 6,256 m2. Output was 14,726 million litres in 2011 (down from 15,947 million litres in 2009). Wastewater is treated at the Atlantic Avenue Sewage Treatment and Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). In 2006 the WPCP was expanded and retrofit to include secondary sewage treatment, dewatering and nitrification to eliminate ammonia from the wastewater. The upgrade resulted in an increase in overall natural gas consumption. The WPCP has a floor space of 11,372 m2. Output was 21,741 million litres in 2011 (down from 25,329 million litres in 2009), as shown in Table 27. Table 27. City of Thunder Bay Water and Sewage Output Activity Water Treatment Sewage Treatment 2005 Output (ML) 2009 Output (ML) 2011 Output (ML) 20,647 25,942 15,947 25,329 14,583 21,741 In January 2011 a cogeneration facility was installed in the WPCP. Biogas produced during the anaerobic digestion process (composed in part of the potent GHG methane) is captured. The biogas is combusted in a cogeneration engine to produce heat and approximately 10,000 kW per day of electricity (roughly equivalent to the WPCP’s daily consumption of energy). The biogas can also be used directly in the plant’s four natural gas boilers instead of in the electricity cogeneration plant. Any surplus biogas is flared, so that methane is converted to at least 21 times less potent of a GHG, carbon dioxide. In 2011 the plant produced 1.7 million cubic metres of biogas, 96% of which was used on site. Under the PCP methodology, the carbon dioxide emissions from the biogas are not included in the inventory, since it is a biogenic source (see section 2.1.4). 4.6. Local Government Solid Waste The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay, like many other municipalities, does not separately track solid waste generated through government operations (i.e. employees, parks and recreation buildings). Greenhouse gas emissions produced from local government waste are captured within the community-wide inventory. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 57 Appendix A: Data Gaps There are certain sources for which energy use data was not available or deemed too challenging or costly to acquire. For the community inventory, data on industrial sector use of coal, coke and heavy fuel oil was not available. If those fuels were included in the inventory, they likely would have mirrored the decline in other industrial energy use, which dropped significantly between 2005 and 2011. For the local government inventory, which is far more detailed, there were some years for which energy use data is not available for some sources. They are summarized in Table 28 below. Table 28: Notable Gaps in Local Government Energy Use Data Missing Data Local Government Source Electricity Natural Gas Homes for the Aged - Dawson Court Homes for the Aged - Grandview Lodge 2006 2006 Homes for the Aged - Pioneer Ridge 2006 Tourism - Pagoda Building Other Boards & Agencies - Libraries - Brodie Resources Library Other Boards & Agencies - Libraries - Waverly Resource Library Other Boards & Agencies - Libraries - Old Mary J.L. Black Library - Brock St Other Boards & Agencies - Libraries - County Park Library (1020 Dawson Rd 17) Other Boards & Agencies - Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Bare Point Water Treatment Plant 2005 & 2006 Remote Water Pumping Stations & Reservoirs Atlantic Avenue WPCP-associated satellite buildings Vehicle Fleet 2005 & 2006 Lighting – Other Outdoor Lighting Gasoline & Diesel 2006 & 2007 2006 & 2007 2006 & 2007 2006 & 2007 2006 - 2008 2005 & 2006 2005 2006 - 2008 2006 & 2007 There are also some gaps in the data on energy costs for some sources in certain years (e.g. Buildings - Other Boards & Agencies; Street Lights- Other Outdoor Lighting; and Water & Sewage Treatment – Bare Point Water Treatment Plant). In order to avoid inferring trends where data is missing, energy costs have not been discussed much in this report. However, the accompanying PCP worksheets provide the energy cost data that is available. Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 58 Appendix B: Local Government Buildings The following table lists those buildings whose energy is managed or influenced by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay. 42 Table 29: Energy Use and GHG Emissions of all Buildings Managed or Influenced by the Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay 2009 2011 2009 2009 2009 2011 2011 2011 Floor Floor Building Energy Energy GHG Energy Energy GHG Area Area Use (GJ) Cost (tCO2e) Use (GJ) Cost (tCO2e) 2 2 (1000m ) (1000m ) Corporate/Admin Buildings - City Hall 4.04 6,084 $122,500 271 4.04 6,410 $134,220 280 Corporate/Admin Buildings - Archives 2.04 1,976 $34,717 91 2.04 1,728 $31,097 78 Corporate/Admin Buildings - Human 0.87 1,038 $35,349 37 0.87 961 $34,201 35 Resources (141 May St S) Corporate/Admin Buildings - Victoriaville Civic 3.62 3,263 $102,731 119 3.62 2,910 $101,560 108 Centre Corporate/Admin Buildings - Waterfront/Pool 0.79 1,539 $29,862 68 0.79 1,283 $25,058 58 6 Corporate/Admin Buildings - 101 S Syndicate 0.00 0 $0.39 511 $10,374 25 Corporate/Admin Buildings Subtotal 11.37 13,899 $325,160 586 11.76 13,804 $336,510 584 EMS - Temporary Headquarters (401 Donald 0.85 811 $14,301 37 0.85 703 $14,381 31 St) EMS - Beardmore EMS 0.23 123 $5,120 4 0.23 104 $5,243 4 No Data No Data EMS - Conmee EMS 39 $1,998 1 36 $2,005 1 EMS - Geraldton EMS 0.37 467 $10,029 21 0.37 416 $7,963 19 EMS - Greenstone EMS (Longlac) 0.30 423 $7,320 20 0.30 374 $6,649 18 EMS - Manitouwadge EMS 0.25 338 $7,479 12 0.25 224 $9,814 8 EMS - Marathon EMS 0.29 75 $3,426 3 0.29 77 $3,692 3 EMS - Nakina EMS 0.20 97 $4,387 3 0.20 89 $4,186 3 EMS – Nipigon EMS 0.19 183 $2,448 9 0.19 217 $2,709 11 EMS - Red Rock EMS 0.15 200 $5,047 9 0.15 188 $4,708 8 EMS - Shuniah EMS 0.07 101 $4,498 4 0.07 101 $4,704 4 EMS - Terrace Bay EMS 0.26 232 $9,478 8 0.26 190 $8,183 7 Please note that in some cases the electricity or natural gas accounts do not line up with facility boundaries. Thus in some cases a few buildings are grouped together, while in other cases there is more than one account for the same building falling under separate functions. 42 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 59 Building EMS - Upsala EMS EMS - Armstrong EMS EMS - Beck St EMS EMS - Arthur St EMS EMS - Roland Ave EMS EMS - Russell St EMS EMS Subtotal Police Services - Balmoral Police Services Police Services - Leith Street Police Services - Candy Mountain Tower Police Services Subtotal Fire Services - Brown Street Fire Station Fire Services - Hodder Avenue Fire Station Fire Services - James Street Fire Station Fire Services - Junot Avenue Fire Station Fire Services - Mapleward Fire Station Fire Services - Neebing Fire Station Fire Services - Neebing Fire Station (Temp) Fire Services - Rosslyn Rd & Expressway Emergency Lights Fire Services - North Central Fire Station Fire Services - Vickers Street Fire Station Fire Services - Protective and Emergency Services Training Centre and Fire Tower Fire Services Subtotal Canada Games Complex Canada Games Complex Subtotal Jackpine Community Centre John Jumbo Gardens Community Centre North End Community Centre North McIntyre Community Centre North Neebing Community Centre Oliver Road Community Centre 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.19 0.30 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 2009 Energy Cost 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 3.64 6.09 0.16 0.16 6.41 0.37 0.28 0.37 0.33 0.38 0.28 0.00 0.00 191 77 437 595 748 5 5,140 10,373 206 82 10,661 513 514 611 608 405 369 0 3 $7,203 $13,527 $8,583 $10,039 $14,839 $193 $129,915 $211,549 $3,306 $3,296 $218,151 $10,711 $9,028 $10,635 $10,409 $8,925 $6,319 $$347 7 3 20 28 34 0 224 441 10 3 454 23 24 28 28 18 17 0 2.30 1.21 1.63 2,134 2,338 494 $48,692 $39,318 $12,635 7.15 10.50 10.50 0.42 0.27 0.48 0.98 0.33 0.91 7,988 29,861 29,861 529 224 853 986 347 728 $157,018 $506,341 $506,341 $7,904 $3,781 $14,725 $17,221 $6,255 $14,390 No Data No Data No Data No Data Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.19 0.30 2011 Energy Use (GJ) 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 0.00 166 81 325 514 744 0 4,550 10,303 0 0 10,303 503 402 537 570 384 400 55 3 $7,333 $13,091 $6,040 $8,407 $14,711 $$123,819 $238,102 $$$238,102 $9,806 $6,506 $9,392 $11,016 $8,476 $5,927 $2,077 $362 90 108 22 2.30 1.21 1.63 2,392 2,231 637 $59,196 $36,929 $10,397 100 103 28 358 1,348 1,348 25 11 39 45 16 32 7.15 10.50 10.50 0.42 0.27 0.48 0.98 0.33 0.91 8,115 27,940 27,940 367 143 710 848 274 670 $160,084 $468,569 $468,569 $5,537 $2,954 $13,014 $15,536 $5,614 $14,290 362 1,278 1,278 18 7 32 39 12 29 No Data No Data No Data No Data 3.64 6.09 0.00 0.00 6.09 0.37 0.28 0.37 0.33 0.38 0.28 Incl. Above 6 3 15 24 33 197 434 434 23 19 25 26 17 19 2 0 60 Building South Neebing Community Centre Vale Community Centre Vickers Heights Community Centre West Arthur Community Centre West Thunder Community Centre Westfort Community Centre Current River Community Centre – also see Arenas 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.66 0.63 0.49 0.76 1.34 0.34 0.88 413 543 403 547 1,793 467 1,252 $7,429 $10,184 $7,196 $11,822 $36,549 $2,568 $25,998 19 24 18 24 79 22 54 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.66 0.63 0.49 0.76 1.34 0.00 0.88 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 2009 Energy Cost 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 363 490 389 566 1,788 0 1,089 $6,819 $8,601 $7,438 $12,486 $39,365 $$24,822 17 22 18 25 77 47 Volunteer Pool Community Centre 0.63 537 $9,169 25 0.63 531 $8,972 24 Community Centers Subtotal Older Adult Centers - TB 55 Plus Center Older Adult Centers Subtotal Arenas & Stadia - Current River Arena Arenas & Stadia - Delaney Arena Arenas & Stadia - Grandview Arena Arenas & Stadia - Neebing Arena Arenas & Stadia - Port Arthur Arena Arenas & Stadia - Port Arthur Stadium Arenas & Stadia - Port Arthur Stadium 145002 Arena & Stadia Subtotal Fort William Gardens Fort William Gardens 251 4939 Fort William Gardens Concession Stands Fort William Gardens Subtotal Aquatics - Dease Pool Aquatics - Dease Pool Meter UTO1 Aquatics - Heath Pool Aquatics - Volunteer Pool Aquatics - Widnall Pool (Spring Street Rink) Aquatics - Churchill Pool Aquatics - Pools Subtotal 9.12 2.24 2.24 2.45 3.27 2.17 2.32 2.80 2.27 9,622 2,493 2,493 4,876 7,762 3,464 3,186 4,445 768 79 $175,190 $59,518 $59,518 $100,643 $148,416 $64,231 $58,414 $94,946 $13,993 $7,631 433 103 103 209 339 156 142 195 35 3 8.78 2.24 2.24 2.45 3.27 2.17 2.32 2.80 2.27 8,228 2,254 2,254 4,022 7,131 3,483 3,112 4,991 864 60 $165,448 $53,059 $53,059 $93,878 $149,286 $69,015 $64,048 $110,037 $15,206 $12,639 367 95 95 172 312 156 138 216 40 2 15.29 6.21 24,578 13,783 297 0 14,080 9 94 622 4,832 1,091 3,504 10,151 $488,274 $258,534 $5,130 $$263,664 $475 $3,610 $11,902 $82,524 $17,668 $89,574 $205,753 1,078 604 15 15.29 6.21 23,662 13,869 192 86 14,147 6 81 605 4,781 843 5,687 12,002 $514,109 $270,450 $2,448 $958 $273,855 $449 $3,000 $12,108 $80,748 $14,171 $59,757 $170,233 1,037 614 9 4 628 0 3 27 220 39 276 565 – also see Aquatics Incl. Above Incl. Above 0.00 6.21 0.13 Incl. Above 0.19 1.95 0.58 1.02 3.87 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 619 0 3 28 221 51 172 477 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 6.21 0.13 Incl. Above 0.19 1.95 0.58 1.02 3.87 61 Building Homes for the Aged - Dawson Court Homes for the Aged - Grandview Lodge Homes for the Aged - Pioneer Ridge Homes for the Aged Subtotal Tourism - Pagoda Tourism - Hwy 61 Tourism Sign Tourism - Princess Sign Tourism - W Hwy 17 Sign Tourism - Terry Fox Tourism Sign Tourism Subtotal Transit Division - Transit Main Garage - Fort William Rd Transit Division - Brodie Street Terminal Transit Division - Water Street Terminal Transit Division Assets Subtotal Public Works - Front & Egan Garage # 3 Public Works - Front & Egan Admin/Garage Public Works - Front & Egan Garage Wash Bay Public Works - Mountdale Parks Mechanics Stores #4 Public Works - Mountdale TWKS Garage #3 Public Works - Mountdale Administration Building #1 Public Works - Pento Yard (McIntyre ) Public Works - Traffic Control & Street Lighting Public Works - Front & Egan Yard Meter 1 Public Works - Front & Egan Yard Meter 2 Public Works - Mountdale Yard #1 Public Works - Mountdale Yard #2 Public Works - Mountdale Yard #3 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 9.57 12.29 10.44 32.30 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 771 1,272 1,365 3,408 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 9.57 12.29 10.44 32.30 5 2 2 2 2 13 426 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 9.57 107 46 42 34 43 271 8,493 $230,771 $379,327 $455,902 $1,065,99 9 $2,012 $1,699 $1,830 $1,373 $2,276 $9,191 $155,607 0.00 0.20 9.76 3.49 0.37 0 480 8,973 44 1,329 194 $$8,282 $163,888 $1,696 $48,428 $6,724 22 404 2 48 7 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 9.57 105 63 42 52 60 322 9,403 0.20 0.20 9.96 3.49 0.37 404 559 10,366 47 1,373 279 $7,067 $9,868 $190,016 $1,560 $43,048 $8,311 19 26 471 2 50 10 1.34 692 $23,458 25 1.34 642 $23,071 23 2.50 1.00 730 411 $24,376 $13,846 26 15 2.50 1.00 929 449 $30,401 $15,469 34 16 0.57 1.07 125 775 $3,092 $13,613 5 36 0.00 1.07 0 768 $$12,987 36 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 5,611 232 853 389 3,840 $65,753 $3,806 $7,501 $5,384 $44,189 276 11 42 19 189 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 5,421 345 720 287 4,752 $56,615 $4,077 $5,885 $3,468 $49,208 267 17 35 14 234 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory No Data 14,660 25,441 26,430 66,530 2011 Energy Cost $219,493 $395,048 $469,867 $1,084,40 8 $2,284 $2,142 $1,523 $1,905 $$7,854 $173,081 No Data 16,702 27,098 29,729 73,529 2009 Energy Cost 671 1,189 1,199 3,059 5 2 2 1 2 11 382 62 Building 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 2009 Energy Use (GJ) Public Works - Mountdale Yard #4 Incl. Above 1,414 10.34 0.30 2.80 0.16 Public Works Subtotal Landfill/Recycling - John Street Landfill Site Landfill/Recycling - Solid Waste & Recycling Facility Landfill/Recycling - Landfill Site Bomag Building Landfill/Recycling - John St Rd Pumphouse Landfill/Recycling - HHW Depot Landfill/Recycling - 900 Walsh St Recycling Depot Landfill/Recycling - Landfill Gas Collect Landfill/Recycling Subtotal Animal Services - Animal Services Animal Services Subtotal Commercial Properties - 125 S Syndicate start Feb 2009 Commercial Properties - 600 Victoriaville Canopy Commercial Properties - 700 Victoria Ave Commercial Properties - Whalen Building 120-208 Commercial Properties - CN Station Commercial Properties - CN Station UT001 Commercial Properties - CN Station UT002 Commercial Properties - 9 Water Street Commercial Properties - Victoriaville Mall Commercial Properties - CN Station 1053840 Commercial Properties Subtotal Parks Division - Parks North - Cumberland Parks Division - Conservatory Parks Division - George Burke Park Parks Division - Centennial Park Chalet 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) $17,152 70 Incl. Above 1,253 $14,092 62 16,772 163 2,018 $275,089 $5,347 $36,536 775 6 93 9.77 0.30 2.80 17,133 3 3,311 $272,121 $333 $72,024 794 0 141 43 $1,609 2 0.16 61 $2,260 2 133 31 10 $4,922 $770 $552 5 1 0 136 0 11 $4,847 $$621 5 No Data 0 2,398 1,008 1,008 7 $$49,736 $24,276 $24,276 $412 107 42 42 0 No Data 6 3,528 1,107 1,107 6 $556 $80,641 $24,450 $24,450 $456 0 149 48 48 0 No Data 5,695 $176,964 206 No Data 4,870 $174,238 176 No Data 152 7,767 $5,312 $195,430 5 315 No Data 124 6,340 $4,458 $196,807 4 248 244 107 55 242 3,206 1,899 19,374 1,721 10,841 162 544 $8,658 $3,903 $1,943 $8,272 $52,610 $26,101 $479,605 $28,198 $125,028 $2,503 $16,695 9 4 2 9 158 93 801 80 530 8 20 191 109 33 215 2,141 1,708 15,737 1,451 10,056 138 508 $6,730 $3,951 $1,353 $7,504 $22,867 $19,585 $437,949 $23,666 $110,240 $2,150 $18,228 7 4 1 8 105 84 637 67 491 7 18 No Data 0.01 0.00 0.00 3.28 0.79 0.79 7.43 1.29 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 5.20 Incl. Above 13.92 1.58 1.84 No Data 0.31 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2009 Energy Cost No Data 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.27 0.79 0.79 7.43 1.29 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 5.20 Incl. Above 13.92 1.58 1.84 No Data 0.31 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 0 63 Building Parks Division - Mountview Cemetery Church (183714) Parks Division - Mountview Cemetery Chapel (184284) Parks Division - J Kusznier (Fitzgerald) Park Parks Division - Carrick St Park Parks Division - Third & High Fieldhouse Parks Division - Frank Charry Park Parks Division - Tarbutt Park Parks Division - Westfort Playfield Parks Division - Wayland Park (Mary St Rink) Parks Division - County Park Parks Division - Seasonal Buildings Parks Division - Chippewa Park Feed Parks Division - Chippewa Park Maintenance Parks Division - Chippewa Park Meter 140634 Parks Division - 2465 1/2 City Rd Parks Division - 2465 City Rd Parks Division - Boulevard Lake South Parks Division - Trowbridge Campground 200856 Parks Division - Marina Park Parks Division - Marina Park UT001 Parks Division - N. Camelot St Parks Division - West End Parks Division - Parks North Maintenance Gibson Yard Parks Division Assets Subtotal Golf Courses - Municipal Golf Course Golf Courses - Chapples Golf Course Golf Courses - Strathcona Golf Course 180236 Golf Courses - Strathcona Golf Course 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.32 342 $1,764 16 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 0.32 Incl. Above 104 $1,891 5 0.16 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.22 Incl. Above Incl. Above 198 112 241 210 161 160 147 56 413 411 255 649 $3,603 $2,560 $4,380 $4,064 $2,644 $2,816 $3,010 $1,250 $14,717 $11,363 $8,212 $20,719 9 5 12 10 8 8 7 3 15 15 9 23 0.00 0.00 0.83 0.42 0 0 717 98 $$$23,066 $3,736 26 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.17 648 532 54 298 280 $22,101 $$1,964 $3,889 $4,482 10.41 0.63 0.90 0.87 19,353 354 138 295 Incl. Above 163 No Data No Data 4.02 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 2009 Energy Cost 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 321 $5,088 15 Incl. Above 100 $1,894 5 0.16 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.22 185 128 282 222 176 141 155 52 379 341 295 198 $3,510 $3,034 $4,165 $4,233 $2,813 $2,419 $2,961 $1,246 $16,291 $11,637 $10,102 $6,650 9 6 14 10 8 7 7 2 14 12 11 7 0.83 0.42 289 40 663 11 $14,431 $1,628 $22,418 $617 10 1 24 0 23 19 2 15 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.17 356 374 55 272 216 $5,070 $$2,112 $3,341 $2,994 13 13 2 13 11 $314,657 $4,420 $4,609 $5,088 884 17 5 14 10.41 0.63 0.90 0.87 17,406 286 314 267 $282,937 $3,487 $7,037 $4,359 799 14 13 12 $5,259 6 Incl. Above 161 $5,683 6 No Data No Data 4.02 Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above Incl. Above 64 Building 180142 Golf Courses - Strathcona Golf Course UTD01 Golf Courses - Municipal Golf - 1NKR Golf Courses - Municipal Golf - 130 Irrigation Golf Courses - Municipal Golf - 138 Hwy 130 Golf Courses - Municipal Golf - 0 Mtnc Shop Golf Courses Subtotal Day Cares - Algoma Day Care Centre Day Cares Subtotal PAL - 2200 Sleeping Giant Parkway (Baggage building) PAL - Baggage Building PAL - Water Garden Pavilion 1 PAL - Water Garden Pavilion 2 PAL - 2205 Sleeping Giant Parkway (pond pavilion building, marina boater services building, lights in park, pier outlets, etc.) PAL - Sleeping Giant Parkway Sign Prince Arthur's Landing Subtotal Parking Authority - Lot 8 Paterson 520 Leith St Parking Authority - Lot 13 Brodie St Parking Authority - Lot 15 Heart of the Harbour Parkade (formerly Keskus) Parking Authority - Lot 3A 18 N Court St Parking Authority - North Parking Lot Parking Authority - Southward Parking Structure Victoriaville Parking Authority Subtotal Other Boards & Agencies - Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Other Boards & Agencies - Sports Hall of Fame 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) Incl. Above 388 $12,617 14 Incl. Above 409 $14,015 15 Incl. Above 0.05 0.44 0.11 3.00 0.28 0.28 0.00 15 2 217 29 1,601 1,296 1,296 0 $1,044 $473 $9,324 $1,384 $44,217 $19,306 $19,306 $- 1 0 8 1 66 62 62 Incl. Above 11 12 204 23 1,687 979 979 102 $930 $974 $8,967 $1,375 $46,826 $14,799 $14,799 $3,763 0 0 7 1 69 46 46 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 $$$$- 75 222 12 562 $4,801 $11,845 $555 $21,967 3 8 0 20 0.00 0.00 0 0 61 $$$2,023 $70 $43,001 $- 0 36 2 0 973 0 29 1,080 $1,114 $35,161 1 39 0 1,089 $$40,207 39 20.23 127 58 1,740 $2,997 $2,267 $46,138 6 2 63 20.23 132 58 1,743 $2,843 $2,615 $62,151 6 2 63 40.08 5.57 3,094 6,163 $89,701 $- 113 268 40.08 5.57 3,023 5,585 $107,817 $- 110 240 0.31 389 $- 18 0.31 376 $- 17 No Data No Data 19.86 No Data No Data Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2009 Energy Cost 0.05 0.44 0.11 3.00 0.28 0.28 No Data 1.09 1.07 Incl. Above 0.08 0.00 2.24 No Data 0.00 19.86 No Data No Data 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 65 Building Other Boards & Agencies - Thunder Bay Museum Other Boards & Agencies - Thunder Bay Tournament Centre Other Boards & Agencies - Brodie Resources Library Other Boards & Agencies - Waverly Resource Library Other Boards & Agencies - Old Mary J.L. Black Library - Brock St Other Boards & Agencies - New Mary J.L. Black Library - 901 S Edward Other Boards & Agencies - County Park Library (1020 Dawson Rd 16) Other Boards & Agencies - County Park Library (1020 Dawson Rd 17) Other Boards & Agencies Subtotal CORPORATE BUILDINGS TOTAL 2009 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 1.11 1,536 $- 70 2011 Floor Area 2 (1000m ) 1.11 5.95 13,821 $199,360 609 2.16 2,812 $57,580 2.16 3,663 0.86 0.00 2009 Energy Use (GJ) 2009 Energy Cost 2009 GHG (tCO2e) 2011 Energy Use (GJ) 2011 Energy Cost 2011 GHG (tCO2e) 1,640 $- 73 5.95 14,155 $212,373 625 122 2.16 2,631 $59,158 115 $79,225 157 2.16 3,595 $80,027 156 1,162 $21,729 53 0.86 942 $14,020 44 0 $- 0.88 941 $16,355 40 No Data 24 $1,062 1 No Data 33 $1,369 1 No Data 99 $3,224 4 No Data 105 $3,827 4 29,668 $362,180 1,301 19.00 30,004 $387,128 1,317 307,255 $5,470,029 13,721 220.39 292,355 $5,440,532 13,027 18.12 218.33 Thunder Bay 2011 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 66