Graduation Self-Check Step 1: Repeated Courses 1. Log-in to your BroncoDirect and access your Student Center. 2. Use the drop-down menu in Academics and select “Course History” 3. This an alphabetical list of all your classes. Scan your courses and list below any courses you took more than once with the units: YOU CANNOT RECEIVE DUPLICATE CREDIT FOR A COURSE. You can request “Grade Forgiveness” for a maximum of 16-units but this must be done BEFORE you graduate. Step 2: Obtain the following information from your transcript 1. Using the same drop-down from instructions above, select “Transcript: View Unofficial”. 2. Select Report Type “Cal Poly Pomona Unofficial” and click View Report. (Enter items 3 -6 in the appropriate spaces below, and review this with your advisor) 3. Go to the very bottom of your transcript to find your Overall units earned. BE SURE TO REMOVE ANY DUPLICATE UNITS. 4. Subtract this number from 180 to find your units needed. 5. Count all of your upper division units (courses that are 300 – 499 level). BE SURE TO REMOVE ANY DUPLICATE UNITS. 6. Subtract this number from 60. 180 Minimum units: Your Overall Units Earned: - As of today ( ) As of today ( ) Units needed: (subtract your units completed from 180) 60 Minimum Upper Division units: Your Upper Division units completed: Upper Division units needed: (subtract your units completed from 60) - Step 3: View your Degree Progress Report to create a list of courses remain (the red boxes): Is there enough classes for you to reach the minimums from Step 2? If the answer is “no”, then that means you need unrestricted elective. Make a plan of when you will take each requirement (write in pencil) and schedule an advising appointment. Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Fall 2016 Winter 2017 Bring this sheet to your advising appointment for help in creating an Individual Academic Plan for graduation.