1.2.12.automated self

Proposal for the Use of the FY2001 Technology Fee
Submitting Organization(s): Pullen Library
Contact Person (Name, email phone): Charlene S. Hurt, libcsh@langate.gsu.edu,
1. Executive Summary
25 Word Project Description
Provide a patron operated, automated self-service
checkout system for circulating library materials in
all formats. Will improve library efficiency and
service by allowing simple check out transactions
to be completed without having to wait in line for
assistance. Patrons will have the convenient
option of doing their own checkout.
One-time Costs
Ongoing Costs
(FY 2001)
(Future FY’s)
2. Project Description
The addition of a self checkout station would provide a convenient and secure
service for students wanting to check out materials quickly without having to wait
in line to obtain service from a library circulation staff member. Equipment allows
for all types of materials, including media to be checked out. The system can
also access the patron record via Panthercard swipe mechanism to verify
circulation status, and provides patrons with an itemized print receipt listing of all
titles checked out and the appropriate due dates for return. The self checkout
system interfaces with the GIL integrated system circulation module to
incorporate complete circulation profiles for every patron so that the can check
their own, barcode-protected online circulation record to review all materials
checked-out, both at the Circulation Desk and at the Self check-out station.
3. Relevance to Regents Guidelines
This proposal is consistent with the first guideline:
[1] Technology fee revenues should be used primarily for the direct benefit
of students to assist them in meeting the educational objectives of their
academic programs. The description of proposal clearly explains the valueadded service afforded to students, faculty, and staff who would be able to use
the self-service checkout station to execute their own circulation transactions.
Our annual statistics approximate 350,000 circulation transactions. Higher
education institutions already utilizing this self-checkout system report high
patron satisfaction levels among patrons and a significantly positive impact of the
staffing levels needed at the Circulation Desk. They are able to quickly sign-out
the materials that they need and are provided with a useful printout of the
transaction to serve as a reminder for meeting due dates.
4. Justification of One-time Funding Requirements
1 3M SelfCheck System
Model 6210 with optional
magnetic card reader
5. Continuing Funding Requirements
Annual maintenance contracts on software
Replacement of ink cartridges and paper stock
$ 3,200
$ 1,050
Total continuing funding
$ 4,250
6. Accountability of Funds
One-time funds will be spent for one 3M SelfCheck System. The Library and
University routinely inventory equipment.
7. Additional Funding Required, Non-Technology Fee
8. Impact on Computing/Network Infrastructure
Increased traffic on the university/library network. The Library has recently had
improvements made to the wiring in the Library North building. Additional access
points will easily accommodate the installation of the self check-our circulation
system being requested at a convenient location by the most frequently used
entry-exit gates of the Library.