ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts 318 IOL Optical Properties and Presbyopia Correction Tuesday, May 03, 2016 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Exhibit/Poster Hall Poster Session Program #/Board # Range: 3102–3131/B0107–B0136 Organizing Section: Visual Psychophysics/Physiological Optics Program Number: 3102 Poster Board Number: B0107 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Comparative Analysis of Accuracy and Predictability of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation after Refractive Surgery: Conventional Regression Formula versus ASCRS Calculator Byeong Soo Kang1, Joo Youn Oh1, 2, Mee Kum Kim1, 2, Won Ryang Wee1, 2. 1Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (the Republic of); 2Laboratory of Ocular Regenerative Medicine and Immunology, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea (the Republic of). Purpose: To compare the accuracies of calculation of intraocular lens (IOL) power using conventional regression formula or American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) IOL power calculator with previous corneal refractive surgery. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 96 eyes of 68 patients that had undergone cataract surgery after keratorefractive surgeries. We calculated the formula using into two means; (1) IOL powers using the ASCRS IOL power calculator, (2) IOL powers using the conventional formula with previous refractive data (Camelin, Jarade, Savini and clinical history method) or without prior data (0, 2 and 4 mm total mean power in topography, Wang-Koch-Maloney, Shammas, Seitz and Maloney). Two conventional IOL formulas (SRK/T and Hoffer Q) calculated with single K method and double K method. Mean arithmetic refractive error (MARE) and mean absolute error (MAE) was calculated at the first postoperative month. Results: In conventional formula, Jarade method or Seitz method, applied in Hoffer Q formula with Single K or Double K method, have the lowest prediction errors. Least prediction error was shown in Shammas-PL method among the ASCRS group. There is no statistically significant difference between the 10 lowest MAE conventional methods and Shammas-PL method using ASCRS calculator. Conclusions: Shammas-PL formula, calculated by ASCRS calculator, is considered a comparable method to the 10 most accurate conventional formulae. Other methods using ASCRS show a myopic tendency. Commercial Relationships: Byeong Soo Kang, None; Joo Youn Oh, None; Mee Kum Kim, None; Won Ryang Wee, None Program Number: 3103 Poster Board Number: B0108 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Corneal curvature is a key determinant of Haigis and SRKT formulae accuracy of for intentional myopic overcorrection Andre Messias, Rodrigo F. Dalto, Ferreira Miriam, Wilian Queiroz, Roberto P. Coelho, Jayter S. Paula. Ophthalmology, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. Purpose: To compare the influence of the biometric parameters on the accuracy of Haigis and SRKT formulae predicting postoperative target refraction (TR). Methods: Retrospective analysis of 108 eyes (70 patients) that had uneventful phacoemulsification surgery with implant of AlconSN60WF intraocular lens (IOL). In 45 eyes, IOLs were intentionally targeted to myopia (-0.75 to -1.25 dpt), while the other 63 eyes targeted between 0 and -0.75 dpt. Preoperative axial length (AL) and keratometry (K) were measured with optical biometry (LENSTAR – Haag-Streit). Postoperative spherical equivalent (PSE) was assessed 12 ± 3 months after surgery. Results: Overall, mean PSE - TR showed a small myopic shift of 0.16 ± 0.04 dpt (p<0.05) for Haigis; and -0.02 ± 0.04 dpt (p>0.05) for SRKT formula. The differences between PTR and PSE were significantly correlated with PSE for Haigis (r=-0.65; P<0.01) and SRKT (r=-0.66; P<0.01). There was also a significant difference between Haigis and SRKT predictions: -0.18 ± 0.03 dpt (P<0.001), and the difference between the two formulae is highly dependent on K (r=-0.75; P<0.01). Splitting the data according to preoperative K median, eyes with K < 43.75 targeted at myopia (n=23) showed a significant myopic shift of -0.26 ± 0.09 dpt (P<0.05) with Haigis, but a hyperopic shift of 0.24 ± 0.09 dpt (P<0.05) with SRKT. Conclusions: Divergences between Haigis and SRKT formulae cause uncertainty choosing the IOL. These data indicate that, in eyes with lower preoperative K, an IOL targeted at myopia might result in a small, but significant myopic shift for Haigis formula, while with SRKT a hyperopic shift can be expected. Commercial Relationships: Andre Messias, None; Rodrigo F. Dalto; Ferreira Miriam, None; Wilian Queiroz, None; Roberto P. Coelho, None; Jayter S. Paula, None Support: FAPESP Program Number: 3104 Poster Board Number: B0109 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM The tolerance analyses of cylindrical axial misalignment of a TIOL Huawei Zhao. R&D, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA. Purpose: Toric intraocular lens (TIOL) has been proven safe and effective on correcting the astigmatic effects due to the corneal astigmatism in pseudophakic eyes. However this efficacy can be much degraded due to the post-operative cylindrical axial misalignment (CAM) of the implanted TIOL with the intended orientation. This study is to analyze the tolerance to the CAM based on optical image quality metrics and simulate the potential impact from the CAM for a TIOL with different optical designs. Methods: A pseudophakic average corneal eye (ACE) model (Piers, et al, Opt. Lett. 2004) implanted with a mimicked TIOL was utilized in optical design software ZEMAX® OpticStudio™ 15.5 (ZEMAX LLC, Washington). The eye model has been further coupled with more clinical relevant variables including the corneal astigmatism and the CAM. The TIOL matching the corneal astigmatism has different optical designs coupled with different refractive index and ABBE number or equivalent in refractive, diffractive, or both in a monofocal or multifocal way. Based on the retinal l image quality metrics including modular transfer function (MTF) required for resolve an object with different spatial frequencies, corresponding tolerance levels to the CAM are calculated. The impact of CAM in photopic light is also simulated and calculated by sensitivity test and optical ensemble analyses (Zhao, Opt. Lett. 2009) by applying additional clinically observed statistics of the above variables. Results: The CAM impacts on the simulated image quality varied with the corneal astigmatism. The higher the corneal astigmatic power was, the more sensitive to the CAM and the more degradation by the CAM of the calculated MTF. For a given CAM and corneal astigmatic power, the more MTF degradation was found for the TIOL with lower material ABBE number. The CAM tolerance varied with the object spatial frequency, IOL material ABBE number or equivalent, and the corneal astigmatism. The smaller CAM tolerance was found with higher the spatial frequency or the corneal astigmatic power. The larger CAM tolerance was found with the higher material ABBE-number or equivalent by the IOL diffractive surface coupling. These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Conclusions: The TIOL with different optical material and designs can have different tolerance to the CAM without significant image quality degradation. Choosing the TIOL with larger CAM tolerance can lead to more effectiveness of the corneal astigmatic effect reduction. Commercial Relationships: Huawei Zhao, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. Program Number: 3105 Poster Board Number: B0110 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM An objective method to measure astigmatism tolerance with a small-aperture vs. monofocal intraocular lens Eugenia K. Thomas1, Ling Lin1, Srividhya Vilupuru1, Robert Ang2. 1 Clinical Research, AcuFocus, Inc., Irvine, CA; 2Asian Eye Institute, Makati City, Philippines. Purpose: The principle of small aperture optics may be practically applied to intraocular lenses (IOLs) to reduce astigmatic blur and bridge the gap between monofocal and toric IOLs for correcting low grade astigmatism. It can offer greater flexibility on tolerance limits for toric lenses and provide greater tolerance for residual postoperative astigmatism. Relative tolerance to astigmatism with a small-aperture (SA) IOL versus a monofocal (MO) IOL was assessed by measuring visual acuity with each IOL and various levels of induced astigmatism. Methods: Nine pseudophakic subjects who had an SA IOL in the nondominant eye and a MO IOL in the dominant eye were evaluated for tolerance to astigmatism by defocus testing with up to 2.5 diopters of cylinder (DC) induced in the same axis as that in the manifest refraction (“natural axis”) or with the rule for a spherical manifest refraction. Each eye was corrected to best visual acuity with the manifest refraction. Next, 2.5 DC was added to the refraction and distance visual acuity re-measured using a Snellen letter chart. Cylinder power was reduced in 0.5 diopter steps to zero, and visual acuity was measured at each decrement. Results: Visual acuities were converted to logMAR values and defocus curves plotted from mean visual acuities at each defocus point. In pairwise comparisons, the greatest mean difference in acuity was seen with 2.5 DC defocus, where visual acuity with the SA IOL was 0.8 lines better than the MO IOL. With 2.0 and 1.5 DC defocus, the SA IOL was 0.7 lines better than the MO IOL. With 1.0 DC defocus or less, the mean difference between the SA and MO IOLs was not clinically significant. Overall, visual acuity of 0.1 logMAR or better was maintained with the SA IOL through 1.5 DC defocus and about 1.0 DC with the MO IOL. Results suggest that astigmatic tolerance may be affected by the axis of induced astigmatic defocus, which varied between eyes. Conclusions: This experiment demonstrated a useful method for objectively assessing tolerance to astigmatism with different optical devices. Small aperture technology may be beneficial for subjects with residual postoperative astigmatism due to the limits of toric lens availability or postoperative refractive surprise. Commercial Relationships: Eugenia K. Thomas, AcuFocus; Ling Lin, AcuFocus; Srividhya Vilupuru, AcuFocus; Robert Ang, AcuFocus (C) Program Number: 3106 Poster Board Number: B0111 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Masurement of the pseudo-accommodation curve of intraocular lenses in virtually implanted subjects Jaume Pujol1, Sergio O. Luque2. 1Physiology & Membrane Biology, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain; 210Lens S.L.U., Terrassa, Spain. Purpose: To measure the pseudo-accommodation curve of monofocal and multifocal commercial available IOLs in subjects virtually and non-invasively implanted. To validate a virtual IOL implant device as a tool to determine the pseudo-accommodation curve of IOLs prior to surgery. Methods: Cycloplegic pseudo-accommodation curves of three different IOLs were measured in 3 subjects (39, 54 and 56 years old) using a device that performs virtual IOLs implants (VirtIOL, 10Lens S.L.U.). All subject had a BCDVA of 20/20 or better. A monofocal, a bifocal and a trifocal lens were tested. Pseudo-accommodation curves were obtained by measuring the visual acuity in a range from +1 to -5 D every 0.5 D. All subjects were corrected for distance. Pupil diameter was fixed at 4 mm for every measurement. The validation of the virtual implants was performed with a CMOS camera whose objective had similar numerical aperture to that found in the average human eye for a pupil of 4 mm (N.A = 0.12). Series of pictures were taken in the whole range of interest of the defocus curve in two different conditions: first, with the IOL and the artificial cornea focusing the images directly onto the camera sensor and then, with the CMOS camera and its objective focusing the images produced by the virtual implant device. Results: Similar pseudo-accommodation curves were obtained for the three subjects with differences smaller than +/- one line of VA in the whole range of interest. The bifocal and trifocal lenses showed better near vision in comparison to the monofocal IOL, as expected, but there was little difference for intermediate vision between them. Images and pseudo-accommodation curves obtained with the CMOS camera when IOLs focused images directly onto the image sensor or through VirtIOL were identical, indicating that VirtIOL can be used to evaluate images perceived through IOLs prior to surgery in eyes with normal transmittance. Conclusions: It was possible to measure the pseudo-accommodation curve of commercial available monofocal and multifocal IOLs by means of virtual IOL implants. By a CMOS camera and its objetive, with similar optical parameters to those found in the eye, was possible to validate the performace of the virtual IOL implant device. We found little differences between trifocal and bifocal lenses for intermediate vision possibly due to its dependency with the pupil diameter that in our case was fixed at 4 mm. Commercial Relationships: Jaume Pujol, None; Sergio O. Luque, 10Lens S.L.U. (I), 10Lens S.L.U: (P) Program Number: 3107 Poster Board Number: B0112 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Long Term Follow-up of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens for Myopia Bronson M. LeClair1, 2, Howard V. Gimbel1, 2, Joseph T. Fan1. 1School of Medicine, Loma Linda Univeristy, Loma Linda, CA; 2Gimbel Eye Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada. Purpose: Some authors have suggested that an increased rate of anterior subcapsular cataract (ASC) development may occur with increasing age and decreasing anterior chamber depth at the time of implantable collamer lens. This correlation has not been well studied. We performed a retrospective observation study of 1693 eyes, comparing the rate of ICL removal with cataract extraction and intraocular lens placement (CE-IOL) as a result of ASC, with age and anterior chamber depth. Methods: We analyzed 1693 eyes implanted with the ICL V4 model (Visian ICL; STAAR surgical) from 2000 to 2012 at the Gimbel Eye Centre, Calgary. Myopic and astigmatic patients aged 19 and above, with no prior history of cataracts were selected for this study. Parameters including the rate of ICL removal with cataract extraction, age, sex, These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts length of follow-up, and measurement of anterior chamber depth were collected. Retrospective statistical analysis was performed. Results: Of the 1693 eyes included in this study, a total of 48 eyes underwent ICL removal with CE-IOL. The length of follow-up varied between 2 years to 14 years. Of those 48 eyes, 37 (77%) were older than 45 years at the time of ICL implantation. There was a significant positive correlation (r2=0.22, P = 0.002) between age and the rate of ASC development leading to CE-IOL. Of those 48 eyes, 31 (65%) had an ACD of less than 3.00 mm and there was a significant negative correlation (r2=0.26, P = 0.0003) between ACD the rate of ASC development leading to CE-IOL. All 48 CE-IOL eyes had previously measured ICL vaults under 140 μm. Conclusions: This retrospective study demonstrated that the rate of developing anterior subcapsular cataracts has a positive correlation with age, and a negative correlation with anterior chamber depth. These findings could offer patient specifc risk assessment of ASC development, based upon individual parameters. Commercial Relationships: Bronson M. LeClair, None; Howard V. Gimbel, None; Joseph T. Fan, None Program Number: 3108 Poster Board Number: B0113 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Refractive and safety outcomes of individuals submitted to phakic intraocular lens implantation (ICL) and correlation of ocular measurements Fabio Kenji K. Matsumoto. Ophthalmology, São Paulo Federal University - UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brazil. Purpose: Correlate ocular variables such as white-to-white (WTW), angle-to-angle (ATA), and sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) measurements with vault values at 7 and 30 days after surgery and evaluate safety outcomes and refractive results of the implantation of these lenses in 2 years at Federal University of São Paulo. Methods: This is a case series of 24 patients submitted to ICL V4 surgery. Baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ≤0.4 (20/50 Snellen or better). We have used OPD-SCAN III and Eye Suite i4.1.0.0 HAAG-Streit Internacional for IOL Master to gauge those measurements. Spearman correlation coefficient was used for the analysis. Hypothesis test and Boxplot tool were applied to analyze spherical equivalent refraction, BCVA, contrast sensitivity function, total high order, and spherical wavefront aberrations for a 6-mm pupil using Minitab 17 Statistical Software. Wavefront data was obtained using OPD-Scan III. Results: 38 eyes were evaluated. Mean age was 29.77 (5.8) years. Correlations 30 days after surgery for lens size 12 were: 0.104 (STS); 0.009 (ATA); and -0,764 (WTW). Correlations for lens size 12.5 were: -0,510 (STS); -0,453 (ATA); and 0,240 (WTW). Statistical difference: Spherical Equivalent Refraction (pre-operative refraction mean -10.93 D)(p<0.001), Visual Acuity (logMAR baseline BCVA mean, 0.0786)(p=0.001), High Order Wavefront Aberration (preoperative HOA mean, 0.43 μm) (p<0.001), Spherical Wavefront Aberration (total mean, 0.041 μm, and internal mean, -0.159 μm)(p < 0.001). No statistical difference: Corneal spherical aberrations values (p=0.255) and Contrast sensitivity (p = 0.033). Conclusions: Moderate correlation was observed for WTW measurements and vault 30 days post op for size 12 lenses. Our study demonstrated refraction reduction and no significant corrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity loss during time, reaching significant improvement one year after surgery, as found in the literature. Only internal component contributed to high order aberration increase including the spherical one. After analyzing all results, it is possible to conclude that the present study shows good refractive and safety outcomes after ICL V4 pIOL in high myopia implantation at Federal University of São Paulo Commercial Relationships: Fabio Kenji K. Matsumoto, None Program Number: 3109 Poster Board Number: B0114 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Bilateral Macular Protection Pigment and Lens Density Status in Recently Operated Unilateral Pseudophakic Patients Amy Schnegg1, 2, William E. Sponsel1, 2, Richard A. Bone3, Matthew A. Reilly4, Shannon Leon2, Sylvia Cervantes1. 1William E. Sponsel, M.D., San Antonio, TX; 2Rosenberg School of Optometry, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX; 3Physics, Florida International University, Miami, FL; 4Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. Purpose: To confirm that the perimacular pigment blue light blocking effect is approximately the same whether measured through the natural crystalline lens or the recently placed intraocular lens in paired eyes. Secondarily, to confirm that the Alcon AcrySof SN60WF blue light blocking IOL is effective at blocking blue light as advertised. Methods: Five patients, 52 years old or greater, all of whom had cataract extraction surgery with implantation of the SN60WF IOL in only one eye within the past year, were measured bilaterally on GUARDiON Health Sciences’ MAPCATsf Densometer. The measurements taken on each eye included Macular Pigment Optical Density (MPOD) and Lens Optical Density (LOD). Percent Blue Light Blocking (%BLB) and Lens Equivalent Age (LEA) are also calculated as part of the measurements. Results: Paired t-test between the paired phakic/pseudophakic eyes of the 5 patients yielded P values greater than 0.72 for each of the four measurements. 100% of the pseudophakic eyes had LEAs of 55 yrs or more. Average IOL LEA of the 5 patients was 75.8. Conclusions: Measurement of the MPOD and %BLB yielded similar results whether measuring through the patient’s natural crystalline lens or through the recently placed PCIOL. The LOD and LEA measured between the paired eyes also yielded similar results, demonstrating the blue light blocking characteristics of the Alcon AcrySof SN60WF to be comparable to the patient’s natural crystalline lens, consistent with the implant’s commercial representation. Nolan et. al used hetrochromatic flicker photometry (also used by MAPCATsf) to measure MPOD before and after cataract surgery and found there was no statistical difference in MPOD measurement of the patient through cataract opacity and blue-light blocking IOLs. Our study confirms that MPOD can be measured through a natural crystalline lens or through a recently implanted SN60WF IOL and yield comparable results. Also confirmed is Alcon’s claim of the SN60WF’s blue-light blocking capabilities. These findings help support a larger scale study to determine whether blue-light blocking levels are diminished with older model non-blue-blocking IOLs in relation to the fellow phakic eye. With these preliminary assurances, we now intend to study whether MPOD decreases in the unilateral pseudophakic eye with non-blue-light blocking IOL over varying time periods versus the fellow eye that has remained phakic. Commercial Relationships: Amy Schnegg; William E. Sponsel, GUARDiON Health Sciences (C); Richard A. Bone, GUARDiON Health Sciences (C); Matthew A. Reilly, None; Shannon Leon, None; Sylvia Cervantes, None These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Program Number: 3110 Poster Board Number: B0115 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Chromatic aberration of intraocular lenses measured in vitro and in vivo Daniel H. Chang1, Henk A. Weeber2, Mike Lowery3, Patricia Piers2. 1 Empire Eye and Laser Center, Bakersfield, CA; 2Abbott Medical Optics, Groningen, Netherlands; 3Abbott Medical Optics, Santa Ana, CA. Purpose: Pseudophakic chromatic aberration depends on material properties of the intraocular lens materials used. Spectral chromatic difference of refraction characterizes the wavelength dependence of longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA). The purpose of this study was to explore the amount of ocular LCA of different IOLs when measured in vitro, as well as pseudophakic patients having different IOL designs implanted. Methods: Optical power measurements were made with an intraocular lens placed in a model eye on an optical bench. The model eye reproduced the spherical and chromatic aberration of an average pseudophakic eye: the Average Cornea Eye (ACE) model. Measurements were performed using a 3 mm aperture. The measurements were performed using wavelengths of 450, 500, 550, 600, and 650nm, respectively. LCA was expressed as the difference in optical power for the different wavelengths. In a paired-eye pilot study, 23 patients implanted with IOLs representing two different materials (A and B) with different Abbe numbers were refracted. In addition to regular manual monocular refraction with a phoropter, the procedure was repeated after subsequently placing a blue and a red color filter in front of the patient’s eye. The difference in refraction represents the magnitude of chromatic aberration. Results: For the range of 450-650nm, the average LCA of the different lens designs was 1.47 diopter, and ranged between 0.75 and 1.78 diopter. The aphakic eye model had chromatic aberration of 1.04 diopter. For material A and B, the chromatic aberration was 1.3 D and 1.77D, respectively. In vivo measurements resulted in a difference in refraction between the blue and the red color filter. For IOL material A, the difference was 1.1 diopter, and for material B 1.3 diopter. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusions: In a physiologically representative chromatic eye model the chromatic aberration of IOLs can be measured well. LCA varies widely for different IOL materials. The results of the in vivo measurements confirm significant differences in chromatic aberration between different IOL materials. Commercial Relationships: Daniel H. Chang, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc (R), Abbott Medical Optics, Inc (F), Abbott Medical Optics, Inc (C); Henk A. Weeber, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.; Mike Lowery, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc.; Patricia Piers, Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. Support: Abbott Medical Optics, Inc. Program Number: 3111 Poster Board Number: B0116 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Intraocular lens with heterogeneous refractive index correcting field and chromatic aberrations Enrique-Josua Fernandez, Pablo Artal. Physics, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Purpose: Current monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) may incorporate toric and aspheric surfaces for astigmatism and spherical aberration correction. We propose an alternative IOL design with spatially variable refractive index for the additional correction of field and chromatic aberration. Methods: Ray-tracing techniques were used to optimize the optical performance of customized eye models incorporating the IOL. Realistic values of both refractive index and chromatic dispersion currently found in IOLs’ acrylics were incorporated. Computer assisted optimization techniques were applied for the IOL design in order to correct aberrations in an extended retinal area up to 15 degrees. The optical benefit of the IOL in the presence of high order aberrations from real eyes’ data was also studied. Results: The appropriate spatial combination of different refractive indexes/dispersion in a single IOL provided correction of the ocular aberrations. Both off-axis and chromatic aberration are compensated up to residual values below 5 % as compared with phakic eyes. Transverse chromatic aberration was also minimized in the selected retinal areas. The use of aspheric surfaces allowed for the correction of symmetrical high order aberrations. A tolerance analysis showed that the benefits in optical quality of the IOL were maintained for common values of decentering and tilt found in the pseudophakic eye. Conclusions: A new single IOL design incorporating spatially variable refractive index and dispersion properties has been proposed. Ray-tracing predictions showed a superior image quality due to the combined correction of chromatic, spherical and off-axis aberrations without the need of diffractive profiles that may increases scattered light. Commercial Relationships: Enrique-Josua Fernandez, Universidad de Murcia (Spain) (P); Pablo Artal Support: SEIDI (Spain), grant FIS2013-41237-R; Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia (Spain), grant 18964/JLI/13 Program Number: 3112 Poster Board Number: B0117 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Implantation of an add-on intraocular lens for patients with agerelated macula degeneration Uwe Oberheide1, 2, Omid Kermani2, Georg Gerten2. 1Applied optics and electronics, TH Köln Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany; 2Augenklinik am Neumarkt, Cologne, Germany. Purpose: Reduced near visual acuity is still a major problem with all forms of AMD. External magnifying low visual aids are common option for patients with age-related macula degeneration. For patients with cataract various intraocular lenses (IOLs) or telescopic systems have been described but mostly require phakic status of the eye. In pseudophakic patients with advanced AMD a novel add-on IOL with a central 9.5 D zone of 1.5mm in diameter and refractive neutral outer zone (AddOn® SML A45AMD, 1stQ, Germany) was implanted to increase near visual acuity. Main effects are the magnification due to the smaller distance and utilization of near miosis. Methods: Modelling of the eye with an optical design software (Winlens, Qioptiq, Germany) showed that magnification is dependent on the anatomy of the eye and the final reading distance. The hydrophilic acrylic add-on IOL was implanted in the ciliary sulcus in 4 pseudophakic eyes of 4 patients with progressed AMD. The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and the corrected near visual acuity (CNVA) with an add of +6 D and 15cm reading distance for simulation of the optical effect of the IOL were measured. Results: The implantation of the IOL was uneventful in all 4 cases. 2 weeks postoperatively the patients were able to read at a distance of 15cm. Binocularity is reduced only at reading distance but not at far distance. At reading distance, the image of the contralateral eye is blurry and does not cause diplopia. The decimal CDVA remained unchanged in all eyes at 0.1 (2 patients), 0.16 and 0.2. The decimal CNVA corresponded to the preoperative CNVA at 15cm with +6D add (0.1 and 0.4 (3 patients)). Conclusions: Although these are first results of the implantation of a novel add-on IOL in a limited number pseudophakic patients with These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts AMD the effect of improved near visual acuity is promising. The quality of life for the patients improved by getting rid of external magnifying low vision aids. To verify the effect long term studies with a larger amount of patients is necessary. Commercial Relationships: Uwe Oberheide, 1stQ, Germany (R); Omid Kermani, None; Georg Gerten, None Program Number: 3113 Poster Board Number: B0118 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM In vivo evaluation of the tilt in the human crystalline lens or intraocular lens using a full-length optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based biometer AKENO TAMAOKI1, 2, Takashi Kojima3, Tobias Buehren5, Ryota Hashizume1, Yoshiki Tanaka4, Kiyoshi Tanaka6, 2, Kazuo Ichikawa4. 1Ophthalmology, Chukyo Hospital, Nagoya, Japan; 2 Shinshu University Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nagano, Japan; 3Ophthalmology, Gifu Red Cross Hospital, Gifu, Japan; 4Chukyo Eye Clinic, Nagoya, Japan; 5Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany; 6Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan. Purpose: To evaluate the tilt of the crystalline lens (lens) or intraocular lens (IOL) using a prototype of a full-length OCT based biometer. Methods: One hundred eighty-two cases of right eye in 182 Japanese patients with cataract were enrolled in this study. Mean patient age was 67.9 ± 15.1 years. Before and after cataract surgery, the distribution of tilt magnitude and orientation of the lens or IOL were investigated using a prototype of IOLMaster700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Germany). Tilt orientation axis and tilt magnitude were derived from fitting a plane to 3D points sampled from 18 parabolas that were fitted to lens surfaces of 18 B-scans for each eye. Tilt magnitude and orientation was expressed by the normal vector of the plane and additionally as a pair of angles in spherical coordinates. We investigated the correlation between the tilt magnitude of lens or IOL and the axial length. As a subgroup analysis, we investigated 14 eyes to find the correlation between preand postoperative values for tilt magnitude and orientation. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired t test, Spearman’s correlation coefficient and significant probability. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (ver.21, SPSS Inc.). A p value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Mean orientation and tilt magnitude in phakic eyes were 15.76°±25.59° and 3.30°±0.97°, respectively. Mean orientation axis and tilt magnitude in pseudophakic eyes were 19.29°±33.08° and 4.66°±1.79°, respectively. There was a significant negative correlation between the tilt magnitude and the axial length in both phakic and pseudophakic eyes (phakia; R = −0.18, p = 0.016, pseudophakia; R = −0.33, p = 0.006). In the subgroup analyses, there was a significant correlation between tilt magnitudes before and after cataract surgery (R = 0.566, p = 0.035). Postoperative mean tilt magnitude was larger than preoperative (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Using a full-length OCT-based biometer, we could measure the tilt magnitude and orientation in both lens and IOL. The current study revealed that the tilt magnitude of the lens or IOL negatively correlated with axial length. Since the tilt-magnitudes before and after IOL implantation showed significant correlation, characteristics of the lens before surgery could be maintained after IOL implantation. Commercial Relationships: AKENO TAMAOKI; Takashi Kojima, None; Tobias Buehren, Carl Zeiss Meditec; Ryota Hashizume, None; Yoshiki Tanaka, None; Kiyoshi Tanaka, None; Kazuo Ichikawa, Carl Zeiss Meditec (C) Program Number: 3114 Poster Board Number: B0119 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Visual quality with combinations of optimized and non-optimized corrective elements Georgios Zoulinakis1, Robert Montés-Micó1, Teresa Ferrer Blasco1, D Robert Iskander2. 1Faculty of Physics, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. Purpose: To simulate and compare visual quality between combinations of optimized and non-optimized monofocal intraocular (IOL) and contact lenses (CL). Methods: Raw height data of corneal topographies acquired with Medmont E300 Corneal Topographer were used. They included measurements of 10 regular and 12 astigmatic (> 0.75 D) corneas. The data were fitted with a series of Zernike polynomials of the 8th radial order and input in Zemax-EE optical design program (Zemax, LLC). First, 22 customized Liou-Brennan eye models with the first corneal surface replaced with the real corneal data and a pupil size of 3 mm were designed. Then, the crystalline lens was then replaced with either optimized or non-optimized monofocal IOLs. To these models were also added optimized or non-optimized monofocal contact lenses. IOLs and CLs were designed for far focus distance (>6 m). The term optimized stands for lenses which were designed to minimize the wavefront root mean square (RMS) error, while the term non-optimized stands for lenses which have rounded dioptric powers with steps of 0.25 D. To assess the design, wavefront RMS and the visual Strehl ratio based on the optical transfer function (VSOTF) were utilized. Results: The results were separated between regular and astigmatic corneas and were statistically analyzed. Figure 1 shows the VSOTF and the wavefront RMS for the regular corneas. Paired t-tests between groups with optimized and non-optimized elements showed no statistically significant difference between groups with optimized and non-optimized IOLs (p=0.450). Statistically significant increase was found in VSOTF between groups with optimized IOLs and with either optimized (p<0.001) or non-optimized IOL and CL combinations (p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant decrease of the VSOTF between combinations of optimized and nonoptimized IOLs and CLs (p=0.004). Similar results were found in the group of astigmatic corneas. Conclusions: A combination of two lenses offers a better optical quality, instead of using one fully optimized lens. The combination of two non-optimized lenses offers decreased optical quality from a combination of fully optimized lenses but that decrease amounts on average to less than 0.1 logMAR. These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Figure 1 VSOTF and wavefront RMS results. IOL stands for intraocular lens, IOL&CL stands for intraocular and contact lens, opt stands for optimized and non opt stands for non-optimized lenses. Commercial Relationships: Georgios Zoulinakis, None; Robert Montés-Micó, None; Teresa Ferrer Blasco, None; D Robert Iskander, None Support: Marie Curie Grant FP7-LIFE-ITN-2013-608049-AGEYE Program Number: 3115 Poster Board Number: B0120 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Assessing the optical quality of commercially available intraocular lenses by means of modulation transfer function and straylight ELENI PAPADATOU1, Grzegorz Labuz2, Thomas J. Van Den Berg2, José-Juan Esteve-Taboada1, David Madrid-Costa1, Norberto Lopez-Gil3, Robert Montés-Micó1. 1University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Rotterdam Ophthalmic Institute, Rotterdam, Netherlands; 3University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Purpose: In vitro evaluation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) is used for evaluation of optical quality. Diffractive IOLs, designed to concentrate light at different vergences, can generate visual artifacts due to diffractive effects. This work aimed at evaluating the optical performance of five commercially available diffractive multifocal IOLs compared to one monofocal. The through focus modulation transfer function (MTF) at 50 cycles per mm (c/mm) and the straylight (expressed by the straylight parameter, s) were used to assess optical quality. Methods: The multifocal IOLs studied were the AT LISA 809M (Zeiss), the AT LISA 839MP (Zeiss), the FineVision Micro F (PhysIOL), the Technis Symphony (Abbott) and the Acrysof Restor +3 D (Alcon). The monofocal IOL was the Acrysof IQ (Alcon). All IOLs were fresh, free of glistenings or other defects. Through focus MTF from +1 D to -5 D vergence, at two pupil diameters (3mm and 4.5 mm), was obtained with the PMTF instrument (Lambda-X). Straylight of the IOLs was recorded using the C-Quant device (Oculus) with modification proposed by Labuz et al., (Biomed Opt Express, 2015) that allows for in vitro IOL straylight assessment. Results: For the 0 D vergence Acrysof IQ yielded the highest MTF value (0.78 at 3mm) comparing to the multifocal IOLs (0.37 to 0.51 at 0 D vergence at 3 mm). The through focus MTF of the IOLs decreased for 4.5 mm pupil size. The highest decay was found for the Acrysof IQ (26% at 0 D vergence). According to their addition powers, multifocal IOLs showed one or two extra peaks located at different vergences (from -1.5 D to -4.5 D). The MTF values of those peaks decreased for 4.5 mm by 0.5% to 14%. All multifocal IOLs showed low s values ranging from 0.50±0.13 deg2/sr to 1.40±0.65 deg2/sr. The monofocal IOL had an s value of 0.63±0.17 deg2/sr. Conclusions: The monofocal IOL showed the highest MTF value (at 0 D vergence), but the multifocal IOLs were found to be affected less by pupil size at all vergences. As expected, multifocal IOLs are better at some other vergence. In the present study, straylight from the IOLs was rather low. The multifocal IOLs had values similar to the monofocal IOL, thus diffractive effects per se of these IOLs are not expected to elevate postoperative straylight. Ex vivo study of explanted IOLs is needed. Commercial Relationships: ELENI PAPADATOU; Grzegorz Labuz, None; Thomas J. Van Den Berg, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (P); José-Juan EsteveTaboada, None; David Madrid-Costa, None; Norberto Lopez-Gil, None; Robert Montés-Micó, None Support: This study was supported by the AGEYE project (608049), the Marie Curie Initial Training Network program (FP7-PEOPLE2013-ITN), granted by the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. Program Number: 3116 Poster Board Number: B0121 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Straylight measurements in intraocular lenses with an optical integration method Alexandros Pennos, Harilaos S. Ginis, Adrian Gambin, Pablo Artal. Laboratorio de Optica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Purpose: Different types of intraocular lenses (IOL’s) vary in their optical design (mono-, multi-focal), materials and manufacturing processes. All these factors may affect the wide-angle point spread function (PSF), and associated straylight, of the lenses affecting quality of vision. In this context, a new optical integration method was developed to measure straylight of different IOLs in vitro. Methods: A new single-pass instrument based on the optical integration method (Ginis et al., JOV, 2012) has been developed and adapted to test IOLs. Multiple uniform bright disks with increasing size are projected on a screen using a pico-projector. The IOL under testing forms images of the disks onto a CMOS camera through a 2 millimetres aperture conjugated on the IOL immersed into purified water within a custom mount. The intensity in the center of imaged disk is recorded for 200 angular sizes from 0 to 9.7 degrees (radius). The wide-angle PSF is derived from the slope of the curve resulting from the normalised intensity of the centre of a disk as a function of its size. The values of the PSF at specific angles provided a straylight parameter (S) which was used a metric for comparison. Monofocal and two diffractive multifocal IOLs were tested with the instrument. Results: The measured straylight parameter at 3 degrees (S3) was 3.28±0.01 for the monofocal IOL. For the multifocals, at their near focal plane, S3 was 9.27 ±0.01 and 6.16 ±0.01 whereas for their far focal plane were 9.07±0.03 and 5.86±0.06 respectively. At a larger angle (5 degrees), S5 was 3.13±0.03 for the monofocal IOL and 9.05±0.01; 9.72±0.01; 10.02±0.05 and 10.53±0.03 for the two multifocal at operating at near and far respectively. These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Conclusions: A new single-pass instrument to measure the quantify the wide angle PSF associated to various IOLs has been developed. The use of the instrument in a few IOL samples showed a significant increase of straylight in multifocal diffractive IOLs compared to standard monofocal ones. Commercial Relationships: Alexandros Pennos, None; Harilaos S. Ginis, None; Adrian Gambin; Pablo Artal, None Support: European Research Council Advanced Grant ERC-2013AdG-339228 (SEECAT) & SEIDI, Spain (grant FIS2013-41237-R) Program Number: 3117 Poster Board Number: B0122 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Halo measurement method for intraocular lenses Marrie Van der Mooren, Patricia Piers, Jacolien Graver, Henk A. Weeber. R&D Implants, AMO Groningen BV, Groningen, Netherlands. Purpose: Occurrences of halos after cataract surgery have been reported for pseudophakic subjects with monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). The purpose of this study is to introduce an objective and subjective in vitro halo measurement method for IOLs. Methods: To investigate the characteristics of halos, an in-vitro setup was developed. Based on a literature review of pseudophakic halos, the measurements should be capable of: 1) recording a light intensity profile in the focal plane with more than four decades of dynamic range; 2) providing an image of the halo; 3) providing intensity profiles and images that can discriminate monofocal from multifocal IOLs and, 4) measuring a field of view of at least 1 degree. The chosen setup consists of a model eye and an extended light source representing the headlight of a car. The model eye has dimensions and optical properties of a real eye, and is composed of a convexconcave cornea, an anterior chamber, a pupil, a holder for an IOL and a vitreous chamber. A CCD detector serves as the retina with a field flattener placed directly in front of the CCD chip. Results: Images with a total field of view of 1.2 degrees were recorded with a dynamic range of more than 4 decades and intensity profiles were determined up to seven decades using different shutter time. The halos were faint in comparison to the light intensity of the central focus. For displaying the halo without saturation of the central focus a gamma correction between 0.1 and 0.2 was needed. Images recorded for monofocal and multifocal IOLs showed clear differences, which were confirmed by the significant difference between the intensity profiles of both lens types. The difference was approximately one decade for the angular range from 0.25 to 0.6 degrees. The measured radial halo size of a multifocal lens with an add power of 4 diopters was found similar to the theoretical calculated halo size of 0.33 degrees. Conclusions: The described in-vitro halo measurement method is capable of providing halo images and intensity profiles. The obtained intensity profiles may provide information about halo sizes and intensities and corresponds well with the reported range of clinical data for monofocal and multifocal IOLs. Commercial Relationships: Marrie Van der Mooren, Abbott Medical Optics Inc; Patricia Piers; Jacolien Graver, Abbott Medical optics; Henk A. Weeber, Abbott Medical Optics Program Number: 3118 Poster Board Number: B0123 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Parameters affecting both Far Peripheral Vision in phakic eyes and Negative Dysphotopsia with Intraocular Lenses Michael Simpson. Simpson Optics LLC, Arlington, TX. Purpose: Negative dysphotopsia with intraocular lenses (IOLs) has raised questions about vision in general at very large angles. The traditional data for the extent of the human visual field are from 1915 (Roenne, Traquair), and there is little published information about variations with age or other factors. Parameters that affect this visual region are explored. Methods: Raytrace software was used to model both the phakic and the pseudophakic eye. The physical limit of the sensitive retina is not known accurately, but as the visual angle increases, rays are eventually too oblique to enter the pupil (Fig 1), which gives an upper limit for visual angles. The maximum angle of the chief ray, and the ray intersections with the cornea, were calculated for a range of iris locations. When an IOL replaces the crystalline lens, the limiting visual angle for light focused by the IOL is reduced due to vignetting at the IOL edge. This angle is calculated, along with angles for rays bypassing the IOL, which vary strongly with pupil diameter. Results: The variation of the limiting input angle with iris location for an average cornea is plotted in Fig 2. The crystalline lens pushes the iris forward with age, which increases the maximum potential visual angle. Similarly, the radial location of ray intersections with the cornea move more centrally, reducing the likelihood that the sclera might limit the max visual angle. These values can be compared to half the white-to-white value for a typical eye (about 6mm). The situation changes for an IOL, where vignetting can start at 60 degrees, and the last focused ray is at about 97 deg for an average IOL. Light at lower visual angles can also bypass the IOL, however, starting at visual angles of about 75 deg or 60 deg for 3 or 4mm pupils. This light appears to come from larger angles if the retina is scaled using the main image. Conclusions: The clear diameter of the cornea, and the axial location of the iris, are generally matched well to a limiting temporal visual field of about 105 deg for an average phakic eye, though these are more likely to become limiting factors for a large ACD. The limiting visual field focused by an IOL, however, is much smaller than that of the phakic eye, and is probably the cause of negative dysphotposia. Although light can also bypass the IOL, it comes from a smaller angle, and it varies strongly with pupil diameter Commercial Relationships: Michael Simpson, None These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Program Number: 3119 Poster Board Number: B0124 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Age-related objective and subjective dysphotopsia Maana Aujla1, James Wolffsohn1, 2, Amy L. Sheppard1, 2. 1School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 2Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Purpose: Dysphotopsia including glare and haloes is the most common cause of dissatisfaction post cataract surgery with implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOLs). The aim of this prospective study was to determine the relationship between objective measure and subjective complaints which could be used to identify those most likely to experience post-operative problems. The normal range of subjective/objective grade (the glare effect ratio) was determined over a wide age range. Methods: Measurements were acquired monocularly and binocularly from 141 healthy participants (range 18 to 82 years). A bespoke halometer gave an objective measure by quantifying the extent of the glare area in 8 meridians. The C-Quant objectively assessed the amount of straylight falling on the retina using the compensation comparison method. Grading of subjective dysphotopsia was performed using simulated images (Photographic Images of Photic Phenomena plates). Results: Monocular glare areas (median: 4.87 cm2; range 1.97 to 20.87 cm2) were larger than the binocular glare areas (median: 3.77 cm2; range 1.64 to 12.11 cm2) with halometry (P < 0.001). Binocular glare area increased with age (r = 0.673, r2 = 0.453, P < 0.001). Objective findings explained only a small percentage of the variance in subjective measures; halometer glare area vs subjective complaints r = 0.287, r2 = 0.082, P < 0.001; C-Quant vs subjective complaints r = 0.228, r2 = 0.052, P = 0.007. The normal range for the glare effect ratio was calculated for both halometry (median: 0.77; range 0 – 2.52) and for C-Quant (median: 3.45; range 0 – 10.62). Conclusions: Binocular summation was evident with binocular halos being smaller than monocular halos, suggesting halometry should be performed binocularly. The lack of a strong relationship between subjective and objective measures highlights the difficulties in predicting a patient’s likely subjective complaints from an objective measure alone. The normal range of the glare effect ratio could be used for screening purposes pre-refractive surgery, as individuals with the highest ratios may be the most likely to complain of subjective dysphotopsia symptoms. Commercial Relationships: Maana Aujla, None; James Wolffsohn, None; Amy L. Sheppard, None Program Number: 3120 Poster Board Number: B0125 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Impact of Stiles-Crawford peak decentration with small apertures Pedro Prieto, Silvestre Manzanera, Consuelo Robles, Pablo Artal. Laboratorio de Óptica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Purpose: The small aperture approach (implemented in corneal inlays or IOLs) is used to extend depth of focus in presbyopic patients. The Stiles-Crawford (SC) effect produces a change in the apparent brightness of rays entering the eye through different pupil positions. Since the SC can be significantly decentered in some eyes, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of the SC peak location on visual performance with a small aperture. Methods: We used a research version of an adaptive optics vision simulator to measure high and low contrast visual acuity (VA) with a small aperture (1.6 mm). The instrument allows for modifying the magnitude and phase of the eye’s complex pupil function. It incorporates two liquid-crystal spatial light elements: a phase-only modulator for wavefront shaping, and an intensity modulator to create the small aperture artificial pupil. A micro-display presents tumbling E letters through the controlled eye’s optics. Measurements were performed in 3 normal subjects at best focus, with corrected astigmatism, white light and for a variety of conditions of stimuli luminance and/or relative decentration of the small aperture. The values of luminance were set according to the expected reduction produced by a decentred Stiles-Crawford peak (89% and 63% for decentrations of 1 and 2 mm respectively). Results: The impact on high and low contrast VA of the reduction in effective luminance due to realistic SC peak decentrations is modest at all considered luminances. A maximum of a 1-line reduction with respect to the centered small aperture case was found for an equivalent luminance to a relative decentration of the SC peak as large as 2 mm. Conclusions: The impact of luminance reduction equivalent to a SC decentration was measured. The experimental results were in good agreement with theoretical predictions. At mesopic ambient luminance levels, a severely decentered SC peak (2-mm) could decrease visual acuity in approximately one line. In practical terms, these results suggest that the location of the SC peak does not require to be routinely evaluated in small aperture prospective patients. Commercial Relationships: Pedro Prieto, None; Silvestre Manzanera, None; Consuelo Robles, None; Pablo Artal Support: SEIDI, Spain (grant FIS2013-41237-R) Program Number: 3121 Poster Board Number: B0126 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Clinical efficacy of pihhole soft contact lenses for correcting presbyopia Si Yoon Park, Tae-im Kim, Ji Won Jung, Yong woo Ji, Eung Kweon Kim, Kyoung Yul Seo, Hun Lee. Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea (the Republic of). Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of pinhole soft contact lenses for correcting presbyopia Methods: Prospective Comparative study We have recruited subjects who aged 45~65 years with presbyopia and do not have any other ocular disease(ex, ocular surface disease, corneal dystrophy, retinal disorders, etc.). All participants will underwent ophthalmic examination including uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), corrected near visual acuity(CNVA), Goldmann visual field test, depth of focus, contrast sensitivity test, slit-lamp examination, OSDI(ocular surface disease index) and Questionnaire about visual function and ocular symptoms. Apply pinhole soft contact lens (eyelike NoanPinhole®, seoul, south Korea, Koryo Eyetech) on non-dominant eye of participants and/or soft contact lens for distance vision on dominant eye of participants. We recommend use of pinhole contact lens at least 3 hours in a day for 1 week. And, participant will underwent the all ophthalmic examination same above 2 weeks after first apply of pinhole contact lens. Results: After wearing pinhole contact lenses, there were significant improvement of NVA(0.69±0.23(0.2~1.0), 0.78±0.13(0.63~1.0), 0.74±0.12(0.63~1.0) and 0.68±0.16(0.5~1.0) decimal value at 33, 40, 50 and 70cm (P=0.002, <0.001, 0.004 and 0.059)). On defocusing curve, the range of visual acuity more than 0.5 decimal value was increased(-1.5D~+1.0D to -3.0D~+1.25D after wearing lens). There was no significant different in contrast sensitivity test in all photopic condition and mesopic condition except 1.5 cycles per degree (cpd) in mesopic condition(P<0.04). There was no aggravation of corneal/ conjunctival staining score and OSDI(P=0.83 and 0.16). There was These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts significant improvement of score for Questionnaire about visual function(P<0.001). Binocular visual tests were not significantly different between before and after wearing pinhole contact lenses(P=0.25). Conclusions: The Pinhole contact lens increased depth of focus and significant improvement of near vision and dose not induced significantly harmful effect on cornea. The pinhole contact lenses could be a safe and effective treatment for presbyopia. Commercial Relationships: Si Yoon Park, None; Tae-im Kim, None; Ji Won Jung, None; Yong woo Ji, None; Eung Kweon Kim; Kyoung Yul Seo, None; Hun Lee, None Clinical Trial: NCT02612584 Program Number: 3122 Poster Board Number: B0127 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Clinical Correlates of Multifocal Defocus Curve Linda Tsai, Sanjeev Kasthurirangan, Jennifer Depew, Pamela Smith, Kristen Featherstone. Abbott Medical Optics, Santa Ana, CA. Purpose: The depth of focus profile of multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) is evaluated through defocus curves i.e. visual acuity (VA) measured through trial lenses. Depth of focus (in diopers) from defocus curves is calculated to define the benefit provided by a multifocal IOL. It is unclear how defocus curve measurements correspond to other clinical measures of near performance. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the correspondence between measures of near VA at real distance to the VA and depth of focus measured through defocus curves for diffractive multifocal IOLs. Methods: In a prospective, multicenter, bilateral, evaluator-masked, clinical study, subjects with bilateral cataracts were included for bilateral IOL implantation with multifocal TECNIS IOL model ZKB00 (+2.75 D ADD), multifocal TECNIS IOL model ZLB00 (+3.25 D ADD) or the monofocal control model ZCB00. At 6-month postoperative time point a subgroup of subjects (n = 61 ZCB00, n = 59 ZKB00, n = 63 ZLB00) underwent defocus testing (from +1.0D to -4.0D in 0.5D steps) along with standard ophthalmic testing including best corrected distance VA (BCDVA) and distance corrected near VA (DNCVA) at 40 cm. Regression analysis was performed for i) distance and near VAs compared to the 0.0D and -2.5D VA from defocus curve and ii) distance corrected near VA compared to the depth of focus calculated for a threshold VA of 20/40. Results: Average defocus curves showed maximum VA only at 0.0D for the monofocal ZCB00 IOL compared to two peaks at 0.0D and -2.0D for the multifocal ZKB00 IOL and 0.0D and -2.5D for the multifocal ZLB00 IOL. Correlation of direct vs. defocus measured VA for IOL groups combined showed high correlation (direct VA = +0.008 + 0.85*defocus VA, r = 0.89), however the slope of 0.85, indicates lower (i.e. worse) VAs measured in the defocus test compared to direct measure of VA. Correlation of direct near VA vs. depth of focus showed high correlation (near VA = +0.66 – 0.162*depth of focus, r = 0.777), indicating 1.6 line VA improvement with one diopter of calculated depth of focus. Conclusions: Slightly lower visual acuities were measured in a defocus test compared to real distances for corresponding vergence demands. Depth of focus calculated from defocus test was predictive of near performance of multifocal IOLs. Commercial Relationships: Linda Tsai, Abbott Medical Optics; Sanjeev Kasthurirangan, Abbott Medical Optics; Jennifer Depew, Abbott Medical Optics; Pamela Smith, Abbott Medical Optics; Kristen Featherstone, Abbott Medical Optics Clinical Trial: NCT01714635 Program Number: 3123 Poster Board Number: B0128 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Toric Multifocal Intraocular Lens: 24 months Follow-Up Valeria Oliva, Alejandro Navas. Cornea, Conde de Valenciana, Mexico, Mexico. Purpose: To examine visual and refractive outcomes, spectacle independence and patients satisfaction after toric multifocal IOL surgery. Methods: Prospective non-comparative case series. Patients with corneal astigmatism and clinical significant cataract were included. In all patients the ALCON Acrysof Toric Multifocal IOL was used. IOL was calculated for emmetropia in both eyes using the IOL master (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and the SRK II formula. IOL selection was performed using the online ALCON toric IOL calculator. Patients were followed at day 1, week 1, 1, 3, 6,12 and 24 months. At each visit, UCDVA, CDVA, Near Visual acuity at 30 cm and intermediate visual acuity at 80 cm were measured. Spectacle independence was analyzed subjectively. Contrast sensitivity was measured, and defocus curves were calculated for all patients. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.16. Students paired t-Test and Wilcoxon rank test were used to compare pre and postoperative variables. Results: Twelve eyes of 6 patients were included. The preoperative mean UCDVA (logMAR) was 0.95, and CDVA (logMAR) was 0,13. One month after surgery, the mean uncorrected distance visual acuity (logMAR) was 0.12, corrected distance visual acuity (logMAR) was 0,06. The preoperative mean refractive cylinder (RC) was -2.85. After a 6-month follow-up, the average RC was -0.24 D (p<0.001). Conclusions: Multifocal Toric IOLs improve both distance and near uncorrected distance visual acuity thus providing spectacle independence. Commercial Relationships: Valeria Oliva, None; Alejandro Navas Program Number: 3124 Poster Board Number: B0129 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Crosslink Gain-Control Model to Predict Binocular Defocus Curve for Multifocal Intraocular Lenses Lin He, Srichand Jasti. Global Clinical & Regulatory Affairs, Alcon Laboratories Inc. (Novartis), Ft Worth, TX. Purpose: Visual performance of intraocular lens (IOL) is often clinically evaluated under binocular condition while majority of optical bench tests are performed monocularly. To translate monocular performance to binocular performance for multifocal IOLs, a gain-control model was developed and cross-validated using existing clinical data. Methods: Monocular and binocular defocus curve data were collected in a randomized, parallel-group, subject-masked study that required implantation of the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +2.5 D multifocal IOL (MIOL) in the dominant eye (DE) and randomization of the fellow non-dominant eye (NDE) to receive either the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +3.0 D MIOL (contralateral group) or the AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +2.5 D MIOL (bilateral group) in 103 subjects. For both DE and NDE, a stimulatory (k+) and an inhibitory component (k-) was modeled in a gain ratio form (σDE = k-DE/k+DE; σNDE = k-NDE/k+NDE). Another tonic component (c) was included in the gain-control model. Monocular defocus curve was modeled under open-loop conditions while binocular defocus curve was modeled under close-loop conditions. The σDE, σNDE and c are optimized and parameterized by fmincon routine in Matlab and using contralateral group data. The model was further cross-validated using bilateral group data. Results: The inhibitory/stimulatory gain ratio was 0.686 for the DE and 0.474 for the NDE. R2, as estimates of goodness-of-fit, were 0.853 and 0.924 respectively for contralateral (n=50) and bilateral (n=53) groups. Averaged prediction errors at all defocuses were These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts within 0.06 logMAR for the contralateral group. For the bilateral group, the prediction errors were within 0.06 logMAR from +2.0D to -3.0D and became larger from -3.5D to -5.0D (up to 0.12 logMAR). Conclusions: The crosslink gain-control model can provide a generalized binocular model that accounts for the interaction between the eyes including binocular summation and rivalry. The model can be used to predict binocular visual performance such as visual acuity and defocus curve. 3). The DoFi difference when a new HOAs pattern is simulated and the natural condition is significantly correlated with changes in fourth-order spherical aberration (r2 = 0.16, p < 0.05) and sixth-order spherical aberration (r2 = 0.43, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Subjective DoFi is influenced by HOAs, but the small mean difference when HOAs are corrected suggests that neural factors have a greater effect. Correcting HOAs or inducing new ones has a different effect on subjects’ DoFi and this effect is mainly explained by the presence of spherical aberration. Thus, trying to extend DoFi by manipulating HOAs would be most beneficial when done on a case-by-case basis. Commercial Relationships: Lin He; Srichand Jasti, Alcon Laboratories Inc. (Novartis) Program Number: 3125 Poster Board Number: B0130 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Impact of higher-order aberrations on depth-of-field Juan F. Zapata-Diaz1, Ivan Marin-Franch2, 3, Hema Radhakrishnan1, Norberto Lopez-Gil3. 1Optometry, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 2Óptica y Optometría y Ciencias de la Visión, Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain; 3Ciencias de la Visión research group, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain. Purpose: Extending depth-of-field (DoFi) of the eye by inducing higher-order aberrations (HOAs) has been of great interest as a potential optical correction for presbyopia. We performed a study to assess the impact of natural HOAs on DoFi, and to investigate whether same HOAs patterns have equal effect on DoFi of different participants. This knowledge will be of interest particularly to better understand if a subject would benefit from an optical correction for presbyopia that extends DoFi by inducing HOAs. Methods: Eleven participants (7 males and 4 females) between 21 and 54 (mean 33.55 ± 11.12) years of age participated in the study. Participants had no ocular pathology and spherical equivalent refractive error was between –3.50 D and +2.00 D. A custom made adaptive optics system was used to measure subjective DoFi under 3 conditions: (1) with natural HOAs, (2) with HOAs corrected, and (3) exchanging HOAs between some participants. Accommodation was paralysed with a cycloplegic to avoid its effect on DoFi measurements. Participants took a 6 minute period prior to the measurements to get adapted to each condition. Results: The mean difference between DoFi with natural HOAs and with HOAs corrected was 0.26 D (p < 0.05). Figure 1 shows this difference for individual subjects. Different DoFi were obtained with the same pattern of HOAs applied to different subjects (condition Figure 1. Subjective DoFi of all participants with their natural HOAs (black circles) and with all HOAs corrected (white squares). Error bars represent ± 1SEM. Commercial Relationships: Juan F. Zapata-Diaz; Ivan Marin-Franch, None; Hema Radhakrishnan, None; Norberto Lopez-Gil, None Support: AGEYE 608049-FP7-People and Fundación Séneca Grant 15312/PI/10 Program Number: 3126 Poster Board Number: B0131 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Subjective preference to orientation of an angular bifocal IOL design Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan, Carlos Dorronsoro, Susana Marcos. Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts Purpose: Angularly segmented multifocal designs visually outperform other symmetric multifocal designs. Unlike concentric designs, the actual orientation of the angular patterns may influence the performance of these lenses in real eyes. We studied visual and perceptual performance for different orientations of an angularly segmented lens, simulated optically using a simultaneous vision simulator. Methods: Twenty cyclopleged subjects (21 – 62 yrs) performed psychophysical tasks for 8 orientations of M-Plus© lens (Oculentis) at different optical vergences (0D, +1.5D and +3D). The IOL was simulated in a two-channel simultaneous vision simulator with a Spatial Light Modulator. High Contrast Decimal Visual Acuity (HCVA) was measured using a tumbling E target and pattern preference was assessed using a face image presented through 360 random pairs of different lens orientations (in 45 deg steps). The preferred orientation was calculated as the orientation of the centroid of the polygon encompassing the data for eight orientations in a polar plot, at each distance. Optical predictions of orientation preference were obtained from the VSOTF calculated using subjects’ ocular aberrations and multifocal pattern at each orientation and implementing an ideal observer model based on the differential VSOTF values. Results: HCVA was better for far than at near (HCVAf=0.63±0.06, HCVAn=0.56±0.07, p<0.001) and did not differ significantly across orientations (p=0.42). Significant differences in perceptual quality were found across pattern orientations (p=0.048); 8 subjects showed strong orientation preferences. The mean difference in the optimal orientation between far and near was 27±22 degrees and was not significant (p=0.66). Horizontal orientation (near segment at 0/180±45deg) was preferred by 14 subjects at far and 13 subjects at near. Strong significant correlation was found between measured and optically predicted pattern preference at far and near distances (rf=0.71, rn=0.62, p<0.0001). The mean difference in centroid location between measurement and prediction was 28±29 deg at far and 36±28 deg at near distances. Conclusions: Perceptual quality of an angularly segmented multifocal lens varies with pattern orientation. The preferred orientation is driven by interactions of the design with optical aberrations of the eye. Simultaneous Vision Simulator can be used to measure the preferred orientation of the lens and optimize lens performance. Commercial Relationships: Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan, Oculentis GmBH (F); Carlos Dorronsoro, Oculentis GmBH (F), PCT/2014ES/070725 (P), P201531397 (P), PCT/ES2010/070218 (P); Susana Marcos, Oculentis GmBH (F), PCT/2014ES/070725 (P), P201531397 (P), PCT/ES2010/070218 (P) Support: FIS2011-25637; ERC-2011-AdG-294099; EU Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN #26405; FIS2014-56643 Program Number: 3127 Poster Board Number: B0132 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Preclinical evaluation of tolerance to astigmatism with an extended range of vision IOL Carmen Canovas, Aixa Alarcon, Jacolien Graver, Henk A. Weeber, Patricia A. Piers. R&D, AMO Groningen B.V., Groningen, Netherlands. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to preclinically evaluate the tolerance to astigmatism of a new diffractive intraocular lens (IOL) designed to extend the range of vision (ERV) and to compare it to that of a monofocal and multifocal IOL. Methods: Optical and visual performance of an aspheric monofocal, diffractive bifocal (+4D add power) and ERV IOL designs were evaluated in the presence of up to 1D of corneal astigmatism for different pupil sizes. Through focus Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and USAF pictures were measured on an optical bench by placing trial lenses in front of the eye model to simulate corneal astigmatism. Visual performance was assessed by computer simulated defocus curves. A set of 46 physiological model eyes that included higher order aberrations (Weeber, Featherstone & Piers et al JBO2010) were used to predict the clinical defocus curves for the three IOL models in the presence of different levels of astigmatism. Results: For all designs and pupil sizes, simulated visual acuity (VA) at best focus decreased linearly in the presence of astigmatism. The amount of astigmatism that provided a distance VA of 20/20 was similar for the monofocal and ERV designs, 1.25D and 0.75D for 3 and 4mm pupils respectively. For the multifocal design, this tolerance was reduced to less than 0.10D for the largest pupil size. The through focus range of vision above 20/20 was not affected by the presence of 0.50D of astigmatism for the monofocal or for the ERV design, being 0.50D and 1.50D respectively. On the optical bench, astigmatism reduced the best focus MTF at 50cpmm for all IOL models, indicating a loss of contrast. For the ERV, MTF at 50cpmm in the presence of 0.75D of cylinder was comparable to the MTF of the multifocal IOL free of astigmatism. Conclusions: This study preclinically assessed the tolerance to astigmatism of different IOL models. Computer simulations and optical bench testing showed that the distance and through focus performance of the ERV design is preserved in the presence of astigmatism, demonstrating the robustness of the ERV design in the presence of astigmatic errors. Commercial Relationships: Carmen Canovas, Abbott Medical Optics; Aixa Alarcon, Abbott Medical Optics; Jacolien Graver, Abbott Medical Optics; Henk A. Weeber, Abbott Medical Optics; Patricia A. Piers, Abbott Medical Optics Program Number: 3128 Poster Board Number: B0133 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AMTesting vision with physical and simulated multifocal corrections in an adaptive optics visual simulator Maria Vinas1, Carlos Dorronsoro1, Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan1, Edward Anthony LaVilla2, Jim Schwiegerling2, Susana Marcos1. 1 Instituto de Optica (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; 2College of Optical Sciences. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Purpose: Spatial Light Modulators (SLM) are increasingly used as active elements to simulate optical corrections, in particular multifocal presbyopic corrections, in Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. We compare visual perception with manufactured multi-zone multifocal phase plates (PP) and through similar phase maps (PM) simulated with an SLM in an AO visual simulator. Methods: 6 multi-zone multifocal designs,2-4 zones of progressive power (0 to +3D) in either radial or angular configurations, were evaluated in the form of manufactured PP and simulated PM.A custom-developed 2-active-element AO system was used to measure and compensate for the eye’s aberrations (deformable mirror) and to simulate the multifocal solutions (SLM). A supercontinuum laser was used for wavefront sensing (827nm) and to monochromatically illuminate (555nm) the visual stimulus. Multifocal PP were manufactured in a freeform lathe and characterized by profilometry. Vision with the 6 PP and PM was evaluated on 4 subjects (age:28. 5±0.1yrs;sph:-1.42±0.28):(1)Perceptual score of the stimuli viewed through the different multifocal patterns (60 trials;1-6 response);(2) Visual acuity (VA), from an 8-Alternative Forced Choice procedure with tumbling E letters and a QUEST algorithm. Experiments were performed under AO-correction and for different viewing distances. Results: Vision with manufactured PP and simulated PM followed similar trends. The perceptual score for radial designs with PP and These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts PM was significantly correlated at all distances (far:p=0.046;int:0.0 05;near:p=0.005). For angular designs score correlated significantly for far (p=0.005). Perceptual scores for 3- and 4-angular designs were higher with PP than for PM for far (difference 3A:1.55;4A:2.35), but lower for near (3A:-2.07;4A:-1.37). VA was not statistically different for PP or the corresponding simulated PM for far (ANOVA, p=0.112) or near vision (ANOVA, p=0.260), and were significantly correlated across designs for far (p=0.004).PP consistently produced higher VA for far than near (p=0.004). The optimal pattern differed across subjects and distances, but was consistently lower for 4-zone radial designs. Conclusions: Comparison of multifocal presbyopic corrections using SLM and manufactured multi-zone multifocal phase plates in an AO system allows identifying the performance of SLMs to simulate such multifocal corrections, and therefore the accuracy of SLM-based visual simulators. Commercial Relationships: Maria Vinas, None; Carlos Dorronsoro, None; Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan, None; Edward Anthony LaVilla, None; Jim Schwiegerling, None; Susana Marcos, None Support: Spanish Government FIS2011-25637, FIS2014-56643 and FPU Programs; European Research Council ERC-2011-AdG-294099; CSIC JAE Predoctoral Program Program Number: 3129 Poster Board Number: B0134 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Eye Tracker with Distance Measurement for Autofocus Eyeglass Zengzhuo Li2, 1, Guoqiang Li2, 1. 1Electrical and computer engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Purpose: Eye trackers have shown potential in several areas. However, commercially available eye trackers only provide 2D lateral location of the gazing points on a monitor screen instead of 3D location in real world. The depth information is necessary for the development of autofocus eyeglass. Our purpose is to develop a compact eye tracker which can measure the distance between the viewer and the objects. It can be used to automatically adjust the focusing power of an electro-optic eyeglass to provide sharp vision adaptively for dynamic vision tasks without manual operation. This can be very useful in correction of presbyopia, especially for people with disabilities. Methods: We used one near-infrared LED and one mini-camera for each eye that were mounted on the frame of the eyeglass and obtained the distance information by analyzing the eye movement when the viewer gazed at different points. The gazing angle is assumed to be linear as a function of the lateral separation between the center of the pupil and the glint (the reflected image of the LED from the cornea). Specifically, there were two steps in the procedure of the distance measurement: (1) Calibration; (2) Estimation. In the first step, the user wears the eye tracker and keeps the head stable in the chin rest, while looking at the targets located at far distance, e.g., 400 cm from the subject. Images corresponding to 5×5 lateral locations were taken, and then the coefficients for the linear fitting were calibrated. Next, a set of images for near (40cm)- and intermediate (70cm)-vision were taken separately while the user looked at the targets at these distances. The gazing angle for each target can be calculated based on the linear fitting and the viewing distance can be estimated. Results: The average values of the estimated distances for far (400 cm)-, intermediate (70cm)-, and near (40 cm)-vision are 431.3cm, 79.02cm, and 36.97cm, respectively. This result is accurate enough for the adaptive control of the autofocus eyeglasses so that the power needed for each vision task can be provided. Conclusions: All estimations for near-, intermediate-, far-vision are decent. This technique is reliable for the measurement of eye gazing distance, and the eye tracker can be integrated with the adaptive electro-optic lenses as an autofocus eyeglass. This work is of great value in vision care for normal subjects and for subjects with disabilities. Commercial Relationships: Zengzhuo Li, None; Guoqiang Li, None Support: NIH/NEI R01 EY020641 Program Number: 3130 Poster Board Number: B0135 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM The Effect of Peripherally Positioned Capsulorhexis in Phaco Ersatz studied using 3D Finite Element Model Hooman Mohammad Pour1, 2, Siddharth Devineni2, Sangarapillai Kanapathipillai2, Fabrice Manns3, 4, Arthur Ho1, 5. 1 Brien Holden Vision Institute, Kensington, NSW, Australia; 2 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia; 3Ophthalmic Biophysics Center, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, FL; 4Department of Biomedical Engineering, Biomedical Optics and Laser Laboratory, University of Miami, Miami, FL; 5School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia. Purpose: Phaco ersatz is a developing surgical technique for restoring accommodation in presbyopes by replacing the hardened lens with a soft gel refillant. One surgical component of this technique is the creation of a peripherally-positioned minicapsulorhexis to facilitate lens core removal and refilling. However, the effect of an off-centre capsulorhexis on optical and especially accommodative outcome is unknown. We constructed a 3D FE model of the accommodative system to investigate the effect of peripheral capsulorhexes in phaco-ersatz on lens geometry during accommodation. Methods: A 3D axisymmetric, non-homogeneous (based on AFM results of Weeber et al 2007), non-linear FEM of a lens zonules were constructed to model the effect of lens stretching. In order to be able to compare with results of an ex vivo accommodation simulator (EVAS) (Denham et al 2008) the lens was modelled as mounted in an EVAS. Stretching was effected by displacing the zonules attachment point radially up to 0.24 mm (half-diameter). A capsulorhexis was modelled by removing a circular patch from the anterior capsule. We varied the position (2, 2.4, 2.8., 4 mm) and diameter (0.5 mm to 1.2 mm in 0.1 mm steps) of the capsulorhexes. The lens shape after stretching was extracted for analysis (see figures below). Results: Lens thickness and diameter change slightly with the size and position of the capsulorhexis. These two parameters also change the stress distribution throughout the lens. Results suggest that incisions closer to the lens edge incur more stresses and are more prone to change in shape. Results are summarised in the table below. Conclusions: This early investigation of peripherally-located minicapsulorhexes predicts some small but observable opto-mechanical These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. Go to to access the versions of record. ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting Abstracts effect on lens accommodation. These will need to be validated against empirical measurements in future studies. Commercial Relationships: Hooman Mohammad Pour, None; Siddharth Devineni, None; Sangarapillai Kanapathipillai, None; Fabrice Manns, None; Arthur Ho, None Support: NIH Grant 2R01EY14225, Australian Government CRC Program (Vision CRC), NIH Center Grant P30 EY14801, Research to Prevent Blindness Program Number: 3131 Poster Board Number: B0136 Presentation Time: 8:30 AM–10:15 AM Design and evaluation of a surface-changing accommodating IOL Andres De La Hoz1, Eduardo Martinez-Enriquez1, Hrebesh Subhash1, Daniel Pascual1, Nandor Bekesi1, Carlos Dorronsoro1, Nicolas Alejandre-Alba1, 2, Susana Marcos1. 1Instituto de Optica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain; 2Fundación Jimenez Díaz, Madrid, Spain. Purpose: To develop and evaluate design parameters of a surfacechanging accommodating IOL (AIOL). Methods: We designed an AIOL consisting of a solid lens coupled with a flexible, single-material lens. The mechanical properties of a range of hydrophilic polymers were evaluated via tensile testing. 3D finite element simulations (using ANSYS) were used to predict the AIOL performance for various combinations of geometries and materials (Young’s Modulus 0.45-1.18 MPa, refractive index (n) = 1.415-1.46). The change in anterior and posterior surface shape upon application of a 0.08 N force (equivalent to the force by the ciliary muscle) was estimated numerically, as well as the corresponding power change in an eye model (using ZEMAX). An AIOL prototype was manufactured in a 5-axis lathe and tested experimentally with a standard hydrogel material (Young’s modulus=0.65 MPa; n=1.42). Lenses were mounted in a custom 8-arm automatic mechanical stretcher. A spectral OCT system was developed for this application (840 nm; CMOS camera; acquisition rate: 50000 A-scans/s; axial resolution: ~6.9 µm). 3D scans of an AIOL in stretched and unstretched states were obtained and the surfaces were fitted by spheres in order to determine the surface change. Results: In mechanical simulations, posterior surface of the lens was found to flatten between 1.28-7.26% and anterior surface was found to steepen between 0.51-19.83%. For off-the-shelf polymers, optical simulations predicted an equivalent change in eye power of 0.22-0.47 D. The measured changes in the manufactured AIOL geometry were flatenning of 12.3 ±0.16% for posterior surface radius and steepening of 10.56 ±3.24% for anterior surface radius, and an equatorial expansion of 0.4 mm for a 0.4 N force. These surface changes would result in a power change of 1.18 ±0.09 D. Conclusions: Simulation and experimental methods were used to evaluate changes in surface curvature and optical performance of a new surface-changing AIOL design. The correspondence between the experimental and predicted mechanical and optical performance validated the developed platforms. While for current hydrophilic materials the evaluated design does not result in sufficient changes in power after deformation, the developed design is expected to achieve 1.5-D of effective power change with a polymer material with 0.20 MPa Young’s Modulus and n=1.46. Commercial Relationships: Andres De La Hoz, None; Eduardo Martinez-Enriquez, None; Hrebesh Subhash, None; Daniel Pascual, None; Nandor Bekesi, EP2851038 (P); Carlos Dorronsoro, WO2012146811 (P), EP2851038 (P); Nicolas Alejandre-Alba, EP2851038 (P); Susana Marcos Support: ERC-AdG-294099; FIS2011; FIS2014. These abstracts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License. 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