SECTION T Appliance Switches INDEX Appliance Switches Single Pole Pull Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T2 Single Pole Rotary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T2 Two Circuit Rotary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T3 Single Pole Pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T3 Door Jamb Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T3 Fluorescent Starter Pushbutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T4 Single Pole Toggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T4 Feed-Through Cord Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T5 Miniature Feed-Through Cord Switch . . . . . . . . . . .T5 Appliance Switches Index Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● 3 AMP 125V • 6 AMP 125V Commercial Grade Appliance Switches THE LEVITON WIRING DEVICES INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION CONSTITUTE ONLY A PARTIAL LISTING OF LEVITON’S COMPLETE APPLIANCE DEVICE LINE. To learn more about the availability of appliance devices to meet your specialized needs, please contact your Leviton representative. Single Pole Pull Chain Switches 3 AMP 125V AC-L 6 AMP 125V AC 3 AMP 250V AC 1⁄4 HP 125/250V U R DESCRIPTION Heavy Duty, Single Circuit, Black and Red Leads Heavy Duty, Two Circuit, Four Positions, Black, Blue, Red Leads Heavy Duty, Two Speed, Four Positions, Black, Blue, Red Leads CAT. NO. 1689-75 1689-50 SEQUENCE ON-OFF (L1, OFF) LOW-MED-HIGH-OFF (L1, L2, L1 & 2, OFF) ONE-OFF-TWO-OFF (L1, L2, L3, OFF) 1691-50 3 AMP 125V 1 AMP 125VT 1 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Compact, Single Circuit, Black Leads 1689-75 CAT. NO. 10097-8 3 AMP 125V AC-L 6 AMP 125V AC 3 AMP 250V AC U R DESCRIPTION Compact, Single Circuit, Black Leads CAT. NO. 10041-500 SEQUENCE ON-OFF CAT. NO. 90572 90577-010 SEQUENCE ON-OFF ON-OFF Single Pole Rotary Switches 6 AMP 125V AC 3 AMP 250V AC U R DESCRIPTION Non-Removable Black Plastic Knob, Black Leads Non-Removable Metal Knob, Brass or Nickel Finish, Black Leads 0.85 (21.6) 1.20 (30.4) 0.93 (23.7) 0.95 (24.1) BLACK 0.68 (17.1) 0.37 (9.5) 3/8–27 (9.5) UNS THREAD 0.07 (1.9) RED 0.56 (14.3) 10041-500 0.50 (12.7) Appliance Switches SEQUENCE ON-OFF 0.31 (7.9) 3/8-27 UNS THREAD (9.5) 3.75 (0.2) 1689-75—HEAVY DUTY PULL CHAIN SWITCH SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES 10097-8 Single Pole Pull Chain Switches • Standard finish of metal chain is nickel • Standard leads are No. 18 AWG 105°C plastic 6" long, stripped 1/2" • 33/4" chain connector, 3' braided cord, end bell • Bushing 3/8-27 x 3/8" long • Piercing 13/32" dia. Single Pole Rotary Switches • Standard leads are No. 18 AWG 105°C plastic 6" long, stripped 1⁄2" Cat. No. 90572 • Bushing 3/8-27 x 11⁄32" long; panel opening 13/32" dia. 10097-8—COMPACT PULL CHAIN SWITCH TESTING AND CODE COMPLIANCE • UL Recognized Component (File #E-7458)—Cat. Nos. 1689-75, 1689-50, 1691-50, 10041-500, 90572, 90577-010 • UL Listed (File #E-7443)—Cat. No. 10097-8 • CSA Certified (File #LR-3413) • NOM Certified (#057) MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Environmental: Flammability UL-94, V2 Rating Operating Temperature: -40°C to 120°C 90572 T more about Leviton’s outstanding offering of devices visit our Website at: 2Courtesy of Steven Engineering,To learn Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● 3 AMP and 6 AMP 125VT • 3 AMP 125V Commercial Grade Appliance Switches Two Circuit Rotary Switches 6 AMP 125VT 3 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Two Circuit, Four Position, Heavy Duty, Black, Blue, Red Leads CAT. NO. 663 SEQUENCE LOW-MED-HIGH-OFF (L1, L2, L1 & 2, OFF) CAT. NO. 573 SEQUENCE LOW-MED-HIGH-OFF (L1, L2, L1 & 2, OFF) CAT. NO. 9575-250 SEQUENCE ON-OFF CAT. NO. 2591 SEQUENCE NORMALLY OFF 2592 NORMALLY ON CAT. NO. 1865 SEQUENCE NORMALLY ON CAT. NO. 90679-001 SEQUENCE ON-OFF CAT. NO. 585 SEQUENCE L1, L2, OFF 3 AMP 125VT 1 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Two Circuit, Four Position, Black, Blue, Red Leads 9575-250 Single Pole Pushbutton Switches 3 AMP 125V AC-L 1.5 AMP 250V AC U R DESCRIPTION Single Circuit, Black Leads, Molded Brown Pushbutton 3 AMP 125V AC U R DESCRIPTION Single Circuit, Momentary, for double-insulated applications. Black leads Single Circuit, Momentary, for double-insulated applications. Also rated 1.5 AMP 277V AC. Black leads 2591 DESCRIPTION Single Circuit, Momentary, Metal Pushbutton, No. 18AWG Leads, with Jamb Box, Mounting Screws and Cover Plate 3 AMP 125V AC-L 1.5 AMP 250V AC U R DESCRIPTION Single Circuit, Compact Body, Black Leads, Metal Pushbutton 3 AMP 125VT 1 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Two Speed, Three-Position, Black, Blue, Red Leads 1865 .06 (1.5) 7) 8. (2 0.33 (8.3) 0.06 (1.7) 1. 9) 5. 13 0.34 (8.7) (1 .17 (4.3) .79 (25.4) 0.70 (17.9) 63 IF FLATSIDED BUSHING 0. .32 (8.3) Appliance Switches 3 AMP 125V — Door Jamb Switch U R .96 (24.5) 3/8-27 UNS THREAD (9.5) .45 (11.5) 0.20 (5.2) 90679-001 573—TWO CIRCUIT ROTARY SWITCH 9575-250—SINGLE CIRCUIT PUSHBUTTON SWITCH SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES Rotary Switches • Standard leads are No. 18 AWG 105°C plastic 6" long, stripped 1⁄2" Cat. Nos. 663, 573 • Bushing 3/8-27 x 3/8" long; panel opening 13⁄32" dia.; knob spindle 4-36 x 5⁄32" Single Pole Pushbutton Switches • Standard leads are No. 18 AWG 105°C plastic 6" long, stripped 1⁄2" • Plastic actuators are brown molded plastic unless otherwise indicated Cat. No. 9575-250 • Plastic button; bushing 3/8-27 x 11⁄32" long; panel opening 11⁄32" dia. Leads stripped 3⁄4" Cat. Nos. 2591, 2592 • Plastic button; bushing 3/8-27 x 27⁄64" long • 2591: One 12" lead and one 6" lead Cat. No. 1865 – Door Jamb Switch • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 9⁄16" long Cat. No. 90679-001 • Metal button; bushing 3/8-27 x 27⁄64" long. Leads stripped 3⁄4" Cat. No. 585 • Metal button; bushing 3/8-27 x 27⁄64" long. Leads stripped 3⁄4" TESTING AND CODE COMPLIANCE • UL Recognized Component (File #E-7458)—Cat. Nos. 9575-250, 2591, 2592, 90679-001, 585 • UL Listed (File #E-7443)—Cat. Nos. 663, 573, 1865 • CSA Certified (File #LR-3413)—All, except Cat. Nos. 2591 and 2592 • NOM Certified (#057) MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Environmental: Flammability UL-94, V2 Rating Operating Temperature: -40°C to 120°C T For answers to technical questions, call Leviton’s Techline at 1-800-824-3005 3 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● 40 WATT 125V • 6 AMP 125V • 8 AMP 125V • 15 AMP 125V Commercial Grade Appliance Switches Pushbutton Switches Fluorescent Starter 40 WATT 125V AC U R DESCRIPTION Metal Button, 2 Black, 2 Blue Leads Plastic Button, 2 Black, 2 Blue Leads 388 CAT. NO. 388 9382 SEQUENCE ON-OFF ON-OFF CAT. NO. 735 SEQUENCE ON-OFF CAT. NO. 720-L5 SEQUENCE ON-OFF 1720-T ON-OFF CAT. NO. 738 SEQUENCE ON-OFF 1738 ON-OFF Single Pole Toggle Switches 6 AMP 125V 3 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Single-Throw Ball Toggle. Nickel Finish ON-OFF Indicator Plate keyed to bushing. #6-32 Brass Terminal Screws 6 AMP 125V 3 AMP 125VT 3 AMP 250V U R DESCRIPTION Single-Throw Metal Bat Toggle. ON-OFF Indicator Plate keyed to bushing. No. 18 AWG leads. Same as above, with Molded Nylon Bat Toggle. Meets UL requirements for double insulated applications 8 AMP 125V U R DESCRIPTION Single-Throw Metal Bat Toggle. Nickel Finish ON-OFF Indicator Plate keyed to bushing with No. 16 AWG leads. Similar to Cat. No 738, with Black Molded Nylon Bat Toggle. No. 16 AWG leads. For double insulated applications 15 AMP 125V AC 10 AMP 250V AC 3⁄4 HP 125/250V AC U R 3/8-27 UNS THREAD (9.5) MOUNTING HOLE: Ø 0.41 (10.3) 5731 5721 ON-OFF SPECIFICATIONS AND FEATURES Cat. Nos. 388, 9382 • Bushing 3⁄8-27 x 11⁄32" long; panel opening 13⁄32" dia. Cat. No. 735 • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 1⁄4" long Cat. No. 720-L5 • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 1⁄4" long Cat. No. 1720-T • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 11⁄32" long Cat. Nos. 1738, 738 • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 11⁄32" long; panel opening 1⁄2" dia. Cat. Nos. 5731, 5721 • Bushing 15⁄32-32 x 31⁄64" long. Bat-type toggle extends 11⁄16" from top of bushing 15/32-32 THREAD (11.8) 0.11(2.8) 1.34 (34.1) 0.07 (1.8) 0.66 (16.7) 388—FLUORESCENT STARTER SWITCH T SEQUENCE ON-OFF 0.70 (17.9) (5.2) 0.06 (1.7) CAT. NO. 5731 0.52 (13.1) 0.25 (6.4) 0.06 (1.6) 0.45 (11.5) 0.33 IF FLATSIDED (8.3) BUSHING TOTAL TRAVEL 0.25 (6.4) 0.20 0.19 (4.9) 1720-T DESCRIPTION Single-Throw Heavy-Duty Aluminum Bat Toggle. Stamped with ON-OFF marking. Screw terminals Single-Throw Heavy-Duty Aluminum Bat Toggle. Stamped with ON-OFF marking. Quick connect tabs 1.09 (27.8) Appliance Switches 735 0.64 (16.3) MOUNTING HOLE: Ø 0.50 (12.7) PLUS KEY 735—SINGLE POLE TOGGLE SWITCH TESTING AND CODE COMPLIANCE • UL Listed (File #E-18134)—Cat. Nos. 388, 9382 • UL Listed (File #E-7458)—Cat. Nos. 735, 720-L5, 1720-T, 738, 1738, 5731, 5721 • CSA Certified (File #LR-8255)—Cat. No. 388 • CSA Certified (File #LR-3413)—Cat. Nos. 9382, 735, 720-L5, 1720-T, 738, 1738, 5731, 5721 • NOM Certified (#057) MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Environmental: Flammability UL-94, V2 Rating Operating Temperature: -40°C to 120°C more about Leviton’s outstanding offering of devices visit our Website at: 4Courtesy of Steven Engineering,To learn Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● 3 AMP 125V • 8 AMP 125V Commercial Grade Appliance Switches Feed-Through Cord Switches 3 AMP 125V 1⁄2 H.P. 125V DESCRIPTION CAT. NO. SEQUENCE Heavy Duty, Single Pole, 18/2 – 16/2 Type SPT-1, SPT-2 or Round Cord 18/2, Type SVT and other cords up to 9⁄32" outer jacket. 5410 ON-OFF COLOR* Basic Cat. No. denotes Brown I, W 5410-W Miniature Feed-Through Cord Switch 6 AMP 125V 3 AMP 125VT 3 AMP 250V DESCRIPTION CAT. NO. Miniature Single Pole, ON-OFF Sequence, Captive Screw. For use with #18 ga. SPT-1 conductors 423-3 COLOR* Basic Cat. No. denotes Brown I, W 423-3I 0.15 (3.7) 2.50 (63.5) 5410—FEED-THROUGH SWITCH Appliance Switches 1.22 (30.9) 0.84 (21.4) TESTING AND CODE COMPLIANCE • UL Listed (File #E-7458) • CSA Certified (File #LR-3413) • NOM Certified (#057) *COLOR Basic Cat. No. denotes Brown. Add the suffix to catalog number as follows for additional color selections: Ivory (-I), White (-W). MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Environmental: Flammability UL-94, V2 Rating Operating Temperature: -40°C to 120°C T For answers to technical questions, call Leviton’s Techline at 1-800-824-3005 5 Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG The L-101 Leviton Wiring Device Catalog is designed to help you find the device you’re seeking in the quickest and easiest way possible. Most product sections are divided into three distinct categories in the following sequence—Industrial Grade, Commercial Grade and Residential Grade—and grouped according to amperage and voltage, lowest to highest. For example, if you need to order 15 Amp, 125 Volt Industrial Grade straight-blade duplex receptacles, begin your search with the main Table of Contents at the front of the book. Here you’ll see that all straight blade receptacles are listed in Section G. Turn to Section G for a more detailed Table of Contents on the first page. Each section page contains product descriptions, ratings and catalog numbers. There are also helpful highlights including Specifications and Features, Testing and Code Compliance, Color listing, Material Characteristics and dimensioned color product photos. Any product page in the L-101 Catalog can be clearly copied or faxed to customers and prospects for use as a specifier sheet or as part of a presentation. The Quick Reference Guide follows the main Table of Contents to help you pinpoint and locate specific products. Technical Section V provides general product and test data, industry standards, NEMA configuration charts, a glossary of wiring device terms, ANSI architectural symbols and other related information. Specific catalog numbers are listed in the exhaustive index at the back of the catalog. A B D C G E F H I K L J A RATING E CATALOG NUMBER I SPECIFICATIONS & FEATURES B Choose GRADE, if appropriate F DESCRIPTION J TESTING AND CODE COMPLIANCE C DIMENSIONED PHOTOGRAPH G Check for NEMA CONFIGURATION K COLOR LISTING D WIRING/CERTIFICATIONS H WALLPLATE REFERENCE, if appropriate L MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS T 6Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ●