Telecommunications Recommendation extension "B-2-1" SPECIFICATION FOR COMMON CHANNEL SIGNALLING SYSTEM No. 7 ISDN User Part for national ISDN connections /ISUP-N2/ Version_1 03/2005 Makedonski telekom AD – Skopje Orce Nikolov bb, 1000 Skopje ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Normative references: -ETS 300 356: Signalling System No. 7 ISDN User Part Version 2 for the international interface. - ETS 300 356-1 (1995): Basic services [ITU-T Rec. Q. 730 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-2 (1995): ISDN supplementary services [ITU-T Rec. Q. 730 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-3 (1995): Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 731, clause 3 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-4 (1995): Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 731, clause 4 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-5 (1995): Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 731, clause 5 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-6 (1995): Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 731, clause 6 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-7 (1995): Terminal Portability (TP) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 733, clause 4 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-8 (1995): User-to-User Signalling (UUS) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 737, clause 1 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-9 (1995): Closed User Group (CUG) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 735, clause 1 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-10 (1995): Subaddressing (SUB) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 731, clause 8 (1992), modified]. - ETS 300 356-11 (1995): Malicious Call Identification (MCID) supplementary service. - ETS 300 356-12 (1995): Conference Call, add-on (CONF) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 734, clause 1 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-14 (1995): Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) supplementary service. - ETS 300 356-15 (1995): Diversion supplementary services [ITU-T Rec. Q. 732, clauses 2 to 5 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-16 (1995): Call Hold (HOLD) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 733, clause 2 (1993), modified]. - ETS 300 356-17 (1995): Call Waiting (CW) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 733, clause 1 (1992), modified]. - ETS 300 356-18 (1995): Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) supplementary service. - ETS 300 356-19 (1995): Three Party (3PTY) supplementary service [ITU-T Rec. Q. 734, clause 2 (1993), modified]. - EN 300 485v1.3.1.”Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN).; Definition and usage of cause and location in Digital Subscriber Signalling System No1 (DSS1) and Signalling System No7(SS7)ISDN User Part (ISUP) [ITU –T Recommendation Q850 (05/98)with addendum (not yet published) - ETS 300 403-1 (1995): Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 (DSS 1); Part 1: Protocol specification [ITU-T Rec. Q. 931 (1993), modified]. - ITU-T Rec. Q.850 (03/93): Usage of Cause and Location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN User Part “B-2-1” 2 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Table of contents This specification describes the requirements for the National ISDN User Part Version 2 (ISUP-N2) of Signalling System No. 7, applicable to the interface of the national transit and local exchanges. The objective of the specification is to provide a clear description of the ISDN User Part for the implementers and the staff involved in tests, operation and maintenance. The specification is written in English in order to align the description as close as possible to the terminology used in ETSI standards and ITU-T Recommendations. The text of this specification is based on the ETSI Standard ETS 300 356-XX. Where any discrepancy exists between the requirements of this specification and any unreferenced part of the documents (e.g. SDLs) then these requirements shall be deemed to modify those sections of the documents. In order to be as close as possible to the relevant ETSI standards, in this document only the exceptions and clarifications to the Base document are described. As ETS 300 356-XX Standards give the exceptions to ITU-T Recommendations Q. 761 to 764 and Q. 73X series, this document specifies only the added exceptions and clarifications. If otherwise not clearly stated in a Clarification in this specification, the text of the ITU-T Recommendation shall be used as modified by the referred ETSI standard. Those parts of the specifications which are marked as "national option", "for national use", "reserved", "for further study" are in general not used unless stated otherwise. Starting with the next Chapter, the current numbering within the Chapters follows the numbering scheme of the referenced standards. All timer values shall be accurate to within + or - 5% of nominal values. “B-2-1” 3 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 1 Basic services Exceptions and Clarifications to ETS 300 356-1 (1995): Signalling System No. 7 ISDN User Part Version 2 for the international interface; Part 1: Basic services Foreword The text is accepted. Scope The text is accepted. Normative references The text is accepted. Definitions The text is accepted. Abbreviations The text is accepted. Global modifications to ITU-T Recommendations Q. 761 to 764 The text is accepted. Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 761 Shall apply with the following additional modifications: Capabilities supported by the ISDN User Part Clarification: Replace table 1/Q.761 by: Function/service Basic call Speech/3.1 kHz audio 64 kbit/s unrestricted Multi rate connection types (Note) Signalling procedures for connection type allowing fallback capability Compatibility procedure Confusion procedure Simple segmentation Transit network selection User part availability control Propagation delay determination procedure Dynamic echo control procedure Tones and announcements MTP pause and resume Access delivery information Transportation of User teleservice information Generic signalling procedures for supplementary services End-to-end signalling – Pass along method End-to-end signalling – SCCP Connection Oriented End-to-end signalling – SCCP Connectionless Generic number transfer Generic digit transfer Generic notification procedure Simple service activation procedure Remote operations procedure Network specific facility procedure Supplementary services Direct Dialling In (DDI) Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) Calling Line Identification Presentation / Restriction (CLIP/CLIR) Connected Line Identification Presentation / Restriction (COLP/COLR) Malicious Call Identification (MCID) (without the HOLD option) Sub-addressing (SUB) Terminal portability (TP) Call forwarding (CFU, CFB, CFNR) national use + + + + + + + - Note3 - Note2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + “B-2-1” 4 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Call deflection (CD) Call waiting (CW) Call hold (HOLD) Conference calling (CONF) Three party service (3PTY) Closed User Group (CUG) Multilevel Precedence and Pre-emption (MLPP) User-to-User Signalling (UUS), Service 1 (implicit) User-to-User Signalling (UUS), Service 1 (explicit) User-to-User Signalling (UUS), Service 2 User-to-User Signalling (UUS), Service 3 Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) Call Completion to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) Free phone (FPH) Key: + Represents HTC support - Represents HTC non-support Note: Multi rate connection types are 2*64, 384, 1536 and 1920 kbit/s + + + + + + + + - Note2 : Static echo control as per Q.767 is supported. Note3 : Propagation delay determination procedure is partially supported Signalling methods Two signalling methods are used in this Recommendation: link-by-link method, end-to-end. The link-by-link method is primarily used for messages that need to be examined at each exchange (see section 5). The end-to-end methods are used for messages of end point significance (see Recommendation Q.730. 1992). The link-by-link method may be used for messages of end point significance. Only link-by-link method is used. 5 End-to-end signalling Shall not apply. 6.2 Version Compatibility Additional ITU-T national messages set recognized: Charge information Identification request Identification response Information Information request Loop back acknowledgement Segmentation Unequipped circuit identification code User part available User part test Additional specific national messages set recognized Delayed release Charging acknowledgement Charge band Charging information Charging pulse Charge unit Tariff change False answer A recognized message may be received containing a message compatibility information parameter. “B-2-1” 5 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references In that case, the message compatibility information parameter is ignored and the (recognized) message is processed as described in call control software. Sent by, such an additional recognized message however contains the message compatibility information parameter which value is set in accordance with the rules pertaining to the functions this message relates to (in other words, the message compatibility information parameter is recreated). When an unrecognized message is received, containing a message compatibility information parameter and that following these compatibility instructions the unrecognized message has to be passed on, then it is retransmitted containing a message compatibility information parameter which content is the same as the received one. Parameter set recognized on the national network. This set comprises : the ITU-T recommended minimum parameter set recognized at the international interface (parameters numbered from 1 to 29), an additional set of ITU-T parameters, an additional set of national parameters referring to specific national procedures (e.g. charging). Additional ITU-T parameters set recognized by: Access delivery information Call diversion information Call history information Freephone indicators Generic notification Generic number Information indicators Information request indicators Location number MCID request indicator MCID response indicator Message compatibility information Parameter compatibility information Propagation delay counter Redirection number restriction User teleservice information Additional specific national parameters set recognized by an E10 implementation Message number Charge unit number Charge band number New charging information Next charging information Current charging information A recognized parameter may be received with corresponding parameter compatibility information instruction indicators. In that case, the parameter compatibility information instruction indicators are ignored and the (recognized) parameter is processed as described in call control software. When such an additional recognized parameter is sent by, corresponding parameter compatibility information instruction indicators may be inserted in a parameter compatibility information parameter, the value of these indicators being set in accordance with the rules pertaining to the functions this parameter relates to (in other words, the parameter compatibility information instruction indicators are recreated). When an unrecognized parameter is received accompanied by parameter compatibility information instructions, and that following these compatibility instructions the unrecognized parameter has to be passed on, then it is retransmitted accompagnied with parameter compatibility information instructions which are the same as the received ones. “B-2-1” 6 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 762 Shall apply with the following additional modifications: 1 Signalling messages Clarifications: The following definition shall be added: 1.50 trunk offer message (TKO): A message sent in forward direction indicating an operator's request for trunk offering or other operator activity associated with it. For the messages to be used please refer to 'Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 763'. 1. GENERAL FUNCTION OF MESSAGES AND SIGNALS GENERAL This Recommendation describes the elements of signalling information used by the ISDN User Part protocol and their function. The encoding of these elements, the format of the messages in which they are conveyed and their application in the ISDN User Part signalling procedures are described in Recommendations Q.763 and Q.764. Table 1/Q.762 gives the mandatory or optional parameters in the ISDN user part messages and Table 2/Q.762 lists the abbreviations of these messages. The Table 1/Q.762 is not included in the ITU-T Recommendation Q.762. 1. Signalling messages 1. Charge information message (CRG) (national use) Information sent in either direction for accounting and/or call charging purposes. A message sent in the backward direction indicating either implicit charging information during call setup phase or explicit charging units during call conversation phase. 1. Circuit group query message (CQM) (national use) Circuit group query message is not supported. A message sent on a routine or demand basis to request the far-end exchange to give the state of all circuits in particular range. 1. Circuit group query response message (CQR) (national use) Circuit group query response message is not supported. A message sent in response to a circuit group query message to indicate the state of all circuits in a particular range. 1. Delayed release message (DRS) (national use) (not used in 1992 years Recommendation) Delayed release message is supported. A message sent in the forward direction indicating that the calling party has disconnected but that the network is holding the connection. 1. Facility accepted message (FAA) A message sent in response to a facility request message indicating that the requested facility has been invoked. FAA message is never initiated. 1. Facility message (FAC) Facility message is not supported. A message sent in either direction at any phase of the call to request an action at another exchange. The message is also used to carry the results, error or rejection of a previously requested action. 1. Facility request message (FAR) A message sent from an exchange to another exchange to request activation of a facility. FAR message is never initiated . 1. Forward transfer message (FOT) (international use) Forward transfer message is not supported. 1. Identification request message (IDR) A message sent in either direction to request an action regarding the malicious call identification supplementary service. 1. Identification response message (IRS) A message sent in response to the identification request message. When initiated by, this message is sent in the forward direction. 1. Information message (INF) (national use) A message sent to convey information in association with a call, which have been requested in an information request message. When initiated by, this message is sent in the forward direction. “B-2-1” 7 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 1. Information request message (INR) (national use) A message sent by an exchange to request information in association with a call. When initiated by, this message is sent in the backward direction. 1. Loop back acknowledgement message (LPA) (national use) A message sent in the backward direction in response to a continuity check request message indicating that a loop (or transceiver in case of a 2-wire circuit) has been connected. LPA message is never initiated. 1. Loop prevention message (LOP) A message sent in either direction when the loop prevention procedure is performed. LOP message is not supported. 1. Network resource management message (NRM) Network resource management message is not supported. 1. Overload message (OLM) (national use) Overload message is not supported. 1. Pass-along message (PAM) (national use) Pass-along message is not supported. 1. Unequipped circuit identification code message (UCIC) (national use) A message sent from an exchange to another when it receives an unequipped circuit identification code. UCIC message is never initiated. 1. Additional national messages 1. Charging acknowledgement message (CHA) The charging acknowledgement message is sent forwards to acknowledge the correct reception of the tariff change message or of the charge unit message. 1. Charge band message (CHB) Prior to the establishment of a call, the charge band message ensures the backward transmission of implicit charging information from a charging controlling exchange to the originating subscriber exchange or to an upstream ISDN exchange. 1. Charging information message (CHG) Prior to the establishment of a call, the charging information message enables the backward transmission of explicit charging data from a charging controlling exchange to the originating subscriber exchange or to an upstream ISDN exchange. 1. Charging pulse message (CHP) Message sent backwards to the preceeding exchange, each time charging units are applied downwards to the communication. When charging is not performed in the local originating exchange, that message can be sent on purpose from the hierarchical upper charging point, either systematically or depending on specific calling party characteristics (e.g. coinbox, subscriber line with home meter device....). 1. Charge unit message (CHU) The charge unit message, sent backwards from a charging controlling exchange to the originating subscriber exchange or to an upstream ISDN exchange provides the number of charging units to be applied on its reception. 1. Tariff change message (TAC) The tariff change message is sent backwards from a charging controlling exchange to the originating subscriber exchange or to an upstream ISDN exchange to indicate the subsequent tariff changes occurring during a call. 1. False answer message (FSA) Message sent backwards in semi automatic traffic during the offering procedure to indicate to the national operator that the analogue called subscriber line is in the on-hooking position and then can be rung. 1. Operator message (OPR) OPR messages are sent forwards in semi automatic traffic from a national operator to an analogue subscriber line during an offering procedure. The OPR message can take 3 different meanings according to its position in the call sequence : Start of offer (the operator enters as a third party in an existing conversation). “B-2-1” 8 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references End of offer (the operator withdraws from the 3-party conversation). Ringing signal (the operator requests the called party to be rung after having accepted the operator offer when on-hooking). This message can also be sent after the conversation phase between the 2 parties when the operator wants to re-ring the called subscriber in on-hooking position. The sequence "start of offer" "end of offer" can be repeated several successive times. 2 - Signalling information Clarifications: The following definition shall be added: 2.156 charge band number: Information sent in backward direction to indicate the zone number to be used for charging the call. 2.157 number of charging units: Information sent in backward direction to indicate the number of charging units (meter pulses) to be sent. For the signalling information to be used please refer to 'Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 763'. Table 2/Q.762 Clarification: The following message shall be added: TKO (Trunk offer). Signalling information 1. Address presentation restricted indicator Information sent in either direction to indicate that the address information is not to be presented to a public network user, but can be passed to another public network. It may be also used to indicate that the address can not be ascertained. In fact, the "Address not ascertained" coding is not part of the ITU-T "Address presentation restricted indicators" codings. It is the "Address not available" coding that is provided. 1. Address signal An element of information in a network number. The address signal may indicate digit values 0 to 9, code 11 or code 12. One address signal value (ST) is reserved to indicate the end of the called party number. Code 13 and code 14 are added in relation with other national applications. 1. Call identity (national use) Call identity information is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the call reference parameter indicating the identity of a call in a signalling point. 1. Call reference (national use) Call reference parameter is not supported. ************************ Circuit independent information identifying a particular call. 1. Call transfer number Call transfer number parameter is not supported. ************************ The call transfer number parameter is used to exchange the remote party number of the users involved in the transfered call. 1. Call transfer reference Call transfer reference parameter is not supported. ************************ The call transfer reference parameter is sent in the Loop prevention message in either direction and contains an integer (0,....,255) expressed in pure binary allocated unambiguously to the particular ECT service invocation. 1. Calling party address response indicator (national use) Information sent in response to a request for the calling party address, indicating whether the requested address is included, not included or not available or incomplete. The "incomplete" coding is not part of the ITU-T "Calling party address response indicator" codings. “B-2-1” 9 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references ********************* 1. Calling party number incomplete indicator Information sent in the forward direction indicating that the complete calling party number is not included. The calling party number incomplete indicator indicates if the calling party number (address signals) which is included in the parameter is complete or incomplete. When no calling party is included, the address is declared as not available (refer to the address presentation restricted indicator). ********************* 1. Calling party's category Information sent in the forward direction indicating the category of the calling party and, in case of semiautomatic calls, the service language to be spoken by the incoming, delay and assistance operators. The codings relating to the service languages are unused (reserved for international use). ************************ 1. Charge information request indicator (national use) Charge information request indicator is not supported. ************************ Information sent in either direction requesting charge information to be returned. 1. Charge information response indicator (national use) Charge information response indicator is not supported. ************************ Information sent in response to a request for charge information indicating whether or not the requested information is included. 1. Circuit state indicator (national use) Circuit state indicator is not supported (as the circuit group query procedure is not supported). ************************ Information indicating the state of a circuit according to the sending exchange. 1. Component type (national use) Component type is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ 1. Connection request Connection request parameter is not supported (as SCCP method of end-to-end signalling is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the forward direction on behalf of the signalling connection control part requesting the establishment of an end-to end connection. 1. Credit (national use) Credit information is not supported (as SCCP method of end-to-end signalling is not supported). ************************ Information sent in a connection request, indicating the window size requested by the signalling connection control part for an end-to-end connection. 1. Encoding scheme (National use) Encoding scheme information is not supported (as the generic digits parameter is not supported). ************************ Information sent to indicate the coding type for the digit information, e.g. BCD-coded. 1. Error code (national use) Error code element is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ The Error Code element contains the reason why an operation cannot be completed successfully. It is present only in a Return Error component. As with operations, errors may be local or global. These errors and associated parameters are defined in relevant supplementary service specifications. 1. Event indicator Information sent in the backward direction indicating the type of event which caused a call progress “B-2-1” 10 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references message to be sent to the originating local exchange. As the CPG message can be sent in any direction and the Event information parameter is mandatory in the CPG message, the Event indicator may also be transmitted forwards to a destination exchange. ********************* 1. Event presentation restricted indicator (national use) Information sent in the backward direction indicating that the event should not be presented to the calling party. As the CPG message can be sent in any direction and the Event information parameter is mandatory in the CPG message, the Event presentation restricted indicator may also be transmitted in the forward direction indicating that the event should not be presented to the connected line. ********************* 1. Facility indicator Information sent in facility related messages identifying the facility or facilities with which the message is concerned. 1. Freephone indicators Freephone indicator is not supported. ************************ Information sent in forward direction indicating whether the call is a freephone call or not. 1. Generic digits (national use) Generic digits parameter is not supported. Note(s) : In the generic digits parameter all the "Type of digits" codings are either specified as reserved or spare. The use of this parameter is thus for further applications. ************************ Digit information, which is not suitable to be sent within numbering parameter, sent in either direction to convey information between exchanges due to supplementary service. 1. Feature code (national use) Feature code information is not supported. Note(s) : In the service activation parameter all the features codes are specified as reserved. The use of this information is thus for further applications. ************************ Information sent in either direction to invoke, accept, or reject a specific action for a supplementary service. 1. Incoming half echo control device request indicator Incoming half echo control device request indicator is not supported (as the dynamic echo control procedure is not supported). ************************ Information sent to request the activation or deactivation of an incoming half echo control device. 1. Incoming half echo control device response indicator Incoming half echo control device response indicator is not supported (as the dynamic echo control procedure is not supported). ************************ Information sent to inform whether an incoming half echo control device has been included or not. 1. Invoke ID (national use) Invoke ID is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ An Invoke ID is used as a reference number to identify uniquely an operation invocation. It is present in the Invoke component and in any reply to the Invoke (Return Result, Return Error or Reject), enabling the reply to be correlated with the invoke. 1. Length of network identification (national use) Length of network identification information is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the network specific facility parameter, to indicate the length in octets of the network identification. 1. Length of reference indicator (reserved) Length of reference indicator information is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the generic reference parameter, to indicate the length in octets of the reference. 1. Linked ID (national use) Linked ID is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). “B-2-1” 11 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references ************************ A Linked ID is included in an Invoke component by a node when it responds to an operation invocation with a linked operation invocation. The node receiving the Linked ID uses it for correlation purposes in the same way that it uses the Invoke ID in Return Result, Return Error and Reject components. 1. Local reference Local reference is not supported (as SCCP method of end-to-end signalling is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the connection request, indicating the local reference allocated by the signalling control part to an end-to-end connection. 1. Look for busy (LFB) (National use) Look for busy information is not supported (as the MLPP supplementary service is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the forward direction to indicate whether the LFB option is allowed or if the path for the call is reserved. 1. Loop prevention indicators Loop prevention indicators are not supported. ************************ Information sent in the Loop prevention message in either direction in association with a request (or a response to a request) when the loop prevention procedure is performed. MLPP service domain information is not supported (as the MLPP supplementary service is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the forward direction to identify the specific MLPP service domain subscribed by the calling user. 1. MLPP user indicator (National use) MLPP user indicator is not supported (as the MLPP supplementary service is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the backward direction to indicate that the called user is an MLPP user. 1. Network identification plan (national use) Network identification plan information is not supported (as the transit network selection parameter is not supported). ************************ Information sent to indicate the identification plan for identifying the network, e.g. X.121 or E.212, (DNIC or MNIC). 1. Network identification (national use) Network identification information is not supported (as the transit network selection parameter is not supported). ************************ Information sent to identify a network. 1. Network identity (national use) Network identity information is not supported (as the MLPP precedence parameter is not supported). ************************ Information sent to identify the network who administrates the supplementary service. 1. Network specific facilities (national use) Network specific facilities parameter is not supported. ************************ Service related information transparently transferred in either direction between the local exchange and the identified network which contracts the service. The information is significant to both user and the identified network. Information sent in association with a generic number, qualifying the number that is transferred, e.g. a network specific number or a number related to a specific supplementary service. 1. Operation code (national use) Operation code element is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ 1. Origination ISC point code Originating International Switching Centre (ISC) point code parameter is not supported. “B-2-1” 12 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references ************************ Information sent in the initial address message of an international call, indicating the point code of the originating ISC. 1. Outgoing half echo control device request indicator Outgoing half echo control device request indicator is not supported (as the dynamic echo control procedure is not supported). ************************ Information sent to request the activation or deactivation of an outgoing half echo control device. 1. Outgoing half echo control device response indicator Outgoing half echo control device response indicator is not supported (as the dynamic echo control procedure is not supported). ************************ Information sent to inform whether an outgoing half echo control device has been included or not. 1. Point code Point code information is not supported (as SCCP method of end-to-end signalling is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the connection request parameter identifying the signalling point at which connection request originated. 1. Precedence level (National use) Precedence level information is not supported (as the MLPP supplementary service is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the forward direction to indicate the priority of the call. 1. Problem code (national use) Problem code element is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ 1. Protocol class Protocol class information is not supported (as SCCP method of end-to-end signalling is not supported). ************************ Information sent in the connection request parameter indicating the protocol class requested by the signalling connection control part for the end-to-end connection. 1. Protocol profile (national use) Protocol profile information is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ Information sent in either direction to indicate the protocol used in the Remote Operations parameter. 1. Redirection number restriction indicator Information sent in the backward direction indicating whether the diverted-to user allows the presentation of his number. In Recommendation Q.763, the Redirection number restriction information is not specified as an indicator. This information is specified as a parameter containing a Presentation restricted indicator. ********************* 1. Reference nth octet (reserved) Reference nth octet information is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the generic reference parameter, expressing the reference number of the context given by the entity which handles and provides the service. 1. Reference qualifier indicator (reserved) Reference qualifier indicator is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the generic reference parameter, identifying the context which handles and provides the service. 1. Remote operations (national use) Remote operations parameter is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ The remote operations parameter is used to indicate the invocation of a supplementary service identified by an operation value and also carry the result or error indications depending on the outcome of the operation. “B-2-1” 13 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 1. Sequence (national use) Sequence Tag is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ The sequence is an ordered set. 1. Service activation parameter Service activation parameter is not supported. ************************ Information sent in either direction to indicate the invocation, acceptance or rejection of supplementary services, when no service associated parameter is to be sent. 1. Set (national use) Set element is not supported (as Remote Operations Service Element procedures are not supported). ************************ The set element is used to contain a set of information elements accompanying a component. It is required in the case of more than one information elements being included in a component. The information elements themselves are defined in relevant supplementary service specifications. 1. Signalling point code (national use) Signalling point code parameter is not supported. ************************ Information sent in a release message to identify the signalling point in which the call failed. 1. Temporary trunk blocking after release (national use) Temporary trunk blocking after release is not supported (as the temporary trunk blocking (TTB) procedure is not supported). ************************ Information sent to the exchange at the other end of a circuit (trunk) to indicate low level of congestion at the sending exchange and that the circuit (trunk) should not be re-occupied by the receiving exchange for a short period of time after release. TTB information is not explicit information (e.g. a parameter, an indicator). This information is implicitly delivered by the overload message. ********************* 1. Transit network selection (national use) Transit network selection parameter is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the initial address message indicating the transit network(s) requested to be used in the call. 1. Transmission medium requirement prime Transmission medium requirement prime parameter is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the forward direction indicating the fallback connection type in case of fallback. 1. Transmission medium used Transmission medium used parameter is not supported. ************************ Information sent in the backward direction indicating a resulting fallback connection type used for a call after fallback has occurred. 1. Type indicator Information sent to indicate the initiator for a circuit group supervision message, e.g. maintenance oriented or hardware failure oriented. A better description of the Type indicator is given hereafter: Information sent by the initiator to indicate the type of blocking/unblocking in a circuit group blocking/unblocking supervision message, e.g. maintenance oriented or hardware failure oriented. ********************* 1. Type of digits (national use) Type of digits information (generic digits parameter) is not supported. ************************ Information sent in association with a generic digit to indicate the type of digit, e.g. authorization code. 1. Type of network identification (national use) Type of network identification information (transit network selection parameter) is not supported. Information sent to inform whether the identification of a network is by CCITT standardization identification or by national network identification. 1. User service information prime “B-2-1” 14 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references User service information prime parameter is not supported. Information sent in the forward direction indicating the additional bearer capability requested by the calling party. 1. Additional national parameters 1. Tariff indicator The tariff indicator provides the basic charge coefficient to apply in a periodic-charging procedure. 1. Tariff factor The tariff factor is a number which, when multiplied by the basic charge coefficient indicated by the tariff indicator, gives the real charging period (in seconds). 1. Time indicator The time indicator gives the time at which the next change of charging will occur. 1. Charge unit number Information sent to the outgoing subscriber exchange which indicates the number of charge units to be recorded on the calling subscriber's meter. 1. Message number This information allows the checking of in-sequence reception of several charge unit messages relating to the same call. 1. Packet charging Packet charging, sent backwards, indicates the number of charging units to apply either upon answer or connect message reception. 1. Current charging information Sent backwards, the current charging information provides the charging data to be applied upon reception of the answer or connect message. 1. Next charging information Sent backwards, the next charging information provides the charging data to be applied at the time indicated by the time indicator. 1. New charging information Sent backwards, the new charging information provides the new charging period to be applied at the time indicated by the time indicator. 1. Charge band number The charge band number allows the receiving exchange (the exchange which elaborates charging) to retrieve in its own tables the corresponding explicit charging data (i.e., packet charging, charging period, charging switchover time). Table A-2/Q.762 - ISDN user part message acronyms Acronym Message ACM Address complete ANM Answer BLA Blocking acknowledgement BLO Blocking CCR Continuity check request CFN Confusion CGB Circuit group blocking CGBA Circuit group blocking acknowledgement CGU Circuit group unblocking CGUA Circuit group unblocking acknowledgement CON Connect COT Continuity CPG Call progress CRG Charge information CQM Circuit group query CQR Circuit group query response DRS Delayed release FAA Facility accepted FAC Facility “B-2-1” 15 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references FAR FOT FRJ GRA GRS IAM IDR IRS INF INR LOP LPA NRM OLM Facility request Forward transfer Facility reject Circuit group reset acknowledgement Circuit group reset Initial address Identification request Identification response Information Information request Loop prevention Loop back acknowledgement Network resource management Overload Table A-2/Q.762 - ISDN user part message acronyms (continued) Acronym Message PAM Pass along REL Release RES Resume RLC Release complete RSC Reset circuit SAM Subsequent address SGM Segmentation SUS Suspend UBL Unblocking UBA Unblocking acknowledgement UCIC Unequipped circuit identification code UPA User part available UPT User part test USR User-to-user information Acronyms of the additional national messages Acronym Message CHA Charging acknowledgement message CHB Charge band message CHG Charging information message CHP Charging pulse message CHU Charge unit message TAC Tariff change message FSA False answer message OPR Operator message ************************ Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 763 Shall apply with the following additional modifications: In the national application, the four spare bits are unused : they are coded "0" (zero) on transmission, and are ignored in reception. Multiple 64 kbit/s connection type calls are not supported. 2.1 Message type codes Clarifications: The following message type code shall be added: Trunk offer (Code: 1111 1111). The following messages shall be used: Address complete Answer Blocking Blocking acknowledgement “B-2-1” 16 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Call progress Circuit group blocking Circuit group blocking acknowledgement Circuit group reset Circuit group reset acknowledgement Circuit group unblocking Circuit group unblocking acknowledgement Charge information Confusion Connect Continuity Continuity check request Facility Facility accepted Facility reject Facility request Forward transfer Identification request1 Identification response Information Information request Initial address Loop prevention Release Release complete Reset circuit Resume Segmentation Subsequent address Suspend Trunk offer Unblocking Unblocking acknowledgement User Part available User Part test User-to-user information Any other message will never be sent, and if received it shall be treated according to 3 ISDN User Part parameters 3.1 Parameter names Clarifications: The following parameter type codes shall be added: Charge band number (Code: 1111 1111) Number of charging units (Code: 1111 1110). 3.2 to 3.61 Description of the parameters Clarifications: The following parameter value shall be added to the Calling party's category parameter: 1111 1110 Intelligent Network call - The following parameters shall be added: 3.AA Charge band number The format of the Charge band number parameter field is shown below: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Charge band number The following codes are used in the charge band number parameter field: 00000000 No charge 00000001 to > Binary representation of the charge band number to be applied 1 This message is never sent according to this specification. “B-2-1” 17 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 11111111 3.AB Number of charging units The format of the Meter pulse number parameter field is shown below: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Number of charging units The following codes are used in the charge band number parameter field: 00000000 spare 00000001 to > Binary representation of the number of charging units to be sent 11111111 - The following parameters and parameter values shall be used: Access delivery information message generated Access transport Automatic congestion level level 1 exceeded Access delivery indicator no set-up set-up message generated Access transport as defined in Q.931 Automatic congestion level congestion congestion level 2 exceeded Charge indicator no indication no charge charge Called party’s status indicator no indication subscriber free Called party’s category ind. no indication ordinary subscriber payphone End-to-end method indicator no end-to-end method available Interworking indicator no interworking encountered interworking encountered End-to-end information ind. no end-to-end information available ISDN User Part indicator ISDN User Part not used all the way ISDN User Part used all the way Holding indicator holding not requested holding requested ISDN access indicator terminating access non-ISDN terminating access ISDN Echo control device indicator IC half echo control dev. not included IC half echo control device included SCCP method indicator no indication Call diversion information Notification subscr. option unknown presentation not allowed pres. allowed with redirection number pres. allowed without redirection nr Redirection reason unknown user busy no reply unconditional deflection during alerting deflection immediate response mobile subscriber not reachable Call history information The call history information parameter is pure binary representation the propagation delay value of a call in ms. Call transfer number as of 'Calling part number' not supported Call transfer reference Call transfer reference any value not supported Called party number Odd/even indicator even number of address signals odd number of address signals Nature of address subscriber number national (significant) number international number network routing number concatenated Backward call indicators “B-2-1” 18 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references with Called Internal network number ind. DN(8) routing to INN allowed routing to INN not allowed Numbering plan indicator ISDN/Telephony numbering plan Address signal digit 0 to digit 9 code 11 code 12 ST Filler as required(In case of an odd number of address signals ,the filter code 0000 is inserted after the last address signal) Calling party number Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party number' Nature of address indicator as of 'Called party number' Calling party number inc. ind complete incomplete When sending the calling party number parameter, if the calling party number incomplete indicator is set to ‘incomplete’, then the nature of address indicator is set to ‘national (significant) number. When receiving the calling party number parameter, if the calling party number incomplete indicator is set to ‘incomplete’, then no check is performed on the nature of address indicator (i.e. all the values of the nature of address indicator are accepted). Numbering plan indicator Address presentation restr. ind presentation allowed as of 'Called party number' presentation restricted address not available When the address presentation restricted indicator indicates address not available, the screening indicator (item f)) is coded "network provided". Screening indicator user provided, verified and passed network provided User provided, verified and passed" and "network provided" codes can be initiated by E10 system. Address signal as of 'Called party number' Filler as required(In case of an odd number of address signals ,the filter code 0000 is inserted after the last address signal) Calling party’s category language French Calling party’s category operator, operator, language English operator, language German operator, language Russian operator, language Spanish national operator (0000 1001) ordinary subscriber subscriber with priority data call (voice band data) test call payphone Intelligent Network call (1111 1110) The following Calling party's categories are introduced: "national operator with offer facility" (coding according to above ITU-T note). This coding is set when the call is initiated by a national operator. "calling subscriber with home metering or advice of charge" (coding in the range reserved for national use). This coding is set when the analogue user owns a home (charging) metering device or when the ISDN user has subscribed to the advice of charge during call conversation phase (AOC-D) supplementary service and/or to the advice of charge at the end of the call(AOC-E) supplementary service. "calling subscriber with remote immediate charge indication" (coding in the range reserved for national use). This coding is set when the user (ISDN or analogue) requires by using a special prefix before his numbering, the immediate charge indication to the charging intermediate exchange. "interception service" (coding in the range reserved for national use). “B-2-1” 19 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references This coding is set when the call is initiated by an interception operator. Cause indicators 1 standard (including CCBS parameter Charge band number Circuit group supervision type ind. Circuit state indicator Closed user group interlock code Connected number number' Nature of address indicator Numbering plan indicator Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling party number' Screening indicator Address signal Filler Connection request Continuity indicators Echo control information End of optional parameters optional parameters All fields As defined in EN 300 485v1.3. Addendum 1, ITU Q.850) CCBS call indicator no indication CCBS call Charge band number any pattern Type indicator maintenance oriented hardware failure oriented not supported Any field any pattern Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as of 'Calling party number' as of 'Called party number' as required not supported Continuity indicator continuity check failed continuity check successful not supported End of optional parameters End of The last optional parameter field of a message is followed by the end of optional parameters indicator, which occupies a one octet field containing all zeros. Event information Event indicator alerting progress in-band info/pattern is now available call forwarded on busy call forwarded on no reply call forwarded unconditional Event presentation restr. ind. no indication When the event information parameter is initiated, the event presentation restricted indicator is always set to 0”no indication” In reception, bit H is handled with the “no indication” meaning even if bit H is received set to the value “presentation restricted” Facility indicator Facility indicators user-to-user service Forward call indicators National/international call ind. call to be treated as a national call call to be treated as an internat. call End-to-end method indicator as of 'Backward call indicators' Interworking indicator as of 'Backward call indicators' End-to-end information ind. as of 'Backward call indicators' ISDN User Part indicator as of 'Backward call indicators' ISDN User Part preference ind. ISDN user part preferred all the way ISDN user part not required ISDN user part required all the way ISDN access indicator originating access non-ISDN originating access ISDN SCCP method indicator as of 'Backward call indicators' no indication Generic Digits not supported Generic notification Extension indicator information continues in the next octet last octet Notification indicator user suspended user resumed conference established conference disconnected other party added “B-2-1” 20 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Generic number called number isolated reattached other party isolated other party reattached other party split other party disconnected conference floating call is a waiting call call transfer, alerting call transfer, active remote hold remote retrieval call is diverting Number qualifier indicator additional additional connected number additional calling party number additional original called number additional redirecting number additional redirection number called freephone number Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party number' Nature of address indicator Number incomplete Numbering plan indicator Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling part number' Screening indicator Address signal Filler Generic Reference Information indicators party address not available as of 'Called party number' as of 'Calling part number' as of 'Called party number' user provided, not verified user provided, verified and passed user provided, verified and failed network provided as of 'Called party number' as required not supported Calling party address resp. ind. calling calling part address included hold not provided hold provided Calling party's category resp. ind. calling party's category not incl. calling party’s category included Charge information resp. ind. charge information not included Solicited information indicator solicited Information request indicators Calling party address req. ind. calling party address requested calling party address not required Holding indicator holding not requested holding requested Calling party's category req. ind. calling party's category not reqd calling party’s category requested Charge information request ind. charge information not requested Malicious call iden. req. ind. malicious call identification requested malicious call identification not requested Location number Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party number' Nature of address indicator as of 'Called party number' Internal network number ind. as of 'Called party number' Numbering plan indicator as of 'Called party number' Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling party number' Screening indicator as of 'Calling party number' Address signal as of 'Called party number' Filler as required Loop prevention indicators not supported Type request Hold provided indicator “B-2-1” 21 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Response indicator MCID request indicators requested Holding indicator MCID response indicators included Hold provided indicator Message compatibility info interpretation Release call indicator Send notification indicator Discard message indicator Pass on not possible indicator Extension indicator MLPP Precedence Nature of connection indicators Satellite indicator Continuity check indicator Echo control device indicator Network specific facility Number of charging units Optional backward call ind. indication response insufficient information no loop exists simultaneous transfer MCID request indicator MCID MCID not requested Holding not requested Holding requested MCID response indicator MCID not MCID included Hold not provided Holding provided Transit at intermediate node ind. transit end node interpretation do not release call release call do not send notification send notification do not discard message (pass on) discard message release call discard information last octet not supported no satellite circuit in the connection one satellite circuit in the connection two satellite circuit in the connection continuity check not required continuity check reqd on this circuit cont. check perfd on previous circuit OG half echo control dev. not incl. OG half echo control device included not supported Number of charging units any pattern In-band information indicator no in-band information/pattern available no indication call forwarding may occur Simple segmentation indicator no additional info will be sent additional info will be sent in a SGM MLPP user indicator no indication Optional forward call ind. Closed user group call ind. non-CUG call CUG call, OG access allowed CUG call, OG access not allowed Simple segmentation indicator as of 'Optional backward call ind.' Connected line id. req ind not requested requested Original called number Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party number' Nature of address indicator as of 'Called party number' Internal network number ind. as of 'Called party number' Numbering plan indicator as of 'Called party number' Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling party number' Address signal as of 'Called party number' Filler as required Origination ISC Point Code not supported th Parameter compatibility info N upgraded parameter name as required Transit at intermediate node ind. transit interpretation end node interpretation Release call indicator do not release call Call diversion may occur ind. “B-2-1” 22 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references release call do not send notification send notification Discard message indicator do not discard message (pass on) discard message Discard parameter indicator do not discard parameter (pass on) discard parameter Pass on not possible indicator release call discard message discard parameter Extension indicator next octet exist last octet Propagation delay counter The propagation delay counter parameter expresses in pure binary representation the propagation delay value of a call in ms to be accumulated during call set up. Range and status Range ant pattern a) Range A number in pure binary representation ranging from 1 to 255. The number represented by the range code +1 indicates the range of circuits affected by the message. b) Status The status subfield contains from 2 to 256 status bits numbered from 0 to 255. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the first status subfield octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The number of relevant status bits in a given status subfield is equal to range +1. Each status bit is associated with a circuit identification code such that status bit n is associated with circuit identification code m+n, where m is the circuit identification code contained in the message. The status bits are coded as follows : in circuit group blocking messages 0 no indication 1 blocking in circuit group blocking acknowledgement messages 0 no indication Send notification indicator 1 - - in circuit group unblocking messages 0 no indication 1 unblocking in circuit group unblocking acknowledgement messages 0 no indication 1 - blocking acknowledgement unblocking acknowledgement in circuit group reset acknowledgement messages 0 not blocked for maintenance reasons 1 blocked for maintenance reasons The number of circuits affected by a group supervision message is limited to 32 or less. For the group reset messages this requires that the range value be 31 or less. For the group blocking and unblocking messages the range value may be up to 255, but the number of status bits set to 1 must be 32 or less. For the group blocking, unblocking and reset messages, range code 0 is reserved. Status Redirecting number number' Nature of address indicator Internal network number ind. Numbering plan indicator Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling party number' Address signal Filler Redirection information any pattern Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as required Redirecting indicator no redirection call rerouted call rerouted all redirection information presentation restricted call diversion call diversion, all info restricted “B-2-1” 23 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references call rerouted, redirection number presentation restricted call diversion, redir. number restrd Original redirection reason Redirection counter Redirecting reason Redirection number number' Nature of address indicator Internal network number ind. Numbering plan indicator Address presentation restr. ind as of 'Calling party number' Address signal Filler Redirection number restriction allowed Remote operations Service activation supported Signalling point code not supported Subsequent number number' Address signal Filler Suspend/resume indicators subscriber initiated Transit network selection number unknown/not available user busy no reply unconditional 001 to 101 unknown/not available user busy no reply unconditional deflection during alerting deflection immediate response mobile subscriber not reachable Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as of 'Called party number' as required Presentation restricted ind. presentation presentation restricted not supported Feature code call transfer not Signalling point code any pattern Odd/even indicator as of 'Called party as of 'Called party number' as required Suspend/resume indicator ISDN network initiated odd/even indicator as of Called Party Type of network identification national network identification Network Identification plan 0(zero) Network identification Network identification Transmission medium req Transmission medium req speech 64 kbit/s unrestricted 3.1 kHz audio 64 kbit/s preferred 2×64 kbit/s unrestricted 384 kbit/s unrestricted 1920 kbit/s unrestricted Transmission medium req prime Transm. medium req prime speech not supported 64 kbit/s unrestricted 3.1 kHz audio Transmission medium used All fields as of transmission medium req. not supported User service information All fields according to Q.931 User service information prime All fields according to Q.931 not supported User teleservice information All fields according to Q.931 User-to-user indicators, request type Service 1 / 2 / 3 no information request, not essential request, essential “B-2-1” 24 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references response type no information not provided provided Network discard indicator UUI discarded by the network User-to-user information Service 1 / 2 / 3 no indication any pattern Any other parameters or parameter values not listed above will never be sent, and if received it shall be treated according to 1. National parameters 1. Current charging information Format of the current charging information parameter : 8 7 6 5 Packet charging Tariff indicator Tariff factor FIGURE 3.N1 - Current charging information parameter field 1) 4 3 2 1 2 1 spare Packet charging : 00000000 to packet charging coding 00001111 00010000 to spare 11111111 2) 3) 1. Tariff indicator : 00000000 00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 00000101 00000110 00000111 00001000 to 00001111 00010000 to 11111111 charging coefficient 0 : flat rate charge charging coefficient 1 : 0.05 second charging coefficient 2 : 0.1 second charging coefficient 3 : 0.2 second charging coefficient 4 : 0.5 second charging coefficient 5 : 1.0 second charging coefficient 6 : 2.0 seconds charging coefficient 7 : 4.0 seconds 00000000 00000001 to 11111111 spare spare reserved for future Tariff factor : tariff factor coding Next charging information Format of the next charging information parameter: 8 7 6 5 Time indicator Packet charging Tariff indicator Tariff factor FIGURE 3.N2 - Next charging information parameter field 4 3 “B-2-1” 25 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 1) Time indicator : 00 000 00 00 000 01 00 000 10 00 000 11 00 001 00 00 001 01 00 001 10 ... 10 111 11 11 000 00 11 000 01 to 11 111 11 2) 3) 4) immediate tariff change 00 hr. 15 00 hr. 30 00 hr. 45 01 hr. 00 01 hr. 15 01 hr. 30 23 hr. 45 24 hr. 00 spare Packet charging : refer to current charging information parameter Tariff indicator : refer to current charging information parameter Tariff factor : refer to current charging information parameter 1. New charging information Format of the new charging information parameter: 8 7 6 5 Time indicator Tariff indicator Tariff factor FIGURE 3.N3 - New charging information parameter field 1) 2) 3) 4 3 2 1 spare 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 Time indicator : refer to next charging information parameter Tariff indicator : refer to current charging information parameter Tariff factor : refer to current charging information parameter 1. Charge band number Format of the charge band number: 8 7 6 Charge band number FIGURE 3.N4 - Charge band number parameter field 00000000 to 11111111 charge band number coding 1. Charge unit number Format of the charge unit number parameter : 8 7 6 Charge unit number FIGURE 3.N5 - Charge unit number parameter field 00000000 00000001 to 11111111 5 5 4 spare charge unit number coding 1. Message number Format of the message number parameter: 8 7 6 Message number FIGURE 3.N6 - Message number parameter field 00000000 spare 5 4 “B-2-1” 26 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 00000001 to 11111111 4 message number coding ISDN User Part messages and codes Table 24/Q.763: Circuit group query response not supported TABLE 25/Q.763 - Message Type : Circuit group reset acknowledgement Parameter Reference Type Length Implem. (subclause) (octets) Message type 2.1 F 1 F Range and status 3.43 V 3-34 V When sent by E10 exchange, the length of the range and status field is 3-6 octets since 32 circuits at most are concerned. TABLE 26/Q.763 - Message Type : Confusion Parameter Reference (subclause) Message type 2.1 Cause indicators 3.12 End of optional parameters 3.20 Type F V O The correct length for the Cause indicators parameter is 3-?. TABLE 27/Q.763 - Message Type : Connect Parameter Reference Type (subclause) Message type 2.1 F Backward call indicators 3.5 F Optional backward call indicators 3.37 O Connected number 3.16 O Call reference @ 3.8 O User-to-user indicators 3.60 O User-to-user information 3.61 O Access transport 3.3 O Network specific facility @ 3.36 O Generic notification ind. (Note) 3.25 O Remote operations @ 3.48 O Transmission medium used 3.56 O Echo control information 3.19 O Access delivery information 3.2 O Call history information 3.7 O Parameter compatibility information 3.41 O Redirection number 3.46 O Service activation 3.49 O Generic number (Note) 3.26 O Redirection number restr. 3.47 O End of optional parameters 3.20 O Note(s) : This parameter may be repeated. The correct length of the Call history information parameter is 4. TABLE 29/Q.763 - Message Type : Facility reject Parameter Reference Type (subclause) Message type 2.1 F Length (octets) 1 4-20 1 Length (octets) 1 2 3 4-12 7 3 3-131 3-? 4-? 3 3-? 3 3 3 3 4-? 5-12 3-? 5-13 3 1 Length (octets) 1 Implem. F V O Implem. F F O O O O O O O O O O O O O Implem. F “B-2-1” 27 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Facility indicator Cause indicators User-to-user indicators End of optional parameters 3.22 3.12 3.60 3.20 F V O O 1 4 3 1 F V O O The Cause indicators parameter should have a length (octets) of 3-?. Clarification to Table 30/Q.763: The format of the Information message is: TABLE 30 Message type: Information Parameter name Reference Type Length Message type 2.1 F 1 Information indicators F 2 Calling party number 3.28 O 4-12 End of optional parameters 3.10 O 1 3.20 Clarification to table 31/Q.763: The format of the Information request message is: TABLE 31 Message type: Information Request Parameter name Reference Type Length Message type 2.1 F 1 Information request indicators 3.29 F 2 TABLE 34/Q.763 - Message Type : Release complete Parameter Reference (subclause) Message type 2.1 Cause indicators 3.12 End of optional parameters 3.20 Type F O O Length (octets) 1 5-6 1 Implem. F O O The Cause indicators parameter should have a length (octets) of 4-? TABLE 37/Q.763 - Message Type : Forward transfer not supported TABLE 39/Q.763 Message Type : Blocking - Blocking acknowledgement - Continuity check request - Loop back acknowledgement @ - Overload @ - Reset circuit - Unblocking - Unblocking acknowledgement - Unequipped circuit identification code @ Parameter Reference Type Length Implem. (subclause) (octets) Message type 2.1 F 1 F Overload message is not supported. TABLE 41/Q.763 - Message Type : Circuit group reset a) - Circuit group query a) not supported TABLE 43/Q.763 - Message Type : Pass-along not supported TABLE 45/Q.763 - Message Type : Facility Facility message is not supported TABLE 46/Q.763 - Message Type : Network resource management not supported TABLE 47/Q.763 - Message Type : Identification request Parameter Reference Type Length Implem. (subclause) (octets) Message type 2.1 F 1 F MCID request indicators 3.31 O 3-? O Message compatibility information 3.33 O 3-? O Parameter compatibility information 3.41 O 4-? O End of optional parameter 3.20 O 1 O The correct length (octets) of the MCID request indicators parameter is 3. TABLE 48/Q.763 - Message Type : Identification response “B-2-1” 28 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Parameter Reference Type Length (subclause) (octets) Message type 2.1 F 1 MCID response indicator 3.32 O 3-? Message compatibility information 3.33 O 3-? Parameter compatibility information 3.41 O 4-? Calling party number 3.10 O 4-12 Access transport 3.3 O 3-? Generic number (Note) 3.26 O 5-13 End of optional parameter 3.20 O 1 Note(s) : This parameter may be repeated. The correct length (octets) of the MCID response indicators parameter is 3. 1. Implem. F O O O O O O O NATIONAL MESSAGES TABLE N1 - Message Type : Charge information message (CRG) Parameter Type Message type F Charge band number O Charge unit number O Message compatibility information O End of optional parameters O Length (octets) 1 3 3 3 1 TABLE N2 - Message Type : Charging information message (CHG) Parameter Type Message type F Current charging information O Next charging information O End of optional parameters O Length (octets) 1 5 6 1 TABLE N3 - Message Type : Tariff change message (TAC) Parameter Message type New charging information End of optional parameters Type F F O Length (octets) 1 3 1 TABLE N4 - Message Type : Charge band message (CHB) Parameter Message type Charge band number End of optional parameters Type F F O Length (octets) 1 1 1 TABLE N5 - Message Type : Charge unit message (CHU) Parameter Message type Charge unit number Message number End of optional parameters Type F F F O Length (octets) 1 1 1 1 TABLE N6 - Message Type : Charging acknowledgement message (CHA) Parameter Type Length (octets) Message type F 1 End of optional parameters O 1 TABLE N7 - Message Type : Charging pulse message (CHP) Parameter Type Length (octets) “B-2-1” 29 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references Message type Charge unit number End of optional parameters F O O 1 3 1 TABLE N8 Message Type : Messages related to operators - Operator message (OPR) - False answer message (FSA) Parameter Type Length (octets) Message type F 1 Message compatibility information O 3 End of optional parameters O 1 TABLE N9. - Message Type : Delayed release Parameter Type Message type Call reference @ End of optional parameters F O O Length (octets) 1 7 1 Implem. F O Clarification (general): The following messages shall be added: TABLE AA Message type: Trunk offer Parameter name Message type Reference 2.1 TABLE AB Message type: Charge information Parameter name Reference Message type 2.1 Charge band number 3.AA Number of charging units 3.AB Message compatibility 3.33 information 3.41 Parameter compatibility 3.20 information End of optional parameters Type F Type F O O O O O Length 1 Length 1 3 3 3 4 1 Annex A: Interpretation of spare codes Clarification to 3.13 (Circuit supervision message type indicator) of Table A2/Q.763: Type indicator: in case of receiving unrecognized parameter value of this field, the message is discarded and a Confusion message is sent with cause value 110. Reserved bits H-C: the information is ignored. Clarification to 3.35 (Nature of connection indicators), Satellite indicator of Table A3/Q.763: In case of receiving unrecognized parameter value of this field, Confusion message is not sent. Modifications to ITU-T Recommendation Q. 764 Shall apply with the following additional modifications: 2 Basic call control and signalling procedures 2.1 Successful call setup 2.1.1 Forward address signalling - En-bloc operation Actions required at the originating exchange Clarification to item a): The selection of the outgoing route will also depend on the calling party's category. Clarification to item b): On national calls, the address information may be the local number or the national number as well. Clarification to item c): The originating or interworking exchange always sends the calling party number. If it is not available, the appropriate indication is sent. “B-2-1” 30 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references The call reference and SCCP connection request parameters are not used. Clarification to item d): Through connection of the transmission path will be completed in the forward direction after receiving the Answer or Connect Message. Actions required at an intermediate national exchange Clarification to item a): The selection of the outgoing route will also depend on the calling party's category. The user service information and the user teleservice information is not used for routing purposes. The transmission medium requirement parameter is not modified. Actions required at an outgoing international exchange Clarification to item a): As of Clarification to item b): If the received calling party number is not in international number format, then it is converted to international number (i.e. country/trunk code is added) and the nature of address is set to "international number". Actions required at an intermediate international exchange Clarification to item a): As of Actions required at an incoming international exchange Clarification to item a): As of Clarification to item b): As of The incoming international exchange deletes the originating ISC point code parameter from the Initial Address Message. Clarification to item c): As of Actions required at the destination exchange Clarification to item a): The selection of the called party will also depend on the calling party's category. 2.1.2 Forward address signalling - Overlap operation Clarifications: As of 2.1.1. Clarification to item d): Through connection of the transmission path in the backward direction at the originating exchange will be completed immediately after sending the Initial Address Message. 2.1.3 Calling party number Clarification: The calling party number is always included in the initial address message. If the number is not available, the appropriate indication ("address not available") is sent. The calling party number is requested only if it was not included in the initial address message (e.g. in case of interworking with exchanges using an earlier version of ISUP). 2.1.4 Address complete message, connect message and call progress message Clarification to item and The Awaiting Answer Timer (T9) is not used in the intermediate national and intermediate international exchanges. Clarification to item In case of test calls, the Awaiting Answer Timer (T9) is not started. 2.1.6 Information messages Clarification: This function is used for Malicious call identification purpose. If the MCID service is activated (or appropriate indication is received in an interworking exchange) and no calling party number parameter is included in the Initial address message, the calling party number is requested by sending an Information request message (calling party address requested, malicious call identification requested) backward. 2.1.9 Charging Clarifications: Basically the originating local exchange is the charge controlling exchange, and it determines the charging depending on the called party number. In some circumstances (e.g. IN call, international calls) it is necessary to send charging information from the succeeding exchange. This is done via the Charge information (CRG) message. In case of IN call, the SSP (Service Switching Point) generates the CRG message based on the received information from the SCP. If no Charge information message is received, the originally stored charging program applies. If a Charge band number parameter is received in the Charge information message during the call setup (before the answer), the message is stored in the exchange. If more than one Charge information messages are received, the latest one will be valid. On receipt of the ANM message charging based on the received charge band number is started in the originating local exchange, or meter pulses are “B-2-1” 31 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references generated in an interworking exchange. If a Charge band number parameter is received in the active phase of a call, charging activities related to the charge band number in use are immediately terminated. The charging activities are resumed applying the new charge band number. If a Number of charging units parameter is received in the active phase of a call, the charging units are applied (added) in the originating local exchange, or additional meter pulses are sent in the R2-N interworking exchange. 2.1.10 Transit network selection Clarification: Shall apply 2.1.13 Trunk offering (MT specific requirement) The Trunk offer message (TKO) is used to handle the calls originated by a long distance operator. A call to a free subscriber is set up as a normal call without any special message. When the called party is busy but available to the operator, the operator can offer the long distance call by sending a TKO message. If the calling party is an operator, the response is an Address Complete message with In-band info indication, cause value 17 (subscriber busy) and a busy tone from the called exchange to the operator (instead of Release message). If the trunk offer is not possible, a Release message with cause value 42 (switching equipment congestion) is sent. When the operator has informed the subscriber that a call is waiting, the operator can escape from the call by sending a repeated TKO message. When the called party (to whom the operator wishes to offer a call) becomes free with his handset off-hook (i.e. the partner goes on-hook), an Answer message is sent, and the conversation begins, as shown below: +-----------+ +-----------+ ¦ Operator ¦ ¦Destination¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ exchange ¦ +-----------+ +-----------+ ¦ ¦ ¦------------IAM------------->¦ called subscriber ¦ ¦ busy ¦<---------ACM+IBI------------¦ ¦ ¦ ¦------------TKO------------->¦ operator access ¦ ¦ ¦<<=========================>>¦ ¦ trunk offering ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦------------TKO------------->¦ operator escapes ¦ ¦ ¦<-----------ANM--------------¦ subscr. becomes free ¦ ¦ with off-hook (answer) ¦ ¦ ¦<<=========================>>¦ ¦ conversation ¦ When the called party becomes free with his handset on-hook, a Resume (network generated) message followed within one second by a Suspend (network generated) message is sent to the operator, who may start ringing by sending a TKO message. When the called party answers, an Answer message is sent. The procedure is shown below. +-----------+ +-----------+ ¦ Operator ¦ ¦Destination¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ exchange ¦ +-----------+ +-----------+ ¦ ¦ ¦------------IAM------------->¦ called subscriber ¦ ¦ busy ¦<---------ACM+IBI------------¦ ¦ ¦ ¦------------TKO------------->¦ operator access ¦ ¦ “B-2-1” 32 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references ¦<<=========================>>¦ ¦ trunk offering ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦------------TKO------------->¦ operator escapes ¦ ¦ ¦<-----------RES--------------¦ subscr. becomes ¦<-----------SUS--------------¦ free with on hook ¦ ¦ ¦------------TKO------------->¦ ringing ¦ ¦ ¦<-----------ANM--------------¦ subscriber ¦ ¦ answers ¦<<=========================>>¦ ¦ conversation ¦ If the called party becomes free (either on-hook, or off hook) before receiving the second TKO, the appropriate indication (ANM or RES+SUS) is withheld until the second TKO. It is also possible to offer a call after a SUS (network generated) message (i.e. called party onhook, T6 is running) in all cases. 2.2 Unsuccessful call set-up Clarification to item 2.2.3: The exchange initiating a release procedure has the controlling function. 2.3 Normal call release Clarification: 2.3.1 item d) also applies. 2.5 Suspend, resume Clarification: The call originating exchange has the controlling function. 2.6 Propagation delay determination procedure Clarification: This function is not used. 2.7 Echo control procedure Clarification: Dynamic echo control procedure is not used. For the echo control, the static echo control is used according to ITU-T Rec. Q.767 as follows2: General The echo control procedure is used on a per call basis to convey information between exchange nodes about the demand and ability to insert echo control devices. The procedure is invoked when a call is to be routed on a connection for which echo control is necessary. It could be initiated at the originating exchange or at an intermediate exchange. Forward direction, actions at the originating exchange If an originating exchange has sufficient information to determine that echo control is necessary for the outgoing circuit, then an outgoing half echo control device is enabled; and the echo control device indicator of the nature of connection indicators parameter field in the IAM is set. Forward direction, actions at an intermediate exchange If an intermediate exchange has sufficient information to determine that echo control is required for the outgoing circuit, then one of the following actions can occur: a) When the nature of connection indicators parameter field in the IAM indicates that an echo control device is already included, then no change to the nature of connection indicators parameter field in the IAM is made, an incoming half echo control device is reserved, and any outgoing half echo control device is disabled. b) When the nature of connection indicators parameters in the IAM does not indicate that an echo control device is already included, then an outgoing half echo control device is enabled; and the echo control device indicator in the nature of connection indicators parameter field is set. If the intermediate exchange has sufficient information to determine that echo control is not required for the outgoing circuit, then one of the following actions can occur: a) When the nature of connection indicators parameter field in the IAM indicates that an echo control device is already included, then no change to the nature of connection indicators parameter field in the IAM is made; and an incoming half echo control device is reserved. b) When the nature of connection indicator parameter field in the IAM does not indicate that an 2 Echo control procedure normally is performed only in the International Gateway Exchanges and in PLMNs. “B-2-1” 33 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references echo control device is already included, then no additional action is required. Backward direction, actions at the destination exchange Upon the receipt of an IAM with the indication "outgoing half echo control device included" in the nature of connection indicators parameter field, then an incoming half echo control device is enabled; and the echo control device indicator of the backward call indicators parameter field in the first backward message (i.e. ACM or connect or call progress) is set. If the destination exchange is unable to include an incoming half echo control device, the information is conveyed to the preceding exchange by an echo control device indicator in the backward call indicators parameter field in the first backward message. Backward direction, actions at an intermediate exchange Upon receipt of the first backward message (i.e. ACM or connect or call progress) in response to an IAM with echo control indication, then one of the following actions can occur: a) When the backward call indicators parameter field indicates that an incoming half echo control device is not already included, then the reserved incoming half echo control device is included, and the echo control device indicator in the backward call indicators parameter field is set. b) When the backward call indicators parameter field indicates that an incoming half echo control device is already included, then the reserved incoming half echo control is released, and no change to the backward call indicators parameter field in the backward message is made. 2.8.3 Circuit group query Clarification: This function is not used. 2.9.1 Dual seizure Clarification to item Method 1: The exchange with lower signalling point code will start the selection from the lowest CIC and the other starts from the highest. 2.9.9 Temporary trunk blocking after release Clarification: This function is not used. TABLE A1/Q.764: Timers used in the ISDN User Part Clarification: T6 = 90 sec (default value) T9 = 90 sec (default value) Annex ZA: Coding of the compatibility information for basic calls Clarifications: Add the following coding to the list: ZA.1.1.2 a) bit bit bit bit bit b) Instruction indicators A: Transit at intermediate exchange indicator 0 transit interpretation B: Release call indicator 1 release call C: Send notification indicator 1 send notification D: Discard message indicator X don't care E: Pass on not possible indicator X don't care Extension indicator 1 last octet ZA.1.2.3 a) b) bit bit bit Charge information Charge band number Nth upgraded parameter 1111 1111 Charge band number Instruction indicators A: Transit at intermediate exchange indicator 0 transit interpretation B: Release call indicator 1 release call C: Send notification indicator “B-2-1” 34 / 35 ISDN USER PART VERSION 2 FOR THE NATIONAL INTERFACE (ISUP-N2) Normative references 1 D: X E: X GF: XX bit bit bit b) Extension indicator 1 last octet ZA.1.2.4 a) send notification Discard message indicator don't care Discard parameter indicator don't care Pass on not possible indicator don't care Number of charging units Nth upgraded parameter 1111 1110 Number of charging units b) Instruction indicators A: Transit at intermediate exchange indicator 0 transit interpretation B: Release call indicator 1 release call C: Send notification indicator 1 send notification D: Discard message indicator X don't care E: Discard parameter indicator X don't care GF: Pass on not possible indicator XX don't care b) Extension indicator 1 last octet bit bit bit bit bit bit “B-2-1” 35 / 35