ACCESSORY CATALOGUE UK and Ireland Issue 2 ABOUT US Anixter is a leading global supplier of communications and security products and electrical and electronic wire and cable. We help our customers specify solutions and make informed purchasing decisions around technology, applications and relevant standards. Throughout the world, we provide innovative supply chain management solutions to reduce our customers’ total cost of production and implementation. “ Anixter’s value to customers can be summed up in the depth and breadth of our inventory, application-specific technical and product knowledge, and a wide array of inventive Supply Chain Solutions mapped to our customers’ specific requirements.” Bob Eck, President & CEO ANIXTER IS A PROUD DISTRIBUTOR OF TRYLON PRODUCTS. UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND INDUSTRIAL Aberdeen Oil and Gas Tel: +44 (0)1224 275680 Birmingham Construction Tel: +44 (0)121 322 7140 Dublin Construction Tel: +353 1 257 2000 Glasgow Construction Tel: +44 (0)1698 503810 Uxbridge Construction Tel: +44 (0)845 604 1301 Warrington Construction Tel: +44 (0)1925 810121 Warrington Rail Tel: +44 (0)870 242 2822 OEM Barrow-in-Furness Tel: +44 (0)1229 825871 Chesterfield Tel: +44 (0)1246 451600 Coventry Tel: +44 (0)24 7646 5829 Diss Tel: +44 (0)1379 643506 Glasgow Tel: +44 (0)141 445 2193 Leeds Tel: +44 (0)113 244 0321 Liverpool Tel: +44 (0)151 355 2211 Luton Tel: +44 (0)1582 498900 Newcastle Tel: +44 (0)191 482 7660 Plymouth Tel: +44 (0)1752 341100 Portsmouth Tel: +44 (0)23 9286 5469 Sheffield Tel: +44 (0)1142 709300 Warrington Marine and Defence Tel: +44 (0)1925 816166 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ANIXTER REPRESENTATIVE. GLOBAL REACH. LOCAL ADVANTAGE. With Anixter, you get a true local partner around the world. No other distributor of our kind can claim an in-country presence in more than 50 countries and 300 cities. We do business in more than 35 currencies and 30 languages, which means we are uniquely positioned to help facilitate your project in the local environment, reduce risks and keep costs down. CORPORATE SNAPSHOT 1957 OVER 50 100,000 CUSTOMERS WAREHOUSES/ BRANCHES STOCK SYMBOL 500,000 FORTUNE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES YEAR FOUNDED APPROXIMATELY APPROXIMATELY $1.1 BILLION INVENTORY COUNTRIES 9,100 IN 300 CITIES AXE APPROXIMATELY PRODUCTS 270 500 LIST DIFFERENT WAYS TO BUY FROM ANIXTER PHONE, FAX, EMAIL WITH SALES REP B2B INTEGRATION (E.G., EDI, JIT, ERP SYSTEMS) EPROCUREMENT PUNCHOUT CATALOG ANIXTER.COM (E.G., ARIBA, SCIQUEST) EANIXTER.COM CUSTOM CATALOG (CONTRACT PRICING) (RETAIL PRICING) (E.G., INTELLIBID, ACCUBID) CUSTOMER BRANDED E-COMMERCE WEBSITE (CONTRACT PRICING) Anixter Inc. World Headquarters 2301 Patriot Boulevard Glenview, Illinois 60026 224.521.8000 PHYSICAL STORES ELECTRONIC INVOICES AND PAYMENTS CONSOLIDATED INVOICE STATEMENTS Wire & Cable EMEA Headquarters Unit A, The Beacons Birchwood Park Birchwood, Warrington Cheshire, WA3 6GP +44 (0) 1925 838658 AUTOMATED ORDER CONFIRMATION AND SHIPMENT NOTIFICATION Major enhancements coming soon. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents CE Product Cer fica on Example ....................6 2-Way RRU Mount ........................................30 Mount Calcula on Example ............................7 3-Way RRU Mount ........................................31 Antenna/MW Standoff Mounts ......................8 4-Way RRU Mount ........................................32 Yoke Bracket Mount .......................................9 Installa on Drawings ....................................33 Light Duty Wall Mount Assembly ..................10 Wall Mount Assembly ..................................11 Corner Mount Assembly ...............................12 Pipe Extension Assembly ..............................13 3-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount ........................14 6-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount ........................15 Pole Ring Standoff ........................................16 2-Level Pole Ring Standoff ............................17 2L 6P Pole Ring Standoff ...............................18 Bulk Pipe ......................................................19 Light Duty Roo op Ballast Mount .................20 Single Pipe Roof Ballast Mount .....................21 Double Pipe Roof Ballast Mount ...................22 Antenna/MW Standoff Mount Installa on ..............................33 Yoke Bracket Mount Installa on ...............................................36 Yoke Bracket Mount Without Pipe Installa on .........................37 Light Wall Mount Installa on ...................................................38 Wall Mount Installa on ............................................................39 Corner Mount Installa on ........................................................40 Pipe Extension Assembly Installa on .......................................41 3-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount Installa on .................................42 3-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount Without Pipe Installa on...........43 6-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount Installa on .................................44 6-Pipe 3-Sector Spine Mount Without Pipe Installa on...........45 Pole Ring Standoff Installa on..................................................46 Pole Ring Standoff Without Pipe Installa on ...........................47 2-Level Pole Ring Standoff Installa on .....................................48 2L 6P Pole Ring Standoff Installa on ........................................49 Light Duty Roof Ballast Mount Installa on ...............................50 Single Pipe Roof Ballast Mount Installa on ..............................51 Double Pipe Roof Ballast Mount Installa on ............................52 4-Hole Feeder Bracket Installa on ...........................................54 6-Hole Feeder Bracket Installa on ...........................................55 Gantry poles Installa on ..........................................................56 Fixed Cross Over Assemblies Installa on..................................57 Universal Fixed Cross Over Assemblies Installa on ..................59 2-Way RRU Mount Installa on .................................................60 3-Way RRU Mount Installa on .................................................61 4-Way RRU Mount Installa on .................................................62 Trylon Also Offers .........................................64 Step Bolt Assembly .......................................24 4-Hole Feeder Bracket ..................................25 6-Hole Feeder Bracket ..................................26 Gantry Poles .................................................27 Fixed Crossover Assembly.............................28 Universal Fixed Crossover Assembly .............29 4 CE PRODUCT CERTIFICATION EXAMPLE Identification No. 1381 of Notified Body Trylon TSF 21 South Field Drive Elmira, Ontario Canada N2B 0A6 14 Kit Part #4.927.0103.001 5 Essential Characteristics Declared Performance Harmonized Technical Specification Tolerances on dimensions and shape In accordance with EN 1090-2 EN 1090-1:2009 Weldability Based in S355JR Material, Max CEV % is 0.543 Fracture toughness / brittle strength As per EN 10025:2004 requirements for S275JR & S355JR steel - 27 J at 20° C Impact resistance See Above. Load bearing capacity As per EN-1993-3-1 (2007), Minimum capacity is 4.2kN Deformation at serviceability limit state As per EN-1993-3-1 (2007), Maximum deflection is 0.6mm Fatigue strength NPD Resistance to fire As per EN-13501-1, REI 180 Reaction to fire As per EN-13501-2, A1 Release of Cadmium and its compounds NPD Emission of Radioactivity NPD Durability All products Galvanized to European EN ISO 1461 CE PRODUCT CERTIFICATION EXAMPLE Declaration of Performance (according to REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011) Kit Description: MW Standoff Mount (1m Pipe) Kit Part Number: 4.927.0103.001 DoP Number: 4.927.0103.001 Applicable Harmonized Standard: EN 1090-1:2009 Intended Usage: Antenna Support Mount Manufacturer Information: Trylon TSF 21 South Field Drive Elmira, Ontario Canada N2B 0A6 Tel: (519) 669 – 5421 Website: CE Marking Notified Body: SGS Italia S.p.A. Via G. Gozzi 1/a Milan, 20129 Italy Tel: +39 02 73 931 Website: System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance of the product: EXC2 Notified factory production control certification body No. 1381 performed the initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control and the continuous surveillance, assessment, and evaluation of factory production control and issued the certificate of conformity of the factory production control Stephanie Berry Director of Product Operations Trylon Date: June 29, 2015 6 MOUNT CALCULATION EXAMPLE Antenna/MW Standoff Mount (0.5m Pipe) With Medium Backings Kit # 4.927.0108.001 Design Code: BS8100 21 South Field Drive, PO Box 186 Elmira, Ontario, Canada N3B 2Z6 519-669-5421 (ph), 519-669-8912 (fx) INPUT VALUES 1) SITE AND TOWER PARAMETERS Wind Speed* 24.0 m/s Tower Height 60.0 m Antenna Elevation* 60.0 m Site Altitude 100 m 2) ANTENNA r Antenna Type* (Flat,Round) Height of Antenna* 1.50 m Width of Antenna* 0.50 m Weight of Antenna* 50.0 kg 3) MOUNT OPTIONS 1 Number of Mounting Angles* (1 or 2) OK! Length of Horizontal Pipe* Backing* 0.5 m (0.5, 1, 2 or 3) Medium (Medium, Small) 4) MAX ALLOWABLE ANTENNA DEFLECTION 5.00 Relative to tower/wall* PLAN VIEW mm ELEVATION VIEW SUMMARY of RESULTS DESIGNED TO: 24M/S WIND SPEED (1) 1.5M x0.5M ANTENNA Results Capacity Vertical Pipe Bend Check 500mm LONG x 76mm OD x 6mm THK [345MPa] 21.71 MPa 310.28 MPa Horizontal Angle Bend Check 64mm x 64mm x 6mm, 613mm LONG [300MPa] 228.79 MPa PASS [1.7%] 273.04 MPa PASS [83.8%] Backing Channel Bend Check 260mm LONG x 44mm WIDE x 57mm DEEP x 5mm THK [300MPa] 111.15 MPa 273.04 MPa PASS [40.7%] Backing Rod Combined Shear & Tension Check PASS [8.2%] Tower Leg Reactions Per Backing APPROX. MOUNT WEIGHT: 0.60 kN Horizontal 1.35 Vertical 0.63 kN kN Torsional Moment 0.52 kN.m Total mount Deflection 0.55 mm PASS (Antenna and tower connection included) Assumptions: - Areas calculated usings BS8100 guidelines 7 - Quality Class: A - Design based on 50 year return basic wind speed - Terrain Category: III (Typ UK farmland) - Environment Conditions: Adjacent to Main Road - Checked Design for Member Stresses - Usage: Broadcasting - S values are calculated using std tables/formulas - Antenna centrally located on vertical Pipe - Atmospheric environment assumed to by Type (a) as per BS8100, cl. 3.1.1 ANTENNA/MW STANDOFF MOUNTS Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0108.001 MW Standoff Mount (76mm OD x 0.5m Pipe) Each 13.2 kg 4.927.0103.001 MW Standoff Mount (76mm OD x 1m Pipe) Each 24.5 kg 4.927.0103.002 MW Standoff Mount (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 36.0 kg 4.927.0103.003 MW Standoff Mount (76mm OD x 3m Pipe) Each 47.7 kg 4.927.0103.101 MW Standoff Mount (Without Pipe) Each 14.7 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 1.41 m 2 1.23 m 1.08 m2 0.61 m2 0.52 m2 0.44 m2 2 3.95 m 2 2.45 m 2.15 m2 1.24 m2 1.05 m2 0.89 m2 2 2.74 m 2 2.39 m 2.10 m2 1.20 m2 1.02 m2 0.87 m2 2.67 m2 2.33 m2 2.05 m2 2 2 2 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 1.26 m2 1.10 m2 0.96 m2 0.54 m2 0.45 m2 0.39 m2 2.52 m2 2.19 m2 1.92 m2 1.08 m2 0.91 m2 0.78 m2 2.46 m2 2.14 m2 1.87 m2 1.05 m2 0.89 m2 0.76 m2 2.40 m2 2.08 m2 1.82 m2 2 2 0.74 m2 Length of Pipe (0.5m) - Round / Flat Length of Pipe (1m) - Round / Flat Allowable Antenna Loading Length of Pipe (2m) - Round / Flat Length of Pipe (3m) - Round / Flat 1.17 m 0.99 m 0.85 m 1.02 m 0.86 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Mount assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See pages 33, 34, and 35 for Installation Drawings 8 YOKE BRACKET MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0102.001 2-Pipe Yoke Bracket Mount (60mm OD x 3m Pipe) Each 77.0 kg 4.927.0102.101 2-Pipe Yoke Bracket Mount (Without Pipe) Each 44.9 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 2.34 m2 3.93 m 3.25 m 2.73 m 3.38 m 2.79 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See pages 36 and 37 for Installation Drawings 9 LIGHT DUTY WALL MOUNT ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.954.0012.001 Solid Light Wall Mount Assembly (60mm OD x 1m Pipe) Each 13.7 kg 4.954.0012.002 Brick Light Wall Mount Assembly (60mm OD x 1m Pipe) Each 11.7 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 2.93 m2 2.93 m 2.93 m 2.93 m 2.93 m 2.93 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top wall. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 38 for Installation Drawing 10 WALL MOUNT ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.954.0010.001 Solid Wall Mount Assembly (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 60.0 kg 4.954.0010.002 Brick Wall Mount Assembly (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 54.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 20 m/s 16.75 m 22 m/s 2 60m MOUNT AGL 24 m/s 2 13.88 m 20 m/s 2 11.69 m 22 m/s 2 14.47 m 24 m/s 2 11.96 m 10.05 m2 NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top wall. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 39 for Installation Drawing 11 CORNER MOUNT ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.954.0011.001 Solid Wall Corner Mount Assembly (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 37.0 kg 4.954.0011.002 Brick Wall Corner Mount Assembly (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 35.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 3.34 m2 4.87 m 4.27 m 3.75 m 4.38 m 3.81 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top wall. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 40 for Installation Drawing 12 PIPE EXTENSION ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0100.001 Pipe Extension Assembly Each 6.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL 60m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s Allowable Antenna Loading 4.71 m2 3.90 m2 3.27 m2 4.04 m2 3.34 m2 2.81 m2 NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Mount assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) Assumed 0.2m Clamp Distance and 2m Extension Pipe. 6) See page 41 for Installation Drawing 13 3-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0104.001 3-Pipe, 3-Sector Spine Mount (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 156.0 kg 4.927.0104.101 3-Pipe, 3-Sector Spine Mount (Without Pipe) Each 88.4 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 2.29 m2 2.29 m 2.29 m 2.29 m 2.29 m 2.29 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See pages 42 and 43 for Installation Drawings 14 6-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0105.001 6-Pipe, 3-Sector Spine Mount (60mm OD x 1.5m Pipe) Each 223.0 kg 4.927.0105.101 6-Pipe, 3-Sector Spine Mount (Without Pipe) Each 179.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 1.11 m2 1.11 m 1.11 m 1.11 m 1.11 m 1.11 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 25.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See pages 44 and 45 for Installation Drawings 15 POLE RING STANDOFF Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0101.001 Pole Ring Standoff (76mm OD x 2m Pipe) Each 158.0 kg 4.927.0101.101 Pole Ring Standoff (Without Pipe) Each 88.4 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 4.48 m2 5.80 m 5.28 m 4.84 m 5.38 m 4.89 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See pages 46 and 47 for Installation Drawings 16 2-LEVEL POLE RING STANDOFF Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0106.001 2-Level Pole Ring Standoff (76mm OD x 4m Pipe) Each 316.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 5.02 m2 8.43 m 6.97 m 5.85 m 7.23 m 5.98 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 48 for Installation Drawing 17 2L 6P POLE RING STANDOFF Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.927.0107.001 2L 6P Pole Ring Standoff (60mm OD x 3.5m Pipe) Each 397.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 30m MOUNT AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading per Pipe 60m MOUNT AGL 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2 2 2 5.49 m2 9.22 m 7.62 m 6.40 m 7.91 m 6.54 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 49 for Installation Drawing 18 BULK PIPE 19 Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 5.960.0191.001 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 0.5m long Each 2.8 kg 5.960.0191.002 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 1m long Each 5.7 kg 5.960.0191.005 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 1.5m long Each 8.6 kg 5.960.0191.003 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 2m long Each 11.4 kg 5.960.0191.007 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 2.5m long Each 14.3 kg 5.960.0191.004 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 3m long Each 17.1 kg 5.960.0191.006 60mm OD HSS Pipe x 4mm thk x 3.5m long Each 20.0 kg 5.960.0190.005 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 0.5m long Each 5.8 kg 5.960.0190.001 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 1m long Each 11.4 kg 5.960.0190.002 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 2m long Each 23.0 kg 5.960.0190.006 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 2.5m long Each 28.8 kg 5.960.0190.003 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 3m long Each 34.4 kg 5.960.0190.004 76mm OD HSS Pipe x 6mm thk x 4m long Each 46.0 kg 5.960.0193.001 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 0.5m long Each 5.9 kg 5.960.0193.002 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 1m long Each 11.9 kg 5.960.0193.003 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 1.5m long Each 17.7 kg 5.960.0193.004 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 2m long Each 23.6 kg 5.960.0193.005 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 2.5m long Each 29.6 kg 5.960.0193.006 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 3m long Each 35.5 kg 5.960.0193.007 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 3.5m long Each 41.5 kg 5.960.0193.008 88.9mm OD HSS Pipe x 5mm thk x 4m long Each 47.2 kg LIGHT DUTY ROOFTOP BALLAST MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.951.0012.001 Light Duty Roof Ballast Mount Each 45.5 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 20m Roof Height AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 0.26 m2 0.48 m 0.35 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at 3.0m ARL. 3) Terrain Category V; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 50 for Installation Drawing 20 SINGLE PIPE ROOF BALLAST MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.951.0010.001 Single Pipe Roof Ballast Mount Each 205.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 20 m Roof Height AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 1.76 m2 2.61 m 2.13 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at 3.0m ARL. 3) Terrain Category V; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 51 for Installation Drawing 21 DOUBLE PIPE ROOF BALLAST MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.951.0011.001 Double Pipe Roof Ballast Mount Each 297.0 kg MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE ROUND ANTENNA AREA - PER BS8100 20m Roof Height AGL Wind Speed Allowable Antenna Loading 20 m/s 22 m/s 24 m/s 2 2 2.82 m2 4.12 m 3.39 m NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antennas assumed at 3.0m ARL. 3) Terrain Category V; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 52 for Installation Drawing 22 OPTIONAL ROOFMOUNT ACCESSORY Guidelines for Use Why Choose Rhino Tile • Rhino Tile is fixed together using interlocking mechanism, no need for taping together • Can be used inside or outside for temporary or semipermanent applications • Edging strip can be purchased separately and provide non-trip access where needed. Edging strip come in male or female formats • Easy to cut to size with jigsaw or stanley knife • Interlocking mechanism, no need for tape • Extremely durable, absorbing impact and shock • Perfect for heavy foot traffic • Easy to cut if required • 100% Recycled • Easy to clean & can be used over and over again Rhino Tile Information Material PVC Tile Size 500mm x 500mm 14 mm Weight 1.7kg per tile Color Black (Recycled) from stock Fire & Heat Resistance UL 94 V-2 Slip Resistance BS EN 7188 Recyclability 100% recycled and recyclable Anixter Electrical and Electronic Solutions Part Numbers SMMATM5000M5000000 Black Rhino Tile PVC-FR SMTILEM5000003 Yellow Rhino edging strip (male) SMTILEM5000004 Yellow Rhino edging strip (female) 23 STEP BOLT ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.918.0080.001 Step Bolt Assembly Each 3.0 kg NOTES: 1) See page 53 for Installation Drawing 24 4-HOLE FEEDER BRACKET Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.939.0090.001 4-Hole Feeder Bracket Each 3.0 kg NOTES: 1) See page 54 for Installation Drawing 25 6-HOLE FEEDER BRACKET Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.939.0091.001 6-Hole Feeder Bracket Each 3.4 kg NOTES: 1) See page 55 for Installation Drawing 26 GANTRY POLES Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 5.939.1500.003 114 OD x 6 length 1.5m Each 69.1 kg 5.939.1500.004 114 OD x 6 length 3.0m Each 132.9 kg NOTES:. 1) See page 56 for Installation Drawing 27 FIXED CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.960.0001.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (60mm to 60mm) Each 4.7 kg 4.960.0002.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (89mm to 89mm) Each 6.0 kg 4.960.0003.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (89mm to 76mm) Each 6.0 kg 4.960.0004.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (60mm to 89mm) Each 6.0 kg 4.960.0005.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (76mm to 76mm) Each 6.0 kg 4.960.0006.001 Fixed Crossover Assembly (60mm to 76mm) Each 6.0 kg NOTES: 1) See pages 57 and 58 for Installation Drawing 28 UNIVERSAL FIXED CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY Kit # Description Qty Weight (kg) 4.960.0007.001 Universal Fixed Crossover Assembly Each 10.9 kg NOTES: 1) Assumed 100m Site Altitude. Assume 20% less allowable antenna area per 100m increase in Site Altitude. 2) Antenna assumed at top tower. 3) Terrain Category III; Partial Wind Safety Factor 1.2; Design Strength Factor 1.1 4) Assumed 50.0 kg antenna weight per square meter of antenna area. 5) See page 59 for Installation Drawing 29 2-WAY RRU MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Wt 4.927.0110.001 2-way RRU Mount Kit (6.0 cm OD to 11.5 cm OD, 7.6 cm to 10.1 cm angle) Each 13.5 kg NOTES: 1) Can be used on Ericsson RRU Models, RRU S11, RRU S01, RRUL, RRUA2. Please inquire for all other RRU Models 2) See page 60 for Installation Drawing 30 3-WAY RRU MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Wt 4.927.0111.001 3-way RRU Mount Kit (6.0 cm OD to 11.5 cm OD, 7.6 cm to 10.1 cm angle) Ea 18.6 kg NOTES: 1) Can be used on Ericsson RRU Models, RRU S11, RRU S01, RRUL, RRUA2. Please inquire for all other RRU Models 2) See page 61 for Installation Drawing 31 4-WAY RRU MOUNT Kit # Description Qty Wt 4.927.0109.001 4-way RRU Mount Kit (6.0 cm OD to 11.5 cm OD, 7.6 cm to 10.1 cm angle) Ea 23.5 kg NOTES: 1) Can be used on Ericsson RRU Models, RRU S11, RRU S01, RRUL, RRUA2. Please inquire for all other RRU Models 2) See page 62 for Installation Drawing 32 ANTENNA/MW STANDOFF MOUNT INSTALLATION 33 ANTENNA/MW STANDOFF MOUNT INSTALLATION 34 ANTENNA/MW STANDOFF MOUNT WITHOUT PIPE INSTALLATION 35 YOKE BRACKET MOUNT INSTALLATION 36 YOKE BRACKET MOUNT WITHOUT PIPE INSTALLATION 37 LIGHT WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION 38 WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION 39 CORNER MOUNT INSTALLATION 40 PIPE EXTENSION ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION 41 3-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT INSTALLATION 42 3-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT WITHOUT PIPE INSTALLATION 43 6-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT INSTALLATION 44 6-PIPE 3-SECTOR SPINE MOUNT WITHOUT PIPE INSTALLATION 45 46 \Sales\UK Product\Trylon UK Accessory CAD Installation Drawings\4.927.0101.001 POLE RING STANDOFF.dwg, 8/10/2015 9:47:05 AM, cameronc POLE RING STANDOFF INSTALLATION POLE RING STANDOFF WITHOUT PIPE INSTALLATION 47 48 \Sales\UK Product\Trylon UK Accessory CAD Installation Drawings\4.927.0106.001 2-LEVEL, 3-PIPE POLE RING STANDOFF.dwg, 8/10/2015 9:58:42 AM, cameronc 2-LEVEL POLE RING STANDOFF INSTALLATION 49 \Sales\UK Product\Trylon UK Accessory CAD Installation Drawings\4.927.0107.001 2-LEVEL, 6-PIPE POLE RING STANDOFF.dwg, 8/10/2015 10:02:34 AM, cameronc 2L 6P POLE RING STANDOFF INSTALLATION LIGHT DUTY ROOF BALLAST MOUNT INSTALLATION 50 SINGLE PIPE ROOF BALLAST MOUNT INSTALLATION 51 DOUBLE PIPE ROOF BALLAST MOUNT INSTALLATION 52 STEP BOLT ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION 53 4-HOLE FEEDER BRACKET INSTALLATION 54 6-HOLE FEEDER BRACKET INSTALLATION 55 GANTRY POLES INSTALLATION 56 FIXED CROSS OVER ASSEMBLIES INSTALLATION 57 FIXED CROSS OVER ASSEMBLIES INSTALLATION 58 UNIVERSAL FIXED CROSS OVER ASSEMBLIES INSTALLATION 59 2-WAY RRU MOUNT INSTALLATION 60 3-WAY RRU MOUNT INSTALLATION 61 4-WAY RRU MOUNT INSTALLATION 62 NOTES 63 TRYLON ALSO OFFERS The SuperTitan KD is a modular tower that can be built up to 57.9 meters high. Consis ng of 21 standard sec ons, each 3.0 meters high, this modular system can be configured to create towers of varying heights and loading capaci es. SuperTitan KD Specifica ons • Brand New Packaging Process • Minimize freight costs (weight & dimensions) • Minimizes storage space • Improved economic footprint • All members are hot-dip galvanized throughout • Designed to conform with CE standard • Maximum height: 57.9 meters • Sec on height: 3.0 meters Designed using the same basic modular configura on as the SuperTitanKD model, the SuperTitan MAX features a wide range of heights and op ons for increasing strength and capacity. The SuperTitan MAX is shipped in 5.8 meters sec ons which can be assembled to a maximum height of 76.5 meters, making it Trylon’s tallest self-suppor ng stocked tower. SuperTitan MAX Specifica ons • • • • • Tallest stock product tower offered Ships from Trylon Designed to conform with CE Standards Maximum height: 76.5 meters Sec on height: 5.8 meters 64 For further informa on please call your local Anixter Electrical and Electronic Solu ons representa ve. Contact informa on can be found on page 2 of this brochure. TM, ®, ©, LOGOS, STYLIZED NAMES ARE TRADEMARKS OF TRYLON MANUFAC TURING COMPANY LTD. © 2016 PRINTED IN CANADA