Please pray for: Community and Church in: Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia The Anglican Communion: Rayalaseema - (South India) Churches in Australia: Anglican Church of Australia. Anglican Church of Australia: Diocese of Gippsland . The Diocese: Gungahlin, Burgmann Anglican School, Gungahlin, St Simon's, Kaleen-Giralang, St Paul's, Ginninderra, St Barnabas', Charnwood, Diocesan Schools Council, the work of Christian education in all schools, and for the continuing development of accessible schools in the Diocese. St Margaret’s: Rev’d Kerry and Beth Bartlett and the Elders. Our Parish: Erica Mathieson and Ray Williamson; Wardens and Parish Council, the Children’s Ministry, the Holy Cross Tuckerbox. From the Parish Directory: Andrew Woolmer, Nichola Worrall, Adrian and Liz Wright, Jewel Wright, Marie Arthur, Gretel Ayre, Jean Bender. People for Prayer: John Mya, Beryl Holder, Jennifer Blaik, Bob Stubbs, Ian Alves, John Marriott, Audrey Aedy and Erica Mathieson. Give thanks for the life of: Dorothy Ledger (8.8.99), John Reid (9.8.04) FOR NEXT SUNDAY 18th August Minister of the Word Rosemary Radford Readings and Readers Jeremiah 23.23-29 Psalm 82 Hebrews 29-12.2 Luke 12.49-59 Natalie Collis John Nevile Intercessor John Nevile Chalice David Campbell Organist Sue Reid Door Ellie Campbell Margaret Swift Welcomer Dorothy Ward Morning Tea Patricia Stoddart Dorothy Mackenzie Counting Nick Radford Adrian Wright Cleaning Michael Braund Sue Reid Flowers St Margaret’s Holy Cross Office: Lynda Dyer Phone: 6248 0282 Email: All items for the pew sheet to Lynda by Wednesday, noon, please Rector: Rev’d Dr Erica Mathieson. PO Box 164, Dickson ACT 2602 Phone: 6248 5327 Email: Holy Cross Anglican Parish Serving Hackett, Dickson, Downer, Watson Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 11th August 2013 The Rector Writes Dear Friends, Our Rector, Erica, returned to hospital in Sydney last weekend, and so is taking a break from 'The Rector Writes' this week. As Ray explained last week, Erica began to feel pain and nausea last Friday week, on the way back to Canberra. Hence her return to hospital. A week later, the symptoms still persist. Erica is being carefully monitored and cared for. It is hoped that the problem may resolve itself, given time. There is no rush into more surgery. Erica is now in a private room, which is quieter for her. I know she and Ray are very grateful for all your prayers and expressions of care and concern. Please keep them coming. I speak for us all when I say that we are very grateful for Joan and Howard's continuing ministry while Erica is on sick leave. May Christ continue to be with us all and show us how best to care for Erica, Ray, Joan, Howard and each other. God bless, Christine Ledger Rector's Warden= News • Adrian Wright, Warden and Presiding Member of Parish Council, has a new home phone number. It is 6101 7920. • Are you new to the parish and would like a name badge? Please add your name to the list at the back of the church and one will be provided for you. It's free! From St John’s Care I really know that it was time for me to go on leave. We see thousands of clients every year and most of them are wonderful people who are just having a bit of a hard time and are very thankful for the help and support they are given. Most of them are really nice people and I love it when I get the opportunity to sit and talk with them, they all have such interesting stories to tell. Of all the clients that we see there are two that I have a real problem with. Both of them are very long term clients that I have known for more than ten years, and both of them were in last week. I was thankful that I had a lot of paperwork to do so I let the Volunteers assist them. One young man we saw was homeless. He is trying to go to the snow fields to see if he can pick up work there. He had very few possessions with him and has been living rough for some time. He is on a Disability Support Pension and is not sure when he will get paid again. He really didn’t want much, just a little bit of food to keep him going for a couple of days and a warm jacket. It often makes you wonder how they will survive the winter, but they seem to. A young Mum with two small children has just moved into a new ACT Government flat. It is a great flat and she is very happy with the flat and the location, unfortunately there have been some additional costs with the move which have left her broke. It was good to be able to help her with lots of food and nappies for her little one. This Week In the Parish Eucharist: Meditation Gardening Group: Choir Practice: 10.00 am 5.45 pm 9.00 am 6.30pm Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Holy Cross Walkers Tuesday 13th August 9.15am Meet in the church car park for this walk which will be around Parliament House. Bring morning tea. Contact: Iris Forrest 6241 2200 Parish Directory There is a draft of the new parish directory at the back of the church today. Please check if you are happy with your entry. Once finalised, the directory will be both printed and placed on the 'members only' page of the Holy Cross website, which is accessed only by a password. If you do not want some or all of your details available on the website, please let Chris Ledger know or make a note on the draft copy. Beyond this Week In the Parish Community Talk Wednesday 28thAugust 7.30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Rev Kerry Bartlett from St Margaret’s. Kerry will speak on The Role of Chaplaincy in the Australian defence forces. A light supper will follow . Another Mum needed help because her youngest child had recently come into her care but was not on her card yet, so she was trying to feed three of them on benefits for two. It will be fixed very soon but in the meantime she is struggling. We also saw a young man who is looking after his three young children at the moment. His ex-partner is in hospital, so he has the children. He had not been to us before and was brought by another agency who is trying to help the Dad out. Our client was most amazed and grateful for the support he received from SJC. Fiftieth Anniversary Sunday 15th September We need to know by 15th August if you are coming to the lunch as numbers will be limited. The cost is $20. You will find the sign-up list at the back of the church and at morning tea. There are a good number of former parishioners coming! It's not too late to offer some photos for the displays, digital or hard copy. Thank you for your continued support of SJC. Your generosity allows us to support people who are having a bit of a hard time. Beyond the Parish My wish list: Shampoo and Conditioner, items for school lunches eg sultanas, snack packs, and it is often nice to be able to hand out packets of biscuits to our families. Many thanks. Sue Christians for an Ethical Society Tuesday 13th August Christians for an Ethical Society is holding an inaugural dinner forum on 13 August. The speaker is Mr Ted Evans, former Secretary of the Treasury, talking on 'Being Christian in a Secular Society'. The dinner will be held at 'The Brassey of Canberra' in Barton. Details and booking information be found on