Holy Cross High School Newsletter: Alumni, Events, and Service

Dear Members of the Holy Cross Family,
Crossroads, the newsletter for Holy Cross High School
alumni, parents and friends, is a publication of the Office
of Institutional Advancement.
26-20 Francis Lewis Blvd., Flushing, NY 11358-1197
Main Office: Tel: (718) 886-7250 Fax: (718) 886-7257
Design: Peapod Design, New Canaan, CT
As I write this letter, especially
as I think of our friend and
colleague Mike Genovese, I do
so having just celebrated the
Feast of the Transfiguration.
The story is so familiar to us.
The Lord, in the presence of his
disciples, is visited in a most
special way by God. The feast
derives its name from the fact
that, as the Gospel tells us, “his
face changed in appearance.”
Jesus is transfigured by his encounter with God, he is changed,
and for us, revealed through Divine proclamation as God’s Son.
In a very real way, the story makes plain for us, who the Lord
is; to God, and to us—a herald of the Father’s love and mercy.
For more than four decades, the ministry of Mr. Genovese
has been to bring about a transfiguration in the lives of our
students. It has been from Mike’s deep faith that he has chosen
to lead us to a deeper sense of commitment to others. All of us
are called by our Baptism to be transfigured into the image of
Jesus in the lives of our brothers and sisters. Mike has provided
our boys with opportunities to know of people’s need, to see
people’s struggles, to walk with them in so many different
contexts. Mike’s work and ministry here and among the people
of New York has truly witnessed to his own understanding of
the Gospel mandate. Mike shows us all how to live out our
Baptism in a most profound and tangible way. He is the best
of us; the best of what it is to be a Holy Cross Man.
Our founder, Blessed Basil Moreau, believed that the
ministry of Catholic education was a powerful tool to shape
and change the world. He believed those called to such ministry
were granted special graces to be able to lead and form young
people; indeed, to assist in the transfiguration of young minds
and hearts to reflect, more and more, the very person of Christ
to the world. The reward of such a life, Moreau believed, was
best stated in the words of the Prophet Daniel, “Those who
teach justice to many will shine like the stars for all eternity
(Daniel 13: 3).” Surely, Mike Genovese is one of those stars!
In this issue, we highlight the students, faculty, and staff that
made last year such a special time for Holy Cross, and how they
will continue to ensure the best for our boys in the future.
Please pray for our students and faculty as we begin a new year.
Sincerely in Holy Cross,
Father Walter E. Jenkins, C.S.C., Ed.D.
t was 44 years ago that Mike Genovese
and his wife Kathy made the move
from Connecticut to Queens so he
could take a job teaching Theology at Holy
Cross High School. For many, this might
seem like an ordinary path for a man with
degrees in Theology and Philosophy, but
for this young couple it was the start
of something special.
The 44 years Mike spent at Holy Cross is in many ways
highlighted by different starts and opportunities. In
addition to his teaching responsibilities, Mike was active
coaching football and teaching driver’s education. When he
was head coach of the J.V. Football team in the early 1970’s,
he encouraged his players to volunteer at St. Mary’s
Hospital, starting the foundation for Holy Cross
Service Learning. Soon after he started the
Music-on-Wheels program for band members to visit
homebound members of the community and cheer them
up with a song. He assembled a group of students to shop
for the homebound. Under Mike’s direction and guidance,
students prepared “comfort kits” for the homeless, as well
as for the Veterans at the St. Albans Veterans Hospital.
He developed a relationship with VISIONS center for
the visually impaired and St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf.
He brought students to the Alley Pond Environmental
Center to help improve awareness about the state of the
environment, and to historical organizations like the
Bayside Historical Society and the New York Historical
Society in Manhattan to give a strong sense of preserving
history. Mike helped train students to assist the catechetical
programs and pastoral care programs in parishes
throughout Queens.
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Aside from his official role as the Director of Service
Learning at Holy Cross, Mike was also a Kellogg
Service-Learning Peer Consultant, founding member of
the New York Regional Council of Service Coordinators,
co-director of the New York Metropolitan Service
Learning Institute and the New York City and Long Island
Regional Service Learning Networks. His leadership in
the field of service led to his appointment as chairperson
of the New York City’s Mayor’s Voluntary Action
Center under Mayors Koch, Dinkins and Giuliani.
While all of the programs he started and all of the
positions he has earned through the years are impressive,
even more impressive is how year after year he took a new
group of seniors, and without fail he simultaneously
challenged them and inspired them to continue the
tradition of service to others. He pushed them out of
their comfort zone into areas of service unfamiliar to
them, not to make life difficult, but to expand their
passions and open their minds to helping others in ways
they could never imagine. Many of his former students
will testify that the experience of volunteering with
charities, organizations, and the people they were able to
serve helped transform them as men that graduated into
great fathers, husbands, brothers, friends, and leaders.
Mike Genovese’s passion for Service Learning, rooted in
the Gospels, changed the lives of many Holy Cross
graduates. The passion for service is Mike’s legacy. Four
decades worth of students have in one way or another
come in contact with Mike’s passion. Thousands of
graduates are out in the world now, and despite going
on in every direction imaginable after high school, they
are all bonded by Holy Cross, and part of that bond means
the service learning experience that Mike introduced
in their lives.
As Mike Genovese retired at the end of this past school
year, his accomplishments were recognized often and he has
been praised by many. However, he has left one last great gift
to the school that he loves as he ends his career here. For the
past year, he has been training Dimitri Tsimoyianis ’06 to
be his successor as Director of Service Learning. Dimitri,
who got his start in service traveling to St. Mary’s Hospital
to spend time with the sick, as well as with Music-on-Wheels
program when he was still a student, will begin this school
year with great shoes to fill. Jack Rampulla and Brother
Ed Zdrowski, C.S.C. will remain in the department, and
under new leadership, they plan to continue the incredible
program of service Holy Cross has become known for.
“It is the best teaching position in the world. In the
classroom, I teach students how to be active and effective in
their communities and then I get to see them practice what
they learned,” Dimitri says of the job Mike has left for him.
“It is because of Mike’s generosity and perseverance that
we have this program at Holy Cross. Not just anyone could
have created this program out of thin air.”
While Mr. Genovese will not be in the building every day,
or working directly with the students on a daily basis, his
presence will not fade from Holy Cross. Although many
future students may never have Mike Genovese as a teacher
in their classrooms, they will undoubtedly be touched by
the foundations he created here at Holy Cross, and become
a part of his lasting legacy.
Holy Cross graduates after the ceremony
for the first time as alumni.
As both Man of the Year and Valedictorian, Nicholas Zito
gave a speech to his fellow graduates and their families.
Eight members of the Class of 2013 are sons of Holy Cross Alumni. During the
Commencement Ceremony, these fathers walked across the stage at Queens College
along with their sons, as another generation of their families became graduates.
Pictured: Joseph Marden ’82 and Mark ’13, Robert Cassidy ’74 and Ryan ’13,
Robert Valente ’62 and John ’13, John Zullo ’82 and Anthony ’13,
John Callahan ’89 and James ’13, Ryan Markino ’85 and James ’13,
Michael Cholowa ’83 and Michael ’13, Louis Matinale ’80 and Mark ’13.
These extraordinary students achieved Principal’s List for 16 consecutive
quarters at Holy Cross, and were recognized as Four Year Scholars.
Mr. Giannuzzi was awarded the Brother Andre
Medal for his service to Holy Cross High School.
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On Monday, June 24th, Holy Cross once again had a hugely successful Golf
Classic featuring 198 golfers, raising $174,084 of which the net proceeds of $93,211
will benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund. This was the 30th Anniversary of the
golf outing and the members of the first golf committee were honored:
Mike Szap ’62
Stephen DeLuca ’72
Jim Lembo ’63
Mark Veltri ’73
Mike Certoma
Jim Fleming ’70
Art Louise ’64
Steven Virgadamo
Joe Colaillo ’65 †
Mark Gibney
Hank Santo
Ron Zucker ’64
Tom Donovan Sr. †
Ed Lavan
Ron Vallar ’62
The outing also honored Brother Ralph Edmiston, C.S.C., HC Golf Coach 1989-1993, with Special Recognition for the
1993 Championship Golf Team on their 20th Anniversary.
The Golf Classic Committee memorialized one of their members, the late Tommy Donovan ’84, for all the work he put into
making the Golf Classic what it is today, and for all the love he had in his heart for Holy Cross.
The Golf Classic would
not be successful without
the support of our alumni,
parents and friends who
remain committed to the
success of this event. Special
thanks to Frank Korzekwinski
’80 Golf Chairman and to
the members of the 2013
Golf Classic Committee, and
our dedicated volunteers for
their outstanding efforts
in making the event a
success. Next year’s
Golf Classic will be on
Monday, June 23, 2014.
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Holy Cross High School of Flushing sent faculty and
student leaders to South Bend, Indiana for the Holy Cross
Conference for Student Leadership at the University of
Notre Dame, staying there from Wednesday June 26th until
Sunday June 30th.
Mr. D’Angelo (Director of Campus Ministry) and
Mr. Tsimoyianis (Director of Service Learning) brought
five exemplary students: seniors Jose Pinola, Daniel Reisert,
and Brandon Seibert, and juniors Pietro Karras and
Richard Mazze.
Mr. Rampulla and Mr. DiMasi gathered up an exciting
group of students and their guitars in order to play a few
chords together and hone their skills in the newly formed
Guitar Club.
This conference provides an opportunity for Holy Cross
schools across the country to bring students together at the
University of Notre Dame to immerse them in the history
and tradition of the Congregation of Holy Cross. While
there, they attended meetings on fundraising and service,
leadership skills, and held discussions where they were able
to share ideas with other top high schools nationally.
While in South Bend, the students and faculty were invited
to dine at the Columba Room on campus, with Brothers
from the Midwest Province of the Brothers of Holy Cross,
including members of the Moreau Province, Br. Frank Ellis,
C.S.C. (former Dean of Students and Math teacher at Holy
Cross High School) and Br. Robert Fontaine, C.S.C.,
former Headmaster of Notre Dame International in Rome.
Brother Ralph Edmiston, C.S.C., has
retired from his position in the Advancement
Department, and has moved to the Brother’s
community in Valatie, NY.
In recognition of his outstanding contribution
to this high school, and to Catholic education in
the Holy Cross tradition, the annual walkathon
at Holy Cross High School will, from this day
forward, be known as: The Brother Ralph
Edmiston, C.S.C. Walkathon For Holy Cross.
Professional photographers
Dominick Totino ’77 and
Rebecca Venaglia, wife of Peter ’77,
have donated their time and
expertise to moderate the
Photography Club at Holy Cross.
Many of the pictures used around
the building and in publications
such as this come from the hard work
of those students.
Congratulations to the Holy Cross Concert Band for
being awarded the “Gold” medal for demonstrating an
outstanding level of technical and artistic skill by NYSSMA
(New York State
School of Music
Association). At
the competition the
band performed:
“Images of Ireland,”
“The Last Ride of
the Pony Express,”
and “Aces of the Air.”
The Varsity Hockey Team defended their “B” City
Championship Title by once again defeating rival St.Francis
Prep. in the Finals. Coach Kevin Goodspeed ’97 and the
Varsity Hockey Team have won four titles in the last
five years.
The Varisty Baseball team finished a
successful season making it to the second
round of the playoffs. Senior Andrew
Florides was drafted by the Toronto Blue
Jays organization in the MLB draft. Andrew
has signed with them and is headed off to the
Minor Leagues. Andrew was the only current
CHSAA player selected in this year’s draft.
Father Brian Ching, C.S.C. ’03 celebrated Mass at Holy Cross
High School on April 15th for the student body. Father Brian
was ordained a Holy Cross priest earlier this spring at the
University of Notre Dame.
Our Track program once again excelled in the relay races.
Our team was represented in the prestigious Penn Relays.
The Golf and Tennis teams finished the year over .500, but
fell short of their recent success.
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n Saturday, June 22nd, former
Knights gathered together to
reconnect in the form of two
reunions. Former baseball players (and a
few future Varsity stars) met at the Holy
Cross home field for a softball game, taking
some big swings and tossing the ball
around with some of the baseball coaches,
past and present. Meanwhile, the long
history of the television studio also came
together as HCTV legends reunited with
Mr. Burns to give him a proper send-off as
he moves on from his time as the head of
the television department to Principal of
Holy Cross High School. They watched old
clips—some streamed on the internet,
others by DVD and even a few VHS
copies—and reminisced about their time
there under the tutelage or Mr. Burns. Both
groups then met in the backyard of Holy
Cross for a barbecue lunch with friends,
family, and faculty.
10 years after they graduated, buddies from the
Class of 2003 reunite. Sorin Pitu, Holy Cross
Guidance Counselor Joseph Calabrese, Russell
Oates, Denis Gomes and his guest.
The Class of 2008 gathered together for their 5 Year Reunion.
Standing: Matt Kelly, Cody Willis, Glen Barker, Brian Campbell, Sean Donnelly,
John Patrick Wylie, Gifford Fernandez.
Sitting: Vincent Tulino, James Benesh, Gail Sicoli, James McLoughlin
The Class of 1988 celebrates their 25th reunion.
Members of the class of 1963 returned in incredible numbers to be together once again, 50 years after they have graduated.
A group from the class of 1983 share a few
laughs. Gary Sgroi, David Capodanno, and
two current faculty members, Michael
McMillan and Terence Tarpey.
A few guys from the Class of 1988 taking
a trip down memory lane looking through
their old yearbook together.
More photos are available at community.holycrosshs.org
The Class Officers from 1963 gather once
again after their last meeting adjourned
half a century ago. From left to right,
Secretary Jack Guze; President James Ryan;
Vice President Richard Owens; and
Treasurer Gregory Clark.
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rogress is being made on
the Holy Cross Chapel, the
spiritual center of the Holy
Cross Community. It will be
completely finished this summer,
and will once again be available
for daily Mass when the new
academic year begins in September.
With the new renovations, there are naming
opportunities and ways to memorialize loved
ones throughout the Chapel. If you would like
more information on these opportunities,
please contact by e-mail or phone:
Dr. James Sheehan
Director of Institutional Advancement
(718) 886-7250 ext. 524
help holy cross
continue to enhance our
athletics, arts, and music
programs by supporting the
(formerly the Annual Fund)
you can
donate online at
First Responders Mass
Football Reunion, Holy Cross vs. Fordham Prep
Highlighting the 1963 Championship Team
The Brother Ralph Edmiston, C.S.C.
Walkathon for Holy Cross
Hall of Fame Induction Dinner
Christmas Classic and Young Alumni Reunion
the ’50’s
Retired from the insurance business,
Kevin Austin ’59 enjoys golfing and travel.
He also is organizing a “Keep Christ
In Christmas” national campaign and
welcomes people to check their website
at ChristWreath.com. He and wife
Patricia live in Fort Pierce, FL.
Joseph P. Blake, Jr., Esq. ’59 is employed
by HSBC Bank as the Senior Vice
President and Region Manager in
charge of their Trust Department,
administering estates and trusts from
all over the US. He and wife
Georgeanne live in Manhasset, NY.
Philip Reilly, ’59 is Director of Finance
for the National Catholic Educational
Association. He and wife Sandra
live in Fairfax Station, VA.
the ’60’s
Joe Distler ’60 returned once again to
Pamplona, Spain to photograph the
annual “run with the bulls.” Doing
this since he was 45, he is hooked on
Check out
for more information on
fellow classmates.
this event due to the excitement.
Additionally he has been doing
interviews on the event for the English
speaking media.
Tom Stabile ’61 resides in Orange
County California where he has his own
law firm. He just celebrated 15 years
being named as one of the Best Lawyers
in America, the oldest and most
respected peer-review publication in
the legal profession. He is an active
member of the American Academy
of Matrimonial Lawyers and the
International Academy of Matrimonial
Lawyers. Married to Donna for 48
years, he has two children and four
grandchildren. tom@stabile-cowhig.com
Thomas Finch Ph.D. ’62 has been
employed by the U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Special Education
at Rehabilitative Services for the past 37
years. Presently he is the Director of
Training and Service Program Division
overseeing the training of personnel,
model research and demonstration
projects, and service projects that assist
persons with disabilities. Married to
Mary Patricia in 1967, they are the
parents of four children and have
eight grandchildren.
James McGovern ’62 has retired after
a long career in accounting and
taxation. Living in Bayside with his two
Welsh Terriers and a Wire Fox Terrier,
James is still an avid Holy Cross
Knights fan attending many sporting
events. Jmcg45@yahoo.com
After a 30 year career in the retail and
apparel industry, Tony Cocheo ’62 and his
wife Luise moved to the North Fork of
Long Island and now operate two retail
stores with one of their three sons. They
have 5 granddaughters that keep them
very busy and active.
Ken Burke ’63 is a Health Adjunct
Professor at Palm Beach State College in
Boca Raton, Florida. He recently retired
from an illustrious career at St. Vincent
School where he served as Coach,
Athletic Director, and Dean of Men.
He spends his time fishing, playing golf,
coaching, and enjoying his granddaughter.
William A. Burke ’63 retired after 35
years with the N.Y.C. Department of
Education. Bill served as a teacher, head
varsity football coach, varsity gymnastics
coach, dean of discipline, assistant
principal, and summer school principal
in high schools in Queens. Married to
his wife Santa, they have two children
and reside in East Norwich, NY.
Vincent Quatraro ’63 retired in 2012
from Mechanical Engineering—
specializing in Plumbing and Fire
Protection- after 47 years of service.
An active member of the American
Society of Plumbing Engineers, he served
as the NYC Chapter President from
2003-2005. He recently relocated from
Floral Park to Southold on Long Island’s
North Fork. He has been married to
Patricia for 43 years and they have two
daughters. vqenzo@optonline.net
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Frank Orzo ’64 is President, LT Online
Corporation which specializes in
developing computer software solutions
for in-house law departments. At
Holy Cross, Frank was a member of
1963 CHSFL
Team. He’s pictured
with his grandson
and boasts he has a
strong arm and good
footwork! Frank
and wife Florence
live in Lynbrook, NY.
Orzo with Grandson forzo@lawtrac.com
Frank V. Priore ’64 is a published
author and playwright. He is also an
accomplished actor and director. In
2014, Frank witll celebrate his 50th year
in show business. He first appeared on
stage in the Holy Cross production of
My Fair Lady in 1964. FrankVP@aol.com
Dennis George Fenn ’65 resides with his
wife of 44 years Maggie (St. Agnes ’66)
in Carmel, California. Together they have
two daughters and three grandchildren.
Dennis is the Senior Vice President at
Cornerstone Environmental Group and
he serves on the Board of the American
Red Cross. magfenn@msn.com
Thomas Platania Jr. ’65 retired from IBM
Corp. in 1998 after spending 32 years in
Human Resources as a professional and
in-line management. Since his retirement
from IBM, he has been in Operations
Management for Harris Engineering.
He resides in Raleigh, North Carolina
with his wife Nora and their two
children. tplatania@aol.com
Mario J. Summa ’67 is a pilot for UPS
Airlines. He began his pilot training after
graduating from the Naval Academy in
1971. Married to Susan, they reside in
Brandenton, Florida where he enjoys
golf, fishing, and motorcycle riding.
Matthew Cola ’68 is currently retired from
the U.S. Department of the Treasury
where he served as a Special Agent for
over 20 years. He has been with the U.S.
Navy in both active and reserve duty for
41 years. In his home town of Babylon
where he lives with his wife, Rosemary,
he formed a Knights of Columbus
Council. Currently he is a volunteer
Assistant Women’s Cross Country and
Track and Field Coach at St. John’s
University. mgcola@aol.com
George LaNicca ’68 is the President and
Owner of Specialty Packaging Inc. in
Mason, Ohio. He resides in Columbus
Ohio and has three children and two
great grandchildren.
the ’70’s
James Onesios ’71 is the Electrical
Design Supervisor for the New York
Power Authority. Jim resides in
Allendale, NJ with his wife Margaret.
Gerard V. Baldassaro ’72 is president/CEO
of Town Planner of Greater long Island,
LLC. He is an active member of the
Chamber of Commerce. He lives in East
Meadow with his wife Patti Anne; they
have three grown children.
Thomas Bruno, Ph.D. ’72 resides in
Broomfield Colorado with his wife Clare.
After receiving his doctorate in Physical
Chemistry from Georgetown University,
Tom became a Group Leader at the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Tom has received numerous
commendations for his work including,
the Department of Commerce Bronze
Medal (1986) and Silver Medal (2010);
Letter of Commendation by the U.S.
Dept. of Justice; Distinguished Finalist
for the Governor’s Award for High
Impact Research (2011); Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award for
2011-Handbook of Basic Tables for
Chemical Analysis.
Kevin MacCary ’73 was named Corporate
Counsel of the Year 2012 for Denver,
Colorado. Kevin was also selected to
become the Chairman of the Volunteers
of America—Colorado. Kevin resides
with his wife Debbie and their
children in Castle Rock, Colorado.
James Nelson ’73 is back in the Marine
Corps, this time as a civil servant,
working in Program Management in
the Reconnaissance and Amphibious
Raids Branch. He and his wife Cissy live
in Fredericksburg, Virginia where they
enjoy life with their six grandchildren.
Stephen R. Sergi ’74 is back in the east
and is an Instructor of Business at
Felician College. He and his family left
New York for California in 2007 to start
a consulting firm that helped launch
and improve several new businesses.
Never forgetting his roots in South
Jamaica, Queens, he volunteered as a
Board Member at the Freeport Youth
Outreach and taught Macro Economic
Courses to high school students in
Watts, Los Angeles. He resides in
Rutherford, NJ with his wife Anne.
Robert Dumas ’75 was honored in April
2013 as a Role Model at the annual CYO
Awards Dinner. He was nominated by
St. Aidan’s Parish for his work as a coach,
coordinator and fundraiser. Bob is the
International Sales Director for CMP
Media. He resides in Albertson with his
wife Jane and their five children.
James F. Sheridan ’75 and his wife
Diane recently celebrated the birth of
their first grandchild Cassidy. Jim is the
EVP at The DRS Group. He resides
in Massapequa Park, NY.
Kevin O’Meara ’76 was recently inducted
in the CHSAA Hall of Fame. Kevin
works at Iona Prep where he is the
Network Administrator. At the school he
coached football, basketball, track, and
golf. Kevin joins his late father William,
Varsity Basketball Coach at Holy Cross,
in the Hall of Fame being the first father
and son inducted. He and his wife
Barbara reside in Mount Vernon, NY.
Daniel F. X. Cochran ’79 is the Executive
Director—Sourcing at JPMorgan
Chase. He lives in Madison, NJ with his
wife Carol and their three children.
the ’80’s
John J. Paduano ’81 is an analyst on the
NYSE Euronext Trading Floor. He lives
in Lake Ronkonkoma with his wife
Lena and their three children. In his
spare time, he coaches baseball for St.
Joseph’s CYO and LI Junior Ducks
Travel Baseball and he coaches Football
at the Sachem Sports Club.
After graduating from West Point in ’87,
John C. Sanchez ’83 served in the army in
Germany, the Persian Gulf during Desert
Storm, and then at Fort Knox where he
commanded a Tank Company. In 2004,
he graduated with a MBA from the
Wharton School of Business, University
of Pennsylvania and began a career in the
gaming industry first as VP of Slot
Operations at Harrah’s AC, then joined
Penn National Gaming as VP of
Operations at Hollywood Casino in
Perryville, MD. He started Gaming IQ,
an independent gaming consulting
firm in October 2012. He lives in
Haddonfield, NJ with his three sons
and his wife Gwen.
Frank Fiume’86 founded i9 Sport
Corporation in 2002, a leading
franchisor of youth sports leagues,
camps and programs. With over 140
franchise locations in 33 states, i9
Sports is the largest youth sports
franchise organization in the US.
Frank is recognized for his expertise
in franchising and is a Certified
Franchise Executive. He lives in Lithia,
Florida with his wife Nadine.
Thomas O’Grady ’88 is a Special Agent
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
stationed at JFK International Airport.
He volunteers to speak to the classes at
Holy Cross High School. He is married
to Nannette and they have three boys.
Tom lives in Franklin Square, NY.
the ’90’s
Paul Brower ’94 is a high school English
teacher on Long Island. He lives in
Plainview with his wife and two sons.
He recently opened a tutoring
company with his wife specializing in
SAT/ACT/GRE preparation.
Peter Zuccarello ’99 and his wife,
Debbie are the proud parents of their
first born son Salvatore Luca in May
2013. Peter is the owner of Queens
Garden Florist. peter@qgfinc.com
the ’00’s
Gregory Waters ’00 successfully passed
the National Counselors Competency
Examination and is licensed as a K-12
School Counselor after having
completed his MA in Behavioral
Sciences at Mercy College. He lives in
Bayside with his wife Stephanie.
Ryan Sobeck ’10 and fellow classmate
Matthew Halvatzis ’10, both studying at
Adelphi University where they are
English majors, had their short stories
published May 2013 in an anthology
of stories entitled To Be Like Ink. The
book, a compilation of stories from
their Advanced Fiction Writing class,
includes stories from students also in
the class. The book is available for
purchase on amazon.com. Posing with
the promotional poster is Ryan Sobeck
(right) and Mathew Malvatzis (left)
during the book signing in May at
Adelphi University.
Charles Brush ’67
February 2013
Donna D’Agostino
Former Faculty
February 2013
Mary Dolan
Former Faculty
January 2013
Tommy Donovan ’84
April 2013
Michael Glaser ’90
April 2013
Marie Gibney
Mother of Mark Gibney Faculty
April 2013
Gloria McElroy Clabby
Mother of Gavin McElroy ’78
December 2012
Gary Pajak ’75
March 2013
William L. Panaguilis ’59
December 2012
William Raynor ’69
September 2012
Mary Sasso
Grandmother of Trevor Sasso ’12
April 2013
Robert Skowron ’70
December 2012
K. Warren Strachan ’77
March 2013
Kevin Surdi
Father of Casey Surdi ’13
July 2013
Sally Tarpey
Mother of Terry Tarpey ’59
Grandmother of Terry ’83
and Michael ’85 Tarpey
26-20 Francis Lewis Boulevard
Flushing, New York 11358-1197
Chair, Real Estate Litigation Group,
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.
Faculty and Former Assistant Principal for
Academics, Holy Cross High School
Saturday evening,
November 16, 2013
Executive Chairman, American Beacon Advisors
Cross and Anchor Award Recipients
The Immaculate Conception Center
Douglaston, New York
Liturgy 5:30 PM; Dinner 6:30 PM
Academic Liaison, King’s College
Former President and Principal, Holy Cross High School
Vice President, Customer Service, Long Island Rail Road
Associate Professor and Interim Director
University Studies, Portland State University
Director, Ernst & Young LLP
Outstanding Friends
St. André Medal Honorees
Artist-in-Residence and Former Director
of Technology, Holy Cross High School
Dedicated Alumnus
Provincial Steward of the Moreau Province
Former CFO, Holy Cross High School
Ticket Price $125.00 per person
RSVP BY: November 4, 2013
Deadline For Journal:
October 11, 2013
Space is limited, please register early.
For more information,
please contact Gail Sicoli at
(718) 886-7250 Ext. 577
or alumni@holycrosshs.org