Holy Cross Parish Newsletter

26th/27th September 2015
Holy Cross Parish Newsletter
355 Goldington Road
MK41 0DP
Tel. 01234 353116
Parish Team
Fr. Jonathan Hill
Tel. 352607
Daughters of the Holy Spirit
Bradgate Road
Tel. 214662
e-mail: holycrosschurch896@btconnect.com
Mass Intentions
Sat. 26th 9.30
(P&J) For all Who Labour & are
6.00 (HC) Bryan Loveday RIP - anniv
Sun. 27 8.00 (P&J) Pro Populo
(HC) Christy Donnelly RIP
11.00 (P&J) Angie Murdoch RIP
Mon. 28th 1.45 (HC) Requiem: Geoffrey Oakes
Tue. 29th 9.30 (HC) Stephen Barron RIP
Wed. 30th 9.30 (P&J) Tony Tierney RIP
Thur. 1st 9.30 (HC) Kevin Kondoh (Int)
Fri. 2nd 3.00
(HC) Requiem: Stephen Barron
6.30 (HC) No Rosary
7.00pm (P&J) Valerie Biggs RIP
Sat. 3
9.30 (P&J) Mary McVerry RIP - anniv
6.00 (HC) Canon Michael Griffiths (Int)
Sun. 4
8.00 (P&J) Pro Populo
(HC) Priest’s Intention
11.00 (P&J) Mark Robert Hostler RIP anniv
Readings This Week
First Reading: Numbers 11: 25 - 29
Psalm: Psalm 18
Second Reading: James 5: 1 - 6
Gospel: Mark 9: 38-43.45.47-48
Psalm Response
The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.
Gospel Acclamation
Your word is truth, O Lord, consecrate us in the
Saturday 10.00 – 10.30 a.m. (PJ)
12.00 - 12.30 p.m. (HC)
Or by arrangement or at need at any
reasonable time.
Morning Prayer of the Church
The Morning Prayer of the Church is recited
before the 9.30 Mass each weekday.
Exposition and Benediction usually after
morning Masses on Mon & Fri to 10.30 a.m.
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy is held every Sunday
morning during term time. There are two
groups, one for ages 3-5 and one for those
children 6+. Please meet in front of the altar
before the start of the 9.15 Mass. All
Confirmation 2016
Application forms are available for places on
the Confirmation Programme beginning in
October. Applications are normally from
those beginning Year 9, or any older children
who have not been confirmed. Please return
the forms, and other documentation as soon
as possible. Any adults who have not been
confirmed should also be seeking this
Sacrament which is the completion of the
work begun in Baptism. Any adults looking for
Confirmation should speak with Fr Jonathan.
Conference on Church Growth - 3rd October
An ecumenical conference on church growth
is being held in Welwyn Garden City on 3rd
WWW.go4growth.org.uk or see poster at
back of church.
Our next SVP meeting will be on Monday 5th
October 7.30 p.m.
Welcomers for September
The SVP is an international lay society that
reaches out to those in need, offering
friendship and providing practical help.
Members of the Holy Cross SVP carry out
local activities that include home visits, lifts
to Mass or to the shops/appointments, doing
shopping for the housebound and distributing
parishioners’ gifts at Christmas and Harvest
Festival to local charities and those in need.
Meetings are held on alternate Mondays at
7.30 p.m. in the Pastoral Centre. For more
information please contact Antonia Smith
SVP Awareness Month
The month of September is a special one for
the Society of St Vincent de Paul, as the
following feast days take place at this time,
9th Sept, Feast of our founder, Blessed
Fredric Ozanam and, 27th Sept, our patron
St Vincent de Paul. The month is used to
raise awareness about what the society does
so that it can reach out to more people in
need. Please look at our display in the Church
Bedford Hospital
Each Sunday there is a Christian Service in
the ‘Faith Location’ (as it is known since the
Chapel has been closed). Patients wishing to
attend this half hour service often need to
be helped by volunteers to bring them from
the wards and escort them back. If anyone
would be able to help with this – whether on
a regular basis or something like once a
month – please get in touch with myself or
with Rev. Richard Howlett, the Vicar at St
Mary’s, Goldington.
Altar Servers
Advance notice of a meeting for Altar
Servers at Holy Cross on Saturday 10th
October at 2.00 p.m.
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
Geoffrey Oakes and Stephen Barron, whose
funerals take place this week.
APF Missions Red Boxes
Please return your boxes over the next few
weeks. Include your name and address either
on the label or on a slip of paper inserted
inside. Once emptied, your box will be
returned to the church porch for your
collection. Thank you for your support.
Shoe Box Appeal
We are launching our shoe box appeal once
again. Please take a leaflet explaining how to
pack a box with gifts for a child who may be
living with poverty, neglect or war.
Sign up for Retreat on 17th October
Goldington Churches Together 'mini-retreat'
will be held at the Stables Christian Centre
(Bolnhurst, MK44 2ES) on Saturday 17th
October. This is about 7 miles from Bedford
along Kimbolton Road (B660). Look out for
the sign on your left soon after entering
Bolnhurst. It starts at 10.00 a.m. and ends
around 4.00 p.m. The theme is 'shared faith
across denominations' and it will include
teaching, discussion and worship. Please bring
something for the shared lunch. The cost is
£5. Please see the sign-up sheet, or poster,
or ask Fr Jonathan for details.
World Youth Day - Krakow 2016
The diocese is organising a pilgrimage to
Krakow for 16 - 30 years olds, 22nd July - 1st
August 2016. For information contact Fiona
Murphy at fiona@nymo.org or 01582 720627.
Bedford Passion Play
An open air passion play will be held in
Bedford on the Saturday of Easter weekend.
The organisers are currently looking for
people to help in a variety of ways including:
musicians, stage hands, set builders,
stewards, first aiders, costume makers and
people to help with publicity and fundraising.
To find out more contact Cally at
bedpp16@gmail.com There is a good article
about the play on page 7 of the (yellow)
Priory News at the back of our church.
A Night of Irish Music
Saturday 17th October 7.30 p.m. at Christ
the King, Harrowden Road. See poster on
notice board for further information.
Friendship Club
Every Tuesday Holy Cross hall, 1.00 p.m. –
3.00 p.m. £3 for lunch, fun, games, quizzes,
craft and friendship. Call Bridie (310835) or
Julia (07773 079906).
Daily Homily
There are daily homilies from Fr. Francis
Evening Masses
5.30 St. Joseph’s, East Street, St. Neots
6.00 Italian Church in Bedford
6.30 St. Joseph’s Midland Road.
The Sick
Rosemary Symes
Lina Darbun
Frances Litchfield
Vivian Ling
Edward Harrington
Claire Noone
Mary Maree
Mark Ward
Readers’ Rota
26/27 September
Sat. 6.00 K. Goodwin & T. Quinlan
Sun. 9.15
R. Kelly & M. Chappell
3/4 October
Sat. 6.00
Sun. 9.15
Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
26/27 September
3/4 October
Sat. 6.00 A4
6.00 B4
Sun. 9.15 B4
Sun. 9.15
Offertory Collection
Offertory £1211.00 (£621.00 + £590 standing
Church Cleaning
w/b 28th Sept. - Team D
w/b 5th Oct. – Team E
Refreshments after Mass
Enjoy Fairtrade tea or coffee with friends
after the 9.15 Mass on Sundays and after the
9.30 Mass on Tuesdays.
New Parishioners – Welcome to Holy Cross
Please complete a “New Parishioners” form,
found in the Parish Directory in the porch and
return forms to the Parish office.
Car Boot Sales
Every Saturday plus Jumble Sales in the hall.
8.30 – 11.00 a.m.
Come & See Group
Wednesdays 8.00 p.m. for anyone interested in
exploring the Catholic faith. Held in the
Presbytery of Christ the King Church,
Harrowden Road. For further details contact
Ursula (349216).
Recently Deceased
Stevie Barron
Jenny Knight
Geoffrey Oakes
Nancy Sims
Gillian O’Connell
Maria & Clive Tippul
Maria Ward
John Cavanna
Lillian Church
Mai Stone
Les Leach
Joan Herald
Anniversaries at This Time
Sue Kumar
Ellie O’Reilly
Others in Need of Prayer
Judi Spencer
Jay Wells
Bill Coulson
Louise Coulson
Markie family
Sullivan family
Brian Wright
Sylvia Blackburn
Thomas family
Arzu family
Kumar family
O’Connor family
Pat & Tony Ward
Please print full names clearly on the
prayer list so they can be included here
without errors.
Thank you
Hospital Visiting
Due to Data Protection we no longer receive
patients’ names. It is important that if you
know of someone who is a patient in Bedford
Hospital and would like a visit from a member
of the Chaplaincy Team please ring Fr. Malcolm
on: 350628