Notification of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute Rules and Conditions for Registration of Foreign Manufacturer --------------------------------------------Referring to the Notification of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute on Amendment of the Rules on Conformity Assessment for Licensing dated 19th August B.E. 2557, the Thai Industrial Standards Institute will accept the assessment result of the quality control system of the foreign manufacturer registered by the Institute. In order to make the registration of foreign manufacturer clear and transparent, the Institute hereby issues the notification on Rules and Conditions for Registration of Foreign Manufacturer, as annexed hereto. The notification shall come into force from the date of notification. Given on 17th November B.E. 2557 Hathai Uthai Secretary-General of Thai Industrial Standards Institute Rules and Conditions for Registration of Foreign Manufacturer 1. Scope This document provides definition, qualifications of foreign manufacturer to become registered by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute, registration procedures, conditions of registered manufacturer, surveillance of registered manufacturer, as well as cancellation, scope reduction and revocation of the registration. 2. Definition 2.1 Foreign manufacturer means the manufacturer who manufactures industrial products in conformity with Thai Industrial Standard, and is located outside the Kingdom of Thailand, applies for being a Registered Manufacturer by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute. 2.2 Registered Manufacturer means the Foreign Manufacturer getting registered by the Thai Industrial Standards institute, manufacturing industrial products which are required by the Royal Decree to conform with the standard, and such products will be imported for sale in the Kingdom of Thailand. 2.3 Council means the Industrial Product Standards Council. 2.4 Institute means the Thai Industrial Standards Institute. 2.5 Importer means the import license applicant under the Industrial Product Standards Act B.E. 2511 3. Reference Document ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems - Requirements 4. Qualifications of Foreign Manufacturer Foreign Manufacturer applying for registration shall have qualifications as follows: (1) Manufacturing industrial products which are required by the Royal Decree to conform with the standard, in conformity with the applicable standard and the manufacturing premise is located outside the Kingdom of Thailand. (2) Getting the certification of quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 from the certification body that is approved by the Institute or under the Multilateral Mutual Arrangement (MLA). The scope of certification shall cover manufacturing of products applying for registration. 5. Initial Registration 5.1 Application Submission The Foreign Manufacturer shall submit the application together with relevant evidences as follows: (1) Certificate of quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 (2) Plan of manufacturing process in brief (3) List of equipment and instruments to be used in manufacturing such product TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 1/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 (4) Flow chart and details showing the process of quality control together with specifications of testing, measuring and monitoring devices for examining the quality of such product 5.2 Assessment for Registration The application shall be carried out by the Institute as follows: (1) Initial review of the application and associated evidences. In case the document needs to be improved, the Institute will inform in writing to the applicant within 60 working days. (2) In case of complete document, the Institute will coordinate for scheduling of factory assessment and informing estimation of expenditures. (3) Assess the quality control system of the applicant factory according to these following requirements: (3.1) Organization management and human resource (3.2) Control of machinery, building and facility (3.3) Control of product design and development (3.4) Purchasing and control of raw materials (3.5) Control of manufacturing process (3.6) Control of finished product (3.7) Control of nonconforming product (3.8) Identification and traceability (3.9) Preservation of product (3.10) Control of monitoring, measuring and testing devices (3.11) Corrective action and handling of complaint (3.12) Control of document and record Details of requirements as shown on Appendix (4) Make the assessment report (5) Make the summary report and propose to the Secretary-General of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute for approval and signing the Institute’s Notification on Registered Manufacturer. (6) Inform the applicant of the result, make and update the Directory of Registered Manufacturers with the scope of registered standards, as well as upload onto the Institute’s website. 6. Surveillance of Registered Manufacturer To ensure that the Registered Manufacturer keeps competence to manufacture product in conformity with applicable standard and is able to control the product quality in accordance with the assessed quality control system regularly. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 2/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 6.1 The Registered Manufacturer shall provide a surveillance audit once a year and be responsible for all expenditures of the surveillance audit as determined by the Institute. The Institute may adjust frequency and duration more or less as appropriate by considering the competence of the Registered Manufacturer to maintain the product quality and the quality control system in accordance with the applicable standard consistently and regularly. 7. Renewal of Registration The Institute will conduct the reassessment of the quality control system of the Registered Manufacturer every 3 years by reassessing all of the requirements. 8. Conditions for Registered Manufacturer 8.1 The Registered Manufacturer shall operate in conformity with this Rules and Conditions and its amendments throughout the period of registration. 8.2 The Registered Manufacturer shall maintain the quality control system in accordance with the requirements shown on the Appendix. 8.3 The Registered Manufacturer shall cooperate with the Institute on surveillance. 8.4 The Registered Manufacturer shall take corrective and preventive actions for the nonconformities or incomplete operation as informed by the Institute with undue delay. 8.5 In case of scope reduction, revocation or cancellation of the registration, the Registered Manufacturer shall cease delivering the industrial products which are required by the Royal Decree to conform with the standard, for importation for sale in the Kingdom of Thailand. 8.6 The Registered Manufacturer shall inform the Institute of any changes of notified information that may affect to the product quality. 8.7 The Registered Manufacturer shall provide the records of disputes, complaints and appeals on its operation to the Institute when requested. 8.8 The Registered Manufacturer shall pay the expenditures of assessment and surveillance audit within 30 days after being informed by the Institute. 9. Cancellation, Scope Reduction, and Revocation 9.1 Cancellation In case the Registered Manufacturer intends to be canceled of registration, the Registered Manufacturer shall inform in writing to the Institute in advance at least 60 days. 9.2 Scope Reduction The Institute will propose the Secretary-General of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute to reduce the scope of standards being registered as following cases: (1) The Registered Manufacturer submits its intention for scope reduction. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 3/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 (2) The Registered Manufacturer has problems or nonconformities in manufacturing industrial products in accordance with the scope of standards being registered. (3) The complaint on manufacturing industrial products in accordance with the scope of standards being registered is verified as true. 9.3 Revocation The Institute will propose the Secretary-General of the Thai Industrial Standards Institute to revoke the registration as following cases: (1) Cessation of business operation (2) Being bankrupt (3) Incompetent to manufacturing industrial products as registered. (4) Violate or not perform in accordance with the Rules and Conditions that cause seriously adverse impact on being the Registered Manufacturer. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 4/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 Appendix Attachment to the Rules and Conditions for Registration of Foreign Manufacturer Particular Requirements for Conformity assessment for licensing ---------------------------------------------1. Organization management and human resource To ensure that the product shall be in conformity with applicable standard consistently and regularly, the manufacturer shall 1.1 Have an organization chart showing relationship of duties and responsibilities of relevant functions. 1.2 Have clear job descriptions for personnel in each position 1.3 Have appropriate and sufficient personnel to manufacture licensed products. 1.4 Have personnel management to maintain personnel competence by (1) Determine necessary competence (2) Provide training and development programs (3) Evaluate the training and development (4) Develop and maintain the personnel history of competence 2. Control of machinery, building and facility The manufacturer shall 2.1 Have building, facility, tool, machine, and equipment for manufacturing product appropriately and capable to manufacture product in conformity with applicable standard consistently and regularly. 2.2 Have repair and maintenance system to ensure the manufacturer capability to manufacture product in conformity with applicable standard. 2.3 Develop and maintain repair and maintenance records appropriately. 3. Control of product design and development In case of having development, design or modification of product, the manufacturer shall 3.1 Have planning, control, and review of designs at each stage appropriately. 3.2 Have sufficient data and information for design input including applicable standards and laws. 3.3 Have design output in an appropriate form and consistent with design inputs. 3.4 Have review, verification, and validation of design to prove that the resulting product shall meet the requirements of applicable standard. 3.5 In case of product modification, the activities from 3.1 to 3.4 shall be repeated. 3.6 Maintain the records of design, validation and modification. 4. Purchasing and control of raw materials Raw material means parts and components of the product, consumables, packaging, outsourced work, and customer asset used in manufacturing such product, etc. The manufacturer shall 4.1 Have purchasing system to ensure that raw materials and services purchased meet the purchasing requirements. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 5/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 4.2 Have incoming inspection for raw materials and services purchased by appropriate methods which shall be documented. 4.3 Have and maintain records of incoming inspection. 5. Control of manufacturing process The manufacturer shall 5.1 Have flow charts showing the manufacturing processes, control of conditions, measuring and testing at appropriate process stages including control parameters. 5.2 Manufacture, control and inspect the product according to the production flow charts. The control factors shall be included as follows: (1) Have information of requirements and characteristics of the product. (2) Have work instruction as necessary for the operator at each stage. (3) Have appropriate equipment, machines, and instruments. (4) Have monitoring, measuring and testing devices. (5) Measure and monitor processes and products. (6) Implement product release, delivery, and post delivery activities. (7) Have necessary records to prove that manufacturing processes and finished product meet the requirements of applicable standard. 5.3 In case the product inspection result cannot directly show the product property, the manufacturer shall have evidence to prove that manufacturing processes can manufacture product whose quality meets the requirements of applicable standard. 6. Control of finished product The manufacturer shall 6.1 Inspect finished product according to specified procedures and the requirements of applicable standard. Before product release, the manufacturer shall ensure that the finished product passes inspection/testing necessary at specified stages and the results are in conformity with all requirements of the applicable standard. 6.2 Maintain records of inspection/testing as the evidences of conformity. 7. Control of nonconforming product The manufacturer shall 7.1 Control the nonconforming products at all stages including returned products from customer in order to prevent its unintended use or delivery to other customers, and take corrective action by appropriate methods which shall be documented. 7.2 Maintain records of nonconforming product detail and relevant arrangement to deal with such nonconforming products. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 6/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 8. Identification and traceability The manufacturer shall 8.1 Identify the product and the product status throughout product realization stages by appropriate methods. 8.2 Identify the finished product with minimum detail as specified by the requirements of applicable standard and law. In case the standard or the law requires to recall the nonconforming product, the manufacturer shall develop the method of identification and traceability to support the product recall. 9. Preservation of product The manufacturer shall preserve raw materials, work in process, and finished product to be in appropriate manner and in conformity with the requirements of product realization stages and delivery to customer. It includes handling, packaging, storage and protection from product deterioration. 10. Control of monitoring, measuring and testing devices The manufacturer shall 10.1 Have necessary monitoring, measuring and testing devices to control the product quality at all stages and at least have the prescribed monitoring, measuring and testing devices for permanent use at the manufacturer in accordance with the applicable particular requirements on conformity assessment for licensing. 10.2 Calibrate or verify the monitoring, measuring and testing devices affecting on quality. The manufacturer shall (1) Calibrate the devices as planned durations or before use and the calibration shall be traceable to national or international traceability. (2) Show the calibration status clearly and easily to check. (3) Have safeguard from adjustment of calibrated devices. (4) Protect the devices from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance, and storage. 10.3 Handle the devices and affected products by appropriate method, if the monitoring, measuring and testing devices do not conform with the requirements. 10.4 Maintain the records of calibration and verification as evidences of conformity. 11. Corrective action and handling of complaint The manufacturer shall 11.1 Take correction and corrective action to prevent reoccurrence of the nonconformity of the product and the quality control system. 11.2 Handle complaints from customer or others with undue delay, and maintain records of complaint handling and the results as evidences of conformity. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 7/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557 11.3 Have a method to recall the product delivered or placed in the market, if the products do not conform with the requirements of applicable standard. 11.4 Collect and analyze nonconformities and problems relating to product and quality control system, and use such information for improvement of the product and the quality control system. 12. Control of document and record The manufacturer shall 12.1 Provide correct and up to date document necessary at point of use. 12.2 Have a method to prevent from use of obsolete or cancelled document. 12.3 Identify, collect, store, and protect relevant records as evidences in conformity with applicable law, product requirements, and quality control system as appropriate retention times. Documents and records may be in any format such as paper, electronic media, etc. TISI-R-FAC-01(00) 8/8 17 th Nov B.E.2557