Addendum for Treated Wooden Poles

Tender Submission Format This order and arrangement shall be considered as the Tender Submission Format, Tenderers shall tick against each item indicating that they have
provided it in the same order.
Tender Security
Company or Firm’s Registration Certificate
PIN Certificate
Valid Tax Compliance Certificate
Form of Tender
Price Schedule(s)
Schedule of Requirements & Delivery
Declaration Form
Confidential Business Questionnaire (CBQ)
Bidders shall provide proof of Membership to Kenya Wood Preservers Association or equivalent.
Bidders shall provide proof of Accreditation or Authorization to treat poles for use by both Kenya Power
(KP) and Rural Electrification Authority (REA)
13 Bidders shall provide proof of ownership or availability of quality control equipments. These shall include
Where Page No.
but not limited to Pressure gauge, Vacuum gauge, Hydrometer, Thermometer, Increment Borer, Moisture
Meter, Strength Testing facility & Spectrometric Analyzer.
Provide valid evidence of availability and appropriate qualification of key personnel with at least two years
experience. These shall include Wood Scientist, Forester & an Environmentalist. Bidders shall attach CVs,
appointment letters & Telephone Contact.
QMS ISO Certificates or for locally manufactured or produced goods, valid Standardization Mark
Certificates from the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and any other Product Quality Certificates.
Type Test Certificates and their Reports and or Test Certificates and their Reports.
ISO/ IEC 17025 Accreditation Certificate.
Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars
Catalogues and or Brochures and or Manufacturer’s drawings
Manufacturer’s Warranty
Statement on Deviations
Four Names with full contact as well as physical addresses of previous customers of similar goods together
with a letter from each of them confirming completion of the contracts on schedule.
1. Audited Financial Statements. The audited financial statements required must be those that are reported
within fifteen (15) Calendar months of the date of the tender document.
2. For companies or firms that are registered or incorporated within the last one calendar year of the Date of
the Tender Document, they should submit certified copies of bank statements covering a period of at least
six months prior to The date of the tender document. The copies should be Certified by the Bank issuing
the statements. The Certification should be original)
The following information regarding the particulars of the tender shall complement and or
amend the provisions of the Instructions to Tenderers hereinafter abbreviated as ITT.
Wherever there is a conflict between the provisions of the ITT and the Appendix, the
provisions of the Appendix herein shall prevail over those of the ITT
ITT Reference Clause
Particulars of Appendix
3.16.2 Warranty – Period of
This warranty period shall be twenty four (24) year
from date of manufacture.
Evaluation of duly submitted tenders will be conducted along the following three main
stages: 6.
Part 1 – Confirmation that the Tender has met all the conditions set out under
Preliminary Evaluation Criteria provided for under Paragraph 3.28 of the ITT
which are referred to as mandatory requirements. This shall include confirmation
of the following: 6.10 Confirmation that the tender document has been prepared and submitted in
accordance with the Tender submission Checklist provided for in Section II of the
tender Document
6.1.1 Confirmation of the submission of the CD containing the copy of the submitted bid
document in PDF form. Failure to submit shall lead to automatic disqualification.
6.1.2 Submission and considering the following:a)
Company or Firm’s Registration Certificate
PIN Certificate.
Valid Tax Compliance Certificate to be authenticated from the KRA TCC
Certified CR12 form from registrar of companies for LTD companies.
6.1.3 Confirmation of the authenticity and sufficiency of the submitted Tender Security
which shall be 2% of the bid amount,
6.1.4 Submission of Declaration Form duly completed and signed.
6.1.5 Submission and considering Tender Form duly completed and signed.
6.1.6 Submission and considering that the Tender is valid for the period required.
6.1.7 Submission and considering that the price schedule is duly completed and signed
6.1.8 Submission and considering that the Schedule of requirements & Delivery is duly
completed and signed.
6.1.9 Checking submission of audited financial statements required which must be those that
are reported within fifteen (15) calendar months of the date of the tender document or
the Certified Bank Statements.
6.1.10 Submission and considering the Confidential Business Questionnaire:a)
Is duly completed and signed.
That details correspond to the related information in the bid.
That the Tenderer is not ineligible as per paragraph 3.2 of the ITT.
6.1.11 Submission and considering Bidders that the bidder provided proof of Membership to
Kenya Wood Preservers Association or equivalent
6.1.12 Submission and considering Bidders that the bidder provided proof of Accreditation
or Authorization to treat poles for use by both Kenya Power (KP) and Rural
Electrification Authority (REA)
6.1.13 Submission and considering that the bidder provided proof of ownership or
availability of quality control equipments. These shall include but not limited to
Pressure gauge, Vacuum gauge, Hydrometer, Thermometer, Increment Borer
Moisture Meter , Strength Testing facility & Spectrometric Analyzer.
6.1.14 Submission and considering that the bidder provided valid evidence of availability and
appropriate qualification of key personnel with at least two years experience. These
shall include Wood Scientist, Forester & an Environmentalist. Bidders shall attach
CVs, appointment letters & Telephone Contact.
6.1.15 Submission of Copies of relevant Type Test Certificates and their Reports or Test
Certificate and their Reports from the designated bodies and signed and stamped by
the manufacturer.
6.1.16 Submission of a copy of ISO/ IEC 17025 accreditation certificate for the testing body/
authority signed and stamped by the manufacturer.
6.1.17 Submission of a copy of:a)
The Manufacturer’s valid and applicable quality management system
certification i.e. ISO 9001:2008, signed and stamped by the manufacturer
Valid and applicable KEBS Standardization Mark certificate for items
manufactured in Kenya or their equivalent from other East African
Community countries.
6.1.18 Submission of the followinga)
Manufacturer’s relevant Drawings for the items tendered for, signed and
Stamped by the manufacturer.
Commentary on Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars signed and
stamped by the manufacturer.
6.1.19 notwithstanding the above, considering any outstanding orders where applicable and
the current production capacity of the Manufacturer and/ or Tenderer.
Tenders shall proceed to the Technical Stage only if they qualify in compliance with Part 1
above, Preliminary Evaluation under Paragraph 3.28.
Part II - Technical Evaluation Criteria under Paragraph 3.30 of the ITT. This
will be in the following stages: -
6.2.1 Evaluation of the following technical information against Tender Requirements and
Specifications: For goods manufactured outside Kenya, applicable relevant valid ISO 9001
certification signed and stamped by the manufacturer. For goods manufactured in Kenya - valid KEBS Diamond Mark of Quality
Certificate or KEBS Standardization Mark Certificate Type Test Certificates and their Reports or Test Certificates and their Reports
from the designated bodies for full compliance with Tender Specifications,
signed and stamped by the manufacturer Confirmation of Submission of Valid accreditation certificate for the testing
Body/laboratory to ISO/ IEC 17025, signed and stamped by the manufacturer for
each item quoted for. Manufacturer’s Authorization, duly completed, stamped and signed by the
Manufacturer, and on the Manufacturers letter head As contained in the following documents –
a) Manufacturer’s Warranty
b) Catalogues and Brochures from the manufacturer.
c) Relevant manufacturer’s drawings, signed and stamped by the manufacture for all
items quoted forr.
d) Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars as per Technical Specifications,
signed and stamped by the manufacturer
6.2.2 Detailed Technical Evaluation
a) The Schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) shall be evaluated
against Tender Specifications to confirm compliance of the goods and services to the
specifications and evaluation of any deviations and exceptions declared by the
c) Identifying and determining any deviation(s) from the requirements; Errors and
6.2.3 Confirmation of Submission of bidder/suppliers proof of experience to either KP or
REA Bidders to attach reference letter from either KP or REA
NB: All copies from a Manufacturer, shall be certified by the Manufacturer
Tender which do not satisfy any of the requirements set out in part I & ii above
(Preliminary and Technical) shall be rejected and SHALL not proceed to part iii
(Financial evaluation stage).
Part III – Financial Evaluation Criteria under Paragraph 3.31 of the ITT. These
are mandatory requirements.
6.3.1 This will include the following: a)
Checking that the Tenderer has quoted prices based on Delivery Duty Paid
(DDP) Vat Inclusive terms.
Conducting a financial comparison, including conversion of tender currencies
into one common currency,
Correction of arithmetical errors,
Taking into account the cost of any deviation(s) from the tender requirements,
For other Bidders, Ascertaining the financial capability through Last
Financial Year’s audited financial statements. The statements will provide
details for determining the liquidity and solvency status of the bidders. The
applicable and acceptable ratios are as follows;
The acceptable ratios to REA are as follows:(i.)
Current ratios i.e. current assets: current liabilities should
meet the threshold of at least 0.5:1.
Solvency ratios i.e. Debt to Assets Ratio. Should meet the
threshold of at least 1:0.5
Turnover in the Last Financial Year i.e. twelve months of at
least 75% of the total tender value.
The Tenderer should have at least 10% of the total tender value in
cash assets in the Balance Sheet provided as part of the audited
financial statements.
For companies or firms that are registered or incorporated within the
last one calendar year of the Date of the Tender Document, they will
not be evaluated on (a) and (b) above, but will instead be evaluated on
the basis of having at least a spot balance of 20% of the total tender
value evident from the certified bank statements provided.
Considering information submitted in the Confidential Business Questionnaire
against other information in the bid including:1)
Declared maximum value of business
Shareholding and citizenship for preferences where applicable.
6.3.2 Confirming the following: That the Supplier’s offered Delivery Schedule meets REA’s requirements. That the Supplier’s offered Terms of Payment meets REA’s requirements.
6.3.3 The evaluation committee shall confirm the availability of at least 50% of the quantities
bidded for at the quoted plant. The committee shall conduct an inspection to verify these
quantities on the ground.
*NOTES: 1.
For purposes of evaluation, the exchange rate to be used for currency conversion shall be the
mean exchange rate ruling on the date of tender closing provided by the Central Bank of
Kenya. (Visit the Central Bank of Kenya website).
Total tender value means the Tenderer’s total tender price inclusive of Value Added Tax
(V.A.T) for the items it offers to supply.
For companies or firms that are registered or incorporated within the last one calendar year of
the Date of the Tender Document, they should submit certified copies of bank statements
covering a period of at least six months prior to the date of the tender document. The copies
should be certified by the Bank issuing the statements. The certification should be original.
The spot balance of 20% required will be that which is seen in the certified bank statements at
least in any day of the month of the Date of the Tender Document