Magnetism Magnets are made from magnetic materials. These are metals that can be magnetised or will be attracted to a magnet. Most materials are not magnetic, but iron, cobalt and nickel are magnetic. Steel is mostly iron, so steel is magnetic too. If you bring two bar magnets together, there are two things that can happen. If you bring a north pole and a south pole together, they attract and the magnets may stick together. If you bring two north poles together, or two south poles together, they repel and the magnets push each other away. We say that unlike poles attract, and like poles repel. The magnetic field of the earth In fact , the earth acts as if there is a bar magnet inside it (although such a magnet cannot really exist because the center of the earth is too hot). Notice in the diagram that the S-pole of the imaginary magnet is in the northern hemisphere so as to attract the N-pole of a compass. Theory of magnetism In iron and steel , there are atomic magnets which line up with each other groups, called domains. In an un magnetised piece of iron, the magnetic domains are pointing in all directions and so cancel out each other. 1 If the magnetic domains can be turned round to point the same way, then the piece of iron becomes magnetized. This is because all the tiny N-poles add up at one end and all the S-poles add up at the other end. Magnetic materials Iron is called a soft magnetic material because it is easy to magnetize and also loses its magnetism easily. Iron is used in electromagnets and transformers. iron is also used as the magnetic material in a reed switch. Steel Steel is called a hard magnetic material because it is harder to magnetize and also does not lose its magnetism so easily. It is used to make permanent magnets. Fridges and freezers have magnetic strips all round the door to keep the door completely closed and so keep the cold air inside. A permanent magnet is placed in the oil sump tank of a car engine so that it collects any bits of steel that are worn off the engine. Iron oxide is another hard magnetic material. It is used to make computer discs , videotapes, and tape for tape-recorders. 2 Magnetic ink and paints It is possible to make magnetic mixing inks very by small particles of a magnetic substance with a liquid. The mixture ( a dark brown color) can be used as a paint to make magnetic tape for tape-recorders and hard discs for computers. Banks use magnetic ink on checks so that the checks can be stored automatically by a machine which detects the magnetic field round each number. Automatic cash-cards also use magnetic ink to store information on the card. Magnetic liquids Magnetic ink can be made with oil so that it does not dry out. This magnetic liquid can be used to detect very small cracks in the surface of steel pipelines. These cracks can be very dangerous if left untreated. The pipe is magnetized by a simple coil and painted with magnetic liquid. If there is a tiny crack, some of the magnetic lines of force leak out of the pipe at the crack. Then the magnetic liquid shows up the shape of the crack. Worksheet 3 1. Copy out and complete: a. Like poles ___repel ____ ; unlike poles ___attract __ . b. The earth's magnetic field is rather like that of a __ bar _ magnet with its ___south __ pole in the northern hemisphere. c. Iron is easily ___m agnetised __ and easily __dem agnetised __ . d. Steel is used to make __ perm anent _ magnets. e. If the N-pole of a magnet is brought near an unmagnified nail, then magnetism is __transferred __ into the nail. The nail is then ___attracted ___ to the magnet. 2. Explain the following: a) Magnets are often fitted to the doors of refrigerators and cupboards. to keep the door com pletely closed and so keep the cold air inside. b) The sump plug on a car is usually magnetized. so that it collects any bits of steel that are w orn off the engine. c) A magnetized screwdriver can help to place screws in holes that are hard to reach. I t holds the screw and keeps it from falling dow n. 4 3. you are given a small plotting compass and three grey metal bars. one is aluminum, one is un magnetised iron, one is a magnet. how can you identify each one? P lace the com pass near the m etal bars , the one w ho don’t attract or affect the pointer of the com pass is the alum inum . The one w ho changes the direction of the com pass pointer is the m agnet. The one w ho is attracted and stuck to the com pass is the un m agnetised iron. 4. Professor Messer says that 'like poles must attract' because the North pole of the Earth attracts the N-pole of a compass. Explain why he is wrong. because like poles repel and un like poles attract. The north pole of the earth attracts the south pole of the m agnet. 5 Resources: New Physical or you. Nelson Thornes ISBN 0-7487-8328-8 Chapter 34 – page 280 Websites: w=1280&bih=513&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=b5xwvgohOTYtNM:&imgrefurl=h ttp:// EbgxM&imgurl= _magnet.jpg/800pxBar_magnet.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=sZfVT6rXNNHQrQe8_Z38Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc &vpx=539&vpy=2&dur=4094&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=152&ty=88&sig=109337 572700176211273&page=2&tbnh=144&tbnw=237&start=11&ndsp=18&ved=1t:42 9,r:2,s:11,i:112 1T4RNRN_enUS444US445&biw=1280&bih=513&tbm=isch&tbnid=LajmKv8KkKylJM :&imgrefurl= vtj7Dw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=216&vpy=183&dur=1781&hovh=194&hovw=259&t x=130&ty=100&sig=109337572700176211273&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=173&st art=0&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:110 ets_electric_effects/revise2.shtml 6