List of courses MEngg (Computer Systems) Non-Credit Courses Course No. Course Title CS-401 CS-402 CS-403 CS-404 CS-405 CS-406 Introduction to Programming Systems Design System Design using Microprocessors Introduction to Computer Networks Computer Systems Architecture and Organization Logic Design and Switching Theory-I Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Compulsory Courses Course No. Course Title Credit Hrs. CS-506 CS-513 CS-524 CS-531 CS-537 Advanced Computer Systems Architecture Artificial Intelligence Distributed Computer Systems Advanced Operating Systems Advanced Switching Theory 3 3 3 3 3 Areas of Specialization i) ii) Computer Architecture and Systems Design Computer Network & Performance Evaluation Elective Courses a) For Specialization in Computer Architecture and Systems Design Course No. Course Title CS-502 CS-505 CS-508 CS-510 CS-511 CS-512 CS-515 CS-521 CS-525 CS-526 CS-527 CS-598 CS-600 CS-601 Advanced Microprocessors-based Design Advanced Digital Signal Processing Real Time Computer Systems Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems Interconnecting Networks Computer Aided Design of Digital Systems Introduction to Robotics Embedded Systems Advanced VLSI Systems Design Advanced Parallel Processing Current Topics in Computer Systems Engineering Independent Study Project Dissertation Credit Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 9 b) For Specialization in Computer Network & Performance Evaluation Course No. Course Title CS-503 Queuing Theory for Performance Modelling of Computer Systems Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems Digital Communication Theory Design and Construction of Large Software Systems Database Systems Computer Network Security Routing and Switching Information Theory and Cryptography Current Topics in Computer Systems Engineering Independent Study Project Dissertation CS-504 CS-514 CS-517 CS-519 CS-520 CS-522 CS-523 CS-538 CS-598 CS-600 CS-601 Credit Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 9 Detailed Contents of Courses for the MEngg Programme in Computer Systems Engineering CS-401 Introduction to Programming Systems Design (NC) This course is an intensive introduction to Programming Principles, Discrete Mathematics for Computing, Software Design and Software Engineering concepts. Prerequisite: High Level Programming Language. CS-402 Systems Design using Microprocessor (NC) Architecture, operation and timing of Microprocessor instruction, Assembly language programming, Memory Design, I/O operation, Interrupt techniques, Serial and Parallel I/O, DMA interface. CS-403 Introduction to Computer Networks (NC) Basic Network Architecture, Layered Protocols, Network Service Interface, Local Network, Long Haul Networks, Internal Protocols Addressing, Routing, Flow control, Higher Level Protocols. CS-404 Computer Systems Architecture and Organization (NC) Machine organization at Register transfer level, Data and Control paths of CPU, Micro-programmed and HW implementation of Control unit, Timing Fundamental Arithmetic units, I/O organization, Virtual Memory. CS-405 Logic Design and Switching Theory-I (NC) Boolean algebra, Logical devices, Digital logic, Logic minimization techniques, Synchronous sequential machines, Arithmetic operations using register transfer notation, Memory devices, Digital logic simulation, Incompletely specified Machine design, Machine experiments. CS-406 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (NC) Introduction to Intelligence, Types of Intelligence, History of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Al concepts and techniques, AI Programming Languages, LISP, Prolog, predicate calculus, automated reasoning. Knowledge representation with emphasis on Expert Systems, Searching Algorithms, search and optimization, heuristic search paradigms, game programming. CS-502 Advanced Microprocessor Based Design (3) Bit slice Microprocessor, Multiprocessor Design, Micro-programmable systems, Fault Tolerant systems, Graphic systems, Voice recognition and synthesis process control. CS-503 Queuing Theory for Performance Modelling of Computer Systems (3) Review of Markov chains and simple Queuing Theory, Advanced Queuing Theory, approximations open and closed Network of Queues, Computation techniques, Priority Queuing scheduling. CS-504 Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks (3) Applications of Stochastic modelling, Optimization techniques to communication Networks design and analysis data link control. Performance includes multi-access channels routing and flow control. CS-505 Advanced Digital Signal Processing (3) Fourier Transforms, Z-Transform, Sampling Theory, Discrete time Filters, Discrete and Fast Fourier Transform, Theory & design of recursive and non-recursive filters window, Design of frequency-sampling filters, Applications in speech processing images, HW realization of algorithms, Advanced study of spectral estimation in speech coding communications, Radar/Sonar signal processing, Image processing. CS-506 Advanced Computer Systems Architecture (3) Comparative studies of CPU, Memory I/O systems and overall systems architecture companion of instruction sets advanced arithmetic units, pipeline and parallel architecture segmentation, paging and replacement algorithms, Microprogramming, Different I/O performance evaluation, factors for consideration, Cost/complexity measures. CS-508 Real-Time Computer Systems (3) Structure of Real-Time computer systems, handling of time, Clock systems, Special architecture for Real-Time systems, Reliability and available by analysis, Petri Net Modelling, Scheduling, Real-Time operating systems. CS-510 Fault Tolerant Computer Systems (3) Fault classifications measures of reliability, Modelling and evaluation, Detection and recovery schemes, Case studies of recent designs, Reliability analysis of networks and distribution systems. CS-511 Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems (3) Fault models, Test generators, Fault simulation self-checking and self-testing circuits, Design for testability, PODEM, FAN, Crosstalk Faults, Bridging faults and IDDQ testing, CMOS bridging faults, Fault diagnosis, Build in Self-Test, BIST for memory. CS-512 Interconnecting Networks (3) Theory design and analysis of Interconnecting Networks for multiprocessor systems, Study of regular, Omega, binary, r-cube, Delta, Gamma Networks, Mapping algorithms to architecture. CS-513 Artificial Intelligence (3) Problem solving, Search methods, natural language understanding, Neural Networks, Intelligent agents, Introduction to knowledge representation, Models of natural intelligence, Introduction to machine perception and integrated robots. CS-514 Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems (3) Performance modelling, Measurement and evaluation techniques, C.P.U. scheduling descriptions, Queuing Network models of computer systems, Aggregation and decomposition Memory hierarchies interface analysis, Reliability models. CS-515 Computer Aided Design of Digital Systems (3) Synthesis, Partitioning, Placement Routing of Digital circuits, Integrated circuit design, Method simulation of Switch gate, register transfer and systems level. CS-517 Digital Communication Theory (3) RF subsystem design, RF Channel characteristics, Carrier and sub-carrier signal processing. Digital signal formats: Binary and M-array, Coherent and non-coherent noise analysis, Probability of error performance, Signal design and spectral analysis, Channel capacity. CS-519 Design and Construction of Large Software Systems (3) Large scale programs, Development of program specification, System management, Description techniques, Maintenance and checkouts, Analysis of program performance, Modularity and Mobility. CS-520 Database Systems (3) Survey and concepts of database technology, Database design and evaluation, Logical and physical data models, Storage structures, Integration and protection control, Decentralized database. CS-521 Introduction to Robotics (3) Robotics Terminology: Control System, Accuracy and Repeatability, Robot specifications, end effectors, Sensors in robotics, Robot Programming and Artificial Intelligence: Type of programming, Lead through programming, Robot languages, Simulation and off-line programming, Work cell control, Robot Applications: Characteristics of Robot Application, Robot cell Design, Types of robot Applications, Material Handling Applications, Processing Operations, Assembly and Inspection. CS-522 Computer Network Security (3) Principles of computer and network security management, policy and technical issues, Discussion of techniques for achieving security in multi-user computer systems and distributed computer systems, Introduction to cryptography and its application to network and operating system security, security threats, secret key and public key cryptographic algorithms, hash functions, basic number theory, digital signatures, authentication, security for electronic mail, computer viruses, firewalls, services and protocols. CS-523 Routing and Switching (3) ARP, Proxy ARP, IP sub-netting, VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask), Cisco Router IOS and CLI basics, RIP, RIP2, IGRP, EIGRP, Frame relay configuration on Cisco routers, Hub and spoke frame relay, Standard and extended access list and Traffic management. CS-524 Distributed Computer Systems (3) Distributed Models, Networking and Internetworking, Inter-process communication, Distributed objects and remote Invocation, Remote procedure call, Security, Cryptographic Algorithms, Digital Signatures, Coordination and Agreement, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Election Algorithms, Distributed Transactions and Concurrency Control, Replication Systems Model, Fault-tolerant systems, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Association Sensing and context-awareness, security and privacy, Distributed shared memory: design and implementation issues. CS-525 Embedded Systems (3) Introduction to embedded systems, Custom single-purpose processors, General purpose processors, Embedded computing platform design and Analysis, Processes and Operating Systems, Hardware Accelerators Networks, System Design Techniques. CS-526 Advanced VLSI System Design (3) Redundant Arithmetic, Numerical Strength Reduction, Low-power CMOS Design, Wave-pipelining, VLSI Design, Asynchronous VLSI Design, VLSI Aspects of Reconfigurable Datapath and Control design, Power Efficient VLSI computation, VLSI digital signal processing systems. CS-527 Advanced Parallel Processing (3) Decomposition Techniques, Mapping Techniques for Load Balancing, Parallel Algorithm Models, Various communication operations, Improving the speed of Communication Operations, Performance Metrics for Parallel Systems, Scalability of Parallel Systems, Minimum Execution Time and Minimum Cost-Optimal Execution Time, Asymptotic Analysis of Parallel Programs, Thread Basics, Synchronization Primitives, Design of sorting networks, Selection networks, Searching and dictionary operations, Parallel architectures for FFT. CS-531 Advanced Operating Systems (3) Concurrency, Interprocess Synchronization, Types of Schedulers, Scheduling Algorithms, Exclusion: Interprocess Synchronization Algorithms, Review of Semaphore, critical regions conditional critical regions event queue. Interprocess Communication Monitors and Messages, Interprocess Communication and Synchronization with Messages, Deadlocks, Analysis and Design issues for prevention of Deadlocks, Advanced Memory Management Concepts: Virtual Memory Management, Working Set Theory, Multiprocessor Systems: Multiprocessor OS functions and requirements, OS design and implementation issues, Multiprocessor Synchronization, Distributed Operating Systems: Algorithms for distributed processing, Handling of failures, Models of Distributed Systems. CS-537 Advanced Switching Theory (3) Review of Relevant Concepts: Representations of Boolean Functions, Cofactors: Shannon’s Fundamental Theorem, Theory of Incompletely Specified Machines: Row Reduction Algorithms, Finite Machine Design, Demonstration of reduction Algorithms, Asynchronous Machines Fundament Study: Preparatory Algorithms, State Assignment of Asynchronous Machines, Tracey’s and Liu’s Assignments examples of STT Assignments, Hazards in combinational and sequential circuits. Hazards, Detection, Defeating Hazards, Information Losslessness, Analysis and Design of Logic Networks: Analytical Techniques, Design of Networks for Digital and Communication Systems. CS-538 Information Theory and Cryptography (3) Source Coding: Theorem. Huffman Coding Arithmetic Coding, Source Models and Adoptive Source Coding Channel Models: Discrete Memoryless Channel Model, Markov Processes, Source with memory, Markov Chains and Data Processing, Data Translation Codes, Channel Coding Techniques, Linear Block Error Correcting Codes, Cyclic Codes, Convolutional Codes, The Viterbi Algorithm, Cryptography: Crypto Systems, Language Entropy, Computational Security Diffusion and Confusion, Product Cipher Systems, Public Key Crypto System,. Shannon’s Coding Theorems: Random Coding Shannon’s Second Theorem, Shannon-Fano Coding, Shannon’s Noiseless Coding Theorem. CS-598 Current Topics in Computer Systems Engineering (3) This course is used for teaching a wide variety of subjects. The topics to be taught are selected each semester to reflect developments and trends of interest in Computer Systems Engineering.