Charley’s Home Page Charley’s Bubble Insulation Charley’s Greenhouses Greenhouse Building Supplies Greenhouse Supplies See All Heaters (800) 322-4707 #C4017 Super Heater 10-13 unit heater KBP SERIES PIC-A-WATT® / MULTI-PURPOSE / 950 or 6000 WATTS / CEILINGS UNDER 10 FT LR43323 FEATURES: OPTIONS: Pic-A-Watt® Element Cast Iron Motor Aluminum Fan Blade Built-in Thermostat Quiet Running •30Ampplug,cord,handlekit •Remotethermostat(-RT) •24Voltcontrol(-RTLV) •Multiplewattageselection •Powder-coatedfinish •Standardcolor:almond •Universalmountingbracket •Fandelay •Selectorswitch- Fan / Heat / Off •TestedunderUL1278 •Bi-metallic limit turns elementoffifanover temperatureconditionoccurs thenautomaticallyresetswhen normaltemperaturereturns ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS: The KBP is an excellent choice for a garage or shop heater withthecapacitytoeasilyheata largespace.Theflow-throughdesign movesairefficientlybypullingair fromthebackoftheheaterand dischargingitoutthefront. This rugged heater has qualitycomponentssuitablefor commercialapplicationsaswell.It comesstandardwitha3-position switchandanaccuratebuilt-in thermostat listing degrees on thelabelforprecisetemperature control.Anincludedfandelayhelps dissipateheatfromtheelements. Thisheatercanbepurchased withoptional(-K1)(120Volt)or (-K2)(240Volt)accessorykits. ContractorshallsupplyandinstallKBPSeriesunitheatersmanufactured Fan Delay Switch:Thefancontinuestooperateafterthethermostat shutsoffinordertoremovetheresidualheatleftintheelements. by King Electrical Mfg. Company. Heaters shall be of the wattage and Powermustnotbeinterrupted. voltageasindicatedontheplans. Universal Mounting Bracket:Combinationceiling/wall/floorbracket isincludedwitheveryheater. Pic-A-Watt® Heating Element: Exclusive King multi-tap element allowsfieldadjustmenttoseveralwattagesattimeofinstallation.Steel Unit Bearing Motor: Permanentlylubricated,castiron,4-Polemotor with20ccofoil.Enclosedrotorprovideslong-lasting,trouble-free sheathelementsofvariousresistancearecopperbrazedtosteelplate operation.Thermallyprotected.1300RPM. finsproducingamulti-wattageheatingelement. Built-in Thermostat:SinglePolefactoryinstalledhydrauliccapillary Auto-Reset Thermal Limit Control:Heatershutsoffwhenanover temperatureconditionsexistandautomaticallyresetswhenthenormal tube thermostat with precision heating control. Operating range 40º operatingtemperaturereturns. to90ºF. Fan / Heat / Off Switch: 3-position switch provides heating and Exterior: Texturedacrylicpowder-coatingprovidesanattractivedurable finishinalmondcolor. summerfanonlyoperation.TheDPSToffswitchprovidesa“positive off”thatdisconnectsallungroundedconductors.Notavailablein480V Approval:cCSAus(LR43323) and3-Phasemodels. Tested under UL1278 King Electrical Manufacturing Company / 9131 10th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 / phone 206.762.0400 / fax 206.763.7738 SELECTION: 380V-3ØHeatersareavailableinmostkWratings MODEL UPC #093319 PART # VOLTS PHASE WATTAGE RANGE PHASE AMPS SINGLE / THREE MOTOR SIZE CFM TEMP RISE (°F) AIR THROW WT. (lbs.) KBP1230 15191 120 1 2850•1900•950 24 5W 270 35° 16ft. 26 KBP2406 15190 240* 1 5700•4750• 3800 2850•1900•950 24 5W 270 70° 16ft. 24 KBP2006-3MP** 15193 208 1-3 5700•2850 27/16 5W 270 70° 16ft. 26 KBP2406-3MP** 15188 240* 1-3 5700•2850 24/14 5W 270 70° 16ft. 25 KBP2704 15187 277 1 4000•3000 2000•1000 15 5W 270 47° 16ft. 26 KBP4804-3MP** 15196 480*** 1-3 4160 9/5 5W 270 49° 16ft. 26 KBP4806-3MP** 15197 480*** 1-3 6000 13/8 5W 270 71° 16ft. 26 *Approvedfor208Voperation.Heaterwilldraw13%lessAmpsand25%lesswattage **3-PhaseunitsdonothaveHeat/Fan/Off ***480Voltmodelsare24Voltcontrol MODEL CODE: ACCESSORIES: MODEL DESCRIPTION UPC #093319 PART # WT. (lbs.) KBP-K1 6ft.Cord/HandleKit-120V,1-Phase,30Amp (receptacleincluded) 15198 2 KBP-K2 6ft.Cord/HandleKit-240V,1-Phase,30Amp (receptacleincluded) 15199 2 KBP-RT ProvisionforRemoteThermostat(linevoltage) N/A N/A *KBP-RTLV1 ProvisionforRemoteThermostat–1-Phase(24V) N/A N/A *KBP-RTLV3 ProvisionforRemoteThermostat–3-Phase(24V) N/A N/A KBP2006-3MP-RT-RTLV Series KBP 208 5700 3MP Volts Watts 1or3 Phase Remote T-Stat RT *Factoryinstalledonly-Heat/Fan/Offactivatedatunitonly-cannotoperateremotely StandardColor:TexturedAlmond INSTALLATION WIRING FOR REMOTE THERMOSTAT Powermustberoutedtoheaterfirst,thentoremote thermostat.Thisisduetothefandelaycircuitneededto cooltheelementsonshutdown. 24VRemote T-Stat RTLV Receptacleconfigurationsincludedforcordset 30Amp 120Volt N.E.M.A.#5-30P ModelKBP-K1 30Amp 250Volt N.E.M.A.#6-30P ModelKBP-K2 DIMENSIONS: 13½"Hx10"Wx11½"D BACK FRONT 2MOUNTINGSTYLES Multi-positionalbracketallowsunlimitedmountingoptions 111/16" 25/16" ¾"knockout Bracketsideandbottomview 113/16" 23/8" ½"knockout King Electrical Manufacturing Company / 9131 10th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 / phone 206.762.0400 / fax 206.763.7738 10-13 Hobby Greenhouse Kits Propagation Supplies Greenhouse Gardening Tips Garden Supplies Portable Greenhouses Sign up for our Gardening Email INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL Model: KBP2406 240V-1phase Unit Heater WARNING Unpack & Inspect Your New Heater Model: KBP2406 is 240 volt. It is important that you verify the power supply voltage is the same as the nameplate voltage of the heater. Improper installation or failure to follow the procedures as outlined in this manual can result in damage to the heater. Note that the KBP2406 will operate at 208 volt but will produce 25% less wattage and draw 13% less Amps. Disconnect all power from the heater at the main service panel before attempting to install or service this unit. All electrical wiring must conform to local electrical codes. Heater circuit must be properly protected. Remove heater from box and inspect it for any damage. Verify you have received the mounting bracket and accessories. Mounting Heater Tools Needed Locate a stud in ceiling or wall and securely fasten bracket with a minimum of two #12 fasteners 1-1/4" long. Attach heater to bracket with 3/8" x 1" wingnut & lock washer supplied. Install the lock washer between the bracket and heater. Do not put lock washer on the plastic wingnut. After desired air discharge position has been determined tighten wingnut so heater will not pivot. You will need the following tools to install your unit heater: -Screwdriver - (Phillips & Slotted) -Wire Cutters -Pliers -Adjustable Wrench -Electric Drill Hardware Needed You will need the following hardware: -Adequate gauge & length of wire for your application -Proper size fuses or breakers to handle amperage -Proper wire connectors for your application -Appropriate size fasteners to mount heater. Location of Heater The heater should be installed out-of-reach of persons. The direction of airflow should not be restricted by machinery, beams, etc. and the airflow should wipe exposed walls, rather than blowing directly at them. When more than one heater is used in an area the heaters should be arranged so that the air discharge of each heater supports the airflow of the others to provide best circulation of warm air. (see airflow chart) In certain applications conduit may be required by code. Check local electrical codes. If you want to be able to turn the heater be sure to use flexible conduit. Mounting Height When the air flow of the heater is directed vertically or horizontally the minimum mounting height is 6 feet in USA and 8 feet in Canada. Mounting heights depend upon building utilization and heater kW capacity. Distance From Walls Maintain 6" minimum clearance to side walls and 2" to ceiling in back of the heater (air intake side). Maintain 18" clearance in front of the heater (discharge side). 2007KBP2406.indd : 3/08 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS This heater includes a visual alarm to warn that parts of the heater are getting excessively hot. If the alarm flashes immediately turn the heater off and inspect for any objects on or adjacent to the heater that may cause high temperatures. Do not operate the heater with the alarm flashing. 21¾" 13" ½" Safety Light RED This heater is shipped from the factory wired for maximum wattage of 2750 Watts at 120 Volts. To reduce the wattage unplug (disconnect) an insulated push on terminal and wrap with electrical tape to prevent the possibility of electrical contact with other parts. A - ORANGE B - BLUE C - YELLOW D - BLACK E - RED Disconnects 750 Watts Disconnects 500 Watts Disconnects 250 Watts Do Not Disconnect (Common) Do Not Disconnect YELLOW 750 WATT B D 500 WATT C 250 WATT Insulated Push on Terminal ORANGE RED #14 Feild Wattage Selection BLUE E BLACK #14 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS RED A 750 WATT E D 500 WATT Insulated Push on Terminal VISUAL ALARM FAN DELAY 2 1 BLACK#16 LIMIT BLACK #16 FAN 3 ORANGE#14 E B C 750 500 250 Thermostat Connections PURPLE #16 Pic-A-Watt Metal Sheath Element D Common A E 750 500 E END VIEW OF ELEMENT SHOWING QUICK CONNECT TERMINALS 1250 • 1500 • 1750 • 2000 • 2500 • 2750 WATTAGES AVAILABLE IN ONE UNIT ORANGE #14 GRAY #16 ORANGE#14 1 2 OFF ....... L1-0, L2-0 FAN ....... L1-2, L2-4 HEAT...... L1-1, L2-4, L2-3 FAN DELAY 1-3 N.C. , 1-2 N.C. 1-2 Closes on Temp Rise LPW1227 L1 3 Rotary Switch 4 L2 BLACK D Common L1 L2 LPW1227.indd : 4/08 OWNERS GUIDE & INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE LEFT WITH HEATER FOR HOME OWNER KING ELECTRICAL MFG. COMPANY • 9131 10th Ave So. • Seattle, WA 98108 • Ph: 206.762.0400 • Fax: 206.763.7738 •