ATTACHMENT–B 1) FIREPROTECTIONSYSTEMPHILOSOPHY 2) FIREWATERUTILITYDESCRIPTION 3) SPECIFICATIONFORFIREWATERPUMPSYSTEM 4) P&IDFORFIREWATERPUMPSYSTEM 5) UNDERGROUNDFIREWATERPIPINGPLAN ƬȋȌ FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 1 of 26 G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY 3 Feb. 19 , 2010 2 Dec. 14 , 2009 1 Nov. 13, 2009 0 Sep. 18, 2009 REV DATE Revised as per PCF Comment Revised as per PCF Comment Revised as per PCF Comment J.K. Kim T.H. Oh T.H. Jung J.K. Kim T.H. Oh T.H. Jung J.K. Kim T.H. Oh T.H. Jung Issued for Review J.K. Kim T.H. Oh T.H. Jung DESCRIPTION PREPARED REVIEWED APPROVED PCF Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers (Perth , Australia) G PT. Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (Jakarta, Indonesia) G SAMSUNG ENGINEERING CO. LTD. (Seoul , Korea) G DEPARTMENT: Piping JOB NO: SC2277 DOCUMENT NO: SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 2 of 26 G CONTENTS 1. GENERAL ………………… 3 2. REFERENCE ………………… 3 3. DESIGN BASIS ………………… 5 4. FIRE WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ………………… 5 5. OUTDOOR FIRE HYDRANT AND MONITOR SYSTEM ………………… 8 6. DRY RISERS ………………… 12 7. FIXED WATER SPRAY SYSTEM ………………… 12 8. FOAM EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM …………………. 13 9. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR BUILDING ………………… 15 10. PORTABLE AND MOBILE EXTINGUISHER ………………… 17 11. FIRE ALARM AND GAS DETECTION SYSTEM ………………… 18 12. BREATHING APPARTUS ………………… 24 13. PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ………………… 24 Attachments Attachment 1. SUMMARIZED MATRIX FOR FIRE FIGHTING FACILTIES OF BUILDING Attachment 2. SUMMARIZED MATRIX FOR F & G SYSTEM OF BUILDING Attachment 3. ESTIMATED FIRE WATER DEMAND CALCULATION Attachment 4. FIRE SINGLE ZONE DRAWING Attachment 5. OVERALL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FOR F & G SYSTEM No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 3 of 26 G 1. GENERAL This specification intended to provide the engineering requirements for fire fighting and protection system, including equipment, piping systems for the Perdaman Collie Urea Plant located in Shotts Industrial site, Collie city Australia as described under this section. The design shall be complied with the requirements of NFPA and local fire protection code. 2. REFERENCE The latest editions of the following codes, specification and regulations shall be applied for the design. 2.1 Local Fire Protection Codes This Australian standard code will include followings, but not limited: AS 1211 Fire Hose Reels AS 12239 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems AS 1603.5 Manual Alarm Call Points AS 1670 Automatic Fire Alarm Installation AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids AS 2118.1 Automatic Fire Sprinklers AS 2419 Fire Hydrant Installations AS 2441 Fire Hose Reel Installations AS 2444 Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets Selection and Location Fixed Fire Protection Installations : Pump set Systems AS 2941 AS 4078 2.2 Fire Protection - Fire Extinguishing Media - Carbon Dioxide - ISO 5923: 1989 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 10 Portable Fire Extinguishers NFPA 11 Standard for low, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam NFPA 12 Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 4 of 26 G NFPA 14 Installation of Standard Pipe and Hose Systems NFPA 15 Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, Installation of Foam-Water Sprinkler and Foam-Water Spray System NFPA 16 2.3 NFPA 20 Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection NFPA 24 NFPA 30 Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code NFPA 70 National Electrical Code NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion System Hazards Code NFPA 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations NFPA 1961 Fire Hose NFPA 1963 Fire Hose Connections NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems American Petroleum Institute (API) API 2001 API 2021 Fire Protection in Refineries Guide for Fighting Fires in and Around Petroleum Storage Tanks API 2030 Guidelines for Application of Water Spray Systems for Fire Protection in the Petroleum Industry API 2218 Fire Proofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants API 2510A Fire Protection Considerations for the Design and Operation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Storage Facilities G 2.4 Others Project Specification SC2277-SE-IS-000-4-1002 Engineering Specification for DCS SC2277-SE-IS-000-4-1005 Engineering Specification for Fire Gas Detection System and No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 5 of 26 G 3. DESIGN BASIS 3.1 The fire fighting system shall be designed on the basis of only major fire with a single fire risk area at a time. 3.2 No simultaneous occurrence of fire, either within a single fire area or in multiple locations in the plant, shall be considered. 3.3 The fire areas shall be defined as areas which are bounded by the limits of a credible fire escalation event. In order to have a useful subdivision of the fire areas, the fire areas may be divided into fire zones. The fire zones in open plant section. The following area or facility is considered as one single fire risk zone. 1) In the process area, all equipment located in an area separated to other equipment by means of pipe rack, roads or distance of at 15m. 2) In the tank storage area, the one tank is considered as one fire risk area. 3) In the building area, the independent room enclosed by noncombustible materials is considered as one fire risk area Changes in Plot Plan layout during Detail Engineering must be checked carefully if they are influencing the layout of the fire zones. 4. FIRE WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 4.1 Fire Water Demand The fire water demand shall be determined based on the largest single fire water demand from the respective area requirements in the plant. The estimated firewater demand shall be the sum of water required for fire protection fixed systems(e.g. water spray system, sprinkler system) and manual fire fighting equipment (e.g. fire monitor, hose stream) based on a single major fire breaking out in one fire risk area at any one time over the entirety of the site. The biggest firewater demand of one of the fire risk areas shall be the total firewater demand. For the purpose of estimating total firewater demand, followings shall be applied: y Firewater demands for two (2) Fire monitors + two (2) Fire hydrants + fixed water spray system. For the purpose of estimating total firewater demand shall be 795 m3/hr. The estimated fire water demand calculation is summarized in Attachment # 3 (Estimated firewater demand calculation) When estimating firewater demand No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 6 of 26 G for fire monitors, hose lines and fixed water spray system the following shall be used: (1) One (1) Fire monitor nozzle: 114 m3/hr (1,900 lpm) (2) One (1) Fire hydrant (2-1/2” hose line x 2): 114 m3/hr (1,900 lpm) (3) Fixed water spray system: Application Rate of exposed surface The fire water demand is estimated by considering several fire scenarios. The biggest incident scenario would be the following: The maximum firewater demand is estimated at 795 m3/hr for any single major fire case on the ammonia process area. Based on preliminary firewater estimates, the ammonia process area have been indicated as producing the higher firewater demand during a single fire incident. The maximum fire water requirement for the ammonia process area is calculated base on a deluge water density of 20.4 lpm/m2 for synthesis gas compressor surface area. The largest fixed water spray 2 gas compressors 292.5 m3 /hr fire water monitors,114 m3/hr each (1,900 lpm each) 228 m3 /hr 2 fire hydrant, two hose stream 57 m3 /hr each (950 lpm 228 m3 /hr each) Total fire water demand of single fire risk area 795 m3 /hr For estimated water demand of each single fire zone, refer to attachment #3. 4.2 Fire Water Supply The water for fire fighting system shall be supplied a dedicate fire water storage tank and pump system and additionally have a back-up from the raw water pond under emergency condition. The fire water ring main will be sized to supply the estimated water demand of 795 m3/hr. The fire water storage tank shall be sized to a minimum storage capacity of 5,000m3 for 6 hours of continuous fire fighting operation. 4.3 Firewater Pumps Firewater pumps can be electric motor, diesel engine driven. The design, installation, and acceptance test of firewater pumps shall conform to NFPA No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 7 of 26 G 20. The fire water shall be pumped from fire water storage tank and pressurized so that the system is ready to service with the minimum pressure of 10 barg (1.0MPag) at the design flow rate at any point on the ground level in the plant. Two (2) fire water pumps shall be required, one driven by electric motor (main) and the other by diesel driven (stand-by). They are horizontal split centrifugal types. The capacity of each pump is 795 m3/hr and therefore it is ensured the maximum fire water supply even if one of the pumps is out of service or when the electric power is unavailable. The fire water pumps will be operated as follows: - The jockey pump will maintain the general network pressure at 8barg. In the event that the network pressure drops below 7.5barg, Jockey will be automatically started. - In the event that the fire water network pressure falls below 7.0barg, the main fire water pump and stand-by fire water pump will be started automatically utilizing their respective pressure switched at pre-set points. In addition to, stand-by fire water pump will also start if main fire pump does not start, or having started, fail to build up the required pressure in the fire-water ring main system within 30 seconds. Manual starting of each pump unit shall be possible at the pump, and from the Control room. Manual stopping of each pump unit shall only be possible at the pump. The shutdown the firewater pumps shall only from local panel. One (1) fire water jockey pump, electric motor driven, in normal operation, are provided to maintain the system pressure against leakage and to allow automatic starting of main fire water pump sequentially in the event of fire water demand from the plant. The capacity of Jockey pump is 50 m3/h at 10 barg (1Mpag) discharge pressure. Booster pumps (1 working + 1 standby, motor operated) shall be provided for dry riser system of high elevation gasification areas, if adequate pressure is not the required design condition. Firewater pumps shall furnish 150% or above of rated capacity at not less than 65% of total rated head. The shutoff head shall not exceed 140% of rated head for any type of pump. 4.4 Firewater Distribution Network The fire main network to be provided at the urea plant shall be fabricated No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 8 of 26 G from Carbon Steel piping with Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating and installed under ground at a buried with a minimum 1.1m cover. Where fire main necessitates installation above ground the piping shall be carbon steel. Where fire water main may be extended in the future, blinded flange shall be provided for future connection. Firewater main will be of minimum 10” diameter and single hydrant or fire monitor laterals shall not be less than 6” in diameter. The fire main shall be installed along the perimeter roadsides of each process block and coal yard storage area(s) including the Administration areas, ensuring firewater is made available throughout the urea plant. Block valves shall be incorporated in the ring main system so that sections can be isolated for maintenance. Each loop intersection, all branch line connections, and all lines with more than six (6) fire protection devices (e.g. hydrant, fire monitor and fixed water spray system) shall be provided with isolation valve. The isolation valves shall be of the positive indicating type showing clearly its open or closed positions. Valves shall be installed, as far as possible aboveground. The valve shall be “Locked open” during operation. The firewater mains network pipe sizes shall be calculated using an approved computer program and the complete calculation shall be based on design flow rates and a minimum pressure of 7barg being available at the most hydraulically remote take-off points from the firewater pump(s). The minimum diameter pipe used for the fire main network shall not be less than 6”. Calculations shall be made to prove that pressure drop is acceptable with a blocked section of piping in the network. The maximum allowable velocity in the system should not exceed 4.6 m/s. 5. OUTDOOR FIRE HYDRANT AND MONITOR SYSTEM 5.1 Fire Hydrants Hydrants spacing in process area shall be no more than 50 m along roadways or access-ways between the hydrants. Hydrants spacing of utility areas (including building area) shall be no more than 70 m as measured along roadways or access ways between the hydrants. Hydrants shall be positioned at least 1.5 m away from the edge of the road and not less than 10 m from the hazardous areas being protected. Hydrants shall be located so that the distance between the hydrant and fire truck will not exceed 3 m. Where large pipe banks or drainage ditches may hinder access between No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 9 of 26 G hydrants and protected areas, access ways or walkways across such obstructions shall be provided near the hydrants. Pipe racks, sleepers, and drainage ditches shall not interfere with convenient access to hydrants. Where a nearby drainage ditch may present operational difficulties or a personnel safety hazard, an access platform with nonslipping surface extending a minimum 1.5 m on either side of the hydrant shall be installed. Requirements of hydrants are described as follows: (1) Hydrants shall be wet barrel type, steel body, rated for 7 barg (0.7 MPag) minimum working pressure. A block valve shall be provided above ground at the base of each hydrant. (2) Each hydrant shall be equipped with two (2) 2-1/2 inch flanged hose connections and one (1) 4 inch flanged pumper connection. (3) Each 2-1/2 inch hose connection shall be equipped with a 2-1/2 inch pressure reducing type quarter turn gate valve through flanged connection; actuating level shall be lockable in open and closed positions. Connection to hose shall be 2-1/2 inch male BS336 instantaneous couplings with rocker lug cap and chain. (4) The 4 inch pumper connection shall be equipped with a 4 inch NRS (Non-rising stem) gate valve. Gate valve outlet shall be provided with flanged 4 inch BS336 instantaneous couplings male hose connection with rocker lug cap and chain. (5) A 6 inch flanged raised face base connection, class 150, shall be provided for each hydrant. (6) All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). Fire hydrant guards post shall be installed where the hydrants may be vulnerable to mechanical impact damage from road traffic. Such guards post shall be fabricated from 4-inch schedule 40 pipes, filled with concrete, and set in concrete. Such as hydrant valve, equipment shall be FM/UL listed. 5.2 Fire Monitors Fire monitors shall be provided to adequately cover process units handling hydrocarbons. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 10 of 26 G Minimum reach of 40 m can be used for spacing fire monitors. Fire monitors shall be stand alone fire monitor type. Fire monitors shall be the types of lever operation with ball valve. Fire monitors shall be rated for minimum/maximum operating pressure to be respectively 7/12 barg (0.7/1.2 MPag). Monitors shall be capable of 360° of horizontal motion and minimum 120° of vertical motion (90° above and 30° below). Monitors shall have the capability to be locked in position. The fire monitor shall have 4 inch flange inlet connection and 2-1/2 inch NH thread with a capacity of at least 120m3/hr at 7barg (0.7MPag). The adjustable monitor’s nozzle (full fog to straight stream) shall be provided and rated for 114m3/hr (1,900 lpm) at 7barg (0.7MPag) and be a design effective straight stream range of approximately 50 meters. Nozzle shall have fixed or swivel 2-1/2 inch NH female connection. Fire monitors shall be located at 1.5 m from edge of road and at least 10 m from road crossing. Such as monitor and monitor nozzle, equipments shall be FM/UL listed. 5.3 Combination Hydrants/Monitors Combination hydrant/monitor shall have the monitor mounted on top of the hydrant. Hydrant shall be equipped with two (2) 2-1/2 inch flanged hose connections and one (1) 4 inch flanged pumper connection. Each 2-1/2 inch hose connection shall be equipped with a 2-1/2 inch pressure reducing type quarter turn gate valve through flanged connection; actuating level shall be lockable in open and closed positions. Connection to hose shall be 2-1/2 inch male BS336 instantaneous couplings with rocker lug cap and chain. A 4 inch quarter turn ball valve shall be provided between the hydrant and monitor for isolation of monitor stream. This ball valve shall be lockable in open and closed positions. Height of the adjusting lever for the monitor shall not exceed 1.3 meters from grade. Combination hydrant/monitor shall be preferred method of applying water to the risk during a fire incident process area to protect equipment handling hydrocarbons. The connecting parts between hydrant and monitor shall have the following (from top of hydrant to base of monitor): (1) 6 inch class 150, raised face, welded neck flange (2) 6 x 4 inch concentric reducer No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 11 of 26 G (3) 4 inch class 150, flat face, welded neck flange (4) 4 inch quarter turn ball valve, lockable in 4 inch class 150, flat face, welded neck flange. (5) All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). Combination hydrant/monitors guards post shall be installed where the hydrants may be vulnerable to mechanical impact damage from road traffic. Such guards post shall be fabricated from 4-inch schedule 40 pipes, filled with concrete, and set in concrete. Such as hydrant valve, monitor and monitor nozzle, equipment shall be FM/UL listed. 5.4 Fire Hose Cabinet Hose cabinet shall be provided to each fire hydrant. Hose cabinet shall be fabricated in FRP finished red for self-standing and hinged door with lock and adequate ventilation. Hose cabinet shall be suitable to contain as specified below: (1) Four (4) sets of 2-1/2 inch synthetic hose of 20m length with 2-1/2 inch BS336 instantaneous couplings (2) Two (2) sets of 2-1/2 inch fog/straight/shut-off combination type pistol grip water nozzle. (3) One (1) ea of hose coupling wrench. (4) All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). Such as hose and water nozzle, equipments shall be FM/UL listed. 5.5 Hose reel Hose reel stations shall be provided in process units and coal pile areas. Two stations shall be positioned within 23 m (50ft.) (walking distance) from any point within the production facilities area. Hose reel stations shall be equipped with 31 m (100ft.) of 1-½”, 19-mm internal bore, 500# non-collapsible rubber hose and adjustable-flow, combination straight-stream fog-type (all brass) nozzles. Reels shall allow hose to be put into service without unwinding the reel. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 12 of 26 G All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). 6. DRY RISERS Dry risers shall be provided to platforms where equipment and process isolation valves are located and adequate access can be provided to allow safe use of hand lines/hoses on elevated working platforms above the first elevation of a structure. Each dry riser shall consist of an inlet with two-way flapper valve, 4” diameter riser pipe fabricated in carbon steel and minimum of two outlet landing valves at each of the respective working platform elevations. A two-way flapper valve (“collecting breaching”) shall be permanently installed at gruound floor level at a height of approximately 0.8 m above finished ground level. Where provided, the inlet to the dry riser shall be installed horizontally for easy access from fire truck only. Outlet landing valves shall be similar to hydrant outlet stainless steel ball valves, fitted with 2-1/2 inch BS336 instantaneous couplings. Outlet landing valve shall be rated for 3.5 barg (0.35 MPag) minimum working pressure and pressure reducing type. Outlet isolation valves shall be located near to the stairway access point to the respective elevated working platform. A hose box shall be provided adjacent to the landing valves on each landing. Each box shall contain 2 jet/spray nozzles and 2 hose (2-1/2 inch x 20 m), as minimum. Hose box shall be fabricated in FRP finished red. All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). Such as hose and nozzle, equipments shall be FM/UL listed. 7. FIXED WATER SPRAY SYSTEM Automatically operated water spray systems shall be actuated by heat/flame detection or fusible plug link. It shall also be possible to remotely operate these deluge valves from control room and local hand switch. Local hand switch shall be located minimum travel distance of 15meters from the protected equipment. Application of water spray systems are provided for the following: y Gas compressors - Synthesis Gas / Recirculation Compressor(500-K-531) - Ammonia Compressor No. 1(500-K-541) No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 13 of 26 G y Ammonia Compressor No. 2(500-K-551 A/B/C) Power transformers with handling flammable oil over 500gal.(1,890 liters) Application rate of water spray as indicated in NFPA 15 Exposure protection of 10.2 liters/minute/m2. Spray rate for compressors shall be in accordance with NFPA 15 with a minimum rate of 20.4 liters/minute/m2 of projected surface area of the equipment. Hydraulic program shall be used to size the water spray deluge system based on the given design criteria. For preliminary estimate purpose, flow rate of the water spray systems can be calculated based on the water spray density plus 10% design factor. The 10% design factor is to account for the overlap, wastage, and pressure balancing of the water spray system. Water velocity in the water spray deluge pipe shall not exceed 6 m/sec 7.1 Water Spray Deluge Valve The deluge valve actuator shall be provided with a electric operator. Deluge valves shall be located at perimeter access-way or road sides at least 15 m from the equipment or area to be protected. An individual manual valve shall be provided upstream of each deluge valve to allow resetting/isolation for maintenance. Deluge Valve shall be FM/UL listed. 7.2 Water Spray Nozzle The water spray nozzles shall be of the medium velocity spray type, with orifices of not less than 8mm. Minimum operating pressure for any spray nozzle shall be 2.0 barg (0.2MPag). The nozzles shall be spaced such that the spray patterns should be overlapped or at least meet. All nozzles shall be provided with blow-off caps. Water spray nozzles shall be FM/UL listed. 8. FOAM EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM Foam systems shall be designs and installed in full compliance with NFPA 11 and NFPA 16. 8.1 Lube oil and seal oil consol for compressor No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 14 of 26 G The foam extinguishing systems shall be actuated manual remote switch both from control room and local hand switch. Local hand switch shall be located minimum travel distance of 15meters from the protected equipment. Foam application should be maintained for 10 minutes; the net minimum foam/water rate shall be 6.5 liters/min./m2 areas to be protected. The following should be added to the aforementioned application rates: 20% due to water not reaching the equipment (because of wind or other factors), and in addition 10% as a flow balancing factor for discharge nozzle pressure variations. Where required foam concentrate and proportioning systems will consist of the bladder tank type, a foam ratio controller, foam water spray/sprinkler nozzle and piping. Foam concentrate shall be stored in the foam concentrate tank. The supplies of foam concentrate shall not be less than the largest to be protected by foam extinguishing system. Foam concentrate shall be aqueous film foaming foam (AFFF) 3%. Such as ratio controller and foam concentrate, equipments shall be FM/UL listed 8.2 Coal pile and Strategic coal pile area The pick-up tube type firewater monitors with a foam drum (55gal.) shall be provided surrounding the coal pile and coal storage area. Minimum reach of 40 m can be used for spacing fire monitors. Fire monitors shall be the types of lever operation with ball valve. Fire monitors shall be rated for minimum/maximum operating pressure to be respectively 7/12 barg (0.7/1.2 MPag). Monitors shall be capable of 360° of horizontal motion and minimum 120° of vertical motion (90° above and 30° below). Monitors shall have the capability to be locked in position. The fire monitor shall have 4 inch flange inlet connection and 2-1/2 inch NH thread with a capacity of at least 120m3/hr at 7barg (0.7MPag). The adjustable monitor’s nozzle (full fog to straight stream) shall be provided and rated for 114m3/hr (1,900 lpm) at 7barg (0.7MPag) and be a design effective straight stream range of approximately 50 meters. Nozzle shall have fixed or swivel 2-1/2 inch NH female connection with foam concentration pickup tube 3.8 cm (1-1/2 inch) by 365 cm (12 feet) hose plus drum pickup valve for 3% proportioning. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 15 of 26 G Foam concentrate shall be aqueous film foaming foam (AFFF) 3%. Such as monitors, monitor nozzles and foam concentrate, equipments shall be FM/UL listed. 9. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR BUILDING 9.1 General Fire protection system shall be installed in buildings. The protection of a building is based on fighting the fire from both the inside and from the outside of the building. Fire water shall be available close to and inside some buildings. The type of fire protection systems applied depends on location, equipment to be protected and the particular fire hazard. Equipment replacement and its replacement value shall also be considered when making an assessment for the design of the fire protection systems. For fire protection facilities of building, refer to attachment #1. 9.2 Indoor Hydrant System In buildings such as the warehouse, workshop, chemical store, control building and administration building, indoor hydrants shall be provided such that any area of the building can be covered by hose streams. The design of these indoor hydrants shall be based on wall mounted rack hosed within suitable cabinets, recesses mounted where appropriate. The indoor hydrants will consist of with 30 metres of 1 1/2 inch hose. Indoor hydrants shall include integrated pressure reducing automatic stop valve on the inlet and hoses shall be fitted with shut-off/jet/spray nozzles. All the connectors and couplings shall be stainless steel (SS) and not brass (Ammonia attack copper). Such as hose and nozzle, equipment shall be FM/UL listed. 9.3 Automatic Sprinkler System Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed for the protection of the following types of equipment and designed to meet the requirements of NFPA13: y Administration Building y Building y Warehouse No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 16 of 26 G y Chemical Storage House y Enclosure Coal handling structure(I.e., Transfer tower) The enclosure coal handling structure each shall be provided with fixed automatic sprinkler systems. Fire water shall be applied at a minimum density of 10.2 lpm/m2 of the floor area. All equipment shall be UL/FM listed. 9.4 Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems 9.4.1 Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing System Fixed total flooding carbon dioxide fire suppression systems shall be provided for installation to cover the following areas: y Coal pulverizer packages y Coal dust collectors (if required). Fixed carbon dioxide fire suppression systems for the above areas will be provided by the coal silo and dust collector package suppliers. In each case these systems shall be designed and installed to meet the requirements of NFPA12. All equipment shall be UL/FM listed. The quantity of reserve (pre-connected CO2 agent) shall be 100% of the quantity supplied. The design of the systems shall incorporate all necessary personnel safety protection interlock systems and dedicated fire detection and alarm control panel with all necessary logic to control and monitor detection, local alarm and fire extinguishing system provide interface with plant e.g. HVAC shutdown where required. Confirmed fire condition will require a minimum alarm from two detectors within the zone requiring discharge of fire extinguishing agent, each detector providing a dedicated alarm condition. All alarm, fault and status indications shall be repeated to the site wide monitoring system. 9.4.2 Clean Agent (HFC-227ea)Extinguishing System A fixed automatic gaseous fire suppression system utilizing clean agent (HFC-227ea) extinguishing shall be installed to cover the following buildings: y Main Central Control Building y U&O Substation y Urea Substation No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 17 of 26 G y Urea Storage Substation y Ammonia Synthesis Substation y Gasification Substation y Coal Handling Substation y Remote Instrument Enclosure #1/2/3/4/5/6/7 Clean agent (HFC-227ea) gaseous fire suppression systems shall be designed and installed to meet the requirements of NFPA 2001. All equipment shall be UL/FM listed. The quantity of reserve (pre-connected clean agent (HFC-227ea)) shall be 100% of the quantity supplied. The design of the system(s) shall incorporate all necessary personnel safety protection interlock systems and include dedicated fire detection and alarm control panel with all necessary logic to control and monitor detection, local alarm and fire extinguishing system provide interface with plant e.g. HVAC shutdown where required. Confirmed fire condition will require a minimum alarm from two detectors within the zone requiring discharge of fire extinguishing agent, each detector providing a dedicated alarm condition. All alarm, fault and status indications shall be repeated to the site wide monitoring system. 10. PORTABLE AND MOBILE EXTINGUISHER Hand held and wheeled dry chemical/CO2 extinguishers shall be installed strategically throughout the plant areas for first attack fire fighting. Fire extinguishers shall comply with latest NFPA 10 and shall be UL/FM listed. The following criteria shall be followed: 10.1 9 kg capacity potassium bicarbonate “BC” dry chemical: The extinguishers shall be located at strategic points at grade and on the platforms of structures with a guide maximum travel distance of 15 m. Extinguisher cabinets shall be fabricated in carbon steel finished RED. 10.2 4.5 kg capacity ammonium phosphate “ABC” dry chemical: The extinguishers are to be used on fires involving office room, corridor such as administration, maintenance, warehouses and etc.. The extinguishers of 4.5kg capacity shall be installed in buildings where the risk necessitates and such that travel from the risk is 15m maximum. 10.3 56.7 kg capacity potassium bicarbonate “BC” wheeled dry chemical extinguishers: No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 18 of 26 G The wheeled extinguishers shall be located at strategic points near hazardous equipment such as transformer area, lube oil tank, turbine generator and hydrocarbon pumps The wheeled extinguishers shall be protected by a suitable identified, heavyduty soft vinyl or vinyl-coated canvas cover. 10.4 4.6 kg CO2 extinguishers: Carbon dioxide extinguishers are to be used on fires involving electric and/or electronic equipment such as panel room, control room, cable spreading room, etc.. CO2 extinguishers of 4.6kg capacity shall be installed in buildings where the risk necessitates and such that travel from the risk is 15m maximum. 11. FIRE ALARM AND GAS DETECTION SYSTEM This Section is only design concept. For detailed description of Fire and Gas Detection System refer to the “Engineering Specification for Fire and Gas Detection System (Doc No. : SC2277-SE-IS-000-4-1005)”. 11.1 Fire and Gas Detection System Requirements 11.1.1 The Fire & Gas detection system (FGS) shall be employed to provide prompt and reliable detection of a developing hazard in order to allow for maximum benefit from personnel response. Centralized Fire & Gas system displays shall be installed in the control building to enable operators to take appropriate action and to indicate that a protection system has been activated. The FGS comply with Lloyds or Veritas insurance guidelines and be in accordance with the NFPA 72 and NFPA 70. Relevant Australian standard may take precedence over NFPA, which have to be recommended by Supplier, if applicable. The fire and gas detection system for scope of supply shall consist of below as; y Fire Alarm Auxiliary Panel (FAAP) : One DCS Operator Console type dual LCD monitors and one DCS Aux Console type switches and Lamps y Fire and gas detection system panel-Master (FGSP-M) at instrument rack room y Work Station for FGSP-M at engineering room y Fire and gas detection system panel-Slave (FGSP-S) within each RIE No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 19 of 26 G y y y Work Station for FGSP-S within each RIE Local Fire Alarm Control Panel (LFACP) within each RIE Local Fire Suppression System Panel (LFSSP) within each RIE complete with Beacon and Sounder, Addressable detectors, etc. 11.1.2 FGS shall provide a summary printout of analog smoke detectors and all other alarm input devices and events when initiated by an operator’s command that includes the following information: y Analog values of all points including initial and extended average value y Points out of sensitivity compensation y Points isolated y Points tested & failed y Event log contents 11.2 Fire Alarm Auxiliary Panel(FAAP) The Fire Alarm Auxiliary Panel (FAAP) will consist of HMI Graphics Display and switchboard. Same furniture of DCS would be preferred. The Graphics Display shall monitor plant fire alarm and status conditions on screen displaying graphical representations of the site by means of colored symbols and be equipped with buzzer or bell and visual annunciation so that operator can easily find the cause and acknowledge the alarm point. The Graphics Display shall give detail information of the type of alarm (e.g. HC gas, H2 gas, fire, manual call point). For gas detectors pre alarm and gas alarm (LEL) shall be displayed. Annunciators will be only common indication per detected hazard for each fire zone, indicating the type of alarm. Switchboard will be used for manual audible alarming, deluge valve activation. Backlight override switches shall be driven by a separate in and output connected to the logics. Color of symbol shall be as follows: y toxic gas: y combustible gas: y flame detector: y fire alarm: y manual call point: y deluge valve/alarm check valve open/close: y running signal of firewater pumps: y discharge signal from Clean Agent or CO2 system: Blue Yellow Red Red Transparent Green/Red Green Orange No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 20 of 26 G 11.3 Fire and Gas Detection System Panel(FGSP) The FGSP shall be a stand-alone, floor mounted and shall be located in instrument rack room and have a redundant fail safe communication structure. Signal processing, circuit integrity and logics shall be implemented with the same hardware as used for the ESD. FGSP-M shall be provided for Main Control Room. This system shall collect the data from FAAP in Main Control Room and FGSP-S in each RIE. The data from LFACP of non RIE (e.g. Substation, other non process buildings) shall be first collected to the FAAP in Main Control Room, from where the data shall be transmitted to FGSP-M by serial interface. Each RIE shall have dedicated FGSP-S for the designated area, where field gas and fire detectors are connected. LFACP in each RIE shall interface with FGSP-S by serial connection and the collected data in FGSP-S shall be interfaced with FGSP-M. The number of hardwired interface between FGSP-S and LFACP are to be defined during detail design. Supplier shall state in the quotation the standard capability of hardwired I/O connection for the LFACP. The FGSP shall be powered from two separate AC supplies, one of which is from UPS system and the other one from an emergency supply system. The UPS system shall have an 8-hour battery back up capacity. Supplier shall recommend the Australian standard application, if there should be any deviation required. The FGSP shall be programmable on site. The programming software shall provide the following automated reports: y Project history (changes made to the system, with date stamp) y List of authorized system programmers y Full system configuration data y Engineering work station 11.4 HMI at security guard house The HMI showing the overview of all FGS system shall be located at the guard house. (Graphic display is same as FAAP) 11.5 Local Fire Alarm Control Panel(LFACP) The LFACP will receive signals from fire alarm manual-stations in buildings via the network. An activation signal based on the location of the activated No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 21 of 26 G manual station shall be transmitted to FGSP-S or FAAP. In case of the activation of the manual stations in buildings, the fire alarm localized as per single fire zone shall be given through bells and horn/strobe located indoors. The LFACP shall be programmed to shutdown the building HVAC system during a fire and to close fresh air intake/to keep on re-circulation of HVAC system when a gas leak is detected at the relevant RIE and buildings. Signals from fire detectors and gas detectors in buildings are processed within the LFACP. A common alarm status from all detectors is routed from LFACP to FGSP-S for each RIE and from LFACP to FAAP for non-RIE buildings. The fire and gas detection and protection equipment for RIE are part of the MAC scope of supply. RIE and analyzer houses will be protected by theirs own system. LFACP for RIE will be connected to the FGSP-S via serial communication for fail-safe network. 11.6 Local Fire Suppression System Panel(LFSSP) Local Fire Suppression System Panel (LFSSP) will be located at the adjacent location close to agent cylinder storage rooms or convenient and safe location to activate the fire suppression system such as Clean Agent (HFC227ea) and CO2 system. These panels will control the operation of the fire suppression systems and report all alarms and faults to the Fire and Gas Detection System Panel (FGSP) located in the main central control building. 11.7 Fire Alarm and Gas Detection Equipment All areas and buildings of the plant will be provided with automatic smoke/heat detectors and manual call points. Flashing lamps will supplement the audible alarms in noisy areas. The layout of detectors will be designed to meet the unique requirements of each occupancy. All field device used as a part of the FGS shall be suitable for permanent working within environmental condition. The device type and location within the plant will be available at the Fire and Gas Detection System Panel. (FGSP) (1) Electronic Siren y Electronic sounders will operate on 24 VDC nominal. y Electronic sounders will be field programmable without the use of special tools, at a sound level of at least 109 dBA measured at 3m from the device. y Electronic sounders will be flush or surface mounted as shown on plans. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 22 of 26 G (2) Red Flash Light y Strobes will operate on 24 VDC with field selectable candela settings. y Strobes will produce a nominal sound output of 88 dBA and tone adjustable 800 – 1200 Hz. y Strobes will produce 1 flash per second over the regulated voltage range. (3) Alarm Bell y All alarm bells will operate on 24 VDC. y Alarm bells will produce a nominal sound output of 85 dBA. y Alarm bells will be 10” (254 mm) diameter for indoor installation. (4) Manual break glass call points y Manual alarm call points shall be provided and located strategically along designated exit routes from process areas and at road sides in and around the peripheral of the process areas at intervals not exceeding 50m y Within buildings, manual alarm call points shall be located in accordance to NFPA 72 ensuring that the maximum travel distance for an operator to activate an alarm is no more than 30m. (5) Manual Release Push button for CO2, HFC-227ea Fire Extinguishing Systems y Release station will be non-coded, dual action operation. y Release station will include abort switch, power-on indication, release indication. y Release station will be made with durable polycarbonate. (6) Smoke Detectors y Photoelectric electric or ionization smoke detectors shall be provided in required buildings such as substation, remote instrument building, analyzed shelter and main central control buildings. y Each detector will contain a remote LED output and a built-in test switch. y Detector will be provided on a twist-lock base. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision 3 Page 23 of 26 G y Very Early Warning Smoke Detection (VESDA) shall be provided within electrical cabinets in the process buildings. (7) Heat Detectors y Heat Detectors shall be provided for each deluge system for automatic actuation of the deluge system and initiation of a fire alarm. y Heat detectors will have a combination rate of rise and fixed temperature rated at 135 °F(57.2 °C) for areas where ambient temperatures do not exceed 100 °F (37.7 °C), and 190 °F(93.33 °C) for areas where the temperature does not exceed 150 °F (65.5 °C). y The rate of rise element will consist of an air chamber, a flexible metal diaphragm, and a factory calibrated, moisture-proof, trouble free vent, and will operate when the rate of temperature rise exceeds 15 °F (9.4 °C) per minute. (8) Heat Detectors, Explosion-proof type y Explosion-proof heat detectors will have a combination rate of rise and fixed temperature rated at 194 °F (90 °C) for hazardous areas. y The detector will be of hermetically sealed, shock resistant, corrosionresistant, and tamper-proof. (9) Flame Detectors y Flame detection devices shall be located to monitor select areas of the plant such as gas compressor seals, etc. Activation of a flame detector shall be indicated at the associated local control panel and simultaneously alarmed at the Control Room and Fire Station. y Audible and visual alarms shall be actuated locally in the concerned area of the plant. (10) Flammable Hydrocarbon Gas Detection y Flammable gas detectors shall be positioned near potential sources of hydrocarbon gas leaks, pumps, compressors, air intakes for HVAC, and turbines. Alarm levels shall be set at 10% and 25% of the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL). Flammable gas detectors that can be exposed to H2S releases (which include all areas within the gas plant) shall be designed for operation in atmospheres containing H2S. y Hydrogen gas detectors shall be located in the battery rooms if H2 can be released when the batteries are used. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 24 of 26 G (11) Toxic Gas Detection y Toxic gas detectors (such as NH3 and CO) shall be positioned near potential sources of toxic gas leakage and where toxic gas is likely to be detected when released such as pump/compressor seals, air intakes for HVAC, enclosures, and air outlets from enclosed classified areas. y H2S detectors shall be located on two basic criteria: general coverage and specific location detectors in the process and utility areas. Alarm levels shall be set at both 10 ppm and 20 ppm. y SO2 detectors shall be used in the sulphur handling areas as fire detectors. Another alarm will be initiated when 3 ppm is reached. Because of the limited sensitivity of SO2 sensors, an independent method of fire detection, such as ultraviolet sensors, will be used in addition to SO2 detection. y Consider to provide detection equipment for coal pile/coal handling to early detection fires may occur from the bottom of coal pile. CO monitoring or hot spot detection may apply. 12. BREATHING APPARATUS Self contained breathing apparatus sets each consisting but not limited to single cylinder air tank sized for 30 minutes operation, carrying harness, face mask and necessary regulator and hoses shall be provided and housed in weatherproof cabinets located in the following areas in pairs. y Process unit walkways y Externally at entrance to Operators Shelters y Externally at entrance to Remote Instrument Enclosures y Externally at entrance to Electrical Substations y MCR 13. PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION For detailed description of passive fire protections refer to the "Specification for Passive Fire Protection (Doc No. : SC2277-SE-BS-000- 4-1002)”. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 25 of 26 G ATTACHMENT 1 : SUMMARIZED MATRIX FOR FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES OF BUILDING Buildings Portable CO2 Extinguisher Portable Dry Powder Extinguisher Mobile Dry Powder Extinguisher Indoor Hydrant System Water Sprinkler System Water Spray System Fixed Gaseous Extinguishing System Process buildings: Analyzer Houses X X X U&O Substation X X X X Urea Substation X X X X X X X X X X Ammonia X Substation Gasification X Substation Power Transformer Area Remote Instrument X Enclosures Non-Process buildings: Guard Houses X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Warehouse Bldg X X X X X X Chemical Storage Bldg X X X X X Building X X X X X Canteen X X X Laboratory Building X X X U & O Substation X X X X X X X X Main Control Building Administration Building Coal Handling Substation Power Transformer Area X X X No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 26 of 26 G ATTACHMENT 2 : SUMMARIZED MATRIX FOR F&G SYSTEM OF BUILDING Buildings Smoke Detection Heat Detection Very Early Warning Smoke Detection Manual Call Points Fire Alarm Sounders Gas Detectors Gas Alarms X X Process Area Buildings: X Analyser Houses U&O Substation X X X X X X X Urea Substation X X X X X X X Ammonia Substation X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gasification X Substation Power Transformer Area Remote Instrument X Enclosures Plant Facilities Buildings: Guard Houses Main Control Building Administration Building X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Warehouse Bldg X X X X X X Chemical Storage Bldg X X X X X X Building X X X X X X Canteen X X X Laboratory Building X X X X X X X U & O Substation X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Coal Handling Substation Power Transformer Area X X G No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. G G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 1 of 7 G G G G ATTACHMENT #3 G G G G G G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 2 of 7 G CONTENTS 1.0G CALCULATION BASIC ................................................................................................................ 3G 2.0G FIRE WATER DEMAND CALCULATION .................................................................................... 4G 3.0G FIRE WATER DESIGN SELECTION ........................................................................................... 6G 4.0G ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 7G G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 3 of 7 G 1.0 CALCULATION BASIC 1.1 Definition of single fire zone The fire protection system shall be designed on the basis of only major fire at a time. No simultaneous occurrence of fire, either within a single area or in multiple locations in multiple locations in the plant, shall be considered. The following area or facility is considered as a one single fire risk area. (1) In the process area, all equipment located in an area separated to other equipment by means of pipe rack, roads or distance of at 15m. (2) In the tank storage area, the one tank is considered as one fire risk area. (3) In the building area, the independent room enclosed by noncombustible materials is considered as one fire risk area. 1.2 Code and Standards Description Code & Standard NFPA-850 - Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations (Sec. 6.2.1) API RP 2001 - Fire Protection in Refineries (Sec. and Required of Fire Water Demand The largest fixed fire suppression system (or any fixed fire suppression system demands that could reasonably be expected to operate simultaneously during a single fire),plus the hose stream demand of not less than 500 gpm(1890 L/min) Fixed water spray, sprinkler, or foam systems, the flow rate should be the sum of the flow rates required for proper operation of the fixed systems, plus an allowance for simultaneous operation of monitors and hose streams. Required Duration of Firewater Supply Min. 2 hours Min. 4 hours to Remark 6 G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 4 of 7 G 2.0 FIRE WATER DEMAND CALCULATION Fire Zone Fire Zone 1: Unit 100 Milling and Drying Application System & Firewater Demand Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fire Zone 2: Unit 200 Gasification Remark Fixed Deluge System, 142 m3/h(625 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 598m3/h Fire Zone 3: Unit 300 CO Shift Fire Zone 4: Unit 350 HCN-COS Hydrolysis & Cooling Section Fire Zone 5: Unit 400 AGR Fire Zone 6: Unit 410 H2 Purification Fire Zone 7: Unit 420 CO2 Compression - Lube Oil Console Fire Zone 8: Unit 500 Ammonia - 500-K-531 / 541 Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456m3/h Fixed Deluge System, 44 m3/h(193 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 44 m3/h Fixed Deluge System, 225 m3/h(990 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 681 m3/h - 500-K-551 Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Fixed Deluge System, 65 m3/h(285 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 521 m3/h - Lube Oil Console Total Flow Rate : 44 m3/h - Transformer Fixed Deluge System, 44 m3/h(193 GPM) Fixed Deluge System, 43 m3/h(189 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 499 m3/h Maximum Firewater Demand : 681 m3 /h (2,998 GPM) G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 5 of 7 G Fire Zone Fire Zone 9: Unit 550 Urea Application System & Firewater Demand Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 10: Unit 560 Urea granulation Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Fixed Deluge System, 159 m3/h(700 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 615m3/h Fire Zone 11: Unit 570 Product storage & loading Fire Zone 12: Unit 440 Sulphur recovery Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 15: Unit 700 Air Separation Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 16: Unit 800 Other Utilities Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 14: Unit 650 Air Separation Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 13: Unit 600 Power Generator Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fixed Deluge System, 37 m3/h(163 GPM) Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 439m3/h Fire Zone 17: Coal Pile Area-1 Coal Pile Area-2 Coal Pile Area-3 Coal Pile Area-4 Fixed water monitor, 4 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fixed water monitor, 4 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fixed water monitor, 4 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fixed water monitor, 4 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Coal Pile Area-5 Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h (1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 228 m3/h Fire Zone 18: Building Area Automatic Sprinkler System,200 m3/h (881GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h (1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 428 m3/h Remark G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 6 of 7 G Fire Zone Fire Zone 19: Unit 830 Slag Area Application System & Firewater Demand Remark Fixed water monitor, 2 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Hand hose streams , 228 m3/h(1000 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h Fire Zone 20: Stratefic Coal Pile Fixed water monitor, 4 EA x 114 m3/h(500 GPM) Total Flow Rate : 456 m3/h G 3.0 FIRE WATER DESIGN SELECTION 3.1 The Maximum Fire Water Demand is applies with 795 m3/hr For safety reason, water demand of fixed deluge system shall be added 30% safety factor 30% safety factor : 20% due to water not reaching the equipment(because of wind or other factors), and in addition 10% as a flow balancing factor for discharge nozzle pressure variations. Maximum Fire Single Zone : Unit 500 Ammonia x Fixed Deluge System : 225 m3/hr (990 GPM) x 1.3 = 292.5 m3/hr (1,288 GPM) x Fixed Water Monitor : 114 m3/hr x 2 EA = 228 m3/hr (1,000 GPM) x Hand Hose Stream : 114 m3/hr x 2 EA = 228 m3/hr (1,000 GPM) Total Fire Water Demand of Maximum Single Fire Risk Area : 713.4 m3/hr (3,133 GPM) Consequentlly, Fire Pump is required the least 795 m3/hr (3,500 GPM) of pump listed NFPA 20 3.2 Fire Water Supply Storage Tank Capacity : 5,000 m3 (Based on the maximum fire water demand of 795 m3/h, 3,500 m3 correspond to 6 hours of fire water storage.) 3.3 Fire Water Supply Ring Main Size : 12 inch (Based on the maximum allowable fire water velocity of 4.6 m/s and maximum fire water demand of 795 m3/h, fire water ring main size is calculated at 12 inch) 3.4 Two (2) fire water pump shall be required, one driven by electric motor(main), one driven by diesel engine(stand-by). The capacity of each pump shall be 795 m3/hr (3,500 gpm) at the minimum pressure of 10 barg. One (1) fire water jockey pump, electric motor driven, capacity of 50 m3/h at 7 barg, shall be provided to maintain the system pressure against leakage G ESTIMATED FIREWATER DEMAND CALCULATION G 4.0 ATTACHMENTS 4.1 Attachment #4 - Drawing for Single Fire Zone Doc. No Appendix #3 Page 7 of 7 Fire Water Utility Description COLLIE UREA PROJECT DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-AI-760-4-1001 Revision 2 Page 2 of 4 CONTENTS 1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 3 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................................... 3 3. DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................................ 4 4. SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND AUXILIARY ................................................................. 4 No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. Fire Water Utility Description DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-AI-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 2 Page 3 of 4 1. GENERAL Fire water system facility will be provided for active Fire protection system of Collie Urea Plant supporting water based suppression. Fire water system consists of Fire Water Pump, Fire Water Tank and Fire Water System Distribution. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM Refer to Utility Flow Diagram Fire Water System No. SC2277-IK-AD-760-3-1001 and Fire Protection System Philosophy No. SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001, the water for fire fighting system is a dedicated fire water tank (760-T-001) and additionally have back-up from the raw water pond under emergency condition. Fire water tank is sized to a minimum storage capacity of 5000 m3 for 6 hours of continuous fire fighting operation. Two (2) fire water pumps consist of one main pump driven by electric motor (760P-001A M) and one stand-by pump driven by diesel driven (760-P-001B D). They are horizontal split centrifugal types. The capacity of each pump is 795 m3/hr (maximum fire water demand) and therefore it is ensured the maximum fire water supply even if one of the pumps is out of service or when the electric power is unavailable. One(1) jockey pump (760-P-002 M), electric motor driven, is provided to maintain the system pressure at 800 kPaG against leakage and to allow automatic starting of main fire water pump sequentially in the event of fire water demand from the plant. The capacity of jockey pumps is 50 m3/hr at 1000 kPaG. Pressure at the fire water distribution network shall be controlled by a pressure transmitter PT-0001 which is connected to Fire and Gas Detection System Panel (FGSP) and each fire water pump with four (4) setting point: No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. Fire Water Utility Description DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-AI-760-4-1001 Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 2 Page 4 of 4 HIGH : Stop Jockey Pump (760-P-002 M) at 850 kPag LOW-1 : Start Jockey Pump (760-P-002 M) at 750 kPag LOW-2 : Start Main Fire Water Pumps (760-P-001A M) at 700 kPag LOW-3 : Start stand-by Fire Water Pump (760-P-001B D) at 650 kPag or if Main Fire Water Pump fail to build up pressure within 30 second Manual starting of each pump unit shall be possible at the pump and from the control room. The fire water pumps shall be designed for manual local stop only. Remote alarms for pump and controller status, power supply etc. is provided for the fire water pumps in accordance with AS 2941 and NFPA 20. The alarms should be connected into the DCS system and FGSP. 3. DESIGN BASIS Fire water requirement for Collie Urea Plant is estimated based on Fire Protection System Philosophy No. SC2277-SE-FA-760-4-1001. 4. SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AND AUXILIARY The Fire Water System equipments comprise: 760-T-001 : Fire Water Tank 760-P-001 A M : Fire Water Pump Electric Driven 760-P-001 B D : Fire Water Pump Diesel Driven 760-P-002 M : Jockey Pump Electric Driven No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 1 of 18 SPECIFICATION FOR FIRE WATER PUMP SYSTEM 3 Jan 08, 2010 2 Dec 29, 2009 1 Dec 23, 2009 0 Oct. 27, 2009 REV DATE Issued as per PCF comments Issued as per SECL comments Issued as per SECL comments JC/MH US/EM SECL PCF JC/MH US/EM SECL PCF JC/MH US/EM SECL PCF Issued for Review JC/MH US/EM SECL PCF DESCRIPTION PREPARED REVIEWED APPROVED CLIENT APPROVAL Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilizers (Perth , Australia) PT. Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (Jakarta, Indonesia) SAMSUNG ENGINEERING CO. LTD. (Seoul , Korea) DEPARTMENT: JOB NO: DOCUMENT NO: Mechanical SC2277 SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 2 of 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................ 3 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. Purpose .................................................................................................... 3 Order of Precedence……………………………………………………….3 Definitions…………………………………………………………………3 2. CODE, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ............................................... 4 3. DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4. General Design Basis ............................................................................... 5 Pump Performance Requirements ............................................................. 5 Pump Design and Rating .......................................................................... 7 Impeller, Bearing and Seals ...................................................................... 8 Pump Material.......................................................................................... 9 Drivers ..................................................................................................... 9 Skid and Accessories .............................................................................. 12 Control and Instrumentation ................................................................... 14 INSPECTION AND TESTING .......................................................................... 16 4.1 4.2 General requirements ............................................................................. 16 Pump Testing ......................................................................................... 16 5. DOCUMENTATIONS ....................................................................................... 17 6. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT .................................................................. 18 6.1 6.2 Protective Coating .................................................................................. 18 Nameplate .............................................................................................. 18 No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 1. 3 Page 3 of 18 GENERAL 1.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this specification is to define the minimum technical requirements for the design, supply, manufacture, and testing of Main Fire Water Pumps and jockey Pump for Collie Urea Project. 1.2. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In case of conflict between documents they shall take precedence in the following order: a. Australian National Law & Regulations b. Local Government / Statutory regulations. c. Data Sheets d. This specification. e. Other PCUP Project Specifications f. Referenced codes and standards. Any deviation or conflicts from the specifications and/or data sheets shall be presented in writing to the Purchaser for resolution. Written approval for any deviation is required prior to the start of any work. Compliance with the specifications and data sheets does not relieve the SUPPLIER/VENDOR of the responsibility to furnish equipment of safe and proper design, suited to meet the performance guarantees. 1.3. DEFINITIONS The term used in this engineering specification are defined below, Owner EPC Contractor Sub Contractor Supplier/Vendor Sub-Supplier : Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilizers Pty Ltd. : Samsung Engineering Co. Ltd. as a Purchaser. : Company doing construction activities at site this includes erection works and commissioning assistance. : Equipment / Machinery or Package Supplier/Vendor also helps in supervision during erection by Sub Contractor and commissioning if required. : Sub-Supplier of package unit components No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT 2. Revision 3 Page 4 of 18 CODE, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS The current versions complete with the latest amendments, of the following laws, statutory regulations, codes, standards and specifications shall form part of and shall be read in conjunction with this specification. Project Specifications & Documents SC2277-SE-FA-780-4-1001 SC2277-SE-RS-000-4-1001 SC2277-IK-AI-760-4-1001 SC2277-IK-AD-760-3-1001 SC2277-IK-FF-760-3-1001 SC2277-SE-ES-000-4-1001 SC2277-SE-IS-000-4-1001 3 Fire Protection System Philosophy Engineering Specification for Rotating Machinery and Package. Fire Water Utility Description UFD – Fire Water System P&ID - Fire Water Storage Tank and Pumps Standard Engineering Specification Electrical Design Criteria Instrumentation for Package Equipment Australian National Law & Regulations AS 2941 Fixed Fire Protection Installations – Pump set systems American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME B73.1M Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process ASME B 1.1 Screw Threads. ASME 1.20.1 Pipe Threads. ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges & Flanged Fittings National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps NFPA 70 National Electric Code Underwriters Laboratories Classification Services (UL) UL 218 Fire Pump Controllers UL 448 Pumps for Fire Protection Service UL 508 Electric Industrial Control Equipment UL 1236 Electric Battery Chargers UL 1247 Diesel Engines for Driving Centrifugal Fire Pumps Hydraulic Institute Standard (HIS) Standard for Centrifugal, Rotary and Reciprocal Pumps-Centrifugal Pumps Test Code No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 5 of 18 American Gear Manufacturer’s Association (AGMA) AGMA A 420 Practice for Helical and Herringbone Gear Speed Reducers and Increasers AGMA A 421 Practice for High Speed Helical and Herringbone Gear Units 3. 3.1 DESIGN General Design Basis 1) The fire fighting system is designed on the basis of only major fire with a single risk area at a time. There is no simultaneous occurrence of fire, either within a single fire area or in multiple locations in the plant, is to be considered. 2) The Fire water demand is therefore determined based on the largest single fire water demand from the respective area requirements in the plant. 3) The total design of fire water demand is 795 m3/hr. 4) The water for firefighting system shall be supplied by means of pumping from a fire water storage tank (760-T001) and additionally have back-up from the raw water pond under emergency condition. 5) The fire water storage tank is sized to a minimum storage capacity of 5000 m3 for 6 hours of continuous fire fighting operation. 6) All pumps, drivers, controlling equipment, power supply and arrangement shall be approved by the Western Australia authority having jurisdiction for the specific field conditions encountered. 3.2 Pump Performance Requirements 3.2.1. Fire Water Pumps Fire water pumps shall be electric motor(s) and diesel engine driven. The design, installation, and acceptance test of fire water pumps shall conform to NFPA 20. The fire water source is taken from fire-water storage tank located at site, close to the main firewater pumps. Two (2) fire water pumps shall be required, one driven by electric motor (760MP001 A as a main) and the other by diesel engine (760-DP001 B as a stand-by). All pumps are horizontal split centrifugal types. The capacity of each pump is 795 No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 6 of 18 m3/hr and therefore it is ensured the maximum fire water supply even if one of the pumps is out of service or when the electric power is unavailable. The main fire water pumps shall provide fire water at specified pressure to the plant firewater networks, so that the system is ready to service with the minimum pressure of 1.0 MpaG at the design flow rate at any point on the ground level in the plant. The main fire water pumps shall be suitable for parallel operation. The mains pressure shall be controlled by bypass flow back to the fire water storage tank through a back pressure regulator valve. Fire water pumps shall capable to furnish 150% or above of the rated capacity at not less than 65% of total rated head. The shutoff head shall not exceed 140% of rated head for any type of pump. The fire pumps will be operate as follows: a. b. The jockey pump will maintain the general network pressure at 0.8 MpaG. In the event that the network pressure drops below 0.75 MpaG, jockey pump will be automatically started. In the event that the fire water network pressure falls below 0.7 MpaG, the main fire water pump and stand-by fire water pump will be started automatically utilizing their respective pressure switched at pre-set points. In addition to, stand-by fire water pump also start if main fire pump does not start, or having started, fail to build up the required pressure in the fire water ring main system within 30 seconds. Manual starting of each pump unit shall be possible at the pump and from the control room. Manual stopping of each pump unit shall only be possible at the pump. The fire water pumps shall be designed for manual local stop only. 3.2.2. Jockey Pump One (1) Centrifugal type jockey pump (760-MP002) of either horizontal type is in operation and driven by electric motor shall be used to maintain the fire-water line system pressure against any possible leakage. The capacity of Jockey pumps is 50 m3/h at 1.0 MpaG discharge pressure. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 7 of 18 The Jockey pump will also be capable of starting and stopping manually from the local control and from the control room. The start and stop of the Fire Water Pump System and its setting hierarchy shall be follow the project document SC2277-IK-AI-760-4-1001_Rev.2 – “Fire Water Utility Description”. 3.3 Pump Design and Rating The firewater and jockey pumps shall comply with this specification, NFPA 20 and Hydraulic Institute Standard. Each component of the firewater pump package shall be NFPA / UL listed, whilst the jockey pump is considered to be unlisted. Where applicable, individual components require UL certification shall bear a classification marking (UL certification). The pump shall be designed for continuous base load at the rated conditions. The rated capacity and head specified on the data sheet is at the pump discharge flange. The pump characteristics shall be as defined in NFPA 20 and in accordance with the following: c. Flow versus head characteristics shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 20, figure A.6.2. d. Each pump shall be able to operate at the rated conditions for a minimum of 8,760 total operating hours before overhaul is required. The pump shall be capable of continuous operation at the rated conditions. A design life of 25 years shall be considered as a minimum. e. The pump shall be selected such that 5% change in capacity and head with respect to rated conditions shall be achieved. f. The pump shall be capable of operating at 150% of rated flow without the NPSH (R) exceeding the NPSH available. The horizontal pumps shall be axially split type and the pump rotation shall be clockwise (CW) when viewed from driver end. Each fire water pump unit shall consist of a pump, driver, controller, a common base-plate for each pump and driver and accessories, as required for operation by NFPA 20 and the corresponding data sheets. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 8 of 18 The pump shall be furnished as a packaged unit by a single SUPPLIER/VENDOR. Fire Water Pump, pressure relief valve and controllers shall be UL listed or FM approved for fire water pump service with the pump manufacturer responsibility for the unit’s listing or approval. The electric motor / diesel engine shall be equipped with non-reverse ratchet to prevent reverse rotation. The maximum allowable loads and moments for the suction and the discharge nozzles shall be stated. The design criteria, the assumptions and the stresses used for calculating the allowable forces and allowable moments shall be stated. The electric motor / diesel engine to the pump coupling shall be a solid metal adjustable spacer type coupling, and shall be drilled and threaded to ASME B1.1. The coupling guard shall be OSHA approved. Flats to accommodate dismantling tools shall be machined onto the coupling and both shafts. The casing hydro test pressure shall be the greater of 1.5 times design pressure or 2 times maximum shut off pressure. A noise levels for the package shall conform to the requirements of the environmental noise in Western Australia is governed by the Environmental Protection (noise) Regulation 1997. The layout shall allow convenient access for maintenance and complete pump removal. Parts requiring accurate alignment during reassembly shall be doweled. Four lifting lugs shall be provided for use with a simple wire rope sling lift. 3.4 Impeller, Bearing and seals Impellers shall be of the enclosed type and keyed to the shaft. The head produced by the installed impeller shall not exceed 95% of the head produced by the maximum diameter impeller available for the selected casing. The shaft shall be sized to transmit the maximum horsepower required over the full range of the head-capacity curve by the maximum diameter impeller available within the casing selected. 3 Oil lubricated by splashed shall be used for the pumps. The pump bearings shall have L10h rating of not less than 25,000 hrs based on load rating and fatigue life. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 9 of 18 All removable rotating components shall be statically and dynamically balanced individually and then as a completely assembled rotor. Lateral and torsional critical speed analysis shall be carried out on all multistage pumps considering dry and wet critical at design and 2 times design clearances. The pump speed shall be at least 20% above the critical speeds at worst conditions. The pump shall operate smoothly, throughout its speed range up to rated speed. 3.5 Pump Material The pump materials of construction shall be selected to suit the specified conditions of firewater quality as per the data sheet. 1) The material shall conform to relevant ASTM specification. 2) Threading of fasteners, internal and external to the pump, shall conform to ASME B1.1 or B1.20.1. Stud construction is preferred over cap screws. Fastener material shall be compatible with the material of the parts being fastened and shall be of similar metallurgy to pump wetted parts. 3.6 Drivers The driver shall be one (1) electric motor and two (2) diesel engines as specified in datasheet. The jockey pump driver shall be of an electric motor. 3.6.1 Diesel Engine Drivers 3 One (1) out of the two (2) main firewater pumps driver shall be a self-contained, skidmounted diesel engine provided with cooling system by Heat Exchanger (Shell & Tube ). The diesel engine supplied with the engine driven pump shall have a proven design for fire water pump service and shall be designed in accordance with UL-1247 “Diesel Engines for Driving Centrifugal Fire Pumps”. The engine cooling system shall be of the heat exchanger type as detailed in NFPA 20, “Diesel Engine Drive”. The cooling water loop shall be factory installed and piped from pump discharge. The heat exchanger discharge shall be piped to the skid drain. The engine cooling system shall be sized for continuous duty at maximum ambient air temperature while circulating a 50- percent ethylene glycol / water mixture. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 10 of 18 Air filters shall be suitable for dusty, humid conditions and must be equipped with rain hood. The filters must be designed to handle dusty air in a sub-tropical environment. 3 Filters shall be sized to 150 percent of the maximum rated capacity of the engine. Fuel tank storage capacity shall be of size, sufficient to continuously operate the engines for six (6) hours at full load. Each diesel engine shall have a separate fuel line and fuel supply tank. The day tank assembly shall be installed on a skid as described in paragraph 3.7. of this specification. The fuel tank shall have, as a minimum, the following connections: • Vent • Fill • Overflow • Fuel supply • Fuel return • Drain • Fuel level indicator • High and low level switch • Manway 3 • Support/Structure • Flange The diesel engine fuel system shall be provided with metallic flexible connectors as the engine to damper the vibration to the fuel lines. The engine shall be provided with a governor capable of regulating engine speed with in range of ҏ5% between shut off and maximum load condition of pump. An over speed shut down device shall be provided with manual override. The diesel engine exhaust system shall be complete with flexible engine-exhaust pipe connectors, including a Siamese connector if the engine selected is a V-block design. Additional piping, fittings, brackets and supports shall be provided, as required, to mount and support the exhaust system and muffler from the engine. Engine Rating and Design Rating of the diesel engine and auxiliaries shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 20, Chapter 11, and those listed below. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 11 of 18 With all the derating allowances in to NFPA 20, the engines shall be capable of continuous operations to at least ten percent (10%) over the maximum brake horsepower required to drive the pump at any point from shut-off to one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of flow. The over speed trip shall be set at twenty percent (20%) above rated engine and pump speed. The engine shall be a UL listed design except as modified to meet this specification. Connection of the engine driver to the gearbox shall be through a double universal joint torque tube (cordon shaft). Diesel Engine Electrical Starting System Unless otherwise specified, the engine shall be furnished with an electric starting system of sufficient capacity to crank the engine to starting speed at minimum ambient temperature. The entire electrical starting system shall be specifically designed for outdoors, with roof and hazard area class as specified in datasheet. Each engine shall be provided with two storage battery units. At 4.5oC, each battery unit shall have twice the capacity sufficient to maintain the cranking speed recommended by the engine manufacturer through a - 3 minutes attempt to start cycle, which is six consecutive cycles 15 seconds of cranking and 15 seconds of rest,. Two (2) means for recharging the storage batteries shall be provided; one shall be the alternator or generator supplied with the diesel engine, the other shall be an integral battery charger in the diesel engine controller. The battery shall be 24 volt DC Lead Acid type and shall be maintenance free. The number and capacity of battery shall be as per cl. no. 11- of NFPA 20. Batteries shall be mounted on the skid in a stainless steel, corrosion resistant box. The battery box shall be equipped with a padlock-locking lid and with four 1/4" drain holes on the bottom of box. Unless otherwise specified, both a rack mounted battery charger and an engine driven alternator shall be provided for battery charge. The automatic battery charger, 240V / 1 phase / 50Hz, shall be sized to return full charge to fully No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 12 of 18 discharged batteries within 8 to 10 hours and shall be suitable for off-skid mounting. The battery charger shall be as per cl. no. 11- of NFPA 20. 3.6.2 Electric Motor Driver One (1) of the main fire water pump and one (1) jockey pump shall be provided with electric motor drivers directly coupled to them. Electric motors shall comply with NFPA 20, articles for “Electric Drivers for Pump”, and service factors shall not be used in determining the size requirements. The motor continuous rating shall exceed power absorbed by pump (including transmission loss) by 10%, under all operating conditions. The motor locked rotor current shall be as per NFPA 20. The motor bearings shall be able to take pump axial loads and provide axial play adjustment, for vertical motor driver. 3.7 Skid and Accessories Each fire water pump including the driver (electric motor or diesel engine), controller, diesel day tank (for engine driven pump) and associated accessories shall be mounted on a skid. Jockey pump and motor driver, including controller, shall also be mounted on an individual skid. Design of the skid and appurtenances shall be adequate for the most severe coincidence combination of loads during transportation, construction, operation or maintenance. All equipment shall be mounted to structural members, not to floor grating. Each fire water pump skid and jockey pump skid shall be a fully functional modular package, requiring only installation of pump and strainer hook-up of suction and discharge piping, electric power, and control cables to make it operational. Motor control leads shall terminate in a IP55 junction box located at the edge of the skid. Power leads shall terminate in separate IP55 junction box, integral to the motor. Except for the control panel which is located off skid, both the firewater pump and jockey pump shall be furnished as a totally skid mounted package. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 3 Page 13 of 18 The skid will be outdoors with roof. The skid base shall be chequered plate, with all piping tubing and wiring installed above the base. The lifting lugs shall be provided for the skid and located to avoid hook or sling contact with tubing and instrumentation. Each skid shall have four (4) lifting lugs designed for a single point lift. No skid component, including piping, shall overhang the skid. Components mounted on the skid shall include: 1) A diesel engine or electrical motor as specified. 2) A flexible coupling or a universal joint coupling of cordon shaft design, connecting the driver to the pump, with a corrosion resistant guard, designed and mounted according to OSHA requirements. 3) Right angle gear box. (Applicable only for diesel engine driver vertical turbine pump) 4) Piping and accessories. 5) Flanged discharge head shall be firmly supported with faces flush to the skid edge. Components of the piping system shall include: 1) A backpressure regulator (to be piped to pump suction source). 2) A pressure safety relief valve (to be piped back to the suction source). 3) An automatic air release valve, 1-1/2 inch NPS or larger, to vent the air. 4) A 4-1/2 inch dial size pressure gauge, mounted near the pump casing to register discharge pressure Piping, instruments and valves defined in this specification and NFPA 20 that are part of the engine, gearbox and pump auxiliaries only. Components required by NFPA 20, mounted on discharge piping downstream of the discharge flange, shall be as supplied loose. A fuel tank fabricated from carbon steel and integrated into the main base skid. Included with the tank and fuel system shall be a fill nozzle with screw cap, vent, drain valve with flanged fitting, a water separator, flame arrester, fuel filters sufficient to condition the fuel to ASTM 2-D requirements, and connecting fuel piping of austenitic stainless steel. (Applicable to diesel engine drivers) No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 14 of 18 Exhaust muffler, with rain cap, for vertical gas discharge. The free standing, lockable, instrument gauge board suitable for environment and area class as specified in datasheet, shall be mounted on the outer edge of the skid base, and include meters to display the following: 1) Engine speed. 2) Engine jacket water temperature. 3) Engine intake vacuum. 4) Engine lubes oil pressure. 5) Engine lubes oil temperature. 6) Engine lubes oil level. 7) Engine running hour meter. 8) Pump discharge pressure. 9) Gear lubes oil temperature. 10) Gear lube oil pressure (if applicable) All electrical wiring and controls shall conform to SC2277-SE-ES-000-4-1001" Standard Engineering Specification - Electrical Design Criteria". They shall be housed in the IP 55 instrument panel. The only connection points for external control and power cables shall be at partitioned terminal strips shall be located in the panel. The minimum instrument rating shall be Class1, Group D, and Div 2. Painting of all surfaces requiring protection from corrosion shall be in accordance with SC2277-SE-PS-000-4-1001, "Specification for Painting and Coating". 3.8 Control and Instrumentation Package instrumentation shall be in accordance with specification No. SC2277-SE-IS-0004-1001 A combination of manual and automatic dedicated diesel engine / electric motor controllers shall be located close to the skid. The controller for each pump shall be located in IP 55 enclosure. The controller shall feature following logic functions / indications / alarms, all related components shall conform to the requirements of SC2277-SE-IS-000-4-1001 Instrumentation for Package Equipment. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 15 of 18 The functional logic in the main control system shall activate fire water pump start circuit under following conditions through a hardwired single “normally closed” contact. a. Low fire water ring main pressure. b. Manually at fire water pump skid and from the control room. The panel instrumentation shall include provision for interfacing with main plant control system. Provision shall be made to repeat information and alarm at a remote control room. 3.8.1 Diesel Engine Controller The diesel engine controller shall meet the UL Listed or FM approved requirements for diesel engine driven fire water pump service, and shall have a IP55 enclosure or approved equal. The controllers shall be mounted on the skid and shall include 316 stainless steel pressure sensing lines an materials as described in NFPA 20 The engine controller shall be provided with an adjustable 0-60 second time delay for sequential start. The controller shall be supplied with all alarms per NFPA 20 requirements and this specification. Supplier/Vendor to provide dry contacts rated for 24 VDC for low fuel level, low battery, and pump running. The controller shall have terminal strips for all engine connections, power supply, and remote alarms (pump running and common trouble). The controller shall include a weekly program timer per NFPA 20. 3.8.2 Fire Water Pump Electric Motor Controller The electric motor controller shall comply with the requirements of chapter 10 of NFPA 20. The motor controller shall meet the UL Listed or FM Approved requirements and shall have an IP65 enclosure or approved equal. The controllers shall be mounted on the skid and shall include 316 stainless steel pressure sensing lines an materials as described in NFPA 20 No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 16 of 18 The motor controller shall be provided with an adjustable 0-60 second time delay for sequential start. The motor controller shall have terminal strips for Purchaser’s remote alarms connection to indicate when the pump is running, when the power supply is unavailable, and common trouble. 3.8.3 Jockey Pump Motor Controller The controller for jockey pump shall be 240 VAC, 3 Phase, 50 Hertz, suitable for direct across-the-line starting. The controller enclosure shall meet the requirements of IP 55 classifications. The controllers shall be mounted on the skid and shall include 316 stainless steel pressure sensing lines and materials as described in NFPA 20. The controller shall be suitable for automatic operation to start the pump on low header pressure and to stop the pump on high header pressure. The controller shall include the following features: 4. • The jockey pump should automatically stop upon start of the fire water pump and remain off while the fire water pump is running. • Externally operable circuit breaker disconnect switch. • Across the line motor starter. • Three position switch for “Manual”, “Off”, and “Automatic” operating modes. • Pressure switch with adjustable pressure settings for pump start and pump stop. The adjustable range of the switch shall be as specified on the jockey pump Data Sheet. • Dry contacts rated for 24 VDC to indicate motor running. INSPECTION AND TESTING 4.1 General requirements Inspection during construction, and performance testing, shall be done in accordance with the requirements of applicable sections of NFPA 20 and HIS. The Authority having jurisdiction shall be notified as to time and place of the acceptance test. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System COLLIE UREA PROJECT Revision 3 Page 17 of 18 Additional, specific requirements listed below shall be met: 1) Each pump, driver, and assembly shall be fully tested before delivery. 2) All testing shall be done in accordance with the test procedures approved by the purchaser. 3) The testing shall confirm that the equipment is in accordance with all specified static and dynamic performance requirements. 4) The Owner shall be given sufficient advance notice to review and approve test procedures, and to attend witness tests. Also at least fourteen (14) days preceding notice shall be given to the Owner before testing the pumps will be carried out. 5) The final acceptance of the pumps shall be based on field test under the specified conditions. Each pump shall be tested for complete performance to determine capacity, head, efficiency, rated power, and NPSH required. Vibration test shall be done throughout the operating speed ranges. 4.2 Pump Testing Four different readings shall be taken for each pump for NPSH testing by using water and under similar service conditions. A witnessed test stand performance run of the complete package shall simulate actual operating conditions, using water as the test fluid. At rated speed and capacity the vibration shall not be of a magnitude to generate a potential damage to any fire water pump component. All instrumentation functions shall be simulated and demonstrated during performance test. A water flow measuring device shall be provided to test the pump. A fire water pump installation and fire protection system shall have the ability to test the pump at the maximum flow available from the fire water pump. The metering devices shall be capable of water flow of not less than 175% of pump rated capacity. 5. DOCUMENTATION 5.1. 5.2. SUPPLIER/VENDOR shall provide the documentation detailed as part of the Material Requisition. Documentation shall be provided in accordance with the SUPPLIER/VENDOR documentation instructions as listed in the Material Requisition. No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering. DOCUMENT NUMBER SC2277-IK-RS-760-4-1001 Fire Water Pump System Revision COLLIE UREA PROJECT 6. 3 Page 18 of 18 PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT 6.1 Protective Coating Stainless steel and non-ferrous surfaces, shafts, and flange faces shall not be painted. Requirements for the application of paint coatings to protect exterior surfaces of the pump are given in specification SC2277-SE-PS-000-4-1001, Painting and Coating". Surfaces to be coated and the paint system to be applied shall be as defined in data sheet. 6.2 Nameplate The following information as a minimum shall be permanently stamped into the nameplate: a. Manufacturer's name and order number b. Company’s Tag number. c. Date of manufacture. d. Service. e. Design capacity, m3/h. f. Design head, meters. g. Speed, rpm. h. Direction of rotation. i. Normal working pressure and temperature j. Maximum allowable working pressure and temperatures No part of this document or the information it contains may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Samsung Engineering.