pw electronic - ASTRO

POWERWAND Electronic
In this document i describe how to make an electronic for the Powerwand oneself.
You need:
1 (a or b) are circuit boards available in electronic shops.
2 Connector for power supply (here 5mm diameter outside, 2,1mm diameter inside), depending
on the connection plug you want to use.
3 C3 electrolytic capacitor 47 µF or more (µF = Micro Farad) 25 Volt against disturbances, pay
attention to polarity.
4 C1 tantalum capacitor 1,5 µF 25 Volt, the longer connection is plus, better as an electrolytic
5 C2 ceramic capacitor 0,01 µF ~ 25 Volt or more.
6 555 IC best NE 555N 8-pin DIP.
7 IC-base 8-pin.
8 R1 resistor 33 KOhm ¼ Watt, best metal film 1% exact..
9 R3 resistor 820 Ohm ¼ Watt (8,2 KOhm, see 15).
10 R2 resistor 18 KOhm (17,57 KOhm) ¼ Watt (i took 25 KOhm trimmer to adjust exactly).
11 R4 resistor 1 KOhm 1/3 Watt (at least 330Ohm 2 Watt, so it needs a lot of battery).
12 switchboard plug 3,5mm diameter (it needs this only, if the electronic is external, or for
zapping, then add 1 KOhm resistor to No. 3 of the IC).
13 9 Volt battery clip.
14 D1 germanium diode (0,2A; f.e. AA 118) as reverse polarity protection.
15 LED blue 5mm LED lamp 20mA (at least 6000mCd) to light up the crystal, or red 3mm LED
2mA as operation indicator (then R3 = 8,2 KOhm). The longer wire is plus.
16 S1 on and off switch.
Rests of wires (about 0,5mm diameter), wires or better strand.
If you have the electronic outside of the Powerwand, you need additionally a case with
9Volt battery box. Metal film resistors are best for timer uses. This electronic can be
operated till 18 Volt voltage.
Above the schema for the timer circuit (this is the freeware version of 555 Timer Pro v1.4,
that means, 555 Timer Lite; With this software you can make
your own frequencies.
The entire schema looks so: At the points 1 + 2 you can connect the LED and at point 3 +
4 connect the Moebius Coil. 1 is the plus for the LED = the longer wire. At 1,2,3 + 4 you
can solder in also solder pins for the better working of the connection of the LED and the
Moebius Coil.
All the Minus connections (
) you can connect with one wire .
If you want to use this electronic also for zapping, you can set in another resistor (R5 =
1KOhm) before the resistors R3 + R4 (IC No. 3).
First cut with a sharp knife the circuit board on the desired size (first cut with the knife at
the holes and break then). Then set the IC socket in like on the picture above. Number like
Number also on the undersurface like above. At the black line you solder in later a
connection (IC 2 – 6). Bend the contacts of the IC socket slightly, so it can hold.
Prepare the connection of the power supply/battery like above.
Then set in the components according to the schema.
See near. The LED i put in already, besides solder on this points in wires. Here i took other
values of the resistors and capacitors.
Now solder all.
This can look so. I am also not a professional in electronic, so you can do this too.
Sandra & Marco Widmer and
Copyright by Marco Widmer