§5.4 29. Consider the vector space Rn with inner product < x, y >= xT y. For any n × n matrix A, show that a)< Ax, y >=< x, AT y > b)< AT Ax, x >= kAxk2 Solutions: (Jeff) a) Using properties from the book we have: < Ax, y >= (Ax)T y (by the given) = (xT AT )y (transpose property) = xT (AT y) (associative property) =< x, AT y >. (by the given) b) Using the properties form the book we have: < AT Ax, x >= (AT Ax)T x (by the given) = (xT (AT A)T )x (transpose property) = (xT (AT (AT )T ))x (transpose property) = (xT AT A)x (double transpose property) = ((Ax)T A)x (transpose property) = (Ax)T (Ax) (associative property) =< Ax, Ax > (by the given) = kAxk2 . (by the findings of section 5.1) §5.5 30. Find the best least squares approximation to f (x) = |x| on [−π, π] by a trigonometric polynomial of degree less than or equal to 2. Solution: (Joe) According to Leon, the formula for a trigonometric approximation of degree 2 for a function is given by: 2 f2 (x) = a0 X + (ak cos kx + bk sin kx) 2 k=1 Also, we are shown that the following are the formulas for the coefficients of our degree 2 approximation: Z 1 π a0 =< |x|, 1 >= |x| dx π −π 1 1 π Z 1 π Z 1 a2 =< |x|, cos 2x >= π Z 1 π Z a1 =< |x|, cos x >= b1 =< |x|, sin x >= b2 =< |x|, sin 2x >= π |x| cos x dx −π π |x| sin x dx −π π |x| cos 2x dx −π π |x| sin 2x dx −π We know that b1 and b2 are odd functions, so over the interval [−π, π] these will both equal 0. This leaves us to only need to compute a0 , a1 , and a2 . Since the integrals defined by the inner products in a0 , a1 , and a2 are symmetric over the y-axis, we need only to take the following integrals over the interval [0, π] and then multiply them by two: π Z 2 x2 2 π x dx = =π a0 = π 0 π 2 x=0 Z π Z 2 4 2 2 π π π sin x dx] = cos x|x=0 = − x cos x dx = [ x sin x|x=0 − a1 = π 0 π π π 0 π π Z π Z 2 x sin x sin 2x 2 cos2x 2 π x cos 2x dx = [ − =0 dx] = a2 = π 0 π 2 x=0 2 π 4 x=0 0 Now, using a0 , a1 , and a2 in the aforementioned formula, we obtain f2 (x) = π 4 − cos x 2 π as our desired degree 2 trigonometric approximation of f (x) = |x|. 2