ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ± π π π Ʊπππ†≠†µ∞†ßÒӆχ¯˘ÈφÈËÒÈËËÒ‰†ÔÂ˙˘·†ÌȘ¯Ùφ˙‡·ӷ†ÌÈÚÈÙÂÓ†˙ÂÁÂÏφÌȯ·Ò‰†Æ‡ ÆÌȯÙÒÓ‰†Ï‚ÈÚ†ÏÏ‚·†ÏΉ†ÍÒφÁ¯Î‰·†Ìȇ˙Ó†ÌÈ˯ÈÙ‰†ÌÂÎÈÒ†Ôȇ†∫ÌȯÙÒӆςÈچƷ ¨±ππ∏≠Î ˙ÂÚÈÙÂÓ ±ππ∑Øπ∏ Ô‚ΠÌÈ„ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ ˙ÂȇϘÁ ÌÈ˘†Æ‚ Ʊππ∑≠Î ‰ÚÈÙÂÓ ·Èˆ˜˙ ˙˘Â ∫ÌÈ„ÁÂÈÓ†ÌÈÓÈÒ Æ„ Ìȯ˜Ó†¯ÒÂÁ Ω ≠ ÌÂÒ¯ÙφÌÈ˙ȆÌȇ˘†Â‡†ÌÈÚ„ȆÈ˙Ï·†ÌÈÂ˙ Ω ÆÆ ÌÈÈÚ¯‡ ÌÈÂ˙ Ω ™ ÌȘÂ˙Ó ÌÈÂ˙Ω R Áˢ AREA Israel (1) - Area - Grand total (sq.km.) Land area - total (sq.km.) Area of seas - total (sq.km.) - Sea of Galilee (sq.km.) - Dead Sea (Including the evaporation pond’s area) (sq.km.) 22,145 21,671 474 164 310 ®¯¢Ó˜© ÏÏÂÎ ÍÒ ≠ Áˢ ≠ ®±© χ¯˘È ®¯¢Ó˜© ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È˙˘·È Áˢ ®¯¢Ó˜© ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ˙ÂÓȉ Áˢ ®¯¢Ó˜© ˙¯Î ≠ ®¯¢Ó˜© ®È„ȇ‰ ˙ÂÎȯ· Áˢ ÏÏÂΩ ÁÏÓ‰ ÌÈ ≠ 1 Land area and seas according to the administrative division of the state including East Jerusalem and the Golan. Ï˘ ˙ÈωӉ ‰˜ÂÏÁ‰ Ș ÈÙÏ ˙ÂÓȉ È˙˘·È‰ Áˢ‰ ± ÆÔÏ‚‰Â ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È Á¯ÊÓ ÏÏÂÎ ‰È„Ó‰ Áˢ ÌÈϘ‡ CLIMATE ˙¯Â˯ÙÓË Temperatures 1998 July ÈÏÂÈ 1990 January ¯‡ÂÈ July ÈÏÂÈ 1980 January ¯‡ÂÈ July ÈÏÂÈ January ¯‡ÂÈ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Max. ßÒ˜Ó Min. ßÈÈÓ Jerusalem 31.0 18.0 11.6 4.6 29.2 17.2 10.5 3.9 29.0 17.6 10.4 3.4 ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È Tel Aviv 30.8 23.5 17.7 10.7 29.4 22.4 17.2 8.5 28.7 22.7 16.7 9.3 ·È·‡ Ï˙ Haifa 31.7 23.4 17.2 8.7 31.3 20.5 7.4 30.0 21.2 Zefat 31.2 20.2 9.1 4.5 29.7 19.2 7.9 3.1 29.5 20.1 Be'er Sheva 35.2 20.7 17.1 7.9 33.7 19.8 15.7 6.1 32.9 Elat 40.5 27.3 20.7 10.5 39.8 25.1 20.3 9.5 40.0 (2) (2) 19.3 (1) ‰ÙÈÁ 8.6 3.6 ˙Ùˆ 19.6 15.2 5.2 Ú·˘ ¯‡· 25.3 20.6 8.9 ˙Ïȇ 1 Measured in Nahariyya. 2 Measured in Even Yizhaq. (1) 16.4 6.9 Ɖȯ‰· „„Ó ± ƘÁˆÈ Ô·‡· „„Ó ≤ Precipitation (mm) ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó È˙˘≠·¯ ÚˆÂÓÓ Multi-annual average 1961-1990 1998 1990 Jerusalem 590 594 572 676 ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È Tel Aviv 524 490 644 466 ·È·‡ Ï˙ Haifa 541 647 Zefat 712 821 Be'er Sheva 206 31 Elat 1 Measured in Nahariyya. 2 Measured in Akko. (2) 607 1980 (1) 651 ‰ÙÈÁ 530 830 ˙Ùˆ 184 227 308 Ú·˘ ¯‡· 31 29 25 ˙Ïȇ Ɖȯ‰· „„Ó ± ÆÂÎÚ· „„Ó ≤ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ¥ ≤µ ≤∞ ±∞∞ ∏∞ ±µ ∂∞ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓË ±≤∞ Jerusalem ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ±¥∞ ≤µ ±≤∞ ≤∞ ±∞∞ ±µ ∏∞ ∂∞ ±∞ ±∞ ¥∞ ¥∞ µ µ ≤∞ ≤∞ ∞ ∞ ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙ÂÓÎ Precipitation (mm) ±∂∞ ±¥∞ ±≤∞ ≤∞ ±∞∞ ±µ ∏∞ ∂∞ ±∞ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓË ≤µ Precipitation (mm) ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙ÂÓÎ ≥∞ Temperature Precipitation (mm) ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙ÂÓÎ Be’er Sheva Ú·˘ ¯‡· Months ÌÈ˘„ÂÁ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓË Temperature Haifa ‰ÙÈÁ ≥∞ ±¥∞ ≤µ ±≤∞ ≤∞ ±∞∞ ±µ ∏∞ ∂∞ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓË Months ÌÈ˘„ÂÁ ∞ π ±∞ ±± ±≤ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ π ±∞ ±± ±≤ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ Temperature ∞ ±∂∞ ≥∞ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓË ±¥∞ Temperature Precipitation (mm) ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙ÂÓÎ ±∂∞ ≥∞ Precipitation (mm) ®Ó¢Ó© ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙ÂÓÎ Tel Aviv ·È·‡ Ï˙ ±∂∞ 1961-1990 ÌÈÚ˜˘Ó ˙¯Â˯ÙÓË ®ÌÈÈ˙˘≠·¯ ÌÈÚˆÂÓÓ© Temperature Temperature and Precipitation (multi-annual averages) ±∞ ¥∞ ¥∞ µ µ ≤∞ ≤∞ ∞ ∞ π ±∞ ±± ±≤ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ Months ÌÈ˘„ÂÁ Meteorological service data. ∞ ∞ π ±∞ ±± ±≤ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ Months ÌÈ˘„ÂÁ ÆÈ‚Âϯ‡ËÓ‰ ˙Â¯È˘‰ ÈÂ˙ 54° C ≤±Æ∂Ʊπ¥≤ ≠· È·ˆ ˙¯ÈË· ‰„„Ó ¯˙ÂÈ· ‰‰Â·‚‰ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓˉ The highest temperature was measured in Tirat-Zevi on 21.6. 1942 The lowest temperature was measured in Bet Netofa on 07.2.1950 -13.7° C ∞∑Æ≤Ʊπµ∞ ≠· ‰ÙÂË ˙È· ˙Ú˜·· ¯˙ÂÈ· ‰ÎÂÓ‰ ‰¯Â˯ÙÓˉ ÆÓ¢˜ ≤µ∞≠Î Ô„¯È‰ ≠ ¯˙ÂÈ· ͯ‡‰ ¯‰‰ The longest river - The Jordan - about 250 km. Ƙ¯Â˘ ¨ÔÂ˘È˜ ¨Ô˜¯È ¨‰¯„Á ¨¯Â˘· ¨¯„ÒÎχ ≠ ÌÈȯ˜ÈÚ ÌÈÏÁ Main streams - Alexander, Besor, Hadera, Yarqon, Qishon, Soreq. ƯËÓ ≤¨≤≤¥ ÔÂÓ¯Á ≠ ¯˙ÂÈ· ‰Â·‚‰ ¯‰‰ The highest mountain - Hermon 2,224 meter. ÆÌȉ ÈÙÏ ˙Á˙Ó ¯ËÓ ¥∞≥ ÁÏÓ‰ ÌÈ ≠ ¯˙ÂÈ· ÍÂÓ‰ ̘Ӊ The lowest place - Dead Sea 403 meter below sea level. Mediterranean coastline - 194 km. ÆÓ¢˜ ±π¥ ≠ ÔÂÎÈ˙‰ Ìȉ ÛÂÁ ͯ‡ µ† Israel in figures POPULATION (End of year) ®‰˘ ÛÂÒ© 1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· Population - total Jews Moslems Christians Druze Religion unclassified 6,041.4 79.2 14.9 2.1 1.6 2.1 4,821.7 81.9 14.1 2.4 1.7 ·· 3,921.7 83.7 12.7 2.3 1.3 ·· 1,000 % “ “ “ “ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ÌÈ„Â‰È ÌÈÓÏÒÂÓ ÌȯˆÂ ÌÈʯ„ ˙„ ‚ÂÂÈÒ ‡ÏÏ Jews - total Born in Israel Born in Asia-Africa Born in Europe-America 4,785.1 63.2 11.7 25.1 3,946.7 61.9 15.0 23.1 3,282.7 55.9 19.5 24.6 1,000 % “ “ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ÌÈ„Â‰È Ï‡¯˘È È„ÈÏÈ ‰˜È¯Ù‡≠‰ÈÒ‡ È„ÈÏÈ ‰˜È¯Ó‡≠‰Ù¯ȇ È„ÈÏÈ 37 30 25 % ÌÏÂÚ· ÌÈ„Â‰È‰Ó ÊÂÁ‡Î χ¯˘È· ÌÈ„Â‰È Selected age groups Total: 0-14 65+ Jews: 0-14 65+ 28.8 9.9 26.2 11.6 31.0 9.1 28.7 10.5 33.2 8.6 30.5 9.7 % “ “ “ ˙¯Á· ÏÈ‚ ˙ˆ·˜ ∞≠±¥ ∫ÏΉ ÍÒ ∂µ´ ∞≠±¥ ∫ÌÈ„Â‰È ∂µ´ Population density 272.8 220.4 191.8 per km2 ¯¢Ó˜Ï ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ·‰ ˙ÂÙÈÙˆ Population by district Jerusalem District Northern District Haifa District Central District Tel Aviv District Southern District Judea, Samaria and Gaza areas(1) 100.0 11.9 17.0 13.1 22.5 18.8 13.9 2.9 100.0 12.0 16.7 13.6 21.4 22.7 11.9 1.7 100.0 11.4 15.6 14.4 20.1 25.6 12.1 ·· % “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5,519.2 2,630.4 633.7 433.6 348.1 265.7 188.2 163.1 163.7 159.4 154.9 155.8 137.0 133.9 126.9 4,363.7 2,181.6 524.5 378.2 339.4 245.9 139.5 156.7 122.0 144.0 132.2 83.9 141.3 116.7 119.5 3,401.5 1,584.7 407.1 292.3 334.9 230.0 92.0 130.9 109.6 119.8 98.4 64.4 132.1 91.4 120.3 522.2 115.5 458.0 125.1 2,652.7 842.0 1,781.6 432.9 Jews in Israel as % of world Jewry Population in urban localities - total Thereof: 100,000 inhabitants and more Jerusalem Thereof: Jews Tel Aviv-Yafo Haifa Rishon LeZiyyon Holon Be’er Sheva Petah Tiqwa Netanya Ashdod Bat Yam Bene Beraq Ramat Gan Population in rural localities - total Thereof: Qibbuzim Metropolitan area of Tel Aviv(2) Metropolitan area of Haifa(2) 1 Israelis in Jewish localities. 2 According to the boundaries on the same year. ÊÂÁÓ ÈÙÏ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ÊÂÁÓ ÔÂÙˆ‰ ÊÂÁÓ ‰ÙÈÁ ÊÂÁÓ ÊίӉ ÊÂÁÓ ·È·‡ Ï˙ ÊÂÁÓ Ì¯„‰ ÊÂÁÓ ®±©‰ÊÚ Ï·Á Ô¯Ó¢ ¨‰„Â‰È È¯Âʇ 1,000 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ΢‰Ò ≠ ÌÈȯÈÚ ÌÈ·Â˘ÈÈ· ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ‰ÏÚÓ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ±∞∞¨∞∞∞ ∫‰ÊÓ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ÌÈ„Â‰È ∫‰ÊÓ ÂÙÈ≠·È·‡ Ï˙ ‰ÙÈÁ ÔÂÈˆÏ Ô¢‡¯ ÔÂÏÂÁ Ú·˘ ¯‡· ‰Â˜˙ Á˙Ù ‰È˙ „„˘‡ ÌÈ ˙· ˜¯· È· Ô‚ ˙Ó¯ 520.2 111.2 “ “ ΢‰Ò ≠ ÌÈȯÙÎ ÌÈ·Â˘ÈÈ· ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ÌȈ·Ș ∫‰ÊÓ ·· ·· “ “ ®≤©·È·‡ Ï˙ ÔÈÏÂÙ¯ËÓ ®≤©‰ÙÈÁ ÔÈÏÂÙ¯ËÓ ÆÌÈÈ„Â‰È ÌÈ·Â˘ÈÈ· ÌÈχ¯˘È ± Ɖ˘ ‰˙‡· ˙ÂÏ·‚‰ ÈÙÏ ≤ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ∂ Population, by Population Group, Sex and Age ¨‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ˙ˆÂ·˜ ÈÙφ¨‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ÏȂ†ÔÈÓ 31.12.1998 Jews ÌÈ„Â‰È Males ÌȯÎÊ Females ˙·˜ π∞´ ∏µ≠∏π ∏∞≠∏¥ ∑µ≠∑π ∑∞≠∑¥ ∂µ≠∂π ∂∞≠∂¥ µµ≠µπ µ∞≠µ¥ ¥µ≠¥π ¥∞≠¥¥ ≥µ≠≥π ≥∞≠≥¥ ≤µ≠≤π ≤∞≠≤¥ ±µ≠±π ±∞≠±¥ µ≠π ∞≠¥ ∏ ∑ ∂ µ ¥ ≥ ≤ ± ∞ % ∞ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ Other religions ˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ È· Males ÌȯÎÊ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ % Age ÏÈ‚ Females ˙·˜ π∞´ ∏µ≠∏π ∏∞≠∏¥ ∑µ≠∑π ∑∞≠∑¥ ∂µ≠∂π ∂∞≠∂¥ µµ≠µπ µ∞≠µ¥ ¥µ≠¥π ¥∞≠¥¥ ≥µ≠≥π ≥∞≠≥¥ ≤µ≠≤π ≤∞≠≤¥ ±µ≠±π ±∞≠±¥ µ≠π ∞≠¥ ∏ ∑ ∂ µ ¥ ≥ ≤ ± ∞ % ∞ ± Age ÏÈ‚ ≤ ≥ ¥ µ HOUSEHOLDS(1) Total Jews Other religions Average no. of persons per household - total Jews Other religions 1 As of 1985 - excl. qibbuzim. ∑† Israel in figures ∂ ∑ ∏ % Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ®±©˙È· Ș˘Ó R1998 1990 1980 1,650.6 1,425.3 225.3 1,227.5 1,084.6 143.0 1,025.8 937.3 88.5 1,000 “ “ ÏΉ ÍÒ ÌÈ„Â‰È ˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ 3.43 3.19 4.90 3.64 3.38 5.64 3.66 3.41 6.32 no. ßÒÓ “ “ ˜˘ÓÏ ˙Â˘Ù ÚˆÂÓÓ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ˙È· ÌÈ„Â‰È ˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ ÆÌȈ·Ș ÏÏÂÎ ‡Ï ≠ ±π∏µ≠Ó ± ˙ÈÚ·Ë ‰ÚÂ˙ VITAL STATISTICS Total population Marriages Divorces Livebirths Total fertility Deaths Natural increase Infant deaths Infant death rate Jews Marriages Divorces Livebirths Total fertility Deaths Natural increase Infant deaths Infant death rate Moslems Marriages Divorces Livebirths Total fertility Deaths Natural increase Infant deaths Infant death rate Life expectancy at birth Total population Males Females Jews Males Females Other religions Males Females *1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 38,449 9,268 130,080 2.98 31,746 6,325 103,349 3.02 29,592 4,439 94,321 3.14 36,927 93,153 760 5.8 28,734 74,615 1,026 9.9 26,364 67,957 1,471 15.6 no. ßÒÓ “ “ ‰˘È‡Ï ˙„ÈÏ Births per woman no. ßÒÓ “ “ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ±¨∞∞∞≠Ï per 1,000 livebirths 29,734 8,186 88,744 2.67 24,059 5,640 73,851 2.69 24,946 4,100 71,372 2.76 33,158 55,586 416 4.7 25,759 48,092 586 7.9 23,519 47,853 885 12.4 7,465 985 33,857 4.76 6,320 623 24,515 4.70 3,669 289 19,031 5.98 2,550 31,307 297 8.8 2,171 22,344 388 15.8 2,075 16,956 495 26.0 1 Of permanent population. 2 Excl. cruise passengers. no. ßÒÓ “ “ ‰˘È‡Ï ˙„ÈÏ Births per woman no. ßÒÓ “ “ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ±¨∞∞∞ ≠Ï per 1,000 livebirths 1997 75.9 80.1 74.9 78.4 72.1 75.7 ÌÈ˘ Years “ “ 76.4 80.5 75.3 78.9 72.5 76.2 “ “ 73.9 77.3 73.3 75.9 70.0 73.4 “ “ MIGRATION AND TOURISM Immigrants and potential immigrants Residents going abroad(1) Residents returning(1) Tourists arriving(2) no. ßÒÓ “ “ ‰˘È‡Ï ˙„ÈÏ Births per woman no. ßÒÓ “ “ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ±¨∞∞∞ ≠Ï per 1,000 livebirths ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ·‰ ÏÎ ÔÈ‡Â˘È ÔÈ˘Â¯È‚ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ÏÏÂÎ ÔÂȯ٠˙¯ÈËÙ ÈÚ·Ë È·ȯ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ÌÈ„Â‰È ÔÈ‡Â˘È ÔÈ˘Â¯È‚ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ÏÏÂÎ ÔÂȯ٠˙¯ÈËÙ ÈÚ·Ë È·ȯ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ÌÈÓÏÒÂÓ ÔÈ‡Â˘È ÔÈ˘Â¯È‚ ÈÁ ˙„ÈÏ ÏÏÂÎ ÔÂȯ٠˙¯ÈËÙ ÈÚ·Ë È·ȯ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ˙˜ÂÈ˙ ˙¯ÈËÙ ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ‰„ÈÏ· ÌÈÈÁ ˙ÏÁÂ˙ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ·‰ ÏÎ ÌȯÎÊ ˙·˜ ÌÈ„Â‰È ÌȯÎÊ ˙·˜ ˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ ÌȯÎÊ ˙·˜ ˙¯ÈÈ˙ ‰¯È‚‰ ˙ÂÚÂ˙ Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1998 1990 1980 56.7 199.5 20.4 1,000 ÁÂη ÌÈÏÂÚ ÌÈÏÂÚ 2,983.0 2,981.2 1,941.6 854.0 846.0 1,131.7 513.5 481.6 1,065.8 “ “ “ ®±©Ï¢ÂÁÏ Â‡ˆÈ˘ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ®±©Ï¢ÂÁÓ Â¯ÊÁ˘ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ®≤©ÌÈÒÎ ÌȯÈÈ˙ ƉÚ·˜‰ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ·‰Ó ± ÆËÂÈ˘· ÌÈÚÒ ÏÏÂÎ ‡Ï ≤ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ∏ ¨‰„ÈÏ·†ÌÈÈÁ†˙ÏÁÂ˙ ‰ÈÈÒÂÏ· ˙ˆÂ·˜Â†ÔÈÓ†ÈÙÏ Life Expectancy at Birth, by Sex and Population Group ∏± ∏∞ ∑π Years of life ÌÈÈÁ†˙¢ ∑∏ ∑∑ ∑∂ ∑µ ∑¥ ∑≥ ∑≤ Jews: Females Males Other religions: Females Males ∑± ∑∞ ∂π ∫ÌÈ„Â‰È ˙·˜ ÌȯÎÊ ∫˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ È· ˙·˜ ÌȯÎÊ ∂∏ ±π∏∞ ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ Immigrants, by Year of Arrival and Last Continent of Residence ±ππµ ±ππ∑ ˙˘·È†‰ÈÈÏÚ†˙˘†ÈÙφ¨ÌÈÏÂÚ ‰Â¯Á‡†ÌÈ¯Â‚Ó ˙‡†˙ÏÏÂΆ‰ÈÒ‡†˙˘·È†±ππµ≠·†ÏÁ‰ ˙ÂȇÈÒ‡‰†˙˜ÈÏ·ÂÙ¯‰Ó†ÌÈÏÂÚ‰ Ư·Ú˘Ï†Ó¢‰È¯·†Ï˘ ≤∞∞ As of 1995, Asia includes immigrants from the Asian republics of the former USSR. 1,000 ≤µ∞ ±µ∞ ‰ÈÒ‡ ‰˜È¯Ù‡ ‰˜È¯Ó‡≠‰Ù¯ȇ ±∞∞ Asia Africa Europe-America µ∞ ∞ ±π∏∞ π† Israel in figures ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ ±ππµ ±ππ∏ EDUCATION 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ‰Ï΢‰Â ÍÂÈÁ 1998 1990 PUPILS - TOTAL 1,815.4 1,451.3 1,200.7 1,000 Hebrew education - total Kindergartens Primary - total Post-primary - total Intermediate Secondary - total General (incl. continuation classes) Vocational and agricultural Post-secondary institutions Non-university higher education (1) Universities Other institutions 1,522.9 318.3 528.7 413.7 171.5 242.2 150.8 91.4 43.3 41.1 108.9 69.0 1,220.6 277.1 473.4 325.7 120.6 205.1 103.3 101.8 25.3 8.3 67.8 47.0 1,023.5 246.6 436.4 216.6 72.8 143.8 68.0 75.8 25.4 54.5 44.0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Arab education - total Kindergartens (compulsory) Primary - total Post-primary - total Intermediate Secondary - total General Vocational and agricultural Teacher training colleges Other post-secondary and non-university institutions for higher education 292.5 29.5 163.1 96.2 50.2 46.0 33.5 12.4 0.2 1.5 230.7 22.2 139.2 68.6 28.9 39.7 31.2 8.5 0.6 0.1 177.2 17.3 122.0 37.3 14.8 22.5 19.0 3.5 0.5 0.1 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È·¯Ú ÍÂÈÁ ®„·Ï· ‰·ÂÁ© ÌÈ„ÏÈ È‚ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È„ÂÒÈ ÍÂÈÁ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È„ÂÒÈ≠ÏÚ ÍÂÈÁ ÌÈÈÈ· ˙·ÈËÁ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ÔÂÎÈ˙ ÈÂÈÚ È‡Ï˜Á ÈÚˆ˜Ó ˙‚ ÌȯÂÓ ˙¯˘Î‰Ï ˙„ÒÂÓ ÌÈÈÂÎÈ˙≠ÏÚ ˙„ÒÂÓ ‰‰Â·‚ ‰Ï΢‰Ï ˙„ÒÂÓ ˙‡ËÈÒ¯·È‡ Ìȇ˘ Field of study of university students - total Humanities Social sciences Law Medicine Sciences and mathematics Agriculture Engineering 100.0 100.0 100.0 • 29.1 31.6 4.1 7.2 14.8 1.3 11.9 27.7 29.5 3.4 7.6 15.5 1.9 14.4 30.1 29.0 3.8 5.7 13.7 2. 7 15.0 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Ï˘ „ÂÓÈÏ ÌÂÁ˙ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ˙‡ËÈÒ¯·È‡ È„ÈÓÏ˙ Á¯‰ ÈÚ„Ó ‰¯·Á‰ ÈÚ„Ó ÌÈËÙ˘Ó ‰‡ÂÙ¯ ‰˜ÈËÓ˙Ó ڷˉ ÈÚ„Ó ˙‡ϘÁ ‰Ò„‰ 23,807 16,235 5,957 745 870 13,915 10,192 2,790 450 483 9,371 6,740 1,652 378 601 no. ßÒÓ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ˙‡ËÈÒ¯·È‡ ÈÓÈÈÒÓ Ô¢‡¯ ¯‡Â˙ È˘ ¯‡Â˙ È˘ÈÏ˘ ¯‡Â˙ ‰„ÂÚ˙ 4.0 39.0 12.5 19.7 6.6 28.2 19.5 9.1 10.3 20.8 28.9 7.7 • ¢ ¢ ¢ ®≤©®±µ´ È·© „ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ „ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ ¥≠∞ ∫ÌÈ„Â‰È „ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ ±≥´ „ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ ¥≠∞ ∫˙¯Á‡ ˙Â˙„ „ÂÓÈÏ ˙¢ ±≥´ Graduates of universities - total First degree Second degree Third degree Diploma Years of schooling (aged 15+)(2) Jews: 0 - 4 years of schooling 13+ years of schooling Other religions: 0 - 4 years of schooling 13+ years of schooling 1 Incl. students towards B.Ed. 2 Till 1985 - persons aged 14 and over. ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ȯ·Ú ÍÂÈÁ ÌÈ„ÏÈ È‚ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È„ÂÒÈ ÍÂÈÁ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ È„ÂÒÈ≠ÏÚ ÍÂÈÁ ÌÈÈÈ· ˙·ÈËÁ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ÔÂÎÈ˙ ®Í˘Ó‰ ˙Â˙ÈÎ ÏÏÂΩ ÈÂÈÚ È‡Ï˜Á ÈÚˆ˜Ó ÌÈÈÂÎÈ˙≠ÏÚ ˙„ÒÂÓ ®±© ˙‡ËÈÒ¯·È‡ Ìȇ˘ ‰‰Â·‚ ‰Ï΢‰Ï ˙„ÒÂÓ ˙‡ËÈÒ¯·È‡ ÌȯÁ‡ ˙„ÒÂÓ ÆB.Ed ¯‡Â˙ ˙‡¯˜Ï ÌÈ„ÈÓÏ˙ ÏÏÂÎ ± ƉÏÚÓ ±¥ È· ≠ ±π∏µ „Ú ≤ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ±∞ ˘ÙφÍÂÈÁφ˙ÈÓ‡φ‰‡ˆÂ‰ National Expenditure on Education per Capita ®‰˙ӄ˜†˙ÓÂÚφ‰˘†ÏΆ≠†È˙ÂÓΆÈÂÈ˘© (Quantity change on previous year) ¥Æµ ¥Æ∞ ≥Ƶ ≥Æ∞ ≤Ƶ ≤Æ∞ % ±Æµ ±Æ∞ ∞Ƶ ∞ ≠∞Ƶ ≠±Æ∞ ±π∏∑Ø∏∏ ±π∏∏Ø∏π ±π∏πØπ∞ ±ππ∞Øπ± ±ππ± Examinees Entitled to Matriculation Certificate, by Examination Profile ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ™±ππ∂ ™±ππ∑ ‰ÈÁ·†·Î¯‰†ÈÙφ˙¯‚·†˙„ÂÚ˙φÌȇÎÊ ®È·¯Ú†ȯ·Ú†ÍÂÈÁ© (Hebrew and Arab education) Rate per 100 examinees ÌÈÁ·†±∞∞≠φ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ∏∞ ∑µ ∑∞ ∂µ ∂∞ µµ ÈÂÈÚ ˘‚„ ȯ·Ú†ÍÂÈÁ È‚ÂÏÂÎË ˘‚„ ÈÂÈÚ ˘‚„ È·¯Ú†ÍÂÈÁ È‚ÂÏÂÎË ˘‚„ ¸ ¸ emphasis ¸Academic Technological emphasis Academic emphasis Arab education ¸ Technological emphasis Hebrew education µ∞ ¥µ ¥∞ ≥µ ≥∞ ≤µ ≤∞ ±π∏∑ ±±† Israel in figures ±π∏∏ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ HEALTH 1998 Beds in hospitals Thereof: beds for chronic diseases beds for mental diseases Beds per 1,000 residents Hospitalization days Hospitalization days per 1,000 residents Doctors employed Doctors employed per 1,000 residents 36.4 15.9 6.3 6.0 12,166 2,038 1997 21.1 3.62 ˙‡ȯ· 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 29.1 9.3 7.1 6.0 9,468 2,031 27.0 5.6 8.6 6.7 9,030 2,172 1,000 “ “ Rate ¯ÂÚÈ˘ 1,000 Rate ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ÌÈÏÂÁ È˙·· ˙ÂËÈÓ ˙Â΢ÂÓÓ ˙ÂÏÁÓÏ ˙ÂËÈÓ ∫‰ÊÓ ˘Ù ˙ÂÏÁÓÏ ˙ÂËÈÓ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ±¨∞∞∞≠Ï ˙ÂËÈÓ ÊÂÙ˘È‡ ÈÓÈ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ±¨∞∞∞≠Ï ÊÂÙ˘È‡ ÈÓÈ 12.1 2.60 9.8 2.53 1,000 Rate ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ ÌȇÙ¯ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ±¨∞∞∞≠Ï ÌȘÒÚÂÓ ÌȇÙ¯ 1990 Hospitalization Days Rate, by Type of Bed ‰ËÈÓ†‚ÂÒ†ÈÙφ¨ÊÂÙ˘‡†ÈÓȆ¯ÂÚÈ˘ ±¨±∞∞ ±¨∞∞∞ Rate per 1,000 residents ÌÈ·˘Â˙†±¨∞∞∞†≠φ¯ÂÚÈ˘ π∞∞ ∏∞∞ ∑∞∞ ∂∞∞ µ∞∞ ¥∞∞ ≥∞∞ General care Mental diseases Chronic diseases and rehabilitation ≤∞∞ ÈÏÏΆÏÂÙÈË ˘Ù†˙ÂÏÁÓ ˙Â΢ÂÓÓ†˙ÂÏÁÓ ÌÂ˜È˘Â ±∞∞ ∞ ±π∏∞ ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ ±ππµ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ±≤ ≠†˘Ùφ˙‡ȯ·Ï†˙ÈÓ‡φ‰‡ˆÂ‰ ‰˙ӄ˜†˙ÓÂÚφ‰˘†Ïη†È˙ÂÓΆÈÂÈ˘ National Expenditure on Health per Capita Quantity Change Compared to Previous Year µ ¥ ≥ ≤ %± ∞ ≠± ≠≤ ≠≥ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ National Expenditure on Health ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ™±ππ∑ ™±ππ∏ ˙‡ȯ·Ï†˙ÈÓ‡ω†‰‡ˆÂ‰‰ ™±ππ∑ International Comparision ±ππ∂ ˙ÈÓ‡ÏÈ· ‰‡Â¢‰ ±≤ ±∞ (1) Net taxes on import were added to the GDP. 1998 1 2 3 4 Until 1992 - budget years. Beginning of year. Monthly average. Annual cumulative. ±≥† Israel in figures Ireland „ϯȇ Greece ÔÂÂÈ Japan ÔÙÈ Æ‡Â·È‰ ÏÚ ®ÂË© ÌÈÒÓ ÂÙÒ‰ ‚¢Ó˙Ï ®±© NATIONAL INSURANCE(1) Insured persons(2) Recipients of benefits and pensions Old age and survivors(3) Maternity grant(4) Maternity allowance(4) Children for whom allowances were paid(3) Norway ‰È‚¯ Spain „¯ÙÒ Italy ‰ÈÏËȇ Belgium ‰È‚Ï· Denmark ˜¯Ó„ Portugal Ï‚Â˯ÂÙ Israel χ¯˘È Netherland „ω ∞ Canada ‰„˜ ≤ France ˙Ù¯ˆ ¥ Germany ‰ÈÓ¯‚ ∂ U.K. ˙„Á‡Ӊ ‰ÎÏÓÓ‰ ∏ U.S.A ·¢‰¯‡ Percent of GDP ®±© ‚¢Ó˙‰Ó ÊÂÁ‡ ±¥ 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1,000 2,810 2,073 1,636 615.9 129.5 64.2 2,035.4 450.8 107.7 43.6 1,130.0 343.4 97.3 39.8 1,512.9 “ “ “ “ ®±©ÈÓÂ‡Ï ÁÂËÈ· ®≤©ÌÈÁËÂ·Ó ˙‡ÏÓ‚Â ˙‡·ˆ˜ ÈÏ·˜Ó ®≥©Ìȯȇ˘Â ‰˜Ê ®¥©‰„ÈÏ È˜ÚÓ ®¥©‰„ÈÏ ÈÓ„ ÌÈ‚·˘ ÌÈ„Ïȉ ¯ÙÒÓ ®≥©ÌÈ„ÏÈ ˙·ˆ˜ ÌÈÓÏ˘Ó Æ·Èˆ˜˙ ˙¢ ≠ ±ππ≤ „Ú Æ‰˘ ˙ÏÈÁ˙ ÆÈ˘„ÂÁ ÚˆÂÓÓ Æ‰˘Ï ¯·ËˆÓ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ ÌÈÈÁ ˙Ó¯ LIVING CONDITIONS Private consumption expenditure per capita (at 1995 prices) Total(1) Food, beverages and tobacco Clothing, footwear and personal effects Durable goods Other products, fuel and electricity Services (incl. housing and non-profit institution) Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1998 1990 1980 30,181 23,303 16,179 NIS Á¢˘ 100.0 100.0 100.0 ÌȯÈÁÓ· • ÌÈÙË¢ At current prices 20.9 25.1 30.2 “ ˜·Ë ˙‡˜˘Ó ¨ÔÂÊÓ 4.5 5.9 6.5 “ ÌÈÈ˘È‡ ÌȈÙÁ ‰ÏÚ‰ ¨‰˘·Ï‰ 11.1 9.7 10.5 “ ‡ÓÈȘ≠È· ÌȯˆÂÓ 9.4 9.4 9.7 “ ÏÓ˘Á ˜Ï„ ¨ÌȯÁ‡ ÌȯˆÂÓ 54.1 49.9 43.1 “ ®¯¢ÎÏÓ ¯ÂÈ„ ÏÏÂΩ ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘ 1 In the domestic market, at current prices. ˙È˯٠‰ÎȯˆÏ ‰‡ˆÂ‰ ®±ππµ ȯÈÁÓ·© ˘ÙÏ ®±©ÏΉ ÍÒ ÆÌÈÙË¢ ÌȯÈÁÓ· ¨ÈÓ˜Ӊ ˜Â˘· ± ÌÂÈÏ ˘ÙÏ ÔÂÊÓ ˙Îȯˆ DAILY FOOD CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1998 1990 1980 Calories 3,604 3,089 2,979 Kcal ˙ÂȯÂϘ Proteins 107.3 97.4 92.2 gr. ߯‚ Ô·ÏÁ Fat 130.9 117.6 111.5 “ ÔÓ¢ Products ÌȯˆÂÓ 308.2 257.3 282.2 gr. ߯‚ 26.3 19.7 15.9 “ ®È˜© ʯ‡ Sugar 118.4 97.3 82.7 “ ¯ÎÂÒ Vegetables 508.2 441.9 311.2 “ ˙˜¯È Citrus fruit 158.2 90.9 95.6 “ ¯„‰ ȯ٠Meat 210.9 193.8 170.4 “ ¯˘· Eggs 40.0 49.9 53.7 “ ÌȈȷ 294.7 277.8 272.0 “ ÂȯˆÂÓ ·ÏÁ Wheat and its products Rice (milled) Milk and dairy products ‰ËÈÁ ȯˆÂÓ ‰ËÈÁ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ±¥ HOUSING DENSITY (JEWS) 1998 48.4 0.6 Less than 1 person per room 3 persons per room and more 1990 41.5 0.8 1980 31.3 1.8 ®ÌȄ‰ȩ ¯ÂÈ„ ˙ÂÙÈÙˆ Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ÏΉ ÍÒÓ % % of total ¯„ÁÏ ˘ÙÓ ˙ÂÁÙ ¯˙ÂÈ ¯„ÁÏ ˙Â˘Ù ≥ ¨ÌÈȄ‰Ȇ˙È·†È˜˘Ó ¯„Áφ˙Â˘Ù†¯ÙÒÓ†ÈÙÏ Jewish Households, by Number of Persons per Room ±¨¥∞∞ No. of households ˙È·†È˜˘Ó†¯ÙÒÓ ±¨≤∞∞ ±¨∞∞∞ ∏∞∞ ∂∞∞ Persons per room ¥∞∞ ¯„Áφ˙Â˘Ù†ßÒÓ ≤Æ∞∞´ ±Æµ∞≠±Æππ ±Æ∞±≠±Æ¥π ±Æ∞∞ Up to ±Æ∞∞ „Ú ≤∞∞ ∞ ±π∏µ ±µ† Israel in figures ±π∏∂ ±π∏∑ ±π∏∏ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ LABOUR FORCE(1), EMPLOYMENT(2) and WAGES Civilian labour force Percent civilian labour force Percent unemployed % Jews of total employed % Employees of total employed % Women of total employed Average weekly work hours Males Females Average monthly wage per employee’s post (at constant prices) - total In industry In public services 1998 1990 1980 2,271.6 53.6 8.6 86.3 85.0 44.0 37.2 42.0 31.0 147.8 1,649.9 51.5 9.6 87.9 80.0 39.8 36.1 40.4 29.5 134.8 1,318.1 49.5 4.8 89.9 77.5 36.0 36.5 40.2 30.0 105.7 174.1 157.3 148.3 129.6 108.7 105.3 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ¨®±©Ì„‡ ÁÂÎ ¯Î˘Â ®≤©‰˜ÂÒÚ˙ 1,000 % “ “ “ “ no. ßÒÓ “ “ 1978=100 ÈÁ¯Ê‡‰ ‰„·ډ ÁÂÎ ÈÁ¯Ê‡‰ ‰„·ډ ÁÂÎ ÊÂÁ‡ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ È˙Ï·‰ ÊÂÁ‡ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ‰ ÍÒÓ ÌȄ‰ȉ ÊÂÁ‡ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ‰ ÍÒÓ ÌȯÈ΢‰ ÊÂÁ‡ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ‰ ÍÒÓ ÌÈ˘‰ ÊÂÁ‡ Ú·˘· ‰„Â·Ú ˙ÂÚ˘ ÚˆÂÓÓ Ìȯ·‚ ÌÈ˘ ÚˆÂÓÓ È˘„ÂÁ ¯Î˘ ¯È΢ ˙¯˘ÓÏ ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ®ÌÈÚ·˜ ÌȯÈÁÓ·© ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙· ÌÈȯ·Ȉ ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘· “ “ 1 Till 1985, data refer to aged 14 and over. 2 As of 1996 according to an updated definition. ƉÏÚÓ ±¥ È·Ï ÌÈÒÁÈÈ˙Ó ÌÈÂ˙‰ ¨±π∏µ „Ú ± Æ˙΄ÂÚÓ ‰¯„‚‰ ÈÙÏ ±ππ∂≠· ÏÁ‰ ≤ ˙ÈÈÒÂÏ·ӆÈÁ¯Ê‡‰†‰„·ډ†ÁÂΆÊÂÁ‡ ÔÈÓ†ÈÙφ¨‰ÏÚÓ†±µ†È· ®ÌȄ‰È ΢‰Ò© Percent Civilian Labour Force of Total Population Aged 15 and over, by Sex (Total and Jews) ∂µ ∂∞ µµ % µ∞ ¥µ Ìȯ·‚†Î¢‰Ò ÌÈ˘†Î¢‰Ò ÌȄ‰ȆÌȯ·‚ ˙ÂȄ‰ȆÌÈ˘ Males-total Females-total Jewish males Jewish females ¥∞ ≥µ ±π∏∂ ±π∏∑ ±π∏∏ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ±∂ ‰„·ډ†ÁÂÎÓ†ÌȘÒÚÂÓ†È˙Ï·‰†ÊÂÁ‡ ÔÈÓ†ÈÙφ¨ÈÁ¯Ê‡‰ Percent of Unemployed Persons of Civilian Labour Force, by Sex ±¥ ±≥ Total Males Females ±≤ ÏΉ†ÍÒ Ìȯ·‚ ÌÈ˘ ±± ±∞ % π ∏ ∑ ∂ µ ¥ ±π∏∂ ±π∏∑ ±π∏∏ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ (1) As of 1995 - by an updated definition. ±ππ¥ ®±© ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ Æ˙΄ÂÚÓ ‰¯„‚‰ ÈÙÏ ≠ ±ππµ≠Ó ®±© ÈÏÎÏÎ ÛÚ ÈÙÏ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ Employed Persons by Economic Activity 1998 Employed persons - total (1) 2,076.5 (by 1993 Classification) Agriculture 2.4 Manufacturing (mining and industry) 18.9 Electricity and water supply 1.0 Construction (building and civil engineering projects) 6.3 Trade and repair of vehicles 13.1 Accommodation services and restaurants 3.9 Transport, storage and communication 6.0 Banking, insurance and finance 3.6 Business activities 10.5 Public administration 5.5 Education 12.7 Health, welfare and social work services 9.8 Community, social, personal and other services 4.7 Private households with domestic personnel 1.6 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1,000 % “ “ ” “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Code ÏÓÒ ®±© ÏΉ ÍÒ ≠ ÌȘÒÚÂÓ ®±ππ≥ ‚ÂÂÈÒ ÈÙÏ© ˙‡ϘÁ ®˙˘Â¯Á ‰ÈȯΩ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙ ÌÈÓ ÏÓ˘Á ®˙ÈÁ¯Ê‡ ‰Ò„‰ ˙„·Ú ‰ÈÈ·© ÈÂÈ· ·Î¯ ÈÏÎ Ô˜È˙ ¯ÁÒÓ Ï· Á¯ȇ È˙Â¯È˘ ˙¯Â˘˜˙ ‰ÒÁ‡ ¨‰¯Â·Á˙ ÌÈÈÒÈÙ ˙„ÒÂÓ ÁÂËÈ· ¨˙‡˜· ÌÈȘÒÚ ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘ ȯ·Ȉ ωÈÓ ÍÂÈÁ „ÚÒ ‰Á¯ ¨˙‡ȯ· È˙Â¯È˘ ÌȯÁ‡Â ÌÈÈ˘È‡ ¨ÌÈÈ˙¯·Á ¨ÌÈÈ˙Ïȉ˜ ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘ ÌÈÈË¯Ù È¢Ú ˙È·‰ ˜˘ÓÏ ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N (1) Excl. "Extra - territorial organizations and bodies" and unknown economic activity. ÆÚÂ„È ‡Ï ÈÏÎÏÎ ÛÚ ¢ÌÈÈ˙È„Ó ıÂÁ ÌÈÙ‚ ÌÈ‚¯È‡¢ ÏÏÂÎ ‡Ï ®±© ±∑† Israel in figures ıÂÁ ¯ÁÒ FOREIGN TRADE Net imports of goods Net exports of goods Excess of imports over exports Exports as percent of imports Index of import volume Index of export volume Agricultural exports Industrial exports (excl. diamonds) (gross) Other exports (excl. diamonds) (gross) (1) Worked and unworked diamonds (gross) Imports of consumer goods (gross) Imports of production inputs (excl. diamonds) (gross) Imports of diamonds (gross) Imports of investment goods (gross) Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1998 1990 1980 27,010.7 21,184.5 5,826.2 78.4 331 334 807.7 15,558.2 15,107.1 11,603.1 3,504.0 76.8 170 176 657.2 7,696.8 7,845.7 5,291.9 2,553.8 67.4 100 100 555.7 3,340.4 610.1 218.6 26.3 “ 6,309.6 3,507.2 1,615.1 “ 3,875.4 14,767.6 1,585.4 8,477.9 544.3 5,278.6 “ “ 4,179.8 4,634.7 3,058.7 2,193.8 1,192.5 969.4 “ “ $106 “ “ % 1980=100 “ $106 “ ÂË ˙¯ÂÁÒ ‡Â·È ÂË ˙¯ÂÁÒ ‡ÂˆÈ ‡ÂˆÈ‰ ÏÚ ‡Â·È‰ Û„ÂÚ ‡Â·È‰Ó ÊÂÁ‡Î ‡ÂˆÈ‰ ‡Â·È‰ ÁÙ „„Ó ‡ÂˆÈ‰ ÁÙ „„Ó È‡Ï˜Á ‡ÂˆÈ ®ÌÈÓÂωÈÏ Ë¯Ù© È˙ÈÈ˘Ú˙ ‡ÂˆÈ ®Â˯·© ®ÌÈÓÂωÈÏ Ë¯Ù© ¯Á‡ ‡ÂˆÈ ®±©®Â˯·© ÌÈÈÓÏ‚ ÌÈ˘ËÂÏÓ ÌÈÓÂÏ‰È ®Â˯·© ®Â˯·© ˙ίˆ˙ ȯˆÂÓ ‡Â·È ¯ÂˆÈÈÏ ˙ÂÓ¢˙ ‡Â·È ®Â˯·© ®ÌÈÓÂωÈÏ Ë¯Ù© ®Â˯·© ÌÈÓÂÏ‰È ‡Â·È ®Â˯·© ‰Ú˜˘‰ ÈÒÎ ‡Â·È ƉÎÂ˙ ¯˜ÈÚ· ÏÏÂÎ ≠ ±ππ∞≠· ÏÁ‰ ± 1 As of 1990 - incl. mainly software. ≠††˙¯ÂÁÒ†‡ÂˆÈ†‡Â·È ÁنȄ„Ó Imports and Exports of Commodities Volume Indices ≤∞∞ ±π∞ Base: 1990=100 ∫ÒÈÒ·‰ ±∏∞ ±∑∞ ±∂∞ ±µ∞ ±¥∞ ±≥∞ Imports Exports ±≤∞ ‡Â·È ‡ÂˆÈ ±±∞ ±∞∞ π∞ ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ±∏ ‰‡ˆÂ‰Â†˘ÙφÈÓÏ‚†ÈÓ˜ӆ¯ˆÂ˙ ¨˘Ùφ˙È˯ن‰ÎȯˆÏ ±ππµ††È¯ÈÁÓ· Gross Domestic Product and Private Consumption Expenditure per Capita, at 1995 Prices µ∞ ˘ÙφÈÓÏ‚†ÈÓ˜ӆ¯ˆÂ˙ ¥µ Gross domestic product per capita NIS thousand Á¢˘†ÈÙχ ¥∞ ≥µ ˙È˯ن‰ÎȯˆÏ†‰‡ˆÂ‰ ˘ÙÏ ≥∞ Private consumption expenditure per capita ≤µ ≤∞ ±µ ±∞ µ ∞ ±π∏∞ ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ ±ππµ ±ππ∏ NATIONAL ECONOMY 1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ At 1995 prices ±ππµ†È¯ÈÁÓ· 6 Gross domestic product -total -per capita ÈÓ‡ω†˜˘Ó‰ Á¢˘10 106 NIS “ NIS Á¢˘ ÈÓÏ‚†ÈÓ˜ӆ¯ˆÂ˙ 290,932 48,727 197,433 42,366 138,957 36,000 Private consumption expenditure 180,203 108,593 62,449 Á¢˘106 106 NIS ˙È˯ن‰ÎȯˆÏ†‰‡ˆÂ‰ General government consumption expenditure 85,659 71,928 67,938 “ ˙ȯ·Ȉ†‰ÎȯˆÏ†‰‡ˆÂ‰ Gross domestic capital formation 61,170 35,214 24,791 “ ˙ÈÓ˜ӆ˙ÈÓÏ‚†‰Ú˜˘‰ BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Current account - net Excl. direct defence imports Israel’s foreign liabilities Israel’s foreign assets ±π† Israel in figures 1998 1990 1980 -667 1,205 54,595 43,024 161 1,629 33,773 17,063 -878 777 21,228 9,847 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ $106 “ “ “ ÏΉ†ÍÒ≠ ˘ÙÏ≠ ÌÈÓÂÏ˘˙‰ ÔÊ‡Ó ÂË ≠ ÛË¢‰ Ô·˘Á‰ ¯È˘È ÈÂÁËÈ· ‡Â·È ‡ÏÏ ı¯‡Ï ıÂÁÏ Ï‡¯˘È ˙·ÂÁ ıÂÁ Ú·ËÓ· ÌÈÒÎ ®±©ÌȯÈÁÓ PRICES(1) 1998 Annual consumption Private average Consumer expenditure priceper index capita (at 1995 prices) Total(1) Price index of inputs in residential building Wholesale price index of Food, beverages tobacco Industrial output and (excl.fuel) Clothing,each footwear December year and personal effects Durable price goodsindex Consumer Other products, and electricity Price index of inputsfuel in residential building Services (incl. Wholesale price housing index of and non-profit institution)output (excl. fuel) industrial 1990 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 1980 Base Base∫ÒÈÒ· ∫ÒÈÒ· 1976=100.0 12,762.7 12,108.8 5,461.7 5,461.7 834.9 834.9 1976=100.0 1975=100.0 14,748.1 14,002.9 7,068.8 7,068.8 1,162.7 1,162.7 IVIV1975=100.0 3,928.6 644.7 7,845.8 7,476.4 3,928.6 644.7 1977=100.0 1977=100.0 È˙˘ ÚˆÂÓÓ ÔίˆÏ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ „„Ó Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ȯÈÁÓ „„Ó Ï˘ ÌÈÈÂËÈÒ ÌȯÈÁÓ „„Ó ®ÌȘτ ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ© ‡ÏÏ© ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ ‰È˘Ú˙‰˙˜ÂÙ˙ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ ‰˘ ÏÎ ¯·Óˆ„ 5,878.5 1,215.3 13,424.6 12,359.1 5,878.5 1,215.3 1976=100.0 1976=100.0 ÔίˆÏ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ „„Ó 7,504.4 1,650.0 1975=100.0 Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ȯÈÁÓ „„Ó 15,242.0 14,358.2 7,504.4 1,650.0 IVIV1975=100.0 1977=100.0 8,350.1 7,640.6 4,173.1 4,173.1 943.3 943.3 1977=100.0 Ï˘ Ï˘ ÌÈÈÂËÈÒ ÌÈÂËÈÒ ÌȯÈÁÓ „„Ó ®ÌȘτ ®ÌȘτ‡ÏÏ© ‡ÏÏ©‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰˙˜ÂÙ˙ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ Ʊ∞∞≠· Æ≠±∞∞· ˜ÏÂÁ „„Ó‰ ¨±ππ∑≠ ¨±ππ∑ ≠±ππ∞ ±ππ∞ ÌÈ˘· Ʊ± 11. In 1990 the domestic and 1997, market, the index at current figuresprices. were divided by 100. ÔίˆÏ†ÌȯÈÁÓ‰†„„Ó Consumer Price Index ®¯·Óˆ„†˙ÓÂÚφ¯·Óˆ„©†ÈÂÈ˘†ÊÂÁ‡ Percent change (December compared to December) ≤µ ≤∞ ±µ ±∞ µ ∞ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ Percent change (December compared to December) ®¯·Óˆ„†˙ÓÂÚφ¯·Óˆ„©†ÈÂÈ˘†ÊÂÁ‡ Consumer Price Index, by Economic Activity ±ππ∏ ÈÏÎÏΆÛÚ†ÈÙφ¨ÔίˆÏ†ÌȯÈÁÓ‰†„„Ó ±∞ π ∏ ∑ ∂ µ ¥ ≥ ≤ ± ∞ ˙ȇϘÁ†˙¯ˆÂ˙ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙†È¯ˆÂÓ ¯ÂȄ†‰ÈÈ·†È˙Â¯È˘ ÌÈÓ†ÏÓ˘Á ˙¯Â˘˜˙†‰¯Â·Á˙ Agricultural produce Industrial products Building & housing services Electricity & water Transport & communication ÌÈ˙Â¯È˘ Services ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ≤∞ b ‰˘†ÏΆ¨˙¯Ȅ†È¯ÈÁÓ·†ÌÈÈÂÈ˘ ‰˙ӄ˜†˙ÓÂÚÏ Price Changes of Dwellings, Compared to Previous Year’s Price Percent change in annual average È˙˘†ÚˆÂÓÓ†Ï˘ ÈÂÈ˘ ÊÂÁ‡ ≥µ ≥∞ ≤µ ≤∞ ±µ ±∞ µ ∞ ±π∏π ±ππ∞ ±ππ± ±ππ≤ ±ππ≥ ±ππ¥ ±ππµ ±ππ∂ 1998 1990 1980 25,810 15,745 6,950 4,133 7.0 5.0 4.16 3.8002 2.048 2.0162 ˙˙ ˙˙ Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ NIS 106 Á¢˘ ®‰˘ ÛÂÒ© ÌÂÏ˘˙‰ ÈÚˆÓ‡ ÍÒ “ ÌȘ·· ¯Â·Èˆ‰ Ï˘ ˘¢ÂÚ ˙„˜ÈÙ ∫‰ÊÓ ¯Ï„‰ Ï˘ ÔÈÙÈÏÁ‰ ¯Ú˘ ‰˘ ÛÂÒ≠ È˙˘ ÚˆÂÓÓ≠ NIS Á¢˘ “ ÌȘ· BANKS 1998 Balance sheets of banking institutions (end of year) Assets Credit to the public (In Israeli and foreign currency excl. mortage banks). ≤± Israel in figures ±ππ∏ ÌÈÙÒÎ FINANCE Total money supply (end of year) Thereof: current deposits of the public in banks Exchange rate of the U.S Dollar -end of year -annual average ±ππ∑ 582,490 275,594 1990 169,556 67,210 1980 299 75.5 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ ®‰˘ ÛÂÒ© ÌÈȇ˜·‰ ˙„ÒÂÓ‰ ÈÊ‡Ó ÌÈÒÎ ¯Â·ÈˆÏ ȇ¯˘‡ NIS 106 Á¢˘ “ Æ®˙‡˙΢ÓÏ ÌȘ· ËÚÓÏ ıÂÁ Ú·ËÓ·Â Èχ¯˘È Ú·ËÓ·© ®±©˙‡ϘÁ AGRICULTURE (1) 1998 Agricultural Private consumption area expenditure per capita (at 1995 prices) Total(1) Net domestic product (quantity index) Employed Food, beverages persons and tobacco Clothing, footwear and personal effects Net capital stock in agriculture Durable (at 1986 goods prices) Other products, Production: Wheatfuel and electricity Services (incl. housing and non-profit Vegetables institution)Potatoes Citrus 1. In the domestic market, at current prices. Avocados Poultry meat Beef Cow’s milk Table eggs Fish .. 12,108.8 14,002.9 222.4 7,476.4 72.5 2,483.9 12,359.1 14,358.2 156.0 7,640.6 1,243.3 333.4 888.8 65.7 382.6 83.0 1,150.0 1,550.0 30.1 1990 1980 4,350 4,400 5,461.7 834.9 7,068.8 1,162.7 139.3 72.4 3,928.6 644.7 70.9 87.7 2,481.7 2,460.7 5,878.5 1,215.3 7,504.4 253.2 1,650.0 291.2 4,173.1 607.0 943.3 1,085.8 213.9 171.7 1,506.2 1,542.8 48.0 32.0 261.7 200.0 67.8 55.0 923.9 670.3 1,548.0 1,451.0 26.2 24.7 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ Base 1,000∫ÒÈÒ· Ì„ È˙˘ ȇϘÁÚˆÂÓÓ Áˢ 1,000 1976=100.0 dunam ÔίˆÏ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ „„Ó IV 1975=100.0 Base ∫ÒÈÒ· Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ Ș ÈÓÂ˜Ó È¯ÈÁÓ¯ˆÂ˙ „„Ó 1977=100.0 1986=100.0 Ï˘ ÌÈÈÂËÈÒ®˙ÂÓÎ ÌȯÈÁÓ „„Ó© „„Ó 1,000 ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ© ‰È˘Ú˙‰ÌȘÒÚÂÓ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ NIS 1,000 Á¢˘ ˜˘Ó· ‰˘È˜ÏÎÔ‰ ¯·Óˆ„ ȇÏÓ 1976=100.0 ®±π∏∂ ÔίˆÏ ȯÈÁÓ·© ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ ȇϘÁ‰ „„Ó IVtons 1975=100.0 1,000 ßË Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ‰ËÈÁ ȯÈÁÓ ∫¯ÂˆÈ „„Ó 1977=100.0 “ Ï˘ ÌÈÂËÈÒ ÌȯÈÁÓ ˙˜¯È „„Ó “ ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ©‰Ó„‡ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ ÈÁÂÙ˙ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ “ Ìȯ„‰ Æ≠±∞∞· ˜ÏÂÁ „„Ó‰ ¨±ππ∑ ≠±ππ∞ ÌÈ˘· Ʊ “ „˜Â·‡ “ ÛÂÚ ¯˘· “ ¯˜· ¯˘· L 106 ßÏ ¯˜· ·ÏÁ 106 ÏÎ‡Ó ÈˆÈ· tons 1,000 ßË ÌÈ‚„ Æ˙ÂȇϘÁ ÌÈ˘ ≠ ±π∏∞ „Ú ± 1 Till 1980 - agricultural years. ÛÚ†ÈÙφ¨˙ȇϘÁ‰†‰˜ÂÙ˙‰ Agricultural Output, by Activity ®Á¢˘†ÈÂÈÏÈÓ© ( NIS million ) ±ππ∏ Field crops ‰„˘†ÈÏ„Ȃ 9.0% 1,203.4 ¨˙˜¯È Vegetables, potatoes & ‰Ó„‡ ÈÁÂÙ˙ ‰˘˜Ó melons 18.3% 2,463.8 Miscellaneous ˙¢ 10.2% 1,366.9 Citrus Ìȯ„‰ 7.0% 940.5 Cattle ¯˜· 15.9% 2,135.3 Other fruit ÌȯÁ‡ ˙¯ÈÙ 13.3% 1,786.3 Flowers & garden plants 7.2% 960.2 Poultry ˙ÂÙÂÚ 19.1% 2,571.1 Total NIS million ±≥¨¥≤∑Ƶ ÌÈÁ¯Ù È ÈÁӈ ΢‰Ò Á¢˘†ÈÂÈÏÈÓ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ≤≤ ¨®±©È˙ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰†¯ÂˆÈÈ·†ÈÂÈ˘‰ ÌÈÙÚ†˙ˆ·˜†ÈÙÏ Change in Manufacturing Production(1), by Aggregated Divisions ±∞ ∏ ∂ ¥ % ≤ ∞ ≠≤ ±ππ∑ ±ππ∏ ≠¥ ≠∂ ≠∏ ≠±∞ ÏΆÍÒ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ Manufacturing total ¨ÔÂÊӆȯˆÂÓ ˙‡˜˘Ó ˜·Ë Food products, beverages & tobacco ¨ÏÈËÒ˜Ë ‰˘·Ï‰ ¯ÂچȯˆÂÓ Textiles, wearing apparel & leather products 1 Each year compared to the previous one. ˙ÂÓ¢˙ ‰ÈÈ·Ï Inputs in building ¨‰ÈÓÈΠȯˆÂÓ ˜ÈËÒÏÙ ÈÓ‚ Chemical, plastic and rubber products ˙Î˙Ó ˙ÂÂÎÓ Metal products and machinery ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙ 1998 1 Excl. diamonds. ≤≥† Israel in figures ˙¢ Miscellaneous Ɖ˙ӄ˜†˙ÓÂÚφ‰˘†ÏΆ ± MANUFACTURING Establishments engaging 100 employees and over Industrial production index - total(1) Mining and quarrying Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and clothing Leather and its products Wood and its products and furniture Paper and its products Printing and publishing 1. Rubber In the domestic market, at current prices. and plastic Chemicals and petroleum Non-metallic mineral products Basic metals Metal products Machinery Electrical & electronic equip. Transport equipment Miscellaneous ÏÓ˘Á†È¯ˆÂÓ† ‰˜È¯˘χ† ‰Ï·Â‰†ÈÏΠElectric, electronic & transport equipment 571 12,108.8 14,002.9 120 7,476.4 120 113 12,359.1 96 14,358.2 66 7,640.6 100 103 111 126 129 109 121 123 96 138 121 113 1990 459 5,461.7 834.9 7,068.8 751,162.7 3,928.6 644.7 74 84 5,878.5 771,215.3 7,504.41021,650.0 4,173.1 63 943.3 85 77 63 72 64 72 77 71 76 103 66 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ no. BaseßÒÓ ∫ÒÈÒ· ±∞∞ ÌȘÈÒÚÓ‰ È˙˘ÌÈÏÚÙÓ ÚˆÂÓÓ 1976=100.0 ÔίˆÏ¯˙ÂÈ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ ÌȯÈ΢ „„Ó IV 1994=100 1975=100.0 Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ¯ÂˆÈȉ ȯÈÁÓ „„Ó 1977=100.0 ®±©ÏΉ Ï˘ ÌÈÈÂËÈÒ ÍÒ ≠ ÌȯÈÁÓ È˙ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ „„Ó “ ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ© ‰È˘Ú˙‰ ‰·ÈˆÁ ‰ÈȯΠ˙˜ÂÙ˙ “ ˜·Ë ˙‡˜˘Ó ‰˘ ÏÎ ¯·Óˆ„ ¨ÔÂÊÓ “ 1976=100.0 ÔίˆÏ ‰˘·Ï‰Â ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ ÏÈËÒ˜Ë „„Ó “ IV 1975=100.0 Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ÂȯˆÂÓ ȯÈÁÓ¯ÂÚ „„Ó “ 1977=100.0 Ï˘ÌÈËȉ¯Â ÌÈÂËÈÒ ÂȯˆÂÓ ÌȯÈÁÓıÚ „„Ó “ ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ© ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ ÂȯˆÂÓÂ˙˜ÂÙ˙ ¯ÈÈ “ ¯Â‡Ï ‰‡ˆÂ‰Â ÒÂÙ„ Æ≠±∞∞· ˜ÏÂÁ „„Ó‰ ¨±ππ∑ ≠±ππ∞ “ ˜ÈËÒÏ٠ȯˆÂÓÂÌÈ˘· ÈÓ‚ Ʊ “ Ë٠ȯˆÂÓ ÌÈÈÓÈÎ ÌȯˆÂÓ “ ÌÈÈ˙Î˙Ó≠χ ÌÈϯÈÓ ÌȯˆÂÓ “ ˙ÈÒÈÒ· ˙Î˙Ó “ ˙Î˙Ó È¯ˆÂÓ “ ˙ÂÂÎÓ “ ȯ˘χ ÈÏÓ˘Á „ÂȈ “ ‰Ï·Â‰ ÈÏÎ “ ˙¢ ÆÌÈÓÂÏ‰È ÏÏÂÎ ‡Ï ± ‰¯Â·Á˙ TRANSPORT 1998 Private consumption cars expenditure per capita (at 1995 prices) Trucks and other commercial vehicles Total(1) Buses Food, beverages and tobacco Bus kilometrage Clothing, footwear and personal effects Durable goods Other products, fuel and electricity Services (incl. housing and non-profit Railways: passengers institution) tonnage transported 1. In the domestic market, at current prices. Ships of the merchant fleet Gross tonnage 1,273 12,108.8 283 14,002.9 7,476.4 11.1 756 1990 803 5,461.7 153 7,068.8 3,928.6 8.9 565 1980 410 834.9 89 1,162.7 644.7 7.3 419 12,359.1 14,358.2 7,640.6 6,382 5,878.5 7,504.4 4,173.1 2,475 1,215.3 1,650.0 943.3 3,300 9,155 7,032 5,326 57 69 100 1,591 1,580 2,463 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ Base 1,000 ∫ÒÈÒ· 1976=100.0 “ IV 1975=100.0 1977=100.0 “ ˙ÂÈ˯٠È˙˘˙ÂÈÂÎÓ ÚˆÂÓÓ ÔίˆÏ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ „„Ó È¯ÁÒÓ ·Î¯Â ˙Âȇ˘Ó Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ȯÈÁÓ „„Ó Ï˘ ÌÈÈÂËÈÒ ÌȯÈÁÓ ÌÈÒ·Âˇ „„Ó ®ÌȘτÌÈÒ·Âˇ‰ ‡ÏÏ© ‰È˘Ú˙‰ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ km. 106 Ó¢˜ Ï˘ ‰ÚÂÒ ‰˘ ÏÎ ¯·Óˆ„ 1976=100.0 ÔίˆÏ ÌȯÈÁÓ‰ „„Ó IV 1975=100.0 Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ‰ÈÈ·· ‰Ó¢˙ ȯÈÁÓ „„Ó 1977=100.0 Ï˘ ÌÈÂËÈÒ ÌȯÈÁÓ „„Ó 1,000 ®ÌȘτ ‡ÏÏ© ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙‰ ÌÈÚÒ ˙˜ÂÙ˙ ∫˙·Î¯ “ Ϸ‰˘≠±ππ∞ ßÊÂË ÌÈ˘· Ʊ Æ≠±∞∞· ˜ÏÂÁ „„Ó‰ ¨±ππ∑ no. ßÒÓ ˙ÂÂË 1,000 ¯ÁÂÒ‰ Ȉ ˙Âȇ ˙ÏÏÂÎ ‰ÒÂÙ˙ 1,000 tons 27,987 12,933 10,933 no. ßÒÓ 7,873 3,720 2,847 1,000 280,447 194,163 105,802 tons ˙ÂÂË Road accidents with casualties 25,337 17,496 12,716 no. ßÒÓ Injured 49,290 27,668 17,881 “ 548 427 434 “ 1990 1980 Aircraft landings Air transport: passengers freight Thereof: killed Mail dispatched and received Parcels dispatched and received Direct subscribers’ lines Applications outstanding Public telephones Express mail-inland (2) 1 Until 1991 - budget years. 2 As of 1988 additional service - express delivery. ÌÈÚ‚Ù ÌÚ ÌÈί„ ˙‡˙ ÌÈÚ‚Ù ÌȂ¯‰ ∫‰ÊÓ ®±©˙¯Â˘˜˙ ¯‡Â„ POST AND COMMUNICATION(1) 1998 Â˙Á˘ ÌÈÒÂËÓ ÌÈÚÒ ∫˙ȯȇ ‰Ï·Â‰ ÌÈÚËÓ Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 106 600 454 425 1,453 1,435 2,029 1,000 2,804 1,626 860 1,000 .. 31 208 1,000 22,380 14,730 7,540 no. ßÒÓ Ìȯ·ÂÁÓ ÌÈ¯È˘È ÌȘ ÔÂÙÏË ˙˜˙‰Ï ˙ÂÈ˙ÓÓ ˙¢˜· ÌÈȯ·Ȉ ÌÈÂÙÏË .. 2,007 - 1,000 ®≤©ı¯‡· ¯È‰Ó ¯‡Â„ ÂÏ·˜˙ ÂÁÏ˘˘ ¯‡Â„ ȯ·„ ÂÏ·˜˙ ÂÁÏ˘˘ ˙ÂÏÈ·Á ƷȈ˜˙ ˙¢ ≠ ±ππ± „Ú ± ƮүÙÒ˜‡© ¯È‰Ó ¯‡Â„ ≠ ˘„Á ˙Â¯È˘ ±π∏∏≠· ÏÁ‰ ≤ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ≤¥ ÌÈί„†˙‡˙·†ÌȂ¯‰ Killed in Road Accidents ∂∞∞ µ∞∞ Persons Ì„‡†È· ¥∞∞ ≥∞∞ ≤∞∞ ÆÌ„‡ È· ≤∞¨¥∑∑ χ¯˘È È˘È·Î· ‚¯‰ ±ππ∏ ≠Ï „Ú ±π¥π ˙˘Ó From 1949 to 1998, 20,477 persons were killed on Israel's roads. ±∞∞ ∞ ±π∏∞ ≤µ† Israel in figures ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ ±ππµ ±ππ∏ ÈÂÈ· CONSTRUCTION Buiding completed Buiding begun Dwellings - building completed - buiding begun Road construction and widening - completed - begun 1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 10,795 8,945 4,150 7,030 5,140 4,930 m2 103 ¯¢Ó “ 50.6 42.9 20.0 42.4 30.8 32.7 no. 103 ßÒÓ “ 599.2 380.6 346.2 464.1 390.8 236.2 km. Ó¢˜ “ Area of Building Begun - Residential and Non-Residential ‰ÈÈ· ¯Ó‚ ‰ÈÈ· ˙ÏÁ˙‰ ˙¯Ȅ ‰ÈÈ· ¯Ó‚ ≠ ‰ÈÈ· ˙ÏÁ˙‰ ≠ ˙·Á¯‰Â ÌÈ˘„Á ÌÈ˘È·Î ˙ÏÈÏÒ ¯Ó‚ ≠ ‰ÏÁ˙‰ ≠ Ìȯ‚Óφ‰ÈÈ·‰†˙ÂÏÁ˙‰†Áˢ Ìȯ‚Óφ‡Ï˘Â ±¥ Millions of sq.m. ¯¢Ó†ÈÂÈÏÈÓ ±≤ ±∞ ∏ ∂ ¥ Non residential Residential ≤ Ìȯ‚Óφ‡Ï† Ìȯ‚ÓÏ ∞ ±π∏∞ ±π∏µ ±ππ∞ ±ππµ ±ππ∏ ÌȯÙÒÓ·†Ï‡¯˘È ≤∂ ¯ÁÒÓ COMMERCE Index of sales of commodities for personal use in marketing networks and in “chain stores” at constant prices 1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 129.7 69.2 36.0 1995=100.0 ÌȯˆÂÓ Ï˘ ˙¯ÈÎÓ‰ „„Ó ˙È˘È‡ ‰ÎȯˆÏ ≠ ¢˙¯˘¯˘¢ ˙ÂÈÂÁ·Â ˜ÂÂÈ˘ ˙Â˙˘¯· ÌÈÚ·˜ ÌȯÈÁÓ· ®±©˙¯ÈÈ˙ ˙ÂÂÏÓ TOURIST HOTELS(1) 1998 1990 1980 Hotels(2) 313 276 302 Rooms(2) Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ no. ßÒÓ ®≤©ÔÂÏÓ È˙· 40,268 30,517 25,014 Person-nights 16.7 11.5 9.6 106 ˙ÂÈÏ Tourist person-nights as % of total person-nights 46.2 50.9 75.5 % ˙ÂÈÏ ÏΉ ÍÒÓ ÊÂÁ‡Î ÌȯÈÈ˙ ˙ÂÈÏ Room Occupancy(3) 58.8 55.5 59.1 % ®≥©Ìȯ„Á ˙ÒÂÙ˙ 1 As of 1990 data, incl. hotels not yet listed for tourists. 2 End of year. 3 Avarage per year. Until 1990 room occupancy is calculated on the basis of tourist hotels only. “ ®≤©Ìȯ„Á Æ˙¯ÈÈ˙ ˙ÂÂÏÓΠ¯˘Â‡ Ì¯Ë˘ ˙ÂÂÏÓ Ì‚ ÏÏÂÎ ¨±ππ∞ ˙˘ ÈÂ˙· ÏÁ‰ ± Ɖ˘ ÛÂÒ ≤ Æ„·Ï· ˙¯ÈÈ˙ ˙ÂÂÏÓ ÍÓÒ ÏÚ ‰ÒÂÙ˙‰ ˙·˘ÂÁÓ ±ππ∞ „Ú Æ‰˘Ï ˙ÚˆÂÓÓ ≥ ÏÓ˘Á ELECTRICITY Installed generating capacity(1) Production Sales of electricity (by tariff) Household consumption Commerce Agriculture Industry Water pumping 1998 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 8,176 5,055 2,737 MWT Ë¢Â‚Ó 37,934 32,649 10,147 8,583 1,487 9,921 2,510 20,898 12,404 18,912 5,318 4,762 934 6,073 1,825 11,073 2,963 1,981 455 3,995 1,679 ¯ÂˆÈÈ 10 KWH “ “ “ “ “ ®ÌÈÙȯÚ˙ ÈÙÏ© ÏÓ˘Á ˙˜ÙÒ‡ ˙È˙È· ‰Îȯˆ ¯ÁÒÓ ˙‡ϘÁ ‰ÈÈ˘Ú˙ ÌÈÓ ˙·È‡˘ ˘¢Ë˜ 10 6 1 Israel Electric Corporation only. Æ„·Ï· ÏÓ˘Á‰ ˙¯·Á ± ÌÈÓ WATER Household consumption Industrial use Agricultural use ≤∑ Israel in figures ®±©Ô˜˙ÂÓ ¯ÂˆÈÈ ¯˘ÂÎ 6 R1997 1990 1980 Unit ‰„ÈÁÈ 621 123 1,264 482 106 1,216 375 90 1,235 m3 106 3 Ó “ “ È˙È· ˘ÂÓÈ˘ È˙ÈÈ˘Ú˙ ˘ÂÓÈ˘ ȇϘÁ ˘ÂÓÈ˘ Israel - The largest urban localities ≥±Ø±≤رππ∏ ÌÈÏ„‚‰ ÌÈȯÈÚ‰ ÌÈ·Â˘Èȉ ≠ χ¯˘È ®‰ÏÚÓ ÌÈ·˘Â˙ ±∞∞¨∞∞∞© (100,000 inhabitants and more) ‰È¯ÂÒ ÔÂ·Ï SYRIA LEBANON ‰Ì MEDIT ERRAN ȉ EAN SE A ‰ÙÈÁ HAIFA ˙¯Î ÌÈ ÔÂÎÈ˙ SEA OF GALILEE ‰È˙ NETANYA ÂÙÈ≠·È·‡ Ï˙ TEL AVIV-YAFO ÌÈ ˙· BAT YAM ˜¯· È· BENE BERAK ‰Â˜˙ Á˙Ù PETAH TIQWA Ô‚ ˙Ó¯ RAMAT GAN ÔÂÏÂÁ HOLON ÔÂÈˆÏ Ô¢‡¯ RISHON LEZIYYON „„˘‡ ASHDOD ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ÁÏÓ‰ ÌÈ DEAD SEA JERUSALEM Ú·˘ ¯‡· BE’ER SHEVA Ô„¯È JORDAN ÌȯˆÓ EGYPT ˙Ïȇ ı¯ÙÓ GULF OF ELAT acknowledgments The work of the Central Bureau of Statistics is made possible thanks to information received from a wide spectrum of audiences: the general public, government ministries, organizations and businesses. Thanks to this on-going cooperation, the Bureau can produce statistical information which serves the entire community. The material which the Bureau receives is kept according to strict rules, preventing the violation of one's privacy. ÂÒÙ ˙ȯ‡ ∫˙ίÂÚ Editor: Orit Penso ˙È˙ÂÊÁ†˙¯Â˘˜˙†Ô˙χ†∫·ÂˆÈÚ DESIGN: ELTAN VISUAL COMMUNICATION