Ref. Ares(2011)1276102 - 29/11/2011 EUROPEAN UNION DELEGATION TO THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE Provision of technical assistance related to implementation of ISPA/IPA Programmes Environment – Solid Waste FWC Commission 2011 – Lot No 1 REQUEST FOR OFFER No 1. BACKGROUND The Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Croatia is enforcing the ex-ante control of the ISPA/IPA tendering procedures that are performed by Croatian national authorities through Decentralised Management System – DIS. Moreover it is the task of the EU Delegation to participate in the appraisal of project applications. The contracting authority for this action is the European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy, the beneficiary is the EU Delegation to the Republic of Croatia. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT 2.1 Beneficiaries The Delegation of the European Union (EUD) in the Republic of Croatia is the beneficiary of the assignment. 2.2 Global and specific objectives 2.2.1 Global objectives To assist the EU Delegation with the work associated with selected projects under ISPA and IPA Programme – Component III b Environmental Operating Programme (EPOP) – Solid Waste, namely (a) County Waste Management Centre (CWMC) Mariscina (b) CWMC Kastijun (c) CWMC Osiječko-baranjska, (d) CWMC Vukovarsko-srijemska, (e) Regional Waste Management Centre Bikarac (f) Polluted site of Sovjak. (a), (b) The Mariscina and Kastijun CWMCs involve waste treatment plant, construction of landfill, gas treatment facilities (with future electricity production) and mechanical biological treatment (MBT) with bio drying. All CWMCs are to be supplied with associated equipment. (c), (d) The CWMC Osiječko-baranjska and Vukovarsko-srijemska CWMCs involve Waste Management Centre and Transfer Stations. A Transfer Station is a facility where waste is temporarily unloaded, stored and reloaded for shipment to a WMC. (e) The Bikarac RWMC project involves construction of landfill, remediation of existing landfills (Bikarac and Pirovac), construction of waste water treatment plants, gas treatment facilities and other accompanying infrastructure. The landfill is to be supplied with associated equipment (crusher, bailing press machine, wheeled front end loader, etc). (f) The Polluted site of Sovjak involves the remediation of the heavy polluted waste pit of Sovjak where some 250 000 m3 of tar, acetylene sludge, petro residues, municipal waste, tyres, metal waste, wooden waste, asbestos etc.. have been disposed from 1956 to 1990. 2.2.2 Specific objectives 1. Assist the EU Delegation in the performance of the assessment of the selected supply tender dossiers for Kastijun and Mariscina projects. The objective is that TDs are prepared according to all applicable requirements and standards. 2. Assist the EU Delegation in observing the evaluation process and in performing the evaluation of bids for the above mentioned supply tenders. The objective is that evaluation process and selection of the contractor is performed according to rules and regulations. 3. Assist the EU Delegation in the implementation of the Fidic yellow book works contracts and the supply contracts for RWMC Bikarac, Kastijun and Mariscina CWMC projects. The objective is that the projects are implemented on time and in accordance with respective contracts. 4. Assist the EU Delegation in review of the Major Project Applications (MPAs) for the projects of CWMC Osiječko-baranjska, CWMC Vukovarsko-srijemska, Polluted site of Sovjak. The objective is that the MPAs are prepared according to the Commission's requirements. 2.3 Requested services In his role, the Consultant will undertake the following tasks: 1. Review the full sets of supply tender documentation prepared by the Contracting Authority for Kastijun and Mariscina supply projects; suggest changes wherever necessary to ensure that the objectives of fair competition, transparent procurement according to the rules of law are met. This task should be performed in cooperation with the EU Delegation whenever clarification and consultation is needed. 2. Participate at working meetings in Zagreb regarding the above mentioned tender documents when necessary. 3. Observe the evaluation of submitted supply offers, draft assessment reports regarding the quality of respective evaluation processes and bids submitted. 4. Conduct site visits and assess the construction process for the Kastijun, Mariscina and Bikarac projects. 5. Review and appraise the full Major Project Applications (MPA) and the related studies for the CWMCs of Osiječko-baranjska, of Vukovarsko-srijemska and the Polluted site of Sovjak. 6. The Delegation may request additional assistance from the Consultant. 2.4 Required outputs The Consultant will deliver the following outputs: 1. Supply of tender documentation assessment reports for Kastijun and Mariscina projects The tender documentation assessment reports will be complete and delivered to the Delegation. The assessment report will take into account that the tender dossiers have to comply with international tendering procedures for supplies related to the implementation of IPA funds, EC Practical Guide, and documentation adopted during the programming phase of the project.. The Consultant will check in particular that: • The equipment to be procured complies with the requirements and standards, and the applicable rule of origin. The supplies must originate from the EU or from an eligible country according to the applicable regulation. • The technical specifications are clear and consistent, and ensure that the tenderers can effectively bill the supplies. Care should be taken that technical specifications are not restrictive and recognised international standards should be used as much as possible. Finally, the report will take into account that the estimate of costs associated with tenders in question is reasonable and follows the respective market price range. To achieve these outputs, the consultant will review the full tender documentation prepared by the Recipient Institution and provided by the EU Delegation. The consultant will provide the EU Delegation with the written comment on the entire Tender Dossier. If comments result in the necessity to submit tender documentations in a revised version, the consultant may be requested to give an opinion (opinions) on this revised version as well. The expert may be asked to assist the EU Delegation Staff in the assessment of clarifications provided during the tendering period. 2. Minutes of working meetings (when applicable). 3. Findings concerning the evaluation of submitted offers with respect to Mariscina and Kastijun projects. The Consultant will observe whether the evaluation of tender proposals is conducted according to the applicable rules and whether the outcome is conclusive and supported by technical expertise and knowledge of the topic. 4. Reports on site visits for Kastijun and Mariscina projects with recommendations for successful implementation. The Consultant will check the progress of works implementation against the contract conditions, technical specifications, bills of quantities and all relevant standards and regulations. 5. The MPA appraisal reports for the CWMC of Osiječko-baranjska, the CWMC of Vukovarsko-srijemska and the Polluted site of Sovjak. To achieve this output, the Consultant will review the full project application (and the related studies), suggesting changes wherever necessary are met, and giving its findings in an appraisal report to the Delegation. 3. EXPERTS PROFILE The experts must have relevant experience in similar assignments. The proposed expert/company should not be involved in the preparation of the Tender documents or any other documents related to the projects mentioned in 2.2.1, to avoid a conflict of interest. The working language is English requiring from all experts fluency in English. 3.1 Solid Waste Expert (Expert 1 – Team Leader Waste) of senior category Minimum requirements: • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent at Masters Degree Academic level or 8 years above the general professional experience as defined bellow. • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience, knowledge of planning, design, procurement and construction of solid waste projects, including experience with solid waste projects involving MBTs and remediation of polluted spots. • Knowledge of related EU standards and requirements, especially the Landfill Directive, Urban Solid Waste Directive and the Solid Waste Framework Directive, the Environmental Impact Assessment Directives and related mitigation measures etc. Other requirements • Specialization in terms of education in Solid Waste • Experience in the preparation / review of supply tenders in accordance with PRAG procedures • Experience in implementation of works contracts in accordance with FIDIC contracting rules procedures • Drivers' licence 3.2 Mechanical and/or Operation Engineer – solid waste (Expert 2) of senior category Essential requirements: • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent at Masters Degree Academic level or 8 years above the general professional experience as defined bellow • At least 10 years relevant professional experience, including designing, implementation and operation of solid waste management plants, MBTs and related maintenance equipment. • Knowledge of requirements and standards for solid waste collection, up-dated maintenance and operation of mechanical equipment. Other requirements • Experience in the preparation / review of supply tenders in accordance with PRAG procedures • Experience in implementation of works contracts in accordance with FIDIC contracting rules procedures 3.3 Electrical Engineer for both fields solid waste (Expert 3) of senior category Essential requirements: • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in a subject relevant to the field concerned (e.g. Electrical Engineering) at Masters Degree Academic level or 8 years above the general professional experience as defined bellow • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience, including designing, implementation and supervision of solid waste including MBT, water and wastewater projects, and related electrical equipment • Knowledge of EU requirements and standards for solid waste collection, treatment systems and related electrical equipment Other requirements • Experience in the preparation / review of supply tenders in accordance with PRAG procedures • Experience in implementation of works contracts in accordance with FIDIC contracting rules procedures 3.4 Environmental Chemist (Expert 4) of junior category: Essential requirements: • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in Chemistry at Masters Degree Academic level.or 8 years above the general professional experience as defined bellow. • At least 3 years relevant professional experience Other requirements • Experience in oil products pollution 3.5 Economist (Expert 5) of senior category Essential requirements: • A level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma in a subject relevant to the field concerned (e.g. economics, business administration) at Masters Degree Academic level or 8 years above the general professional experience as defined bellow • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience • Experience in review / preparation of feasibility studies and cost-benefit analysis Other requirements • Experience in appraisal of mayor project applications for EU funding • Experience in preparation of major projects for Structural Funds 4. LOCATION AND DURATION 4.1 Starting period The indicative starting date is beginning of December 2011. The consultant should commence his/her assignment after the documents, which are subject of his/her first task, are submitted to him/her. The months when the receipt the documents is expected are listed in table 1. The consultant is to commence the revision immediately upon the receipt of the documents. 4.2 Duration period The duration of the assignment is 12 months. The time needed for mobilisation, international and local travel and the time needed for preparing reports are included in these 12 months. 4.3 Planning TABLE 1 N° 1 2 3 4 Programme / Project IPA Programme CWMC Kastijun IPA Programme CWMC Mariscina ISPA / IPA Implementation monitoring for Kastijun, Mariscina and Bikarac projects IPA Programme CWMC of Osiječko- Work to be performed Review of Supply Tender Dossier Assistance in the evaluation of bids Review of Supply Tender Dossier Assistance in the evaluation of bids Works contracts implementation Review of MPA Time horizon Allocated man-days January 2012 18 April 2012 January 2012 18 April 2012 December 2011 - October 2012 30 14 October 2012 baranjska 5 IPA Programme Vukovarsko-srijemska Review of MPA October 2012 14 6 IPA Programme Remediation of the polluted site of Sovjak Review of MPA July 2012 19 TOTAL 113 The final allocation of the number of expert's man-days per activity will be agreed with the EU Delegation in Croatia. For the time being Tables 1 and 2 shall apply. The data are indicative and may be subject to changes in the frame of the contract. TABLE 2 Estimation of days per each expert Position Category Input (working days) Solid Waste Expert (Expert 1) Senior 62 Mechanical and Operation Engineer Senior – solid waste (Expert 2) Electrical Engineer (Expert 3) Senior 16 Environmental Chemist (Expert 4) Junior 10 Economist (Expert 5) Senior 19 TOTAL: 6 113 Out of 113 working days, 71 may be spent at home office. 4.4 Location of the assignment The location of the assignment is Croatia or the premises of the expert(s). The site visits (Nr. 3 of table1) imply local travel within Croatia to the cities of Sibenik, Rijeka and Pula. 5. REPORTING The consultant will transmit its observations, findings and conclusions to Ms Željka Zgaga, Task Manager of the EU Delegation for projects (a),(b) and (e) and to Mr Luc Faber, Task Manager of the EU Delegation for projects (c), (d) and (f). After each activity, the consultant shall report in electronic version after completion of activity within the deadline defined by Task Manager per respective activity. Should an assignment involve several experts the team leader is expected to combine the individual reports into a single, comprehensive report. Upon completion of activities an electronic draft final report, shall be submitted to the EU Delegation for approval. The following words should be on the cover of the final report: Specific contract No. of the FWC Commission 2011. Postal address for sending the report is: EU Delegation to the Republic of Croatia Trg žrtava fašizma 6 10 000 Zagreb ATTN: ZGAGA/FABER E-mail addresses for sending the report are: Two copies of the final report will be prepared in English and sent to the EU Delegation by courier and in electronic format in parallel one week before the end of the duration period. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The proposed budget for this assignment is a maximum of €115 000 and shall cover fees and reimbursable items. Travel costs for international (9 foreseen) and local travel (21 foreseen), per diems and costs for photocopying and delivery of the tender dossiers from the Consultant by the courier are foreseen under reimbursable. The maximum per diem rate for Croatia is published on the following EuropeAid Internet site: 7. OTHER The selected contractor/experts that were involved in the preparation of the related documents are excluded from participation in this project in order to avoid conflict of interest. ---------------------------------------