EDGU1005 Sports Coaching: Theory and

Faculty of Education and Social Work
The University of Sydney
Sports Coaching: Theory and Practice
Unit of Study Outline
Session 2, 2015
Last revised: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 23:08:52 +1000
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© Copyright 2015, The University of Sydney
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University of Sydney
Unit of Study Details
Credits: 6
Teaching Staff Details
Unit of study coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Donna O'Connor
Room and building: 447 A35
Phone number: 9351 6343
Email: donna.oconnor@sydney.edu.au
Arrangements for student consultation:
An appointment may be made by telephone or email.
Other staff:
Jessica Graham (jessica.graham@sydney.edu.au): jessica.graham@sydney.edu.au
What is the unit about
This unit introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of sport and exercise
coaching. Through active participation in lectures, tutorials and practical workshops,
students will learn how to create a positive sporting environment by utilizing athlete centred
coaching strategies. Students will also learn how to evaluate and improve their own coaching
performance by applying reflective and evaluative skills. Topics covered include coaching,
training and management principles, coaching pedagogy, planning, skill learning and sports
psychology. Students will also complete the beginning coaching general principles course. At
the completion of this unit it is hoped that students are more confident and knowledgeable in
their coaching practice.
Desired outcomes
As a result of successfully completing this unit of study students should be able to:
explain the roles and ethical responsibilities of the coach.
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of communication, teaching and behaviour
management strategies to help athletes learn skills and tactics while developing
demonstrate methods of planning and organising safe, fun and engaging training
demonstrate an understanding of the current models for coaching effectiveness raised in
the literature.
apply information gained from reading and class discussion to the solution of real-life
problems and complex coaching situations presented in cases.
reflect on their coaching practice and make adjustments where appropriate.
seek other points of view and ways of practicing, by reflecting upon other coaches’
decisions and actions.
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
Coaching Philosopohy
Effective Coaching
Principles of Coaching
Planning and organisation
Pedagogy for coaching
Skill acquisition
Psychology for coaches
Principles of management
Inclusive coaching
Reflective coaching
Timetable and Teaching Mode
The Faculty of Education and Social Work requires attendance of at least 90 per cent of all
seminars, workshops or lectures. Where a student is unable to attend at the required rate
evidence of illness or misadventure may be required and the student may be required to
undertake extra work. Students should discuss the circumstances of their absence(s) with
the co-ordinator of the unit of study. Further details are provided in the Little Blue Book.
Wk 1-6: Tuesday lecture 10-11am; Thursday lecture 9-10; 1 hr workshop/practical class
Wk 7-12:Tuesday lecture 9-10am; 2 hr workshop/practical class
The following is a guide:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Tuesday Lecture
Developing your
coaching philosophy
Athlete centred
Coaching pedagogy
– feedback &
Creating a learning
Tactics & decision
Training principles
Developing the 4C’s
Coaching diverse
Motivating your
Thursday Lecture
Assessment overview
Skill learning
Practical session
General principles
Coaching pedagogy – Prac – example session
communication skills
Game day & meetings Evaluation of prac
session/video clips
Planning, Organisation Planning (pairs)
& risk management
Reflective practice
Workshop - TBC
Practical 1
Practical 2
Practical 3
AVCC common week
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
University of Sydney
Managing your
athletes behaviour
Developing life skills
through sport
Managing your team/
Practical 4
Assessment policies
All assessment in this Unit of Study occurs in conformity with the policies of the Faculty of
Education and Social Work as outlined on the Faculty web-site. Please refer to this on such
matters as:
Marking and grading
Questioning a mark
Submitting an assignment
Seeking an extension
Penalties for late submission of work
Plagiarism and academic honesty
Seeking special consideration
Seeking leave of absence
Student appeals process
All students enrolled in this Unit of Study are expected, without exception, to familiarise
themselves with these policies. They are available at the following web-site:
All assignments must be submitted with the Faculty cover-sheet attached and completed.
This is available from the Faculty of Education and Social Work web-site (http://
The University of Sydney has adopted severe but fair procedures for dealing with plagiarism.
It is imperative that students understand what constitutes plagiarism. The threat of being
accused of plagiarism is generally relieved by expert referencing of your assignments. If you
are not sure how to reference well, please refer to the publications of the Faculty mentioned
above, and in particular the following web-site:
Unless otherwise stated in the unit of study outline, word-limit penalties may be applied.
These penalties relate to all undergraduate, graded units of study where a word limit for an
assignment has been specified. Further details are provided in the Little Blue Book.
Unless otherwise advised by the course or unit of study coordinator/outline, the Faculty
of Education and Social Work requires the style guide of the American Psychological
Association (APA) to be used for citation and referencing purposes. The library's Complete
Guide to APA 6th style is a comprehensive, self-contained document that should be
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
consulted. Incorrect use of the required style, or the use of another style unless specifically
allowed, is likely to result in diminished assessment grades. Further details are also provided
in the Little Blue Book.
Assessment tasks in this unit of study
Online quizzes
Coaching Plan and Practical Coaching
Reflection & Evaluation Report
Community coaching general principles
(online course)
Weight Word
Due Out- Australian ACECQA
date comes Teaching Curriculum
Standards Specifications
week 1, 2, 4,
3, 6 5
& 11
from 2,3,4,6
week 7
week 2, 3, 6,
8-11 7
Octo- 1, 2, 5,
ber 15 6
1. Online quizzes
Due date for completion: week 3, 6 & 11
Submission instructions:
The 3 quizzes will focus on the knowledge and application of theory, class material, readings
and coaching principles.
The quizzes will be completed on-line via LMS. You have 48 hours to complete each quiz
(opens Tuesday 10am and closes Thursday 10am).
Please note when completing the quiz if you close the web browser during the quiz the mark
you have when you close it will stand – you cannot re-start your quiz.
Quiz 1 has 20 questions (5%) and quiz 2 and 3 has 40 questions each (worth 10% each).
Assessment criteria:
Students will be assessed according to their ability to demonstrate knowledge and application
of course content
2. Coaching Plan and Practical Coaching Session
Due date for completion: from week 7
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
Submission instructions:
Your initial coaching plan is due 8 days prior to your scheduled coaching session (e.g. If
your coaching session was on Tuesday September 8 your coaching plan must be uploaded on
the e-learning site by 9am Monday August 31). Your second coaching plan will be due two
weeks after your scheduled coaching session (e.g. If your coaching session is September 8
your 2nd coaching plan must be uploaded by 9am September 22).
This assessment task is completed in pairs and has 3 parts – (a) coaching plan 1; (b)
conducting a coaching session; (c) coaching plan 2.
In pairs, students will nominate the sport and age of the athletes they are hypothetically
coaching for this assessment task. You will also determine the aim(s) of your practice session.
This must be determined by your week 3 tutorials so a schedule can be developed on when
you will coach (week 7-10). This task provides students with the opportunity to:
develop their coaching and planning skills
apply coaching principles to create an athlete centred learning environment
enhance their communication and organisational skills
develop an understanding of the importance of planning and their role as a coach in the
development of their athletes
Part A
In pairs you will plan a 60-75 minute practice session for 15-20 athletes. We will discuss
planning, organisation and risk assessment in class in week 5. This will assist you in
completing this part of the task.
Your coaching plan must be clear, comprehensive and appropriate for the age/level of your
athletes. Example templates will be available on the e-learning site.
Part B
Based on feedback you received from your tutor (We aim to provide you feedback on your
plan within 48 hours) each pair will coach a 25-30min segment from their plan. A schedule
outlining when and where you will coach will be available on the e-learning site by August
Part C
In pairs you will plan the next practice session (60-75 min) for your athletes. This will
take into account the feedback you initially received on plan 1, your own reflection on the
effectiveness of your practice session, the learning and performance of your athletes and the
aim(s) for your next practice session.
Assessment criteria:
Part A
Students will be assessed according to their ability to:
plan an appropriate and engaging coaching practice which clearly states the sport, age
and level of athletes, outcomes, and equipment needs.
create a well organised plan that has a warm up, main component and conclusion/cool
identify any potential safety risks
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
apply their knowledge of athlete learning and their sport
select fun, challenging activities that cater for a range of learning needs/styles
be creative in the development of activities
plan practices that have high athlete engagement and practice opportunities
provide enough detail so someone else can conduct the coaching session
reference resources and literature (when required)
Part B
Students will be assessed according to their ability to:
appear professional, enthusiastic and confident
demonstrate effective communication skills (verbal – instructions, questioning,
constructive feedback; non-verbal)
efficiently organise athletes and activities so there is a smooth transition from one
activity to the next (organisation & management)
analyse athlete learning/performance and make modifications when appropriate
create a safe learning environment
achieve their outcomes/aims of the session
Part C
Students will be assessed according to their ability to:
reflect and learn from previous experiences (planning & coaching). This will be
demonstrated in modifications and improvements made from initial plan.
plan appropriate activities in relation to aims of the session
apply their knowledge of athlete learning and their sport so activities/learning builds on
the previous practice session
plan fun, challenging activities
be creative in the development of activities
plan practices that have high athlete engagement and practice opportunities
provide enough detail so someone else can conduct the coaching session
present work that is well written and easy to follow
This will be discussed in class
3. Reflection & Evaluation Report
Due date for completion: week 8-11
Submission instructions:
Upload on the e-learning site by 9am, 7 days after you conducted your coaching session and
observed 2 coaching sessions. For example if you coached on Tuesday September 8 this task
is due 9am on Tuesday September 15.
This assessment task has 2 parts – (a) your self-reflection of your coaching session and (b)
your evaluation of 2 peer coaching sessions. You will observe two peer coaching sessions on
the same day that you conduct your own coaching session.
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
You will be required to submit the following:
Part A: Self-reflection of your coaching session
A completed self-reflection template
A 750 word report that identifies
the strengths of your coaching session (what went well and why)
areas for improvement (why, how)
how effective you were as a coach
To assist you with your reflection consider - did your session go according to
plan? Were your objectives met? The level of athlete engagement, activity level
and appropriateness; athlete learning; coach knowledge & behaviour [confidence,
communication, organisation etc])
give yourself a mark out of 10 for your coaching effectiveness
Part B: evaluation of 2 peer coaching sessions
a completed evaluation form for each coaching session you observed (two in total)
A 1250 word report commenting on the following –
Planning and organisation
Athlete learning
If you were providing feedback to the coaches – (a) what two strengths would you
identify; (b)
What you learnt from observing these two coaching sessions
Assessment criteria:
Part A
The depth of your self-reflection regarding your coaching session. Provide examples or
evidence to support your opinion/evaluation
Provide specific recommendations that are appropriate
Address each aspect outlined in the task description
Part B
Your ability to evaluate coaching practice – the coach and the actual session
the depth of your evaluation and evidence (examples, literature) to support your
address each aspect outlined in the task description
This will be discussed in class
4. Community coaching general principles (online course)
Due date for completion: October 15
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
Submission instructions:
Upload your cetificate of completion to the e-learning site by October 15.
All students must complete the Beginning Coach General Principles online developed by
the Australian Sports Commission and the Australian Institute of Sport. You must register
individually with your own email address
The course contains four modules, covering a range of general coaching topics including;
the role and responsibilities expected of a coach, planning, safety, working with parents,
communication, group management and inclusive coaching practices. There is assessment
at the end of each module. It takes approximately four hours to complete. The mechanics of
the online course will be discussed during our week 1 tutorial. Once you have completed all
modules, you will be able to print a certifi cate of completion.
Students who have already completed this course are not required to do the online online
course, HOWEVER, you must provide evidence of completion of the course. All certificates
must be uploaded to the e-learning site by October 15.
Assessment criteria:
Successful completion of the course.
Student evaluation
We welcome feedback on this Unit of Study. Please take the time to offer constructive
written feedback at the end of the semester. The teaching team is committed to the
participation of learners in the process of planning and evaluation of courses.
The following changes have already been made to this Unit of Study as a result of student
We welcome constructive feedback. Please feel free to contact Dr Cotton to discuss any
aspect of the Unit.
A formal USS will be conducted at the conclusion of the Unit.
References and readings
Martens, R. (2012). Successful coaching. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Cassidy, T., Jones, R., & Potrac, P. (2009). Understanding sports coaching: the social,
cultural and pedagogical foundations of coaching practice. London: Routledge.
Jones, R., & Kingston, K. (2013). An introduction to sports coaching: connecting theory to
practice. New York: Routledge
Kidman, L., & Hanrahan, S. (2010). The coaching process. London: Routledge.
Robinson, P. (2010). Foundations of sports coaching. London: Routledge.
Stafford, I. (2011). Coaching children in sport. London: Routledge.
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005
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University of Sydney
Baker, J. (2003). Early specialisation in youth sport: a requirement for adult expertise? High
Ability Studies, 14, 85-94.
O’Connor, D. (2012). Challenges facing Youth Coaches. In J. O’Dea (Ed.), Current Issues
and Controversies in School and Community Health, Sport and Physical Education. New
York: Nova Science.
Sports Coaching: Theory and
2015 2 EDGU1005