Newsletter - Bath Community Academy

Bath Community Academy Weekly Newsletter – Term 1 Edition 8
Welcome to our weekly newsletter which is produced to ensure that all students, parents, staff and any
other visitors to the website are aware of what happens at the academy, including the achievements,
successes and progress of students. BCA is an academy where celebration is cultural and, underpinned by
our community ethos of Friendship, Respect and Excellence, we organise ourselves so that all students can,
if they choose to, realise, pursue and achieve their full potential. The newsletter will also provide you with
important information about up-and-coming events as well as other important information. The vibrancy
of academy life can be seen throughout the weekly items included in this newsletter, indicative of the
energy expended during 2013/2014 towards improving the 2013 GCSE exams by 100% in 2014. We hope
you enjoy reading this.
Term 2 – Monday 3rd November to Friday 19th December 2014
INSET day: Monday 3rd November 2014
4th November – Years 7-11 return to school
Cross Country
On Thursday Sam W, Alfie M, Connor F and Tyler M broke the school record for the gold Cross Country
course with Sam winning with an unbelievable time of 15mins 10 seconds closely followed by Alfie. This is
a great achievement for the boys as none are specifically runners with Sam being predominantly a boxer,
Alfie and Tyler football players and Connor a rugby player. This roughly equates to about a 6.00 minute
mile which over our very hilly course is exceptional. Well done to all.
A Band Cross Country was won by Ethan H and Tanishia G for the Gold Route with Toby C and Lily W
winning the Silver Route; during the practice run A Band had to cope with wet conditions so it was a
pleasant change to be running in sunlight. B Band Cross Country was won by Jake W on a very cold day
with Tilly L completing the silver route in a very quick time for a Year 8 girl. The Year 7 race was won by
Alex K who completed the course in an astonishing time of 17 minutes 53 seconds and still looked in pretty
good shape at the finish line. In fact Alex’s time was only beaten this week by the Year 11’s, this shows just
how fast Alex was running! In the year 7 girls race both Faith H and Grace W performed excellently
showing good determination and persistence. Year 10’s ensured they put their name on the map with Ben
C coming in first for the Gold Route and Joshua G and Ruby H-T winning the Silver Route.
Across all year groups participation was the main goal and in every session we had an awesome turnout
and effort as well as pupils making sure the changing rooms were left in a clean state, which is not always
easy considering how muddy the course is. Thanks also to pupils who weren’t able to run who spent their
time being marshals, timers or just lined the route encouraging the runners.
Maths Challenge
Well done to Jessica Eddy who knew the answer and has won 3 times this term! The maths quiz will
continue next term
Project Phoenix Dancers
In whole school assembly on Thursday some of the project phoenix dance group performed a piece that
they had choreographed in front of all staff and students. It was a fantastic atmosphere and for some the
first time they have performed in front of an audience. Great perseverance and confidence from all who
performed! Well done!
Accelerated Reader Quiz Top Scorers
Well done to everyone who took a quiz and passed! This week's students who earned 100% in their book
quizzes are:
Morgan Gorle
Chayenne Rogers-Dixon
Tanishia Gibbs
Tyler Bishop
Leon Jefferies
Katie Robertson
Courtney Dennis-Webb
Ivy Clarbull
Lewis Allison
Bethany Morgan-Clark
Ronan Curran
Kacey Dixon
George Flavell
Jahari Leger
Corrie May
John Parasa
Jack Dagger
Toby Richardson
Ryan Scammell
Fraser Tees
Daniel Topping
Chloe Bradley
Faith Calley-Bown
Preston Nippard
Saffron Stubbs
Jessica Eddy
Kyle Hallsworth
Cameron Radford
Tyler Watt
And these students earned 100% in two quizzes this week:
Toby Carless
Tyler Harrington
Connor Scarrott
Congratulation to this week’s Prize Draw Winner: Tanishia Gibbs. Come and collect your prize from the
Other Accelerated Reader Awards
Term 1 Top Quizzer: Hilda Gal, who has taken 11 quizzes this term.
Term 1 Top Reader: Daniel Topping, who has read 183,97 words this term.
Assembly theme…
Well done to everyone who worked hard last term and achieved high lesson scores – special well done to
those students who won a BCA Tshirt in yesterday’s assembly!
Follow us…
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Term Dates 2014/2015
Term 2 – Monday 3rd November to Friday 19th
December 2014
INSET day: Monday 3rd November 2014
4th November – Years 7-11 return to school
12th November – Year 11 Parents’ Evening 4 – 7pm
19th November – Parent Information Evening 6 – 7pm
20th November – SEN Coffee Morning 9 – 10.15am
20th November – ADHD Support Evening 6.30 – 8pm
16th December – BCA Carol Service 7pm
Term 3 – Monday 5th January to Friday 13th February
14th January – Year 10 Parents Evening 4 – 7pm
21st January – Parent Information Evening - 6-7pm
22nd January – SEN Coffee Morning 9 – 10.15am
22nd January – ADHD Support Evening 6.30 – 8pm
4th February – Year 9 Options Evening 6 – 7pm