(Current as of 28 June 2016) 2017 ADVANCED ACADEMIC DEGREE (AAD) AND SPECIAL EXPERIENCE EXCHANGE DUTIES (SPEED) SELECTION PROCESS GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION 3 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS, AFSCS AND ELIGIBILITY 3 AAD Program Description: 3 National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) AAD Program Description: 7 USAFA Instructor Faculty Pipeline (USAFA FP) Program Description: 8 AFIT Instructor Faculty Pipeline (AFIT FP) Program Description: 8 SPEED PROGRAMS 10 Acquisition and Intelligence Experience Exchange Tour (AIEET) Program Description: 10 Acquisition and Logistics Experience Exchange Tour (ALEET) and Comptroller Operational Logistics Tour (COLT) Program Description: 10 Education With Industry (EWI) Program Description: 11 Information Officer Engineering Exchange (IOEE) Program Description: 11 Logistics Career Broadening Program (LCBP) Program Description: 12 Program for Acquisition Contracting Exchange (PACE) Program Description: 13 Financial Management and Contracting Exchange Program (FCEP) 13 Space Acquisition Exchange Program (SAEP) Program Description: (SPACE ONLY) 14 Space Education and Assignment Program (SEA-P) Program Description: 14 USMC Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) Program Description: 15 Analyst and Personnel Exchange Program (APEP) Description: 15 APPLICATION PROCESS 17 APPLICATION GUIDANCE 19 SUSPENSES FOR APPLICATIONS/ADPs: 20 NOMINAL TIMELINE* 21 APPENDIX 1: AFPC ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL BOXES 22 APPENDIX 2: ADVANCED ACADEMIC DEGREE QUOTAS 23 APPENDIX 3: 21X (MAINTENANCE, MUNITIONS, LOGISTICS READINESS) GUIDANCE 35 APPENDIX 4: AAD/SPEED QUOTA TEMPLATE 40 2 GENERAL INFORMATION In 2017, Development Teams (DTs) will select officers to participate in the competitive special programs discussed in this guide. Officers may apply for an Advance degree quota or a Special Experience Exchange Duty. As part of the force development construct, these programs provide targeted developmental education and/or broadening developmental assignments for officers in eligible career fields. DT Special Program selections are some of the earliest opportunities for officers to begin building a complementary skill set through advanced academic degree or career broadening programs. NOTE: Officers must be released from their Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) core officer assignment team (OAT) in order to compete for these programs. If selected for any AAD or SPEED program in this message, assignment acceptance and declination procedures will apply IAW AFI 36-2110 (Assignments), as well as any Force Management provisions. 6X officers projected or identified on the current year Fall VML are ineligible for the current year’s AAD/SPEED board. Refer ALL questions to your core AFPC OAT. Those selected for each program will be notified via their chain of command after the special program selection. Officers should monitor the myPers website for updates to these programs and review the links for additional information about each program. The timeline for movement of officers under these programs is based on numerous factors including Time-On-Station (TOS) and Date Eligible for Return from Overseas (DEROS) if no training is required. If training is required, officers will PCS according to training availability. All participants incur applicable Active Duty Service Commitments (ADSCs). Official assignment notification will occur, in general, no later than 90 calendar days before the RNLTD. In addition, Airmen normally should have PCS orders in hand at least 60 calendar days before the projected departure date shown in the assignment instructions. Your patience is appreciated. Sponsoring Organizations – AAD quotas are sponsored by either the core career field, AFIT, USAFA, or NRO. Officers will be assigned to the sponsoring organization as part of their “payback” for the sponsorship. If not the first assignment after school, then by the second assignment, the officer should serve in a position within their sponsoring organization. You were sponsored to help the organization create a pipeline of instructors. PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS, AFSCS AND ELIGIBILITY AAD Program Description: Officers selected for this program will attend one of the following institutions: 3 a. The Graduate School of Engineering and Management at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT/EN), b. AFIT CI-designated civilian institution (CI), or c. The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) The institution the officer attends is based on the degree’s academic specialty code for which they are selected. If a degree program is offered by AFIT/EN at the main campus on Wright-Patterson AFB (this includes most engineering and physics degrees), an officer will attend the main campus. For those degree programs not taught at WrightPatterson AFB, AFIT/ENEL will place officers at either the NPS or an appropriate CI. Applicants should keep in mind they are most likely to be selected for an AAD program if the degree program they desire matches an established requirement within their career field. Currently, 6XX and 17D AFSCs are only eligible to compete in this process for degrees directly applicable to their career field. Length of assignment to schools vary, normal assignment lengths are 18 months to earn a master’s or 3 years to earn a doctorate degree in a discipline consistent with their professional development. AFIT degree program information is listed at: http://www.afit.edu/EN/allprograms.cfm Also, information about NPS degree programs is available at: http://www.nps.edu/Academics/Admissions/Programs/Index.html. A representative list of advanced academic degree programs are listed in Appendix 2. Officers should only apply for degrees for which they are qualified. If individuals apply for more than one program, consideration will be given to an individual’s prioritized listing. Officers selected for an AAD program will receive a follow-on assignment to an AAD manpower authorization in the sponsoring organization or assigned to an intervening operational tour (IOT) based on AF needs and officer professional development that capitalizes on their developmental education experience. Participating AFSCs for this announcement include: 13S, 13N, 14N, 15W, 17D, 21X, 31P, 32E, 35P, 38P, 61X, 62E, 63A, 64P, 65X, and 71S (Note: Although some AFSCs do not have core AFSC quotas available this year, eligible/released officers may apply for USAFA FP 81T0 quotas). Advanced Academic Degrees (AAD) Master’s/PhD eligibility criteria: 1. Academic programs taught at the Graduate School of Engineering and Management on AFIT’s main campus, WPAFB, OH; require academic eligibility from AFIT Admissions (AFIT/ENER). a. Interested officers need to apply for an academic assessment to determine academic eligibility NLT 20 Jul 16 (see on-line application link, paragraph 2 below). For all 21X officers the suspense to AFIT is 4 NLT 11 Aug 16. If officer already holds a Letter of Academic Eligibility from AFIT for the program that interests them, they may use that letter to support their formal application as long as it was received within five years. b. Academic eligibility and the formal application are separate processes. AFIT Academic eligibility must be included with application memorandums. Formal application for this program is submitted by application memorandum & ADP IAW suspense dates listed in the Suspenses for Applications/ADP section. 2. Applicants apply for academic eligibility through the AFIT website, http://www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/ (click on “Apply Online”, select “Admissions Form” link). Contact the AFIT Admissions at http://www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/facdir.cfm for assistance. AFIT admissions counselors will inform applicants what documents are already on file, once the officer submits an online application. Applicants should be prepared to send AFIT/ENER all school transcripts and GRE (or where applicable, GMAT) scores in time to arrive NLT 20 Jul 16. a. Applicants should only request an academic evaluation for residence AFIT degree programs and may request up to five programs of interest. In addition, applicant needs to remember that their undergraduate degree should support the graduate program of interest. Applicants are encouraged to apply for multiple variations of a parent program. For example, if interested in an Aeronautical Engineering degree, request eligibility for several subsets (i.e. 4AYY, 4AEY, 4ACD, 4AFY). b. Submit your request for a graduate program evaluation and ensure that AFIT has all required official transcripts and test scores NLT 20 Jul 16 to provide adequate time for an academic evaluation. c. A GRE (or GMAT depending on the program) is required. The basic GRE scores for a master’s program are 153V/148Q (500V/600Q prior to Aug 2011). For a doctoral program, they are 156V/151Q (550V/650Q prior to Aug 2011). The GMAT total Score is 550 or higher for a master’s program and 650 for a doctoral program. AFIT/EN does not have a five year time limit on tests. 3. AFIT’s main campus master’s academic eligibility criteria are available, by program, at: http://www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/page.cfm?page=452&tabname=Tab2A Also, AFIT’s main campus doctoral program criteria are available at: http://www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/page.cfm?page=455&tabname=Tab2A 5 4. Officers applying for academic programs NOT taught by AFIT/EN do not require a letter of academic eligibility from AFIT/ENER. Officers must first apply for an approved education quota using the application memorandum and ADP (see Application Guidance). 21X officers are only required to use the ADP as an application for 21X degree quotas. If selected, the officer will be placed by AFIT’s Civilian Institution Programs (AFIT/ENEL) into the appropriate NPS or CI program. Selected officers will be required to formally apply to NPS or appropriate CI(s) as approved by AFIT/ENEL and provide AFIT/ENEL a copy of their official acceptance letter. NPS will provide a “conditional” letter of acceptance to those applicants who meet NPS admissions standards. Most civilian universities will require graduate student applicants to have recent GRE and/or GMAT scores (within the last 5 years). Officers who have not taken the GRE and/or GMAT within the past 5 years should plan to take/re-take the test as soon as possible. a. As general guidance only, for master's degrees, an undergraduate GPA of 2.8 or higher and GRE scores of 153V/148Q (500V/600Q prior to Aug 2011) for technical programs and 153V144Q (500V/500Q prior to Aug 2011) for nontechnical programs are adequate to get admitted to an acceptable civilian graduate school, while doctoral programs generally require a master's degree in a related field with a master's level GPA of 3.2-3.5 or higher and GRE scores of 156V/151Q (550V/650Q prior to Aug 2011) for technical programs and 156V/146Q (550V/550Q prior to Aug 2011) for non-technical programs. b. Officers interested in the Masters level degree in regional studies, political affairs, and homeland security and defense programs at NPS are required to submit a current GRE score (within the last 5 years) with their application. The GRE is required for all programs within the NPS School of International Graduate Studies. c. 64P officers applying for NPS (MBA in Strategic Purchasing) are only required to submit a copy of their NPS conditional acceptance letters along with their application memorandum to AFPC. This program does not require GRE/GMAT scores. d. NPS requires the GRE for all PhD applicants. For PhD requirements to NPS, go to http://www.nps.edu/Academics/Admissions/Programs/Doctoral.html. e. If selected for an NPS program, AFIT/ENEL will be the coordinating agency for formal AF sponsorship/admission to NPS. 5. Time-On-Station (TOS) Requirements: For all AAD programs regardless of institution, applicants must have TAFCSD of 2-10 years (master's degree programs only) and 2-years TOS as of 30 Aug 17 or DEROS NLT Aug 17. Officers should contact their assignment team for specific program start dates. There are no TOS requirements for officers assigned to WPAFB; however, Commander's release is required. PhD eligibility criteria are the same, except PhD candidates may apply regardless of TAFCSD. 6 6. The Deliberate Developmental process, which selects officers for AFIT IDE/SDE programs, is a separate process. For more information on IDE/SDE, go to myPers homepage, follow the tab links, Active Duty AF, Officer, and look for links to the Force Development webpage. 7. Officers will PCS according to the start date of their particular AAD program. Most AFIT in-residence programs will have a RNLTD in Aug 2017 (some may be required to start earlier). 8. Active Duty Service Commitments (ADSC): Officers incur a 3-year ADSC if selected for a master’s degree program and 5-year ADSC if selected for a PhD degree program. Per AFI 36-2107, Paragraph 1.1.7. ADSCs incurred for training will become effective upon graduation. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) AAD Program Description: Officers selected for this program will attend AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management, AFIT/EN, or an AFIT/CI-designated university. Those attending AFIT will complete an 18 month program to earn a master’s or a 3 year program to earn a doctorate degree in a discipline consistent with their professional development. Officers seeking an ASC 8GYY degree (Imaging Sciences) will attend the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) for 24 months to earn a master’s or 3 years to earn a doctorate degree. Additional CI positions vary by year and the institution which the officer attends will depend on the degree program for which they are selected. After the degree is earned, each candidate will complete a follow-on assignment in Space Acquisition or Operations at the NRO for a period of four years. The majority of the assignments will be in the Washington DC area. This is a great opportunity to participate in the NRO's space programs. The NRO directly supports the Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Intelligence Space Technology. NRO-participating AFSCs: All (must meet AAD program entry requirements); Rated Officers are not eligible to compete for AFIT FP or NRO quotas NRO eligibility requirements: In addition to the AAD entry requirements listed above. NRO applicants must receive a release notification from their core AFPC OAT in order to compete. Applicants must have a strong record and must have completed developmental education commensurate with their grade. Applicants must have GPA and GRE scores at least meeting the minimum AFIT/EN eligibility requirements. There is no specific grade requirement for applying, however the majority of personnel selected are non-rated captains and lieutenants. 2017 NRO degree programs are listed on the last page of Appendix 2. 7 USAFA Instructor Faculty Pipeline (USAFA FP) Program Description: Open to all officers Officers selected for this program will attend AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management (AFIT/EN), NPS, or an AFIT/CI-designated university for 12 to 18 months to earn a master’s or 3 years for a doctorate degree in a discipline consistent with a required professional development. The institution which the officer attends will depend on the degree program for which they are selected. After the degree is earned, each candidate will complete a follow-on assignment in an instructor position at USAFA. Based on professional development and AF requirements, officers may be required to complete an intervening operational tour (IOT) prior to beginning their instructor tour. USAFA FP-participating AFSCs: Open to all officers, including Rated (must meet AAD program entry requirements). Only apply for a degree program you’re qualified for based on your current degree(s). Rated officers must be first gate complete to apply. USAFA FP eligibility requirements: In addition to the AAD Master’s/PhD eligibility criteria (listed above), USAFA FP applicants must be released from their core AFPC assignment team in order to compete. AFPC/DP2OSS will request release from your assignment team upon receipt of your application. Applicants may be required to attend an interview and provide additional documentation (transcripts, letters of recommendation and/or academic resume). Applicants must have a strong competitive record and academic background in an area of need for USAFA instructor requirements and have a minimum of 2-years TOS as of 31 Aug 17 or a DEROS NLT Aug 17. The Dean of Faculty prefers officers applying for USAFA PhD sponsorship to have (1) a previous instructor tour on the Dean of Faculty, (2) currently assigned as an instructor on the Dean of Faculty, or (3) instructed at another AF institution like AFIT or Air University, however, officers lacking this faculty experience can still apply for USAFA PhD sponsorship and be considered if released by their AFPC functional. NOTE: 6X officers will not be released to compete for both USAFA FP and regular (nonNRO) AAD quotas. This is due to the conflict in the timing of the two selection boards. AFIT Instructor Faculty Pipeline (AFIT FP) Program Description: Officers selected for this program will attend AFIT’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management (AFIT/EN), NPS, or an AFIT/CI-designated university for 18 months to earn a master’s or 3 years to earn a doctorate degree in a discipline consistent with required professional development. The institution which the officer attends will depend on the degree program for which they are selected and AF/A1. After the degree is earned, each candidate will complete a follow-on assignment in an instructor position at 8 AFIT. Professional development and AF requirements may dictate that officers complete an intervening operational tour (IOT) prior to beginning AFIT tour. IOT requirements will be identified by AFPC when members are released and approved for AFIT's faculty pipeline. AFIT FP-participating AFSCs: All (must meet AAD program entry requirements); Rated Officers (11X, 12X, 13B & 18X) are not eligible to compete for AFIT FP or NRO quotas. AFIT FP eligibility requirements: In addition to the AAD Master’s/PhD eligibility criteria listed above, AFIT FP applicants must receive a release notification from their core AFPC assignment team. Prior to final selection, officer’s applying to AFIT FP may be required to attend an interview. 9 SPEED PROGRAMS During broadening programs, 6XX officers will be exposed to an operational environment and bring that user-level experience back to the acquisition community. 13S, 14N, 17D, 21X and 38P officers will be exposed to planning & programming issues and have an opportunity to contribute user perspective to system acquisition. Acquisition and Intelligence Experience Exchange Tour (AIEET) Program Description: AIEET is an AFPC initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening of highly competitive officers between the Acquisition and Intelligence career fields. AIEET was created to enhance operational awareness among acquisition career fields and product centers and to experience "real world operations." Acquisition officers enhance their ability to perform in acquisitions by experiencing the Air Force from a user’s perspective, while Intel officers contribute real-world experiences to product centers enhancing the fielding and support of systems to better meet our users’ needs. 6XX officers serve one developmental intelligence assignment as a 14N, while 14N officers serve one developmental acquisition assignment in a 6XX position. The exchange duration will not exceed initial skills training plus 3 years. Participants will receive the respective Acquisition Fundamentals Course or Intel Initial Skills Training Course upon entry to the AIEET assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. AIEET-participating AFSCs: 14N, 61X, 62E, 63A, 64P, 65F. Up to 15 6XX officers and up to 3 14N officers will be competitively selected this year. AIEET Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Officers must have 2-6 commissioned years of service and at least 2-years TOS as of 1 Jul 17. A TS/SCI clearance is not mandatory for 6XX officers at the time of application, but it is highly desired. However, all 6XX officers selected for AIEET must be eligible to hold a TS/SCI. Participants incur applicable PCS ADSC. Acquisition and Logistics Experience Exchange Tour (ALEET) and Comptroller Operational Logistics Tour (COLT) Program Description: ALEET is an AFPC initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening between the Acquisition and Operational Logistics career fields. ALEET was created to enhance operational awareness among Acquisition career fields and product centers and to experience "real world operations." Acquisition officers enhance their ability to perform in acquisitions by experiencing the Air Force from a user’s perspective. Logistics 10 officers bring their real-world experiences to product centers and the acquisition process that fields and supports weapons systems to better meet the users’ needs. Additionally, 21A/M officers may also earn a Level II acquisition certification while in the program. 6XX officers serve one developmental maintenance assignment as a 21A/M, while 21A/M officers serve one developmental acquisition assignment in a 6XX position. The exchange duration will not exceed 3 years. Participants will receive the respective 21A/M AFSC awarding course in conjunction with an ALEET assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. ALEET/COLT-participating AFSCs: 21A/M, 61X, 62E, 63A, 64P, 65F. Up to 12 6XX officers and 10 21A/M officers will be competitively selected this year. ALEET/COLT Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Officers must have 2-6 commissioned years of service and at least 2-years TOS as of 31 Aug 17 or a DEROS NLT Aug 17. 21A/M officers please see appendix 3. Education With Industry (EWI) Program Description: This program sends officers on a career broadening 10-month PCS tour with a selected company to learn leading-edge technology and management processes. Through EWI, officers develop an understanding of a particular industry, and are better able to interpret Air Force needs in industry terms. EWI assignments will start in Aug 17. Additional program information can be found at website: https://www.afit.edu/cip/ewi.cfm. EWI Program Manager Email: enel.ewi@afit.edu DSN: 785-2259 ext 3039 Comm. (937) 255-2259 ext 3039 Officers are required to return to their core AFSC following this career broadening tour. EWI-Participating AFSCs: 17D, 21X, 32E, 35P, 38P, 61X, 62E, 63A, 64P, & 65F. EWI Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Only officers with 5-12 commissioned years of service and at least 2-years TOS as of 31 Aug 17 or DEROS NLT Aug 17. EWI is not an IDE credit program, so officers in the window of eligibility for IDE should take this into consideration when applying. Participants incur a 3-year ADSC upon completion of the program. Master’s degree and completion of Squadron Officers School is highly desired. NOTE: 21X Officers: Please see appendix 3. AFSC 32E applications were due by 12 Jun (previously announced). Information Officer Engineering Exchange (IOEE) Program Description: 11 IOEE is an AFPC initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening of highly competitive officers in the Developmental Engineering, Acquisition Manager, Operations Research, and Cyberspace Operations career fields. IOEE enhances real world operational awareness of Developmental Engineers, Acquisition Managers, and Operations Researchers, and shares Cyberspace officers’ acumen within weapons systems program offices. Operations Research assignments offer the opportunity for Cyber officers to learn analytic techniques. This two-way exchange was created in response to the DOTE Memo, Subject: “Procedures for Operational Test and Evaluation of Cybersecurity in Acquisition Programs”, dated 01 Aug 14 which highlighted the growing importance of cyber in acquisition. 61A, 62E, and 63A officers enhance their ability to perform their core duties by experiencing the Air Force from a user’s perspective and 17D officers enhance their knowledge of the research, requirements, and processes that are required to develop their weapons systems. 61A/62E/63A officers serve one developmental cyberspace assignment as a 17D, not to exceed initial skills training plus 3 years. 17D officers serve one tour as a 61A, 62E, or 63A not to exceed initial training plus 3 years. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the assignment. IOEE-participating AFSCs: 61A/62E/63A/17D. Up to one 61A, five 62E/63A, and two 17D officers will be competitively selected for this program. IOEE Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Officers must have 3-7 commissioned years of service and at least 1-year TOS by 1 July 2016. All participants must have a technical undergraduate degree or Master’s degree to be considered. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis only if transcripts are provided. Logistics Career Broadening Program (LCBP) Program Description: LCBP is a premier developmental program where officers are competitively selected and developed as materiel officers and future leaders. Officers selected for this program gain valuable knowledge and experience in managing the acquisition and sustainment aspects of the Air Force Logistics system through rotational assignments in various functional areas of the Air Logistics Complex (ALC) or the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). Additional procedural changes and instructions for Development teams and AFPC are included in AFI 36-2111, The Logistics Career Broadening Program. LCBP participating AFSCs: 21X and 6XX. Quotas will be determined at time of DT. LCBP Eligibility requirements: Officers with a history of superior performance and potential for increased responsibility; who have 4-6 years of commissioned service upon program entry; who are fully qualified in any of the following AFSCs: 21X (Logistics Readiness, Aircraft Maintenance, Munitions and Missile Maintenance), 61X (Scientist), 62E (Engineering), 63A (Acquisitions Management), 64P (Contracting), 65F (Finance); and who have a minimum of 2-years TOS as of 30 Sep 17 or a DEROS NLT Sep 17. NOTE: All eligible 21X officers will be boarded for this program. Please see appendix 3. 12 Program for Acquisition Contracting Exchange (PACE) Program Description: This is a competitive career broadening program for 63A and 64P officers. There is no longer an AAD associated with this program. Participants will return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment and will then be considered for alternating assignments in the 63A/64P functional areas as determined by their respective development team. The intent is for future assignments to consist of positions of greater responsibility. PACE-participating AFSCs: 63A and 64P. Quotas will be determined at time of DT. PACE Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. 63A officers must have 3-8 years of total commissioned service time and at least 2 years TOS by 1 Jul 17. 64P officers must have 3-8 years of total commissioned service time and at least 2 years TOS by 1 Jul 17. Systems contracting experience is highly desired for the 64P applicants. Financial Management and Contracting Exchange Program (FCEP) FCEP is an AFPC initiative designed to facilitate understanding between the Contracting and Financial Management career fields. FECP was created to enhance awareness among the 64P and 65F career fields though operational and systems experience in each other’s career field. 64P officers enhance their ability to perform by learning how funding is justified, received, distributed and managed to meet resource requirements by experiencing the Air Force from a budgeting and accounting perspective. 64P officers will not rotate through the Financial Services Office. 65F officers enhance their ability to perform by learning commercial business practices, negotiating skills and strategic purchasing concepts by experiencing the Air Force from an acquisition and contracting perspective. Additionally, 64P officers may earn a Level I Financial Management certification and 65F officers may earn a Contracting Level 1 and a limited contracting officer warrant while in the program. Officers serve one developmental assignment as a 64P or 65F at an operational squadron or center. The exchange duration will not exceed 3 years. Participants will receive the respective 64P/65F AFSC awarding course in conjunction with an FCEP assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. FCEP-participating AFSCs: 64P and 65F. Up to 2 officers in each career field will be competitively selected this year. 13 FCEP Eligibility requirements: All officers (core 64s and 65s only) must have a highly competitive record. Officers must have 3 commissioned years of service, but no more than 6 commissioned years of service, and at least 2 years TOS as of 31 Aug 17 or DEROS NLT Aug 17. Officers will annotate comments of interest on an AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker and submit to the 1st 0-6/GS15/SES in a member’s chain of command. Officers are competitively boarded for FCEP based on a volunteer statement on their AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker. If you are outside the eligibility criteria and wish to compete, request waiver information from your assignment team. Space Acquisition Exchange Program (SAEP) Program Description: (SPACE ONLY) SAEP is an AFSPC and AFPC initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening of highly competitive officers between the Acquisition and Space career fields. SAEP creates and sustains a cadre of Space Professionals while enhancing operational awareness among Acquisition career fields and product centers and provides "real world operations" experience. Acquisition officers enhance their ability to perform in acquisitions by experiencing the Air Force from a user’s perspective. 6XX officers serve one developmental space or a 3-year Space assignment as a 13S (after required initial training). Participants will receive Officer Space Prerequisite Training, followed by the Initial Qualification Training in their specific weapon system upon entry to the SAEP assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. SAEP-participating AFSCs: 61X, 62E, 63A, 64P, 65F. Up to 10 6XX officers will be competitively selected this year. SAEP Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. 6XX officers must have 2-6 commissioned years of service and at least 2-years TOS as of 1 Aug 17. Participants incur applicable PCS ADSC. Space Education & Assignment Program (SEA-P) Description: The program formerly known as the Space Lift Education & Crossover Program (SLECP) has been transformed into the Space Education & Assignment Program (SEA-P). SEA-P is an AFSPC, AFPC and SAF/AQ initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening of highly competitive officers with cutting-edge Education with Industry (EWI) opportunities in acquisition & space career field disciplines with a focus on space lift and satellite operations. All selected officers will participate in a 10-month (EWI) assignment, followed by one developmental assignment. Upon completion of a 10month EWI with a civilian launch provider, 6X officers will serve one 3-year tour in a 6X space lift billet. 13S officers, on the other hand, will serve a 10-month EWI assignment with a civilian satellite or ground segment provider and will follow-on to a 13S billet at a space operations unit that capitalizes on the EWI assignment. 14 SEA-Participating AFSCs: 13S, 61X, 62E & 63A. SEA-P Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Only officers with 3-8 commissioned years of service time and at least 2-years TOS as of 1 Aug 17 will be considered for SEA-P. Officers with technical degrees are preferred. Participants incur a 3-year ADSC beginning upon completion of the EWI portion of the program. USMC Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) Program Description: This school is a 10-month career-level school for 17D captains taught at Quantico, VA, and starts in Jul 17. Officers will PCS to this school. EWS provides captains with professional military training in command and control, MAGTF operations ashore, and naval expeditionary operations. Graduates can expect a follow-on assignment in an expeditionary unit or in a joint organization. USMC EWS-participating AFSCs: 17D. EWS Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Officers applying for USMC EWS must be a pinned on O-3 for the duration of the program. Participants incur a 3-year ADSC upon completion of the program and must have 2-years TOS as of 1 Jul 17 or a DEROS NLT Jul 17. Analyst and Personnel Exchange Program (APEP) Description: APEP facilitates the career broadening of highly competitive officers between the Operations Research Analyst and Personnel career fields. Operations Research Analyst officers develop knowledge of the manpower and personnel functional area, enhancing their ability to perform manpower and personnel analyses. Personnel officers gain valuable analytical experience to assess total force programs or manpower and organization resource requirements. 61A officers serve one developmental personnel assignment as a 38P, while 38P officers serve one developmental operations research analyst assignment in a 61A position. The exchange duration will not exceed 3 years, including initial skills training. Participants will receive the respective Operations Research Analyst or Personnel Initial Skills Training Course upon entry to the APEP assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. APEP-participating AFSCs: 38P, 61A. Up to 2 61A officers and up to 2 38P officers will be competitively selected this year. 15 APEP Eligibility requirements: All officers must have a highly competitive record. Officers must have 2-5 commissioned years of service and at least 2-years TOS by program start date. Participants incur applicable PCS ADSC. 38P applicants must include transcripts in the application package and should have a minimum of 15 hours in a combination of college-level mathematics or science related coursework, including Calculus and Probability & Statistics. 61A participants must be worldwide deployable. 16 APPLICATION PROCESS AAD (non-NRO) and all other SPEED Programs: Please email the information below NLT suspense listed below. A list of organizational email addresses for participating AFSCs is also provided below. Email should be sent from individual’s 1st O-6/GS-15/SES in the member’s chain of command to the respective core Officer Assignment Team's organizational inbox at AFPC listed in Appendix 1. A. AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker signed by their 1st O-6/GS-15/SES in the member’s chain of command or their designee (Electronic signature is acceptable-See Application Guidance). NOTE: 21X Officers: see appendix 3. NOTE: 6X Officers: Include your career field release email with your application. B. Officers applying for an AFIT in-residence AAD must obtain academic eligibility and are required to provide a copy with application. C. Applicants applying for an NPS AAD program must apply online at http://www.nps.edu/Admissions/index.html for prescreening consideration. Officers found academically eligible will receive an eligibility letter from NPS. If selected by AFPC, officers will be required to submit their NPS eligibility letter to AFIT/ENEL. AAD programs (NRO): Please combine the following documents in the order listed below into a single pdf document (name the pdf document “2017_NRO_AAD_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_AFSC”) and e-mail to: NROAdvancedAcademicDegree@nro.mil(please include “2017 AAD Application <<LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, RANK>>” in the subject line). A. AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker (ensure Commander’s signature block is typed in this block) B. Military resume outlining the member's career experience and intentions, as well as what educational programs the member desires to apply for. UNCLASS email addresses and phone numbers for both the applicant and the commander must be included. C. AFIT eligibility letter (AFIT resident programs only). Eligibility Letter must be no more than 3 years old and must have eligibility in the academic programs applying for. D. Documented release from applicant’s AFPC officer assignment team (copy of email is acceptable). E. Copies of GRE scores (within past 5 years from suspense date). F. Copies of all official academic transcripts G. SURF (from either applicant’s or servicing military personnel section AMS account) 17 H. Copies of last five OPRs and/or training reports I. No more than three letters of recommendation. No specific format for the letter is required. J. Most recent Individual Fitness Report from the AF Fitness Management System Note 1: Completed packages must be submitted NLT 12 Aug 2016. Please email NROAdvancedAcademicDegree@nro.mil, or call (703) 808-3963 (DSN 898) with any questions. Note 2: Prior to final selection, officers will be required to interview. Note 3: If interested in both NRO and other special programs, officers must follow BOTH application instructions. 18 APPLICATION GUIDANCE AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker Guidelines: 1. All comments on the AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker will be made in bullet format. 2. Indicate program or programs of interest in the Nominee Information part of the tracker. Officers may apply for up to five programs on the same form. Prioritize your selections in order of preference if you are applying for multiple programs. 3. University preferences are not required on this tracker. 4. In the Nominating Authority Information part of the tracker, the officer's 1st O6/GS-15/SES may provide a narrative justification (if desired) outlining why the candidate should be selected for this program. Recommendation should address officer strengths, specialty proficiency, and appropriate stratification. 5. Electronic signature on the AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker is acceptable if unable to provide an electronic scanned copy. Please ensure 1st O-6/GS-15/SES’s name is typed and signed to the side or above. 6. If applying for a program not taught at AFIT, submit a copy of your GRE or GMAT scores and unofficial copy of your transcripts. 7. Save all files under the following format: LastName_FirstName_AFSC.pdf (Smith_Melanie_62E.pdf) NOTE: Vigilance must be taken to protect Personally Identifying Information (PII) when submitting nominations/applications, or other documents to DoD agencies through government Internet, software applications, systems, e-mail, postal, faxing or scanning. Airmen Development Plan: 1. Members must update their Airmen Development Plan (ADP) as part of this process. 2. ADP should be processed through the 1st O-6/GS-15/SES in chain of command 3. ADPs will be used in matching officers to assignments for these special programs, including AFIT follow-on assignments. 4. Location preferences are not appropriate on the AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker for these programs and should be placed on the ADP. 5. Access ADPs at https://w20.afpc.randolph.af.mil/afpcsecurenet20/CheckPortal.aspx Letters of Recommendation: 1. NRO AAD program accepts letters of recommendation as outlined above (no more than three letters) 2. USAFA FP applicants will be contacted if letters of recommendation are required. 3. Do NOT send Letters of Recommendation to AFPC 19 SUSPENSES FOR APPLICATIONS/ADPs: Program AFIT FP Applicants Suspense 32E Applicants – 12 Jun - previously announced 17D, 21X, 6XX Applicants – 29 Jul USAFA FP Applicants 29 Jul (All applications regardless of applicant’s AFSC) AAD (NRO) Applicants 12 Aug (All applications regardless of applicant’s AFSC) AAD (Non-NRO)/ SPEED Applicants 13S Applicants – 29 Jul 14N Applicants – 29 Jul 15W Applicants – 29 Jul 17D Applicants – 29 July 21X Applicants – 15 Aug 31P Applicants – 25 May – previously announced 32E Applicants – 15 June – previously announced 38P Applicants – 29Jul 35P Applicants – 30 Jun - previously announced 6XX Applicants – 29 July 71S Applicants – 29 Jul 20 NOMINAL TIMELINE* NLT 20 Jul 16 – Apply online for an academic assessment to attend a residence program at the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (AFIT/EN) and submit all official transcripts and GRE test scores (or GMAT, if applicable). 21X applications due by 11 Sep 16. Academic eligibility requests are processed on a firstcome first-serve basis; however, do not wait to the last minute to submit your request. Lateness in request will delay eligibility consideration. Submit ADP and AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker to AFPC based on the applicable career field suspense dates established on the Suspenses for Applications/ADPs above. 12 Aug 16– NRO applications are due. Summer 16 – Developmental Teams begin reviewing and selecting AAD applicants. Summer 16 – USAFA FP and AFIT FP applicants will be contacted if additional personal information is required (e.g., Transcripts, Academic Resume, Letter of Recommendation, or Telephonic/Personal interviews). 15 Aug 16 – 21X ADPs due for ALEET and advanced academic degrees; de-confliction with other developmental education opportunities. Oct 16 - Selection results published for all AFSCs. Programs may be released separately. Dec 16 - Mar 17 – Assignment matches to programs based on date arrived station and training requirements. *Important: Candidates should update their ADP Assignment/Development preferences as noted throughout this guide. As a reminder, ADPs will be used in matching officers to assignments for these special programs, including AFIT follow-on assignments. Since location preferences are not appropriate on the AAD/SPEED Quota Tracker, your desired locations (if applicable) should be placed on the ADP. 21 APPENDIX 1: AFPC ORGANIZATIONAL EMAIL BOXES 13S APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.13S@us.af.mil 13N APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: Afpc.dpalo.icbm@us.af.mil 14N APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: AFPC.14N@us.af.mil 15W APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.15w@us.af.mil 17D APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.17D@us.af.mil 21X APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.dpall@us.af.mil 31X APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.dpalb38P@us.af.mil 35P APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.dpalb38P@us.af.mil 38P APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.dpalb38P@us.af.mil 6XX APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.6xapps@us.af.mil 71S APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: afpc.dpalb71S@us.af.mil USAFA FP APPLICATIONS: AFPC.DP2OS@us.af.mil 32E APPLICATIONS/QUESTIONS: Contact the 32E assignment team at DSN 665-3452 22 APPENDIX 2: ADVANCED ACADEMIC DEGREE QUOTAS For a list of all Academic Specialty Code (ASC) codes go to: http://www.afit.edu/coding/studyareas.cfm. Note: This web site contains a complete list of all ASCs available in MILPDS, and is provided only as a tool to translate the meaning of the specific 4-digit ASC mentioned in this guidance. All AAD quotas are only approved by Air Staff, based upon needs of the Air Force. DO NOT contact AFIT or AFPC regarding possibilities of AAD sponsorship for ASCs NOT cited in this AAD/ SPEED guide. 13N: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 0YEY - OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 0YEA - OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 1 13N MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 2 13S: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE AFSC 13S ASC - TITLE TOTAL 0YRY – SPACE OPERATIONS 4 0YSY – OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 1 0YEY - OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 6 14N: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE AFSC 14N ASC - TITLE TOTAL 0YLF– AREA STUDIES-MIDDLE EAST (Lang-Arabic) 1 0YLE – AREA STUDIES-SUB-SAHARA AFRICA (Lang-French) MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 1 2 23 15W: ACADEMIC DEGREE PHD DEGREE AFSC 15W ASC - TITLE TOTAL 8FAC – NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION 1 8FYY - METEOROLOGY 1 8FBY - CLIMATOLOGY 1 PHD DEGREE TOTAL 3 8FAC – NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION 1 8FEG - RADAR METEOROLOGY 1 8FEH – SATELITTE METEOROLOGY 1 8FDY – SOLAR SPACE SCIENCES 2 8FEY – ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING 2 8FCY – INSTRUMENTATION 1 8FYY - METEOROLOGY 1 MASTERS DEGREE 15W MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 9 17D: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 0CBY – COMPUTER SYSTEMS (ELEC COMP) 1 0CFY – COMPUTER SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE EGR 2 0CYC – CYBER OPERATIONS 9 0CYY- COMPUTER SCIENCE 2 1AMB – BUS ADM/MGT,LOG,GOV,ACC BGT 1 0YET – EVALUATION 1 4IDY – ELEC ENGINEERING – DIGITAL 1 4IGY – ELEC EGR – COMMUNICATIONS RADAR 1 17D MASTERS DEGREE 24 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 18 31P: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE AFSC 31P ASC - TITLE TOTAL 9HAO – SECURITY ADMINISTRATION 3 1AVS – SPACE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 1 9HAP - HOMELAND SECURITY 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 5 32E: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 1AGY - ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 17 4HFY – CIVIL ENGINEERING SOIL & FOUNDATION 2 32E MASTERS DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 19 35P: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL MASTERS DEGREE 35P 2FDY – MASS COMMUNICATIONS 3 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 3 38P: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL MASTERS DEGREE 38P 0YEA - OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS 2 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 2 25 61X: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC – TITLE TOTAL 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 6IYY – STATISTICS 1 61B/14F 9FYY – PSYCHOLOGY 1 61C 8CYY – CHEMISTRY 1 4QCY – NUCLEAR ENG-NUCLEAR & RADIATION EFFECTS 1 4QYY – NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 1 61A PHD DEGREE 61D PHD DEGREE TOTAL 6 61A 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH 13 4THY – SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-OPS REAEARCH 1 6YYY – MATHEMATICS 1 9FYY – PSYCHOLOGY 4 9HEA – CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY 1 8CYY – CHEMISTRY 4 4IMD – DIRECTED ENERGY-HIGH POWER MICROWAVE 1 4QYY – NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 3 8HKY – PHYSICS, NUCLEAR EFFECTS 1 8HLY – PHYSICS, NUCLEAR 2 8HMJ – PHYISCS, LASER OPTICS 2 8HOZ – PHYSICS, SPACE PHYSICS 1 8HYY – PHYSICS 2 61B/14F 61C MASTERS DEGREE 61D MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 36 26 62E PHDs: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC PHD DEGREE 62E ASC - TITLE TOTAL 4AYY – AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 1 4IBY – ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER SYSTEMS 1 4IYY – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2 PHD DEGREE TOTAL 4 62E MASTERs: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE SC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 0CYA – INFO INSURANCE CYBER OPERATIONS 1 0CYW – CYBER WARFARE (IDE) 1 0YST – CMD CNTRL TEST & EVAL 1 4AAE – ENG, ADNMIC, GAS SUBSONIC 1 4AAY – ENGINEERING, AERODYNAMIC AERONAUTICAL ENG 1 4ABY – AERO ENGINEER (AIR WEAPONS) 1 4ACY – AERONAUTICAL ENG, DESIGN 1 4AEI – AERONAUTICAL ENG, PROPULSION ROCKETS 1 4AEY – AERO ENG-PROPULSION 1 4AFY – AERO ENGR (STABILITY AND CONTROL) 1 4AGY – AERO ENGINEERING, STRUCTURES 1 4AYY - AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 9 4BAY – AEROSPACE-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1 4BYY – AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 1 4EYY – ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 4 4FBG – CERAMIC ENG-REFACTORY MATERIALS SYSTEMS 1 4FYY-MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1 4GYY – CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1 4ICY – ELEC ENG-ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS & DEVICES 1 27 4IDB – ELEC ENG DIGITAL TELECOM SYSTEMS 1 4IDD – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-SOFTWARE 1 4IDY - ELEC ENGINEERING DIGIT TELECOM SYS 1 4IGA – ELEC ENG-INFORMATION, COMM SYSTEMS 1 4IGY – ELEC ENGINEERING-COMMUNCATIONS, RADAR 1 4IHY – ELEC ENG-GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS 1 4IJY - ELECTRICAL ENG - ELECTRO OPTICS 4 4ILY - ELECTRICAL ENG – LOW OBSERVABLES 4 4IMD – DIRECTED ENERGY-HIGH POWER MICROWAVE 1 4IMT – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-SPACE SYSTEMS 1 4IPY - ELECTRICAL ENG - SIGNAL PROCESSING 3 4ISY – SPACE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 1 4IYY - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 9 4KCB – ENG SCIENCE-MECH PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 1 4KDY – ENGINEERING PHYSICS 1 4KOY – OPTICAL ENGINEERING 1 4MBY – MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-DYNAMICS 1 4MHY-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-PRODUCT DESIGN 1 4MYY - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 4 4NCY – METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING-PHYSICAL 1 4QYY – NUCLEAR ENGINEERING 1 4TFY – SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-HUMAN FACTORS IN ENG 1 4THY – SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 4TSY – SPACE SYSTEMS 1 4TYY - SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 3 4WYY – COMPUTER ENGINEERING 4 8HFX – PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS, OTHER 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 81 28 63A: ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 1ASY – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 3 1AYY – BUS ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT 3 63A MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 6 64P: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL MASTERS DEGREE 64P 1AMP - STRATEGIC PURCHASING 15 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 15 65X: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL PHD DEGREE 65F 9BYY - ECONOMICS 1 PHD DEGREE TOTAL MASTERS DEGREE 1 65F 1ASA - COST ANALYSIS MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 10 10 71S: ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL OYLE – AREA STUDIES-SUB-SAHARA AFRICA 1 OYLL – AREA STUDIES-LATIN AMERICA 1 0CYC – CYBER OPERATIONS 1 0YMY - FORENSIC SCI-AFIP 1 9HAN – ECONOMIC CRIME 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 5 29 AFIT FACULTY PREP (FP): Rated officers are not eligible to compete for AFIT FP ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 8FEH – SATELITTE METEOROLOGY 1 8FAC – NUMERICAL WEATHER PREDICTION 1 8FFD – CLOUD & PRECIPITATION PHYSICS 1 0CFY – COMPUTER SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE ENGINEER 1 0CYY - COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 0IYY – INFO SYSTEMS MGT 1 1AUY – INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1 4HYY – CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 6BYY – ANALYSIS & FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 1 6GYY – NUMERICAL METHODS & COMPUTATION 1 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2 6IYY – STATISTICS-ANALYTICAL 1 8HMJ – PHYSICS - LASER OPTICS 1 8HMY – PHYSICS - OPTICS 1 4AYY – AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 3 4EYY – ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 1 4WYY – COMPUTER ENGINEERING 1 4IGY – ELECTRICAL ENG COMMUNICATIONS RADAR 1 1AYY – BUS ADM & MGT 1 63A 1ASY – SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 2 65W 1ASA – COST ANALYSIS 1 15W 17D 32E 61A PHD DEGREE 61D 62E PHD DEGREE TOTAL 25 32E 4IEY – ELEC ENG – ENERGY CONVERSION & DISTRIBUTION MASTERS DEGREE 30 1 62E 4HXY – CIVIL ENGINEERING, OTHER 1 4HGY – STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1 4HYY – CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 4MIA – MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION 1 0CFY – COMPUTER SYS SOFTWARE ENGINEER 1 MASTER DEGREE TOTAL 6 USAFA Faculty PREP (FP): Rated officers must be first gate complete to apply. All AFSCs are eligible to compete for USAFA instructor positions listed as AFSC 81T, assuming officers obtain documented release from their core AFSC officer assignment team and meet all academic eligibility requirements. Selected officers will attend AFIT or a Civilian Institution (CI) and upon graduation, either complete an intervening operational tour or report directly to USAFA to instruct. After the intervening operational tour officers will be considered for an instructor position at USAFA for their “payback”. Sponsoring USAFA Departments: USAFA/DFS - DSN 333-8854 DFCS: Computer Science 333-7671 DFMS: Mathematics 333-1411 DFBI: Biology 333-3722 DFPH: Physics 333-4245 DFEC: Electrical & Computer Engineering 333-2476 DFAS: Astronautical Engineering 333-6055 DFENG: English 333-9593 DFPS: Political Science 333-9907 DFHI: History 333-3586 USAFA Preparatory School 333-7240 AD – Athletic Dept 333-2851 ACADEMIC DEGREE DFCE: Civil & Environmental Engineering 333-9117 DFBL: Behavioral Science & Leadership 333-4981 DFCH: Chemistry 333-6049 DFAN: Aeronautics 333-8535 DFEM: Mechanical Engineering 333-1314 DFMA: Management 333-0618 DFFL: Foreign Language 333-4239 DFEG: Economics & Geosciences 333-3080 DFMI: Military Strategic Studies 333-9437 DFPY: Philosophy 333-8660 AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 17D 0CYY – COMPUTER SCIENCE (DFCS) 1 32E 4HYY – CIVIL ENGINEERING (DFCE) 1 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH (DFMS) 1 6YYY – MATHEMATICS (DFMS) 1 9FYY – PSYCHOLOGY (DFBL) 1 PHD DEGREE 61A 61B 31 61C 8CYY – CHEMISTRY (DFCH) 1 61D 8HYY – PHYSICS (DFPH) 1 4AYY - AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (DFAN) 1 4IYY – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (DFEC) 1 4MYY - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (DFEM) 1 4EYY-ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (DFAS) 1 1AHY – BUS ADMIN & MGMT, (DFMA) 2 2FAY – ENGLISH (DFENG) 2 2DYY – FOREIGN LANGUAGES/AREA STUDIES (DFFL) 1 3AYY – BIOLOGY (DFBI) 1 9BYY - ECONOMICS (DFEG) 1 4LBY – ENGINEERING ECONOMICS (DFMS) 1 9DYY – HISTORY (DFHI) 1 9ECY – POLI/SCI –INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (DFMI) 1 9EYY – POLITICAL SCIENCE (DFPS) 1 PHD DEGREE TOTAL 22 AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 17D 0CYY – COMPUTER SCIENCE (DFCS) 1 32E 4HYY – CIVIL ENGINEERING (DFCE) 1 61A 0YEY - OPERATIONS-RESEARCH (DFMS) 1 61B 9FYY – PSYCHOLOGY (DFBL) 1 61C 8CYY – CHEMISTRY (DFCH) 2 61D 8HYY – PHYSICS (DFPH) 1 4AYY – AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (DFAN) 1 4EYY - ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING (DFAS) 1 4IYY - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (DFEC) 1 62E 81T ACADEMIC DEGREE MASTERS DEGREE 62E 32 81T 81T0 4MYY – MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (DFEM) 1 1AYY - BUS ADMINISTRATION/MGMT (DFMA) 1 2DYY – FOREIGN LANGUAGE & AREA STUDIES (DFFL) 2 2FAY - ENGLISH LANGUAGE (DFEN) 1 3AYY – BIOLOGY (DFBI) 1 9BYY - ECONOMICS (DFEG) 1 9DYY – HISTORY (DFHI) 1 9EYY – POLITICAL SCIENCE (DFPS) 1 9CYY – GEOGRAPHY (DFEG) 1 6YYY – MATHEMATICS (DFMS/USAFA PREP SCHOOL) 2 2GYY – PHILOSOPHY (DFPY) 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 23 NRO: Rated officers are not eligible to compete for NRO ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 61A 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 61D 8HYY – PHYSICS 1 8GYY - IMAGING SCIENCES 1 4IYY – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3 4IGY – COMMUNICATIONS RADAR (EE) 1 PHD DEGREE 62E PHD DEGREE TOTAL 7 61A 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARCH 1 61D 8HYY – PHYSICS 2 0CYF***-SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2 8GYY – IMAGING SCIENCES 2 4EYY – ASTRONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 1 MASTERS DEGREE 62E 33 63A 4IYY – ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 3 4IGY - COMMUNICATIONS, RADAR (EE) 1 4THY – SYSTEMS ENGINEERING – OPS RESEARCH 1 MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 13 ***Will also accept applications for 0CAD: Computer Sci/Artificial Intelligence, 4IDD: Elec Engineering Software Engineering, 4WYY: Computer Engineering, 4WAY: Artificial Intelligence. NRO will entertain applications from all 61X/62E/63A officers interested in degrees listed under other AFSCs in the table above. NRO will only accept 13S applications if AFPC releases the applicant from their career field for the entire school assignment and follow on assignment. This is 5.5 years for masters and 7 years for PhD. 34 APPENDIX 3 21X (MAINTENANCE, MUNITIONS, LOGISTICS READINESS) SPECIFIC CAREER FIELD GUIDANCE 1. Purpose: Provide specific guidance for eligibility and application processes for 21X officers interested in advanced academic degrees and other special programs. 2. Program Details: As part of the 21X CFETPs and force development construct, the following programs provide targeted developmental education and/or broadening developmental assignments for the 21X career field. DT special program selections are some of the earliest opportunities for officers to begin building a complementary skill set through advanced academic degree or career broadening programs. 21X officers are able to apply for multiple programs during the calendar year. The DT will determine which program is best suited for each officer, factoring in Officer Professional Development (OPD) and timing. Application details and deadlines are listed by program. 2.1. Advanced Academic Degrees/Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) ACADEMIC DEGREE AFSC ASC - TITLE TOTAL 21R 1AMG – SYS ANALYSIS, LOGISTICS MGMT 1 21R 1ATY – TRANSPORTATION MGMT (AFIT FP) 1 21R 1AMY – LOGISTICS/SUPPLY MGMT (AFIT FP) 1 21A 1AMY – LOGISTICS/SUPPLY MGMT 1 PHD DEGREE PHD DEGREE TOTAL 4 21A 1AMJ – ACQUISTION LOGISTICS MGMT 2 21A 1AMY – LOGISTICS/SUPPLY MGMT 2 21A 0YEY – OPERATIONS RESEARH 2 21M 1AMN – NUCLEAR LOGISTICS MGMT 1 21M 1AMY – LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT 2 21R 1CBF – FUELS DISTRIBUTION TECHNOLOGY 1 21R 1AMS – SUPPLY MGMT 5 21R 1AMY – LOGISTICS/SUPPLY MGMT 2 21R 1ATY – TRANSPORTATION MGMT 3 MASTERS DEGREE 35 21X 1AMS – LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (Distant Learning) MASTERS DEGREE TOTAL 10 30 Criteria/Application: Members MUST first apply and receive an academic eligibility letter from AFIT (this must be accomplished NLT 15 August 2016). To ensure eligibility for each degree program, all applicants must apply for each degree type listed by career field. For example, if you are a 21R interested in an AFIT in-res Master’s degree, apply for “1AMS, 1ATY, 1CBF, and 1AMY.” Part of the eligibility acceptance is obtaining a qualifying GRE/GMAT score and submitting transcripts. In-Res Master’s Degree: Applicants must have TAFCSD of 2-10 years and 2 years TOS by 31 July 2017 (incurs 3 year ADSC and assignment payback; ADSC clock starts after completion of the academic program). Distance Learning Master’s Degree: Applicants must have TAFCSD of 0-5 years (no ADSC incurred after program completion). No TOS or DEROS requirement. In-Res Doctorate Degree: Applicants must have 2 years TOS by 31 July 2017 (No TAFCSD requirement) (incurs 5 year ADSC and assignment payback; ADSC clock starts after completion of the academic program). NOTE: If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. Update your ADP with intent to compete for “AFIT” NLT 15 August 2016. In addition, you must e-mail the 21X Assignment Team of your interest to apply for AFIT. Applicants apply for academic eligibility through the AFIT website, http://www.afit.edu/Admissions/AFITApplicationProcess/. Visit http://www.afit.edu/ADMISSIONS/ for assistance. AFIT admissions will inform applicants what documents are already on file, once the officer submits an online application. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 16 DT. 2.2 Advanced Academic Degrees/USAFA Faculty Pipeline (FP) 21X officers are eligible to compete for the USAFA FP. Applicants must be granted career field release from their respective assignment team. E-mail the 21X Assignment Team of your interest to apply for USAFA FP and request career field release. Please see page 8 of this SPEED guide for details and the process to apply. 2.3. Logistics Career Broadening Program (LCBP) LCBP is a premier developmental program where officers are competitively selected and developed as materiel officers and future leaders. Officers selected for this program gain valuable knowledge and experience in managing the acquisition and sustainment aspects of the Air Force Logistics system through rotational assignments in various functional areas. Additional procedural changes and instructions for Development teams and AFPC are included in AFI 36-2111, The Logistics Career Broadening Program. 36 Quotas: 21A – (6) / 21M – (3) / 21R – (11) Criteria: 4-6 years commissioned service and 2 years TOS by 30 September 2017. If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. Apply: All eligible 21X officers will be boarded for this program. Interested 21X officers are encouraged to include “LCBP” comments on their ADP NLT 15 August 2016 with commander endorsement. If you are outside the eligibility criteria and wish to compete, request the waiver information from your assignment team. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 16 DT. NOTE: Members will incur 3-year ADSC upon completion of the program. Due to this 3-year ADSC, members will have the opportunity to “opt-out” without prejudice once selection announcement has been published. 2.4. Base Level Broadening Program (BLBP) BLBP is a premier developmental program where officers are competitively selected and developed at the base/unit-level to cross-flow into another Logistics AFSC for a period of 2 years. Officers selected for this program gain valuable tactical knowledge and experience in their logistics counterpart core competencies ranging across Logistics Readiness, Aircraft Maintenance and Munitions. Selectees will PCS to their broadening squadron and attend a corresponding Initial Skills Training Course within the first 3-6 months of reporting. At the end of this program, each BLBP officer will be awarded a Secondary AFSC with 3-level certification based upon completion of the corresponding 21X CFETP 3-level certification requirements. Quotas: 21A – (6) / 21M – (2) / 21R – (6) Criteria: 4-6 years commissioned service and 2 years TOS by 30 September 2017. If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. Apply: All eligible 21X officers will be boarded for this program. Interested 21X officers are encouraged to include “BLBP” comments on their ADP NLT 15 August 2016 with commander endorsement. If you are outside the eligibility criteria and wish to compete, request the waiver information from your assignment team. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 16 DT. NOTE: Members will incur 2-year PCS ADSC upon start of the program. 2.5. Education With Industry (EWI) This program sends 21X officers on a 10-month career broadening PCS tour with a selected company (FEDEX, EXXON, UPS, etc.) to learn leading-edge technology and management processes. Through EWI, officers develop an understanding of a particular industry, and are better able to interpret Air Force needs in industry terms. Quotas: 21A/M – (2) / 21R – (2) 37 Criteria: 21X officers with 8-12 years commissioned service and 2 years TOS by 31 July 2017 required. If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. Apply: Update your ADP NLT 15 August 2016 with your desire to compete for “EWI” with commander endorsement. In addition, you must e-mail the 21X Assignment Team of your interest to apply for EWI. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 2016 DT. 2.6. Acquisition and Logistics Experience Exchange Tour (ALEET) ALEET is an AFPC initiative designed to facilitate the career broadening between the Acquisition and Operational Logistics career fields. ALEET was created to enhance operational awareness among Acquisition career fields and product centers and to experience "real world operations." Acquisition officers enhance their ability to perform in acquisitions by experiencing the Air Force from a user’s perspective. Logistics officers bring their real-world experiences to product centers and the acquisition process that fields and supports weapons systems to better meet the users’ needs. Additionally, 21A/M officers may also earn a Level II acquisition certification while in the program. 21A/M officers serve one developmental acquisition assignment in a 6XX position. The exchange duration will not exceed 3 years. Participants will receive the respective 21A/M AFSC awarding course in conjunction with an ALEET assignment. Participants are required to return to their core AFSC following the developmental assignment. Quotas: 21A/Ms – No more than 10 total Criteria: 21A/Ms with 2-6 years commissioned service and 2 years TOS by 30 September 2017 required. If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. Apply: This is an Opt-in program. Update your ADP NLT 15 August 2016 with your desire to compete for “ALEET” with commander endorsement. In addition, you must email the 21A/M Assignment Team of your interest to apply for ALEET. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 16 DT. 2.7. Regional Affairs Strategist (RAS) RAS is an International Affairs Specialist (IAS) Program that deliberately develops officers with international affairs expertise in conjunction with their primary AFSC development track. Quotas: 21A/M – (2) / 21R – (2) Criteria: 7-10 Years commissioned service and 2 years TOS by 30 September 2017. If overseas, your DEROS must coincide with the summer 2017 move cycle. To be 38 competitive individuals should have a DLAB and/or any language proficiency scores on file. Apply: Update your ADP NLT 15 August 2016. Select 16F (Regional Affairs Strategist) under Career Broadening tab and identify your interest in “RAS” in the comments section with commander endorsement. In addition, you must e-mail the 21X Assignment Team of your interest to apply for RAS. All eligible applicants will be boarded during the Fall 2016 DT. Additional information and program description details may be found on the AF Portal SAF/IAPA International Division website at the following link: https://www.my.af.mil/gcssaf/USAF/ep/globalTab.do?channelPageId=s88B4F00B32BC68B40132CACF4D41011D NOTE: RAS selects will be announced in a separate message, usually in late January to early February. Additionally, member should receive their assignment in late March or early April. 4. POC: AFPC/DP2LL, DSN: 665-3556, commercial: (210) 565-3556 or by e-mail at: APFC.DPALL@us.af.mil. 39 APPENDIX 4: AAD/SPEED QUOTA TEMPLATE AAD/SPEED QUOTA Template: Please use the form below to communicate your desire for an AAD/SPEED PRGORAM. 21X officers DO NOT need to use the form below but will need to update your ADP--See appendix 3. All others: When forwarding-- save your application use the following naming convention: LastName_FirstName_AFSC.pdf (Smith_Frank_62E.pdf) AAD_SPEED Quota Tracker Template.doc 40