Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU EXPERIMENT No.4 AIM: To get experienced with Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems for the Resistive load. APPARATUS REQUIRED: Sr. No 1. 2. 3. Apparatus DC power supply Multimeter BreadBoard Specification Quantity 1 1 1 Specification 1KΩ,1.2KΩ,2.2KΩ, 3.3KΩ, Quantity 1 each COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Sr. No. 1. Component Resistance THEORY: Thevenin and Norton equivalents are circuit simplification techniques that focus on terminal behavior. They are especially useful in analyzing power systems and other circuits where one particular resistor in the circuit (called the load resistor) is subject to change, and re-calculation of the circuit is necessary with each trial value of load resistance, to determine voltage across it and current through it. They are extremely valuable aids in analysis. Their equivalent circuits may be used to represent any circuit made up of linear elements. These two theorems are two equally valid methods of reducing a complex network down to something simpler to analyze. A Thevenin equivalent circuit can be readily converted to a Norton equivalent circuit and, vice versa. Figure 1 pictures Thevenin and Norton equivalents of a circuit. Figure 1 Thévenin's Theorem states that we can replace entire network, exclusive of the load, by an equivalent circuit that contains only an independent voltage source in series with an impedance (resistance) such that the current-voltage relationship at the load is unchanged (see Figure 2) 07B11EC701 1 Deptt of ECE Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU Figure 2: Thevenin Theorem Norton's Thereom is identical to Thévenin's Theorem except that the equivalent circuit is an independent current source in parallel with an impedance (resistor). Hence, the Norton equivalent circuit is a source transformation of the Thévenin equivalent circuit (see Figure 3) Figure 3: Norton Theorem For a given complex electrical circuit, following steps are done in order to find Thevenin and Norton equivalents of that circuit. 1. Pick a good breaking point in the circuit (cannot split a dependent source and its control variable). 2. Thevenin: Compute the open circuit voltage, VOC. Norton: Compute the short circuit current, ISC. 3. Compute the Thevenin equivalent resistance, RTh (or impedance, ZTh). a. If there are only independent sources, then short circuit all the voltage sources and open circuit the current sources (just like superposition). b. If there are only dependent sources, then must use a test voltage or current source in order to calculate RTh= vTest/iTest (or ZTh=VTest/ITest). c. If there are both independent and dependent sources, then compute RTh (or ZTh) from RTh= vOC/iSC (or ZTh=VOC/ISC). 4. Replace circuit with Thevenin/Norton equivalent. Thevenin: VOC in series with RTh (or ZTh). Norton: ISC in parallel with RTh (or ZTh). 07B11EC701 2 Deptt of ECE Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU Note: for figure 3 the equivalent network is merely RTh (or ZTh), that is, no current or voltage sources. Let’s take a look in the following circuit and try to find Thevenin and Norton equivalents for the shaded part of it. First, we remove the capacitor from the circuit; we can re-introduce it once we have derived the equivalent circuit. The open-circuit voltage Voc is found from the voltage divider rule: The short-circuit current Isc is found by determining the current flowing between the terminals when they are shorted: The equivalent resistance can be found by de-activing the independent voltage source by replacing it by a short circuit, as shown: 07B11EC701 3 Deptt of ECE Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU The resistance seen at the two external terminals is the parallel combination: We can verify the standard relationship Voc = I sc ⋅ Rt is satisfied: hence, we could have derived only two of these three parameters. Consequently, the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits are as follows: CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: 1. Find Thevenin’s and Norton Equivalent for the circuit as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 The Resistance RL = 1KΩ 07B11EC701 4 Deptt of ECE Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU 2.The student can practice the circuit as shown in Figure 5. . Figure 5 OBSERVATION: Value Quantity, and Determination-Method = Voc By DMM Measurment = Isc By DMM Measurment Hint: The DMM itself acts as the Short Circuit = RTH,VI = Voc/Isc Use DMM Measured Voc and Isc = RTH,SD by Source Deactivation Deactivate the Voltage Sources by REMOVING them from the Ckt, and REPLACING them with a wire Measure using the DMM the resulting Resistance as seen from the Voc terminals = RTH,avg = [RTH,VI + RTH,SD]/2 07B11EC701 5 Deptt of ECE Electrical Circuit Analysis Lab JIITU CALCULATION: Student will do calculation as outlined above in theory and compare with experimental values. RESULT: To be written by student 07B11EC701 6 Deptt of ECE