PRESE P.95 P.96 P.97 ENT: Offi Mar Mar Stev Mar Luc Jo P Keit

To be submitted to tthe Council at
a its meeting
g on 14th
July, 2016.
27tth April, 20
Councillor Jackso
on (in the Chair)
Councillors Brow
wn, Burton
n, Colquho
oun, De F
Freitas, Harness,
Hudson, Parkinso
on and Thurogood.
Officers in atte
Marrk Cawood
Marrtin Amblerr
Stevven Coe
Marrtin Dixon
Luccy Hudson
Jo Paterson
Keitth Thomps
Planning and
a Building
g Control M
ent Officer
Lead Flood
d Risk Man
nagement O
Senior Dev
velopment Managem
ment Officer
Advanced Practitione
er: Strategyy and Polic
Scrutiny an
nd Committtee Suppoort Officer
Property Solicitor
o in attendance:
ere was 1 member of the prress and 27
2 membeers of the
e public
pressent at the
e meeting.
ere were no
o apologie s for absence received for this meeting.
uncillor Pa
arkinson d eclared a personal and prejuudicial inte
erest in
8 item 2 as
s he had a similar business with
hin the areea concerned.
uncillor Jac
ckson decllared a pe
ersonal and
d prejudiciaal interest in P.98
m 4 as the applicant w
was a good
d friend of his.
e Committe
ee received
d a verbal update on the progreess made on
orcing the route of Fo
ootpath 72
Ms. Hudson confirmed that the application of a diversion was still
ongoing. She advised that the Council was currently waiting for the bird
nesting season to finish before they can clear the route. They would
then make an assessment and complete the necessary work. She
assured the Committee that the Council was actively working on the
Councillor Colqhoun asked when the process could legally commence.
Ms. Hudson stated that the timescales would be around midSeptember.
The Chair confirmed that in any case a report would need to come
back to the June’s Planning Committee regarding diversion of any
RESOLVED – That the update be noted.
The Committee considered a report from the Director of Economy and
Growth regarding Deposited Plans and Applications.
RESOLVED – That the Deposited Plans and Applications submitted
under the Town and Country Planning Act (Serial No’s 1 - 9) be dealt
with as set out below, and detailed in the attached appendix.
Item 2 – DM/0058/16/FUL – 30 Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes
Councillor Parkinson left the meeting for consideration of this item.
Mr. Dixon introduced the application which was for a change of use
from retail shop (A1) to restaurant (A3). He set out the site as shown on
the detailed plans, and explained that the area comprised of a mixture
of shops and residential properties. He outlined the access
arrangements and gave details of the kitchen arrangements which
included an open cooking area. He further noted that an outside
terraced area was proposed. He confirmed that negotiations had taken
place with Environmental Health Officers around noise, and could
confirm that insulation had now been incorporated into the detail. He
further set out the proposed hours for operation. Overall, in terms of
planning principles, this application was located within the town centre
area which formed part of Sea View Street. In terms of policy, this was
deemed an acceptable use. The key issue here was around residential
amenity, as various representations had been submitted, all of which
had fully been taken into account. He didn’t however feel the rear
courtyard would have an adverse effect on residential amenity given
the proposed hours of its use. Nor would the level and severity of this
restaurant change the character of the area. In conclusion, he
recommended the application for approval.
Mr. Smith, the applicant, spoke in support of the application. He was
aware that this application had to be judged on its own merits. He had
fully taken into consideration all comments regarding the proposals. He
had worked closely with the Council and neighbours alike. He had
learnt from previous experience the importance of consulting with local
people to ensure they were not adversely affected. He explained that
the outside terraced area would be soundproofed thereby ensuring
better control over noise; he had also put in place a separate smoking
area with low level lighting. He also noted that he had the support of
two nearby local businesses. Overall, he intended to add another
excellent business to the Sea View Street area which would also create
7 full time jobs, and this also helped promote the Council’s mission
statement “Work, stay and play”.
Mr. Wilkinson, now speaking in support of the application, advised that
he had originally objected to the application. However, the revised
changes to the premises licence and conditions had now changed the
feelings of residents. The residents were now happy with an earlier
closing time of 9pm for the outside courtyard. He explained that a
significant amount of work had gone into the business model and
overall this establishment would enhance the local area.
The Chair reminded members to judge the application on its own
Councillor Brown felt that whilst the committee should sympathise with
residents, it was not allowed to take into account competition as this
was not a material planning consideration. He congratulated Mr. Smith
on his work with local residents, and felt this had enhanced the
application considerably. He confirmed he would be supporting the
Councillor Thurogood welcomed the application and the way in which
the applicant had dealt with neighbours. He felt this type of use was
appropriate within this particular area. However, he was concerned
about the opening hours and proposed an amendment to the
recommendations to state that the hours of operation be reduced to
11pm rather than 12pm. This was seconded by Councillor Brown.
Councillor Colquhoun was impressed with the presentation put forward
by the applicant and overall felt a lot of thought had gone into the noise
reduction aspect and layout of the site.
Councillor Harness supported the application with the amendment and
felt this would also enhance the area.
RESOLVED – That the application is approved subject to the
conditions, and the amendment to the hours of operation, as detailed in
the attached appendix.
(Note - the Committee voted unanimously (8 - 0) to approve the
Item 5 – DM/0142/16/FUL – 35 Nicholson Road, Healing, Grimsby
Mr. Dixon introduced the application which was for a dormer extension
to the front and rear of the property. He explained that this was a single
storey property and took members through the detailed plans which
illustrated the existing elevations and roof lights. The application was
before the Committee due to an objection from the Parish Council.
There was also an objection from a resident to the rear of the site. He
felt the principle of development was acceptable; however, he
acknowledged the comments from the Parish Council regarding the
street scene. He stated that the front elevation was of an appropriate
design and didn’t feel there would be any adverse impact on the street
scene. Overall, the application was recommended for approval.
Mrs. Chase, the applicant, spoke in support of the application and
noted that these properties were built in the 1960’s. She wished to
make alterations to the property to better suit their family life. She was
aiming for a dream country cottage style family home. She gave a
summary of the planning history on the site. She further explained that
the first scheme had gained neighbour objections which then led to an
amended scheme which the Parish Council did not object to. She
explained that they had now built out the front porch and had made the
staircase closer to the front door. However, the new scheme had now
received an objection. She disputed that similar alterations had been
made to another property on Radcliffe Road, which was nearby and
therefore she felt no precedent was being set.
Mr. Dixon outlined the history of the planning permissions.
Councillor Hudson felt the alterations proposed by the applicant were
going to be a desirable change to the property, and therefore he
recommended the application for approval. Councillor Burton seconded
Councillor Colquhoun felt the applicant had gone to tremendous
lengths to achieve their dream home and therefore he would be
supporting the application.
Councillor Brown queried the overlooking aspect.
Mr. Dixon clarified that there would not be an undue impact on
residential amenity.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved, subject to the
conditions detailed in the attached appendix.
(Note - the Committee voted 9-0 to approve the application with 1
Item 7 - DM/0208/16/FUL – 2 Elsenham Road, Grimsby, North East
Mr. Cawood introduced the application and explained that this was a
variation application to extend the hours of opening of a hot food
takeaway to Monday – Sunday 7am-5pm including bank holidays. He
further set out the site location as detailed on the plans. He advised
that the application was in front of Committee due to objections from
local neighbours, although overall he felt the new hours proposed were
reasonable, and recommended the application for approval. He noted
that no objection had been raised by the environmental health team. It
was noted that a further neighbour representation was included on the
supplementary agenda.
Ms. Hall the applicant spoke in support of the application. She
explained that they had been working at the shop for 15 months and
intended to establish a small business for themselves and their
children. She was aware that there had been a number of complaints
from residents regarding noise from the shutters at the premises and
also staff parking. However, the premises did not include shutters and
they took great effort to park considerately. They would have happily
worked with the neighbour to resolve the issues and were disappointed
that the neighbour hadn’t approached them first to do so. She
explained that the increase in hours to include opening on a Sunday
was due to customer demand.
Councillor Hudson felt we had a duty to support local businesses within
the area. The loss of an hour in a morning was quite significant for the
business. He moved to approve the application; this was seconded by
Councillor Brown.
Councillor Brown couldn’t understand why neighbours had complained
about noise, smell and car parking as this was a small sandwich shop
not a busy supermarket. He therefore confirmed he would be
supporting the application.
Councillor De Freitas confirmed he was happy with the application.
Councillor Thurogood clarified that this was in fact a hot food takeaway
not just a sandwich shop. He did feel that opening on a Sunday
morning at 7am was too early. He therefore moved an amendment to
state that the hours of opening on Sundays and Bank Holidays be
amended to 9am. This was seconded by Councillor De Freitas.
Mr. Cawood reminded Members that in relation to concerns over noise
the Council’s Environmental Protection Officers had not objected to the
7am opening time, and he further opined that there would be only a
small volume of trade at this time so the impact would be limited.
Councillor Colquhoun confirmed he supported the amendment.
Councillor Parkinson was surprised there would be this much business
to warrant the early opening hour. He therefore supported the opening
at 9am on Sundays and bank holidays.
Councillor Burton supported the amendment proposed and felt this was
quite sensible.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved, subject to the
conditions detailed in the attached appendix and the amendment to the
opening hours.
(Note - The Committee vote unanimously (9-0) to approve the
Item 8 – DM/1126/15/FUL- Land at Chapel Lane, Barnoldby Le Beck
Mr. Dixon introduced the application which was for the erection of two
dwellings with associated garages, driveways and private access road.
He outlined the access arrangements and explained that the
application was before the Committee as it was a departure from the
Local Plan. Mr. Dixon noted that there had been a lot of negotiations
and discussions on site. In particular, the applicant had negotiated with
Historic England over how the site could be developed. The key issues
for consideration were the fact that the site sat outside the village
boundary. In relation to highways safety it was not felt there would be
any adverse issues.
Mr. Taylor, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. He
wished to thank the Council’s Planning Department and Historic
England for their help with the application. He outlined the proposals for
two dwellings and explained that this also followed the Council’s
mission statement around “work, stay, play”. He stated that they had
worked closely with the planning and conservation officer and now all
officers were happy with the final design. He noted that the paddock
space had been retained and sterilised, and this was within the open
countryside incorporating open views. Also, from a planning policy
perspective, this was a sustainable development that delivered a
desirable quantity of housing to the area.
Councillor Brown felt that this was visually a stunning application and
would enhance the area. He moved to approve the application,
Councillor Hudson seconded this.
Councillor Hudson queried what mitigation measures were being put in
place to deal with the farm track. He therefore proposed an additional
condition be added regarding the hardstanding on the entranceway.
Councillor Brown seconded this.
Councillor Thurogood felt the paddock was best left underdeveloped.
He recalled that when the village boundary was drawn up, this area
was excluded due to its location. He therefore moved to refuse the
Councillor Jackson raised concerns as the site was outside the
development area.
Councillor Burton supported the application, as, on balance, it served
an economic need; he felt this was also the right type of housing within
this area to attract people.
Councillor Colquhoun was equally concerned that this was outside the
development area of the village. He was concerned that we were
always trying to congest everything into the development boundary. He
was also concerned about timescales for commencement of the
Councillor Colquhoun proposed an amendment to one of the conditions
to state that development must commence with 2 years. Councillor
Brown seconded this.
Councillor De Freitas wasn’t keen on the design of the proposal.
Councillor Parkinson was concerned that if we were to reduce the
timescales for development to two years this may not be financially
viable for the applicant.
Mr. Dixon explained that the next door property adjacent to the
proposed access track currently sat lower than the site. The hedgerow
scheme proposed was not unduly detrimental. In terms of the two year
commencement of development, this was not unusual and did respond
to the issues.
The Chair took the vote on the amendment proposed by Councillor
Colquhoun and seconded by Councillor Brown which was approved.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved subject to the
conditions as detailed in the attached appendix, including the amended
condition and additional condition now included.
(Note - the Committee voted 5-4 to approve the application).
It was noted that Councillor Jackson gave his apologies and vacated
the Chair for the rest of the meeting.
Item 9 – DM/1210/155/FUL – The Linden Club, Clee Road, Grimsby
Mr. Cawood introduced the application which was an amendment to a
previous approval to erect a single storey extension to the existing club
house, football facility to rear of site, installation of grand stand seating
and extension of existing car park and relocation of bowling green. He
outlined the site and access arrangements. He stated that these were
limited changes to flood lights, spectating area and two additional
stands. He noted that there had been some objections from residents
around noise disturbance. Overall, the application was recommended
for approval.
Mr. Mann, the applicant, spoke in support of the application. He wished
to reassure members that in terms of the facility they were purely
looking to enhance what was currently available and this was a
community venue and not intended to be a large scale development.
He advised that there was currently a restriction on the height of the
stand. He further advised of their intentions which were to enhance
participation in cricket and bowls, overall, he hoped the Committee
would approve the application.
Councillor Thurogood stated that planning permission had already been
granted at outline stage; therefore, he moved to approve the
application. This was seconded by Councillor Burton.
Councillor Brown was pleased to see a development that encouraged
health and wellbeing in local people. He did raise concerns with the
terracing from a safety perspective given that this would be standing.
Councillor Brown moved an amendment to state that the stands be
seated and not standing. Councillor Parkinson seconded this.
Councillor Harness queried whether there was any legislation to
enforce this requirement.
Councillor Hudson felt this was an unreasonable extra cost to the
applicant should we go down this route.
Mr. Cawood advised that if Members were minded to go down this
route the application would need to be deferred in order for the
applicant to come back with revised plans. He wished to assure
members that the proposals were limited in scale and this was a
relatively small scale operation which also included two covered areas.
Councillor Parkinson asked for confirmation of the exact size of the
Councillor De Freitas felt it would be unreasonable to insist that the
stand be seated; he didn’t feel there would be any football crowd as
Councillor Thurogood couldn’t support the amendment proposed.
Councillor Burton felt that looking at the application in principle, he was
happy with the proposal set out with the standing arrangements. He
also felt the reduction in floodlighting would be of benefit to local
Councillor Harness would be supporting the application he felt it was
quite reasonable for Members to ask these questions in terms of safety
Mr. Cawood confirmed that the stand measured 2.1m in height and
10m in length.
The vote was taken on the amendment to defer the application for
further negotiations regarding seating within the stands. This was lost
by 1-7 votes.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved, subject to the
conditions detailed in the attached appendix.
(Note - the Committee voted 7-1 to approve the application)
Item 1 – DM/0106/16/REM – Land on South Side Kings Road,
Mr. Cawood introduced the application which was a reserved matters
application for a B1, B2 and B8 development. The application had been
submitted to Committee due to the number of objections received. Mr.
Cawood outlined the site as displayed on the detailed plans. He
advised that in terms of the principle of development, and the impact on
the quality of life of residents, those objections from residents were not
significant in terms of weight as they were previously considered when
the original application was approved. He clarified the access and
location of the site which was off Kings Road Immingham. Overall, the
application was recommended for approval.
Councillor Thurogood moved to approve the application. Councillor
Hudson seconded this.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved, subject to the
conditions as detailed in the attached appendix.
(Note - the Committee voted 7-0 to approve the application)
Item 3 – DM/1192/15/FUL – Land South of Ings Lane, Waltham
Mr. Cawood introduced the application which was for the erection of ten
detached dwellings. The application was before the Committee due to
the number of objections received. He outlined the site location as
displayed on the detailed plans. The principle of development had been
established on site and the development was deemed acceptable. The
drainage issues had been fully addressed within the officers report. He
also stated that an education contribution would be provided to the
local primary school. He advised that planning permission could not be
issued until a S106 agreement had been signed. He further advised
that in relation to condition 12 (relating to archaeology), points 1 and 2
were no longer required. Overall, the application was recommended for
Councillor Hudson felt that clearly the principle of development had
been established, and he therefore supported the application.
Councillor Hudson moved that the application be approved, Councillor
Harness seconded this.
Councillor Brown confirmed he supported the application.
RESOLVED – That the decision be delegated to the Director of
Economy and Growth, to the 28th April 2016, subject to no additional
representations being received which raise fresh material planning
considerations and subject to the signing of a S106 agreement and the
conditions as detailed in the attached appendix.
(Note - the Committee voted unanimously (8-0) to approve the
Item 4 – DM/0018/16/FUL – Land On the west side of Carr Lane,
Mr. Dixon introduced the application and explained that this was a
proposal to erect one dwelling on land at Carr Lane Healing. He
advised that there had been quite a history of developments along Carr
Lane, Healing. He set out the location of site as displayed on the
detailed plans. The site was located opposite an old nursery; he further
advised that the planning history was a strong planning consideration.
In terms of highways issues there had been some improvements made
to the lane, including its widening and tarmacking. He further noted
that no highway objections had been raised by the highways officer.
Councillor Harness moved to approve the application, Councillor Burton
seconded this.
RESOLVED – That the application be approved, subject to the
conditions put forward.
(Note - the Committee voted unanimously (8-0) to approve the
Item 6 – DM/0230/16/FUL – O/S 168 North Promenade, Cleethorpes
Mr. Cawood introduced the application which was for the siting of a
beach goods trailer on North Promenade, Cleethorpes. The trailer
would be mobile and removed daily with the intention being to sell
beach goods. He outlined the site location and noted that this formed
part of a conservation area. Overall, the application was recommended
for approval.
Councillor Thurogood felt this trailer was too much for this particular
site, as it was within a conservation area. He therefore had sympathy
with local residents, he didn’t feel this preserved or enhanced this
particular area. Councillor Thurogood moved to refuse the application,
Councillor Brown seconded this.
Councillor Parkinson confirmed he was happy with the proposal.
Councillor Brown felt we needed to ensure these types of trailers were
kept under control as this did form part of a conservation area.
Councillor Parkinson felt that beach goods vehicles such as these were
probably on the decline.
Mr. Cawood recognised that this was a sensible location as there were
other trailers also in the area. However, the impact was very small
RESOLVED – That the application be refused on the grounds that the
beach goods trailer by virtue of its location and poor design would
constitute a visual intrusion to the detriment of the character and
appearance of the conservation area contrary to saved Policy GEN1
and BH1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
(Note - the Committee voted 5-2 with 1 abstention in favour to refuse
the application)
P. 99
The Committee received a report from the Director of Economy and
Growth regarding applications dealt with under delegated powers
during the period 15th March, 2016 to 13th April, 2016.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
The Committee received a report from the Director of Economy and
Growth regarding outstanding planning appeals and appeal decisions.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded for the following
business on the grounds that its discussion was likely to disclose
exempt information within paragraph 6 of Schedule 12A of the Local
Government Act 1972 (as amended).
The Committee considered reports regarding investigations undertaken
into a breach of planning control at Healing Manor, Healing and also
151 Scartho Road Grimsby.
Mr. Ambler highlighted the key issues for consideration as detailed
within the reports.
Members debated the possible way forward.
RESOLVED- That the reports be noted and the proposed action as
outlined within the report now submitted be undertaken.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Reserved Matters
Application Site:
Land On South Side Kings Road Immingham North East
Reserved matters application pursuant to application
DM/1027/13/OUT (Proposed Outline development of site
E1/3 in the NELC local plan for general industry (B2) storage
and distribution (B8) and minor office development, research
and development, light industry (B1) with associated access
& landscaping.) Phase 1 works application to construct part
of the access road with associated surface water drainage.
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Brocklesby Estate
Estate Office
Brocklesby Park
DN41 8PN
28th January 2016
Agent’s Name and Address:
Mrs Sarah Perry
Prince House
Queensway Court
Arkwright Way
North Lincolnshire
DN16 1AD
Accepted: 29th January 2016
Expiry Date: 25th March 2016
Case Officer: Ian Trowsdale
Approval with Conditions
Within 3 calendar months of the permission hereby approved final construction
details of the access road and details on the junction works with Queens Road
shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The access road shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the
details approved prior to its use.
In the interests of highway safety and amenity to accord to saved Policy GEN1
and E1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved
plans:Drawing No: 101E; 102C; 103B; 104B; 105A; 106B; 107B; 108A; 109 A and Site
Location Plan No. LDC0912-01.
In the interests of proper planning and the avoidance of doubt.
Reason for Approval
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 in the first instance and
the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposal would not harm the area
character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other planning
considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policies GEN1 - Development
Areas; E1 - Industrial Land; GEN3 - Development and Landscaping; GEN8 - Protection
of Water Resources; T6 - Development Proposals and the Provision of Parking; NH1 Sites of International and National Conservation Importance; NH2 - Sites of Local
Nature Conservation Importance and Value and BH12 -Evaluation of Archaeological
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local
Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner with the applicant by carrying
out detailed discussions.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
30 Cambridge Street Cleethorpes North East Lincolnshire
DN35 8HD
Change of use from retail shop (A1) to restaurant (A3)
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mr Brett Smith
Eastfield Farm
Station Road
North Thoresby
DN36 5QU
21st January 2016
Agent’s Name and Address:
Accepted: 28th January 2016
Expiry Date: 24th March 2016
Case Officer: Ian Trowsdale
Approval with Conditions
The development hereby permitted shall begin within three years of the date of
this permission.
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The premises shall not be open for trading outside the following hours:Mondays to Fridays
Sundays, Public and Bank Holidays
1000 hrs to 2300 hours;
0800 hrs to 2300 hours;
1000 hrs to 2300 hours.
Using the premises outside these hours would be detrimental to the residential
amenity of the area by virtue of noise or disturbance in accordance with saved
Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
The rear courtyard shall only be used by patrons between the hours of 1000 to
2100 Mondays to Fridays, Sundays, Public and Bank Holidays and between the
hours of 0800 to 2100 on Saturdays and outside these hours the courtyard shall
be closed through the use of the folding screen as shown on plan 6302/001 and
after this time outside access will only be allowed for use of the toilets.
Using the courtyard after this hour would be detrimental to the residential amenity
of neighbours by virtue of noise and disturbance in accordance with saved Policy
GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Before any external ventilation or extraction equipment is brought into use, such
details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local planning
Authority. Any ventilation or extraction equipment shall only thereafter be
installed in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure satisfactory ventilation and extraction systems are provided to protect
surrounding residents from the adverse effects of cooking smells in accordance
with saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No system of public address, loudspeaker system or amplified music shall be
operated within the courtyard.
In the interests of residential amenities in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of
the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Before the courtyard is brought into use full details of the soundproofing of the
rear boundary wall, the proposed pergola to overhang the courtyard and the
folding screen to partition off the rear courtyard as detailed on plan 6302.001
shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall be completed in accordance with the details approved
with the boundary wall, pergola and folding screen provided, and thereafter
retained, in accordance with those details prior to any use of the courtyard.
In the interests of residential amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of
the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003
Details of any external lighting in the courtyard shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall be carried
out in accordance with the approved details.
In the interests of local amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawing
No. 6302.001 and site location and block plan.
In the interests of proper planning and the avoidance of doubt to accord to saved
Policy GEN1 and BH1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Reason for Approval
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 in the first instance and
the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposal would not harm the area
character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other planning
considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policies GEN1 - Development
Areas; S2 - Shopping Areas and BH1 - Development In Conservation Areas.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local
Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner with the applicant to seek
solutions to problems arising, by carrying negotiations.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
Land South Of Ings Lane Waltham North East Lincolnshire
Erection of 10 detached dwellings with garages and
associated works (Re-design of previously approved
application DC/651/11/WAB)
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mr Gary Lister
Bridge House Development (Grimsby) Ltd
Bridge House,
Ings Lane
DN37 0HB
10th December 2015
Agent’s Name and Address:
Mr Richard Likupe
10 Tinley Close
East Yorkshire
HU16 4EN
Accepted: 21st December 2015
Expiry Date: 21st March 2016
Case Officer: Ian Trowsdale
Delegate decision to the Director of Economy and Growth – Place, to the
28 April 2016, subject to no additional representations being received which raise fresh
material planning considerations and subject to the signing of a S106 agreement and
the following conditions:
The development hereby permitted shall begin within three years of the date of
this permission.
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
All work relating to trees and hedgerows must follow these requirements:
1. All tree work shall be carried out to British Standard 3998: 2010:
Recommendation for Tree Work, to an approved 'Schedule of Works' agreed in
writing by the Local Planning Authority.
2. No machines may be used and only hand digging undertaken when
excavating beneath the crown spread of any tree, unless written consent is first
given by the Local Planning Authority. Any roots exposed over 25mm diameter
should be carefully retained undamaged and protected, i.e. from unnecessary
damage and drying out. All backfilling over exposed roots must use topsoil or
washed sand and carefully tamped by hand around and over all roots before
continuing to backfill with other materials required for the finished treatment.
There shall be no change in the existing ground levels on the site, especially
close to or beneath the crown spread of any trees on site, unless written consent
is first given by the Local Planning Authority.
To preserve and ensure the continuity of existing landscaping features, in the
interests of amenity and to ensure correct methods and best practice in
safeguarding the present and future health of retained or newly planted trees and
hedges and to accord with saved Policies GEN1 and GEN3 of the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003
No development shall commence until measures for the protection of trees and
hedges during construction work, a detailed plan showing designated areas(s) for
all contractor parking facilities and storage of all materials and plant/machinery
for the mixing of cement, and a programme for the implementation of the
measures have been submitted to approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. Development shall only thereafter be undertaken in accordance with
the approved details and programme.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the development and the
protection of trees, hedges and features in the interests of amenity and to accord
with saved Policy GEN1 and GEN3 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan
The scheme of landscaping and tree planting shown on drawing no. 02.318.15
Rev E shall be completed within a period of 24 months, beginning with the date
on which development commences or within such longer period as may be first
agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All planting shall be adequately
maintained for 5 years, beginning with the date of completion of the scheme and
during that period all losses shall be replaced during the next planting season.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the development and
continued maintenance of the approved landscaping in the interests of local
amenity and to accord with saved Policy GEN3 of the North East Lincolnshire
Local Plan 2003.
Prior to the commencement of development details of the means of sewage and
surface water disposal, and a programme for its implementation, shall be
submitted to the local planning authority for its written approval. The approved
scheme shall thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved
To ensure satisfactory drainage for the development in accordance with saved
Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development shall begin until a schedule of works, including plans of all
drainage (both foul and surface water), together with plans of all services,
including gas, water, electricity, telephone and cable TV, are submitted to the
Local Planning Authority, where the work is proposed beneath, or in close
proximity to, the crown spread of any trees. Works shall only thereafter be
undertaken in accordance with the approved schedule.
To avoid damage to existing trees and hedging to accord with saved Policy
GEN1 and GEN3 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Development shall not commence on site until details of the drainage,
construction, services and lighting of the proposed access road, including the
connection/junction with Ings Lane, and a programme for its implementation,
have been approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall
proceed in accordance with the approved details and programme.
In the interests of highway safety and convenience in accordance with saved
Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No dwelling shall be occupied until the access road has been constructed to at
least base course and adequately lit from the connection with Ings Lane up top
the said dwelling.
To ensure that the proposed access road is made up as soon as possible, in the
interests of public safety and to accord with saved Policy GEN1 of the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Development shall not begin until management arrangements for any
carriageways, footways or landscaped area (not within the curtilage of a
dwelling), that are not to be offered for adoption by North East Lincolnshire
Council, have been approved by the Local Planning Authority.
In the interests of safety and convenience in accordance with saved Policy GEN1
of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No dwelling shall be occupied until the vehicular access to it and vehicle parking
spaces serving it have been constructed.
To ensure that the existing highway is maintained in a safe manner in the
interests of residential amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development shall commence until a Construction Method Statement has
been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period and
shall provide for:1. Arrangements for managing construction traffic entering and leaving the site
via Ings Lane;
2. The routeing and management of construction traffic;
3. The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;
4. Loading and unloading of plant and materials;
5. Storage of plant and materials used in the construction of the development;
6. The location and details of wheel cleaning facilities;
7. Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction;
8. Details of noise reduction measures;
9. A scheme for the recycling/disposing of waste resulting from construction
10. The hours during which machinery may be operated, vehicles may enter and
leave, and works be carried out on the site; and
11. Details of lighting to be used during the construction period.
In the interests of local amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development or demolition shall take place until the applicant has:
(i) Implemented or secured implementation of a Written Scheme of Investigation
for a programme of archaeological work.
Occupation or use of the development shall not take place until the applicant has:
(ii) Published, or secured the publishing of the findings resulting from the
programme of archaeological work within a suitable media.
(iii) Deposited, or secured the deposition of the resulting archive from the
programme of archaeological work with an appropriate organisation.
The site contains a Historic Environment Asset which requires recording prior to
alteration or destruction according to national policies and to accord with saved
policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Development shall not begin until details of all external materials to be used in
construction of the buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by
the Local Planning Authority.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance and is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area in accordance with
saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Notwithstanding the submitted details, details to provide a secure screen fence
across the western boundary of the site including the access track to the west of
the site to preclude access to Elm Road by any means, shall, prior to the
commencement of development, be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Local Planning Authority. The fence shall be erected and thereafter retained in
accordance with the approved details before any other development
For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of residential amenity to accord
with saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved
plans and specifications:Drawing No. 02. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans elevations and sections for Plots
1 and 3,
Drawing No. 06. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for
Plots 2 and 5,
Drawing No. 07. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for Plot
Drawing No. 08, 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for Plot
Drawing No. 08. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for Plot
Drawing No. 09. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for Plot
Drawing No. 10. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for Plot
Drawing No. 11. 318 15 Rev A - Proposed plans, elevations and sections for
Plots 10 and 11,
Drawing No. 03. 318 15 - Wheel cleaning, phasing and contractors parts and
material storage
Drawing No. 3606_10_001/2/3 - Topographical survey,
Drawing No. 02. 318 15 Rev E - Landscape Plan,
Drawing No. 13.318 15 - Tree and Fence details
In the interests of proper planning and the avoidance of doubt.
Reason for Approval
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 in the first instance and
the National Planning Policy Framework. The proposal would not harm the area
character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other planning
considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policy GEN1 - Development
Areas; Policy GEN3 - Development and Landscaping; Policy T6 - Development
proposals and the Provision of Parking; Policy NH5 - Protection of Trees; Policy NH6 Protection of Hedgerows and Policy BH12 - Evaluation of Archaeological Remains.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local
Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner with the applicant by carrying
out pre-application discussions.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
Land On The West Side Of Carr Lane Healing North East
Erect one dwelling with attached garage in accordance with
amended site plan (3779-2A)
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mr David Shaw
1 Lyndale
1 Aylesby Lane
North East Lincolnshire
7th January 2016
Agent’s Name and Address:
John Derbyshire Design Limited
6A St Mary's Lane
LN11 0DT
Accepted: 13th January 2016
Expiry Date: 9th March 2016
Case Officer: Martin Dixon
Approval with Conditions
The development hereby permitted shall begin within three years of the date of
this permission.
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the
site location plan, proposed site layout plan 3779-2A and proposed elevation
plan 3779-1.
For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure the satisfactory completion of the
development to accord to saved Policy GEN2 of the North East Lincolnshire
Local Plan 2003.
Before development begins final details of the landscaping of the site, to include
all hedge and tree planting and retention of existing landscaping, shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such
details shall include the number, species, sizes and planting positions of all trees
and shrubs and the protection of trees. All landscaping shall be completed within
12 months of the date on which development began, or within such longer period
as may be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. All planting
and landscaped areas shall be maintained and managed in accordance with the
details agreed.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the approved development
in the interests of local amenity to accord with saved policies GEN2 and GEN3 of
the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Before development begins details of all external materials to be used in
construction of the buildings shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in accordance
with the approved details.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance, is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area and accords with
saved Policy GEN2 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Before development begins, details of measures to control noise and dust during
construction and details for the provision of deliveries and supplies to be stored
within the site off Carr Lane shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Local Panning Authority. All construction shall be carried out in accordance with
the details approved and no construction work shall be carried out before 0800
hours or after 1800 hours Mondays to Fridays, before 0800 hours or after 1300
hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
In the interests of residential amenity to accord with saved Policy GEN2 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003
Before development commences final details on the sustainable surface water
drainage of the site to include details on the French drain, earth bund and swale
shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The drainage scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the details
agreed prior to the occupation of the dwelling and shall be so retained at all times
To ensure the satisfactory disposal of surface water to accord to saved Policy
GEN2 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Reason for approval
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003. The proposal would
not harm the area character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other
planning considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policy GEN2 and GEN3.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
No problems have arisen during consideration of this application that have required
working directly with the applicant to seek solutions.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
35 Nicholson Road Healing Grimsby North East Lincolnshire
Erect single storey rear extension, convert roofspace with
installation of dormers to front and rear, erect porch with
various external alterations
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mr & Mrs Ben Chase
35 Nicholson Road
North East Lincolnshire
DN41 7NS
11th February 2016
Agent’s Name and Address:
Accepted: 12th February 2016
Expiry Date: 8th April 2016
Case Officer: Lauren Birkwood
Approval with Conditions
The development hereby permitted shall begin within three years of the date of
this permission.
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Prior to commencement of the development, details of all external materials to be
used in construction of the extensions shall be submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in
accordance with the approved details.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance and is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area in accordance with
policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawing:
Site Location Plan - dated 11th February 2016
Proposed Block Plan - 201402-04 REV B
Existing and Proposed Plans and Elevations - 201402-05/06 REV B
For the avoidance of doubt in the interests of proper planning and in accordance
with policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan.
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003. The proposal would
not harm the area character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other
planning considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policy GEN1.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
No problems have arisen during consideration of this application that have required
working directly with the applicant to seek solutions.
The use of water butts or similar sustainable surface water drainage arrangements such
as a soakaway are encouraged on a proposal of this nature.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
O/S 168 North Promenade Cleethorpes North East
Lincolnshire DN35 8SF
Change of use of land to allow the siting of a beach goods
trailer which is removed daily
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mrs Sally-Ann Macdonald
Cleethorpes Rock Co
168 North Promenade
North East Lincolnshire
DN35 8SF
8th March 2016
Agent’s Name and Address:
Accepted: 8th March 2016
Expiry Date: 3rd May 2016
Case Officer: Lauren Birkwood
The beach goods trailer by virtue of its location and poor design would constitute
a visual intrusion to the detriment of the character and appearance of the conservation
area contrary to saved Policy GEN1 and BH1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
2 Elsenham Road Grimsby North East Lincolnshire DN31
Variation of Condition 2 (Opening Hours) as granted on
42489 (Change of use from cold food takeaway to include
hot food takeaway) to extend opening hours to Monday Sunday 7am - 5pm including bank holidays
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Miss Kelly Hall
The Sandwich Corner
2 Elsenham Road
North East Lincolnshire
DN31 2QR
Agent’s Name and Address:
29th February 2016
Accepted: 29th February 2016
Expiry Date: 25th April 2016
Case Officer: Lauren Birkwood
Approval with Conditions
The premises shall not be open for trading outside the following hours:
Monday to Saturday - 7am to 5pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays - 9am to 5pm
Using the premises outside these hours would be detrimental to the residential
amenity of the area by virtue of noise or disturbance in accordance with saved
policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following drawing:
Site Location Plan - dated 1st March 2016
Planning Statement - dated 1st March 2016
For the avoidance of doubt in the interests of proper planning and in accordance
with policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan.
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003. The proposal would
not harm the area character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other
planning considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policy GEN1.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
No problems have arisen during consideration of this application that have required
working directly with the applicant to seek solutions.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
Land At Chapel Lane Barnoldby Le Beck North East
Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garages, driveways
and private access road
Applicant’s Name and Address:
Mr R Burnett And Mr H Greenwood
C/o Alberg House
Old Main Road
Barnoldby Le Beck
North East Lincolnshire
25th November 2015
Agent’s Name and Address:
Mr Keir Taylor
10A Abbey Road
North Lincolnshire
DN39 6TJ
Accepted: 26th December 2015
Expiry Date: 20th February 2016
Case Officer: Richard Limmer
Approval with Conditions
The development hereby permitted shall begin within 2 years of the date of this
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:
211411-01A, 02A, 03A, 04C, 05C, 06C, 07C and 08C.
For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Development shall not begin until details of all external materials to be used in
construction of the buildings have been submitted to and approved in writing by
the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then proceed in accordance
with the approved details.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance and is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area in accordance with
saved Policy GEN2 and BH5 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and
section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.
Prior to development commencing scaled elevations and sectional details shall
be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the
windows, doors, brickwork and eave detailing. The development shall then
proceed in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance and is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area in accordance with
saved Policy GEN2 and BH5 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and
section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.
Prior to development commencing a construction management plan shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details. The
construction management plan shall include:
Dust mitigation measures;
Noise mitigation measures;
Wheel cleaning facilities;
Construction traffic routing details;
Storage of materials;
Contractors and visitors parking areas;
Working hours;
In the interests of general amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN2 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of surface
water drainage has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details.
To prevent an increased risk of flooding by ensuring the provision of a
satisfactory means of surface water disposal in accordance with the National
Planning Policy Framework 2012.
No development or demolition shall take place until:
A Written Scheme of Investigation or Specification for Works, for a
programme of archaeological work, has been submitted to the Local Planning
Authority and its written approval obtained; and
The approved Written Scheme of Investigation for a programme of
archaeological work has been implemented or is programmed.
Thereafter, prior to the use of the development, the publication of the findings
resulting from the programme of archaeological work shall be undertaken, or
shall be secured, within a suitable media and the resulting archive from the
programme of archaeological work shall be secured with an appropriate
The site contains a Historic Environment Asset which requires recording prior to
alteration or destruction according to the policies set out in the National Planning
Policy Framework.
No development shall commence until:
(a) A scheme of landscaping showing the details of the number, species, sizes
and planting positions of all trees and shrubs to be planted;
(b) A plan including details of all trees to be retained, any to be felled, hedgerows
to be retained, any sections of hedgerow or trees to be removed;
(c) Measures for the protection of trees and hedges during construction work;
(d) A planting phasing and maintenance plan.
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the development and
protection of existing features in the interests of local amenity in accordance with
saved Policy GEN2, GEN3 and BH5 of the National Planning Policy Framework
Prior to development commencing details of all boundary treatments shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the development and
protection of existing features in the interests of local amenity in accordance with
saved Policy GEN2, GEN3 and BH5 of the National Planning Policy Framework
Development shall not begin until details showing the location, layout, design and
method of construction of any new or altered vehicular access, parking and
manoeuvring space, including any necessary piping or culverting of any ditch or
watercourse, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority, and before the development hereby permitted is brought into
use the vehicular access, parking and manoeuvring space shall be constructed in
accordance with those approved details and shall thereafter be so retained.
To ensure adequate parking and turning facilities are provided within the site for
highway safety reasons in accordance with the National Planning Policy
Framework 2012.
Notwithstanding the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted
Development) Order 2015 (or any statutory amendment thereto), no
development under Schedule 2 Part 1, Classes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, Part 2
Classes A, C and F, Part 14 Classes A, B, E, F, G, H and I, shall be permitted
within the curtilage of the dwellings.
To protect residential amenity and the visual character of the area in accordance
with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and saved Policy GEN2 and
BH5 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Prior to development commencing details of the access drive finished surface, to
include the use of hard bound material, shall be submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be completed in
accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of any dwelling and
the drive shall be so retained in the approved finish thereafter.
In the interests of general amenity in accordance with the National Planning
Policy Framework 2012.
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003. The proposal would
not harm the area character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other
planning considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policies GEN2 and H10.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local
Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner with the applicant to seek
solutions to problems arising, by providing detailed pre-application advice on the
proposed development.
Minute of the Planning Committee
27th April 2016
Application Number:
Application Type:
Full Application
Application Site:
The Linden Club Clee Road Grimsby North East
Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) as granted on
DM/0202/15/FUL (Erect single storey extension to existing
club house, football facility to rear of site to include single
storey change facilities, WC block & club shop. Install grand
stand seating & telescopic flood lights pitch, extension to
existing car parking, relocation of bowling green &
associated landscaping) for revision to relocate and increase
spectators stands from four to six, remove fencing on north
west boundary and display correct number of floodlights
Applicant’s Name and Address:
FAO David Mann
Vice Chairman
The Linden Club
Clee Road
North East Lincolnshire
DN32 8QL
17th December 2015
Expiry Date: 22nd March 2016
Case Officer: Richard Limmer
Agent’s Name and Address:
Approval with Conditions
The development hereby permitted shall begin by 21st July 2020.
To comply with S.91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans
detailed in condition 2 of DM/0202/15/FUL apart from CP6986. 201 Rev F which
is substituted for Rev G and the stand details dated April 2016.
For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
Development shall not begin until details of all external materials to be used in
construction of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then only be undertaken
in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure the development has an acceptable external appearance and is in
keeping with the visual amenity and character of the area in accordance with
saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Prior to development commencing details of the flood lights, their means of
illumination and predicted light levels, shall be submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any flood lighting shall only thereafter be
installed in accordance with the approved details.
* the approved flood lights shall not be lit between the hours of 11pm and 9am
the following day; and
* the approved flood lights shall be fully retracted when not in use,
unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
To protect the visual character of the area in accordance with saved Policy GEN1
of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Prior to development commencing full details of any external lighting shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any
external lighting shall only thereafter be installed in accordance with the
approved details.
In the interests of general amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Finished floor levels shall be set 300mm above existing ground levels.
To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants
in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan
No development shall commence until a scheme for the provision of surface
water drainage and a programme for its implementation has been approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall thereafter
be implemented in accordance with the approved details and programme and
shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.
To prevent an increased risk of flooding by ensuring the provision of a
satisfactory means of surface water disposal in accordance with saved Policy
GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Prior to development commencing a construction management plan shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details. The
construction management plan shall include:
Dust mitigation measures;
Noise mitigation measures;
Wheel cleaning facilities;
Construction traffic routing details;
Storage of materials;
Contractors and visitors parking areas;
Working hours;
In the interests of general amenity in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
Prior to works commencing on the club house extension and changing room
facilities full details of the proposed access shall be submitted to and approved in
writing by the Local Planning Authority. The works to the access shall be
completed in accordance with the approved details prior to the club house
extension or changing facilities being brought into use.
In the interests of highway safety in accordance with saved Policy GEN1 of the
North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development or demolition shall take place until:
A Written Scheme of Investigation or Specification for Works, for a
programme of archaeological work, has been submitted to the Local Planning
Authority and its written approval obtained; and
The approved Written Scheme of Investigation for a programme of
archaeological work has been implemented or is programmed.
Thereafter, prior to the use of the development, the publication of the findings
resulting from the programme of archaeological work shall be undertaken, or
shall be secured, within a suitable media and the resulting archive from the
programme of archaeological work shall be secured with an appropriate
The site contains a Historic Environment Asset which requires recording prior to
alteration or destruction according to the policies set out in the NPPF (National
Planning Policy Framework).
Prior to development commencing details of a new boundary treatment to the
eastern boundary of the site, and a programme for its implementation, shall be
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The
development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details.
In the interests of general amenity and security in accordance with saved Policy
GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
No development shall commence until:
A scheme of landscaping showing the details of the number, species,
sizes and planting positions of all trees and shrubs to be planted;
A plan including details of all trees to be retained, any to be felled,
hedgerows to be retained, any sections of hedgerow or trees to be removed;
Measures for the protection of trees and hedges during construction work;
A phasing plan for the planting of the landscaping;
A maintenance plan for the landscaping.
have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall then proceed in accordance with the approved details.
To ensure a satisfactory appearance and setting for the development and
protection of existing features in the interests of local amenity in accordance with
saved Policy GEN1 of the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003.
The Local Planning Authority has had regard to development plan policies and
especially those in the North East Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003. The proposal would
not harm the area character or residential amenity and is acceptable under all other
planning considerations. This proposal is approved in accordance with the North East
Lincolnshire Local Plan 2003 and in particular saved Policies GEN1, BH1 and LTC1.
Added Value Statement
Article 31(1)(cc) Statement - Positive and Proactive Approach
In accordance with paragraph 187 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Local
Authority has worked in a positive and proactive manner with the applicant to seek
solutions to problems arising, by providing detailed advice through the process.