INVITATION TO TENDER Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 Date of Issue: 26-Aug-11 Closing Location: Mail or courier: District of Elkford 816 Michel Road (P.O. BOX 340) Elkford, B.C. V0B 1H0 Closing date and time: One (1) complete copy of each tender must be received prior to 10:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time, Thursday, September 8, 2011 Contact: Henry Vanderpyl, P.Eng. or Albert Tagoe, P.Eng 403.329.1404 All enquiries must be directed in writing to: Email: Associated Engineering #1001, 400 – 4th Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4E1 MASTER MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS MASTER MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (2009) UNIT PRICE CONTRACT CONTENTS The complete Master Municipal Construction Documents consists of the following parts: 1. Standard Documents that Require Additional Information Invitation to Tender Instructions to Tenderers, Part I Form of Tender Appendix 1 – Schedule of Quantities and Prices Appendix 2 – Preliminary Construction Schedule Appendix 3 – Experience of Superintendent Appendix 4 – Comparable Work Experience Appendix 5 – Subcontractors Bid Bond Consent of Surety Agreement Schedule 1 – Schedule of Contract Documents Schedule 2 – List of Drawings Supplementary General Conditions Supplementary Specifications Supplementary Standard Detail Drawings Appendices Appendix A – Geotechnical Engineering Assessment Report, Levelton Consultants Ltd., April 21, 2011 Appendix B – Location of Proposed Topsoil Stockpile Area at City Landfill Contract Drawings (bound separately) Standard Documents that are Fully Complete (available in the MMCD Volume II – Instructions to Tenderers Part II, General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings) 2. Instructions to Tenderers, Part II General Conditions Specifications Standard Detail Drawings UNIT PRICE CONTRACT INVITATION TO TENDER District of Elkford Contract: Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs The Owner invites tenders for: The construction of roadway pavement and drainage repairs on Balmer Drive. Specified work items are as follows: Removal of approximately 600 S.M. of existing pavement structure and subgrade waste excavation; Construction of 3 manholes on existing 375mm storm main and reconnection of existing catchbasin leads to these new manholes; Reconstruction of approximately 600 S.M. of pavement structure including 120mm depth asphalt, 150mm depth crushed granular base course, 350mm depth of granular sub-base, subgrade preparation and installation of sub drains. Contract Documents are available at: District of Elkford Administration Office 816 Michel Road P.O. Box 340 Elkford, B.C. V0B 1H0 or Associated Engineering 1001, 400 – 4th Avenue S Lethbridge, AB T1J 4E1 Tenders are scheduled to close at: District of Elkford Administration Office 816 Michel Road P.O. Box 340 Elkford, B.C. V0B 1H0 Tender Closing Time: 10:00 am local time Tender Closing Date: Thursday, September 8th, 2011 Instructions to Tenderers - Part I (TO BE READ WITH “INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS - PART II” CONTAINED IN THE EDITION OF THE PUBLICATION “MASTER MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS” SPECIFIED IN ARTICLE 2.1 BELOW) IT Page 1 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT District of Elkford Contract: Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs Ref. No.: 1.0 Introduction 1.1 These Instructions apply to and govern the preparation of tenders for this Contract. The Contract is generally for the following work: The construction of roadway pavement and drainage repairs on Balmer Drive. Direct all inquiries, in writing, regarding the Contract, to: Henry Vanderpyl, P.Eng (or Albert Tagoe, P.Eng) Associated Engineering 1001, 400 – 4th Avenue S Lethbridge, AB T1J 4E1 Fax: Email: 2.0 403-329-1404, Tender Documents 2.1 A portion of the Contract Documents are included by reference. Copies of these documents have not been included with the tender package. These documents are the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II, General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings. They are those contained in the publication entitled “Master Municipal Construction Documents - General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings”. Refer to Schedule 1 to the Agreement or, if not specified in Schedule 1, then the applicable edition shall be the most recent edition as of the date of the Tender Closing Date. All sections of this publication are by reference included in the Contract Documents. 2.2 Any additional information made available to tenderers prior to the Tender Closing Time by the Owner or representative of the Owner, such as geotechnical reports or as-built plans, which is not expressly included in Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 to the Agreement, is not included in the Contract Documents. Such additional information is made available only for the assistance of tenderers who must make their own judgment about its reliability, accuracy, completeness and relevance to the Contract, and neither the Owner nor any representative of the Owner gives any guarantee or representation that the additional information is reliable, accurate, complete IT Page 2 or relevant. 3.0 Submission of Tenders 3.1 Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked on the outside with the above Contract Title and Reference No., and must be received by: District of Elkford Municipal Office 816 Michel Road P.O. Box 340 Elkford, B.C. V0B 1H0 on or before: Tender Closing Time: 10:00 am local time Tender Closing Date: 3.2 4.0 Thursday, September 8, 2011 Late tenders will not be accepted or considered, and will be returned unopened. Additional Instructions to Tenderers 4.1 Pre-Tender Meeting In accordance with “Instruction to Tenderers - Part II, Inspection of the Place of the Work, Section 8.1.” All Tenderers are responsible to examine the Place of the Work, before submitting a Tender. 4.2 Supplementary General Conditions The Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) are amended or supplemented as shown in the Supplementary General Conditions. 4.3 Supplementary Specifications The Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) are amended or supplemented as shown in the Supplementary Specifications. 4.4 Hours of Work The Contractor may choose to work weekday evenings, Saturdays, and statutory holidays, within the time limits of not before 0700 hours or after 2200 hours as identified in District of Elkford Noise Bylaw No. 198.82. 4.5 District of Elkford Business License The Contractor must possess a valid District of Elkford business license. 4.6 Total Performance: The date for Total Performance will be 20 working days following the date of Substantial Performance. Failure to achieve Total Performance within the 20 day period will result in Liquidated Damages being applied. FT Page 1 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Contract: Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs Ref. No.: TO OWNER: 1.0 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED: 1.1 have received and carefully reviewed all of the Contract Documents, including the Instructions to Tenderers, the specified edition of the “Master Municipal Construction Documents - General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings” and the following Addenda: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________; ( ADDENDA, IF ANY ) 1.2 have full knowledge of the Place of the Work, and the Work required; and 1.3 have complied with the Instructions to Tenderers; and 2.0 ACCORDINGLY WE HEREBY OFFER: 2.1 to perform and complete all of the Work and to provide all the labour, equipment and material all as set out in the Contract Documents, in strict compliance with the Contract Documents; and 2.2 to achieve Substantial Performance of the Work on or before October 7, 2011; and 2.3 to do the Work for the price, which is the sum of the products of the actual quantities incorporated into the Work and the appropriate unit prices set out in Appendix 1, the “Schedule of Quantities and Prices”, plus any lump sums or specific prices and adjustment amounts as provided by the Contract Documents. For the purposes of tender comparison, our offer is to complete the Work for the “Tender Price” as set out on Appendix 1 of this Form of Tender. Our Tender Price is based on the estimated quantities listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices, and excludes HST. FT Page 2 3.0 WE CONFIRM: 3.1 4.0 that we understand and agree that the quantities as listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices are estimated, and that the actual quantities will vary. WE CONFIRM: 4.1 that the following appendices are attached to and form a part of this tender: 4.1.1 the appendices as required by paragraph 5.3 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II; and 4.1.2 the Bid Security as required by paragraph 5.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II. 5.0 WE AGREE: 5.1 that this tender will be irrevocable and open for acceptance by the Owner for a period of 30 calendar days from the day following the Tender Closing Date and Time, even if the tender of another tenderer is accepted by the Owner. If within this period the Owner delivers a written notice (“Notice of Award”) by which the Owner accepts our tender we will: 5.1.1 within 15 Days of receipt of the written Notice of Award deliver to the Owner: a) a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond, each in the amount of 50% of the Contract Price, covering the performance of the Work including the Contractor’s obligations during the Maintenance Period, issued by a surety licensed to carry on the business of suretyship in the province of British Columbia, and in a form acceptable to the Owner; b) a Construction Schedule, as provided by GC 4.6.1; c) a “clearance letter” indicating that the tenderer is in WCB compliance; and d) a copy of the insurance policies as specified in GC 24 indicating that all such insurance coverage is in place 5.1.2 within 2 Days of receipt of written “Notice to Proceed”, or such longer time as may be otherwise specified in the Notice to Proceed, commence the Work; and 5.1.3 sign the Contract Documents as required by GC 2.1.2. FT Page 3 6.0 WE AGREE: 6.1 that, if we receive written Notice of Award of this Contract and, contrary to paragraph 5 of this Form of Tender, we: 6.1.1 fail or refuse to deliver the documents as specified by paragraph 5.1.1 of this Form of Tender; or 6.1.2 fail or refuse to commence the Work as required by the Notice to Proceed, then such failure or refusal will be deemed to be a refusal by us to enter into the Contract and the Owner may, on written notice to us, award the Contract to another party. We further agree that, as full compensation on account of damages suffered by the Owner because of such failure or refusal, the Bid Security shall be forfeited to the Owner, in an amount equal to the lesser of: 6.1.3 the face value of the Bid Security; and 6.1.4 the amount by which our Tender Price is less than the amount for which the Owner contracts with another party to perform the Work. 7.0 OUR ADDRESS is as follows: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Phone: ____ - ____ - _______ Fax: ____ - ____ - _______ Attention: ____________________ This Tender is executed this _____ day of _______________, 20 ____. Contractor: ___________________________________________________________ (Full legal name of corporation, partnership or individual) ___________________________________________________________ (Authorized Signatory) ___________________________________________________________ (Authorized Signatory) FT Page 4a UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Form of Tender - Appendix 1 District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES (See paragraph 5.3.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) (All prices and Quotations including the Contract Price shall include all Taxes, but shall not include GST. GST shall be shown separately.) Summary Sheet Section 1: General $ ________________ Section 2: Removals $ ________________ Section 3: Storm Sewer $ ________________ Section 4: Roadworks $ ________________ TENDER PRICE $ ___________________ HST $ ___________________ TENDER PRICE plus HST $ ___________________ FT Page 4b UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Form of Tender - Appendix 1 District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES (See paragraph 5.3.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) (All prices and Quotations including the Contract Price shall include all Taxes, but shall not include HST. HST shall be shown separately.) ITEM MMCD REF.# 1.0 DESCRIPTION UNIT EST’D QTY. UNIT PRICE - GENERAL 1.01 02110S Mobilization & Demobilization LS 1 1.02 015500 Construction Traffic Management LS 1 TOTAL PART 1.0 GENERAL AMOUNT FT Page 4c UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Form of Tender - Appendix 1 District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES (See paragraph 5.3.1 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) (All prices and Quotations including the Contract Price shall include all Taxes, but shall not include GST. GST shall be shown separately.) ITEM MMCD REF.# 2.0 2.01 2.02 DESCRIPTION UNIT EST’D QTY. lm 30 REMOVALS 02100S 02100S Sawcut Asphalt Excavate and Dispose of Asphalt (Regardless of Depth) TOTAL PART 2.0 REMOVALS m 2 600 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT FT Page 4j UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 1 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SCHEDULE of QUANTITIES and PRICES (see instructions to Tenderers Part II, paragraph 5.3.1) (all prices and Quotations, including the Contract Price, shall include all Taxes, but shall not include HST. HST shall be shown separately.) ITEM MMCD REF.# DESCRIPTION 3.0 STORM SEWER 3.01 Pipe (Regardless of Depth): Underdrains 3.02 02100S 02100S .1 150 mm dia. PE, perforated c/w filter sock including connection to Manhole Manholes, 1050 mm dia. including Bases, Lids, Castings, Riser sections and tie-ins TOTAL PART 3.0 STORM SEWER UNIT EST’D QTY. lm 26 ls 3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT FT Page 4l UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 1 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SCHEDULE of QUANTITIES and PRICES (see instructions to Tenderers Part II, paragraph 5.3.1) (all prices and Quotations, including the Contract Price, shall include all Taxes, but shall not include HST. HST shall be shown separately.) ITEM MMCD REF.# 4.0 4.01 DESCRIPTION 02100S 312413 4.03 321116.1 Common Excavation to Waste Subgrade Finishing & Compaction, 300mm Depth m3 350 2 600 m2 600 321123 m2 600 321213.2 4.06 321216 150 mm depth Spray Primer m2 600 m2 600 2 600 Asphalt Pavement .1 .2 02100S 350 mm depth Granular Base, 25mm crushed .1 4.05 m Granular Subbase, 75mm crushed .1 4.07 EST’D QTY. ROADWORKS 4.02 4.04 UNIT Base Course – 60 mm depth Surface Course – 60 mm depth Pavement Markings (center line and lane lines), painted TOTAL PART 4.0 ROADWORKS m L.S. 1 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT FT Page 5 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 2 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (See paragraph 5.3.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) INDICATE SCHEDULE WITH BAR CHART WITH MAJOR ITEM DESCRIPTIONS AND TIME MILESTONE DATES: SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE – October 7, 2011 ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FT Page 6 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 3 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 EXPERIENCE OF SUPERINTENDENT (See paragraph 5.3.3 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) Name: ________________________________ Experience: Dates: ___________________________________________________________________ Project Name: _________________________________________________________________ Responsibility: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ References: _________________________________________________________________ Dates: _________________________________________________________________ Project Name: _________________________________________________________________ Responsibility: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ References: _________________________________________________________________ FT Page 7 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 4 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 COMPARABLE WORK EXPERIENCE (See paragraph 5.3.4 of the Instructions to Tenderers - Part II) PROJECT OWNER/ CONTRACT NAME PHONE NUMBER WORK DESCRIPTION VALUE ($) FT Page 8 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT APPENDIX 5 FORM OF TENDER District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 SUBCONTRACTORS TENDER ITEM TRADE SUBCONTRACTOR NAME PHONE NUMBER AGT Page 1 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT AGREEMENT Between Owner and Contractor THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this ____ day of ___________ , 2011 Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File BETWEEN: District of Elkford ( the “OWNER” ) AND: ___________________________________________ ( the “CONTRACTOR” ) AGT Page 2 The Owner and the Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 THE WORK - START/COMPLETION DATES 1.1 The Contractor will perform all Work and provide all labour, equipment and material and do all things strictly as required by the Contract Documents. 1.2 The Contractor will commence the Work in accordance with the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor will proceed with the Work diligently, will perform the Work generally in accordance with the construction schedules as required by the Contract Documents and will achieve Substantial Performance of the Work on or before October 7, 2011 subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents for adjustments to the Contract Time. 1.3 Time shall be of the essence of the Contract. ARTICLE 2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.1 The “Contract Documents” consist of the documents listed or referred to in Schedule 1, entitled “Schedule of Contract Documents”, which is attached and forms a part of this Agreement, and includes any and all additional and amending documents issued in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. All of the Contract Documents shall constitute the entire Contract between the Owner and the Contractor. 2.2 The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, whether written or oral, and the Contract may be amended only in strict accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3 3. 1 CONTRACT PRICE The price for the Work (“Contract Price”) shall be the sum in Canadian dollars of the following: 3.1.1 the product of the actual quantities of the items of Work listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices which are incorporated into or made necessary by the Work and the unit prices listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices; plus 3.1.2 all lump sums, if any, as listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices, for items relating to or incorporated into the Work; plus 3.1.3 any adjustments, including any payments owing on account of Changes and agreed to Extra Work, approved in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents. AGT Page 3 3.2 The Contract Price shall be the entire compensation owing to the Contractor for the Work and this compensation shall cover and include all profit and all costs of supervision, labour, material, equipment, overhead, financing, and all other costs and expenses whatsoever incurred in performing the Work. ARTICLE 4 PAYMENT 4.1 Subject to applicable legislation and the provisions of the Contract Documents, the Owner shall make payments to the Contractor. 4.2 If the Owner fails to make payments to the Contractor as they become due in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents then interest calculated at 2% per annum over the prime commercial lending rate of the Royal Bank of Canada on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable until payment. Such interest shall be calculated and added to any unpaid amounts monthly. ARTICLE 5 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 5.1 The duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. 5.2 Except as specifically set out in the Contract Documents, no action or failure to act by the Owner, Contract Administrator or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any of the parties’ rights or duties afforded under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach under the Contract. ARTICLE 6 6.1 NOTICES Communications among the Owner, the Contract Administrator and the Contractor, including all written notices required by the Contract Documents, may be delivered by hand, or by fax, or by pre-paid registered mail to the addresses as set out below: The Owner: District of Elkford Administration Office 816 Michel Road P.O. Box 340 Elkford, B.C. V0B 1H0 Attn: Corien Speaker, C.A.O. AGT Page 4 The Contractor: (NAME OF “CONTRACTOR”) (ADDRESS OF “CONTRACTOR”) (TELEPHONE OF “CONTRACTOR”) (FAX OF “CONTRACTOR”) (ATTENTION) The Contract Administrator: Associated Engineering (Alberta) Ltd. 1001, 400 – 4th Ave S Lethbridge, AB T1J 4E1 Fax: 403-329-4745 Attn: Albert Tagoe, P.Eng. 6.2 A communication or notice that is addressed as above shall be considered to have been received: 6.2.1 immediately upon delivery, if delivered by hand; or 6.2.2 immediately upon transmission if sent and received by fax; or 6.2.3 after 5 Days from date of posting if sent by registered mail. 6.3 The Owner or the Contractor may, at any time, change its address for notice by giving written notice to the other at the address then applicable. Similarly if the Contract Administrator changes its address for notice then the Owner will give or cause to be given written notice to the Contractor. 6.4 The sender of a notice by fax assumes all risk that the fax will be received properly, and the provisions of paragraph 12.5 of the Instructions to Tenderers apply to the sender. AGT Page 5 ARTICLE 7 GENERAL 7.1 This Contract shall be construed according to the laws of British Columbia. 7.2 The Contractor shall not, without the express written consent of the Owner, assign this Contract, or any portion of this Contract. 7.3 The headings included in the Contract Documents are for convenience only and do not form part of this Contract and will not be used to interpret, define or limit the scope or intent of this Contract or any of the provisions of the Contract Documents. 7.4 A word in the Contract Documents in the singular includes the plural and, in each case, vice versa. 7.5 This agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their successors, executors, administrators and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. Contractor: (FULL LEGAL NAME OF CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR INDIVIDUAL) (AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) (AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) Owner: ___________________________________________ (DISTRICT OF ELKFORD) (AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) (AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY) AGT Page 6 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT SCHEDULE 1 Schedule of Contract Documents The following is an exact and complete list of the Contract Documents, as referred to in Article 2.1 of the Agreement. NOTE: The documents noted with “*” are contained in the “Master Municipal Construction Documents - General Conditions, Specifications and Standard Detail Drawings”, 2009. All sections of this publication are included in the Contract Documents. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Agreement, including all Schedules; Supplemental General Conditions; General Conditions*; Supplementary Specifications Specifications*; Supplementary Standard Detail Drawings; Standard Detail Drawings*; Executed Form of Tender, including all Appendices; Contract Drawings listed in Schedule 2 to the Agreement – “List of Contract Drawings”; Instructions To Tenderers - Part I; Instructions to Tenderers - Part II*; The following Addenda: AGT Page 7 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT SCHEDULE 2 List of Contract Drawings TITLE DWG. NO. COVER SHEET LOCATION PLAN, SITE PLAN & DETAILS 20113370-00-100 DATE REVISION DATE REV’N NO. 08/16/11 08/16/11 A 08/16/11 08/16/11 A SUPPLEMENTARY SPECIFICATIONS District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 Section 00900S SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 General 1.1 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT REPORT Page 1 of 2 .1 A copy of the Geotechnical Engineering Assessment Report dated December,2009 prepared by Groundtech Engineering Ltd. is included in this document in Appendix A, as reference material, to Bidders. The soils investigation report records properties of the soils and recommendations for the design of the works and is prepared primarily for the use during design. .2 The report, by nature, cannot reveal all conditions which exist or can occur on the site. Should subsurface conditions be found to vary substantially, in the opinion of the Contract Administrator, from the geotechnical investigation report, changes in the design and construction will be made with resulting credits or expenditures accruing to the District. Subsurface conditions, which vary to an extent not judged substantial by the Contract Administrator, shall not allow the Contractor to receive additional compensation in respect thereof. 1.2 DELAYS .1 1.3 Inclement weather shall not be a prima facie reason for the granting of an extension of time, and the Contractor shall make every effort to continue work under prevailing conditions. The Owner may, however, grant an extension of time if an unavoidable delay as a result of inclement weather in fact occurs, and such shall then be classified a “Delay”. An “inclement” weather delay day is defined as a day on which the Contractor is prevented by inclement weather or conditions resulting immediately there from adverse to the current controlling operation or operations, as determined by the Construction Manager, from proceeding with at least 75 percent of the normal labour and equipment force engaged on such operation or operations for at least 60 percent of the total daily time being currently spend on the controlling operation or operations. FULL DEPTH ASPHALT REMOVAL .1 The removal and disposal of existing asphalt pavement shall consist of breaking the asphalt into pieces, loading, hauling, and disposing of it. .2 Temporary paved detours not incorporated into the final paving shall be removed at the Contractor’s own expense. .3 Alternatively the Contractor may select to undertake pavement removal by milling. .4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of asphalt materials which are not used in the Works. Materials shall be disposed of outside the limits of the project in a manner satisfactory to the Contract Administrator and shall meet all environmental requirements. P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S00900.doc: District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 1.4 Page 2 of 2 ASPHALT MILLING .1 2 Section 00900S SPECIAL PROVISIONS Contrary to MMCD Section 02574 Article 1.0.2, the granular by product may not be used as granular subbase or granular base. Products NOT USED 3 Execution NOT USED END OF SECTION P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S00900.doc: District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 1 General 1.1 GENERAL 02100S MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Page 1 of 4 .1 This section specifies the basis of measurement and payment for the items included in the Contract and as listed on the Schedule of Quantities. Unless specified otherwise herein, measurement and payment will be in accordance with MMCD. .2 Payment for the Contract items shall be full compensation for all labour, materials, equipment, and work necessary or incidental thereto for which separate payment is not provided for elsewhere in the Contract. .3 Lump sum prices represent the entire cost to the owner for the completed works as specified and shown on the drawings for each lump sum item, exclusive of HST. .4 The Contractor must work within the measurement for payment areas. Payment will be based on neat line measurement. All costs incurred as a result of excavation outside of the measurement for payment area will be at the expense of the Contractor. 1.2 MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION .1 Mobilization & demobilization will be measured as a lump sum. .2 This lump sum item to include all costs associated in administering the work; and mobilizing, maintaining and demobilizing the site; required to execute the work including: .1 Specified insurance, equipment, operating overhead, mobilization and demobilization costs required to maintain the workforce on site. .2 Safe guarding the work areas including prime contractor responsibilities safety program and other measures required to protect the public from the worksite and to provide access at intersecting streets. .3 Care of water including: protection of the work areas and completed construction area and adjacent areas outside of the limits of construction from water or run-off originating within, and/or adjacent the limits of construction. .4 Temporary material storage and handling. .5 Stockpile, material storage and handling. .6 Notification of BC First Call and other private sources necessary to obtain all underground utility locations. .7 Survey requirements. .8 Quality Control testing. P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S02100.doc: : District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 .3 1.3 02100S MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Page 2 of 4 Payment will include all equipment and personnel necessary for mobilization, demobilization, and other incidentals to the contract. Payment will be made at the Contract Lump Sum Price shown in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices with 50% of the Lump Sum at first progress, 25% of the Lump Sum paid prorated on a monthly basis based on the percentage of the Contract completed and 25% of the Lump Sum at Total Performance. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT .1 Construction traffic management as outlined in the Special Provisions will be measured as a lump sum. .2 Payment will include all aspects of Construction Traffic Management including, but not limited to: .1 Erecting and maintaining all traffic signage and traffic control .2 Temporary paths, temporary delineators, barricades, flashing lights, flag persons and other measures required to protect the public from the worksite and to provide access to intersection streets. .3 Weekly updates of road or zone closures which are passed on to locals by written notice and/or media outlets .4 .3 Contractor’s designated Traffic Control Supervisor. The Payment of the Lump Sum price bid will be made as follows: .1 Payment will be made at the Contract Lump Sum Price shown in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices with 50% of the Lump Sum at first progress, 25% of the Lump Sum paid prorated on a monthly basis based on the percentage of the Contract completed and 25% of the Lump Sum at Total Performance 2 Removals 2.1 SAWCUT ASPHALT .1 Sawcutting will be measured in lineal metres of asphalt pavement regardless of depth. .2 Payment for sawcutting will include marking, sawcutting, and all incidental work. 2.2 EXCAVATE AND DISPOSE OF ASPHALT .1 Measurement for excavate and dispose of asphalt will be measured in square metres regardless of depth. .2 Payment will include mobilization, demobilization, method of removal, breaking up the pavement by ripping or other method as may be necessary, loading, hauling, and placing in the embankment or disposal and all incidental work. The extent of full P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S02100.doc: : District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 02100S MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Page 3 of 4 depth asphalt removal shall be marked out by the Contractor and approved by the Contract Administrator prior to commencement. .3 Where the full depth of asphalt is removed by milling it shall be paid at the Contract Unit Price for Excavate and Dispose of Asphalt. .4 The removal of roadway gravel below the asphalt shall be paid as Common Excavation to waste. 3 Storm Sewer 3.1 UNDERDRAIN .1 Measurement of underdrain pipe will be based on metres of pipe installed from inside edge of manhole to stub end, as required, for the diameter and type of pipe noted in the drawings, regardless of depth. .2 Payment will include supply and installation of perforated pipe complete with filter sock, excavation and removal of material, supply and placement of additional base course material for bedding and backfill. 3.2 MANHOLES .1 Measurement of manholes will be based on field count of number of manholes supplied and installed. .2 Payment will be based on lump sum for each manhole installed and includes base gravel, concrete base, knock-outs for accommodation of existing main pipe, connection of existing catchbasin leads, riser barrels, top slab, adjustment rings, frame and cover. 4 Roadways 4.1 PAVEMENT MARKINGS .1 Measurement for pavement markings will be based on a lump sum price. .2 Payment will include layout of the centerline and lane lines, supply of all materials and completing the painted pavement markings within the pavement replacement area limits. 4.2 COMMON EXCAVATION TO WASTE .1 Measurement for common excavation to waste will be based on cubic metres of material excavated and placed in embankment as described in the Special Provisions and shown on the Contract Drawings. The embankment volumes will be calculated P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S02100.doc: : District of Elkford Balmer Drive Pavement & Drainage Repairs 2011-08/20113370 02100S MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Page 4 of 4 from before and after cross sections as determined by the surveyor submitted to the Contract Administrator and the neat lines shown on the Drawings including excess excavated material left in stockpile. .2 4.3 Payment will include excavation, hauling to stockpile as required, and levelling stockpile as required. SUBGRADE EXCAVATION .1 Measurement for subgrade excavation will be based on square metres of material excavated and compacted as shown on the Contract Drawings. .2 Payment will include excavation, windrowing, compaction, and moisture conditioning as required. 4.4 GRANULAR SUBBASE .1 Measurement for granular subbase will be based on square metres calculated on the neat lines as shown on the Contract Drawings for depths as specified in the Schedule of Quantities. .2 Payment will include supply, placement, compaction, and shaping. 4.5 GRANULAR BASE .1 Measurement for granular base will be based on square metres, calculated on the neat lines as shown on the Contract Drawings for the depths as specified in the Schedule of Quantities. .2 Payment will include supply, placement, compaction, and shaping. END OF SECTION P:\20113370\00_BalmerDr_Upgrd\Engineering\07.00_Contract_Doc_Prep\S02100.doc: : DRAWINGS District of Elkford Balmer Drive Roadway Pavement & Drainage Repairs File 2011-3370 APPENDIX ‘A’ Copy of Geotechnical Report