Chao Wang Contact Information Email: Education University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Candidate for Honours Bachelor of Science, Class of 2015 Specialist Program: Mathematics and Physics Current GPA: 4.00/4.00 Current Percentage Average: 98% Research Experience Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto Supervisors: Prof. Richard Bond and Dr. Zhiqi Huang Parameterizations of Coupled Dark Energy Models May, 2014 - present • Proposed a model-independent parameterization of background cosmology for a large class of coupled dark energy models. • Modified the publicly available COSMOMC package to confront parameterized background expansion histories to observational data and constrain the parameterizations. • Currently investigate the cosmological perturbation aspects to obtain better constraints. • Summer work funded by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award) at CITA, and current work is my senior thesis. Experimental Quantum Optics Group, University of Toronto Supervisor: Prof. Aephraim Steinberg Stimulated Emission Tomography May - August, 2013 • Implemented a new proposal of quantum state tomography, the stimulated emission tomography, of two-photon quantum states generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. • Funded by NSERC USRA (with Chair’s Scholar distinction) at Department of Physics, University of Toronto. Theoretical Quantum Optics Group, University of Toronto Supervisor: Prof. Daniel James Quantum Interaction-Free Measurement June - August, 2012 • Studied elementary quantum mechanics, and investigated a paradox of quantum interaction-free measurement. • Completed a supervised study course (later) on entanglement physics, quantum information and computation. • Funded by NSERC CREATE (Collaborative Research and Training Experience) Fellowship at Department of Physics, University of Toronto. Advanced Physics Laboratories, University of Toronto Supervisor: Dr. Natalia Krasnopolskaia Granular Patterns May - June, 2012 • Improved and updated the apparatus for the experimental study of granular pattern formations under vibrations. • Developed MATLAB code for image processing, and analyzed onset conditions and dispersion relations. • Funded by Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at Department of Physics, University of Toronto. 1 Publications M. Liscidini, L. A. Rozema, C. Wang, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg and J. E. Sipe, “Stimulated Emission Tomography”, CLEO 2014 Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online), FTh4A.8. L. A. Rozema, C. Wang, D. H. Mahler, A. Hayat, A. M. Steinberg, M. Liscidini and J. E. Sipe, “Characterizing an Entangled-Photon Source with Classical Detectors and Measurements”, submitted to Optica, arXiv:1412.4134. Honours and Awards Hymie and Roslyn Mida Student Award in Theoretical Physics, 2014 George Luste CAP Prize Exam Award, 2014 Boris Stoicheff Memorial Scholarship in Physics, 2014 Coxeter Scholarship in Mathematics, 2014 NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award), Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, 2014 3rd Place, CAP (The Canadian Association of Physicists) University Prize Exam, 2014 3T0 M. & P. and Associates Scholarship, 2013 and 2014 G. David Scott Scholarship, 2013 and 2014 Samuel Beatty Scholarship, 2013 and 2014 University of Toronto Scholar, 2011-2014 Arthur Leonard Schawlow Scholarship, Victoria College, 2011-2014 Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship, 2011-2014 Dean’s List Scholar, Faculty of Arts and Science, 2011-2014 Margaret Ronald Taylor and Thomas Paxton Taylor Scholarship in Mathematics, 2013 Ivan Szak Scholarship in Mathematics, 2013 NSERC USRA (with Chair’s Scholar distinction), Department of Physics, University of Toronto, 2013 Nortel Institute Undergraduate Scholarship, 2013 6th Place, CAP University Exam, 2013 Leslie Langbord Sauders Scholarship, 2012 NSERC CREATE (Collaborative Research and Training Experience) Fellowship, 2012 University of Toronto Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2012 Faculty of Arts and Science Entrance Scholarship, 2011 Silver Medal (Canadian Team), 42nd International Physics Olympiad, Thailand, 2011 1st Place, Canadian Physics Olympiad, 2011 Teaching Experience MAT135 Calculus I (A) and MAT136 Calculus I (B) Teaching Assistant University of Toronto September, 2013 - present • Led weekly tutorials, supervised and marked quizzes and tests, and held office hours at the math aid centre. Physics Olympiad Preparation Olympiads School, North York Tutor December, 2011 - May, 2013 2 • Gave lectures and problem sessions to outstanding high school students for the preparation of physics Olympiad. Campus Involvement University of Toronto Physics Outreach and Physics Olympiad Preparation Program (POPTOR) Volunteer Teaching Assistant September, 2011 - present • Designed theoretical problems for POPTOR weekend competitions. • Tested and made suggestions for experimental competitions, prepared experimental apparatus and hand-outs. • Supervised and instructed experimental competition, recorded student performance and provided feedback. • Gave Lectures to prepare students for the International Physics Olympiad. • Coordinated and supervised program activities, such as laboratory tours. Miscellany Canadian Citizen Programming Languages/Scientific Packages: Python, Fortran, MATLAB, LATEX Operating Systems: Unix/Linux, Windows Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese 3