Single Board Heater System Schematic Diagram with description March 5, 2010 Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Single Board Heater System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Schematic Diagram and Description 2.1 Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Microcontroller-ATmega16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 In-System Programmer(ISP) for ATmega16 . . . . 2.5 Temperature Sensor and Instrumentation Amplifier 2.6 Heater and Fan Driver-MOSFET “IRFZ 48N” . . . 2.7 RS-232 serial port to TTL compatible interface . . 2.8 USB to serial UART interface . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9 LCD Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10 Buzzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 15 16 1 1.1 Introduction About this Manual This manual is intended to provide the user with Schematic diagram of ‘Single Board Heater System’ with its description. 1.2 Single Board Heater System The set up mimics a process in which temperature is been monitored. It consists of an 8-bit microcontroller, display, instrumentation amplifier and associated circuitry. The process comprises of a heater, fan and a temperature sensor. The amount of current passing through the coil decides the temperature of the thin metal plate. A temperature sensor is used to sense this temperature. A fan is placed near to the heating mechanism. Amount of power delivered to both heater and fan can be controlled by passing a command through serial port via microcontroller.Now, microcontroller generate PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) signal for the MOSFET to deliver desired amount of power to fan and heater. It could thus be used as a small plant readily available for various experimentation and study purpose. 2 2 2.1 Schematic Diagram and Description Schematic Diagram Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of Single Board Heater System Fig.1 shows the schematic diagram of Single Board Heater System. It consist of Power Supply, Microcontroller-ATmega16, Temperature sensor and Instrumentation amplifier, Heater and Fan Driver-MOSFET IRFZ 48N, USB to serial UART interface,RS-232 serial port to TTL compatible interface, LCD display,Buzzer. Explanation of each is given below. 3 2.2 Power Supply We are using +12V, 400W SMPS for providing power to Single Board Heater System. Output of SMPS is connected to X8-1(12V IN) and X8-2(GND) as shown in Fig.2(a). To avoid noise and fluctuation problem 12V power supply is connected across series combination of diode and 1000µ F capacitor as shown in Fig.2(b). All necessary voltages are derived from this +12V supply using low-dropout output voltage regulator IC ‘LM1117’ as shown in Fig.3. Microcontroller ‘ATmega16’ and temperature sensor‘AD590’ require +5V supply, which is derived using two separate IC ‘LM1117’ for each. Heater and fan require +12V supply, hence +12V output of SMPS is directly use for both. Figure 2: Power Supply Section Figure 3: voltage regulator-IC LM1117 4 2.3 Microcontroller-ATmega16 Microcontroller ‘ATmega16’ is heart of the Single Board Heater System (SBHS). It work on the +5V power supply. Pins 10(VCC) and 30(AVCC) are connected to +5V power supply. Pins 11 and 31 are grounded.Pin 9 is active low reset pin. A low level on Reset Input pin for longer than the minimum pulse length(50ns) will generate a reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter pulses are not guaranteed to generate a reset. For generating low level combination of resistor and capacitor with push button is used. Reset pin is also connected to pin no.3 of In-System Programmer(ISP). Pin 32(AREF) is the analog reference pin for the A/D converter. It is connected to +5 Volts. By varying the voltage on this pin one can vary the reference voltage for A/D converter. Pin 14 is Receive Data(RXD) and pin 15 is Transmit Figure 4: Microcontroller-ATmega16 5 Data(TXD), used for receiving and transmitting data, respectively. These pins are used for sending data to PC and receving data from PC via USB or RS-232, depending on serial communication jumper(J8 and J9) position. If both jumper are connected to pin no.1 and pin no.2 as shown in Fig.4, then RS232 is functioning. If both jumper are connected to pin no.2 and pin no.3 , then USB is functioning. PWM signal for fan, heater and buzzer are generated by Microcontroller at pin 18, pin 19 and pin 21, respectively. Fig.5 shows crystal oscillator connections to Microcontroller. 8MHz crystal Figure 5: Crystal Oscillator Connections is connected across pin no.12 and pin no.13. C1 and C2 should always be equal. Value of capacitor is 22pF. 6 2.4 In-System Programmer(ISP) for ATmega16 Programming of the Single Board Heater System(SBHS) is done through In-System Programming (ISP). One can use available ISP programmer for programming Microcontroller ‘ATmeg16’. One technique is use of pc’s parallel port. The program is loaded into the SBHS using the parallel port of PC. A programmer software like ‘ICCV AVR’is required to write and download program from PC to AVR’s flash memory. MOSI(Pin 15), MISO(pin 16), SCK(pin 17) and RESET(pin 29) are required for programming ATmega16. Figure 6: ISP Module Fig.7 shows circuit diagram of ISP Programmer. It consist of IC 74LS244DW, parallel-port and 10 pin FRC mail connector. IC 74LS244DW is used for buffering purpose. To identify dongle, Pin 2 to pin 12 and pin 3 to pin pin 11 of parallel port are short circuited. The PCs parallel-port pins 4 and 5 drive buffer IC 74LS244DW by enabling its pins 19 and 1, respectively. A logic zero on these pins will allow the passing of the serial clock and data during programming. MISO, MOSI, SCK and RESET pins are buffered using IC 74LS244DW. Reset pin must be held low while programming microcontroller ATmega16. SCK pin carry serial clock generated by the programmer from the PC. 7 Figure 7: Circuit Diagram of ISP Programmer Figure 8: 10 Pin Connector Port for ATmega16 ISP 8 2.5 Temperature Sensor and Instrumentation Amplifier Figure 9: Bottom View of Temperature Sensor ‘AD590’ Temperature sensor AD590 is three pins IC. Fig.9 shows bottom view of temperature sensor AD590. Vcc pin is connected to +5V power supply. Sensor output is collected at pin mark as ‘SEN ’. The signal generated by Figure 10: Instrumentation Amplifier temperature sensor AD590 is in µA/°K. It is converted to mV/°K by taking it across a 1KWresistor. A 1KWresistor is derived using 330W resistor and 10KWpot. The °K to°C conversion is done by subtracting 272mV from the voltage generated across this 1KW. 272mV is derived by using potential divider network. Potential divider network consist of 4.7KWresistor is in series 9 with 10KWpot. 5V power supply is applied across this network. By adjusting pot one can exactly derived 272mV. Now one input of the Instrumentation Amplifier is fed with the mV/°K reading derived using sensor output and the other with 272mV. The resulting output is now in mV/°C. The output of the Instrumentation amplifier is fed to microcontroller for further processing. Fig.10 shows operational amplifier IC ‘LM324’configured as Instrumentation Amplifier. IC ‘LM324’is quadruple operational amplifiers, three(19A, 19B, 19C) out of four amplifiers is configured as unity gain buffer amplifier. Buffer amplifier provied high input impedance to sensor output and low output impedance. Remaining one operational amplifier(19D) is configured as subtractor, which actually subtract two signals. 10 2.6 Heater and Fan Driver-MOSFET “IRFZ 48N” Figure 11: MOSFET -IRFZ48N Fig.11 shows front view of MOSFET “IRFZ 48N”. Pin 19(PD5) of ATmega16 deliver PWM signal for heater. This signal is connected to the gate of MOSFET and also grounded through LED and 1KΩ for indication purpose. Fig.12 shows different connections to the heater MOSFET. Drain of MOSFET is connected to the one end of heater coil, other end of heater coil is connected to +12v power Supply. Source pin is grounded. Figure 12: Heater MOSFET Pin 18(PD4) of ATmega16 deliver PWM signal for fan. This signal is connected to the gate of MOSFET and also grounded through LED and 1KΩ for indication purpose. Fig.12 shows connections to the fan MOSFET. 12V DC fan is used in the SBHS, hence drain of MOSFET is connected to the negative terminal of fan , other terminal of fan is connected to +12v power Supply. Source pin is grounded. 11 Figure 13: Fan MOSFET 2.7 RS-232 serial port to TTL compatible interface Figure 14: MAX202 Pin Configuration The MAX202 is an integrated circuit that converts signals from an RS232 serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver. Serial RS-232 communication works with voltages (between -15V to -3V used to transmit a binary ‘1’and +3V to +15V to transmit a binary ‘0’) which are not compatible with today’s computer logic voltages. On the other hand, classic TTL computer logic operates between 0V to +5V (roughly 0V to +0.8V referred to as low for binary ‘0’, +2V to +5V for high binary ‘1’). Modern low-power logic operates in the range of 0V to +3.3V or even lower. So, the maximum RS-232 signal levels are far too high for today’s computer logic electronics. Therefore, to receive serial data from an RS-232 interface the voltage has to be reduced, and the 0 and 1 voltage levels inverted. In the other direction (sending data from some logic over RS-232) the low logic 12 voltage has to be“bumped up”, and a negative voltage has to be generated, too. Figure 15: MAX202 Typical Operating Circuit Figure 16: Schematic of MAX202 with RS-232 Connector 13 2.8 USB to serial UART interface The FT232R is a USB to serial UART interface with data transfer at TTL levels. Fig.17 shows connection of IC ‘FT232R’ with USB , ATmega16 and other circuitry. Power supply is derived from Pin 1 of USB, which is connected to the pins 4 and 20 of IC ‘FT232R’. Decoupling capacitors are used between Vcc and ground. Pins 2 and 3 of USB are connected to pins 16 and 15 through 27Ω resistor, respectively. Pin 16 is USB Data Signal Minus (USBDM) and pin 15 is USB Data Signal Plus(USBDP). Pin 4 of USB is grounded. Pin 1 is Transmit Asynchronous Data Output(TXD) which is connected to RXD(pin 14 of ATmega16 ) via jumper J9 and Pin 5 is Receiving Asynchronous Data Input(RXD) which is connected to TXD(Pin 15 of ATmega16) via jumper J8. Pin 22 Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device internal EEPROM. Factory default configuration is RXLED (Receive data LED drive). It pulses low when receiving data via USB. Pin 23 Configurable CBUS I/O Pin. Function of this pin is configured in the device internal EEPROM. Factory default configuration is TXLED (Transmit data LED drive). It pulses low when transmitting data via USB . We are using both pins in factory default configuration i.e. for indication purpose, hence both pins are grounded through LED and 270Ω separately. Figure 17: FT232RL 14 2.9 LCD Display LCD display JHD162A is use for display. Display Content 16 CHAR x 2ROW. Each character consist of 5 x 8 dots. It has 16 pins. LED backlight is provided,which makes seeing the chracters on screen easier. Fig.18 Figure 18: Pin Configuration shows pin configuration of LCD display ‘JHD162A’. Pin 1 and 2 are the power supply pins.+5V is supplied on pin no.2(Vcc), pin 1(Vss) is grounded. Pin 3 is the contrast setting pin. It’s connected to variable point of potentiometer, remaining two point of potentiometer are connected between Vcc and ground. By adjusting potentiometer one can adjust contrast of LCD display. Pins 4 , 5 and 6 are control pins of the LCD. Pin 4 is RS(register select) pin. Depending on logic level of RS pin LCD work in Instruction mode or Character Mode. If RS pin is high then data on data pin(DB0-DB7) is treated as instruction. If RS pin is low then data on data pin(DB0-DB7) is treated as character. Pin 5 is R/W(Read/Write) pin. Here LCD is use for displaying purpose only, hence R/W pin is always set to logic ‘0’. Pin 6 is E(Enable) pin it simply work as clock signal to the LCD. Falling edge on this pin processed data present on the data pin. Pin 7 to 14 are data pins. Pin 15 and pin 16 are internally connected to the LED, current limiting resister(100Ω) is connected externally in series. Port ‘C’of ATmega16 is used for LCD display. Figure 19: LCD Display 15 2.10 Buzzer Figure 20: Buzzer Buzzer is used for indication purpose. One can use buzzer while debugging the program or for indication like ON/OFF condition of SBHS. Buzzre is connected between +12V system power supply and collector of transistor BC548. Emitter of transistor ‘BC548’ is grounded. PD7(pin no.21 of ATmega16) generate signal for buzzer. PD7 is connected to the base of transistor ‘BC548’ through voltage divider consist of 22KΩ and 100KΩ resistor. 16