Non-Line-of-Sight Error Mitigation in TDOA Mobile Location Li Cong and Weihua Zhuang Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Abstract— In this paper, we investigate the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation identification and correction for time difference of arrival (TDOA) based mobile user location in wireless communication systems. Based on the defined TDOA residual, an NLOS base station identification algorithm is proposed. Different choices of the reference location for the residual calculation are compared via simulation. To correct the NLOS error with a certain distribution, we propose a maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for TDOA location systems. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed NLOS recovering algorithm performs better than that using only LOS measurements, especially when the number of available base stations is small and/or the LOS base stations have an undesirable geometric layout. I. I NTRODUCTION Mobile location is to determine the position of a mobile station (MS) in a wireless network. It has received considerable attention over the past few years. In addition to the emergency 911 (E-911) subscriber safety services, wireless location information can be used for location-sensitive billing, intelligent transport system (ITS), resource management and performance enhancement in mobile cellular networks. The major sources of error in time difference of arrival (TDOA) mobile location are measurement noise and non-lineof-sight (NLOS) propagation error. Measurement noise is usually modeled as a zero-mean Gaussian random variable, while NLOS error usually has an unknown distribution with a positive mean. NLOS error is the dominant error in location estimation [1]. A field test shows that the average NLOS range error can be as large as 0.589 km in an IS-95 code-division multiple access (CDMA) system [2]. To protect location estimates from NLOS error corruption, NLOS identification and reconstruction techniques have been investigated. Generally NLOS range measurements have a larger variance than LOS range measurements, especially when the MS is moving. In [2], an NLOS base station (BS) is identified by calculating the standard deviation of a series of range measurements and comparing that with a certain threshold. A Kalman filter is then used with an extra unknown constant, the NLOS range error, to reconstruct the NLOS error and obtain the location estimate. A time-history based hypothesis test is proposed in [3] to identify and then to reconstruct the NLOS error. In [4], a decision theoretic framework for NLOS identification is formulated, where the NLOS error is modeled This work was supported by research grants from the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research (CITR) and the Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE). as a non-zero mean Gaussian random variable. If the stochastic model for the NLOS error is not Gaussian, the approach in [4] relies only on the fact that the variance of the NLOS errors is greater than that of the LOS errors. For an unknown NLOS error distribution, a residual weighting algorithm is proposed in [5] for a time of arrival (TOA) location system to identify the BS which suffers from NLOS propagation, based on the weighted residuals for all possible BS combinations. A similar residual algorithm for an angle of arrival (AOA) location system is proposed in [6]. Other approaches have been proposed in the literature to alleviate the NLOS problem without the knowledge of which BS(s) suffers from NLOS propagation. A mapping method using dynamic location database is proposed in [7] to improve the global positioning system (GPS) accuracy in an NLOS propagation situation. Using a local building information database, the ray-launch technique gives an improved estimate of the mobile location. In [8], robust estimation functions are proposed for mobile location based on path loss measurements. Since the NLOS error is non-symmetric, a pseudo-median estimator is used to work with a small number of samples. Simulation results show that the proposed robust estimator maintains a low estimation error when several of the measurements are contaminated by NLOS propagation. In this paper, we investigate the NLOS error in TDOA mobile location, and propose an algorithm for NLOS BS identification and NLOS error mitigation. The algorithm is not time-history based, and thus is not limited to a low MS mobility situation. The proposed algorithm can be extended to TOA, AOA and hybrid mobile location. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the location accuracy improvement when applying the proposed algorithm in NLOS situations. II. S YSTEM M ODEL The system model under consideration is a wideband CDMA cellular system. We focus on the case of macrocells and two-dimensional (2-D) mobile location. The BS serving the target MS (to be located) is referred to as home BS for the MS and is denoted by BS1 . All the neighboring BSs can be involved in an MS location process, provided the signal-to-noise ratio of the signal from each BS is above a certain threshold at the MS. Those that do not have a line of sight (LOS) propagation path to the MS are referred to as NLOS BSs. All the BSs are precisely synchronized based on the GPS time reference. The strict synchronization requirement among the BSs facilitates the accurate TDOA measurements in the system. At all 0-7803-7206-9/01/$17.00 © 2001 IEEE 680 times the MS keeps monitoring the forward Pilot Channel signal levels from the neighboring BSs, and reports to the network those that cross a given set of thresholds. The cross-correlators at the MS receiver are capable of measuring the TDOA between the signal from BS 1 and that from any other BS. When there are N ( 3) BSs available for the MS location, we have a set of nonlinear location equations. Because of measurement noise and NLOS errors, the solution to the over-determined equations is not unique. The equations that incorporate the measurement noise and NLOS error are Cti = Di D1 + ni + ei (i = 2; ; N) (1) where C is the speed of light, t i is the measured TDOA between BSi and BS1, Di is the distance between the MS and BSi , D1 is the distance between the MS and BS1 , ni and ei are the TDOA measurement noise and NLOS error, respectively. We assume that ni is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance i. If BSi has an LOS path to the MS, then ei = 0. For NLOS BSs, ei is a positive random variable with mean nlos and variance nlos . We further assume that Ænlos > i , which is consistent with field test results [2]. III. NLOS I DENTIFICATION Consider the NLOS error for TDOA location. As illustrated in Fig. 1, each TDOA measurement determines that the MS must lie on a hyperbola with a constant range difference between the two BSs. The intersection points of these hyperbolas define an area of uncertainty where the final estimate of MS location lies in. For a given set S k of BSs (in addition to BS1) and a reference MS location (^ x; y ^), we define the TDOA residual as the difference between the measured data and the calculated data using the reference location Rk = X BSi 2Sk ^ [(D i ^ ) D 1 Cti]2 (2) H3' BS1 H3 p (xi x ^)2 + (yi y^)2 (3) and (xi ; yi ) is the BSi location. If the measurement noise can be assumed to be zero mean Gaussian noise with small variance and each BS has an LOS path to the MS, the area of uncertainty will be small; in other words, the hyperbolas will intersect at almost the same point – the true location. If the reference location is close to the true MS location, the TDOA residual will be close to zero. As illustrated in Fig. 1, if one BS (BS 3) suffers from NLOS propagation, it will push the corresponding hyperbola H 3 away from itself since the signal from this NLOS BS has to travel an extra distance to reach the MS. A new hyperbola H30 is formed depending on the value of the NLOS error. Therefore, the intersection points of the new hyperbola H 30 with hyperbolas H 2 and H4, A and B , move further away from the true location, forming a larger area of uncertainty. The TDOA residual will generally become much greater than that of the LOS case. As a result, it is reasonable to assume that if a large NLOS error exists for a particular BS, on the average the residual will be large in magnitude. In the following, we propose an algorithm to identify the NLOS BS. Suppose we have N BSs available for the location estimate of the target MS. We assume that only one BS has NLOS propagation and this BS is not the home BS. The minimum number of BSs, in addition to BS1, required for a 2-D TDOA location estimation is 2. We can thus group our measurements for various sizes (< N ) of BS sets, each set containing BS1. For example, if N = 5, we will have two groups of measurement data: (a)measurement 4 data from BSs of size 4, with a total of 3 = 4 combi- nations; and (b) measurement data from BSs of size 3, with a total of (3 B MS ^ = D i 4 2 = 6 combinations. For each BS set of size M , we can calculate the intermediate MS location, and determine the TDOA residual for each combination. The residual serves as a weighting factor to reflect the reliability of BSs in the combination. Our algorithm of identifying an NLOS BS in TDOA location has the following steps: (a) For eachBS set of size M H4 A where M < N ), form K = N M 1 1 TDOA measure- ; K , to denote the ment combinations. Use Sk ; k = 1; 2; kth combination of the BSs; (b) For each BS set S k , use a reference MS location (^ xk ; y ^k ) to calculate the corresponding TDOA residual Rk . Assign a weight of R k to the BS set Sk ; (c) After evaluating all the K BS combinations, calculate the H2 BS4 BS2 total weight of each BS by summing the weights of the BS sets that the BS belongs to; (d) Rank each BS according to the total weight, and pick up the one with the heaviest weight. The choice of the reference MS location (^ xk ; y^k ) plays an important role in the NLOS BS identification. Ideally we should use the true location of the MS, but it is not achievable and can only be used as a performance benchmark. We BS3 Fig. 1. NLOS effect on the TDOA location estimation. 681 can use measurement data from all the N BSs to determine an overall location estimate, and use that as the reference location for all the combinations; alternatively we can use the BSs in each combination Sk to obtain a current intermediate location estimate and use it as the reference for the combination. The results of using different reference locations are compared via computer simulation and are given in Section V. methods to solve the maximization problem. As an example, the exponential distribution delay profile model is widely used to model the NLOS delay [11]. To derive the ML estimator for the NLOS contaminated TDOA, we first derive the probability density function (PDF) of the sum of the Gaussian noise n N and the exponentially distributed NLOS error e N with mean 1=, given by IV. NLOS E RROR C ORRECTION Ideally the solution to the NLOS problem would be to detect which TDOA measurement had been contaminated by the NLOS error and use only measurements with LOS propagation. However, in a practical cellular system the number of available neighboring BSs for location purposes is always limited. Hence, we should use as much information as possible to obtain the final location estimate. That is especially true when the number of LOS BSs is small, or the geometric layout of LOS BSs does not favor the location estimation. fn+e (x) = Cti = Di CtN = DN D1 + ni (i = 2; D1 + nN + eN : ;N 1) (4) (5) This is a set of nonlinear equations with the unknown = The measurement noise ni is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable, while the NLOS error eN is an unknown constant. With the extra unknown element e N , the equations can be solved using Taylor series linearization [9] or two-step least square (LS) estimator [10]. (x; y; eN )T . B. Gaussian NLOS Error If we consider the NLOS error eN as a random variable, a simple way to model it is to use the Gaussian distribution with 2 mean nlos and variance nlos . An ML estimator can be used to obtain the optimum location estimate. Assuming that the Gaussian measurement noise nN has zero mean and variance 2 N , the sum of eN and nN is also a Gaussian random variable 2 2 with mean nlos and variance nlos + N . We can then obtain the location estimate by using the same approach as in the case of deterministic NLOS error, i.e., Taylor series linearization [9] or two-step LS estimator [10]. The only difference is in the noise mean and covariance matrix. C. Other NLOS Distributions For the non-Gaussian NLOS error with a known distribution, we can derive an ML location estimator and use numerical 682 2 e (x 2 N ) 2 [1 + erf ( 2 x p N )] (6) 2N where erf () denotes the error function. Rewrite (4) and (5) in a matrix form L = H() + V (7) where L = C (t ; t ; : : : ; tN )T , H( ) = (D D ;D D ; : : : ; DN D )T , V = (n ; n ; : : : ; nN + eN )T , and = T 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 (x; y ) . The ML estimator aims at maximizing the conditional joint PDF A. Deterministic NLOS Error The NLOS error depends on the propagation environment and changes from time to time. However, at each time instance, NLOS error can be treated as a constant. We can estimate the value of the NLOS error when there are enough BSs available to determine the MS location. Let the NLOS BS be BSN . We rewrite the TDOA hyperbolic equations as f( Lj) = fV (L H( )j): (8) Under the assumption that n i (i = 2; 3; : : : ; N ) and eN are independent random variables, we have L H()j) = 2 e fV ( NY1 i=2 p1 2i exp( 2 2 (x 2N ) [1 + erf( xp N )] 2N (Cti Di + D1 )2 2i2 ): (9) This maximization problem is difficult to solve by analysis, so numeric methods are used to find the ML estimate which maximizes (9). V. S IMULATION R ESULTS This section presents simulation results to demonstrate the performance of the proposed NLOS identification algorithm and the ML location estimator with an exponentially distributed NLOS error. For simplicity, we assume that the variances of all the TDOA measurement noises are the same. For the 2-D array BS layout, we consider a center hexagonal cell (where the MS is located) with six adjacent hexagonal cells of the same size, as shown in Fig. 2. The cell radius is set to be 5 km. The root mean square (RMS) location error is obtained from the average of 10,000 independent runs. A. NLOS BS Identification Fig. 3 compares the NLOS BS false detection rates using the proposed NLOS identification algorithm with the true, overall, and current reference locations as described in Section III. All the seven BSs are used to determine the MS location, and BS3 has the NLOS error of 0.2 km, 0.3 km, 0.4 km, and 0.5 km, respectively. The standard deviation of the measurement noise is 0.1 km. The performance of the proposed algorithm is studied for different BS set sizes. To be consistent, ence location does not change for each combination in the BS set. Therefore, the location error due to the NLOS propagation becomes less noticeable when the set size increases. The same applies to the case of using the current reference location, however the set size has to be large enough to provide enough information for a reasonably accurate intermediate estimate. From the simulation results, with the unknown true location, the algorithm using the current reference location and 5-BS set gives the best performance, followed by the one using the overall reference location and 3-BS set. BS6 BS5 BS7 Home BS1 MS BS4 BS2 B. NLOS Error Correction Consider N = 4. Among the 4 BSs (BS 1, BS2, BS3 and BS4), TDOA measurements with BS2 suffer from an exponentially distributed NLOS error with a mean of NLOS = 0:1 km and 0.5 km respectively. The TDOA measurement noise for each BS pair is assumed to be zero mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation of 0.1 km. Figs. 4-6 show the RMS location error using the proposed ML location estimator with NLOS correction, the ML estimator with the LOS measurement only from the 3 BSs, and the estimator without NLOS correction with all the LOS and NLOS measurement data, respectively. It is observed that: (a) the proposed NLOS error correction greatly reduces the location error, and the location error increases negligibly with the NLOS error; (b) without NLOS error correction, the location error increases significantly as the NLOS error increases; (c) the proposed ML estimator with NLOS correction performs consistently better than that using only the LOS measurement data, since it uses one more BS — the NLOS BS. The measurement from the NLOS BS helps to improve the location accuracy. However, when the NLOS error is large, the improvement is negligible. Location estimation depends heavily on the BS/MS geometric layout when the number of the available BSs is small. If, BS3 Fig. 2. The 7-cell system layout. 90 True Overall Current 0.2 km NLOS error 0.3 km NLOS error 0.4 km NLOS error 0.5 km NLOS error 80 False detection rate (%) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 4 5 6 Number of BSs in each set Fig. 3. Comparison of the NLOS BS false detection rates. 0.6 683 With NLOS correction Without NLOS correction Using LOS measurements only 0.5 0.4 RMS Error (km) only Taylor-series method is used to calculate the final location estimate. The initial position guess in the Taylor-series method is chosen to be the true solution to allow for convergence. It is clear that false detection rates decrease as the NLOS error increases. The identification algorithm using the true location as reference always gives the best performance, and the false detection rate increases with the set size. This is because the bias caused by the NLOS error is being averaged out when more BSs are involved in the location estimation. The false detection rates using the overall reference location change with the BS set size in a similar pattern to that with the true reference location. However, when using the current reference location, the false detection rate first decreases with the set size, then starts to increase when the set size is larger than 5. This can be explained as follows. When using the true or overall reference location, the smaller the set size, the higher the resolution in the identification, because the refer- 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Probability of location error smaller than ordinate 0.8 0.9 1 Fig. 4. Comparison of 4 BSs location error, with BS 2 having an NLOS error (NLOS = 0:1km). for example, BS3 suffers from the NLOS propagation instead of BS2 , the result will be quite different, as shown in Fig. 5. Because the LOS BSs (BS1 , BS2 and BS4 ) are located almost linearly on the plane, using only the LOS measurements will introduce a large error in the final location estimate. In this case, the proposed ML estimator with NLOS error correction performs significantly better than that using only the LOS measurement data. Table I shows the results of the RMS location error (in km) for different numbers of the available BSs, among which BS3 is the NLOS BS with NLOS (in km). The NLOS recovering algorithm always gives the best performance. However, as the number of BSs increases, the difference between the NLOS recovering algorithm and the algorithm using only LOS measurements becomes negligible. 0.7 With NLOS correction Without NLOS correction Using LOS measurements only 0.1 km NLOS 0.5 km NLOS 0.6 RMS Error (km) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Probability of location error smaller than ordinate 0.8 0.9 TABLE I RMS LOCATION ERROR ( KM ) FOR DIFFERENT NUMBERS OF BS S . no NLOS correction with NLOS correction LOS Only With NLOS correction Without NLOS correction Using LOS measurements only 0.5 RMS Error (km) 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Probability of location error smaller than ordinate 0.8 0.9 N =6 N =7 0.101 0.208 0.095 0.099 0.100 0.081 0.160 0.075 0.078 0.081 0.064 0.110 0.061 0.062 0.064 R EFERENCES 0.6 0.1 N =5 0.230 0.565 0.192 0.248 0.400 We have proposed the NLOS identification algorithm and the ML location estimator with NLOS error correction for TDOA mobile location in a wideband CDMA cellular system. The NLOS identification is based on the TDOA residual calculation. We group all the available BSs into sets of various sizes, and use either the overall or the current reference location to obtain a residual for each set. The ranking of the total residual for each BS determines the NLOS BS. Using the overall reference location works better with a small BS set size, while using the current reference location gives smaller false detection rate for a large BS set size. For NLOS errors with a known distribution, the ML estimator reduces the NLOS location error. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed ML estimator with NLOS correction performs consistently better than that using only LOS measurements, especially when the number of available BSs is small and/or the LOS BSs have an undesirable geometric layout. 1 Fig. 5. Comparison of 4 BSs location error, with BS 3 having an NLOS error. 0 N =4 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 VI. C ONCLUSIONS [1] 0 NLOS 1 Fig. 6. 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