Newsletter 25

February 2016
Elections Department Chair
Prof Werner Budts has been elected as new Department Chair.
Prof Budts is cardiologist, specialized in congenital heart disease and chairs several
working groups on Belgian and European level on this topic.
Prof Budts teaches several courses at the faculty of medicine, currently is
promoter of 2 PhD students, is promoter of the H2020 project Pathway and
administers two funds at LUF.
In the coming weeks prof Budts will compose a new Department Board which
needs to be approved by the Department Council and Group BMW.
The new Department Chair and Board will take up its function officially
on Aug 1st, 2016.
Christmas market – Final figure is a record income
The amount collected at the Christmas market is 39.109,46 € !!
This is a new record for the collection for a good cause at the Christmas market. With this income the Healthy
Heart Fund will sponsor the runner up for FWO PhD application 2016 for 6 months. The Rune Fund will further
invest in pediatric cardiovascular research.
Click here to see some heartwarming pictures of your contribution at the Christmas market!!
For input and suggestions, please contact
February 2016
Quick Agenda (more info below)
Stay up to date with the agenda on the department website and subscribe to the RSS feed.
21 Mar – Alignment Policy Plan UZ - Department
11 Apr – Department Board
11 Apr – OFD – ATP info sessie
27 Apr – Inauguration Healthy Heart Fund
23 May – Department Board
27 Jun – Department Board
13-15 Dec – External Visitation Department
Open positions
Editorial manager , Cardiovascular Research, - open until 25 Mar 2016
Post-doc Endothelial heterogeneity, Centre of Molecular and Cardiovascular Biology - open until 31 Mar
Upcoming PhD defences and seminars
Note: Preferably organize your PhD seminar at Friday noon to give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to attend. Also keep
your department manager, Karen Cauwels, up to date to prevent seminars being planned concurrently.
4 Mar – 18.00h, Yumei Gu (Staessen), PhD defence, ‘Clinical, circulating and urinary biomarkers in risk
stratification in the general population’, Auditorium, Arenbergkasteel, Kasteelpark Arenberg 1, 3001
22 Mar – 16.45h, Ward Heggermont (Heymans), PhD defence, ‘Unraveling the pathophysiology of
myocarditis and heart failure: a role for microRNAs, viruses and metabolism’ , Promotiezaal,
Universiteitshallen, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven
14 Apr – 17.00h, Rachel Geenens (Herijgers), PhD defence, 'Safety margins for tissue manipulation
during minimally invasive surgery', Promotiezaal, Universiteitshallen, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven
29 Apr – 12.00h, Tomas Robyns (Willems), PhD seminar, ‘Next generation phenotyping and genotyping
in inherited primary arrhythmia syndromes and cardiomyopathies’, Auditorium CDG level 9 (Bordeaux)
Remember to register your PhD literature and research seminars and PhD defence on following link.
More biomedical sciences PhDs, seminars and events on following link.
, Tuesday
, 16.30-18.00h, CDG level 9 coffee room, a time and place to
meet fellow researchers and co-workers from the department. Be there and join us for a drink and a
chat. Don’t miss out and register on following link.
For input and suggestions, please contact
February 2016
ERA-NET ERA-CVD: Translational Research projects on Cardiovascular Diseases, joint
transnational call facilitated by FWO, 200k€ for 3 yrs, deadline 8 Mar 2016, more information on
following link.
BELSPO – ERANET-LAC joint call 2015-2016, funding for transnational projects with CELAC
countries for duration of 36 months, deadline 10 Mar 2016, more information on following link.
Central bilateral agreements, incoming mobility for researchers, deadline 15 Mar 2016/15 Oct 2016,
more information on following link.
Postdoc mandates (PDM) KU Leuven, mandates for 1 yr, deadline 17 Mar 2016, more information
on following link.
H2020 – IMI 7th call, includes projects on ‘Increase access and use of high quality data to improve
clinical outcomes in heart failure (HF), atrial fibrillation (AF), and acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
patients’, deadline 17 Mar 2016, more information on following link.
VLIR-UOS 2017, short-term projects in collaboration with developing country, mas 75k€ for 1-2yrs,
deadline 18 Mar 2016, more information on following link.
Small research equipment, internal call, 20-150k€, deadline 31 Mar 2016, more information on
following link.
Jacqueline Bernheim Price 2016, price for PhD thesis in the field of surgical cardiology or
transplantation of thorax organs, 12.5k€, deadline 30 Mar 2016, more information on following link.
Junior Mobility Programme, outgoing mobility for young researchers, deadline 30 Mar 2016, more
info on following link.
Dr Luc Broeckaert Price, price for scientific research in medicine aimed at prevention and daily
practice, 5k€, deadline 1 Apr 2016, more information on following link.
FWO-SBO 2016, funding for project with economical or societal benefit, max. 500k€/yr/legal entity for
2-4 yrs, deadline pre-registration 11 Apr 2016, more information on following link.
H2020- FETPROACT-01-2016, call includes ‘intra- and intercell biotechnologies’, deadline 12 Apr
2016, more information on following link.
H2020 – Societal Challenges: personalized medicine, deadline 13 Apr 2016, more information on
following link.
SF fellowships KU Leuven, fellowships for senior researcher not having attained a PhD at KU Leuven,
deadline 14 Apr 2016, more information on following link.
COST, grant for European networking, deadline 25 April 2016, more information on following link.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (H2020-MSCA-RISE2016), deadline 28 Apr 2016, more information on following link.
Postdoc mandates for non-EU researchers, 6-18 mths fellowship working on a BELSPO project,
deadline 30 Apr 2016, more information on following link.
FWO – Pegasus postdoc fellowships 2016, incoming and outgoing postdoc fellowship for 3 yrs,
deadline 1 May 2016, more information on following link.
FWO – Red Cross Flanders, grant for projects on blood donation and blood donors in the most broad
sense, 90-260k€ for 2 yrs + 150k€ for equipment, deadline 1 May 2016, more information on following
FWO - Flemish –Austrian research projects, 45-130k€ for 3 yrs, deadline 2 May 2016, more
information on following link.
FWO – scientific cooperation Flanders-China, grant for exchange of researchers for 2 yrs, deadline
6 May 2016, more information on following link.
For input and suggestions, please contact
February 2016
EU – EIT Health KIC – Innovation by Ideas, co-funding for societal challenges and valorization
projects, 500k€, deadline 16 May 2016, more information on following link.
 FWO: mandates: 1 Feb 2016, projects: 10 Mar 2016, for researchers: 1 Apr 2016
 IWT: mandates: 7 Mar 2016
 Overview funding calls, an overview of all funding calls can be found on following link.
Department Board
Read about the decisions at the Department Board on following link. Department Board Reports are
for internal use only and may not be distributed outside the department.
Power interruption
On March 22nd, 7.00-7.15h, there will be a power interruption on Campus Gasthuisberg to test the
electrical emergency power. Make sure to disconnect all equipment sensitive to fluctuations in the
power supply.
HSE training
All courses and registration can be found on following link.
HSE in the lab – recommended for everyone working in the lab
Mo 14 Mar, 13.30-17.00h, Auditorium BMW3, O&N2 – English session
Radiation Protection for open and sealed sources – mandatory if you are working with radioactive sources and haven’t followed a training yet
We 9 Mar, 13.30-17.00h, CIT – Heverlee – English session
We 16 Mar, 9.30-13.00h, Auditorium CDG level 9, GHB – Dutch session
Th 21 Apr, 13.30-17.00h, Auditorium CDG level 9, GHB – English session
Training microscopy and histology
Following introductions and trainings are scheduled, more information and registration with Bianca
Introduction on histology and microscopy
15 Mar
11 Apr
16 May
13 Jun
18 Jul
22 Aug
Hands-on training at the microscopes
16 Mar
13 Apr
18 May
15 Jun
20 Jul
24 Aug
For input and suggestions, please contact