CLINTON STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Clinton Street Station will be a place that is integrated into the surrounding neighborhood, is easily accessible by people on bikes, foot, and bus, and helps to improve connectivity to the riverfront. The station will be active with a vibrant mix of industrial, employment, retail, services, and housing that successfully integrates with the character of the surrounding area. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D C L I N T O N S TAT I O N A R E A STATION AREA SUMMARY The Clinton Station will be located between SE Gideon and the railroad tracks adjacent to, and east of, the confluence of SE 11th, SE 12th, and SE Gideon. There will be a single, at-grade platform. The station will front SE Gideon Street and serve the Hosford-Abernethy and Brooklyn neighborhoods as well as the eastern edge of the Central Eastside Industrial Area. Station Access 1 SE GIDEON - WEST 3 C O N F L U E N C E O F S E 11 T H , S E 12 T H , A N D S E G I D E O N 2 EXISTING PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE • The station platform will be accessed via SE Gideon Street. • Pedestrian access to the station area from the east—stairs and a ramp over the railroad tracks—that connects with the Hosford-Abernethy residential area. AV E 12 T H 11T H S E S E RAIL CORRIDOR LOOKING SOUTH ST WO O DWA R D B R O O K LY N S T S T S SE GI DE O 4 N ST M I LWAU K I E AV E 2 S E S T 1 3 S E P O W E LL B LV D P L SE 4 S E C L I N TO N S E S E 10 T H AV E SE TO S E 13 TH IN CL AV E S T 14T H I VO N AV E S E The Clinton Station is located parallel to the existing rail lines. The station platform is at-grade. N S T 13 T H • Pedestrians entering the station area from the west (SE Milwaukie, SE 11th/SE 12th) may have to cross the light rail and railroad tracks or busy and challenging intersections such as SE Powell/SE Milwaukie. D I V I S I O N S E AV E S E S E • SE 13th Place provides pedestrian access to and from SE Powell from the east of the station area. There is an existing pedestrian-activated signal across SE Powell just east of SE 13th Place. There is also right-in/rightout vehicle access. NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 18 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT 70 BUS 10 BUS C U R TH P S 1 6 10TH TT D Ladd’s Addition EL LI O 9TH D K AN G E HICKORY R 10 BUS O DIVISION 18TH 16TH 15TH 14TH 11TH 12TH 13TH Division Street commmercial node IVON 4 BUS IVON IVON Northwest Natural Gas industrial / residential edge CLINTON 17 T H Clinton li challenging C intersection TAG G A R T TAG G A R T WOODWARD ID EO (next page) TH 13T H pedestrian bridge K E L LY PO LL POW K E L LY 12TH M I LWAU K I E FRANKLIN 11TH lumber yard ELL B LV D F RO N TA GE POWE OUG 16TH MCL HLIN R5 LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE 19 BUS Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk 15TH 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS Brooklyn Park HAIG Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Alternativ e Alignment 17 70 BUS BUS LL BL VD FRON FRANKLIN MAX IH CS EXd CM IG1 CG 9 BUS TAG E 66 BUS PERSHING 14TH Springwater on the Willamette Trail OS TIBBETTS IHg IHgq EG1 CG EG2nq 400’ EG1b EG1 IG1 EG1b CGnq OSnq 200’ R2 ! ( CG R2.5 R2 CGnq 0’ R1 R2 R1 CGnqs PERSHING UNNAMED 66 BUS 8TH 7TH 19 BUS 10TH Milwaukie Avenue commercial node WE Legend R1 RXd R1 13TH 17 BUS ZONING B R O O K LY N 20TH 11 SE Gideon has sidewalks but no accommodations for bicycle traffic. A pedestrian overpass is east of the station, where SE Gideon dead ends. SE Milwaukie, SE 11th, and SE 12th have sidewalks but no bike lanes in the immediate vicinity of the station. A bicycle and pedestrian overpass over SE Powell is accessed via SE 9th Street. There is an existing pedestrian-activated signal across SE Powell just east of SE 13th Place. WOODWARD N B R O O K LY N 6TH SE Gideon, which the station will front and parallel, is a local street mostly used for commercial traffic and has many loading docks facing the street. SE Milwaukie, SE 11th, and SE 12th all are classified as Major City Traffic Streets. SE Powell, which connects with the Ross Island Bridge, is also a Major City Traffic Street. There are 11 bus stops within one-quarter mile of the station, and several bus lines that run between downtown Portland, Gresham, Milwaukie, and North and Northeast Portland. From the Milwaukie 19TH 9 BUS G New Day Ananda Marga School of Portland 19TH 6TH 1/4 mile Land uses in the direct vicinity of the station are chiefly industrial, light industrial, and general commercial. Most businesses along the portion of SE Gideon in the station area have loading docks and generate commercial truck traffic. Residential neighborhoods are north and east of the station (Hosford-Abernethy) and south of the station (Brooklyn), beyond the industrial and commercial uses. Commercial nodes are south of the station across SE Powell on SE Milwaukie and north of the station on SE Division. AC Central Eastside Industrial Sanctuary AR Abernethy Elementary M CARUTHERS 19TH MARTIN LUTHER KING JR ER TA MAX L D S CH N ES SHERMAN E AV LA MAX IR PR B EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS CY E 7T GRANT HEMLOCK 70 BUS BUS 16TH 4 6TH GRAND MAX WHAT WE KNOW LARCH C L I N T O N S TAT I O N A R E A CS R5 OS R1 R2.5 R2.5 CGb R2.5 R5 OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 CSm R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling CSm Residential 2,000 CSm R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 RX - Central Multi-Dwelling Residential CN1 CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial R2.5 CG - General Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EX - Central Employment R1 IG1 - General Industrial 1 EG1b EG1 IG1 CG b - buffer overlay d - design overlay g - greenway overlay m - main street corridor overlay n - river natural overlay q - river water quality overlay s - scenic resources overlay 19 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS C L I N T O N S TAT I O N A R E A (cont.) transit center, the #70 bus runs north-south to the Rose Quarter transit center, passing the Clinton Station on SE Milwaukie. The #19 bus runs a loop from SE 112th to downtown and has bus stops within one-quarter mile of the station near the intersection of SE Powell and SE Milwaukie. The #9 bus, which runs from Gresham to downtown Portland, also uses the bus stops near the intersection of SE Powell and SE Milwaukie, as does the #66 bus, which runs from the Hollywood transit center across the Ross Island Bridge to downtown Portland. From the Gresham transit center, the #4 bus line goes to North Portland via SE Division Street in the Clinton Station area. The Clinton Station is within the Hosford-Abernethy neighborhood boundaries. The Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Plan was adopted by Portland City Council on February 10, 1988 (Ordinance No. 160471). The plan’s overarching goal is to “create a better place to live, work, play and prosper.” The Hosford-Abernethy Neighborhood Plan calls for public access to the waterfront, alternative transportation connecting the neighborhood with city features, increased pedestrian and bicycle facilities and connections, and maintaining of residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The Division Green Street/Main Street Plan’s goal is to provide “cohesiveness and pedestrian amenities along the street,” and above all, to fulfill the desire to create a community “place.” The plan has an emphasis on balancing all modes of travel, providing green approaches to design, and increasing the quality of urban design. The Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan, which was adopted in January 2008, recommends a safer and more effective crossing of SE Powell at SE Milwaukie for pedestrians and bicycles. The study recommends adding an eastern crosswalk, adding bike lanes to SE Milwaukie, SE 11th, and SE 12th, and adding, enlarging, and modifying islands to provide refuge for pedestrians. The plan also recommends adding enhanced crossing features at the SE 13th crossing of SE Powell. Additional study was advised for the SE 17th railroad crossing and underpass by improving the underpass and adding a pedestrian/ bike bridge and at-grade crossing. 20 ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Transit-Supportive Land Uses • There are no retail or residential uses directly adjacent to the station. The closest residence is approximately 400 feet away on the north side of the railroad track. • Anchored by the iconic Aladdin Theater, the Brooklyn neighborhood has a small commercial node along Milwaukie Avenue (south of SE Powell), including retail and entertainment storefronts. • Seven Corners represents a unique mixed use environment that includes a specialty grocer anchor on the northern edge of the station community. • The existing land uses are isolated due to heavily used arterials that surround the station. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) Substantial increases in both households (33%) and jobs (32%) are projected for the Clinton Station. As such, the station will capture increased readership, supporting the transportation needs of new residents and workers. Given its proximity to downtown Portland and its current and projected number of jobs, most of the riders will likely use the station to access their places of employment. However, the station will also serve a substantial amount of riders who live within one-half mile of the station. • The station’s location close to the Central City and downtown is beneficial. • In addition to becoming a new “Station Community,” the station is near the convergence of two Region 2040 Main Streets targeted for neighborhoodserving retail and services (SE Milwaukie Avenue and SE Division Street). Year 2005 Year 2030 % Change HOUSEHOLDS 2,020 2,681 33% JOBS 6,276 8,292 32% Good Connections • Additional pedestrian and bike connections are needed to the residential neighborhoods north and east of the light rail line and south across SE Powell. • Potential development site south of the station requires connections between the station and SE Powell. (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) • SE 11th, SE 12th, SE Powell, and the rail line create access barriers and limitations. DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE Opportunities for New Development • The site to the south of the station is large enough for a retail, office, or residential use but is currently in multiple ownerships and has access limitations. • Zoning adjacent to the station is either industrial or general employment and does not facilitate mixed use development. Most of the areas beyond the industrial or employment zoning is commercial, which also doesn’t facilitate mixed use development. • Moving the station to the Northwest Natural Gas site may offer some improvement but has other limitations. Based on the City of Portland Zoning Code and Development Standards, the quarter-mile Clinton station area has a high development potential. This station area has the highest amount of all the potential Portland stations of total acres vacant or redevelopable. A conservative estimate shows potentially 106 residential units could be developed. This estimate was calculated using minimum residential densities and therefore those parcels identified could potentially be developed to higher densities. Note also that parcels zoned IG and EG have limited commercial uses, which would impact the potential achievable densities. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 26.7 Acres 106 Units 21.0 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT 70 BUS GRANT HEMLOCK 7TH 70 BUS 10 BUS 16TH 4 BUS 6TH GRAND C U R TH P S 9TH 6 10TH 1 TT 12TH EL E G LI O K 10 BUS O R 7TH HICKORY AC Abernethy Elementary AN 11TH D • Extend SE Milwaukie CS (Commercial Storefront) zoning across SE Powell to the convergence of SE 11th and SE 12th or north to SE Division. AR ISION 14TH 13TH 6 4 BUS 19TH MARTIN LUTHER KING JR D CARUTHERS IVON 18TH IVON 2 3 16TH 15TH 17 T H 6TH TAG G A R T New Day N An Ana Ananda Marga School of Portland 8 TAG G A R T 4 → Develop a parallel multiuse trail along the light rail line for the length of the Northwest Natural Gas site to connect the SE Clinton Street Bike Boulevard with SE Division and, ultimately, the Springwater Corridor. 5 → Improve pedestrian facilities at the intersection of SE Milwaukie and SE Powell, as recommended in the Inner Powell Boulevard Study. 6 WOODWARD 9 BUS ID EO N 7 WOODWARD 19TH 2 G B R O O K LY N H 66 BUS PO • Initiate recommendation from the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan for further study of improved crossings of SE Powell at SE 17th for bikes and pedestrians. Project Design Changes TIBBETTS WE 20TH K E L LY 13TH 3 12TH 11TH 10TH 8TH 7TH 19 BUS B R O O K LY N 13T B R O O K LY N 5 K E L LY M I LWAU K I E 17 BUS LL POWE FRANKLIN LL BL VD FRON TAG E OUG 16TH MCL HLIN HAIG LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel LRT Alternativ e Alignment LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE 9 PERSHING 17 70 BUS BUS 7 17 T H 15TH 19 BUS 14TH HAIG • Consider alternative station name to better orient users geographically (SE Milwaukie/SE 11th and SE 12th) or create a better sense of identity (Milwaukie-Powell or Hosford-Abernethy). The existing name is somewhat misleading since many area residents identify “Clinton” with the mixed use district between SE 20th and SE 26th. More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. 66 BUS PERSHING 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS • Consider relocation of station to the Northwest Natural Gas site. BUS FRANKLIN MAX Actual 5-Minute Walk • Enhance streetscape and pedestrian facilities along SE Milwaukie from SE Powell to the station area and along SE 13th/SE 14th from the station area to SE Division. • Improve the at-grade crossing of SE 13th and SE Powell, as recommended in the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan. 19TH 1 6TH H 1T → Improve pedestrian connections across SE Powell at SE Milwaukie, as recommended in Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan. • Create seamless connection between bike lanes along SE Milwaukie, as proposed by Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan, and wide sidewalk/ trail connection to the station area along SE 12th with the SE Clinton Street Bike Boulevard. IVON CLINTON • Initiate a concept development plan to explore the range of development and access possibilities for the station area. Infrastructure Investments 1/4 mile 1 • Rezone IG1 area south of station area to a more flexible zone to accommodate a mix of employment and commercial uses. • Coordinate potential land use changes with recommended Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan transportation improvements along SE Powell by reconsidering existing planning and zoning designations. M 4TH ER S LA D ES CH N VE PR SHERMAN IR CY B TA MAX Regulatory Changes LA MAX POTENTIAL ACTIONS 1 E MAX P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S LARCH C L I N T O N S TAT I O N A R E A 0’ 200’ 400’ 8 • Construct a new pedestrian bridge at SE 14th (instead of using the existing location), so that it is closer to the station platforms and existing activity nodes at SE 13th and SE Powell and SE 11th/SE 12th and SE Division. • Explore railroad crossing near station. → Suggestion from public meetings 21 RHINE STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Rhine Street Station will serve as a transition between the industrial and employment district to the east and the Brooklyn neighborhood to the west with public art and design features that reflect the history and character of the area. The station area will be a gathering place with amenities that complement the neighborhood’s main street, Milwaukie Avenue. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D RHIN E S TAT ION A REA STATION AREA SUMMARY Rhine Station will be located on SE 17th and have a split platform— one platform south and one north of SE Rhine Street. The station will serve the Brooklyn neighborhood. Stairs and a ramp over the railroad tracks southeast of the station give access to the east side of the Brooklyn neighborhood, including industrial and employment centers (e.g., the Fred Meyer headquarters). Station Access • The station will be accessed via SE 17th from the north and south. 3 LOOKING WEST FROM THE PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE 4 ADJACEN T R E SI D EN T IAL L AN D USE S O N SE 16T H • There are several residential streets that intersect SE 17th from the west. S E 1S T S E 2 • From the east side of the Brooklyn neighborhood, the station can be accessed via a pedestrian bridge at SE Lafayette. 1 H A I G S R H I N E S The Rhine Stations will face the light rail line, which will travel down the center of SE 17th. The at-grade platforms will straddle SE Rhine. 3 S E S E 18 T H 4 2 1 S E 17 T H A N D S E H A I G S E S E L A FAY E T T E R H O N E L 13 TH P U P R A I LYA R D S F R O M P E D E S T R I A N O V E R C R O S S I N G SE 2 NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 24 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT MAX WOODWARD EO N 13T H 19 BUS 66 BUS B R O O K LY N Milwaukie Avenue commercial node TIBBETTS PO 12TH POWE LL BL VD FRON TAG E 20TH 24TH FRANKLIN HAIG 9 HAIG Powell Park Rhine RHINE residential Portland General Electric L A FAY E T T E pedestrian bridge L A FAY E T T E BUS Bus routes (#17 and #70) provide connections to the Lloyd District/ Rose Quarter, Sellwood-Moreland, and downtown Portland, with five stops within one-quarter mile of the station (three stops southbound and two stops northbound). 66 BUS 22ND 1/4 mile RHINE SE 17th has sidewalks but no bicycle accommodations. Currently, traffic moves swiftly in the area because there are no stop signs or stoplights between SE Powell and SE Holgate on SE 17th. There is pedestrian access to the station area from a bridge to the east over the railroad tracks. 16TH 15TH 14TH PERSHING 21ST PERSHING 19TH FRANKLIN Brooklyn Park SE 17th is a north-to-south neighborhood collector. Approximately one-quarter mile from the station area, northbound SE 17th crosses over and then feeds into westbound SE Powell towards the Ross Island Bridge. Southbound SE 17th is accessed via a ramp off of SE Powell. The industrial uses in the area generate truck traffic. TriMet facilities are directly south of the station area, and some buses use SE 17th to access the facility. LL 23RD FRANKLIN WE 13TH K E L LY 11TH The area east of the station is mainly industrial with a small amount of residential in the northeast periphery of the one-quartermile station area. The west side of the station area has a band of commercial uses along SE 17th and single-family residential neighborhoods behind it. 25TH 11 ID EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS 19TH 17 BUS TH 18TH B R O O K LY N 17 T H G 16TH 1 9 BUS H 70 BUS WOODWARD 23RD WHAT WE KNOW 22ND R HIN E S TAT I ON A R E A (next page) RHONE RHONE ZONING BUSH BUSH 21ST AUKI Winterh h IG1 CG Portland General Electric M I LW 10TH BUSH EG1b EG1 E Winterhaven School and Park Fred Meyer headquarters EG1b EG1 CG R2.5 R2 Legend R2 R5 R1 R2.5 R1 R2.5 R2.5 R1 CGb CG OS OS CENTER TriMet MAX LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE KinderCare Learning Centers (Fred Meyer) 17 70 BUS BUS Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Actual 5-Minute Walk EG1 EG1b 0’ OS R5 25TH 12TH BOISE ! ( R5 R2.5 GLADSTONE BOISE 19 BUS R2.5 IG1 Southern Pacific rail yards 24TH 17 T H 9TH 15TH 11TH CS 200’ R1 400’ R5 EG2d R2 EG1 OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 2,000 R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 CN1 - Neighborhood Commercial 1 CN2 - Neighborhood Commercial 2 CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial CG - General Commercial CX - Central Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EG2 - General Employment 2 EX - Central Employment IG1 - General Industrial 1 b - buffer overlay d - design overlay 25 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS RHIN E S TAT ION A REA (cont.) The Brooklyn Neighborhood Plan was adopted by the Portland City Council on March 20, 1991, effective April 19, 1991, as ordinance no. 163982 of the City of Portland Comprehensive Plan. The plan’s goal is “to preserve the character and diversity of this community with safe streets, cherished homes, comfortable gathering places, and a healthy balance between businesses and residences.” The Brooklyn Neighborhood Plan also calls for an increased pedestrian and bicycle network connecting it with neighboring areas. In the transportation section of the plan, one of the objectives outlines support for light rail in the Brooklyn neighborhood: “Objective 7A.4: support an eastside light rail line, with a station easily accessible from Brooklyn, which does not harm neighborhood quality of life, and does not further restrict Brooklyn’s access to the Willamette River.” ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Transit-Supportive Land Uses • Both the immediate (one-quarter-mile) and broader (one-half-mile) station area includes major employers, including offices of Portland General Electric, Fred Meyer, and TriMet. • The east side of SE 17th is zoned for industrial uses. • The location and width of the alignment will result in the demolition of several commercial structures along SE 17th between SE Powell and McLoughlin that currently serve as a transition buffer between the residential areas and SE 17th. • A single-family neighborhood dominates the area west of the station, severely limiting higher density developments. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) The amount of projected jobs within one-half mile of the Rhine Station area is the highest for all stations evaluated in this analysis. (The station area does not have the highest percentage change, however.) The majority of light rail riders using the Rhine Station, therefore, will be commuting to places of employment. The overall neighborhood household structure is projected to remain the same with only minor growth. • Designated a Region 2040 Main Street, SE Milwaukie Avenue is approximately one-quarter mile to the west of the proposed station. Year 2005 Year 2030 % Change HOUSEHOLDS 1,941 2,019 4% JOBS 8,593 10,061 23% Good Connections • The pedestrian bridge over the railroad tracks to the Fred Meyer headquarters and East Brooklyn neighborhood is in poor repair. (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) Opportunities for New Development • Redevelopment potential of parcels considered for full acquisition along SE 17th between SE Powell and SE Holgate seem to be too narrow to enable redevelopment. 26 DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE Given the relatively low number of vacant and parcels identified as redevelopable, Rhine is projected to present moderate development potential. The station area will experience an increase in the number of residential units primarily through the potential development of higher density homes facing the station along 17th Street. Note that in addition to the development of these housing units, those parcels zoned R5 could potentially increase in density due to the as-of-right development of duplexes on corner lots or accessory dwelling units. The majority of opportunity for commercial redevelopment is located on the eastern side of the railroad tracks. This capture of ridership from this development is contingent, therefore, on improving the footbridge over the railroad tracks. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 20.0 Acres 72 Units 14.0 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT N PO K E L LY POWE LL BL VD FRON PERSHING 23RD 22ND 19TH FRANKLIN 3 FRANKLIN PERSHING 9 22ND 21ST 20TH 18TH 16TH 15TH 14TH HAIG M I LW 1 RHINE BUS 66 BUS AUKI E L A FAY E T T E 2 3 L A FAY E T T E RHONE 21ST 10TH Winterhaven 17 T H MAX 17 70 BUS BUS Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites 0’ 25TH 12TH KinderCare Learning Centers (Fred Meyer) LRT Alignment METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE • The conceptual alignment from sidewalk to sidewalk is over 113 feet at station areas and throughout much of the alignment. Some reductions in this width may enable redevelopment of some of the commercial properties that will be fully acquired, which, with the conceptual width as it is now, may be too narrow to enable redevelopment. GLADSTONE 24TH 15TH 11TH 9TH BOISE • Consider moving station platforms so that they straddle SE Lafayette rather than SE Rhine. • Consider alternative station name to better orient users geographically (SE Rhine/SE 17th) or create a better sense of identity (North Brooklyn). SE Rhine is a local street with lower name recognition. More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. CENTER BOISE Project Design Changes • Sidewalks are a minimum of 12 feet wide on each side of the street, for a total of 24 feet. This width is similar to what shopping districts have in order to accommodate large numbers of pedestrians. A more appropriate sidewalk width for this urban environment might be 6 feet. Using a more conservative sidewalk width, in addition to eliminating on-street bike lanes, may allow for redevelopment of some sites on SE 17th. BUSH BUSH BUSH • Improve streetscape and pedestrian facilities on SE Lafayette from SE 22nd to SE Milwaukie (including street lighting, wayfinding signage, landscaping, sidewalks, marked crossings where appropriate, and a new pedestrian bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks). • Six-foot-wide bike lanes are on each side of the right-of-way, for a total of 12 feet. If the bike lanes are eliminated (and a parallel bike boulevard facility developed instead), it would reduce the alignment width and could allow for some redevelopment along SE 17th. Fred Meyer Headquarters RHONE 19 BUS • Discuss transportation management strategies with Fred Meyer/Kroger headquarters to promote and encourage light rail use. Infrastructure Investments HAIG 1/4 mile 2 TAG E 23RD FRANKLIN RHINE • Rezone existing EG (e.g. R2) between just south of SE Bush to SE Haig. Townhouse-style development can front on SE 17th and be served with a rear alley. This is a viable development form that will provide a better transition to the existing single-family neighborhood and provide more “eyes on the street” for the station area during the morning and evening hours. TIBBETTS LL 12TH 11TH 66 BUS WE 1 B R O O K LY N 25TH 19 BUS B R O O K LY N 13T 17 BUS Regulatory Changes 24TH EO RECOMMENDED ACTIONS 19TH ID H TH G 18TH 11 BUS MAX 17 T H B R O O K LY N WOODWARD 16TH 70 BUS WOODWARD 9 P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S UNNAMED 9TH R HIN E S TAT I ON A R E A 200’ → Suggestion from public meetings 400’ 27 HOLGATE STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Holgate Boulevard Station will serve as a gateway to the Brooklyn neighborhood. It will be a place that reflects the historic character of the neighborhood and supports existing industrial businesses while encouraging new neighborhood-oriented uses. It will be accessible to people on buses, bikes and foot. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D HOLG ATE S TATION AREA STATION AREA SUMMARY Holgate Station will be a split track station with platforms on the north and south side of Holgate on SE 17th. The station will serve the southern portion of the Brooklyn neighborhood and the industrial and commercial businesses in the area. Station Access • The station will be accessed via SE 17th. • From the east, the station area can be accessed via SE Holgate, which has a bridge over the railroad tracks with sidewalks on both sides. 3 S E M C L O U G H L I N A N D S E 17 T H 4 L A N D U S E C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S O N S E 17 T H 5 S E H O LG AT E S S E 5 1 S E 16T H S E 15 T H 17 T H • Several small local streets intersect SE 17th near the platforms. S E H O LG AT E 2 PA R K I N G C U LT U R E O N S E 17 T H The Holgate Station will face the light rail line down the middle of SE 17th. The at-grade platforms will straddle SE Holgate. S PA R D E E 4 S E 18 T H S E 1 2 I N T E R S E C T I O N O F S E H O L G AT E A N D S E 17 T H 3 NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 30 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT HOLG ATE S TATION AREA WHAT WE KNOW MAX EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS Fred Meyer headquarters Land use to the east of the station is part of the industrial sanctuary. TriMet offices, service, and storage hub are adjacent and northeast of the station. The Southern Pacific rail yard is east, past the TriMet and industrial buildings. The west side of SE 17th is mostly commercial, with residential areas farther west and east. 22N CENTER D 32 BUS TriMet offices TriMet parking lot 14TH 9TH H CORA 15TH 1/4 mile TriMet parking lot CORA 25TH KIE 16TH residential TriMet service and storage M MALL C LO Southern Pacific rail yards U G H REYNOLDS LI Holgate commercial node N REYNOLDS Holgate H ol g 23RD H O L G AT E former motel redevelopment The Brooklyn Neighborhood Plan was adopted by the Portland City Council on March 20, 1991, effective April 19, 1991, as ordinance no. 163982 of the City of Portland Comprehensive Plan. The plan’s goal is “to preserve the character and diversity of this community with safe streets, cherished homes, comfortable gathering places, and a healthy balance between businesses and residences.” The Brooklyn Neighborhood Plan also calls for an increased pedestrian and bicycle network connecting it with neighboring areas. 24TH WAU 99 BUS KinderCare Learning Centers (Fred Meyer) 17 T H MIL 41 BUS BOISE SE Holgate is a busy east-to-west district connector that meets with McLoughlin/99E a little more than one-quarter mile west of the station. Approximately three-quarters of a mile north of the station, SE 17th crosses and connects with westbound SE Powell, which then leads to the Ross Island Bridge. The #17 and #70 buses run on SE 17th, the #70 running north and south and the #17 running east and west. There are also several bus stops for both northbound and southbound buses within one-quarter mile of the station. SE 17th has sidewalks but no bicycle accommodations. GLADSTONE BOISE 11TH 33 BUS 70 17 BUS BUS 21ST 10TH 31 BUS Winterhaven School and Park 13TH 19 BUS BUSH PARDEE 17 BUS (next page) PARDEE LONG 24TH multi-family residential industrial employment / industrial ZONING rail - truck transfer station 18TH Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE R2.5 R5 EG1 R2 R2.5 CG EG1 ! ( R AY M O N D 16TH R1 70 BUS Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk CG OSnq 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS LRT Station EG2d R1dgq 19 BUS Bicycle and Pedestrian Path R1 25TH 16TH R2gq EG2nq Southern Pacific rail yards R2 EG1b R5 Springwater on the Willamette Trail Bus Route OS R2.5 SCHILLER SCHILLER LRT Alignment Legend CS OSq CM MAX Actual 5-Minute Walk OSnq 0’ 200’ 400’ EXd CG IG1 OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 2,000 R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 CN1 - Neighborhood Commercial 1 CN2 - Neighborhood Commercial 2 CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial CG - General Commercial CX - Central Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EG2 - General Employment 2 EX - Central Employment IG1 - General Industrial 1 d - design overlay g - river general overlay n - river natural overlay q - river water quality overlay 31 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y HOLG ATE S TATION AREA EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS (cont.) In the transportation section of the plan, one of the objectives outlines support for light rail in the Brooklyn neighborhood: “Objective 7A.4: support an eastside light rail line, with a station easily accessible from Brooklyn, which does not harm neighborhood quality of life, and does not further restrict Brooklyn’s access to the Willamette River.” ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Transit-Supportive Land Uses • The east side of SE 17th is zoned for industrial use. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) The Holgate Station Area is not projected to see as much growth as those stations located closer to downtown Portland. However, a 12% job increase is still anticipated. The number of households is projected to minimally decrease as the area becomes more employment based. Given the increase in jobs, the station will most likely capture riders commuting to their workplaces in the surrounding station area. • The existing land use on the west side and adjacent to the station is low density commercial. • Residential development is challenging but possible on the northwest side of the SE Holgate/SE 17th intersection. Good Connections • The environment for walking east on SE Holgate over the rail yard is not pleasant for pedestrians. Year 2005 Year 2030 % Change HOUSEHOLDS 1,375 1,345 -2% JOBS 6,085 6,825 12% (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) • Pedestrian connections into the neighborhood to the northwest should be upgraded. • There is a relatively significant grade change between the station and SE Milwaukie. This highlights the importance of enhancing the pedestrian environment to “pull” foot traffic up the hill to existing and potential development. Opportunities for New Development • Industrial zoning on the east side of SE 17th constrains development. • CG and EG zoning next to the station on the west side is a constraint; however, there is R 1 and R 2 zoning within three blocks of the station to the northwest. 32 DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE The Holgate station area has a moderate potential for residential and commercial redevelopment. The majority of potential residential units result from the high number of parcels with IL (index of land) values under 1 zoned R1. Additional density may be captured through the development of household living on parcels zoned CG or through the re-zoning of the corner of 17th and Holgate to allow a mixed-use station. This is not included in the analysis below. Although there is a large amount of existing commercial land in the station area due to the Southern Pacific railyards, additional land zoned CG, IG, and EG is available for commercial redevelopment. 17th and Holgate would need to be maintained as truck routes in order to support industrial uses. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 16.7 Acres 89 Units 11.9 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT HOLG ATE S TATION AREA 13TH 10TH MAX 70 17 BUS BUS POTENTIAL ACTIONS Regulatory Changes Fred Meyer Headquarters 22N CENTER D 32 BUS 1 • Ensure that truck traffic can continue to function on SE 17th so that SE Milwaukie and adjacent residential streets are not impacted. 2 → Consider more pedestrian-friendly zoning options (e.g., CS, Commercial Storefront) at and near the intersection of SE Holgate and SE Milwaukie. MIL KIE 14TH WAU BOISE KinderCare Learning Centers (Fred Meyer) 11TH 3 12TH BOISE 41 BUS 99 BUS Infrastructure Investments GLADSTONE CORA CORA 24TH MALL REYNOLDS 2 3 REYNOLDS 23RD 1 PARDEE 17 BUS • Six-foot-wide bike lanes are on each side of the right-of-way, for a total of 12 feet. If the bike lanes are eliminated (and a parallel bike boulevard facility developed north of Holgate instead), it would reduce the alignment width and may allow for some redevelopment along SE 17th. M CL O UG H LI • Consider alternative station name to better orient users geographically (SE Holgate/SE 17th) or create a better sense of identity (South Brooklyn). SE Holgate is also the name of a Green Line station opening in 2009. More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. N SCHILLER 25TH 18TH • The conceptual alignment from sidewalk to sidewalk is over 113 feet at station areas and throughout much of the alignment. Some reductions in this width may enable redevelopment of some of the commercial properties that will be fully acquired, which, with the conceptual width as it is now, will be too narrow to enable redevelopment. • Sidewalks are a minimum of 12 feet wide on each side of the street, for a total of 24 feet. This width is similar to what shopping districts have in order to accommodate large numbers of pedestrians. A more appropriate sidewalk width for this urban environment might be 6 feet. Having a more conservative sidewalk width, in addition to eliminating on-street bike lanes, may allow for redevelopment of some sites on SE 17th. PARDEE LONG 17 T H → Good bicycle and pedestrian connections on SE Holgate are critical to the success of this station: wide sidewalks on SE Holgate from SE 17th to McLoughlin, and bicycle lanes and wider sidewalks on SE Holgate from SE 17th over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Project Design Changes 16TH 15TH 1/4 mile 25TH 9TH 33 BUS Winterhaven 21ST 19 BUS BUSH 31 BUS P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S 16TH SCHILLER 16TH R AY M O N D 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS → Suggestion from public meetings MAX LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE 0’ 200’ 400’ 33 FUTURE HAROLD STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Harold Street Station will be constructed as part of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail project and will be a catalyst for the higher-density housing and services that are called for in the community plan. The station will also serve existing residents and include a safe crossing of McLoughlin Boulevard. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D P O T E N T I A L H A RO L D S TAT I O N A R E A STATION AREA SUMMARY The Harold Station is included as a future station, but it is being evaluated as a potential station when funding for infrastructure improvements needed to make the station successful is available. The Harold Station would be along the east side of McLoughlin/99E slightly south of SE Harold on the west side, where McLoughlin curves. This station will be a single platform station, and it will serve the northern Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood, Reed neighborhood, and parts of the southern Brooklyn neighborhood. 2 E X I S T I N G S I G N A L AT S E H A R O L D A N D S E M C LO U G H L I N 3 P R O P O S E D S TAT I O N LO C AT I O N Station Access • The station will be accessed via a crosswalk on McLoughlin/99E. • There will be a signalized intersection crossing McLoughlin/99E providing access from the east to the station. SE • Sidewalks on McLoughlin/99E will provide some access to the station from the north. M C • There will be limited, if any, access to the station from the west. I N S L E Y S E S T S E H A R O L D S T LO U G H L IN B L V D 2 1 3 S S T S E AV E 2 0 T H 2 2 N D AV E E L L I S S E 1 S E S E The potential Harold Station will be situated just to the southeast of the signalized intersection of SE Harold. The center platform will be at-grade. R E E DWAY B U S S T O P S I G N I N T E G R AT E S A F L A S H I N G B E ACO N AND A READING LIGHT FOR BETTER TRANSIT SERVICE ALONG SE MCLOUGHLIN NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 36 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT P O T E N T I A L H A RO L D S TAT I O N A R E A WHAT WE KNOW 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS Southern Pacific rail yards 16TH 25TH MAX 10 BUS EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS Directly surrounding the station, to the west, is mostly a single-family neighborhood with some multifamily residences. To the east of the station is an industrial area across the railroad tracks. Northwest of the station, along McLoughlin, there are a few businesses. The Eastmoreland Golf Course is to the southeast. Reed College is just past the Golf Course and the industrial area and has direct access to the station. R AY M O N D 24TH 70 BUS 19 BUS LANE C O LT MITCHELL 26TH McLoughlin/99E runs parallel (north to south) to the light rail station and is heavily used for both local and regional traffic. There is access both to and from northbound and southbound lanes of McLoughlin from SE Harold Street, where there is an existing signal and crosswalk. There is also southbound right-in/right-out access from SE Insley. There is right-in/right-out access for several businesses in the area. 10 BUS STEELE 19TH M I LWAU K I E 18TH MITCHELL LANE Springwater on the Willamette Trail INSLEY HAROLD 28TH employment / industrial Several bus lines pass the Harold Station that connect downtown Portland with either downtown Milwaukie or Clackamas. However, there is only one southbound stop within one-quarter mile of the station. Harold 1/4 mile The Harold Station is in the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood. The intent of the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan is to maintain its small town character and pedestrian scale, support commercial activity in its commercial nodes, protect its natural resources and open spaces, and ensure a safe environment encouraging (next page) community interaction. 20TH residential ELLIS BOTSFORD R E E D WAY ZONING RAMONA 21ST 17 T H 15TH R E E D WAY R2.5 CG CN2 CM OSnq KNIGHT 23RD Eastmoreland Golf Course (public) YUKON 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk R1 EXd EXbd RHd R1d R2 IG1 R1 CN2 CN2 CG CGb R2 R2 CN2 RHd R2.5ad IG1 IG1p IG1cIG1 R1d GHLIN 70 BUS 22 19 BUS 19TH 18TH C A R LTO N RHdn MCLOU YUKON MARTINS Legend R1d CM MAX Actual 5-Minute Walk 0’ 200’ 400’ R2 R2c R2 R2p R2c R2 R2 OSc R5a OS OSc OSc R5a LANE R2 OSp CS R2.5ad OSc OSc OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 2,000 R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 RHD - High Density Residential FAR 2 -1 CN1 - Neighborhood Commercial 1 CN2 - Neighborhood Commercial 2 CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial CG - General Commercial CX - Central Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EG2 - General Employment 2 EX - Central Employment IG1 - General Industrial 1 OSc a - alternative design density overlay c - conservation overlay d - design overlay n - river natural overlay p - protection overlay 37 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y P O T E N T I A L H A RO L D S TAT I O N A R E A EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS (cont.) ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Two action items of the plan are: Transit-Supportive Land Uses • RA 3: Ensure that transit stations (bus and high-capacity transit) are the zoning focus for mixed use and higher density development. • RA 4: Participate in the south/north high-capacity transit alignments and station design process; and to identify potential station locations with adjacent redevelopment opportunity sites. • In anticipation of the station, the area across McLoughlin from the station was rezoned for higher residential density. • No transit-supportive uses adjacent to station on east side of McLoughlin. • The area directly across McLoughlin from the station is zoned for higher densities. • The west side has some medium density residential uses. • Neighborhood to the west past the higher density residential is primarily single-family residential. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) As the Harold station is located further from downtown Portland, a lower number of households and jobs is reflected in the estimated numbers in 2005 and project growth in 2030. There also is more of a balance between people living and working nearby the station compared to the stations closer to Portland. The Harold station area will still experience growth, however, and thus serve increasing ridership overtime. Good Connections • Needs a crossing over the rail line to connect to Reed and industrial uses on the east side. Year 2005 Year 2030 % Change HOUSEHOLDS 1,703 1,785 5% JOBS 3,072 3,685 20% • Crossing of McLoughlin is intimidating for pedestrians. Opportunities for New Development • Higher density residential use is permitted on the west side of McLoughlin across from the station. (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) • Vacant, developable sites near the station are hindered by rail and light rail tracks. DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE • There are possible smaller, underutilized lots on the west side, along McLoughlin, and some vacant and underutilized lots east of railroad tracks on eastern edge of industrial area. 38 Given that the station area is constricted by the Southern Pacific rail lines and railyard, the potential Harold station offers less redevelopment potential than other stations in the proposed line. The number of potential residential units is due to the large number of parcels zoned R2.5 with IL (index of land) values under 1. This projection is not realistic, however, as the majority of these parcels are single lots that are unlikely to be redeveloped despite their low value. Only 45 additional units could be built on those parcels zoned RH (high density residential). The vast majority of potential commercial redevelopment is also misleading. Most of the parcels determined to be redevelopable for commercial uses are located east of the railroad tracks. These parcels are currently inaccessible to the station. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 22.4 Acres 145 Units 13.95 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT P O T E N T I A L H A RO L D S TAT I O N A R E A P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS LANE 10 BUS POTENTIAL ACTIONS Regulatory Changes 16TH MAX • Rezone IG land between SE 26th and SE 28th from SE Steele to SE Reedway for expanding Reed student housing and/or multifamily housing development. 26TH 24TH 19 70 BUS BUS 25TH R AY M O N D C O LT MITCHELL Infrastructure Investments MITCHELL M I LWAU K I E 18TH • Add the station when funding is available for infrastructure improvements that are needed to make station successful. 10 BUS 19TH STEELE 1 2 LANE INSLEY • As supported in the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan, build a pedestrian and bicycle connection on SE Reedway across the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and McLoughlin. The bridge will connect to the station area via ramping and stairs. → Improve the pedestrian crossing, landscaping, and lighting at McLoughlin. • Improve bicycle connections to station from the west and south. 3 28TH 2 HAROLD • Consider an alternative station name to better orient users geographically or create a better sense of identity (Reed College or North Sellwood/Moreland). More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. 20TH 1/4 mile ELLIS Reed College R E E D WAY RAMONA BOTSFORD 1 21ST 17 T H 15TH R E E D WAY KNIGHT 23RD YUKON 19 BUS GHLIN 22 70 BUS 19TH C A R LTO N 18TH MARTINS MCLOU YUKON 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS MAX LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE LANE 0’ 200’ → Suggestion from public meetings 400’ 39 BYBEE STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Bybee Boulevard Station will be integrated into and serve the surrounding neighborhoods. Improved pedestrian facilities will connect the station to the Westmoreland and Eastmoreland neighborhoods, Reed College, the Rhododendron Garden, and the Eastmoreland Golf Course. The station will be visible from Bybee Boulevard and McLoughlin Boulevard and includes small-scale retail to activate the station platform. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D BYBEE S TATION AREA STATION AREA SUMMARY The Bybee Station will be located between McLoughlin/99E and the railroad tracks, which parallel McLoughlin, on the north side of the Bybee Bridge. The station will serve the Sellwood-Moreland and Eastmoreland neighborhoods, including Reed College. The station will be seen from McLoughlin and the Bybee Bridge. In addition to the neighborhood connections, the Bybee Station will provide convenient access to recreation areas—Westmoreland Park and Eastmoreland Public Golf Course—and Reed College. 3 ON-RAMP TO SE MCLOUGHLIN Station Access SE M • The platform will be accessed via the Bybee Bridge, with stairs and elevators to the station from each side of the bridge. PR R • SE Bybee runs east to west over McLoughlin/99E and provides connections to many local streets and main neighborhood thoroughfares. U N LI GH OU CL • SE Bybee and the Bybee Bridge both have sidewalks and bike lanes for pedestrian access to the station. The Bybee Station will be situated next to the existing railroad line, below SE Bybee Blvd. The at-grade station will be accessed via stairs and ramps and/or elevators. S 2 1 E B LV D SE BYBE 3 S E B Y B E E I S B I C YC L E A N D P E D E S T R I A N F R I E N D LY 2 P R O P O S E D S TAT I O N A R E A AV E 2 N D S E 2 1 NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 42 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT BYBEE S TATION AREA WHAT WE KNOW EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS YUKON WOO DSTO The immediate station area is dominated by open space. The station is bordered by the railroad tracks to the east. Eastmoreland Public Golf Course is just past the tracks both to the east and southeast. Westmoreland Park, southwest of the station across McLoughlin, offers both passive and nonpassive recreation opportunities. Crystal Springs Creek, a tributary of Johnson Creek, crosses under McLoughlin north of the station, parallels McLoughlin, and then crosses under SE Bybee, continuing on through Westmoreland Park. The areas past the park and open space are predominately single-family residential neighborhoods, except for Westmoreland Union Manor, which provides senior housing and is located across McLoughlin to the northwest. CK MO REL AND residential MARTINS Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden TOLMAN C A R LTO N 29TH 30TH Westmoreland Union Manor 23RD Eastmoreland Golf Course (public) McLoughlin/99E runs parallel (north to south) to the light rail station and is heavily used for both local and regional traffic. There is access both to and from the southbound lanes of McLoughlin from both the eastbound and westbound lanes of SE Bybee. There is no access to the station from northbound McLoughlin. Several bus routes pass by the Bybee Station on McLoughlin; however, there are no stops within one-half mile of the station. There are no pedestrian or bicycle facilities on McLoughlin/99E. C L AY B O U R N E TO GLENWOOD AN Bybee 22ND 0TH 19TH 18TH 17 T H 21ST 1/4 mile LM SE Bybee Boulevard (which runs east to west) connects the Eastmoreland and Sellwood-Moreland neighborhoods and is one of the main local connectors for both Moreland neighborhoods. The #19 bus, a heavily used bus line and the main bus line that serves BYBEE C LA Y B O U R N E (next page) ZONING Eastmoreland Golf Course (public) residential Westmoreland Park KNAPP R1d MCLOU R5acR5ap GHLIN 28TH 27TH Bicycle and Pedestrian Path LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk OS OScOSp Actual 5-Minute Walk X 0’ 200’ 400’ OSc R5 R2.5ad RE Bus Route OSp R1dp R1cd R5a REX LRT Alignment R7 OSp KNAPP residential R2 OSc OSp OSc Legend OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 2,000 R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 RX - Central Multi-Dwelling Residential CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial CG - General Commercial CX - Central Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EX - Central Employment IG1 - General Industrial 1 a - alternative design density overlay c - conservation overlay d - design overlay p - protection overlay 43 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS BYBEE S TATION AREA (cont.) the Eastmoreland, Westmoreland, and Woodstock neighborhoods, runs a loop from SE 112th to downtown Portland and crosses McLoughlin on SE Bybee. The #19 bus makes several stops within one-quarter mile of the station. SE Bybee has sidewalks for pedestrians on both sides of the road and bicycle lanes going both directions. The Bybee Station and its immediate surrounding area are within the Johnson Creek Basin Plan District. This plan moderates development of lands that may have physical constraints, such as floodplains and wetlands, to protect natural resources and ensure they maintain their functional value. The east side of the station past the golf course is part of the Eastmoreland Plan District. The west side of the station is part of the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan, which was adopted as part of the City of Portland Comprehensive Plan in 1987. The Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan’s intent is to maintain its small town character and pedestrian scale, support commercial activity in its commercial nodes, protect its natural resources and open spaces, and ensure it is a safe environment that encourages community interaction. One of the plan’s goals is to participate in the development of the transit system to ensure the neighborhood has convenient access. The Westmoreland Park Master Plan was adopted in 2004 as a guide for future development of the park to better serve residents with both active and passive recreational opportunities and increase the natural habitat of Crystal Springs, which flows through the park. The 50s Bikeway Project will develop and construct a 6.7-mile, northsouth bikeway corridor from NE Thompson to SE Woodstock at the base of the Bybee Bridge, where existing bicycle lanes will link the corridor to the Springwater Trail via Crystal Springs Road. Additional traffic calming, signage, lane markings, and crossing improvements to improve the safety and convenience of bicycling within these corridors will also be developed. 44 ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Transit-Supportive Land Uses • The station area’s land uses are not transit supportive. • Station is located adjacent to a park, golf course, and the railroad. • Single-family land uses dominate to east and west beyond open space areas. • The far western edge of the one-half-mile station area captures the intersection of SE Bybee and SE Milwaukie, the heart of the Westmoreland business district. POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) Bybee Station is projected to see little increase in households by 2030. This is due to the fact that the neighborhoods surrounding the station remain primarily zoned for single-family uses and are already developed. With a projected increase in jobs, the station will increasingly support a balance of riders who access the station from the adjacent neighborhoods and those commuting to the station for employment purposes. Year 2005 Good Connections Year 2030 % Change • Connection to the station from SE Bybee is challenging due to grade differences on the bridge. This situation will require special attention for bikes and bike parking as well as pedestrians. HOUSEHOLDS 1,911 1,962 3% • The psychological connection to the Sellwood-Westmoreland business district(s) is constrained by the uphill climb to SE Milwaukie and the Bybee Bridge. JOBS 1,315 1,668 27% • Westmoreland Union Manor lacks a viable connection to the station. (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) Opportunities for New Development • The Bybee Station creates no immediate opportunities for TOD. DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE As the majority of the parcels within the station area are zoned open space and given the size of McLoughlin, there is little redevelopment potential at Bybee. As with other stations, the potential residential development results from the identification of single parcels with lower IL (index of land) values that are unlikely to redevelop. Zoning in this station area does not support commercial development. However, a small commercial development could be incorporated into the station. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within a ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 1.2 Acres 23 Units 0.0 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT BYBEE S TATION AREA P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S POTENTIAL ACTIONS YUKON WOO DSTO Project Design Changes CK M LA ORE • High quality station and platform design should make sure people feel safe and comfortable. ND 1 MARTINS TOLMAN 2 → Access to and from the station and bus connections should be carefully designed for smooth transitions between designated pedestrian and bicycle routes and the station. • Bike station should be on the station platform level to provide quality facilities for bikers and more “eyes on the station.” • Consider an alternative station name to better orient users geographically or create a better sense of identity (Sellwood-Moreland Station). More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. 30TH C A R LTO N MCLOU C L AY B O U R N E GHLIN 23RD TO LM AN GLENWOOD 22ND 21ST 20TH 19TH 18TH 17 T H 1 2 1 29TH 1/4 mile BYBEE C LA Y B O U R N E KNAPP KNAPP REX 28TH 27TH West Moreland Park → Suggestion from public meetings RE LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE X 0’ 200’ 400’ 45 TACOMA STATION AREA Community Meeting Vision Statement The Tacoma Street Station will have a vibrant mix of industrial, employment, retail, and housing. The station will be a catalyst for continuing restoration of the Johnson Creek and redevelopment. Enhanced pedestrian and bicycle connections along Tacoma Street, Umatilla Street, and the Springwater Corridor Trail will connect the Sellwood and Ardenwald neighborhoods to the station. WHAT I S P ROP O S E D TACOM A S TAT ION A REA STATION AREA SUMMARY The Tacoma Station is parallel to McLoughlin/99E to the east, just south of SE Umatilla Street. The station will be a center platform station and have an adjacent park and ride facility. The Ardenwald neighborhood and the southern portion of the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood will be served by this station, as will the northern industrial area of the City of Milwaukie. Station Access 2 3 I N T E R S E C T I O N O F S E U M AT I L L A A N D M C LO U G H L I N B LV D - N O P E D E S T R I A N C R O S S I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S S TA I R S • The station will be accessed from the north via sidewalks from McLoughlin/99E and ramp access road. • From the east, there will be access from a park and ride facility and new access road connecting with SE Tacoma. • From the south, there will be access from the Springwater Trail and sidewalks along McLoughlin/99E. S E H A R N E Y U M AT I L L A S T 2 S T 3 1 The Tacoma Station will be adjacent to the UPRR. The platforms are at-grade. S S S Considered but not selected alignment 1 S T MC LO UG HL IN S E TACO M A RR UP BL VD S E P PROPOSED PA R K A N D RIDE SIDEWALK ALONG SE MCLOUGHLIN NOTE: ALIGNMENTS SHOWN ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND DO NOT REPRESENT PRECISE PROPOSED LIGHT RAIL TRACK CENTERLINES 48 PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT WHAT WE KNOW L S PR IN Directly surrounding the station to the southeast and southwest is predominately industrial uses, with some general commercial areas. The railroad tracks are to the east of the station site. In the peripheries of the station area, there are multifamily and singlefamily residential housing. The western edge of the one-half-mile station area includes the southern portion of the Sellwood-Moreland business district along SE 17th. 32ND TA 31ST YS 30TH 23RD EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS GS HLIN 21ST Westmoreland Park CR Eastmoreland Golf Course (public) MCLOUG MILLER MAX 29TH 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS LEXINGTON 28TH TACO MA S TAT I O N A R E A 24TH SPOKANE 41 BUS 25TH NEHALEM TAC O M McLoughlin/99E runs parallel (north to south) to the light rail station and is heavily used for both local and regional traffic. There is access both to and from northbound and southbound lanes of McLoughlin from the SE Tacoma/SE Tenino street on-ramps. There is also southbound right-in/right-out access from SE Umatilla and a stoplight giving access to all directions from SE Ochoco. There is right-in/right-out access for several businesses in the area. A 26TH TAC O M A LANE BER TENINO 28TH 23RD 25TH U M AT I L L A 1/4 mile There are sidewalks along this section of McLoughlin, but there is no landscaped buffer between pedestrians and high speed traffic. The Springwater Corridor, a multiuse recreational trail, connects outer southeast areas with downtown Portland. The trail passes just south of the station site with a series of three bridges crossing the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, McLoughlin, and Johnson Creek, before linking with a designated route through the Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood. TAC O M A U M AT I L L A Tacoma LANE HARNEY HARNEY 24TH HARNEY EY Johnson Creek multi-family residential residential KEL 29TH 19TH TENINO SE Tacoma is a heavily used east-to-west local connector. To the west, it leads to the Sellwood Bridge and access to downtown proposed park and ride SHERRETT RO S T R2.5ad VA N WAT E R RHd 24TH VORST LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane and Boulevard METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE 29TH R2.5ad ROSWELL STUBB MAX Vacant Parcel Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk 25TH 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS R2ad R2ad EXd MAX R2adR2acd R2adpR2ad R2acd OSc R5a 5ac R5a R2ad R c CS R1d ROCH OCHOCO R5a R2ad residential 31ST RE RS 30TH O MO Legend VO 28TH 2003 Locally Preferred Alignment (LPA) MAIN LINN CH ZONING 28TH Springwater Corridor Trail 25TH 21ST MARION C L AT S O P 23RD Johnson Creek C L AT S O P (next page) 31ST 30TH SHERRETT SHERRETT R5 OS OSc d R2a IG2 IG R2 Gp p R a 2a EG2 G EG2 EG2 EG C c R G dp R5 R5c p R5p R c R c IG2 R5c c IG2b R5 IG2b R5 OSc R5a OSpOSc R2a pR2acd R2ad EG2c E 2p EG2 EG2 G2 R5 M R7 Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Alternative Alignment Alternative LRT Station LRT Alternative Station 0’ 200’ 400’ OSp OS - Open Space R5 - Single Dwelling Residential 5,000 R2.5 - Single Dwelling Residential 2,500 R2 - Low Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 2,000 R1 - Medium Density Multi-Dwelling Residential 1,000 CN1 - Neighborhood Commercial 1 CN2 - Neighborhood Commercial 2 CS - Storefront Commercial CM - Mixed Commercial CG - General Commercial CX - Central Commercial EG1 - General Employment 1 EG2 - General Employment 2 EX - Central Employment IG1 - General Industrial 1 a - alternative design density overlay b - buffer overlay c - conservation overlay d - design overlay p - protection overlay 49 A S S E S S ME N T S U M M A R Y EXISTING LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS TACOM A S TAT ION A REA (cont.) Portland. A segment of this connection, between SE 17th and SE 7th Avenues, is a Region 2040 designated Main Street. As such, it is planned for retail and services well-served by transit. To the east of the station, SE Tacoma ultimately ties into Johnson Creek Boulevard. Several bus routes, the 31, 32, 33, 41, and 99, pass by the Tacoma Station on McLoughlin. Within one-quarter mile of the station, there are two stops serving southbound riders and one stop serving northbound riders. There are sidewalks along this section of McLoughlin for pedestrians. The west side of the station is part of the Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan, which was adopted as part of the City of Portland Comprehensive Plan in 1987. The Sellwood-Moreland Neighborhood Plan’s intent is to maintain its small town character and pedestrian scale, support commercial activity in its commercial nodes, protect its natural resources and open spaces, and ensure it is a safe environment that encourages community interaction. The SellwoodMoreland Neighborhood Plan identifies as one of its goals support for TOD across McLoughlin at the light rail station. Johnson Creek flows through the north edge of the station site from the east. The creek and its watershed are salmonid habitat. The Tacoma Station and its immediate surrounding area are within the Johnson Creek Basin Plan District. This plan limits development of lands with physical constraints, such as floodplains and wetlands, to protect natural resources and ensure they maintain their functional value. ASSESSMENT OF IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS Transit-Supportive Land Uses • Some townhouse infill and multifamily housing (e.g., the 86-unit Tenino Terrace) across McLoughlin from the station on SE Umatilla. • Commercial storefront neighborhood business district (South Sellwood) one-half mile removed from the station along SE 17th. Good Connections • Pedestrian connections are spare. The Tacoma station area is projected to experience a substantial increase in jobs by 2030. As a result, the station will primarily capture riders accessing their workplaces near the station. There is little projected increase in households as the residential areas within one-half mile area are zoned single-family residential and are established neighborhoods. • Springwater Trail is nearby but not connected. Year 2005 • Vehicle entrance is from SE Tacoma. • Right-in/right-out exit on McLoughlin. Opportunities for Development Year 2030 % Change HOUSEHOLDS 1,629 1,764 3% JOBS 1,777 2,396 35% • McLoughlin offers high traffic counts and visibility for potential retail or entertainment uses. Higher vehicular speeds and limited access, however, detract somewhat from these advantages. (Portland – Milwaukie Light Rail Project SDEIS, May 2008) • Station site could be augmented with additional properties, including land owned by Pendleton Woolen Mills. Adding this property would create a more flexible development scenario. DEVELOPMENT CAPACITY ANALYSIS WITHIN 1/4 MILE • Longer-term redevelopment opportunities just east of the tracks could capitalize on station access, the Springwater Trail, and Eastmoreland Golf Course adjacency. • The station site by itself is isolated by a rail line, McLoughlin, the SE Tacoma Street overpass, Johnson Creek, and industrial uses to the south. This underlines the importance of longer-term planning for the station community to include nearby sites and connections. • There are limited redevelopment opportunities due to access restrictions directly on McLoughlin and an isolated location; residential uses are not recommended. • If development does not occur immediately, then the flexibility for future development opportunities should be maximized. • Current site plan for the station limits the residual development potential of the property; however, there is opportunity for uses supporting the park and ride facility. • Environmental protection and conservation overlays limit development directly north of the station. 50 POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 1/2 MILE OF THE STATION (2005 TO 2030) The Tacoma station area has the second highest amount of redevelopable land of the stations in the City of Portland. Based on the low IL (index of land) values of the surrounding parcels zoned residential, the Tacoma station area has a high number of potential residential units. The density could potentially increase given the alternative design density overlay. Several significant commercial development sites exist that are zoned either EG or IG. As with other stations, it will remain important to provide access across the railroad tracks to these potential redevelopment sites. In addition, redevelopment at this station is potentially constricted by protection and conservation overlays. TOTAL ACRES VACANT OR REDEVELOPABLE (within a ¼ mile) POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS COMMERCIAL (existing zoning) ACREAGE (existing zoning) 22.9 Acres 172 Units 14.4 Acres PORTLAND TO MILWAUKIE LIGHT RAIL STATION ASSESSMENT TACO MA S TAT I O N A R E A P O T E N T I A L AC T I O N S L S P RI NG 32ND 29TH TA 1 S 41 BUS 24TH 25TH NEHALEM SPOKANE TAC O M A 19TH LANE Infrastructure Investments 26TH TAC O M A 2 TENINO BER K 28TH 25TH 23RD 29TH • Initiate a concept development study before preliminary engineering to explore the range of development and access possibilities for the station area, including the Pendleton Woolen Mills warehouse property. • Minimize footprint of the park and ride facility to conserve land for potential TOD. Consider including unfinished retail tenant spaces on the ground floor of the parking structure that could provide lease revenues. Maximize shared parking opportunities with potential compatible uses (e.g., movie theater). SHERRETT SHERRETT 31ST 30TH 1 C L AT S O P ROCHVORS 24TH VORST OD STUBB 25TH BR MC ROSWELL MAX → Suggestion from public meetings MAX LRT Alignment Bus Route Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Vacant Parcel Actual 5-Minute Walk LRT Alternativ e Alignment LRT Station Bus Transfer On-Street Bicycle Lane and Boulevard Vacant Parcel Adjacent to 5-Minute Walk Potential Significant Redevelopment Sites LRT Alternative Station METRO | TRIMET | CITY OF PORTLAND | CITY OF MILWAUKIE 31ST ROCH OCHOCO 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS 30TH ES 28TH OR 25TH MO MAIN LINN • Consider alternative station name to better orient users geographically or create a better sense of identity (Springwater Station, South Sellwood Station). More mature MAX station communities have expressed a desire for different station names, but making such a change once transit operations begin is very problematic. VA N WAT E R 28TH 2003 Locally Preferred Alignment (LPA) T 29TH 23RD 21ST C L AT S O P MARION • Install a pedestrian-activated signal at the intersection of SE Umatilla and McLoughlin. Project Design Changes HARNEY HARNEY 3 LANE 24TH HARNEY U M AT I L L A 3 • Strengthen pedestrian and bicycle connections to, from, and on SE Tacoma. → Improve sidewalks and lighting along SE Umatilla on the west side of McLoughlin. TAC O M A U M AT I L L A 2 ELEY TENINO 1/4 mile • Change zoning of Milwaukie parcel north of the Springwater Corridor (M) to permit mixed use development. → Consider changing CG and EG2 zoning in the area to more transitoriented districts for both sides of the McLoughlin corridor, including some interior properties, near the station. Combined with the Tacoma and Springwater Trail bridges, a new pedestrian crossing at SE Umatilla would help open up the west side of McLoughlin to potential development opportunities in the desirable Sellwood-Moreland neighborhood. HLIN 21ST YS 31ST CR Regulatory Changes 30TH 23RD MAX MCLOUG MILLER POTENTIAL ACTIONS 28TH 31 32 33 41 99 BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS LEXINGTON 0’ 200’ 400’ 51