For more information: Invasive Species Mapping Protocols Objective The objective for creating these mapping protocols is to develop a unified database of invasive species occurrences within the Midwest region of the United States. These protocols were created in partnership with the Michigan Invasive Species Coalition (MISC). These guidelines will assist all partners within the region in documenting the occurrence and spread of invasive species. The data collected will allow for the development and implementation of effective control strategies in the region. Documentation: All information about invasive species occurrences must be documented using the categories on the official data form. All locations must be recorded using GPS. New occurrences should be marked with flagging ONLY if necessary to help relocate the invasive species for treatment. Volunteers must obtain permission before using flagging. The use of flagging or other references should be noted on the data form under the comments section. All equipment, materials and instructions will be provided by project partners as needed. GPS Protocols: For all observations, record a point location in the center of each population. If the area is heavily infested and distinct populations can be easily seen one to the next, mark no more than ONE point per 100ft. An average of 25 points should be taken per waypoint. All GPS points must be labeled with a unique ID number using the numbering convention explained below. Unique ID: For each GPS position collected, record a unique twelve or thirteen digit number (depending on the invasive species code) in the GPS unit for each point as follows: “BBJJGM00141U” where BB is the two letter code for the natural area, JJ is the mapper’s initials, GM is the invasive species code, 001 is the three digit sequence number, 4 is the area, 1 is the sparse density, and U is for untreated. Within each location, the three digit sequence number of the ID for each person should not be repeated. If the GPS unit you are using does not allow for a twelve digit number, only record the first nine digits. These nine digits are considered the waypoint number and can be matched to the data sheet later. Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Data Collection – Standard Operating Procedure 1. Identify which volunteers have received invasive species identification training and/or mapping training. ( 2. Ensure each mapping team contains at least one member with experience in both mapping and identification methods. 3. Provide basic refresher training to all volunteers regarding the invasive species which the group expects to encounter and the mapping protocol for recording GPS waypoints. 4. Before sending teams out to map independently, direct volunteers to locate targeted invasive species in the immediate area, to ensure teams are equipped to identify target species and have the opportunity to ask questions. 5. Provide each team with a GPS unit, a data collection form, and have them fill out the following details on the form: a. Date b. GPS Unit # c. Observer(s) d. Site/Location 6. Divide overall site into reasonable chunks for each team. Whenever team members encounter one of the targeted invasive species in their assigned area, log a waypoint as per the directions below, making sure the calculated precision of the GPS unit is within 10 meters. Logging a GPS Waypoint GPS waypoints may be logged in one of two ways; either log the location on the GPS unit as a point and label using the format described below and on the lower left hand corner of the data collection sheet, or record the latitude and longitude on the data collection sheet manually. • The GPS Waypoint Code includes: o Location Code: “BB”- volunteers should create a two digit code representing the natural area the observation was recorded. E.g. “IW” for inland wetland. o Observer Initials: First initial of first name and first initial of last name. E.g. “JJ” o Species: Enter the two or three digit code for the invasive plant species found at the location. Each person will be given a code sheet with all of the invasive plant common names, scientific names, and the abbreviation codes. E.g. phragmites = PH o Waypoint ID Number: This is a three digit sequence number. The first entry should be “001”, the second “002”, the third “003”, etc. A sequence number of the ID for each person should never repeat in the site being surveyed. Last Updated: May 19, 2016 • Record Area—Select one of the following: 0 = None / NA 1 = Individual/few/several 2 = < 1,000 square feet (half tennis court) 3 = 1,000 square feet to 0.5 acre 4 = 0.5 acre to 1 acre (football field w/o end zones) 5 = > 1 acre • Record Density—Select one of the following options: 0 = None / NA 1 = Sparse (scattered individual stems or very small stands) 2 = Patchy (a mix of sparse and dense areas) 3 = Dense (greater than 40% of the area) 4 = Monoculture (nearly 100% of area) • Record Treatment Status—Enter “U” for untreated; or “N” for nonconsecutive years treated; or enter the number of years of consecutive treatment; or “D” for don’t know. • Record GPS Coordinates—If not entering the waypoint code directly into the GPS unit, write the GPS coordinates for each plant species found at each location. All coordinates must be recorded in decimal degrees. For example: 44.75723, -85.65276 (N44.75723 W85.65276). • Record Comments—Use this space to record anything of interest about the observation; i.e. note the use of flagging, general quality of natural community, last year treated (if known) or other pertinent information about the location, species infestation or mapping. Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Data Collection Sheet Date:__________ GPS Unit #:_______ Waypoint Code Location Code Observer Initials Species * Area Observer:_______________________________________ Density Treatment Status GPS Coordinates (decimal degrees) Lat. i.e. N44.75723 Long. i.e. W85.65276 Site:___________________ Comments Last Updated: May 19, 2016 GPS Abbreviation Codes Invasive Species Network -- Target Species Common Name Amur honeysuckle Abbrev. Code Scientific Name AH Lonicera maackii Common Name Hickory bark beetle Abbrev. Code Scientific Name SQ Scolytus quadrispinosus Asian longhorned beetle Autumn olive ALB AO Anoplophora glabripennis Elaeagnus umbellata Hickory wilt Japanese barberry CS JB Ceratocystis smalleyii Berberis thunbergii Baby's breath Bell's honeysuckle Bighead carp BB BH HN Gypsophila paniculata Lonicera xbella Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Japanese honeysuckle Japanese knotweed Leafy spurge LJ JK LS Lonicera japonica Polygonum cuspidatum Euphorbia esula Bishops goutweed Brown marmorated stink bug BG HH Aegopodium podagraria Halyomorpha halys Lymegrass Morrow's honeysuckle LG MH Leymus arenarius Lonicera morrowii Bull thistle Butterbur Canada thistle Common buckthorn BT BU CT CB Cirsium vulgare Petasites hybridus Cirsium arvense Rhamnus cathartica Multiflora rose Mute swan Narrowleaf cattail Northern snakehead MR CO NC NS Rosa multiflora Cygnus olor Typha angustifolia Channa argus Common carp CC Cyprinus carpio Oak wilt OW Ceratocystis fagacearum Dame's rocket Emerald ash borer Eurasian watermilfoil DR EAB EW Hesperis matronalis Agrilus planipennis Myriophyllum spicatum Oriental bittersweet Phragmites (non-native) Purple loosestrife OB PH PL Celastrus orbiculatus Phragmites australis Lythrum salicaria lonicera xylosteum Hydrocharis morsus-ranae Cirsium palustre Quagga mussel Reed canarygrass Ruffe QM RC GC Dreissena bugensis Phalaris arundinacea Gymnocephalus cernuus Sus scrofa Cercopagis pengoi Russian olive Rusty crayfish RO OR Elaeagnus angustifolia Orconectes rusticus European fly honeysuckle European frog-bit European swamp thistle LX FB ST Feral swine Fishhook waterflea FS FWF Garlic mustard Giant knotweed Glossy buckthorn GM GK GB Alliaria petiolata Polygonum sachalinense Rhamnus frangula Sea lamprey Silver carp Spiny waterflea PM HM SWF Petromyzon marinus Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Bythotrephes longimanus CI LD HWA Ctenopharyngodon idella Lymantria dispar Adelges tsugae Tatarian honeysuckle Wild parsnip Zebra mussel LT WP ZM Lonicera tatarica Pastinaca sativa Dreissena polymorpha Grass carp Gypsy moth Hemlock woolly adelgid Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern Common Name African oxygen weed Abbrev. Code Scientific Name LM Lagarosiphon major Common Name Callery pear Canada bluegrass Abbrev. Code Scientific Name CP Pyrus calleryana Poa compressa CBG FW Cabomba caroliniana Bromus tectorum CG Eriocheir sinensis CMC Alewife Amur corktree Asian clam Asian giant hornet Asiatic sand sedge AW AC CF AGH CK Alosa pseudoharengus Phellodendron amurense Corbicula fluminea Vespa mandarinia Carex kobomugi Carolina fanwort Cheatgrass Chinese mitten crab Chinese mystery snail Austrian pine Balsam woolly adelgid Banded mystery snail Barnyardgrass Beech bark disease Beech scale Bigleaf lupine Bigleaf periwinkle AP BWA BMS BY NP BS BLL BP Pinus nigra Adelges piceae Viviparus georgianus Echinochloa crus-galli Neonectria spp. Cryptococcus fagisuga Lupinus polyphyllus Vinca major Chinese silvergrass Chinese wisteria Chinese yam Chocolate vine Coltsfoot Common barberry Common bugle Common chickweed Birdfoot trefoil Bittersweet nightshade Black alder Black jetbead Black locust Black swallow-wort Bladder campion Bloody red shrimp LC BN BA BJ BL VN BC HA Lotus corniculata Solanum dulcamara Alnus glutinosa Rhodotypos scandens Robinia pseudoacacia Vincetoxicum nigrum Silene vulgaris Hemimysis anomala Common gypsyweed Common lilac Common motherwort Common mullein Common periwinkle Common St. Johnswort Common tansy Cotton thistle GW SV MO MN VM SJ TV OA Veronica officinalis Syringa vulgaris Leonurus cardiaca Verbascum thapsus Vinca minor Hypericum perforatum Tanacetum vulgare Onopordon acanthium Bouncingbet Brazilian elodea Bristly locust SO BW RH Saponaria officinalis Egeria densa Robinia hispida Cow vetch Crack willow Creeping buttercup Brittle water-nymph Butter and eggs WN BE Najas minor Linaria vulgaris Creeping charlie Crown vetch VV SF RR PN CV Vicia cracca Salix fragilis Ranunculus repens Pilea nummulariifolia Coronilla varia CMS MS CW CY AQ TF BV AR SM Cipangopaludina chinensis Miscanthus sinensis Wisteria sinensis Dioscorea oppositifolia Akebia quinata Tussilago farfara Berberis vulgaris Ajuga reptans Stellaria media Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Common Name Abbrev. Code Scientific Name Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Common Name Abbrev. Code Scientific Name Curly plumeless thistle Curly pondweed PT PW Carduus crispus Potamogeton crispus Giant reed Giant salvinia GR GS Cutleaf teasel Dalmatian toadflax Cypress spurge Didymo Dotted duck-weed DL DT EC DG DD Dipsacus laciniatus Linaria dalmatica Euphorbia cyparissias Didymosphenia geminata Landoltia punctata Giantchickweed Gingermint Goldfish Goldmoss stonecrop Himalayan balsam GCW MG GF GO HB Arundo donax Salvinia molesta Myosoton aquaticum Mentha x gracilis Carassius auratus Sedum acre Impatiens glandulifera English ivy European cranberrybush European fireweed European grapevine moth European lily of the valley EI VO EH EGM LV Hedera helix Viburnum opulus Epilobium hirsutum Lobesia botrana Convallaria majalis Himalayan knotweed Hoary alyssum Houndstongue Hybrid cattail Hybrid crack willow HK BI HT HC SR Polygonum polystachyum Berteroa incana Cynoglossum officinale Typha x glauca Salix x rubens European privet European waterclover Fall phlox Field hedge parsley Five leaf aralia PR WC FP TA ES Ligustrum vulgare Marsilea quadrifolia Phlox paniculata Torilis arvensis Eleutherococcus siebodianus Hydrilla Indian swampweed Japanese hedge parsley Japanese hop Japanese stilt grass HD IS HP HJ JS Hydrilla verticillata Hygrophila polysperma Torilis japonica Humulus japonicas Microstegium vimineum Flat pea Floating marsh pennywort Flowering rush Fuller's teasel Garden yellow loosestrife PE HR FR DF YL Lathyrus slyvestris Hydrocotyle ranunculoides Butomus umbellatus Dipsacus fullonum Lysimachia vulgaris Japanese tree lilac Japanese wineberry Japanese wisteria Java waterdropwort Jimsonweed TL RP JW OJ DS Syringa reticulata Rubus phoenicolasius Wisteria floribunda Oenanthe javanica Datura stramonium Garden yellowrocket Germander speedwell Giant bellflower Giant hogweed YR VC BF GH Barbarea vulgaris Veronica chamaedrys Campanula latifolia Heracleum mantegazzianum Johnsongrass Kentucky bluegrass Kudzu Laurel willow JG KB KZ LW Sorghum halepense Poa pratensis Pueraria montana Salix pentandra Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Common Name Lesser burdock Lesser celandine Lombardy poplar Medusahead Mile-a-Minute weed Money plant Moneywort Mudmat Musk mallow Nodding thistle Norway maple Nutria Onerow yellowcress Orange day lily Orange hawkweed Orchardgrass Oregon grape Oxeye daisy Pale swallow-wort Paradise plant Parrot feather watermilfoil Perennial cornflower Perennial pea Perfumed cherry Pond water-starwort Porcelainberry Purple foxglove Abbrev. Code LB FV LP TC MW MP LN MM MU NT NM MC OY OD OH OG MA OX VR PP PF CM LL PC PWS PB DP Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Scientific Name Arctium minus Ficaria verna Common Name Quackgrass Queen Anne's lace Populus nigra var. italica Taeniatherum caput-medusae Polygonum perfoliatum Lunaria annua Lysimachia nummularia Glossostigma cleistanthum Malva moschata Carduus nutans Acer platanoides Myocastor coypus Nasturtium microphyllum Hemerocallis fulva Hieracium aurantiacum Dactylis glomerata Mahonia aquifolium Leucanthemum vulgare Vincetoxicum rossicum Daphne mezereum Myriophyllum aquaticum Centaurea montana Lathyrus latifolius Prunus mahaleb Callitriche stagnalis Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Digitalis purpurea Queen of the meadow Rabbitfoot clover Rampion bellflower Red swamp crayfish Reed mannagrass Round goby Rugosa rose Sacred lotus Sawtooth oak Scotch thistle Scots pine Seaside goldenrod Shasta daisy Siberian elm Siberian peashurb Siberian squill Smooth brome Southern cattail Spiny plumeless thistle Spotted knapweed Starry stonewort Stinking willie Sulphur cinquefoil Sweet woodruff Sweetbriar rose Abbrev. Code Scientific Name Elymus repens QG Daucus carota DC FU RF RB RS RM RG RU NN QA SH SP SG SD UP SI SS SB TD CA SK NO JV CQ SW RE Filipendula ulmaria Trifolium arvense Campanula rapunculoides Procambarus clarkii Glyceria maxima Neogobius melanostomus Rosa rugosa Nelumbo nucifera Quercus acutissima Onopordum acanthium Pinus sylvestris Solidago sempervirens Leucanthemum x superbum Ulmus pumila Caragana arborescens Scilla siberica Bromus inermis Typha domingensis Carduus acanthoides Centaurea maculosa Nitellopsis obtusa Senecio jacobaea Potentilla recta Galium odoratum Rosa eglanteria Last Updated: May 19, 2016 Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Common Name Sweetwilliam Swordleaf rush Tall buttercup Tall hawkweed Thousand canker disease Timothy Toringo crab Tree of Heaven True forget-me-not Vanhoutte spirea Vervain mallow Wall hawkweed Walnut twig beetle Water chestnut Water hyacinth Water lettuce Water soldier Watercress Wavyleaf basketgrass Wayfaring-tree Weather loach Wels catfish White campion White mulberry White poplar White stonecrop Abbrev. Code DB JE TB HF TCD TM MT TH FM VS VE HW WTB TN WH PS SA CR OU VL WL WE SL MB PA SC Scientific Name Dianthus barbatus Juncus ensifolius Ranunculus acris Hieracium piloselloides Geosmithia morbida Phleum pratense Malus toringo Ailanthus altissima Myosotis scorpioides Spiraea x vanhouttei Malva alcea Hieracium murorum Pityophthorus juglandis Trapa natans Eichhornia crassipes Pistea stratioides Stratiotes aloides Nasturtium officinale Oplismenus undulatifolius Viburnum lantana Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Sulurus glanis Silene latifolia Morus alba Populus alba Sedum album Invasive Species Network -- Species of Concern (Cont) Common Name White sweet clover White willow Wild chervil Wild garlic Wild mint Willowleaf meadowsweet Winged burningbush Winged sumac Winter creeper Witch's moneybags Wood bluegrass Yabby Yellow archangel Yellow floating heart Yellow foxglove Yellow iris Yellow sweet clover Zander Abbrev. Code WS WW AS WG WM WI EA SU EF WT WD CD YA FH YF IP YS ZA Scientific Name Melilotus alba Salix alba Anthriscus sylvestris Allium vineale Mentha x gentilis Spiraea salicifolia Euonymus alatus Rhus copallinum Euonymus fortunei Hylotelephium telephium Poa nemoralis Cherax destructor Lamiastrum galeobdolon Nymphoides peltata Digitalis grandiflora Iris pseudacorus Melilotus officinalis Sander lucioperca Last Updated: May 19, 2016