Jan - May 2015 Outreach

Outreach Education
January - May 2015
Educational Opportunities for the Dynamic Practitioner
Neurocritical Care Day
This one day educational offering focuses on current topics in the
management of the critically ill neuroscience patient. Topics will
be of interest to both critical and acute care neuroscience nurses
as well as other critical care nurses who care for patients with
neurological injury and illness. Presentations will include practical
anatomy and physiology and clinical correlation, temperature
management in the critically ill neuroscience patient, and cranial
January 23 (7:30a‐4:00p)
Neuro Core
A three day course on neuroanatomy, neurological assessment,
pathophysiology, and management of common neurological and
neurosurgical patient problems. An excellent course for those new
to neuroscience patient care or further developing basic skills.
February 3, 5, 13 (7:30a-4:00p)
Neuro Core Lite
This one day course is an overview of basic neurologic concepts for
nurses working on non-neuroscience patient care areas. Concepts
include: anatomy and physiology, neurologic assessment,
basic pathophysiology and management of traumatic brain injury,
stroke, and spinal cord injury.
February 25 (07:30a-4:00p)
Ortho Core
This one-day course will include presentations by an interdisciplinary team of orthopedic healthcare experts including surgeons,
anesthesiologists, and practitioners specializing in perioperative
pain management. We will examine Perianesthesia Enhanced
Recovery after Major Spine Surgery (PERMS) as a process for
improving pre and post-operative patient care outcomes. This
course will explore pain management practices in the orthopedic/
poly-trauma patient populations, including multimodal and nonpharmacologic therapies. Incorporating interactive case study
review and hands on skill assessment the goal of this course is to
reinforce acquired knowledge, promote innovative ideas, and provide evidenced based support for the bedside healthcare clinician
February 27 (07:30a-4:00p)
UW Regional Sepsis Conference
The UW Medicine Regional Sepsis Conference is a one-day conference which will explore the cutting-edge of sepsis care. By
examining the recently updated international guidelines of care
and science behind these evidence-based recommendations the
session will explain the rationale behind the standard of care.
Breakout sessions will use an expert panels to offer an in depth
look at the care of sepsis in the prehospital patient, and the pediatric and geriatric populations. Additional breakout sessions will
address how to measure your institution's success and systems of
care which have improved delivery of patient care. Afternoon
plenary sessions include challenging case studies of sepsis and
innovations in sepsis care.
$175 - Nursing Registrations $225 - MD’s for CME Credits
March 6 (07:30a-4:00p)
Psychiatry Core for Med. Surgical Nursing
A one-day course for acute care and ICU nurses to enhance
knowledge of psychiatric illnesses, treatments, and therapeutic
approaches. Course content includes: common psychiatric diagnoses, behavior management strategies, medications, legal implications, brief bedside interventions, and care plan development.
March 10 (07:30a-4:00p)
Cardiology Core
A two-day course focused on the care of patients with cardiac
disease. General sessions include the latest in ACS, CHF, trends in
resuscitation and more. Break-out sessions include a variety of
critical care and acute care topics such as IABP, pacemakers,
post-cath care, and 12-Lead EKG interpretation.
March 23 & 24 (07:30a-4:30p)
$350 for both days or $175 for individual days
Targeted Temperature Management
4-hour class focusing on latest research findings on TTM, ICU
care and shiver management
April 9 (8a-12p)
Nursing Management of Stroke
Advanced ICU Day
A one day course focusing on the care of the stroke patient. Content
includes: stroke pathophysiology, medical treatments/diagnostics
and secondary prevention strategies, as well as educational needs of
patients and families, nursing interventions and nursing assessment.
April 14 (7:30a-4:00p)
This is a very popular one-day course targeting experienced
critical care RNs, presented by critical care physicians, nurses
and pharmacists. Content includes advanced pathophysiology,
current and developing research and state-of-the-art practice in
critical care.
April 24 (7:30a-4:30p)
Recognizing & Responding to Urgent Patient Changes
in the Acute Care Setting
This one-day course will include care of the patient presenting with
acute changes in neuro status, chest pain, sepsis, bleeding emergencies,
respiratory distress, DKA, and hypoglycemic emergencies. This course
includes hands on skills stations and simulation to assist you in caring for
the client presenting with deterioration in the acute care setting.
April 28 (07:30a-4:00p)
Infection Control Core
Every year 1.7 million infections occur in hospitals across the US,
resulting in an estimated 99,000 deaths due to hospital acquired
infections. Infection Control is a VITAL part of PATIENT SAFETY!
This one-day course includes a potpourri of topics ranging from
basic microbiology review to health care worker interventions
needed to keep our patients safe.
May 8 (07:00a-3:30p)
Emergency Nurses Association Courses
The following courses are taught using ENA-developed curriculum
and text, included in fee. Text is sent 2-3 weeks prior to class.
ENPC (Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course)
TNCC (Trauma Nursing Core Curriculum)
Accurate assessment of a child with an acute illness or injury requires special knowledge and skills. ENPC gives nurses the tools
to provide expert care for patients from birth to adolescence
This course combines interactive learning with scenario-based
assessments to give nurses a comprehensive learning experience.
February 19 & 20 OR May 12 & 13 1 (8:00a-4:30p)
A two-day course meeting WA state trauma designation education
requirements. Focus is on initial assessment and stabilization of
trauma patients of all ages with multi-system injuries.
January 15 & 16 OR April 21 & 22 (7:15a-4:00p)
Online Registration: http://www.uwmedicine.org/harborview/clinical-education
Outreach Education
January - May 2015
Registration: Outreach Education January - May 2015
Educational Opportunities for the Dynamic Practitioner
Please complete entire form and mail or fax with payment to:
Clinical Education Dept., Harborview, 325 Ninth Ave Box 359733, Seattle WA 98104-2499, Fax (206) 744-2043
Register me for:
Offerings :
 Advanced ICU Day
 4/24
 Cardiology Core
Both Days  3/23 3/24 $175 per day ___________
 2/19 & 20  5/12 & 13
 Infection Control
 5/8
 Neuro Core
 2/3, 5, 13
 Neuro Core Lite
 2/25
 Neurocritical Care Day 1/23
 Nursing Management of the Stroke Pt. 4/14
 Ortho Core
 2/27
 Psychiatry Core
 3/10
 Recognizing & Responding to Urgent Pt. Changes 4/28
 Sepsis Conference
Physician $225____
 Targeted Temperature Management  4/9
 1/15 & 16  4/21 & 22
Total amount enclosed: $___________
UW Medicine Affiliates:
Please inquire about special
pricing for some of our
outreach courses.
Billing Address
City State ZIP
E-mail :____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
please provide for confirmation, parking information and directions
Method of Payment::
 Check #
 Purchase Order #
 Budget Number (UW only)
  Visa  MasterCard  AmEx
Card #
Exp Date: ________________
CVV: _____________
Online Registration: http://www.uwmedicine.org/harborview/clinical-education