Per formance Downlight System PDS Performance Downlight System A lighting design must factor in a variety of needs - aesthetics, regulatory, new technology, energy savings/efficiency and total economic cost. The key focus is on creating a functional and motivating working environment in today’s fast paced world. PDS is a family of 6", 7" and 8" downlights designed to provide maximum performance without sacrificing cost. PDS combines visually comfortable optics and energy efficiency with in stock availability. Three key elements—reflector, socket adapter, and frame - combine to form a feature packed luminaire. PDS reflector’s boast equal cutoff to lamp and lamp image. Clear reflectors offer low iridescent finish as standard as well as a self-flange painted white. This allows for a clean appearance with the ceiling line and matching coordinated apertures across the PDS product line. PDS’s socket adapters select the lamp orientation and quantity to be used with each reflector. Lamp positions lock into place ensuring photometric performance. Electronic ballasts are standard. PDS’s universal frames are dedicated to each aperture size and are used for compact fluorescent, metal halide and incandescent sources. Installation of PDS frames is also fast and easy with supplied No Fuss Bar Hangers™, minimizing labor costs on the job site. 75º 65º 55º 45º Cutoff Angle 0º 3 Socket Adapter The electrical components–sockets, ballasts, wiring-are contained in the socket adapter. Available in vertical and horizontal lamp positions, Socket Adapters provide modular flexibility. Horizontal compact fluorescent available in 1 lamp and 2 lamp versions. Compact fluorescent sockets feature universal bases and proper lamp retention for 4 pin lamps. Proper venting is supplied in all compact fluorescent products. Metal halide adapters feature extended husk medium base socket for use with open rated lamps. Vertical Socket Adjustment Positive connection between the socket and reflector is provided by a turn and lock mechanism. Multiple slots allow for proper lamp position. Horizontal socket clips into present location on reflector. Junction Boxes are galvanized, with (6)1/2" and (2) 3/4" KO’s. Design of the system allows easy field modifications between compact fluorescent, incandescent, and metal halide lamps. CUL listed and damp label. Ballast and Thermal Protection Current state of the art electronic ballasts deliver high power factor and low THD for compact fluorescent and metal halide lamps. These ballasts drive the lamps without flicker or noise (class A rated). Thermal protection, standard in all units, deactivates unit if improper lamp type of wattage is used or if insulation is placed too close to fixture. Standard Clear Reflector Compact Fluorescent triple tube ballasts are universal in voltage and in lamp wattage. They will operate 26, 32 and 42 watt triple tube lamps, at 120 through 277 volts. Dedicated 347V input is also available. All ballasts provide current controlled starting as well as provide end of life protection. 0°F (-20°C) starting. HID electronic ballasts provide excellent voltage regulation to lamp for consistent color, and up to 20% energy savings. -20°F (-30°C) starting. GRUVI™ Open Wall Wash Reflectors High purity aluminum alloys are used for the reflectors to provide a consistent and durable finish for the life of your project. One-piece optical reflectors avoid internal losses and light leaks that occur at the ceiling line. PDS provides a 5/8" overlapped flange to cover the ceiling cutout and provide a gap free aperture with no light leaks around the flange or visible cut edge of ceiling tile. Reflector flanges are all selfflanged painted white for a clean appearance with the ceiling line. Standard clear finish is low iridescent. PDS open wall wash reflectors provide uniform vertical illumination with a downlight component and use the same patented GRUVI™ concept pioneered by Portfolio. 4 Energy Savings Lamp Types PDS supports the latest energy savings lamp types including compact fluorescent and ceramic metal halide. When combined with electronic ballasts they provide high efficiency, good color rendering and long lamp life. The use of high efficacy lighting is now required to meet emerging power density requirements (watts/square foot). Regulatory PDS fixtures are cULus listed for damp location and when used with lens trims are listed for protected wet locations. Fixtures using electronic ballasts meet the radio frequency emission standards per FCC 47 CFR Part 18 non consumer limits. Maintenance can affect the position of the lamp in the reflector. PDS locks away lamp position with the easy turn and lock socket cap. Once the reflector is installed, normal fixture maintenance will not cause repositioning of the lamp, ensuring photometric performance. Torsion Springs Positive torsion spring retention pulls PDS reflectors tight to the ceiling, preventing light leaks. PDS torsion springs are located 150 degrees apart to prevent improper installation. Bar Hanger Exclusive No Fuss Bar Hanger™ is standard. Bars can easily be locked to the T-bar with a simple twist of screwdriver or pliers. A centering mechanism provides for consistent centering of fixtures to simplify and speed installation. Bar hangers allow for up to 2 1/2" of vertical adjustment. Fixture can be used with 1/2" EMT for longer spans. Simple lockdown screw provides positive frame positioning. Lens Downlight PDS offers one piece black and white baffles, all self flanged painted white for a variety of fixture appearances. Upper specular reflector maximizes light output. Shallow regressed lens available in clear, black baffle and white baffle with choice of lens pattern. The 8" radial louver reflector provides shallow plenum use with maximum cutoff. Available in clear only. Open and baffle reflectors are also available with integral emergency test switch, eliminates need for unsightly junction box mount remote test switch. White Baffle Integral Emergency Black Baffle 8" Radial Louver 5 PDS d o w n l i g h t s c o n s i s t o f t h re e c o mp o n e n t s / s e p a ra t e l i n e it e ms: How To oRDER 1 De scr ip t io n PD6 Frame P D6 Fra me P D6 Fra me PD7 Frame P D7 Fra me P D7 Fra me P D8 Fra me P D S Fra me 2 P D S So ck e t A d a p t e r (3 line i tems) / V142E Sock et Adapter / 6" Open Vertical Trim / H142E Sock et A dapter / 6" Open H orizontal Trim / H2 26E Sock et A dapter / 6" Open H orizontal Trim / V142E Sock et Adapter / 7" Open Vertical Trim / H142E Sock et A dapter / 7" Open H orizontal Trim / H2 26E Sock et A dapter / 7" Open H orizontal Trim / HW242E Sock et A dapter / 8" Open H orizontal Trim 3 P D S Tri m C at. PD 6 PD 6 PD 6 PD 7 PD 7 PD 7 PD 8 N umbers (3) / V 142E / 6 VC / H 142E / 6H C / H 226E / 6H C / V 142E / 7 VC / H 142E / 7H C / H 226E / 7H C / H W242E / 8H C CFL 1 FRAMES - All Lamp Sources F R A ME S 2 D e s c r i p t io n 6 " H o u sin g w it h Ba r Ha n g e r s 7 " H o u sin g w it h Ba r Ha n g e r s 8 " H o u sin g w it h Ba r Ha n g e r s Cat. N o. PD 6 PD 7 PD 8 S O C K E T A D A P T E R S - C o m p a c t F l u o r e s c e n t - S t a n d a r d ( E = 1 2 0 - 2 7 7 V, 3 E = 3 4 7 V ) 6", 7 " 8" Ve rt i c al 1- 2 6 W DT T, H o ri zon ta l 1- 18 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T, 2 - 18 W DT T 2 - 2 6 W DT T H o ri zon ta l 1- 2 6 W DT T, 2 - 2 6 W DT T, 120-277V V142E (120-277V) 347V V1423E (347V ) 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T H 118E H 126E H 142E H 218E H 226E H 1183E H 1263E H 1423E H 2183E H 2263E 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T 2 - 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T H W142E H W242E H W1423E H W2423E 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T S O C K E T A D A P T E R S - C o m p a c t F l u o r e s c e n t - D i m m i n g ( 1 D = 1 2 0 V, 2 D = 2 7 7 V ) 6", 7 " 8" 3 Ve rt i c al 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T H o ri zon ta l 1- 18 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T 2 - 18 W DT T 2 - 2 6 W DT T H o ri zon ta l 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1- 2 6 /3 2 /4 2 W T T T 2 - 2 6 W DT T, 2 - 2 6 W T T T 2-32/42W TTT 120V V1421D MA R K X 277V V1422D MA R K X H 1181D MA R K X H 1261D MA RK X H 1421D MA RK X H 2181D MA RK X H 2261D MA RK X H 1182D MA R K X H 1262D MA RK X H 1422D MA RK X H 2182D MA RK X H 2262D MA RK X H W1421D MA R K X H W2261D MA R K X H W2421D MA R K X H W1422D MA R K X H W2262D MA R K X H W2422D MA R K X TRIMS - Compact Fluorescent 6" Vertica l O pen and Le n sed 6" H o rizo n ta l O pen and L e n sed 7" Vertica l O pen and Le n sed 7" H o rizo n ta l O pen and L e n sed 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" O p en Vertical, Clear Finish Wa ll Wash, Open Vertical, Clear Finish O p en Vertical, Baffle Le nsed, Acrylic Prismatic, Vertical, Clear Finish Le nsed, Acrylic Prismatic, Vertical, Baffle Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Clear Finish Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Baffle Le nsed, Glass Fresnel, Vertical, Clear Finish Le n se d , Gla ss Gla ss, Ve rt ica l, Ba ff le 6VC 6V WC 6V B B or 6VWB 6V L1C 6V L1B B or 6V L1WB 6V L2C 6V L2B B or 6V L2WB 6V L4C 6V L4B B or 6V L4WB 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" O p en Ho rizo n t a l, Cle a r F in ish Wa ll Wash, Open Horizontal, Clear Finish O p en Ho rizo n t a l, Ba ff le ( BB= Bla ck Baffle, WB =White B affle) Le n se d , Acry lic Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t al, Clear Finish Le n se d , Acry lic Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t al, Baffle Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t a l, C lear Finish Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t a l, B affle Le n se d , Gla ss Fre sn e l, Ho rizo n t a l, C lear Finish Le n se d , Gla ss Fre sn e l, Ho rizo n t a l, B affle 6H C 6H WC 6H BB or 6H WB 6H L1C 6H L1BB or 6H L1WB 6H L2C 6H L2BB or 6H L2WB 6H L4C 6H L4BB or 6H L4WB 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" O p en Vertical, Clear Finish Wa ll Wash, Open Vertical, Clear Finish O p en Vertical, Baffle (BB=Black Baff le, WB=White Baffle) Le nsed, Acrylic Prismatic, Vertical, Clear Finish Le nsed, Acrylic Prismatic, Vertical, Baffle Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Clear Finish Le n se d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Baffle Le nsed, Glass Fresnel, Vertical, Clear Finish Le nsed, Glass Fresnel, Vertical, Baffle 7VC 7V WC 7V B B or 7VWB 7V L1C 7V L1B B or 7V L1WB 7V L2C 7V L2B B or 7V L2WB 7V L4C 7V L4B B or 7V L4WB 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" O p en Ho rizo n t a l, Cle a r F in ish Wa ll Wash, Open Horizontal, Clear Finish O p e n Ho rizo n t a l, Ba ff le Le nse d , Acry lic Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t al, Clear Finish Le nse d , Acry lic Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t al, Baffle Le nse d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t a l, C lear Finish Le nse d , Gla ss Prisma t ic, Ho rizo n t a l,, Baffle Le nse d , Gla ss Fre sn e l, Ho rizo n t a l, C lear Finish Le nse d , Gla ss Fre sn e l, Ho rizo n t a l, B affle 7H C 7H WC 7H BB or 7H WB 7H L1C 7H L1BB or 7H L1WB 7H L2C 7H L2BB or 7H L2WB 7H L4C 7H L4BB or 7H L4WB For EM Trims, add "EM" before "C", "BB" or "WB" example: 7VC becomes 7VEMC, 6HL 1BB becomes 6HL1EMBB 6" Vertical Open Open Wall Wash 1-26/32W TTT 6" Vertical Lens 1-26/32/42W TTT 6" Horizontal 1-18W DTT 2-18W DTT 1-26W DTT 2-26W DTT 1-26/32/42W TTT 7" Vertical 1-26W DTT 1-26/32/42W TTT 7" Horizontal 1-18W DTT 2-18W DTT 1-26W DTT 2-26W DTT 1-26/32/42W TTT 6 CFL continued De scr ip t io n C at. N o. 8 " Op e n Horizontal, C lear Finish 8H C 8" Wall Wa sh, Open Horizontal, Clear Finish 8 " Op e n Horizontal, B affle 8H B B or 8H WB 8 " Le n se d , A crylic Prismatic, H orizontal, C lear Finish 8 " Le n se d , A crylic Prismatic, H orizontal, B affle 8 " Le n se d , Glass Prismatic, H orizontal, C lear Finish 8 " Le n se d , Glass Prismatic, H orizontal,, Baffle 8 " Le n se d , Glass Fresnel, H orizontal, Clear Finish 8 " Le n se d , Glass Fresnel, H orizontal, Baffle 8 " Ra d ia l "Turbo" Louver 8H R C 8" H o rizo n ta l Open and L e n sed 8" Horizontal 1-26W DTT 2-26W DTT 1-26/32/42W TTT 2-26/32/42W TTT 8H WC 8H L1C 8H L1B B o r 8H L1W B 8H L2C 8H L2B B o r 8H L2W B 8H L4C 8H L4B B o r 8H L4W B E M - C o m p a c t F l u o r e c e n t H o u s i n g s w i t h I n t e g r a l E m e r g e n c y B a l l a s t a n d Te s t S w i t c h I n d i c a t o r EM fixtures consist of a PDS frame, sock et adapter and EM ballast -- all shipped in one carton. EM To complete the fixture, choose the appropriate EM trim (see trim footnote on bottom of previous page). 6 " o r 7 " Vertical 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1-26/32/42W TTT 6 " o r 7 " Horizontal 1- 18 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1-26/32/42W TTT 2 - 18 W DT T 2 - 2 6 W DT T 8 " Ho rizo ntal 1- 2 6 W DT T, 1-26/32/42W TTT 2 - 2 6 W DT T, 2-26/32/42W TTT 6" PD 6V 142EEM 7" PD 7V 142EEM PD 6H 118EEM PD 6H 126EEM PD 6H 142EEM PD 6H 218EEM PD 6H 226EEM 8" PD 8H W142EEM PD 7H 118E EM PD 7H 126EEM PD 7H 142EEM PD 7H 218EEM PD 7H 226EEM PD 8H W24 2EEM I N C A N D E S C E N T A N D M E TA L H A L I D E 1 FRAMES - All Lamp Sources FR A ME S 2 D e s c r ip t io n 6 " H ou sin g w it h Ba r Ha n g e r s 7 " H ou sin g w it h Ba r Ha n g e r s C at. N o. PD 6 PD 7 SOCKET ADAPTERS - Incandescent 6", 7 " ( 1 ) E 2 6 Me d iu m Ba se In ca n d e sce n t V 120 S O C K E T A D A P T E R S - M e t a l H a l i d e ( 1 E = 1 2 0 V, 2 E = 2 7 7 V ) 6", 7 " 3 5 0 W Me t a l Ha lid e E le ct ro n ic Ba lla st , ED 17P 7 0 W M e t a l Ha lid e E le ct ro n ic Ba lla st , ED 17P 10 0 W Me t a l Ha lid e , PAR3 8 , E le ct ro n ic Ballast, ED 17P 7 0 W Me t a l Ha lid e E le ct ro n ic Ba lla st , PA R38 10 0 W Me t a l Ha lid e E le ct ro n ic Ba lla st , PA R 38 120V V501E V 701E V10 01E V70X 1E V10 0X 1E 277V V 502E V 702E V10 02E V 70X 2E V 10 0X 2E TRIMS - Incandescent and Metal Halide 6 " O pen Vertical, Clear Finish 6 " Wall Wash, Open Vertical, Clear Finish 6 " O pen Vertical, Baffle 6VC 6VWC 6V B B or 6V WB 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" O pen Vertical, Clear Finish Wall Wash, Open Vertical, Clear Finish O pen Vertical, Baffle O pen Vertical, Clear Finish, PAR38 O pen Vertical, Baffle, PAR38 7VC 7VWC 7V B B or 7V WB 7V P38C 7VP38B B or 7V P38WB 7" Open Inc: A21, 150W max PAR38, 90W max MH: 50/70/10 0W, ED17P 70/10 0W, PAR38 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Le n se d , Le n se d , Le nsed, Le nsed, Gla ss Gla ss Glass Glass Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Clear Finish Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Baffle Fresnel, Vertical, Clear Finish Fresnel, Vertical, Baffle 6VL2C 6VL2B B or 6V L2WB 6V L4C 6VL4B B or 6V L4WB 6" Lensed Inc: A19, 150W max MH: 50/70W, ED17P 7" 7" 7" 7" 7" Le nse d , Le nse d , Le nsed, Le nsed, Gla ss Gla ss Glass Glass Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Clear Finish Prisma t ic, Ve rt ica l, Baffle Fresnel, Vertical, Clear Finish Fresnel, Vertical, Baffle 7VL2C 7VL2B B or 7V L2WB 7V L4C 7VL4B B or 7V L4WB 6" 6" Open Inc: A21, 150W max MH: 50/70/10 0W, ED17P 7" Lensed Inc: A21, 150W max MH: 50/70/10 0W, ED17P PDS Performance Downlight System 7 PhOTOMETRICS PD6-H226E-6HC Candela Deg. Lamp: (2) 26W DTT 250 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 500 750 H22346 1800 42.9% 0° = 1.3 90° = 1.4 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 600 900 H22370 1800 34.8% 0° = 0.9 90° = 1.2 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: Deg. 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-H226E-6HWC 240 Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: 12135 1800 35.6% 360 480 600 Legend: Downlight: Wall Wash 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-H142E-6HWC 280 Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: 12134 3200 40.4% 420 560 Legend: Downlight: Wall Wash 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-6VWC-V142E Test: Lumens: Efficiency: 900 1350 CD Downlight Wall Wash 0 0 3 5 19 34 50 92 127 281 189 443 271 499 345 570 436 602 520 572 549 549 CD Downlight Wall Wash 0 0 4 6 21 31 58 79 136 284 185 512 254 629 326 679 431 667 542 615 578 578 Candela Deg. Lamp: 32W TTT 450 90° 0 0 2 54 168 280 479 704 819 793 766 Candela Lamp: 42W TTT 140 CD 0° 0 0 3 56 115 177 306 484 656 748 766 Legend: Downlight: Wall Wash 247P162 2400 68.2% 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 Beam Diameter FC 21 15 10 6 4 3 7’0" 8'6" 10'6" 13'0" 15'6" 18'0" Cone of Light* Candela Lamp: (2) 26W DTT 120 D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" Candela LAMP: (2) 26W DTT 300 CD 0° 0 3 9 48 312 472 596 704 748 650 636 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-H226E-6HL4C Cone of Light* CD Downlight Wall Wash 0 0 1 1 6 5 16 21 54 81 364 328 654 702 848 951 1037 1183 1240 1235 1223 1223 D 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" Beam Diameter FC 39 26 19 12 8 6 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" *Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. Footcandle values are initial, apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. Single Unit Foot-Candles Avg Luminance CD/SQ M 2’6" Distance from wall (single fixture) DD n 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 1 9 7 3 1 1 1 1 2 27 21 9 3 1 1 1 3 20 20 13 7 3 1 1 4 13 14 11 7 4 2 1 5 9 9 8 6 4 3 2 6 6 6 6 5 3 2 2 7 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 8 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Deg. 45 55 65 75 85 Downlight Wall Wash 29019 39074 22182 30555 7379 13577 4338 8193 2862 3578 Single Unit Foot-Candles Avg Luminance CD/SQ M 2’6" Distance from wall (single fixture) DD n 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 1 8 6 3 1 1 1 1 2 29 21 9 4 1 1 1 3 25 21 13 6 3 2 1 4 16 15 10 6 4 2 2 5 10 10 8 5 4 2 2 6 7 7 6 4 3 2 2 7 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 8 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 9 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 10 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Deg. 45 55 65 75 85 Downlight Wall Wash 28578 45160 23596 30881 8559 11659 4338 7470 2147 4294 Single Unit Foot-Candles Avg Luminance CD/SQ M 2’6" Distance from wall (single fixture) DD n 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 11 7 3 1 0 0 3 17 22 17 8 3 1 0 4 16 19 16 10 5 2 1 5 12 13 12 9 6 3 1 6 9 9 9 7 5 3 2 7 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 8 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 9 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 10 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 Deg. 45 55 65 75 85 Downlight Wall Wash 30041 27678 5722 8426 1694 2965 1153 1153 685 685 8 PD6-V142E-6VL1C Candela LAMP: 32W TTT 400 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: 247P160 2400 53.4% Spacing Criteria: = 0.9 800 1200 Legend: 0-deg: Deg. CD 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 0° 0 1 7 37 91 215 471 720 943 1043 1052 PD6-V142E-6VC Candela Deg. Lamp: 32W PLT 250 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H22330 2400 46.9% Spacing Criteria: = 1.1 500 750 Legend: 0-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-V120-6VC Candela Deg. Lamp: 150W A19 240 480 720 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H22338 2850 64.8% Spacing Criteria: = 1.2 960 1200 Legend: 0-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-V1001E-6VC Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H28059 8500 51.2% Spacing Criteria: = 1.1 2000 3000 Legend: 0-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD6-V1001E-6VL4C Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 3800 5700 CD 0° 0 4 17 56 272 1065 1741 2363 2632 2869 2889 Candela Deg. Lamp: 100W ED17P 1900 CD 0° 0 0 1 3 42 377 904 1141 1100 1091 1101 Candela Lamp: 100W ED17P 1000 CD 0° 0 1 4 14 62 264 476 619 686 694 685 Legend: 0-deg: ITL52298 8500 46.0% = 0.3 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 CD 0° 0 0 2 67 337 804 1450 2338 2213 3602 5694 Cone of Light* D 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" FC 52 35 25 16 11 7 Beam Diameter 4'6" 5'0" 6'0" 7'6" 9'6" 11'6" Cone of Light* D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" FC 23 16 11 7 5 4 Beam Diameter 6'0" 7'0" 9'0" 11'0" 13'0" 15'6" Cone of Light* D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" FC 36 26 17 11 8 6 Beam Diameter 6'6" 8'0" 9'6" 12'0" 14'6" 17'0" Cone of Light* D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" FC 96 68 45 29 20 15 Beam Diameter 6'0" 7'0" 9'0" 11'0" 13'0" 15'6" Cone of Light* D 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 15'0" 16'0" 20'0" FC 89 57 40 25 22 14 Beam Diameter 2'6" 3'0" 3'6" 4'6" 5'0" 6'0" *Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. Footcandle values are initial, apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. 9 PhOTOMETRICS PD7-H142-7HC Candela Deg. Lamp: 42W PLT 300 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 600 900 H35134 3200 66.1% 0° = 1.4 90° = 1.7 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-H226E-7HC Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 700 1050 H35130 1800 60.8% 0° = 1.3 90° = 1.5 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: Deg. Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 360 540 H22343 2400 35.6% 0° = 1.3 90° = 1.6 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 1200 2000 H35160 1800 41.8% 0° = 1.0 90° = 1.1 Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-H226E-7HL4C 350 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 700 1050 90° 0 2 7 78 151 327 624 777 934 1002 1009 Candela Lamp: (2) 26W DTT Legend: 0- deg: 90-deg: H35166 1800 45.9% 0° = 1.1 90° = 1.2 Deg. 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 0° 0 1 11 94 179 304 505 717 842 879 892 CD 90° 0 1 10 105 229 392 623 829 927 917 892 Beam Diameter 8'6" 10'0" 12'6" 15'6" 18'6" 21'6" FC 29 20 14 9 6 4 Beam Diameter 7'6" 9'0" 11'0" 14'0" 17'0" 19'6" FC 14 10 7 4 3 2 Beam Diameter 8'0" 9'6" 11'6" 14'6" 17'6" 20'6" Cone of Light* CD 0° 0 2 4 64 130 268 507 716 914 1003 1009 D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" Candela LAMP: (2) 26W DTT FC 22 16 11 7 5 3 Cone of Light* CD 0° 0 2 10 88 298 378 497 535 543 441 421 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-H226E-7HL1C 400 90° 0 4 16 91 420 645 835 966 1035 884 865 Candela Lamp: 32W PLT D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" Cone of Light* CD 0° 0 3 15 81 314 526 686 786 861 866 865 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-H142E-7HL1C 180 90° 0 4 19 119 463 675 812 875 863 699 676 Candela Lamp: (2) 26W QUAD 350 CD 0° 0 4 17 114 372 536 636 684 703 676 676 Cone of Light* D 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" FC 50 33 24 16 10 7 Beam Diameter 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'6" 12'0" Cone of Light* 180° 0 1 5 78 174 307 513 749 882 909 892 D 4'6" 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" FC 44 29 21 14 9 6 Beam Diameter 5'6" 6'6" 7'6" 9'6" 11'6" 14'0" *Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. Footcandle values are initial, apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. 10 PD7-V142E-7VC Candela Deg. Lamp: 42W PLT 450 Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H35127 3200 52.6% Spacing Criteria: = 1.0 900 1350 Legend: 0-deg: Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H35126 2850 73.3% Spacing Criteria: = 1.4 700 1050 Legend: 0-deg: Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: ITL52383 8500 55.7% Spacing Criteria: = 0.4 11000 16500 Legend: 0-deg: Test: Lumens: Efficiency: Spacing Criteria: 1200 2000 Deg. H23364 3200 60.8% 0° = 1.2 90° = 1.5 Legend: 0-deg: 90-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD8-HW242E-8HL1C Deg. Test: Lumens: Efficiency: H23370 3200 42.4% Spacing Criteria: 0° = 1.0 90° =1.2 1100 1650 CD 0° 0 12 73 327 563 850 1170 1390 1511 1569 1580 90° 0 6 66 386 918 1307 1615 1915 2005 1676 1580 Legend: 0-deg: 90-deg: 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 FC 31 22 15 9 7 5 Beam Diameter 7'6" 9'0" 11'0" 14'0" 17'0" 19'6" FC 237 152 105 67 59 38 Beam Diameter 3'0" 3'6" 4'0" 5'0" 5'6" 7'0" D 4'0" 6'0" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" 16'0" FC 99 44 25 16 11 8 6 Beam Diameter 4'6" 6'6" 8'6" 11'0" 13'0" 15'6" 17'6" Cone of Light* CD 0° 0 5 30 122 265 571 890 1201 1454 1570 1577 6'0" 7'0" 9'0" 11'0" 13'0" 15'6" Cone of Light* Candela Lamp: (2) 42W TTT 550 D 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 15'0" 16'0" 20'0" Candela Lamp: (2) 42W TTT Beam Diameter Cone of Light* CD 90° 0 0 14 75 210 382 813 2293 5884 10128 15167 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD8-HW242E-8HC 400 D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" Candela LAMP: 100W ED17P FC 42 30 20 12 9 6 Cone of Light* CD 0° 0 2 8 26 126 557 1017 1076 1100 945 944 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-V1001E-7VL4C 5500 D 5'6" 6'6" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" Candela Lamp: 150W A21/IF 350 CD 0° 0 1 5 16 73 357 660 938 1232 1289 1248 90 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 0 PD7-V120-7VC Cone of Light* 90° 0 6 30 140 302 707 1107 1311 1487 1569 1577 D 4'0" 6'0" 8'0" 10'0" 12'0" 14'0" 16'0" FC 99 44 25 16 11 8 6 Beam Diameter 5'6" 8'6" 11'6" 14'0" 17'0" 20'0" 22'6" *Beam diameter is to 50% of maximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest half-foot. Footcandle values are initial, apply appropriate light loss factors where necessary. Cooper Lighting, LLC. Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 International Sales, USA Cooper Lighting 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770-486-4800 F: 770-486-4801 P: 770-486-4800 F: 770-486-4801 Canada Cooper Lighting 5925 McLaughlin Road Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1B8 P: 905-507-4000 F: 905-568-7049 Domestic Facilities Cranbury, New Jersey Elk Grove Village, Illinois Irving, Texas Ontario, California Peachtree City, Georgia The Cooper Lighting Family Halo Metalux Lumark Sure-Lites Neo-Ray Corelite Portfolio IRiS Shaper io Lumière Invue McGraw-Edison Streetworks Fail-Safe PDS MWS RSA Ametrix Canadian Facility Calgary, Alberta T2E 7V9 Cooper Lighting and PDS logos are valuable trademarks of Cooper Industries in the United States and other countries. You are not permitted to use the Cooper Trademarks without the prior written consent of Cooper Industries. Cooper Industries, Ltd. 600 Travis, Ste. 5800 Houston, TX 77002-1001 P: 713-209-8400 ADP080744 Printed in USA