Development of Summer Home Colony On Tract at Holtsville Is Begun Accidental Pistol Pleads Not Guilty W.P.A. Graft Charge Shot in Postoffiee Nearly Kills a Man Bnldwiu Will Stand Trial ill County Court — Mm. Kioto* l»leinlit Nol New York Corporation Buys Saunders Properly of SO Acres Oullly Hil -ruii Killiii i* W/ULIAM 11. SULLIVAN of West w lsllp was crlticnlly wounded —Church Representatives Attend Convention — Otlu« I 1'IHIJK Fl. HAIi DWIN or r>i! W UH II - Thursday nl|?ht whlln neUviut his mull Local News Pararjr&phs for Week Tho Mum.' t'Veinn ir tni oUiur cull w>utnliid W I UMI it (Iim stnrli'd on the iiinih cidi! of Union nyt'iiiio nliout it mil '-' I'lirlli 'ii ' wi'iil or llu.' one in the ufterniion. AHIiouifli it brisk wind wus lilowinu llni liri'inen noon hud Ihc bln/u iintlci ' cnntrnl. On We.iliicsiliiy nt ti ;i. iu „ the llruiticn were Milled of t Iin M* liiil li oxiiii ^niMli a lire north railroad truck In llu* Holbro ok ills- I rem.' .lone.'' t. crn /'. iitiK< ! tract <//' innd /it iii*11*. r villti , cnnlitiiiiii ir nliniit fill iici'im , Joi'ivtui'ly Uic Siunidurit |ii'n|ii 'ity, wmi rct 'untly luirt'liii.icil by n New York iiorpornlloii. which plnus in develop ll into u Huniiuvr colony. Tliin |no|iiM'l.y IH locfltdil H ulioi'l. diiiliiiicc enst of (lia railroad sUilliin on lhe .loulli nidi * of Lniiir Ihliin d avenue, (leoi'icu Beck of M(.'tlfni '<l has liccii ck'uring the ground wh ich will lie divided intii fieri* pints, Join) Kilter , Sr., i.s buildIm,' it model iHinifiilinv, 'V On WedrivHilny, .VIi'K. .Jiimen Weipu ll , as u ilclctfiite of the I JIK II CH ' Aid nnvluty and Septcr K. 'lorry, ns a (tultiKtttu of the Piirmiti KVillu Crmirreiratloiiiil fliurcli , iiceonipiiniuil liy Mrs, Miiinio Tt'i'ry, uUended llie sixtylliird ((initial tittietlng of the .Suffolk AsMMvintlon of CoiiRroKnt iDiiiil cliurclies nnd iii 'iHsioiinrleH iit Uu.' Old Steeple church in A'liiobotcuu. ;¦ The Minimi imieting of Sehool District No. "1!S, will be 'hold nl tlie .school next Tuesday, uvcniiiir nt 8:110 o 'clock (dnyll/rlit wivliiff time). '-„; Thin Friday eveniiiK the Mother 's club will liold its card parly ut tliu school, Final cash prizes will be L'iv«n to tlidsc holding llie hiffhest scores in pinoclilii bridjre and bunco for tlio iri f l . Mr. nnd M rst , , Arden Terry wilurttiined Mr , untl Mm. Williiun W«nlisch and fiiniily nl dinner Inst Tliui's dny evuiiinj.r in honor of Mrs. WonH HV II 'S iiirtlid '.iy, Mr , nml M I 'H . iloseplt (irnhnin of Forest Hills nnd Miss Martha Tndileiihuni (if I'nlchoKtiu viiiiled Mr , und Mrs. Williiun J. (iridium on Tuesday. In the L'venliiK they ¦ motored lo Forest Hills and visited there. ' The meetin g of the Community club wns held Wednesday evening. Mr , rY'lUtan nnd son John motored lo New Jersey this week wiih a truckload of cow.s and (hen left for a trip upstate, u short distance from Cmiutla where lht\v will gel miollie)' load of cows ami expect to return home on Friday. They also stopped at Clintonville, N. Y. SKVKKA L relatives . and friends from Brightwaters, Brooklyn and I'ntclioKuo helped lo celebrate Mrs . .1. Carpenter 's ninety -fifth birthday nt her home on Waverly avenue a week ngo Sunday afternoon. Joseph' Woodbury of Delhi hus keen spending two weeks with his sister, Miss Augusta Woodbury. . The people in this community were grieved to hear of the death of r Miss Itae Altehburg of Woodhaven on April , 13. Miss Altcnburg, with her relatives and friends, spent many summers und ¦week-ends at her bungalow ¦ ¦ yenr. . ' '. • ' . . ' ¦ A successful ciird party wns held at the Fnimliiicville Fire hull sponsored by 'the Lridios' Auxiliary last Ifridny evening. The first prize in pinochle:was won by A. llothe, fi rst in V pedro, J, Bftuls and first in bunco by Bentritic Knapp. ' ¦-" Mr. nnd; Mrs. I.estur Ilo'ie of . Qceanside iind Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth .Hope of Kew Gardens were Kuosts of ¦Mr: and Mrs . Charles Vct'ter and John vtlppe oh Stinduy. v .. . i /A-card and vbunco party for llio benefit 'of ' the; Ladies' Aid society of , Congregational :the; v vFarhiinuville church will 1 bo held at the Holtsville 'school on Vl'riday evening, May 15. ; :,?Charl(S's :Weuinanii , wliofee'ently returned' .vfro iii , ti trip , to ' Florida , , is spending two .weeks ' at the.home of yWr.v and; Mrs. John 15. Riker, Sr., and 'while; there i^ ; p vLnst-ySattii'dny : afternoon lit about 3' o'clo'ck,?ii \vflbtls ' fire started on the librlh side of Unipn avoriiie about '100 'f eetywest• «f / Waverly nvenue.;' The 'firemen i'e.'lponded to a call and the brush'fire , was quickl y extiiiKiiishecl. hero. ¦ • '. • Mi*, and Mrs. E. J. Deeds of Brooklyn are now occupying; their summer buhgnlow.'-on Washington avenue, Miss Virginia Cronk is ill at her home on Waverly avenue. ' The fire wardens appointed for the year 1!)3(! nro Septer E. ' Terry and Faul Gormsen of- Farmingville and John Hope of. Holtsville, They received their badges last week. The news - o f Suffolk 'county in words-and pictures. '- Read' every " -' issue of The Advance and The Argus. *-' liiftloit iivoiimi , a W. IV A, forui r.iil , iilt 'iiiloil not Ktiill .V tli I N wuult hi .'fo n.' Ciuiniy .hided Ilk'lutrd VV. Hawkins , In nn liiillulmt 'iit cliiii'ifiiifr liiii ; with i* i-iiml IniiMiiiy, it liulni? iilImn'il l hitt , he hnil MO I I I 2110 Imifii nl' ocniciit I'ui'iilsli. 'il liy lli'ooliliuvi 'ii lown i<>r UK*; 'in ii VV. P, A, projuut v/lilt 'li In; wns i«i|ici'iiitt!nillii if, nml COIIVIII ' tl.'ll till) |ll'Ot'('l.'(ln to lii.i own HWl. Al CM. Ilck 'ii 1.1. Kii.'l'oi' or Northport ¦ileutlutl not I'liilty, tlii'oui,'li lior t'ouiist'l , Atty , PMiftii' !•'. IIu/li!l.oti, to nn in'ilictnu 'lit clllli'^ intr fiucnri 'l (l(i(?lt'0 iv:iiislnii('lit''i' in conniietlon tvltli tho df.'iitlw of Iwo .si'iiooln-il'l.'i on tliu iMiildlo Country roml nt Conimack n f«w weeks (i jio, Slio is now sfil'viiij; a sontunce ol ISO ilnyn in tho County jail for leaving tho siceii'j of the iicvlilcnt. T. & S. Sells Lumber at tlio Babylon postofllco when it .<I5 cnllbrtj plntol wns discharged im Krle Wendorlf , uVlerk , picked it up. The hitter hns not been held und the United Slates governinniil ; concluded Its invostlijalion. Meanwhile Asslsttint- Uistriet Attorney Lindsay It. Henry is miUsfiod tin * sliooliii«; wns ticcidontnl. Questions revealed tlmt Joseph Meyer, another clerk , bud bwin clunnIng the service revolvers kept in the ofllce nnd Wondorll' pieki'd one up. Iniinc.'.liutely there wns tt -report nnd the bullet went erushinjr lliroinch the partition where Sullivan wns ircltlng his mail. It- pierced his righ t wrist and . tore through his ehust, eyi'iisicd tho heart aind lodged near his spine. Sullivun , a foreman in tho employ of the Suffolk County Mosquito Elimination commission , was taken ut once to the Southside ho.spitnl in Bay Shore. |innl('"lll't'"'iloimrtmont. -rcBpontletl ' l?ut '•¦IWMllll'HINMI the lire .hnd gained too iniiph I IPUI I- &M?B& ZSK ^^ f lm *7V ' wny tn '.iiinlto. ii possible !tb ,«nvc ' any , ' .. , .', the ha ni. part ¦" Theof ,Junior '.bnsebull ¦ team , won n *i< iflWtZZj mm\mmmmw07m *7A. ^'I '^SL ^*^ gninn "plnyeil 'wltli- 'n 'team ' coiiiposed WF^TT^misSmaWt V/APIIANK Iind two. Ilres dui'lii fc or Hi^sflu Middle Islntul boys Thuiwllty uft- WmmWmmmmW ^. 7m M „^ m\*2fjJmmmWm\m\mm\ ~i f f " ^ 0 f H \ ^ the jinst week , Imlli . of coimidoi ' . eriioon QII , the . Yaphank diamond. , A WMflsHRs^s^^s^s^ MMB^^^^B^BI ft^Hli^Hlffll|l f HH^M utile coiiKutuiencv , en, n house was nU lo'ini from «toiiy llrook was 1 soiledhut YnpJm tik,, ajfnlfiilt pluy most I'oinple-U'ly riiiiieil nnd , u" biiri'i nioil lo fulled 'to iipprmr. ," ' • was entirely destroyed. rij. .Hoywnrd Sliunnon The homo of Mr. and Mrs . John MU. nnd Mnnd 'Mrs. Wllllum Lownnd Mr. Kune nenr the Ytiphiink stntloii was '' ' ' surlously danuiKud uml will have to in motored to New , Yd rk Tliursdiiy tlm clrtius at Miidlson uttchdeil hnd be entirely rebuilt sis u result of n ' ' . " ¦' : th re that broke out Thursday after- Suuuro Ciai'den. 1;. It. Marcliiiiit and family ,' nro¦ * "f c w "' ^^^m^^mmHSt^SSm noon in the attic of the house , it is ' .", 7s>tf ,t , ' ' V^^B»1 biilleved, but .the cause is unknown , conllned to thell' home hy IllneHH. ^ ^m \m l Hi)Ih the Vuphank nnd Uruokliuven • The Christian Kndenvor society . Is ' * ¦^¦^¦<L^ s holding . Hioetlnj is ngnln every¦ - ¦Sutii-^^^^^^^ ^^ flro departments foujjhl the blnno. ' ' •' ' . at 7iH0. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kune nre nn elderl y 'tluy 'lilBht Aiina Glover has returned to couple and are now inakitii? thoir herAirs. home after upending tin; Wlntor home across the street In lhe Wrnn- In Kloridui ' ¦ •' : gron house. Their loss wus partly covMr. und Mrs. Harold Mahler of «K^ ' JSmttst^kmm^&^lt ered by insurance. Brooklyn.spent llm week-end at tli p ir .Sunday morning nt nbout li!10 n bungalow on Railroad'avenu e '... large barn belonging, io Christian Krablie, located across the roud from 'iiiilii!iiiij|]|iiiiiii,iii)iiiiiraiii]iiiHniiiiimiiiiiiNiiiiiii[iiii» '"i™ni]iiiiiii ij his residence , wus hurtled to the i Roc's Hotel Barber Shop ! ground , and Its contents , including ! N1CIC flRECO. I'rop. .' " -. | form implements , furniture nnd mnny Now Located At • . other articles , were lost. Neighbors II IS No; Ocean Ave., Patchogue | A Product ol'NATIONAL BIS CUIT COMPANY f discovered tho blnno , being awakened ' and Chllilren 'n Hulr Rultln K = ¦ - /V-8|ieclHlty - • Please soy: "I saw your ad in The by the re/lection on their windows, sI , Women's . | and turned in the alarm. The Yap 7illlllllllllllllllllllllHI""""ll"' » "l'll""» ii'iiillllllllllllllllli n liliiii- , I'atchogue Advance." l Yaphank J 8B,1 MH^IP?S ¦Hnl 'ssfeisW t^^lM iSiCjnJH ^J»BJ' pi ^mm ¦¦ For Sayville Houses nTHE T. & S. Lumber nnd Supply * company will furnish all of thc materials for a group of one-family homes to be erected on a large tract near tho Island Hills Country club , north of Sayville , according to an announcement just made by William W. Tnicy, Inc., of New York city, which reports the purchase of 1,200 lots. The property is known as Sayville estates and borders the country club property. Ground has been broken for the first house and financing has been urrnnged , it is said. Bach house will have five TOOIM , all on one floor, consisting of a livingroom , two bedrooms,,dinette , kitchen and bathroom. Arthur Lubben is the contractor for the homes. The Gardiner Co. ^BBw ^ ^" ^ y ^^j JL mmmi^t \l^ Owners of, and 'Agents /or. Houses, Stores, Apartments lluJUHnz SK M . galore. Pa O. Box 500 or Telephone 500 BELLPORT, L. L ? ; ¦ Become n "Ilellportor ** ; locate on thp , ' hiKiicaL elevation the ontinr length -if the Great " South Bay ; cither as an owner or Smjiroved or unimproved property, or as a renter for part time or for tho year around. B Every one 'FANCY GRADE... M ^ F^>^ ^m 7^ 7^ 7 -SIZES UNDER 4 lbs. SIZES.4 lot. and OVER *FANCY it a def inite rating in Ihe poultry trade designating VERY BEST QUALITY .*^™*iSS4ik\ ^mc^M tZi%Af %Jm ^STm imiA *^ -,, SLICES ^S^KEp ::'H/^ Xor. Heliport Lane and Main St. ' and J HJTO SPECIAL VALUES IN ¦ Ocean&taikSeaf ood ' : - A J,^I • Q, ¦e(^ 8« *Mackerel Bon eless Brisiket' ; :EfjBef;; fg «H OR coRNEi> ' Clji ^k^Sl^k^^^ ; ¦ ^ . ¦ , ib. 29« C : >• I9 ' Fancy - - Smoked ' •Bu^-f^i.rtiiiuwb^'-v- -':" - ' .• ; -; n* 35« .Sunnyfi ^ ' ' The fines! Sugor- Cured Bacon 'f fco cotinjry prpfJueei; Sg|d in our Giocery Siores and Markets. ^1,3' _ COCillSn¦¦StfiQKS ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ • 7. - •¦7"lb. ¦ ¦ " y ., ? . . . S TL j 77:7'7 \ " : 5jj ee !S^edv:H«m -iiib.-23 t . ^Sliced Ham;UQ. i&*771 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'Boiled *• . . -. am^^m•mmmmm •^mme ^mmmmmm>mmme a^ -'i- i'"^;" :',"- - ¦'-'^.Wi.i-.s.'pr'':""'.> .( ;.y: ^ ^e^m^mmm ^ .^.^mmmmm ^. mv. ¦: ' M d ^M ' »*^.W-%^, ' ¦ ¦ ' m- ^M M i ' y 7 ' ; 77; :77. ;- .\ , FreSn PeGS -'Z lbs. ID . : ': '7- -7 v siqqsp t ^ ^ 4 ¦ . "" . C : ^,,.?v: pE^eHIS I^ii^*i2i|25«: i-anw'CqrWts »^: c p PANCV SPRING CROI y sm i: .••Tftis sPEci^ 7mf iiWmW^y v Hp^^otqtoes Texas .Onions Sda £pe ¦-3'ibi. 10« o^wi ^&m^ ' rW^SSmm ¦W^SSl^mm^^ '¦Wnf civi^^ ' fP^^^ S^ ^^ :v':PUlJ:BK:' ib.' ': :VW:BiaiilglA K*r^Q(W^Sficefi:orUnjJ/cefJrvv18oz,loaf:/ C ' 'Dl' MTVE &"• "' :"0-^ i .yy !: m$m%B% £>^^ " ^ ' D©. ©C; M'0-U ' '' ; 'Uide f n m fre.h pasfimiiei cream-Cut;fn>m tob / ssiEciE^ . gl^ Ceyl^i'l^a :'^ I J 2^ Raisin^Bread r^ Jlp t ^laphal t rt I Irrlnctt Intt tutr oj EJrtlnc /ljwfii/i n of .Yew 1 tea ' "* ce ' - l never dreamed Electric Cooking cost so little" "I don 't like to say,"'I told you so,' George— BB ^t^mummsmtwj xi^ ^^^^^^^^^^ i but here's proof that the new electric range the isn't expensive. The cost otv electric cooking |TrT~7T\\ I—^V^I F only amount over and. above -what we is k^^| P " spent foronly refrigeration , small . I [ " f J==-r-s||*lavo al w **ys about cooking ' f\~ ~ ~^L\ I appliances and lighting. "Electric $3.50 is . ¦-• costing therefore us k U-—j|J j ^=S^^ ] a , than the electric com, mon ¦ or even leas t*** lif^^i^^f^^^wS ' I == pany estimated- " ^^^i^fp^^ll I ^ THIS OFFER ENDS SOON L & H Electric Rang£S and , m , UJ Water Headers ONLY $2 DOWN FREE INSTALLATION * ^ll fc eco-iomy isn 't the whole story. Electric cooking is Cast, clean, comfortable , and the many time and labor saving features will cut tlae ^ me vou sPend in the kitchen by half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of electric cooking in your home. You 'll be surprised how economical it really is. Patchogue Electric Light Company ~ ; 9 - "(^iL Garden Relish E„co ;E and t ?IO« ¦ &i$& E #MG&& Ic ' S^8 "* :^fllCiV©PR5,MNi B. C. . . package ^ " AV 2 ' °«in e rk^iii ' "*D-J ^ : C v , ¦ ' ¦¦ r : y ' ' ' . ' ' V:V . ¦>»¦¦ <. '«¦•>/ ' .""' : ' -^' Bsk' KeU V.neriieJ» Unsweetened • ' can IW ' tk. \- ' ".' v-;V .- .V ^-. - , -" m . _ '- m " ' coR E BRAND Grapefruit Juice SX 3 «"¦ 25' ^s^ra^Ufa-H-B ' <^oM0r-EN ' Siokiey's " :¦' ' Jusf Hepl-Reody »o Eor" ISM oz. A %C can ; f . IO, Inlro fancy Qualify 023« Q —i^-*^ ^** ¦'' ;'. W Z. cans V ? TAmMA l OmaiO *!UIt»S 7 KB '" > n^ 0\'-;.-7 . cinklkiviiiWirt nn .& .~. •' A ,„ : Q JmmV& %£ Uneedq;BfecUits u. B.c. 2 ±*h FonCy|^lge^P^^ 2>^9' Dy I WHITE HOUSE <m ll ¦CIOpPv#IIAIlTFOCjpS;' Jn ^SL - ^«^2S c :: EVAP. MILK Sfrijrd^Br^bnfsc.^P -». 29' i^.iM^ki^ I9c . -^f |'«»'*5l!''\MM§^^^f for coating, baking, baby 's lormula, nnd all milt use, j -^^^1^^ FE B®KAR E C^i KS'fft f 1 DateoViMot loof ..„,,. Ji£ l5« : ^^^^ ^M ^ ^& r : ^ v-aur. frunes 5il0-^ lb ,ve siie i ibi \jc Tomato Catsup S? . '^' IO' Sultahd 'Beans Reacr R<d Kidney -5' RajaK Cpcoanut 4P£ 8' X 34' STRON G ANIV VIGO ROU S . ?¦ : ^« : ft ,^???Hi ifef .Sr '^i«-^* «^i^«^^V««w^:'" -v ?' -tB- -: "r»^-B_ ^ E,GHT: ^ i Ww ^ : : ?i9:9^^: ^ Woodburv's Soao 3 ; Q^c f^^^ft ^W^PSWw