July August 2015 - Holy Trinity Attleborough

N e ws f r o m
So let’s not get tired
of doing what is
good. At just the
right time we will
reap a harvest of
blessing if we
don’t give up.
Galatians 6:9
H oly T rinity
A ttleborough
Fifield Close Nuneaton
CV11 4TS
: 024 7635 4114
: clive@holytrinityattleborough.org.uk
: www.holytrinityattleborough.org.uk
The Challenge of Change!
At the Diocesan Synod last week we were given a
presentation and then discussed the archbishop‟s
In Each Generation
A programme for reform and renewal
See: https://churchofengland.org/reform-renewal.aspx
- there are links to all the supporting reports on that
I‟ve personalized some of the statistics given at the synod:
At 64 years old I am over the average age of adult churchgoers in the CofE - which
is 61 (from a survey 2010). Average age of the adult population is 41.
Clergy numbers will be 50+% less in 10 years time - 42% of current clergy are well
into their 50s.
Rapid decline in the number of churchgoers will result in there being no virtually no
church in many areas - London is bucking this trend well - as too is Coventry and
only four other dioceses.
We are asking more and more of the stipendiary clergy and relying more on part time
or voluntary clergy and other leaders.
In my discussion group at the Synod one person said, how can we spend more time
on evangelism when we are being asked to do more training, more leadership and
spend much more time, finance and energy on broken buildings.
Stress, it seems, is everywhere!
So when I am asked, “What do you think is the most important issue facing the
church today?” My answer is not about politics, drugs, teenage sex, or pop culture.
My answer is simply one word: Change.
For every generation in the church, the issue is the same.
The world around us changes quickly, and people adapt to those changes quickly.
However, churches are notoriously resistant to change.
Every new generation thinks the one before it is too stuck in their “style” of church,
and they‟re probably right. So resistance is felt and those who seek change either
accept small but ineffective changes or move on.
The church must not change for change‟s sake but I believe the church must always
July and August 2015
This imitative looks at:
 Developing Discipleship
 Simplification
 Resourcing Ministerial Education
 Resourcing the Future
 The Role of the Church Commissioners' and the Task Groups
 Leadership Development
Spotlight - July and August 2015
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be looking to the horizon for new ways to improve ministry and evangelism.
Often, this means looking to ministry among the younger generations.
It means sacrificing the comfort, preference, and tradition (even new traditions).
It means always seeking to be relevant to the culture while never compromising the truth.
The mission of the church will never change, but our methods must!
Our motive for worshipping the Lord will never change but the way we express this will.
Again, change is not done for change‟s sake; it is done for the sake of our mission.
This is a challenge to each of us and every church (even today‟s most contemporary churches).
We must face the challenge and ask ourselves this all-important question: “Am I willing to give up
my preferred way of doing things in order to reach more people?”
It‟s vital that we remember when we stop changing, we stop.
The good news of the Synod was the announcement.
'The Diocese of Coventry had been awarded £638,000 by the Church Commissioners to
support our 'Acceler8' project. Some of the money will focus on growing new disciples in
the 20s-30s age range. The remaining money will be used to further assist churches in
developing their 8 Essential Qualities (8EQs).‟
This is great news as Nuneaton will have one of the eight dedicated workers, and we at HTA
have promised to give our full support to this project. I hope to be able to give more news in the
near future.
This comes from the Church Commissioners who have now vowed only to support projects that
focus on church growth.
Change in giving:
If you look at Wardens Words you will see in a financial report given to PCC that we are facing a
deficit again this year. Last year we used the „Better Way‟ and you responded in a splendid way
resulting in our projected deficit was turned around. I again have to ask you again to review you
giving to HTA. The daily costs of running a busy, exciting and challenging church is enormous approximately £280. That‟s about £1.80 per day for each person on the electoral roll.
If we are to continue to make an impact, for God, in the community we need to ensure that we
can meet our daily needs. Can you help?
At the synod this fact was shared: If everyone on the Electoral Roll gave 5% of their net income
(The Church of England suggest that church members give at least five per cent of net income to
their local church and five per cent to other charities they wish to support) to their local church
Coventry Diocese would have over £3 million pounds more to support reform and renewal.
Regular payments can be made weekly or monthly. Many people these days like to set up or
amend standing orders themselves or, if you would prefer, we can ask your bank to set it up on
your behalf. If you would like details on how to set either of these up, please contact the Roy
Cook our Gift Aid Secretary.
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can supplement any donation of yours by 25p for every £1 donated
(or more if you pay a higher tax rate) by reclaiming the tax you have already paid on it from the
government under the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid reclamations are a very important part of our
income, but in order to claim under the scheme we need you to make a once-off authorisation.
Again see Roy who can help you with the Gift Aid Declaration form.
Synod finished with these verses: „Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us,
he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. May he be given
glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen.‟
(Ephesians 3:20-21)
Have a great summer - God’s blessings to you all.
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Spotlight - July and August 2015
Worship Events in July
05 July
8am - HC
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
2 Corinthians 12.2-10
Mark 6.1-13
10.30am - MP
Mark’s discipleship
1: What do you need?
Mark 6.1-13
6.00pm - EP
12 July
8.00 - HC
Sixth Sunday after Trinity
10.30am - HC
Mark’s discipleship
2: Facing the hardest thing.
6.30pm - EP
19 July
8am - HC
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
10.30am - AA
Mark’s discipleship
3: Supplying people‟s needs
6.30pm - EP
26 July
8am - HC
Eighth Sunday after Trinity
10.30am- AA
Mark’s discipleship
4: Facing storms
2 Corinthians 12.2-10
Mark 6.1-13
Ephesians 1.3-14
Mark 6.14-29
Ephesians 1.3-14
Mark 6.14-29
Ephesians 1.3-14
Mark 6.14-29
Ephesians 2.11-22
Mark 6:35-44
Mark 6:35-44
Ephesians 2.11-22
Mark 6:35-44
Ephesians 3.14-21
Mark 6.53-56
Mark 6.53-56
Ephesians 3.14-21
Mark 6.53-56
6.30pm - HC
Dan and Philippa Munday are hoping to send out regular news/prayer updates when they get back to
If you would like to receive these emails please let me know (with your email address), then I will forward them on to you when I receive them.
Jean Dunton
Thank you for your donations to the Earthquake Appeal. We raised £480.
Caldwell Grange
Please pray for the residents and staff on and after 6th July when they
will be moving to Bracebridge Court at Atherstone. This may be an
unsettling and upsetting time for them all. There will be no services at
Caldwell Grange until further notice. Thank you for your prayer support
over the years.
Praying for Missionaries
The next sessions will be on Mondays 13th July and 10th August starting at 7.30pm in the church
lounge. We aim to finish around 8.20pm.
Spotlight - July and August 2015
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Events in July
Wednesday 1
Thursday 16
Friday 17
From 9.30
From 9.30
From 9.30
Saturday 18
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Out To Lunch
Foodbank Centre Open
Bedworth Symphony Orchestra
Toddler Toy Box
Worship Leaders and Preachers
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Out To Lunch
Foodbank Centre Open
Christian Meditation
Toddler Toy Box
Missionary Prayer Group
Finance Task Group
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Out To Lunch
Foodbank Centre Open
Mothers‟ Union
Foodbank Centre Open
End of term - start of school
Attleborough Through Time
Monday 20
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 22
From 9.30
From 9.30
Standing Committee
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Out To Lunch
Foodbank Centre Open
Mothers‟ Union
Foodbank Centre Open
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Foodbank Centre Open
Saturday 4
Monday 6
Tuesday 7
Wednesday 8
Thursday 9
Monday 13
Tuesday 14
Wednesday 15
Thursday 18
Friday 24
Tuesday 28
Wednesday 29
Wed 29 & Fri 31
Saturday July 18th
Admission £2.
Refreshments available
A ‘berry’ big THANK YOU to all
who supported our the MU
Strawberry Tea and donated
cakes. We were able to send
£335.30 to the Wheels Appeal.
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Spotlight - July and August 2015
Worship Events in August
02 August
8am - HC
Ninth Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 4.1-16;
Mark 1:16–20
10.30am - MP
6.00pm - EP
09 August
8.00 - HC
10.30am - HC
6.30pm - EP
16 August
8am - HC
Peter, friend of Jesus
1: Peter meets Jesus
Peter, friend of Jesus
1: Peter meets Jesus
Ephesians 4.1-16;
Mark 1:16–20
Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 4.25-5.2
Mark 8:27–30
Mark 1:16–20
Peter, friend of Jesus
2: Peter knows who Jesus is
Peter, friend of Jesus
2: Peter knows who Jesus is
Ephesians 4.25-5.2
Mark 8:27–30
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 5.15-20
Mark 9:2–13
Mark 8:27–30
Peter, friend of Jesus
3: Shine, Jesus
Peter, friend of Jesus
3: Shine, Jesus
Ephesians 5.15-20
Mark 9:2–13
23 August
8am - HC
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Ephesians 6.10-20
Mark 14:27–31
10.30am - AA
Peter, friend of Jesus
4: Peter lets Jesus down
Mark 14:27–31
6.30pm - HC
Peter, friend of Jesus
4: Peter lets Jesus down
Ephesians 6.10-20;
Mark 14:27–31
30 August
8am - HC
Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
James 1.17-27
Mark 16:1–8
10.30am - MP
6.30pm - EP
10.30am - AA
6.30pm - HC
Mark 9:2–13
Peter, friend of Jesus
5: Peter and Jesus are friends
Peter, friend of Jesus
5: Peter and Jesus are friends
Mark 16:1–8
James 1.17-27
Mark 16:1–8
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Meets every Tuesday
At 10am for prayer
From 10.30am
For coffee, tea, and chat
Church flowers for July
July 5
Mary Spicer
David and Mel Malin
Mr. and Mrs. Fox
Neil and Gill Laycock
Church flowers for august
August 2
Dorothy George
Denis and Ann Gay
Ray and Pauline Millership
Will donors please note that, unless specified, the choice of flowers and colours
will be left at the discretion of the arranger.
If you are a tax payer and would like to gift aid your donation, please put your donation
in a white gift aid envelope and remember to sign it.
Spotlight - July and August 2015
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Events in August
Tuesday 4
Wednesday 5
Wed 5 & Fri 7
Monday 10
Tuesday 11
Wednesday 12
Thursday 13
Friday 14
Tuesday 18
Wednesday 19
Thursday 20
Friday 21
Tuesday 25
Wednesday 26
Thursday 27
Friday 28
From 9.30
From 9.30
From 9.30
From 9.30
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Foodbank Centre Open
Missionary Prayer Group
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Foodbank Centre Open
Christian Meditation
Foodbank Centre Open
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Foodbank Centre Open
Mothers‟ Union
Foodbank Centre Open
Breakaway Coffee Morning
Work in the graveyard - all welcome
Foodbank Centre Open
Mothers‟ Union
Foodbank Centre Open
Bank holiday weekend - Greenbelt
Thursday 16 July at 2pm
Speaker: David Stanier from the Food Bank.
Saturday 8 August 3pm - 5pm
Nuneaton Deanery will be celebrating Mary Sumner Day. Mary was our founder 140 years ago.
We will be holding a ‘Royal’ Garden Tea Party at Attleborough.
We would like posh frocks and posh headwear! Gentlemen also dressed posh!!
We will also to do a flower arrangement in red, white and blue in a tea cup and saucer or a mug.
You don’t need to be a MU member – all will be welcome.
Thursday 20 August
Our Annual Outing will be to The National Arboretum at Alrewas. The coach leaves Fifield Close at 9.30am.
Gillian Laycock
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Spotlight - July and August 2015
Graham’s 750km Sponsored Bike Ride
As most of you know, I’m undertaking a mammoth cycle ride this July from Calais in France to
Kandern in the Black Forest. My ride is 750km long and is in aid of the Mary Ann Evans
Hospice and Mission4Water, who work in Uganda.
Thank you for all the donations and sponsorship I have received so far. Any
further donations can be made to me directly or online at www.justgiving.com.
Also I will be posting daily updates on my progress on Facebook (if my internet
access works!)
Please continue to pray for me as I’m sure both body and soul will need the
spiritual support.
Many thanks, Graham Stout
Chris’s story
I was a well-brought up young girl – at least I think so! One of the things we never spoke about was
religion – along with politics. With my father and grandfather often ‘debating’ politics with feeling I could
see the sense in this.
When I was 11, I went to church to keep my friend company – her mother was the organist! It was fun
comparing the hats people wore especially with that coat! During the next couple of years I decided if
God was real and I talked to Him, He would answer. I tested this and He did. I was given a few
prophesies which came true.
Time passed and I still talked to God, but never at a prayer meeting. I was very good at finding excuses
not to attend these. If by chance I was at a meeting which had a lot of prayer time, I would just stay quiet
with the exception of Amen, and at the end ‘I would love a coffee please’. Then one day the Lord asked
me to help at the Billy Graham event at Manor Court Baptist church. PANIC – I would have to pray with
anyone I spoke to. I gave him every excuse I could think of and patiently He gave the answer. I am so
glad He did – it was thrilling to be with people who committed their lives to the Lord and a real privilege
to pray with them – I did not know what to pray, but the Lord gave me the words at the time.
Since then, He has asked me to pray for individual people – some prayers are answered immediately but
others take time. I am full of awe when the Lord has included me in His plans and am so excited when I
see His plans come about.
At the moment my main prayer is for our church – for whatever God’s plan is for HTA, and for revival in
our land. Why don’t you join us on a Sunday morning at 10.00 a.m. No one will ever ask you to pray but
your Amen is powerful. I look forward to seeing the Lord’s plans unfold to His glory.
Chris Harding
I’d like to give our grateful thanks to Chris for sharing
her wonderful and inspiring story.
Father, use me as you see fit. Grant me opportunities to share the Gospel with those
who are marginalised and those who believe they have it ‘all together’.
Let me be willing to share practical examples of your compassion
and your grace in service to those who need it.
Spotlight - July and August 2015
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We are now under a year away from Clive‟s 65th birthday, and as the months tick by we are more and
more thinking about how HTA will „look,‟ once he and Julia depart.
On a practical level, some of Clive and Julia‟s roles have already been
transferred, such as buying to David King, grass cutting to Earl Dunton, and
cleaning supervision to John Savin-Baden. Others are about to be, such as
holding the Church Diary to Syd Henderson (this will now convert to an online version).
Thank you to these volunteers. Health & Safety and administration await your helpful offers!
On a leadership level, our new PCC met a few weeks ago, and agreed a new schedule of meeting less
often, in alternate months. This will free up more time for members to serve on the sub committees of
Finance, Fabric, Charities & Mission, Youth, Outreach, Pastoral and Ministry. A new Standing
Committee of Clive, the Wardens, Lyndsey Parker, John Abercrombie and Mike Arthur was also elected,
to meet in the alternate months that the PCC does not. We trust that these changes will mean we can
positively address our „less strong‟ areas of empowering leadership and effective structures, identified in
the 8 Essential Qualities.
On a spiritual level we should not be thinking about how this HTA „timetable‟ might play out, but focusing
on verses such as those in Romans 12, which encourage us always to be living sacrifices, and in
particular v12-13: Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and
always be prayerful. When God‟s children are in need, be the one to help them out.
With this last verse in mind, we now turn to HTA‟s most pressing immediate concern:
our current financial position, since our income is currently (Jan-May) significantly
down against our 2015 budget. This means that, even if it should return to budget
levels in every month for the rest of the year, we are still predicting a deficit over
expenditure of around £10,000 for the year, and this could be significantly higher if
income remains at the current levels.
This position could be pictured as grandparents who are cheerfully outwardly looking and loving, giving
birthday presents to their children and grandchildren, and gifts to their neighbours, while choosing not to
switch their heating on because it is too expensive, and not
buying nutritious food since it is too dear. Ultimately family and neighbours want the best for this lovely
couple; for them to carry on living healthy lives, and to continue to be a blessing to those around them.
Every year we tithe some of our overall Giving (the tithe equalled £9,300 in 2014), and the Mission
Committee on our behalf decide how to support around 25 local, national and international Christian
charities and organisations. In addition, our 2014 Annual Report showed we raised over £3000 through
CMS boxes, Mothers‟ Union, Girls‟ Night Out and for The Children‟s Society. Additionally, we regularly
hold cake sales and bucket collections: the latest for Nepal yielded £485. We gave 4 tonnes of food to
the Foodbank last year. And this does not include what we wardens have missed out, nor what we as
individual HTA members might give personally and privately by sponsoring children,
twinning toilets etc.
So while £10,000 might sound a huge figure, it could be significantly
reduced if every adult member of our average congregation were to
give £2 per week more than they do already. Of course, £2 per
week will be far too much for some, while at the same time others
might be able to manage a bit more.
So please prayerfully consider how you can „be the one to help out‟.
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Spotlight - July and August 2015
Another thing we would like you to consider, if possible, is giving directly from your bank account by
using a monthly standing order, if you do not already do so, rather than putting cash on the plate, either
directly or in envelopes. Your confidentiality is still maintained as only the Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary can view the Bank Account. This has three advantages:
it enables us to budget more effectively
it evens out our giving since the effects of holidays/illness/non attendance are eliminated by an
automated payments system
it makes it easier and less time consuming for our Sunday counting teams.
If you would like to know more about this, please speak to us or to Roy Cook, our Gift Aid Secretary.
We wish you all a refreshing summer, during which we let God transform us into new people by changing the way we think. Then we will know what God wants us to do, and we will know how good and
pleasing and perfect His will really is. (Rom 12 v 2)
Love John and Chris
From September it is my intention to take up full responsibility for producing Spotlight.
This will mean receiving your input, as usual, preparing and printing copy in time for the
beginning of each month. My intention is to complete the copy a couple of days after each
month’s deadline and to print copies on the following Thursday, ready for you to collect on
the appropriate Sunday.
I will need to be even firmer in receiving input and I apologise if you feel that this appears
bossy. It’s not my usual style but I feel that in order to be able to complete the task well,
I need to ask you to help by emailing info to me in a timely fashion. I also ask for your
understanding that where earlier dates are requested this is due to other commitments I
have. I thank you for your help, in advance!
Please send input for the September edition of Spotlight
by Sunday 16 August at the latest
Ride and Stride 2015 - 12 September
This year’s Ride and Stride event will take place on Saturday 12 September and all forms will be
available on their website from 1 July for you to download.
If you would like any further information on this event or would like to
get more involved then please email Claire Ragg or visit the website
using the links below.
Email: claire@everythingbutthetea.com
Spotlight - July and August 2015
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We‟re on the Web @
5 Fif i el d Cl os e
N u nea t o n
Wa r w i c ks h ir e
C V1 1 4 T S
Te l e p h o ne
0 24 7 63 5 4 1 1 4
O ur M i s s io n
d e cl a r e - p r e p a r e c a r e - s ha r e
“One who gains strength by
Now you are no longer a
slave but God’s own child. overcoming obstacles possesses the
And since you are his child, only strength which can overcome
everything he has belongs
Albert Schweitzer
to you. .
Galatians 4:7
H o l y Tr i ni t y
Clive Jones
024 76354114
Church Wardens
PCC Secretary
Gift Aid Sec.
Chris Humphrey
John Savin-Baden
John Abercrombie
Greg Parsons
Roy Cook
07889 187225
07926 052063
024 76743822
07967 318181
07860 482929
Spotlight Editor
Ann Humphrey
024 76381519
Girls Night Out
Christian Meditation
Mothers‟ Union
Out to Lunch
Prayer Chain
Prayer Ministry
Toddler Toybox
Youth Club
Venue Bookings
Winter Night Shelter
Sue Hanson
Chris Harding
Nancy Bradley
Natalie Parsons
Viv Procter-Parr
Gill Laycock
Julia Jones
Vicarage - email or
Jean Dunton
Janet Broadbent
Jane Henderson
Angela Jones
024 76743471
024 76372311
024 76349168
07974 670845
024 76745347
024 76370605
024 76354114
024 76354114
024 76745789
024 76349518
01455 640841
024 76354114
07986 508368