Is spring finally here? We thought so a few weeks back but Mother Nature has way of letting us know who is in control! It’s hard to believe that the midterm point of Semester II is upon us. Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School has been a beehive of activities which have benefitted and enriched all of our students. a The highlights of those events can be found in this newsletter, as well as upcoming events and important dates to mark in your calendar. Rather than including this newsletter in the report card we decided to promote the Holy Cross Eco club and send it electronically. However, you will soon be receiving your child’s Mid Term report card which will include a permission form for student’s to participate in the University of Waterloo Compass Survey, information about the Specialist High Skills Major programs, a letter outlining an upcoming Emergency Protocol Practice and information on Christian Community Service hours which are a required component for graduation and of which the 10 hours for this year will be due soon. Please review your child’s report card and the included information and contact the school if you require additional information. Although Parent Teacher Conferences have already occurred it is always possible to set up an appointment with teachers to discuss your child’s progress and areas for improvement. Catholic Education Week will take place from May 5-11th and will highlight all of the wonderful things that take place here at Holy Cross including the Sirens Rock concert on the evening of May 9th -11th. Tickets are available by calling the school. I would encourage you to consult the calendar on our website for a full list of events that will be taking place. On behalf of the entire staff, thank you for your continued support and commitment to our school community. Only through our combined efforts can we continue to offer excellence in Catholic Education. God Bless Denice Robertson F. Brockenshire Vice Principal D. Robertson Principal J. Lennox Vice Principal HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL AND THE GREEN RIBBON CAMPAIGN Every year throughout the month of May, Child Find Canada holds the Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign with the aim to increase public awareness about missing children. All the money raised by the Green Ribbon Campaign will enable Child Find Canada to continue their mandate of assisting in the search for missing children. Child Find Canada, its campaign, the symbol of the green ribbon, and the connection to Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School is unknown to many but it is based upon one of the greatest of tragedies in our community and the hope that it is never repeated. The concept of the Green Ribbon of Hope was created by the students and staff of Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School in St. Catharines following the abduction and subsequent murder of one of their students, Kristen French in 1992. In memory of this tragedy, the students and faculty of Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School directed that the Green Ribbon be used exclusively by Child Find Canada as a national symbol to increase national public awareness as well as to raise funds for Child Find Canada. Some of those students and staff at that time are presently staff members at Holy Cross. Throughout the month of May, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary school staff and students can purchase and wear a green ribbon in support of the Green Ribbon Campaign that began at Holy Cross 21 years ago. All raised funds and donations will go towards Child Find Canada. THE STATIONS OF THE CROSS On March 28th, 2013, the Grade 10 Drama class performed The Stations of the Cross for the Holy Cross community. The theatre-in-the-round performance included traditional scenes performed in tableau blended with a reading of each station followed by contemporary music. This year’s performance also emphasized the gravity of the environmental crisis and the urgent need for the Church to respond to its moral and spiritual dimensions. Eco Club members generated awareness of the need for, as Pope John Paul II stated, “ecological conversion,” by connecting the story of each station to a current ecological need within our world. For many of the students involved, it was their first experience with putting together a production of this scale. In the classroom, students collaborated and volunteered to take on various responsibilities during the production. Their names and roles are listed below: Performers: Nathan Bayley, Trevor Caron, Maddison Chamberlain, Andrea Chavez, Makayla Courteau, Tom Hudson, Rachel Oppenlander, Derek Overholt, Marcus Soo Ho, Hillary Weyland, and Lucas Zalba. Production Team Assistant Director: Devon DiMarco Stage Managers: Ben Skounphong & Eric Woodland Lighting Design Crew: Hugo Barraza, Nicholas MacDonald & Ryan Mandeville Costume Coordinator: Derek Overholt Set Design & Construction: Eric Woodland & Lucas Zalba Sound Design Crew: Nicholas D’Intino & Anthony Gaio PowerPoint Design Crew: Meaghan Burton & Emma Kubisheskie Eco Club Correspondents: Maria Boada, Shanza Hashmi, Julia Mielczarek & Kelli Turner FEMALES USING ENERGY FOR LIFE! F.U.E.L. is a physical activity program that welcomes all Raider girls every Wednesday after school for fun, friends and prizes! F.U.E.L. combines popular workout classes with an opportunity to meet new people and learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle. This semester, the F.U.E.L. girls have had the opportunity to participate in certified led classes including Zumba, Tabata, Yoga, and outdoor boot camps along the canal. The girls are also set to meet at the St. Catharines YMCA for free F.U.E.L. group classes that include swimming, spinning and aerial yoga. Each week, participants are entered into raffle for monthly prizes. Congratulations to Ellen Ford who won a F.U.E.L. T-shirt in the month of March, and to Maegan Curtis who won a yoga mat in April. Thank you to Nurse Kendra Harle, Mrs. Kukla and Ms. Spreitzer for helping lead the Raider girls in using more energy for life! HC BREAKFAST CLUB We’ve moved! The Breakfast Club has moved to the hallway in front of the main office. For a “free grab and go” style meal, please visit us at our new location every morning from 7:30 to 7:55. Thank you to Niagara Nutrition Partners for their support and to all the volunteers who contribute to this program. We hope that you will join us for the festivities. HC RELAY FOR LIFE 2013: TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER On Friday, May 3rd, 2013, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School held its first ever Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life event. Relay for Life is an inspirational 12-hour fundraising event that brings the Holy Cross community together to celebrate life and fight back against cancer. During this event, students and staff walked around a track to raise money for cancer research and its support programs. This year’s goal was to raise $20,000 and so far we have raised $19,700 and counting. The Relay for Life began with a survivor lap, led by cancer survivors. Teacher Moderators: T. Zwambag-Emond, A. Sabatini, I. Kukla Student Chair: Brody Longmuir Student Vice-Chair: Shanza Hashmi FROM THE HC SPECIAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT The sun is finally shining into the Special Education classroom and we have been studying some “eggciting” things. We used vinegar to remove the shell from a chicken's egg and then put it in water to watch it grow via osmosis! After, we made qualitative observations of eggs from a duck, a brown hen and a green egg laid by a young hen. We fried them up in a pan. Yes, we like Green Eggs and Ham! In the fall, we planted spring bulbs that are now staring to grow. We are measuring and charting the progress of our tulip and daffodil bulbs with the help of our peer tutors Danielle and Logan. The tallest plant to date is the red tulip we planted beside the cross in the Peace Garden. Another sign of spring is our beach volleyball tournament. All our friends from the other seven high schools will join us for some fun. SPECIAL EDUCATION BEACH VOLLEYBALL EVENT WAS A BLAST! Special Education Beach Volleyball Event was a Blast! Although it was raining outside on Friday, April 12th, the sun couldn’t shine any brighter in the Holy Cross gymnasium. The Special Education Department hosted their 14th Annual Beach Volleyball tournament for all secondary students in the NCDSB who are based in Special Education classes. The morning was spent playing friendly volleyball matches, preparing the players’ appetites for a delicious pizza lunch from local business, Christina’s Pizzeria. This event concluded with a dance, courtesy of DJ, Mr. Napoli. We would like to thank everyone involved in ensuring the success of the day. Special thanks goes to our sponsors: O’Hara Trucking, Walmart (Welland Avenue), and Zehrs in Welland. Our very own announcer, Matthew D’Alessandro, was in his element as he engaged the crowd with his enthusiastic voice and entertaining comments. He is no amateur with the mic! We were also particularly impressed by the work of our peer tutors who acted as hosts and guides for our friends from other schools. Therapy Tails made a special guest appearance and meeting Pugsy was the highlight for many of the athletes. Special Education students are looking forward to gathering again next month at Blessed Trinity for a Drum Café. HOLY CROSS ECO ACTION TEAM The Eco team recently attended the Green Living Show at the CNE and returned with exciting observations and ideas. Earth Day included new planting in the Peace Garden; prizes given to HC students caught being eco-friendly with their reusable water bottles and Tupperware lunches, and a clean-up of our neighbourhood. Please continue to join us in making Holy Cross as green a community as possible! BROCK MENTORSHIP Brock Mentorship is an amazing enrichment opportunity for keen, high achieving students to work on research with a professor at Brock University. This year, Kirstyn Ali studied with Dr. Cheryl McCormack, a neuropsychologist, to gather data about the relationship between face ratios and aggressive behavior. She did an outstanding job and the experience will serve her well in University Science next year. Interested students for upcoming years should see Mrs. Farrell for more information. Niagara Regional Science Fair winners, Noora Jadgal and Mah-le-qa Jadgal Holy Cross students attend a performance of Quebec dance Troupe at Brock University HC HAIRSTYLING AND AESTHETICS Our Hairstyling and Aesthetics class was invited to be involved in the Well Spring Niagara’s annual fundraising fashion show held at Queen’s Landing April 28, 2013. Students Andy and Avery Savage-Lee from Holy Cross, and Julianna Sanchez from Denis Morris, applied their talent for makeup to eighteen cancer survivors modeling for the show, as well as other models who donated their time for this wonderful organization. The show’s carnival theme was colourful, thus allowing our Niagara Catholic students to step outside the box and release their divine makeup designs to enhance every model. This event raised $20,000 for programs and services to support men, women and children in Niagara living with cancer. HC MATHEMATICS NEWS On February 21, 2013, students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 had the opportunity to write the University of Waterloo Mathematics Contests. Over thirty students participated in the hour long contest. Congratulations go out to the following students who earned the highest marks in the school: Christian Eduardo Ramirez for the Grade 9 Pascal Contest, Elliot Littlejohn for the Grade 10 Cayley contest and Ignatiy Kuznyetsov for the Grade 11 Fermat contest. All three students will be recognized with an award at the end of year at the Recognition Night banquet. The Grade 12s wrote the Math contest on April 17. NCDSB SKILLS COMPETITION 2013 Congratulations goes out to over 30 Holy Cross students who competed in the 2013 Skills Competition. This was the largest representation of Holy Cross students in this competition in recent memory. All teams performed well but special recognition goes out to Jake Holt and Mark Dawson who won a gold medal in Landscaping and Gardening, Kurtis Caron who won a silver medal in Architectural Design and Janell Tomalty who won a silver medal in Hairstyling. Special thanks also goes out to the teachers who prepared these students for this competition, they include: Mr. Quinn, Mr. Bonsi, Mr. Cumming, Mr. Pockaj, Mrs. Gandola, Mr. Maxwell, and Mrs. Cookson. Shakespeare Festival at Holy Cross On May 29th, Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School will be participating in its first Shakespeare Festival. Visitors will be transported to Shakespeare’s era and treated to music, dance, and drama from the time period, as well as informed of some of the major events and happenings of the 16th and 17th centuries. The Festival will be a culmination of the hard work and research that English students have been conducting this semester. They have been asked to surpass the printed page of Shakespeare’s plays and bring alive his history and culture as they explore “The Bard’s” universal and timeless themes. The day will begin with exhibits where such enticing topics as the Black Plague, Witchery, and the Supernatural may pique the minds of the superstitious. Those with a weak stomach may find Elizabethan fashion or social customs more palatable. The intellectuals shall be challenged to contemplate the astonishing discoveries made in science and philosophy. This is an excellent opportunity for you to witness this exciting endeavor. The schedule for the day is as follows: Shakespeare Festival On May 29th Entertainment: 9:40am – 10:20 am Exhibits: 10:20am – 11:20am FRENCH/INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT NCDSB French/Italian/Spanish Public Speaking It is with great pride and honour that Holy Cross recognizes the following winners of the International Languages Public Speaking Contest. The contest was held on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 at Club Roma in St. Catharines. A special congratulations goes out to: Nooran Abu Mazen, who placed third in Grade 9-10 French Core. Shanza Hashmi, who placed second in Grade 11-12 French Core. Mah-e-leqa Jadgal, who placed third in Grade 11-12 French Core. Jenny Menendez, who was our third place Italian Second Language winner and her brother, David Menendez, who placed second in the Spanish Native Speaker category. Thank you to all individuals who came out to participate in this event. It was a great experience for everyone involved. We are extremely proud of your commitment to Holy Cross. Concours de français Brock-Niagara Brock-Niagara French Contest Holy Cross’s grade 11 and 12 students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their French language skills through a variety of academic activities at the Brock-Niagara French Contest/Le Concours de Francais. This particular contest provides students with an opportunity to apply their second language skills in competition with students from other district school boards. This most worthwhile experience also serves to increase their experience with the language outside the classroom, provides an opportunity to meet and converse with other students for whom French as a Second Language is valued and network with reputable professors from Brock’s French Department.. This educational activity will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 at Brock University. “Learning another language is a journey well worth the effort.” WATCH OUT TRIVIAL PURSUIT Holy Cross students from the Business Leadership class were asked to invent different versions of the first annual Holy Cross Board Game. Students were required to work as a team to create the game design, game board, game cards, game pieces and written rules. Pictured below is one of the student management teams consisting of Dan Tough, Kelsey Sawatsky and Matt Holub who showed their game to Mrs. Erin Farkas. We would like to thank all HC staff who came in to help us test out our games. FROM THE HC ENGLISH DEPARTMENT The English Department is getting ready for a busy spring with many exciting events planned for students. HC Logos, our school online anthology that features student writing, artwork and photography, has gone live with regular updates of new student submissions. To check out work from our talented student body, please go to On April 25th, our Logos team also held our first coffee house event to raise funds to print our magazine. The HC cafeteria was converted to a real bohemian café with students performing songs, music and poetry for a captivated audience. Free coffee was provided for all guests and sweet treats and used books could be purchased for a modest fee. Our event was a huge success and contributed to the printing costs of HC Logos. “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend us your ears!” The HC English department is also excited about our upcoming Shakespeare Festival on May 29th when we will be transported back in time to celebrate the theatre, art, music and culture of the Renaissance period. Students will be performing from a selection of Shakespeare’s most celebrated plays and will be accompanied by our very own talented student minstrels. Exhibits will also be displayed on topics that range from Elizabethan fashion to the supernatural. Come out and join the festivities and fun! On May 7th, English Media and Writer’s Craft classes will be attending a screening of Iron Man 3 to compliment studies of adapting text for the screen and cinematic conventions. Our ENG4U students will also be attending the highly anticipated Baz Lurhmann adaptation of The Great Gatsby on June 7. The classic American novel is one of our studied texts in the Literary Circles Unit and Lurhmann’s visually stunning style is sure to inspire rich discussion of his interpretation of the book. We will also be bringing the written word to life by hosting another Poetry Slam event. Our first semester Poetry Slam was a huge success, inspiring many of our students to get involved in the monthly Poetry Slams at Mahtay café. This semester, regional Slam poets will be conducting workshops for the Grade 12 Writer’s Craft students in addition to performing for selected English classes. Last semester’s slam created quite a buzz in the school and this semester’s event is sure to do the same. The English department would also like to offer their congratulations to Daniel Goodman. Goodman, a Grade 12 graduating student, has been chosen to be reprinted in an anthology comprising the best in online non-fiction writing called Speculative Fiction 2012. This is the inaugural volume of an annualized series that showcases writing from science fiction and fantasy's top authors, bloggers, and critics. His piece, "Small Heroes Overcoming Big Obstacles", was originally part of a web event that he co-produced with a colleague, Sarah Chorn of Bookworm Blues, titled "Special Needs In Strange Worlds". It examined the role, portrayal, and impact of disability in speculative fiction, and what it meant for the capabilities of the genre. Dozens of authors, bloggers, critics, and fans contributed pieces for the event which was considered a great success. Not only did it draw tens of thousands of readers, it also had its own section and required reading list created for it at The World's Biggest Bookstore in Toronto. All profits of this anthology will be going to Room to Read, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing literacy and gender equality in the education systems of third world countries, specifically in Africa and Asia. Daniel is pleased that he has the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful charity. Speculative Fiction 2012 was released on April 26 and is available in both electronic and physical formats. We are proud of you Daniel! Finally, for students interested in further information on any of the English Department’s upcoming events, please see your English teacher! FROM THE HC RELIGION DEPARTMENT Just a reminder to all students that Christian Community Service hours are due on May 21. Please submit completed forms to your religion teacher in order to have hours included in final reports. Thank you! HOLY CROSS SCHOOL REACH TEAM 2013 Congratulations to the Holy Cross School Reach Team for an excellent 2013 season of School Reach. Our senior squads (Grade 11 and 12) and our intermediate squad (Grade 9 and 10) showed excellent skills and knowledge in tournament play competing with the other Catholic high schools in Niagara. Games were fast, challenging and exciting – requiring quick thinking and decision making. Our students were challenged to solve problems and answer questions in a wide range of subject areas such as science, mathematics, history, the arts and current events – just to name a few. Our Senior 2 Reach Team completed the season with 11 wins. Our Intermediate Reach Raiders 1 finished the season with 12 wins. Both squads just missed securing a playoff berth in the highly competitive league. Well Done, Raiders. On March 19, Holy Cross hosted a Reach tournament for all of Niagara’s Catholic secondary schools. The tournament was a tremendous success, thanks to those students who volunteered as scorers and spotters and to the teachers who generously donated their classrooms. Thank you all very much. All in all it was a very good season for our Holy Cross Reach Team. Our students showed excellent knowledge, dedication and exemplary behaviour throughout the Reach season. Practices for next season begin in October. New members are welcome. To all the seniors graduating this year, thank you for your excellent participation and keep reaching for the top! Moderator: Mr. F. Rozman RAIDERS SQUASH TEAM CAPTURES BRONZE AT ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIPS The dedication and determination of the Raiders Squash Team resulted in a Third-Place team finish at the Ontario High School Squash Championships, held at Executive Squash and Fitness, in Concord, Ontario, April 5th—6th. The two-day tournament provided exciting match-play for our seasoned and novice players. Leading female score contributions were made by Sofia Chavez who captured her 2nd consecutive 1st place finish in the 11/12 Girls Unranked Division and by Veronika Lenkiewicz who finished in 7th place in the same category. Andrea Chavez played a hard-fought match, resulting in a 2nd place finish in the Open Girls Ranked Division. In the 9/10 Girls Unranked Division, Pylin Christopher and Megan Punter captured personal bests finishing in 2nd and 10th place, respectively. Leading male score contributions were made by Brett van der Zalm, who finished in 6th place out of 72 players in the 11/12 Boys Unranked Division. First-year player, Nick Green, worked his way to an 8th place finish in the 9/10 Boys Unranked Division. We look forward to seeing you on court in 2014 and best of luck to our graduating Seniors: Sofia Chavez, Michael Domagala, Cristian Fagetan, Veronika Lenkiewicz, Brian Raymond, Brett van der Zalm, Kylee Woodard and Shea Toner. HC BADMINTON Congratulations to the Holy Cross Senior Badminton team who had a successful 2013 season! Team members were both gracious and enthusiastic as Holy Cross hosted the Senior Subzone Tournament. All players displayed exceptional skill and determination while on the court. Off the court, HC players exhibited endless enthusiasm and support not only for their own team, but also for all teams at the tournament! Go Raiders! Extra congratulations go to our Female Singles player, Racquel Rodriguez, who advanced to participate in the Zone Tournament and will hopefully make it all the way to OFSAA this year! The Holy Cross Junior and Midget Badminton teams have been relentlessly practicing and are eager to participate in their Subzone Tournaments in the coming weeks. Their display of passion and persistence make it clear that they are ready to play hard and advance further in the tournament. Miss. L. Ciccarelli & Mrs. I. Kukla Midget, Junior and Senior Badminton Coaches