436 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Versatile Hardware and Software Tools for Educating Students in Power Electronics Joshua M. Williams, Student Member, IEEE, James L. Cale, Member, IEEE, Nicholas D. Benavides, Student Member, IEEE, Jeff D. Wooldridge, Andreas C. Koenig, Student Member, IEEE, Jerry L. Tichenor, Member, IEEE, and Steven D. Pekarek, Member, IEEE Abstract—A new power electronics laboratory has been constructed at the University of Missouri—Rolla. Key components of the laboratory are a set of custom-designed hardware and software tools. The novel hardware tools include five mobile power electronics testbeds that each contain the semiconductor devices, gate-drive boards, voltage and current sensors, and computer interface connections required to study a wide range of circuit topologies and control techniques. Novel software tools include a set of virtual instruments used for control, data capture, and data analysis. A description of these tools, along with their use in power electronics courses, laboratory exercises, and student research projects, is presented. Index Terms—Digital control, laboratories, motor drives, operational amplifiers, power electronics. I. INTRODUCTION P OWER electronics systems (PESs) are increasingly being used in many applications, including vehicular propulsion and power distribution, home appliances, and manufacturing. Designing these systems requires significant knowledge in multiple areas of electrical and computer engineering. These include understanding of electronics, control theory, linear and nonlinear system theory, and electromagnetics. In addition, knowledge of the behavior of electric machinery, modeling techniques, and microprocessors for control algorithm implementation must be established to create efficient designs. Recently, a new power electronics and drives laboratory has been constructed at the University of Missouri—Rolla (UMRolla). The purpose of the laboratory is twofold. First, it is a resource for undergraduate and graduate students to develop Manuscript received March 7, 2003; revised September 1, 2003. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant 995077 and by the Ameren Foundation. J. M. Williams was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040 USA. He is now with Caterpillar Electronics, Peoria, IL 61602 USA. J. L. Cale, A. C. Koenig, and S. D. Pekarek were with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040 USA. They are now with Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2035 USA. N. D. Benavides was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040 USA. He is now with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 USA. J. D. Wooldridge was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040 USA. He is now with Empire District Electric Company, Joplin, MO 64801 USA. J. L. Tichenor is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri—Rolla, Rolla, MO 65409-0040 USA. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TE.2004.825552 the skills that are required to analyze and design power-electronic-based systems. Second, it is a tool to support research in the areas of power electronics and electric drives. To facilitate both objectives, several custom-designed hardware and software tools have been developed for the laboratory. The novel hardware includes five mobile power electronics testbeds that each contain semiconductor devices, gate-drive boards, voltage and current sensors, and computer interface connections. In addition, digital-signal-processing (DSP)-based control boxes have been designed to interface directly with one or multiple power electronics testbeds. Novel software includes customized virtual instruments (VIs) that utilize the commercial package LabVIEW [1] for control, data capture, and data analysis. MATLAB [2] is used for time-domain simulations. The advantages offered by these tools are numerous. For one, the power electronics testbeds can be configured using simple connections on a faceplate to construct a wide variety of converters and inverters. In addition, the testbed can operate from a single-phase (120-V) source, which is useful in a classroom setting. Op-amps contained in the testbed have been configured to act as a four-channel computer-based function generator. This generator is convenient for demonstrations or short courses where two- or three-phase power is required but not readily available. Finally, the devices are rated at voltage and current levels that are consistent with those required in many industrial, automotive, and home appliance applications. Therefore, the testbeds are useful as a tool for undergraduate and graduate student research. In this paper, a description of these tools, along with their use in power electronics courses, laboratory exercises, and student research projects is presented. All software, circuit schematics, rack layout drawings, and miscellaneous technical information are posted on the website http://www.ece.umr.edu/places/Power_Electronics_Lab/. The ultimate goal is to promote adaptation of this testbed at other institutions, to evaluate the testbed’s components, and to develop additional tools. One unique aspect of the laboratory is that undergraduate students, under the direction of a graduate student and faculty, designed and constructed a majority of the hardware and software. This accomplishment has helped to spark student interest in power-related research and has led several students to pursue graduate schools in this area. An assessment of the laboratory’s influence on student interest and achievement is provided in Section VI. 0018-9359/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE WILLIAMS et al.: EDUCATING STUDENTS IN POWER ELECTRONICS 437 II. LABORATORY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Over the past decade, several educators have proposed curriculum and laboratories to train students in the analysis and design of PESs [3]–[13]. In [6]–[10], the described educational approach supplements course lectures with computer exercises to demonstrate the behavior of power electronic circuits and design control algorithms. Pedagogical approaches emphasizing concurrent simulation and hardware are described in [11]–[13]. In the courses that utilize hardware-based experiments described in [11]–[13], students are trained to perform the following: 1) to analyze to establish expected results; 2) to simulate to verify the analysis; 3) to validate through hardware experiments. At UM-Rolla, prior to the development of the laboratory, only a single course on power electronics had been co-listed in the undergraduate/graduate curriculum. In addition, a course had been listed on electric machines/drives. Both have utilized computer exercises to supplement course lectures. Although these courses were useful in establishing an understanding of the behavior of the circuits and systems, instructors recognized that students gain a much better understanding of the complexity of designing a physical system if they are exposed to hardware. Specifically, they can observe the effects of parasitics, the physical limitations of devices, and the differences between poorly and well-designed circuits and software. In addition, they further develop their skills to obtain meaningful and accurate measurements and learn safety measures that are required to work with power electronics. Given the motivation to create a curriculum that utilizes hardware-based experiments, a laboratory containing five of the power electronics stations shown in Fig. 1 was developed. From the figure, one can see that each station contains a computer for control and data capture/analysis, an oscilloscope for observing/capturing wave forms for analysis with the computer, and an equipment rack containing power electronic devices, sensing equipment, power supplies, and a load box. Also shown is a DSP box that is used for supervisory and switch level control, as well as data acquisition. Sections III–VI provide a description of the custom-designed components of the power electronic testbed shown in Fig. 1. Included are the equipment rack, DSP box, and the software used for data capture, analysis, and control. III. POWER ELECTRONIC TESTBED The main component in each station is the power electronic testbed shown in Fig. 2. As shown, the testbed consists of multiple racks. The control/sensor rack provides sensors for voltage and current-based control and fault detection, the inverter and discrete device racks contain the devices to construct a wide variety of circuit topologies, a BUS-level rack provides a means to make nodal connections, the op-amp rack acts as an arbitrary wave form generator, and the Sorensen DHP series direct current (dc) supply with 400-V/25-A ratings can be used to provide power for research applications. Overall, the testbed is spacious and divided into sections; each can be used independently or in conjuction with other testbeds. Removable side panels and pull-out shelves give access to the interior, facilitating design Fig. 1. Power electronic station. Fig. 2. Power electronic testbed. changes and allowing the laboratory to be modified as technologies change. Safety issues resulting from inadvertent contact with energized circuits is minimized since all the equipment is mounted inside the enclosure. Details of each rack are described in Sections III-A–D. A. Control/Sensor Rack The control/sensor rack consists of two independent systems that provide the following functions through the panel shown in Fig. 3(a): • control power; • manual enable/disable switch for each insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT); • a start/stop for IGBTs; • voltage and current sensor inputs; • digital switching inputs and analog sensor outputs. The switches and digital/analog (D/A) input/output (I/O) connections on the left half of the rack control the devices located in the inverter rack, while the switches and D/A I/O connections on the right half control the devices located in the discrete devices rack. The voltage and current sensors shown can be used with either rack or an external circuit. 438 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Fig. 4. Inverter rack: (a) front panel and (b) interior. Fig. 3. Control/sensor rack: (a) front panel and (b) interior. An interior view of the control/sensor rack is shown in Fig. 3(b). At the top are four sensor boards, each containing two current sensors and one voltage sensor. The measurement range of the sensors is adjusted by selecting an appropriate output scaling resistance. Measurements are accessible through a D-subminiature (D-SUB) connector on the front panel. In the middle of the rack are the device control boards for the inverter and discrete device racks, left to right, respectively. Each control board receives transistor–transistor-logic (TTL)-level switching signals from the digital input port and provides fault protection for each of the IGBTs. studied by students. The gate-drive boards and snubbers are connected to the semiconductor devices using small circuit boards with terminal blocks and collector, base, emitter (CBE) connectors. These boards are placed atop the devices, simplifying the wiring dramatically. C. Discrete Device Rack The discrete device rack is similar to the inverter rack. However, the discrete device rack contains fewer semiconductor devices, and each device is connected separately. Each of the IGBTs and diodes are wired directly to the front panel as shown in Fig. 5(a). An interior view is shown in Fig. 5(b). This rack is primarily used to create dc/dc converters. B. Inverter Rack D. Op-Amp Rack The inverter rack consists of a three-phase full bridge inverter constructed with discrete 600-V, 30-A IGBTs and 600-V, 50-A antiparallel diodes. Discrete devices were chosen to minimize cost if an IGBT or diode should fail. The inverter connections are made behind the panel shown in Fig. 4(a), thereby minimizing the number of front-panel connections. An input filter capacitor is also included. The inverter rack connections and gate-drive circuitry are shown in Fig. 4(b). Isolated 20-V gate-drive supplies are shown in the bottom right, and the gate-drive boards are at the top right. The gate-drive circuits were designed using application notes [14] from the vendor. The gate resistance can be changed so that the effects of snubber circuits and device rise times can be The front panel and interior of the op-amp rack is shown in Fig. 6. Each amplifier circuit is built using an Apex Microtechnology [15] PA12A high-power op-amp, setup as a noninverting amplifier. The devices are rated at 90 V peak to peak, 15 A, and have a bandwidth of 500 kHz. A current-limiting resistor can be used to limit output current to safe levels for inexperienced students. The amplifiers are controlled using the station computer through a 25-pin D-SUB connector on the front panel. The signal for each op-amp is generated using a custom-designed LabVIEW VI, shown in Fig. 7. Using the VI, students choose the wave form to generate the peak amplitude, phase shift, dc offset, and duty cycle. The VI also contains a plot window that indicates the wave form being generated for each channel. WILLIAMS et al.: EDUCATING STUDENTS IN POWER ELECTRONICS 439 Fig. 6. Op-amp rack: (a) front panel and (b) interior. Fig. 5. Discrete device rack: (a) front panel and (b) interior. Presently, this module can generate sinusoidal, square, triangular, and sawtooth wave forms. The speed of the computer (1 GHz) and data acquisition card limit the fundamental frequency of the wave forms to 10 kHz. The flexibility provided by the op-amp rack is significant. First, it provides a means to generate two- and three-phase signals with arbitrary harmonic content. This capability is useful for classroom demonstrations where multiphase power is typically not available. It is also useful for short courses that are often held in hotels or conference centers without multiphase power. Further, since the wave forms generated can have arbitrary harmonic content, the racks can be used to study the effects of voltage harmonics on the behavior of a system (power quality). IV. DATA ACQUISITION, ANALYSIS, AND SWITCH-LEVEL CONTROL Along with the power electronic testbed, each laboratory station is equipped with a digital oscilloscope, a computer with data acquisition cards, and a DSP box. This equipment is designed to provide relatively fast data collection, support analysis, and changes in switch level and supervisory control. Customized tools are highlighted in Section IV-A and B. A. Instrumentation and Analysis Software Efficient data collection is important. It helps maintain student interest, and for research projects where multiple studies and vast data storage are sometimes required, it reduces the time required to perform experiments. Each station in the power electronics laboratory contains the instrumentation/computer combination listed in Table I. The VIs used in the power electronics laboratory are listed in Table II. Data collection and analysis is performed using VIs coupled with the general-purpose interface bus (GPIB) computer cards. Once a wave form is captured on the oscilloscope and the probe scales are set in the GetScope VI, the data is downloaded into an ASCII file. This downloading allows the data to be read into MATLAB or another VI for analysis. Fig. 8 shows two profiles obtained from the data analysis VI. The top VI displays the time-domain data for each channel. The same VI is then used to display frequency-domain data, as shown in Fig. 8(b). All of the VIs were written by UM-Rolla undergraduate students as part of their senior design projects. B. Computer and DSP Control The computer and data acquisition card at each station can be programmed to implement open-loop, switch-level control. This procedure is useful for illustrating basic concepts, such as 180 conduction and sine-triangle pulsewidth modulation. LabVIEW VIs have been written for this purpose and are listed in Table III. Although many aspects of power electronics can be learned using open-loop control of circuits and systems, students obtain a sense of accomplishment and a better understanding of control theory by designing and programming closed-loop controls and implementing them in hardware. To obtain experience with closed-loop control design, a DSP is incorporated into the laboratory. Since the objective of the laboratory is not to learn 440 Fig. 7. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 Function generator virtual instrument FunGen VI. TABLE I INSTRUMENTATION AND COMPUTER SPECIFICATIONS TABLE II LABVIEW VIs FOR POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY the intricacies of DSP programming, the DSPs are set up so that the students only need to determine and code the control law using C. The code necessary to access data ports, handle interrupts, etc., are provided to students, minimizing the program’s complexity. The DSP board used is manufactured by Technosoft and utilizes a Texas Instrument (TI) TMSA320LF2407 DSP chip. It is a 30-MHz fixed-point DSP with 3.3-V I/O levels. Since it is a fixed-point DSP, students are required to use integer values and adjust measured values for scales and dc offsets. As shown in Fig. 9, each board is contained in its own housing, along with a power supply and interface board. Communication with the PC occurs through a nine-pin D-SUB connector on the front panel, and the two 25-pin D-SUB connectors carry the digital outputs and analog I/O signals. The external interface board, which was designed and built by an undergraduate student, provides buffering and signal conditioning for the DSP I/O. Each digital output is buffered with a unity gain op-amp to prevent a short circuit or low impedance. WILLIAMS et al.: EDUCATING STUDENTS IN POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 8. Data analysis VI: (a) time display and (b) fast Fourier transform (FFT). 441 442 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 TABLE III LABVIEW SWITCH-LEVEL CONTROL VIs Fig. 10. Single-phase half-wave rectifier. Fig. 11. Rectifier circuit with sinusoidal input. implement the control of brushless dc machines, stepper motors, and volts/Hertz control of induction machines. To demonstrate the utilization of the testbed in representative applications, two examples are provided. A. Single-Phase Half-Wave Controlled Rectifier Fig. 9. DSP & Interface board: (a) front and (b) inside. from damaging the DSP. Similarly, the eight 10-b analog inputs are isolated through an Analog Devices AD215 amplifier and provide a differential voltage measurement. The two 12-b analog outputs are buffered through unity gain op-amp circuits. Since the TI DSP chip does not have D/A converters built in, D/A I/Os were created by using the Technosoft board’s D/A converters, These are accessed through a serial digital output from the TI DSP. V. SAMPLE EXPERIMENTS In the new power electronics course, experiments are used to validate analysis and design controls for converters, inverters, and rectifiers. In addition, experiments are performed to demonstrate the influence of parasitics on system performance (electromagnetic interference, power quality, acoustic noise, etc.). In the machines/drives course, experiments are being designed to Although quite simple, a single-phase half-wave controlled rectifier circuit demonstrates many of the testbed’s features, the most important of which is the op-amp rack. Other tools utilized include the LabVIEW modules FunGen, GetScope, and Data_Analysis, the op-amp rack, and the discrete device rack. Fig. 10 shows the schematic of the circuit. The source voltage is produced by using the op-amp rack to amplify the waveform produced by the “FunGen” output. wave form is produced by FunGen, the Since the original timing information is known, and it can be synchronized with the second channel in FunGen that is used for controlling the switch. This procedure allows for phase control to be implemented easily. To illustrate the flexibility of the FunGen module and op-amp rack, two different wave forms were input to the rectifier circuit. The results for a sinusoidal input are shown in Fig. 11. The output voltage for firing angles of 0 and 30 are shown below the input voltage. The results for a square-wave input, with the same firing angles, are shown in Fig. 12. In the figure, the upper trace is one cycle of input voltage, the middle trace is the 0 phase-delay half-wave rectified output voltage, and the bottom trace is the 30 phase-delay rectified output voltage, respectively. In the 30 firing angle studies, the output voltage is applied to the load for a shorter duration of time; therefore, the average output voltage over a cycle is less. This finding is supported by the harmonic calculation shown in Fig. 13. As can be seen, WILLIAMS et al.: EDUCATING STUDENTS IN POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 12. 443 Rectifier circuit with square-wave input. Fig. 15. Fig. 13. Step change voltage. Rectifier output harmonics. Fig. 16. Step change inductor current. Fig. 14. dc/dc converter. in both the sinusoidal and square-wave input, the 30 phasedelayed case has a reduced dc component. Also of note, and shown in Fig. 12, the phase delay introduces significant even harmonics in the output voltage with a square-wave input. The spectral components are obtained using the spectrum analysis tool within the Data_Analysis VI. B. dc/dc Converter Another experiment that demonstrates the capabilities of the is a testbed is a dc/dc converter, shown in Fig. 14. The input dc voltage provided by the Sorenson power supply. Open-loop control is achieved by controlling the switch with a square wave created in FunGen. Closed-loop control of the switch is accomplished using the DSP. Specifically, the sensors on the control rack are set to match the analog inputs of the DSP. A template program has been set up that provides the students with access to all digital and analog I/O. Students are then required to create code implementing a proportional-integral control. Controller parameters are selected using Nyquist-based techniques based upon a linearized average-value model of a buck converter (assuming continuous conduction). The parameter selection is tested in simulation before running the system in hardware. The students create simulations in MATLAB and compare predicted responses with measured data. A typical wave form that is established in the laboratory is shown in Fig. 15. Depicted is the output voltage response when the load undergoes a step change from 150–100 . The corresponding inductor current response is shown in Fig. 16. Both the simulation and measured data are plotted. The responses compare favorably, which help to ensure confidence in the students that the analysis performed is valid. 444 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 47, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2004 VI. STUDENT ASSESSMENT OF LABORATORY COURSE Initially, this laboratory course has produced a favorable response from students. The course has had full enrollment the two semesters it has been offered and has received a 3.6/4.0 rating for its educational value from student evaluations. This rating compares with an average rating of 2.9/4.0 for electrical and computer engineering courses at UM-Rolla. One of the course’s stated goals is to help students develop the skills necessary to design and analyze power-electronic-based systems. Written comments on the evaluations indicate that the course is meeting this goal. Students have found that the course provides significant practical experience and effectively integrates the many topics associated with power electronic systems. In particular, students have commented that the closed-loop control design experiments are particularly beneficial. Although students have had classes in linear systems and control theory, very few have practical experience applying this knowledge to the complete design of a system. In terms of student achievement, all of the students involved in the laboratory’s development have chosen to pursue graduate school or a career in power-related fields. VII. SUMMARY In this paper, key components of a new power electronics laboratory at UM-Rolla are described. The novel hardware tools include five mobile power electronics testbeds that each contain the semiconductor devices, gate-drive boards, voltage and current sensors, and computer interface connections required to study a wide range of circuit topologies and control techniques. Novel software tools include a set of virtual instruments (VIs) used for control, data capture, and data analysis. The results of experiments are used to explain their use in a power electronics laboratory. REFERENCES [1] LabVIEW User Manual, National Instruments, Austin, TX, 1998. [2] MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing. Natick, MA: The MathWorks, Inc., 1996. [3] N. Mohan, W. P. Robbins, P. Imbertson, T. M. Undeland, R. C. 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Apex Microtechnology. [Online]. Available: http://www.apexmicrotech.com Joshua M. Williams (S’96) was born in Peoria, IL, on September 1, 1977. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri–Rolla, in 1999, 2001, and 2004, respectively. He was a National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program Fellow at the University of Missouri-Rolla. His interests include finite-element and magnetic-equivalent circuit modeling techniques, machine design and optimization, and hybrid electric vehicle propulsion systems. He is currently with Caterpillar Electronics, CGT-Advanced Engineering Division. Dr. Williams is a Member of Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi, and Tau Beta Pi. He received the Grainger Award for Outstanding Power Engineering Student in 2001. James L. Cale (M’03) received the B.S. (highest distinction) degree in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri—Rolla in 2001 and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 2003. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Purdue University under a National Science Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) fellowship. He served in the United States Army Reserves from 1994 to 2003 and interned at the Cooper Nuclear Reactor, Brownville, NE, in 2000. His interests include electric machinery and drives, power electronics, electromagnetics, and genetic algorithms. Nicholas D. Benavides (S’00) was born in St. Louis, MO, on August 17, 1981. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri—Rolla, in 2003. He is currently working toward the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked as a Research Assistant under Dr. S. Pekarek while at the University of Missouri—Rolla from 2001 to 2003. He is currently working as a Research Assistant under Dr. P. Chapman at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Benavides received the Grainger Award for Outstanding Power Engineering Students in 2003. Jeff D. Wooldridge was born in Springfield, MO. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri—Rolla in 2001. He was a co-op student with City Utilities of Springfield, MO, from 1999 to the end of 2000 and was a Research Assistant while an undergraduate. He is currently a System Protection and Planning Engineer at the Empire District Electric Company, Joplin, MO. Mr. Wooldridge is an active Member of the Joplin Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers as an engineer-in-training. He received the Grainger Outstanding Power Student Award in 2001. Andreas C. Koenig (S’99) was born in New Orleans, LA, on August 15, 1979. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri—Rolla in 2001 and 2003, respectively. He is currently a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. His interests include hardware design, numerical analysis, and automated control of power electronic systems and electric machinery. WILLIAMS et al.: EDUCATING STUDENTS IN POWER ELECTRONICS Jerry L. Tichenor (S’94–M’96) was born in Springfield, MO, on August 26, 1971. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri—Rolla in 1994 and 1996, respectively. He is currently an Associate Research Engineer at the University of Missouri—Rolla. His research interests include power electronics and electric drive systems. 445 Steven D. Pekarek (M’92) was born in Oak Park, IL, on December 22, 1968. He received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1991, 1993, and 1996, respectively. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University. His interests include power electronics, electric machines, numerical analysis, and automated control.